ML20043H309 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Vogtle ![]() |
Issue date: | 06/15/1990 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20043H307 | List: |
References | |
ISI-P-014, ISI-P-14, NUDOCS 9006250140 | |
Download: ML20043H309 (18) | |
s 3
i Vogtle Electric Generating Plant - Unit 2 (VEGP 2)
Inservice Inspection (ISI) Program First 10 Year Interval (ISI-P-014) i Revision 3 Summary of Chances Affected ISI Program Document Paaes Chance 2 33, 2-34, 3 16, Any reference to Relief Requests 3-17, 4 2, 4-4, and RR 45, 47, 48, and 54, which were 4 16 withdrawn by Georgia Power Company letter MSV 00169 dated March 27, 1990 to the NRC, have been deleted.
6 3, 6-4, 6-88, Adds notation as appropriate that i
6 90, 6 91, 6 92, Rellef Requests RR-45, 47, 48, and and 6-99 54 were withdrawn.
6-59, 6 59a, and Relief Request RR-32 has been 6 60 revised to add reinforcing plate to-RHR vessel welds WO11 and W012 relative to surface examination requirements and to elaborate upon the basis for the relief requested.
In addition, the figure accompanying the relief request has been revised to better depict the configuration at VEGP 2.
The revised relief request is similar in content to RR 32 for VEGP-1.
t-000915 j'
6250240 900613 Cr ADOCK 05000425 FDC
Vogtle Electric Genertting Plcnt Unit No. 2
Inservice Inspection
. Table IWB-2500-1 Examination Categories B-P, CONTINUED Extent and Frequency of Examination Test Examination 1st 2nd, 3rd, 4th Relief Item No.
Parts Examined Reauirements 3 Method '
Interval Intervals Reauest Comments BIS.31 Pressure Retaining System VT-2 One test' One test per 2
Boundary hydro test interval *
Heat Exchanaers B15.40 Pressure Retaining System leak-N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP i7 Boundary age test (IWB-5221)
B15.41 Pressure Retaining System M/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP 2
Boundary hydro test (IWB-5222)
Pioinq B15.50 Pressure Retaining System leak-VT-2 Each refuel-Each refuel-Boundary age test' 7 ing outage ing outage 5
5 (IWB-5221)
B15.51 Pressure Retaining System VT-2 One test' One test per l
Boundary hydro testa interval' (IWB-5222)
Pumes B15.60 Pressure Retaining System leak-VT-2 Each refuel-Each refuel-Boundary age test' 7 ing outage ing outage 5
5 (IWB-5221) 2-33 014 Rev. 3
Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Inservice Inspection Table IWB-2500-1 Examination Categories B-P, CONTINUED j
Extent and Frequency of l
Examination Test Examination Ist 2nd, 3rd, 4th Relief Item No.
Parts Examined Recuirements Method' Interval Intervals Request Comments B15.61 Pressure Retaining System VT-2 One test' One test per Boundary hydro test interval 6 2
I Valves B15.70 Pressure Retaining System leak-VT-2 Each refuel-Each refuel-
Boundary age test' T ing outage ing outage l
5 5
(IWB-5221) l B15.71 Pressure Retaining System VT-2 One test One test per l
6 Boundary hydro test interval 6 2
(1) The pressure retaining boundary during the system leakage test shall correspond to the reactor coolant system boundary, with all valves in the normal position, which is required for normal reactor operation startup. The VT-2 examination shall, however, extend to and include the second closed valve at the boundary extremity.
(2) The pressure retaining boundary during the system hydrostatic test shall include all Class I components within the system boundary.
(3) System pressure tests of the reactor coolant system shall be conducted in accordance with IWA-5000. System pressure tests for repaired, replaced, or altered components shall be governed by IWA-5214(c).
(4) Visual examination of IWA-5240.
(5) The system leakage test (IWB-5221) shall be conducted prior to plant startup following each reactor refueling outage.
(6) The system hydrostatic test (IWB-5222) shall be conducted at or near the end of each inspection interval.
(7) A system hydrostatic test (IWB-5222) and the accompanying VT-2 examination are acceptable in lieu of the system leakage test (IWB-5221) and VT-2 examination.
- 014 Rev. 3 L
... - - - - - - - ~ - - - ~ = = ~ ~ - - - - -
Vogtle Electric Genercting Picnt Unit No. 2
-Inservice Inspection Table IWC-2500-1 Examination Categories C-H, ALL PRESSURE RETAINING COMPONENTS Extent and FrecuenCY of Examination Test 2 Examination 3 Relief Item No.
Parts Examingd' Reauired Method Each Period' Each Interval' Reauest Comments-Pressure Vessels C7.10 Pressure Retaining IWC-5221 VT-2 Pressure RR-46 l
Components tests retainin bounda 7
C7.?0 Pressure Re-IWC-5222 VT-2 Pressure taining Com-test retaining 7 ponents boundary Pipino C7.30 Pressure Re-IWC-522I VT-2 Pressure RR-46 l
taining Com-tests retainin ponents bounda 7
C7.40 Pressure Re-IWC-5222 VT-2 Pressure RR-44 l
4 taining Com-test retaining 7 ponents boundary Punos C7.50 Pressure Re-IWC-5221 VT-2 Pressure RR-46 taining Com-tests retainig 7 ponents boundarf 3-16 014 Rev. 3
.Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Inservice Insrectien
-Table IWC-2550-1 Examination Categories C-H, ALL PRESSURE RETAINING COMPONENTS (Continued)
Extent and Frecuency of Examination Test 2 Examination 3 Relief Item No.
Parts Examined' Required Method Each Period' Each Interval' Request Comments-C7.60 Pressure Re-IWC-5222 VT-2 Pressure taining Com-test retainingT ponents boundary r
Valves C7.70 Pressure Re-IWC-5221 VT-2 Pressure RR-46 taining Com-test 8 retainig ponents boundarf 7 C7.80 Pressure Re-IWC-5222 VT-2 Pressure RR-44 l
taining Com-test retaining 7 ponents boundary NOTES:
1 (I) Other than open ended portions of systems.
(2) System pressure tests of IWA-5000 and IWC-5000.
l (3) Visual examination of IWA-5240.
(4) No components within the pressure retaining boundary [as defined by Note (7)] are exempt or excluded from I
the examination requirements, except as specified in IWA-5214(c) for repairs and replacements.
(5) The system hydrostatic test (IWC-5222) shall be conducted at or near the end of each inspection interval or during the same inspection period of each inspection interval of Inspection Program B.
(6) Where portions of a system are subject to system pressure tests associated with two different system functions, i
the VT-2 examination need only be performed during the test conducted at the higher of the test pressures of the respective' system function.
3-17 014 Rev. 3
p-vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Inservice Inspection Table li'D-2500-1 Examination Categcries D-A, SYSTEMS IN SUPPORT OF REACTOR SHUTDOWN FUNCTION Extent and Frecuency of Examination Test And Examination Examination Relief Item No.
Parts Examined Reauirements Method Each Period Each interval Reauest Comments 01.10 Pressure IWA-5000[
VT-2 Pressure RR-49,50 l
Retaining IWD-5221 retaining Components' boundary IWA-5000 Pressure RR-49 IWD-5223[
VT retaining' boundary-D: 20 Integral Figure VT-3 Integral RR-56 Attachment-IWD-2500-1 attachment Component Sup-ports and Re-straints3 DI.30 Integral Figure VT-3 Integral Attachment-IWD-2500-1 attachment Mechanical and Hydraulic Snubbers 3 DI.40 Integral Figure VT-3 Integral Attachment-IWD-2500-1 attachment SpringT{pe Supports i
l l
l 4-2 014 Rev. 3
Vogtle Electric Generating ' Plant Unit No. 2 Inservice Inspe'ction Table IWD-2500-1 Examination Categories D-B, SYSTEMS IN SUPDORT Or EMERGENCY CORE COOLING, CONTAllofENT HEAT REMOVAL, ATMOSPHERE CLEANUP, AND REACTOR RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL Extent and Frecuency of Examination Test And Examination Examination Relief Item No.
Parts Examined Reauirements Method Each Period Each Interval Request Comments IWA-5000 VT-2 Pressure RR-50,5I l
D2.10 Pressure retaining Retaining Components' boundary IWA-5000{
IWD-5223 VT-2 retaini bounda D2.20 Integral Figure VT-3 Integral Attachment-IWD-2500-I attachment Component Sup-ports and Re-straints3 D2.30 Integral Figure VT-3 Integral Attachment-IWD-2500-1 attachment Mechanical and Hydraulic Snubbers 3 02.40 Integral Figure VT-3 Integral Attachment-IWD-2500-I attachment SpringT{pe Supports i
i 1
l 4-4 014 Rev. 3
'Vogtle Electric Genercting Plant Unit No. 2
Inservice Inspection Table IWD-2500-1-Examination Categories D-C, SYSTEMS IN SUPPORT OF RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL FROM SPENT FUEL STORAGE POOL Extent and Frecuency of Examination Test And Examination Examination Relief Item No.
Parts Examined Reauirements Method Each Period Each Interval Reauest Comments D3.10 Pressure Retaining IWD-5221[
IWA-5000 VT-2 Pressure RR-50,53 Components' retaini i
bounda IWA-5000[
Pressure RR-53 l
IWD-5223 YT-2 retaini bounda D3.;'O Integral Figure VT-3 Integral Attachment IWD-2500-1 attachment Component Supports and Restraints 3 D3.30 Integral Figure VT-3 Integral Attachment-IWD-2500-1 attachment Mechanical and Hydraulic Snubbers 3 i
03.40 Integral Figure VT-3 Integral i
Attachment-IWD-2500-1 attachment SpringT{pe Supports 4-6 014 Rev. 3
l RR 36 Volumetric exam of Class 2 thin wall piping RR 37 Volumetric exam of small-diameter Class 2 piping RR 38 ASME Section XI; Subsection IWE RR-39 Mechanized volumetric examination of pressure retaining shell and head welds in reactor vessel outside the beltline y
region RR 40 Notch length in Basic Ultrasonic Calibration Blocks for examination of vessel welds RR 41 Use of a centrifug 11y cast stainless steel (SA-351 Cf8A piping calibration block for the mech nized examination of the reactor vessel nozzle to safe end welds RR 42 Volumetric examination of nozzle inner radius section for steam generator inlet and outlet nozzles RR-43 VT-4 visual examination of snubbers RR-44 Class 2 piping hydrostatically tested to Class 1 requirements RR-43 Relief Request withdrawn l
RR 46 System pressure test on Class 2 components RR 47 Relief Request withdrawn RR-48 Relief Request withdrawn RR 49 System pressure test on Class 3 vertical pit type pumps RR-50 System pressure test on Class 3 components i
RR-51 Class 3 system functional test on systems subjected to Examination L
Category D B requirements t
L 6-3 014 Rev. 3 1
w - -, -
o RR 52 Reactor Vessel integrally welded attachments i
RR 53 Class 3 hydrostatic test on Spent Fuel Cooling & Purification RR 54 Relief Request withdrawn conditionally RR 55 Pressurizer Safety Relief Valve Piping RR 56 Auxiliary feedwater Integrally Welded Attachments and Associated Component Supports L
k i
l l
l I
l 6-4 014 Rev. 3 f
VEGP-2 RR-32 Component or Relief Area Examination of (1) the nozzle inner radii and (2) the reinforcing plate-to-vessel welds of the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) heat exchangers, 21205-E6-001 and 002 (Class 2).
Examination Area Identification numbers include IRO1, IR02, WO9, W10, WO11, and WO12 for each of the subject heat exchangers.
1 Recuirement From Which Relief Is Reauested (1)
Item No. C2.22, Category C-B, Table IWC-2500-1 of ASME l
Section XI requires a volumetric examination of the inner j
radius section of pressure retaining nozzles (greater than i
12-inch nominal pipe size) in vessels with nominal wall i
thickness greater than 1/2-inch.
Table IWC-2500-1 requires a (2)
Item No. C2.31, Category C-B,inforcing plate-to-vessel welds surface examination of the re in vessels greater than 1/2 inch nominal wall thickness.
Relief is requested from the above examination requirements.
Ragis for Relief (1)
Figure No. IWC-2500-4(c) of ASME Section XI which constitutes the examination requirement for Examination Area l
Identification Numbers IR01 and IR02 does not illustrate the nozzle design of the VEGP-2.RHR Heat Exchangers.
The configuration of the nozzles at VEGP-2 differs from the configuration depicted in the Code figure.
depicts the configuration at VEGP-2.
Although the reinforcing plate welded to the vessel has a rounded configuration in the flow path, it is not a true " nozzle inner radius" when compared with the configuration in Figure No. IWC-2500-4 (c).
It is not practical to perform an inner radius ultrasonic examination since the interface between the reinforcing plate and the RHR Heat Exchanger vessel wall
- precludes an adequate volumetric examination.
6-59 014 Rev. 3
VEGP-2 RR-32 Basis for Rgligf (cont'd)
Figure No. IWC-2500-4 of ASME Section XI which constitutes (2) the examination requir(c)ement for Examination Area Identification numbers WO9, W10, WO11 and WO12 does not i
illustrate the reinforcing plate-to-vessel design of the VEGP-2 RHR Heat Exchangers.
Refer to Attachment i for the l
VEGP-2 configuration.
The reinforcing plate at VEGP-2 is welded to the inside diameter of the heat exchanger wall with no nozzle-to-reinforcing plate contactreinforcing plate-to-vessel welds are in(welds)ib The a
access 1
Therefore it is impractical to perform a surface examination on the relnforcing plate-to-vessel welds WO9, W10, WO11 and j
WO12 due to their inaccessibility.
For the reasons discussed above, GPC has determined that implemen-tation of the Code requirements is impractical.
Accordingly, relief from the Code requirements is sought from the NRC as allowed by 10 CFR 50.55a (g) (5) (iii).
Alternate Examination in Lieu of ASME Section XI Reauirements (1)
As discussed above, due to the lack of true nozzle inner radii, an adequate ultrasonic examination can not be performed for Examination Area Identification numbers IRO1 and IR02 for the VEGP-2 RHR Heat Exchangers due to the interface between the reinforcing plate and the RHR heat exchanger vessel wall.
Those examination areas are to be deleted from the inservice inspection plan document since true nozzle inner radii do not exist.
l (2)
Due to their inaccessibility, no surface examination of the reinforcing plate-to-vessel welds WO9, W10, WO11, and WO12 l
r can be performed.
No alternate examination, e.g.,
volumetric examination, can be performed or is proposed due to the configuration involved.
The interface between the rein-forcing plate and the RHR heat exchanger vessel wall precludes an adequate volumetric examination from being performed for the aforementioned welds.
No compensating increase in the level of quality and safety would be realized should an alternate examination, e.g.,
volumetric examination, be performed.
l 6-59a 014 Rev. 3 I
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VEGP 2 RR 45 Relief Request withdrawn i
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6 88 014 Rev. 3
Relief Request withdrawn
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1 6-90 014 Rev. 3 l
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V VEGP-2 RR-48 5
9 Relief Request withdrawn t
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6-91 014 pey, 3
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VEGP-2 RR_48
Relief Request withdrawn P
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6 92 014 Rev. 3-1
4-o i
VEGP-2 3
RR 54 1
Relief Request withdrawn conditionally t
f f
L i
6-99 014 Rev. 3 4