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Rev 9 to Training Lesson Plan LO-LP-28201-09-C, Sequencer Operation
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/18/1989
From: Fitzwater L
Shared Package
ML20092F288 List: ... further results
CON-IIT05-041-90, CON-IIT5-41-90, RTR-NUREG-1410 LO-LP-28201-09, LO-LP-28201-9, NUDOCS 9202190550
Download: ML20092F904 (19)



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Goorgio Power d,





LIcutsIn cruAmt tvAinnas 10-f P-28201-09 <



7/,76/f C/

llMETm Gul[EllES:


113S01In4%T A.

In:ture with visual aids II. 1%TDUAIS A.

Overtmad projector D.

Trangarnrcles C.

Mtito bcard with trarkers III. LVA111ATIcti A.

Written or oral exam in cmjuncticn with other lesacn pl IV. RDMR}3 ans Ncne 9esiWh Mf5~R 3 PY ranmar s

1 i



rollowiry carpleticn of this lesacn the student vill g-those krs:ule3ges of soquercer cperatico syntanatically identificd for the parformvne of Licm wal Clerator tasks.


1. Stata thu of the safeguanis sequerar. (012G210007, 064000k4
2. List the soarue of p:uur to the soquoroors.
3. State the pirpose of the Autanatic 'Iwt C12u11t(ATI) on the sequencer.
4. List the ta is that will start the safeguards sequercer, 1

setpoints ard coircidences.

5. Assess the respcnse of the safoguanis soqueroer with respect to lead abaMing, the soquercing of major loads and startirg/loadiry the diesel generator for all of the follcuiry omditicos. (064000k410, 064000k411, 064000A307 )
a. SI actuationleither/both trains
b. ESF bus W(enther/both trair.s) )
c. ESP bus W followed by SI prior to canpletion of W load sequerce
d. SI followed by ESF bus W prior to SI load requence
e. SI ard ESF bus W simitaneously
f. Maru than 2 W oorditions within a 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> paried
6. hibe how and why the sequerrers are Inset followiraj a less of power to the DiF buses aid failuru of the D/0 breaker to close.





e ID-IP-28201-09-C l



Plant Vcgtle Procedurws 13503 " Reactor Cbntrol Solid State Protecticri System" '

14 t,00 "I23 RAS slave tilay an$ final device test, train A" 14601 "I:GTAS slave relay and final device test train B" 14420 " Solid State Protection Systaan train A(Bf cperability test 14700 "ttanual reactor trip tast" 14701 "9eactor trip breakers U/V ard sinInt trip test" 14710 " Remote shutdown parmi transfer switch atd contivl cituilt 18 month sutveillance test" 14901

" Turbine trip reactor trip actuatir "Cirullt breaker rackity procedure"q devios cperaticaul test" 13435 17004 "ARP for ALB 04 panel on 1A1 cri MCB" 17005 "ARP for ALB 05 panel en IA2 cri M 2" 17006 "ARP for ALD 06 panel en 1A2 on MCB" 17007 "ARP for ALB 07 panel en IA2 on MCB" 17009 "ARP for AIB 09 panel on 1C1 on )CB" 17010 "ARP for AIB 10 panel on IC1 on PCB" 17011 "ARP for AIB 11 panel cri IC1 on PCB" 17012 "ARP for AIE 12 panel cri ICI en MCB" 17013 "ARP for ALB 13 panel on 1B1 on M 3" 17014 "ARP for ALB 14 panel on 1B1 cm) 682" 17016 "ARP for ALB 16 on 1B1 on PCB" 17061 "ARP Pzn, man con 1 panel" 17062 "ARP Ptr m an 021 trol panel" 17063 "ARP Process control panal" 17102 "ARP for the safety-related display console GN 2" 2.

'nichrtical Specifications:

2.1, 2.2, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.

Vogtle Traittirg 'naxt, Chapter 25 (partial)) 8b 4.

Plant Manual, Chapter 11 5.

Design Manual, 00-1604, 00-1605, DC-1622 6.

P& ids, Icgios, ami other Drawirgs:

1X3D-!D-UO1A, -UO1B 1X3D-AA-G02A, -G02B 1C3D-AA-H01B, -H02B 1X3D-BC-C047, -K, -L,

-M 1X3D-CD-804A, -B, -C, -D 1X3D-CD-809A, -B, -C, -D 1X3D-BE-H04A, ~B, -C, -D 1X3D-BE-H03A, -B, -C, -D 1X3D-ID-UO1C, -D 1X6AUO2-176 16AT01-555, -556, ~557 1X6AA02-225, throup) 240, ~414, -415, ~416 1X6A201-591 l

l 3

l t

e 1& IF 28201-09-C



VeMor Manuals ard other nfennoest 1 MAX 01-367 WestJJv$ouse Safeguants het Cabinet het Manual 1XCAX01-466 West SSFS hcts Manual 1XGAX01-272 SSPS F Device or Actuator heting Test Pztx:n. hare AX3ACO3-365 Safety Features Sequencer o VDGP Isc hctrology, Solid State ion Systan VIEP PIB VIEP logic Diagrans 8.

PSAR, sections 7.2, 7.5.5, 6.2.2 9.

Omnitments IT 88.032 PIPS-5 NRC Exam Feedback ER 88.030 QJI During Sequencer EnenJization FF 89.016 [Ht3 Faarhek

10. TIaroparencies I&TP-28201-001 lesson Objectives Irr4P-28201-002 Basic Saf Sequencer ID-TP-28201-003 SIS Only S lified SEQ logic ID-TP-28201-004 Only S lified SEQ logic 10-TP-28201-005 togic ID-TP-28201-006 S lifled togic ID-TP-28201-007 SIS and U/V S lified SIX} Iogic i
11. Student HaMoots rune 4

l l


_. _. _ _.. ~. _. _ -

ID-IP-28201-09-C 111. LESSON OUTLINE:



'Iho Sequer*:er Systan is used to sequenom at ESP lovla urder an SI ank'or Icos of p:wr D.

Pnr.cnt lesact) objectives ID-TP-28201-001 C.

Present lesscn plan formt Write on band 1.

Ibncticos of safeguards sequencer 2.

Iwar sumly ard loads 3.

Scquenone cperatical 4.

Faview cbjectives II.


Ibnction of safeguanis sequencer IO-TP-28201-002 1.

'Ihe saf sequencer subsystas perfor1ns the Cbjective 1 1 cad ard subsequent load sequencirn oper-ations r - m ry to mitigate the effects of a mjor plant accident.


Ioad sheddirn - is the striming of all or part of the loads frt ? the 12 bus upcn re-ceipt of an actuation sigel.

Ioad shedding reaves loads (all loads) not essential to safe plant shut-down and pre-i vents the diesel irun being crverloaded than it ties onto the 1E bus cm an undervoltage condition.


Inad sequencing - is the autenatic startirq of essential equipnent in a timed sequence of order.

Ioad sequenc ensures selected ESP equip-ment is sta as required in zwegonne to a plant accident in a mannar which ensures eve i 1

of the diesel generator within its we design limits.


Source of IWer 1.

Sequencars are pca red frun IE power sources Cbjective 2 120V AC distribution pinals S

1 ID-IP-28201-09-C 111. LESSON OUTLINE:


1AY2A - Train A 11rt2B - Train B 2.

Also ins tattery tac):up intermi to allcw for rutention of Icgic step if pcuer lost arr' tMn rostored.


If pcuer 1 cot to rapercer durirq tk coqueiras creratim ard then twstored, repenas v111 begin where it left off.


SI loads Sequerced 1.

Ibier SIS trods Train A cnly (Train B 1cada are similar)

TES 10%)

. 5 sec CCP A 5.5 sac SIP A 10.5 sac M R pump A 15.5 sa:

Crotainmani: rpray purp A (W/CSAS) 20.5 sac CW pungw

  • ard 3 A!W 3 25.5 soc IGCW purTe 1 and 3 CCW 5 CIMr co(spare if needed) 30.5 sec o11Jg units 1, 2, 5, and 6 (slow spead) 1 11SCW 5 (spare if imariari) 2.

Maior U/V f rwin TM lQad

.5 sec CCP A 5.5 see 10.5 sec 15.5 see ACCW 1 20.5 sec OCW 1 ard 3 Alv 3 25.5 sec 11SCW 1 aid 3 CCW 5 (r.paru if rmariart) 30.5 sec CIMI coollig unita 1 & 2 (fast Actual stert #1 &

l speed)*

14SCW 5 (

tra if naariari)

Cntmt fans - 50.5 50.5 see CIMP cool units 5 & 6 (fast Actual start #5 &


Cntmt fans - 70.5

  • CIMr coollrg units cust rot all be startal at the sam time to prevent cverloadiry the diesel 6


-- - - ~~~~

~ '-- ~ ~ - -

~. _ _. _. _ _ _. _ _

1 l

LO-11'28201-09-C 111. LESSON OUTLINE:

NOTES generator. Analysis has shown that if all four were allowed to be startal at the same tiJne, LG

^ voltage could dity belcv 80 percent of trattinal ard cause exonssive heatiry in large.notor Winiirgs.

Soquencer providos containment coollig unit flote 15 of noter auto-start cirutit with start signal at IX3DB-AA-K02A 30.5 second step. Ilowever notor will start at 50.5 due to an ailitiona,l time delay of 20 seomds by agastat time delay in the auto start cituilt.


Sequenonr Operation cbnective 4 1.

Safety injecticn objective 5a LO-TP-28201-003 Basic sequencer furctions upcn sensirq the a.

SIS frun one train

1) Starta rwpoetive trains diecal generato ?
2) Starts timed irnawfuti load sequence on SI
3) Blocks U/V sequence b.

Detailed sequencer operaticn

1) DG receive start signal tlnugh the sequeroer a) Sequeroer has the capability to be supplied with the c w osite train SI signal via an isolation devios,

}UT USED AT VOGIIE 1.e.,iesel will rot start the other trains d b) Mw EG breaker will not close if no U/V detected on r% d.ive safety bus c)

"LG PEADY IT>R IIADDC" indications when >440 rpa arx190% voltage d) Diesel generator breaker

- Breaker will not close if no U/V is dotccted on each respective safety tus

- Breaker will open cn SIS if the u


.,_ ~.

ID-LP-20201-09-c 111. LESSON OUTLINE:'

NOTES generator is in parallel with the preferrtd or altermte rental power source (this functicn is perfornud by SSIS)

2) Coqueming opention a) nc starts after the fol-

- 90 ne delay - for utsp timity; bus res,et

- 0.5 sec. delay - to start lod sequencing b)

U/V logic is blocked by SI to establish alpitpriate loads to be mperred

3) Blcd Auto / Man signal a)

Prvvents operator frun stqvirr; oxconents sequerced on 17y the DG untll the signal clears b)

If cartponents stqped during requencing they wuld auto restart due to the seguancer signal and could result in overtwat of ompcnents

  • Cannot step thern even if placed in PIL
  • Operator can marmally start omponents at any time c) Clears
  • 36 seca after seglancer activated d)

Operates in SI or W mode of cperation 2.

Undervoltage Cbjective 5b Basic sequencens function uptn sensing un3ar-IIF1P-28201-004 a.

voltage cortiltictis AA02 or BA02

1) Shed all icodst load centar trans-formars remain connected 8
l. _ _ _ _. _ - _ -. _ _ -. -. _ _ - - - -


- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

ID-IP-28201-09-C fil. LESSON OUTLINE:

NOTES e; ouu s u2 - -- 2 p - ms

3) Trip 4160V/c preferrtd powr supply bruker
4) Shut D3 IRim (shon penniasives natisfied)
5) Start timri ircrmantal 1 cal sequence 6)

If undervoltage sensed ca1 both trains the abcrve sequerre occurs on both trains b.

Urdervoltage sensirq

1) Each bus is ronitored sy 4 Pts shidt ID-TP-28201-005 prwide an input to the sequercar a) pr sigral curplia$ via isolatics) device to the sequencer bistables b) Each devios feeds a set of 3 bihtables c) Sequencer nonitors for 3 different abnonral voltage levels 2)
  • 1 hint level voltage a) At less than or equal to 93.1 Prwide alans to percent for greater than or equal alert parsonnel.

to 10 sectnis on 1/4 dannels Sequencer does no run.



3) Eeomi level voltage Ojective 4 Seq.mnoer runs a) At less than or equal to 88.5 percent for greater than or equal to 20 seconds on 2/4 chamals b) "4160V SWGR (Bus) 'IBOUBLE" - QEAB-AIB-36/37 c) Start sequencer cperation 4)

First lwel voltage Objective 4 a) At less than or equal to 70 percent for ter than or ecpal to 0.8 cs12/4 dannals 9

ID-Ilb28201-09-C i




- sous., - v, AID-36/37 c) Start sequencer cperatict}


Detailed sequencer ctwratico

1) W Sinultanoausly a)

DG start signal b) Trip preferral rormal ard alter-mte lnocnirg breaker to 1E bus

(.2 sac time delay pick up) c) shed all bus loads except 1 cad conter transfortmns (.2 see timo delay pick tp) 2)

Shut DG breaker if folicwiry permissive satisfla:1 a) In ready to load Greater than 440 RIN ard rester than 90 peament rated vol b)

Pruferral inocnity breakars cpen c) llo bus faults as indicated by ro bus lockouts en preferred irrvalrg breaPars d) DG close permissive frua sequencar (inlicates load shed coupleted) e) lio lockouts cn dieaal engine or generator l


Breaker "Incal-cantrol-Roam" selector switch in the "Cbntrol Rocan" positicn i


Breaker switch located in contrul Pocan in " Auto" positicn

3) Start sequencer loadiry only if CG bruaPo closes a)

.5 second delay - allcus on line transforrers to receive initial surtje upon bus enargizatico l

l 10


" " ^ *




NOTES b) Soqueroer loads at 5 saxand intervals c) Sequcuring acrpleted at 30 reis after start

4) When last tirar activates (30.5 wx:) -

electric input autentically receta U/V activaticn circuits 5)

BIOCK NJ10/l%!UAL SIGIAL CII)JG at 36 pa;onds after soquenocr start to allcw cporator irduced load mnipulatical d.

Protection against excessive loacilig cit:le Cbjective 5f 1)

Injic prevents rtere thsn 2 W ocniiticm frun activatity the sequencer within a 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> period 2)

Pruvent excoodiry mnufacturur's roccameiristions concernity motor starts (crverhoat due to startiry current)

3) When 3rd sequence in 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> pericd atta pted a)

Initiates load shed b) Opens pruforred focdcr breakars c) Starts DG ard clocos bruskar kut no loads aiu started Sequencer LDP ruset button (Unit 2 cnly)

Unit 1/ Unit 2 e.


1) Allows resetting of the sequerrer rbjective 6 followiJg a Ices of power h the DG breaker fails to close ard offsite pcuar is subcoquently rustored 2)

Ikfore scquerrer begins st allow ccr:rorrnts to load, g.pIrg to the D3 breakar ralst cloco

3) All bicckirn relays are activated until the sequencer runs ard auto /

man block a)

Blccks annunciators ard storpirg circuits 11 l

ID-IP-28201-09-C 111. LESSON OUTLINE:


4) Rosetting the noer resets the timer to zero the Auto /Marmal block
5) This allows the cperator to a.stcp leads that would start htxin power srs restoral b.rveets alano
c. resets the sequencer such that it wi.11 start all loads stian a W ocn11ticri is sensed 3.

Safety injection with ur&.rvoltage a.

Cases cxrisidend ID-TP-28201-006 ID-TP-28201-007

1) SIS ard U/V similtaneously
2) SIS following U/V
3) W follcuing a 8I b.

SIS ard U/V similtaneously Cbjective Se i

1) Ocunto signals (lantaliate) a) DG receive start signals b) Auto /Marmal cperaticn of ESP estip-i ment blocked i


2) U/V outputs a)

Ired shed 1E aid non-1E loads

(.2 secs) b) Trip RAT normal supply famiar breaker (.2 sa::)

c) tu auto cicoure permissive to [G breaker (.8 sec) 3)

SIS cx2tputs a)

Block U/V sigrul to load negaenaar b) Activate step timing bus (.5 sec) after 12

=. _ _ _ _ _ _ -.. _ -,


NOTES (1) Da (2) D3 brtakar shut

4) Auto /Marmal operaticn of ESF equiptent unblocked at 36 soccnis after sigrni receipt c.

SIS followiry U/V 1)

If sequencer is sequencirg cm U/V loads when SI received cbjective 5c a) Soquen mr resets to SI trode (90 ma delay) b) SI loads will sequence cn as required 2)

If U/V sequencer has timed out, ruosipt of SIS will be same as for SI without U/V omditicn d.

UV followiry a SI objective 5d 1) if SI occurs prior to SI sequence bairg ocmpleted a conbination of the two seque,nces will ete i

2) first all the loads will be ahed 3) this is follcwed by the opening of the buses preferrua power supply breakar 4) a close signal is then ment to the diesel generator output btwaker 5) the then sequences on E.

Autanatic Test Insertion (ATI) 1.

Purposes prwides a continlous surveillance I

of the sequencers operability to objec.tive 3 detect faults in its sensing and/or l

output cuniita 2.

If a fault is sensed by ATI, ATI cperation is haltad and an audible alarm is activated to alert the cperator 13

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l ID-IP-28201-09-C Ill. LESSON OUTLINE:


An cparauen is rah 4u a =w wi -

IAd; faults are detected

a. cirutit fault is detected
b. mrual testing is initiatal
c. rocolpt of a W
d. receipt of a SI
4. ATI cirualtry im 1ccated in the STES logic cabinet F.

CVI 111 ring Sequencer DwrtJ zing IR 88.030 1

Vcgtle Unit i 1.

Befuel outage 11/13/88 "A" train deenergized for testirq a.


Feeder breaker 1AY2A-08 closed to ize the "A" sequeroer following ocmpleticn of a.

Q11 received when breaker was closed FF 89.016 b.

ZIP ciru11t en the Elgar invertar shut down ZIP ciro11t is in the inverter khen the sequencer was ternal overr.nrren energized protecticn in 1ADlI11 invertet cvI was caused by radiation monitors powerid c.

frun LAY 2A

1) Fall to actuate on loss of pouar d.

It was a-mai that the invertar immentar-larly shut down and restarted as a result of re-enargizing the sequencer panel 3.

Similar event emtruri in Hartin 1987 on inverter 1DDill2 oritalment isolation A occurred caused by a.

rad mcnitors fed frun IDY1B 4.

Ccu.Mdvs actions Possible future design change httich would a.

prsvant the ZIP cirullt fran beirq act]uatad at the present setpoint of overatrrent i


'Ib ESF actuations on bruaker closity at (lBY2B) i

1) Taka all the radiation monitors fed by 1AY2A (1BY2B) to a conditicn which would precltde an actuaticn when the 14 1

1 l -


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zw IC-ZP-28201-09-C fil. LESSON OUTLINE:

NOTES m- - m _.


l 15



I.O-IP-28201-09-C 111. LESSON OUTLINE:


Paview lesscn cbjectives 1.


The saf sequencer subsystan perfonns the i

load ard subsequent load sequencirg cper-aticos neoerany to mitigate the effects of a mjor plant accldent.



Sequencers are powered frcan IE power sources 120V AC distribution parcls 1AY2A - Train A 1BY2B - Train B 3.

FIATE Ti!E PJRIOSE OF 71E NJIENATIC Tsr CIRCUIT (A11) Qi DE SEUJE2GR provides a continious surveillance of the sequencers operability to detect faults in its sewing ard/or output circuits

a. SI signal
b. Un%rvoltage cx1 AA02 or BA03 1.

Seccod level voltage a) At less than or equal to 83.5 parcent for greater than or ecpal to 20 seconds on 2/4 Channels 2.

First level voltage j

a) At less than or equal to 70 l

percent for tar than or equal to 0.8 cn 2/4 chanrsla

5. Assess the rr-pcare of the safeguards sequencer wi't rWc to load abaMirg, the sequencity of major loads an1 16 l



IO-IP-28201-09-C fil. LESSON OUTLINE:

kOTmES muucmpv_ 4 y u e _1

  • ^

P y

w aliticns. ( 064000k410,064000k411,064000A307)

'a. SI actuaticoPither/both trains)

1) StartsrespectivetraindiesElgenerator
2) Starts timed ircremental load segoerce cn SI
3) Blocks U/V sequence
4) '1he DG breaker will not clme if no U/V detected cu respective safety b2s
5) cnly SI or W frun the cpposita train will start the other diesel
b. ESF bus W(either/both trains) 1)

Shed all loads; load centar trans-fonners remain cxxameted

2) Start diesel generator
3) Trip 4160VAC preferred power supply breaker
4) Shut DG BRIQ1 (wis) permissives satisfied)
5) Start timed ins==:ntal load sequence
6) If W sensed on both buses, the above sequence occurs for both trains
c. ESF bus W followed by SI prior to ocapletion of W load s(qunos
1) Sequencer resets to SI made (90 as delay)
2) SI loads will sequence cm) as required
d. SI followed by ESF bus W prior to SI load asu penas 1) if SI occurs prior to SI seguance being cxmpleted, a acabination of the two sequences will en-2)

Diesels start 17

- = -.

10-IP-38201-09-C 4



m m _

m- - -

4) this is folicwed by the of the buses pmferrtd pcuer sum y bmaker 5) a close signal is then sent to the diesel generator output bmaker 6) then sequences en P

e. SI ard ESF bus W simitaneously 1)

DG receive start signals 2)

Auto /Mynaal tien of ESF equip-rent bl 3)

Ioad shed 1E and non-lE loads

(.2 secs) 4)

Trip RAT normal suply faadar breaker (.2 sec) 5)

DG auto closure permissive to DG breaker (.8 sec) 6)

Block U/V signal to load sequencer 7)

Activata step timing bus (.5 sec) after

f. Ibre than 2 W ccniiticos within a 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> peri :x1
1) logic prevents wore than 2 W cculditlens frun activating the sequemar within a 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> period
2) Prevent evraading mamfacturer's re --+4ations cxmoarning motor estarts (overheat due to starting current)
3) itum 3rd sequerxm in 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> period attempted a) Initiates load shed b) Opens preferred faariar brealmrs c) Starts DG and closes breaker but 18 r

lo-IP-28201-09-C Ill. LESSON OUTLINE:



6. Describe how and why the sequercarip are reset follcwJrg a loss of power to the ESF buses ard failure of the D/G bred.kaz to ClCse.


Allows resettirn or the followirg a loss of power the DG bnnker fails to close ard offsita power is subsequently restored i


Before sequencer bayins atticing to allow cwyc.,uds to load, the En breakar uust close c.

All blockiry relays are activated until the sequercer runs and auto /

man block

1) Blocks annunciators ard at@piry circuits d.

Resettirq the resets the timer to zezu the Auto /Marual block

'Ihis allows the operator to e.

1) stop loads that would start when pwer was restored
2) resets alarms
3) resets the seguencer such that it will start all loads when a UV canditicn is sensed l



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