ML20092F672 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Vogtle |
Issue date: | 08/29/1989 |
From: | Gregory Stone GEORGIA POWER CO. |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20092F288 | List:
References | |
CON-IIT05-002-133G-90, CON-IIT5-2-133G-90, RTR-NUREG-1410 NL-IU-11205-005, NL-IU-11205-5, NUDOCS 9202190463 | |
Download: ML20092F672 (12) | |
time! DEGDA'.Y DIESEL IDER: NIeIU-11205-005-01-C i
7/31/89 Af a st w
4 4
VJST!R COPY 9202190463 920116 PDR ADOCK 05000424 S
NIeIU-11205-OO5-01-C; Perform Diesel Gererator Operability. Test PETJCR9.NCE ORTEXn'1VE Given a dirvctive frxn the o::ntrol rumn, perfom an amargency diesel genetutor operability test.
'Ihe plant tast be in 2COES 1, 2, 3, or 4 with both diesel generators cperable for the DG operability test to be perfornud. Sufficier4t marpower must be available to perfom the test.
'Ihe diesel generator mst be preparvd for startup. With the DG running, cperatiry pr.rameters mst be monitored. The fuel oil day tank mat be sanpled for water. The diesel geurator air start cxanpressor test uust be performd. The system nust be returned to standby mode status upor. cxatpletico of the -test.
All cxamunication anl activities mst be performevl in acrmidance with currerit, appreno:1 procedures.
INTOPMP,TIQti The plant mst be operating in either Mode 1, 2, 3, or 4 when the tst is performed. 'Ihe Tliosel generator operability test is notwilly scheduled every 31. days. 'Ibe cperability test run every 6 months differs depen 11ny on how the ergine is Ir*%d.
'Ibe operability test performed in this Instructicnal Unit is
' manual start. During this test,- the contre 1 rocan operator will be veri. ing that the diesel generator reaches a certain volttge (3750 to 4330)' and fregaency (58.8 to 61.2 Hz) within a given time (11.4 eds). The-Cic will than load the DG to 6000 to 7000 KW paralleled with the RAT, ard mintain that load for at least one hour.
The turtochanjer; bearirq pre lubricition is = perforned by cperma the tn*rvtarger prelubricatico bypass valve 1 to 2 mirutes before th1t -
generator is started.
Prior to the D3 test, a cylinder noisture check nust be perfomed 'Ibe noisture check must also be performad betwen 4 and 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> after the test.
The noistura check stux11d also be performed approximately 24 hccrs after -
the test. The noisture check is used to detect water in the cylinders due to a cylinder head lent The DG cannut be operated when the cylinder noisture check It is important to note that one generator mu-t be available for s*W at-s e ss.-
all times.
The ocntrol rcm F=wnel should be awarv of any mintenan:w that my have been performed on the voltage regulator or the gcnernor. - 7te diesel generator is eg. lipped with circuitry that :" presets" the gcuernor and 5-1
o NL-lU-11205-005-01-C; Parform Diesel Generator Operability TEr,t voltage regulator. If mainteennce has been perfortwd in these areas since the pzwlous DG shtth, it is r w to manitor the voltage ard speed (frequency) for any ezratic bubavior.
INPO has ocmpiled a report containing reported DG failures and parcentacyes of inciderce. Forty percent of the failures are associatal with fallal or degraded mechanical ocuponents, 42 percent are related to electrical and I&C conpanents, ard 18 percent of all failures are related to personnel -
error. It is very inportant that kntula+=hle personnel be present during test runs to cbserve and inertruct irexperienced personnel to identify operating problems. _'Ihe ccritznl room will direct tM prmarinre. During the test, the ccntrol room will require OAO assistance to obtain data frca local instrunentaticn.
PGIUFMING 'mE D~JEEL GMERATOR OPEPARCIIW TEST Sartuo Di_esel Generator obtain all necamary matarials in accx :ttmce with Plant Vogtle Procedures 13145-1 and 14980-1. Defore the test is started e. misture check must be performed.
Recntd the diesel generator pre-stattup twvil w cn diesel generator Pre-start Readings Ccapletion Eheet 1_ '1he control room operat'or will supply a oqoy of all necessary data-sheets. Upen the ocupletion of the tash the data sheets nust be taken to the ccntrol rocu.
Cbtain the following eglipnent:
- a. A clear container 1 liter sizo or larger,
- b. Hearing protection (Sound-proofod phones 4, or nalffs)
- c. Copy of-Procedure 14980-1,- " Diesel Generator Operability Test."
- d. Copies of Procedure ll885-C, " Diesel Canarator Operating Log," one-initial ard cne per each hcur of the runi
- e. Fays for air start receiver isolation valves..
- f. Ensuru a ocpf ot' Procedure 13145-1 is in the dit$3el g nerator toca.
- g. The CR0 shc:uld dispatch an assistant to help with the barring ard air roll.
Perform a cylirdar moisture check of the diesel generator to be tasted.
The opposite train-diamel generator'and all of i
must be fully opstable before - the control ts related -ESF meri =rtt i
e ope..ator; vill give permissicn to perform the check, since tM EG is inaperable during the cylinder moisture check. Report start and ecsplet!.m time to the control rc:xn operator.-
Recntd the pre-t:t, artup readhys on 11885-C.
sW W;
y c
McIU-11205-005-01-C; Perfom Diesel Generator Operability Tes t 4.
Test annunciator lights.
Verify all annunciator lights are aparable. The CAO will be stationed in the diesel building for the duration of the test run.
Align the Startirg Air System per Procedure 14980-1.
Ensure the epprtpriate air ruceiver is isolated aM that this informtion is reconied on data sheet 1 of 14980-1, 6.
Pre-luoricate turbocharger bearirgs.
Prelubricate the hn+N bearirgs by openity the turbocharger prelubrication bypass valve 1-2403-U4-130 (131 for B train) about 1-2 minutes before start tire. The ccntrol rocan cperator will direct this.
Perfom the Djesel Cenerator Operability Test l
ttnitor the start.
While the ergirn is startirg, listen for the escape of air frczn tbs.
startirg air manifold vent to verify the raaifold vent is open and unctstructed. Put on the sound-proofed headphones ard direct anyone else in the ruan to put' on heariry protection. Alert personnel in the rocan of the peniing start. Men the ergine starts, note the red startirg light, shutdown system active light, and running light.
The Generator Field Gtwnd rulay may spuriously actuate, resultirg in a Generator Truuble Alarm. This is an expected alam.
Clcse the turbocharger prelubrication bypass valve 1-2403-04 ;.;0(131).
This sinild be soon after starting, sin::e the lube oil keepwarn pmp (the scurce of pre-lubrication oil) shuts off after the ergine starts.
Paset the Generator Field Ground relay, relay target and alam if they were actuated during the start.
open the air start receiver discharge isolation.
Open the air start receiver discharge isolation which had previously been closed.
Manitcr temperatures as they stabilize.
For the normal 31 day run, the diesel generator will be idled for 5 to 10 3
minutes. Check lube oil temperature (irv'out) and jac'cet water temperature (irVcut) at the engire control panel. Ensuru they are within the range shown en 11885-C, and twt changirg rapidly tr.uards the end of the idle period. For the 184 day (6 nonth) operability test, them is rn idle s
Initiate the diesel generator operating Icq.
'1his is dcne 30 minutes after the diesel generatcr has been IrwkA Since
there are rn local IW reters, the control room cperators will indicata the tim that the diesel gera.rator was loukd. Observe the three annurciators
5-3 l
NIrIU-1120S-005-01-C; Ferfom Diesel Gorerator Cpe* ability Test on the ergin: control patwl. Notify the control Irxu of any Ivadiry outside the range on the fom.
'me air conpressor test r.ny be perfomed now or, if desirrd, after DG shutdown. Agree with the carrtrol recta cperator as to when it will be done.
Examine the diesel generator durirq the run.
Cieck for the followhgt
- a. Gerentor slip-rirgs atd brushes for excessive Warity,
- b. Genarator bearirg oil ring turniry frwdy and pickirg up oil,
- c. Jacket Uater systan keepwann pmp ard heater off, terperatures within range, standpipe level, purp ptwssure, rc leaks
- d. Lube oil systm xcesvann pmp ard heater off, temperatures ard pressures within rarge, no leaks, differnntial ptwssures cocurs strainer aid filter steady and within rarges thomt on ll885-C.
Also, note turbccharryer oil presures, which are smewhat sensitive to increases in lube oil tenparatures as 1 cads ircrease.
- e. Check fuel cil systen pressure ara differential pressures across the filter ard strairer. Obserw. cach injection purp, check.irq for fuel leaks at the base of the pumps. Notify the control reca if any appear. Also, check the goverror/ actuator whidt is directly associatai with the fuel oil systen. Its cutput shaft, ard the linkage to the ncks of the injection pug:o should be steady, not jerkirq or hunths en:essively,
- f. 01cck ergine intaxe ard exhaust piping for lacea supporrs and breaks.
- g. Check the combustian air header drains. 'Ibe 1/4 irdi tube frcni the battam of eadi ord of bcth intake nutifolds prwide a way T.o bics dowr1 n31sture whidt Inay be inside the intake pipirg. Check the drains for water when tra diesal is in stardby. Water in the drains irdicates water in the intake nonifolds.
- h. Although it is not listed in 14980-1, also check that the startity air prusure has restored ard check the receiver (s) used for the start. Also, a very hot startirq air supply unifold (cne cn each barec air valves is open).irdicates that one of the he& mounted starting o
Monitor the Shutdcnni 1.
Verify post-21utdown equipmnt starts.
Verify that the follcwirq equipnent starts:
- a. Jacke'. water kcepwann puep
- b. Inbe oil keepwarm purp
- c. Cernretor heeter energized
5-4 t
6 a
1 i
4 o
NIrIU-11205-005-01-C; Perfom Diesel Generator Operability Test The indicating lights are on Mr INBI (INBO).
If the lube oil keepwam ymp does not start, imediately rotify the contrul roam opvator as cperability can be affected by the loss of the keepwam pmp.
Verify that the red stoppdrg light is off.
After the stcypirg light goes off, the diesel generator can accept arr,ther nomal start signal. It could have started on an emer9nry start o
(breakglass or safety injection signal) while the stopping light was lit.
Recctd vrgine hours on Data Sheet 1.
'Ihe hour raetar is on the ergine control panel.
j Check the diesel generator building HVAC.
The control roam cert'.cr will stop the EST-fans, and select the non-ESF
-fan for auto start.
Ina non-ESF fan sin 11d start and the lower level da:rpers open at 85 degrees F., increasing. The exhaust fan in the day tank rtxn should M runnlig continually.
1 I$dgm Other 1%sts and Record Regglts i
Sanple the day tank for water.
- a. Use the clear t.ontainer (1 liter or larger),
- b. Unlock N day tank drain valve 1-2403-U4-035 (036) and rem ne its cao. Drain a small amcunt of fuel oil'into the container. Close the salve.
- c. Fxamine the sanple for water on the tcttryn of the container. During the one hour run, water or nuisture may have been punped frcm the DKWf to the day, tank.
G. Depeat the sanpling process-uritil no water is found in the sanple.
Digma of the sanple in the apprwed containe,
- e. Ersute the valve is clceed.; lock and cap the day tank valve 1-2403-04-035 (036).
Perfom the (11osel germrator air start canptassor tet.
In this IU, train A air compt,essors are tested. At least one air start receiver nust-be greater than 210 psig at -all times, - and only one o
conpressor should be tetod at a tim, This test may be pcrformed while the-diesel generator is lemoed, -if desired.
- a. Crack open the air start rvceiver drain 1-2403-X4-762 ard slowly i
reduce air-pressure to 145 to 155 psig.
- b. Verify that the air start ccupressor 1-2403-G4-001-C01 starts butcr:atically when air receiver pressure is between 215 and 235 poig. If the ccopressor falls to start when it rJxuld, do rot-allcw air pressure to fall below 210 psig.
l l
I l
EIU-11205-CO3-01-C; Parfcan Diesel Gernrrtar Opuability Test
- c. If the ccrpressor fallal to start autenatically, close the drain valvo and hwilataly notify the mntrul nxn ot.erator no that maintenance can be initiated, e
- d. AsrAmting that the cartpressor utartes corrtctly, place the control cuitch for that air ocatpre'sor in OIT. (1-2403-C4-001-C01). Air will corr.inue *;o bleed frun the recei'.er,
- e. When the air start receiver pressure has decreased to 145 to 155 psig, clcse 1 -2403-X4-762.
- f. Start the a12; cxmpressor by placing the cxantrol swi*ch to MJIO.
Note the pressure.
- g. Ibcon1 the tair conprecsor start time on Data Sheet 1.
- h. Verily the capresecr autmatically stcos at between 245 and 255 poic.
w i.1 boon 1 the time the air oxpressor steps on Ebta Sheet 1.
- j. Repeat the above for air w%r snd receiver 2.
Restcre the systan.
Perfom the standby node status check which is C1xcklist 1 of Procalare 14980-1.
3 4.
Rscord the' follruirq Data Sheet 1 infomation:
Air start receiver 1 prassttre a.
Air start receiver 2 pressure tr>rE:
The five valves which were cperard during this test cust he urhpadently verified. These valves are:
-Air start receiver discharge isolaticn wh'ch was closed (verified cpen).
~htarger pre-ht:e bypass valve 1-2403-04-130 (varified open).
-DFD day tank drain valve 1-2403-474-035 (varified lockad cloral).
--Air atart receiver 1 drain 1-2403-X4-762 (ve.rified closed).
--Air start receiver 2 drain 1-2403-X4-772 (verified cloced).
Perfoca a c 1
shutdcun). ylirder moistuts check (four to eicht h urs after This again is fztn Procedtne 13145-1. Get apprtreal prior to performity the check.
Perfonn a cylirder noisture check (24 hcurs after shutdcs.c.).
Cet ap;rtual pricr to perfornirq the check.
Incate the appropriate log book ard log tr.e prtadure.
-l W-IU-11205-005-01-C; Itrfom Diesel Gerarator OperabiJity Ttd runnfANCE GJIIS Fcl.lcu these steps to perfom the diesel generator operability test.
Farfom dlmal gM,t-ator startup.
Turform crerability test.
Monitor DG rhutdcun.
Ibrfem other tests ard record neults.
Lcq the activity.
C e
e 4
1 4
a 5-7
NIrIU-11205-003-01-C; IV.trfom Diesel Gemrator Opezability Wst SELFrIET Before pmxcalirq to th Task Practice, anster the follaalry gestlans.
What I.aar,bg protection is at/ised durirg the test?
khen are Inaciirrys nade on the dief:el ge:wntor ope.atin, lcq s
Yw tdxul:2 always perform a cylirder roisture check, especially Mwn tN ctMt r4 is ircperable,
- a. '.' rue
- b. Palse 4.
After the cont:ol ruct cpratcr ha.s stcyred tM diesel generator, WMn can it to Icstarted ca:
a.. a nomal st trt?
- b. m eaertyency stast?
If a s all amant of 7 u-is found when you sasple tM day tarA, in v is it rmcVed from '.;e taak?
- a. Punpri ott
- b. Ps. circulated back to t?e DPOST
- c. In*t in the tank
- d. Pemidad until no rore wat 3r is founf in tM samples
- o. Drairxd into a surp below the tank
4 i
n Ek
&It'-11205-095-01-c; rerfccm Diesel Generator Cperability Test
.y RBIEi l
Scund-proofod phcaw, or aufIs.
Pre-startup readings after the diesel gemrator has been Ica$ed for 30 a
nuutes, and everf hour thereafter.
False. '1his will mr$ar bcrth diesel generators irx.perable at that sam time.
t 4.
- a. Afur the stopping light goes cut.
- b. Anytire 5.
- d. Resanpitd until no mort vatar is fcund in the saples, v
5-9 m_
me-m^ - - -^- - - ' ^*"" ^ ^ ^ - - -^- ' - " ^'
FL-IU-11205-005-01-C; Barform Diesel Cunerator Cperability fest TASK PPJ4TICE 1.
Revity P:xxxdure 14980-1.
Ja sure that you un3erstard all ptteautions, limitations, aM steps associated with perfornOq e diesal cperability test.
Takn this instructicral unit aM Procedum 1438e 1 to the diesel
r gercrator blilding.
'Be sure that ycu can lomte all local ocmtr.nents ani instnmmtaticn asscciated with performing a diesel operability test.
Iri the diesal genemtcr buildirg, valk thtugh the task of performing a dieaal operability test.
If pcssible, tse a fellcv trabwe (Naluate your Inrfornvt:0 usirq lheature 14980-1 aM this instnetieral unit.
O f
5-10 e.
,at -
' ' ~
lucIU-11205-OOS-Ol-Q Ibrfona Diesel Ge.mator Operabi.lity Test EEDBACK CH DSK MACCICE 1.
If you ha ve any qtest. ions about the pric itions, limitations, or steps in Pto:od tro 14580-1, ask your instnrtor.
Yoc erntld have been able to locate all local ccrp and instruaenta'.% assocdated with perfotuttg a diesel crexability test.
If you had any difficulty, ask yulr irhor for rep.
You rJKnld have walked thtugh the stes nexessary to perform a dieml operability test.
If you hed any difficulty, re-read the pertinent secticm of this instructiotui unit ard the prxedure.
Resolve any questiens with luir instructor.
4 I
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.._.._____.-__m, w.