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Requests Certification of Pollution Control Facilities Being Financed by Claiborne County,Ms Pollution Control Revenue Bonds in Nov 1985.Facilities Financed by Previous Series of Bonds Certified in 1983 & 1984
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/30/1985
From: Knotts J
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20138L529 List:
TAC-60044, NUDOCS 8510310331
Download: ML20138L525 (28)




WASHINGTON, D. C. 20036 (202) 857-9800 IN NEW YORK TELEX 440$74 $NTLAW Ut SIS MO P. LIB E R M AN & COOK TELECOPIE R (202) 857 - 9846 IIS5 AVENUE OF THE AM E RICAS NEW YORK, N EW YORM 10036 (212) 704-010 0 TELEX 222767 october 30, 1985 , , , , , , . , , , _ , ,,,,


Mr. Harold R. Denton Director.

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Re: In the Matter of Mississippi Power & Light Company, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1, Docket No. 50-416.

Dear Mr. Denton:

In November 1985, claiborne County, Mississippi plans to issue pollution control revenue bonds-("PCRB's"), the proceeds from the sale of which will be used to finance the ownership interest of South Mississippi Electric Power Association

("SMEPA") in certain pollution control facilities at Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit No. 1. In order to satisfy the pertinent requirements of the Internal Revenue Code and Internal Revenue .

Service regulations, Middle South Energy, Inc. ("MSE"), on behalf of SMEPA, requests that the NRC certify that~the pollution control facilities being financed are in furtherance of the abatement or control of water pollution or atmospheric pollutants or contaminants.

The NRC has previously certified essentially these same Grand Gulf facilities (except for the environmental monitoring facility and one well) financed by previous series of PCRB's (letter from Harold R. Denton with enclosures dated November 13, 1984 and letter from Edson G. Case, Jr. with enclosures dated December 21, 1983, copies attached). In the main, the certification now being requested represents SMEPA's interest in facilities previously certified by NRC in 1983 and 1984 with respect to MSE's ownership interest.

8510310331 85 g PDR ADOCK o pp 00 S P

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Mr. Harold R. Denton October 30, 1985 Page 2 We are enclosing for your use a form of in furtherance certification, with attached descriptions of the facilities.

This format is consistent with that of your November 13, 1984 certification referred to above as well as other certifications issued by the.NRC in recent years for other facilities. We are also enclosing a resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Claiborne County, Mississippi on July 22, 1985 (issued September 25, 1985) declaring the intention of Claiborne County to issue these PCRB's. Finally, we enclose the findings of the Bureau of Pollution Control of the Mississippi Department of Natural Resources referred to in Section 1 of the Claiborne County Resolution. SMEPA plans to complete this transaction during the month of November, 1985. Accordingly, we request that you issue the In Furtherance Certification by November 15, 1985 in order to permit the financing to proceed as scheduled. Please let us know if you require any further information.


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(JosephB. Knotts, Jr.

\ \Counsel for Middle South

-Energy, Inc. Acting on behalf of South Mississippi Electric Power Association cc: E. Jakel, Esq.

Mr. L. Kintner

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l LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 - December 21, 1983 Certification Attachment 2 - November 13, 1984 Certification Attachment 3 - Form of in furtherance certification for November 1985 certification with Attachment

" General Description of Facilities" Attachment 4 - Resolution of Claiborne County, Mississippi to issue pollution control revenue bonds Attachment 5 - Finding by Bureau of Pollution Control, Mississippi Department of Natural Resources i

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          • DEC 21 1983 Mr. Troy B. Conner, Jr.

Conner & Wetterhahn, P.G. .

1747 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20006 In the Matter of MISSISSIPPI POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY (Grand Gulf Nuclear Staticn, Unit 1)

Docket No. 50-416

Dear Mr. Conner:

In response to your letter of September 16, 1983, the NRC Staff has reviewed (1) the Resolutien adcoted on June 10, 1933, by r.he Board of Supervisors of Claiborne County, Mississippi, and (2) the Internal Revenue Service ruling of May 12, 1983, pertaining to the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Project. We are satisfied that the portions of the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1, for which you have requested NRC certification are " pollution control facilities".

Accordingly, the attached certificate has been executed.

Ccpies of your request and this response along with the IRS ruling of May 12, 1953, and the June 20, 1983 Resolution adoptec by the Board of Supervisors of Clairborne County, Mississippi, will be available for inspection at the local public document roca (Hinds Junior College, George M. McLendon Library, Raymond, Mississippi) and at the Commission's Public Document Room at 1717 H Street, N.W., Washingten, D.C. .


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gm m Edson G. Ca'se

/ Deputy Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated cc w/ enclosure:

Service List p[-(l,k/G{Qb&

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e Grand Gulf Mr. J . P . Mc G au g by Vi ce President Nuclear Production Mississippi Power & Light Company P. O. Box 1640 Jackson, Mississippi 39205 cc: Robert B. McGehee, Esquire Wise, Carter, Child, Steen and Caraway P. O. Box 651 Jackscn, Mississippi 39205 Troy B. Conner, Jr., Esquire Conner and Wetterhahn 1747 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W. ~

,ashington, W D. C. 20006 Mr. J. F. 'Fager, Senf o- Vice P resident Middle South Energy, Inc.

225 Baronne Street P. O. Box 6100 New Orleans, Louisiana 7 0161 Mr. Larry Dale

-Mississippi Power & Light Company P. O. Box 1640 Jackson, Mississippi 39205 Mr. R. W. Jackson, Project Engineer Grand Gulf Nuclear Station .

. Bechtel Power Corporation Gaithersburg, Maryland 20760 Mr. Alan G. Wagner Resident Inspector Route 2, Box 150 Port Gibson, Mississippi 39150 4



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Docket No. 50-416 Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1 CERTIFICATE I, Edson G. Case, Deputy Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, being duly authorized', certify as follows:

(1) The Resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Claiborne County, Mississippi, entitled " Resolution Authorizing the Filing of Petition with the Mississippi Scard of Econcmic Development for Approval of the Issuance of Pollution Control Revenue Bonds in Principal Amount not to Exceed One Hundred Million Dollars ($100,000,0C0) and for Related Purposes" nas been submitted to the NRC by counsel for Mississippi Power and Light Company

("theApplicant"). The Resolution contains a project description of Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (both Units 1 and 2).

(2) The Resolution describes, among other things, the following systems in Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1:

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(a) The closed loop cooling water system; (b) .The components of the radwaste and other waste systems .(including  ;

the Oily Waste and Chemical Waste systems); and (c) The-Skyshine Shielding System.

(3) Applicant's counse.1 has requested that, the NRC certify that certain of the systems listed in paragraph (2) above, as designed, are in furtherance of the purpose of controlling water pollution and atmospheric pollutants, respectively.

Acting as a duly authorized represen'tative of the NRC, I hereby certify that, the ~ systems in Unit 1, enumerated in paragraph (2) above, as designed, are in furtherance of the purpose of controlling water pollution and atmospheric pollutants. t FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION

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Edson G. Ca,se j

Dated at Bethesda, Maryland #

this 21st day of December 1983 f

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