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Provides Evaluation of Evidence on Diesel Generator Bldg for Determination of Need to Reopen Hearings,Per 831108 Request
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 11/18/1983
From: Rinaldi F
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Lear G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17198A223 List: ... further results
CON-BOX-08, CON-BOX-8, FOIA-84-96 NUDOCS 8406120594
Download: ML20091P092 (5)


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m Enclosure 4 q

,.. l %,o UNITED STATES e

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WASHINGTON. D. C.20555 9j NOV 181983 MEMORANDUM FOR: George Lear, Chief Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Branch Division of Engineering THRO:

Pao-Tsin Kuo Leader Stiuctural Engineering Section B i

j d

Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Branch j

Division of Engineering FROM:

Frank Rinaldi, Structural Engineer Structural Engineering Section B Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Branch Division of Engineering




Pursuant to your request of November 8,1983, for my evaluation of any new 4

evidence related to the structural adequacy of the Diesel Generator Building I

(OGB), I have evaluated the report by the NRR Task Group dated October 21, 1983, for the test conditions provided by your management (Enclosure 1) and expanded by the staff attorney (Enclosure 2).

4 4

Foremost I like to state that the NRC staff decision to reopen the hearings on the OGB lies on the NRC legal staff. The NRC legal staff is aware of the official staff position and personal technical positions of staff members and consultants, as stated in written and oral testimony during the ASLB hearing of December,1982. In addition,1he NRC legal staff is aware of the i

questions raised by the Region III-IE inspector as well as the answers 4

provided by all concerned parties. Indeed the NRR Task Group Report of October 21, 1982, documents the conclusions discussions, and specific answers to the questions raised by Region III-IE inspector. The NRR Task Group report includes their findings, those of their consultant staff from Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), as well as the replies by NRR Structural and Geotechnical staff and their consultants to the questions raised by the Region III-IE inspector. Please note that errata has been pointed out to the Task Group. The need for corrections has been acknowledged by the Task Group and errata pages have been issued.

i Recognizing the fact that my reconnendations on the subject of reopening the hearing for the DG8 are needed for the final decision making, I will identify the important facts stated by the Task Group and state if they constitute, from the st,ctural engineering point of view. new evidence or if. they impact on the previous conclusions reached by the structural i

engineering staff. The major points are the following:



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8406120594 840517 i


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4 George Lear 2-NOV 181983 o

i 4


The Task Group used the same facts and evidente used by the review staff ir their evaluation of the DGB.


The Task Group reached the same bottom line conclusion, "that there is reasonable assurance that the structural integrity of the DG8 will be maintained and its ' functional requirements fulfilled."

I 3.

The Task Group concluded that, "The most reasonable estimate of stress due to settlement is based on the crack width data. However, the l

1 calculations that have been done in this area need to be completely 4



The Task Group stated, "That a more accurate and reliable crack monitoring program be established," and that sufficient stress margins for Action Level and specific repairs be established for Alert Level of crack /s width /s. Also, they recomended a general repair program j

prior to plant operation..

i The first two items are self-explanatory and from a structural engineering technical point of view should be the major reasons that no additional i

hearings are required to establish the structural adequacy of the DG8. The third item asks for the documentation of the calculations used in the determination of the conservative stress values utilizing the crack width data. The approach has been discussed, the results have been documented, and the data used for the calculations has been identified. Therefore j

the requested documentation will consist of nothing more than presenting the infomation related to the assumptions made, formula used, input data, calculations, and results. The actual calculations require basic skills.


_1 and engineering judgment. The resulting stress values can be easily verified with the stress results identified in the written and oral testimony of the applicant and the staff. I do not consider this documentation to be new evidence because the facts do not change. The fourth item recomends a i~

modification to the monitoring program previously proposed by the applicant j

and accepted by the staff and a general repair program. The Task Group does j

not provide specific approaches that would fulfill these reconnendations. BNL.

1 i-report recomends the extensive use of Whitmore strain gages in place of the l

three crack monitoring windows currently accepted by the staff, but I

recommends the same general approaches as the Task Group for requirements on the general repairs and the requirements on the Alert and Action Levels. The l

Task Group was aware of the BNL recomendation related to the Whitmore strain pages, but did not make such fim reconnendation. The above stated facts lead me to the conclusion that the Task Group is leaving the structural review staff and the applicant with the task of resolving these concerns.

I l


.i y-y



...1 7


4 George Lear NOV 181983 I conclude from my review of the Task' Group report that the NRC staff needs to start discussions with the applicant concerning the documentation of the rebar stresses as detemined from all available crack-width data, the


i usefulness and effectiveness of the strain gages proposed by BNL, and if more specific actions should be established now, or as results of meetings with the applicant'after the alert and/or action levels are reached. The applicant has contracted with Portland Cement Association (PCA) to review and evaluate all field data (cracks and deflection $ to evaluate potential and specific problems identified by the monitoring program. The staff was relying on this independent monitoring and evaluation by PCA in the acceptance of the monitoring requirements.

I understand the fact that some people may not fully understand the structural engineering technical aspects of this case and may consider the availability of any new document as solid ground for reopening the hearings on the DGB. However, based on the fact that no new evidence was uncovered in the preparation of the conclusions of the Task Group, that the structural adequacy of the DGB was assured, and that no specific detailed recommendations were made other than generic suggestions which the staff can request the applicant to resolve and then infom the board of the resolutions; I do not recommend, from the structural engineering technical point of view, to reopen the hearing on the structural safety of the DGB.

- <bM g4 Frank Rinaldi, Structural Engineer Structural Engineering Section B Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Branch Division'of Engineering


As stated 4


R. Vollmer J. Knight T. Novak p

T. Sullivan E. Adensam D. Hood W.-Paton P. Kuo L. Heller J. Kane G. Harstead.

't J. Matra


F. Rinaldi i

e 1

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Test to apply in deciding whether to recoc::1end that the hearing be reopened.

Is there new evidence that modifies the evidence of record?

For example, does the new evidence affect what was said by the witnesses (any or all) in such a way that something different I

would have been said if the information had been available before the testimony was given?

I The issue is one of " fairness to the board". If our feeling is that the evidence would not change our conclusions but that the i

j board nevertheless, should have the benefit of reviewing this i

new evidence to reach its conclusions, then we should recommend for reopening the record.

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i Are the facts or expert opinions in the ~DGB rasR Report that are different from facts or expert opinions now in evidence before the Licensing Board. (The~ facts and expert opinions referred to are i

significant facts and expert opinions,1. e - facts and expert opinions I

that could effect a conclusion with respect to the structural adequacy of the Diesel Generator Building)

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p WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555

,f k *.... /

November 23, 1983 kDM *'1


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j 5NF File "fr,VJ l

Docket Nos. 50-329 OM, OL and 50-330 OM, OL i

MEMORANDUM FOR:.The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for the Midland 1

Plant, Units 1 and 2 I


Thomas M. Novak, Assistant Director for Licensing Division cf Licensing



Board Notification 83-165 transmitted a report by a team of NRC structural j

engineers and consultants addressing the structural adequacy of the Midland Diesel Generator Building. Enclosed for your information is a memorandum from Dr. P. T. Kuo, team leader, containing four corrected pages for that report. Holders of the report are requested to remove pages 9,17, 20 and AII-4, and insert the corresponding corrected pages.

b Thomas M. Novak, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing l


P. T. Kuo tremo dated l

November 14, 1983 cc See next page T



i DEC 1 1383 e



DISTRIBUTION LIST FOR BOARD NOTIFICATION Midland Units 182, Docket Nos. 50-329/320 ACR$ Members Charles Bechhoefer, Esq.

Dr. Robert C. Axtmann Ms. Lynne Bernabei Mr. Myer Bender Lee L. Bishop, Esq.

Dr. Max W. Carbon 1

James E. Brunner, Esq.

Mr. Jesse C. Ebersole 1

Dr. John H. Buck Mr. Harold Etherington Myron M. Cherry, P.C.

Dr. William Kerr Dr. Frederick P. Cowan Dr. Harold W. Lewis T. J. Creswell Dr. J. Carson Mark l

Steve J. Galder, P.E.

Mr. William M. Mathis


Dr. Jerry Harbour Dr. Dade W. Moeller Mr. Wayne Hearn Dr. Milton S. Plesset i

Mr. James R. Kates Mr. Jeremiah J. Ray 1

Frank J. Kelley, Esq.

Dr. David Okrent i

Christine N. Kohl, Esq.

Dr. Paul C. Shewmon i

Mr. Howard A. Levin Dr. Chester P. Siess Mr. Wendell H. Marshall Mr. David A. Ward Michael I. Miller, Esq.

Thomas S. Moore, Esq.

Mr. Paul Rau Ms. Mary Sinclair Ms. Barbara Stamiris Frederick C. Williams, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Atomic Safety and Licensing I

Appeal Panel Docketing and Service Section Document Management Branch s


l' y.




Mr. J. W. Cook j

Vice President l

Consisners Power Company L

1945 West Parnall Road i

Jackson, Michigan 49201 cc: Stewart H. Freeman James G. Keppler, Regional Administrator Assistant Attorney General U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, i

State of Michigan Enviornmental Region III Protection Division 799 Roosevelt Road 720 Law Building Glen Ellyn Illinois 60137 Lansing, Michigan 48913 Mr. Ron Callen Mr. Paul Rau Michigan Public Service Commission i

Midland Daily News 6545 Mercantile Way 124 Mcdonald Street P.O. Box 30221 l

j Midland, Michigan 48640 Lansing, Michigan 48909 Mr. R. B. Borstan Geotechnical Engineers, Inc.

Nuclear Power Generation Division ATTN: Dr. Steven J. Poulos Babcock & Wilcox 1017 Main Street i

7910 Woodsont Avenue, Suite 220 Winchester, Massachusetts 01890 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Billie Pirner Garde Mr. Don van Farrowe, Chief Director, Citizens Clinic Division of Radiological Health for Accountable Government l

Department of Public Health Government Accountability Project P.O. Box 33035 Institute for Policy Studies Lansing, Michigan 48909 1901 Que Street, N.W.

Washington, D. C.

20009 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cosutission i

Resident Inspectors Office Commander, Naval Surface Weapons Center Route 7 ATTN: P. C. Huang l

Midland, Michigan '48640 n# tite Oak Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Mr. Paul A. Perry, Secretary Constaners Power Company Mr. L. J. Auge, Manager 212 W. Michigan Avenue Facility Design Engineering i

Jackson, Michigan 49201 Energy Technology Engineering Center P.O. Box 144g Mr. Walt Apley Canoga Park, California 91304 c/o Mr. Max Clausen Battelle Pacific North West Labs (PNWL)

Mr. Neil Gehring Battelle Blvd.

U.S. Corps of Engineers SIGMA IV Building NCEED - T Richland, Washington 99352 7th Floor e


'477 Michigan Avenue l


Mr. I. Charak, Manager Detroit, Michigan 48226 l

NRC Assistance Project i

Argonne National Laboratory ATTN: Clyde Herrick 9700 South Cass Avenue Franklin Research Center Argonne, Illinois 60439 20th & Kace Streets Philidelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 Mr. Patrick Bassett


Energy Division l

Norwest Bank Minneapolis, N.A.

Sth and Marquetts Minneapolis, MN 55479

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,., i WASHINGTON. D. C. 20555 ye


EV141983 MEMORANDUM FOR: James P. Knight; Assistant Director for Components & Structures Engineering


Division of Engineering l


. Pao-Tsin Kuo, Section Leader Structural Engineering Section B Structural & Geotechnical Engineering Branch Division of Engineering




Enclosed are corrected pages 9,17 and 20 of the report and page 4 of 1

Appendix II to the report. Please remove from the report the affected f

pages and insert the enclosed corrected ages.

0 l/

l. b lLa -

r r

Pao-Tsin Kuo SectiocLJ er Structural Engineering Section B i

Structural & Geotechnical Engineering Branch Division of Engineering


As stated cc w/ encl:

H. Denton D. Eisenhut R. Vollmer od W. Paton N. Romney


C. Tan R. Lar.dsman, RIII F. Rinaldi J. Kane


C. P. Tan, SGEB l

X28424 H. D. Romney, SGEB X28987


4 i

l g



i i.

analysis of a single through crack in a subsection of the east wall of the i

DGB by using the Automatic Dynamic Incremental Non-linear Analysis (ADINA)


computer program. The purpose"of this analysis was to evaluate the ultimate


capacity of a concrete section containing a single crack. As such, the results of the analysis are of only limited value in assessing the effects of 4

the cracks. As a further attempt to resolve the concerns on cracking, the Applicant sought the opinion of Professor M. A. Sozen of the University of Illinois. On the basis of the crack patterns and crack-size, Prof. Sozen estimated the stresses in the rebar across the cracks to be in the range of


20 to 30 ksi.

The structural engineering staff reviewer also made his own assessment by combining the rebar stresses estimated from crack widths with stresses resulting from the Applicant's analyses for other operating loads. It showed that the resultant stress was within the acceptance criteria (Tr.11086).

In order to assure the structural integrity of the DGB, the Applicant has proposed a crack monitoring and evaluation program to be used during the life of the DGB, in addition to an initial repair program. Specific acceptance criteria (i.e. alert limits and action limits) for crack width and crack width increases have been established by the Applicant and appr'oved by the structural engineering staff reviewer.

e 1





-1 '


. j of dead, live, tornado and earthquake loads, and therefore it is l

expected to be able to resist these loads and their loading combinations


with adequate margins of s'afety as designed. However, as a result of


settlement which was not considered in the original design, the margins of safety have been reduced to sone extent and there is some uncertainty 4

as to its capability to resist the design loads. The purpose of monitoring the cracks is to insure that if there is any change in the 1

i condition of the structure it will be observed and appropriate actions can be taken, if necessary. The structural engineering staff reviewer has accepted the Applicant's proposed crack size criteria and corrective action to be taken when the allowed sizes are exceeded. The Task Group is of the opinion that, while the approach is reasonable.

details of the program should be further examined and improved. It should also be noted that the crack monitoring program should be in


complement with a settlement monitoring program, since any assessment based on either of the two monitoring programs alone n.ay be misleading.


Before assessing the structural adequacy of the DGB, let us examine I

general characteristics of structures in their capability 'to adapt to the settlement of the foundation soil. Structures may be classified as highly flexible, practically flexible, highly rigid and practically-I I'

i j


4 "

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. I The DGB design, as indicated by Applicant's analyses, is controlled by the tornado wind. Under such a load, especially the postulated internal



pressure, the full strength of the walls will be mobilized, and there will be a redistribution of the load, if there exist localized high stress areas. This will also be true if the seismic loads are considered. One can make such judgments on the basis of the observation that the DGB is a highly redundant structure. The structural elements are not columns ar.d beams. They are heavy reinforced concrete walls and

- I slabs. With necessary repair work to be done and with adequate monitoring programs, there is reasonable assurance that the structural l

integrity of the DGB will be maintained and its functional requirement will be fulfilled.



Most of our conclusions have been expressed in our coments to the concerns. They may be sumarized as follows:


Analyses of the DGB either by linearizing the settlements or by applying the settlements as measured render unrealistic results.

The stresses due to settlement are either underestimated or overestimated. A realistic analysis would be one which simulates the stage-by-stage construction of the DGB, and uses the actual and more detailed settlement measurements at each stage. However, such settlement history for the DGB does not exist. For this reason, the Task Group believes that a rigorous analysis to compute rebar t

stresses is unattainable.


m n

4 4

He indicated that there was not sufficient settlement data points to i

make a reasonable stress analysis. To obtain the required input, Mr.

l' Matra stated that he linearly interpolated between the mehsured settlement data points. As expected there was extremely high stress in 8

areas where no cracks in concrete were observed. Both Dr. Harstead and Mr. Matra mentioned that stresses depended on higher order derivatives.

These higher order derivatives cannot be determined accurately from the five measured data points. Mr. Rinaldi indicated the most appropriate method of estimating rebar stresses due to settlement was to estimate stresses from crack widths. This method produced rebar stresses that j

ranged from 3.2 to 27.6 ksi which when added to the stresses from the controlling load cases was less than the 54 ksi allowable. Mr. Rinaldi described the crack monitoring-program the Applicant agreed to 4

l (0.05"/10' as alert limit and 0.06" or 0.020"/10' as action limit).

Finally, Mr. Rinaldi and Mr. Matra indicated that the controlling load case for the DGB was tornado depressurization which assumed the DG8 to I

be unvented which is conservative considering the building is vented.

Mr. Rinaldi documented his response to Landsman's concerns ^1 a memo in i


I i

l t

Task Grcup Audit of Design Calculation l

The Task Group visited the Bechtel, Ann Arbor, Michigan offices on



_ September 12 and 13,1983. ~ The purpose of the visit was to conduct an audit of the structural design calculations of the Midland DGB.

i A II - 4


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E WASHINGTON D. C. 20555 4/gp ydSF a,



November 21, 1983 2;,o scs es-ci tl v


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Docket Nos: 50-329 OM, OL and 50-330 OM, OL MEMORANDUM FOR: The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for the Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2 FROM:

Th'omas M. Novak, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing i




This Notification is provided in accordance with NRC procedures regarding Board Notifications and is deemed to provide new information material and relevant to quality assurance / quality control issues in the Midland OM-OL proceeding. As noted in Enclosure 1, Consumers Power Company (the Applicant) issued a stop work order on November 3,1983, because of duplicate welding criteria contained within eight Project Quality Control Instructions (POCIs) used to control inspections of support welds for electrical instrumentation.

A concern arisas from the potential that, if a PQCI is revised, not all other PQCIs with duplicate welding criteria may be revised accordingly. In such a case, inspections could be performed to req':irements which should have been superceded.

Initiation of phase I of the Applicant's Construction Completion Procram (CCP) with respect to inspection of electrical inspection support welds could I

be affected by this stop work order in the future. At present, however, no work is being, nor has been performed because of earlier stop work orders reported by BN 83-167. The NRC staff and Stone and Webster, the third party overviewer of the CCP, will monitor the Applicant's corrective actions regard-ing the eight PQCIs. The staff will report further to the Board as resolu-tions are achieved.



i Thomas M. Novak, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing


R. Warnid memo dated November 8,1983 cc: See next page i


NOV 2 81983




I i

Midland Units I&2, Docket Nos. 50-329/330 ACRS Members Charles Bechhoefer, Esq.

Dr. Robert C. Axtmann Ms. Lynne Bernabei Mr. Myer Bender Lee L. Bishop Esq.

Dr. Max W. Carbon James E. Brunner, Esq.

Mr. Jesse C. Ebersole Dr. John H. Buck Mr. Harold Etherington l

Myron M. Cherry, P.C.

Dr. William Kerr

,f Dr. Frederick P. Cowan Dr. Harold W. Lewis i

T. J. Creswell Dr. J. Carson Mark 1

Steve J. Galder, P.E.

Mr. William M. Mathis l

Dr. Jerry Harbour Dr. Dade W. Moeller j

Mr. Wayne Hearn Dr. Milton S. Plesset Mr. James R. Kates Mr. Jeremiah J. Ray Frank J. Kelley, Esq.

Dr. David Okrent e

Christine N. Kohl, Esq.

Dr. Paul C. Shewmon Mr. Howard A. Levin Dr. Chester P. Siess i

Mr. Wendell H. Marshall Mr. David A. Ward Michael I. Miller, Esq.

Thomas S. Moore, Esq.

Mr. Paul Rau Ms. Mary Sinclair Ms. Barbara Stamiris l

Frederick C. Williams, Esq.

i j

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel j

Docketing and Service Section i

Document Management Eranch f

4 i

t m-r

.- w

e p


Mr. J. W. Cook l

Vice President Co.isumers Power Company 1945 West Parnall Road Jackson, Michigan 49201 cc: Stewart H. Freeman James G. Keppler, Regional Administrator Assistant Attorney General U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, State of Michigan Enviornmental Region III Protection Division 799 Roosevelt Road 720 Law Building Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 l'

Lansing, Michigan' 48913 Mr. Ron Callen l

Mr. Paul Rau Michigan Public Service Commission Midland Daily News 6545 Mercantile Way l

124 Mcdonald Street P.O. Box 30221 1

Midland, Michigan 48640 Lansing, Michigan 48909 1

Mr. R. B. Borsum Geotechnical Engineers, Inc.

Nuclear Power Generation Division ATTN: Dr. Steven J. Poulos Babcock & Wilcox 1017 Main Street 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 2M Winchester, Massachusetts 01890 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Billie Pirner Garde Mr. Don van Farrowe, Chief Director, Citizens Clinic Division of Radiological Health for Accountable Government Department of Public Health Government Accountability Project t

P.O. Box 33035 Institute for Policy Studies Lansing, Michigan 48909 1901 Que Street, N.W.

Washington, D. C.

20009 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Resident inspectors Office Commander, Naval Surface Weapons Center l

Route 7 ATTM: P. C. Huang Midland, Michigan 48640 White Oak i'

Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Mr. Paul 4. Perry, Secretary Consumers Power Company Mr. L. J. Auge, Manager j

212 W. Michigan Avenue Facility Design Engineering Jackson, Michigan 49201 Energy Technology Engineering Center P.O. Box 1449 Mr. Walt Apley Canoga Park, California 91304 i

c/o Mr. Max Clausen t

Battelle Pacific North West Labs (PNWL)

Mr. Neil Gehring l

Battelle Blvd.

U.S. Corps of Engineers

$1GMA IV Building NCEED - T Richland, Washington 99352 7th Floor 477 Michigan Avenue Mr. 1. Charak, Manager Detroit, Michigan 48226 NRC Assistance Project Argonne National Laboratory ATTN: Clyde Herrick 9700 South Cass Avenue Frenklin Research Center l

Argonne, Illinois 60439 20th & Race Streets Ph111delphia, Pennsylvania 19103 l

Mr. Patrick Bassett Energy Division Norwest Bank Minneapolis, N.A.

8th and Marquetts Minneapolis, MN 55479

3 UNITED STt.Tss q

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NOV 0 8 Gar t


D. G. Eisenhut, Director, Division of Licensing, NRR FROM:

.R. F. Warnick, Director, Office of Special Cases



In accordance with present NRC peceedures regarding Board Notifications, the following information is being provided as constituting new information rele-g g3 vant and material to the Midland OM/0L proceedings. This information deals with the licensee's November 3,1983, decision to issue a stop werk order pertaining g

to eight Project Quality Control Instructions (PQCI's) which control the in-spection of electrical instrumentation support velds.

1 D !

The eight PQCI's contain duplicate welding criteria. The potential exists that if a PQCI was revised, then all other PQCI's having duplicate velding criteria may not be revised. As a result, inspections could be performed to supere,eded requirements. This issue was identified by Stone and Webster during their over-b::

view of the Construction Completion Program (CCP).

No work was being performed which was affected by the stop work order, however,

'Of the order will prevent the licensee from initiating phase 1 of the CCP as it M) relates to the inspection of electrical instrumentation support welds until c'

corrective actions have been taken and the stop work order rescinded.

D If you have any questions or desire further information regarding this matter, f.,

please call me.


4 R. F. Warnick, Director Office of Special Cases i

i k

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{gF November 21, 1983 i


4-Docket Nos: 50-329 OM, OL k


and 50-330 OM, OL A3

,-d i



MEMORANDUM FOR: The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for

.the Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2 j


Thomas M. Novak, Assistant Director for Licensing i

L Division of Licensing I



This Notification is provided in accordance with NRC procedures regarding j

Board Notifications and is deemed to provide new information material and relevant to safety issues in the OM-OL proceeding. On September 14 and 15, 1983, the NRC and its consultants audited revised calculations for the design adequacy of the Midland Auxiliary Building reflecting the results of an i

underpinning pier load test. The test results had indicated that the soil i

i modulus for the base of the underpinning should be 1500 KSF rather than the 3000 KSF used in the original analysis; thus, Bechtel revised its structural analysis using }" of settlement rather than i". The audit meeting was sunenarized by R. Warnick's letter of October 5,1983, and copies were pro-vided to the ASLB and hearing parties. During the course of this audit, the 1

NRC received additional information which calls into question the validity of the assumptions upon which the staff's acceptance of the underpinning design was based. The additional information is reflected in paragraphs d, e and g i

of R. W. Warnick's memorandum of October 11, 1983 (Enclosure 1). The infonna-i tion concerns (1) the manner in which differential settlement has been applied.

in the applicant's structural stress calculations. (2) the absence of limits i

for upward movement of the structure during jacking operations, (3) the i

acceptability of the actual measured upward movement due to jacking, and (4) the extent to which settlement stresses ca, be jacked out of the completed structure.

i Paragraph d of Enclosure 1 notes that the stress calculations for 1" of dif-ferential settlement at the southern edge of the Control Tower results from a l

settlement gradient that begins at the center of the main Auxiliary Building, l

rather than a point at the northern edge of the Control Tower. Application.

of the 1" gradient over this longer distance is inconsistent and non conserva--

tive with respect to the prior review performed by the staff which led to t

acceptance of the 1" differential settlement in Supplement 2 to the.SER, page 2-40.'

The staff is presently evaluatino the effects of this recent infonna-tion and believes a solution can be reached by establishing a future differen-i l

tial settlement limit in the Technical Specifications that~will be based on field monitoring records. The limit to be established will assure the integ-i rity of the inv lved structures.



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. Paragraphs e and g of Enclosure 1 call into question 1) what should be the upward movements of the structures during jacking operations and 2) whether or not the stresses due to settlements prior to and during underpinning construc-tion can be completely jacked out of the completed structure. With respect to the upward movements, the staff understands that the east EPA has been jacked to 91 mils of upward movement and the west EPA has been jacked to 70 mils.

Upward movement in excess of 30 mils has not been reviewed by the staff. On the issue of stresses due to settlement, and underpinning operations, the allowable jacking loads are limited by a concern for redistribution of stresses following upward movement of the structures. The applicant's analysis, relied upon by the staff, assumed no significant residual stress due to earlier settlements for the completed underpinned structure and, there-fore, may not be sufficiently conservative. We understand

+h=+ Raginn TTT has verbally _imented a hold en further jacking in excess of that nrovinusiv

_' reviewed by the NRC staff pendino establishment Of allowable jackinQ limits.

The issues associated with this and other information from the September design audit are presently being reviewed by NRR in accordance with R. Warnick's request by Enclosure 1.

The staff's response to Enclosure 1, once available, will be provided to the Board.

Thomas M. Novak, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing


R. Warnick memo dated October 11, 1983.

cc: See next page i

i i

t 1

e t





Midland Units 1&2, Docket Nos. 50-329/330 ACRS Members I

Charles Bechhoefer, Esq.

Dr. Robert C. Axtmann Ms. Lynne Bernabei Mr. Myer Bender Lee L. Bishop, Esq.

Dr. Max W. Carbon James E. Brunner, Esq.

Mr. Jesse C.-Ebersole Dr. John H. Buck Mr. Harold Etherington P.C.

Dr. William Kerr Myron M. Cherry. Ocwan Dr. Frederick P.

Dr. Harold W. Lewis j'

T. J. Creswell Dr. J. Carson Mark


Steve J. Galder, P.E.

Mr. William M. Mathis Dr. Jerry Harbour Dr. Dade W. Moeller Mr. Wayne Hearn Dr. Milton S. Plesset Mr. James R. Kates Mr. Jeremiah J. Ray Frank J. Kelley, Esq.

Dr. David Okrent Christine N. Kohl, Esq.

Dr. Paul C. Shewmon Mr. Howard A. Levin Dr. Chester P. Siess Mr. Wendell H. Marshall Mr. David A. Ward Michael I. Miller, Esq.

Thomas S. Moore, Esq.

Mr. Paul Rau Ms. Mary Sinclair Ms. Barbara Stamiris Frederick C. Williams, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel Docketing and Service Section Document Management Branch


t 4-emme +

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O q

4 i.

MIDLAND (For BNs) l l

Mr. J. W. Cook l

Vice President i

Consumers Power Company i

1945 West Parnall Road l

Jackson, Michigan 49201 I

cc: Stewart H. Freeman James G. Keppler, Regional Administrator Assistant Attorney General U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, State of Michigan Enviornmental Region III i

Protection Division 799 Roosevelt Road j

720 Law Building Glen Ellyn Illinois 60137 Lansing Michigan 48913 i



Mr. Ron Callen Mr. Paul Rau Michigan Public Service Commission Midland Daily News 6545 Mercantile Way i

124 Mcdonald Street P.O. Box 30221 Midland, Michigan 48640 Lansing, Michigan 48909 Mr. R. B. Borsum Geotechnical Engineers, Inc.

i Nuclear Power Generation Division ATTN: Dr. Steven J. Poulos Babcock & Wilcox 1017 Main Street 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 220 Winchester, Massachusetts 01890 l

Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Billie Pirner Garde i

Mr. Don van Farrowe, Chief Director, Citizens Clinic Division of Radiological Health for Accountable Government Department of Public Health Government Accountability Project P.O. Box 33035 Institute for Policy Studies Lansing, Michigan 48909 1901 Que Street, N.W.

Washington, D. C.

20009 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Resident Inspectors Office Commander, Naval Surface Weapons Center Route 7 ATTN: P. C. Huang i

1 Midland, Michigan 48640 White Oak Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Mr. Paul A. Perry, Secretary Consumers Power Company Mr. L. J. Auge, Manager i

212 W. Michigan Avenue Facility Design Engineering Jackson, Michigan 49201 Energy Technology Engineering Center P.O. Box la49 Mr. Walt Apley Canoga Park, California 91304 i

c/o Mr. Max Clausen Battelle Pacific North West Labs (PMWL)

Mr. Neil Gehring Battelle Blvd.

U.S. Corps of Engineers SIGMA IV Building NCEED - T Richland, Washington 99352 7th Floor 477 Michigan Avenue l

Mr. I. Charak, Manager Detroit, Michigan 48226 NRC Assistance Project Argonne National Laboratory ATTN: Clyde Herrick 9700 South Cass Avenue Franklin Research Center i

Argonne, Illinois 60439 20th & Race Streets l

Philidelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 f

Mr. Patrick Bassett j

Entrgy Division Norwest Bank Minneapolis, N. A.

8th and Marquetts i

Minneapolis, MN 55479 L



. ~




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k REGloN HI s(

2-l too noosavsLT noao GLsN sLLYM. ILLINots 40137

,[4 i

OCT 1 1 ssy i

i f


D. G. Eisenhut, Director, Division of Licensing, NRR l


R. F. Warnick, Director, Office of Special Cases l


On September 14 and 15, 1983, an NRC team comprised of Messrs. J. Kane and F. Rinaldi of NRR; Mr. R. Landsman of RIII and Consultants S. Poulous and G. Harstead, audited the licensee reanalysis of the Midland Au.;iliary l

Building. This audit was performed at the Bechtel Office in Ann Arbor, Michigan. As a result of the audit, the team identified several design 4

concerns and issues requiring resolution. These are referred to the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation for action as appropriate, j


The design of the remedial soils slab fix at Elev. 659 (i.e. the eye bars) was performed to ACI 318 and not to ACI 349. The acceptability of the l

licensee's decision to use ACI 318 in lieu of ACI 349 needs to be i


i i


In view of the critical nature of the eye bars, the question arose as to the need for some type of monitoring on this fix (i.e. strain gages)

I due to the anticipated settlement over the life of the plant. Do moni-toring requirements need to be imposed?


Because of the anticipated differential settlement expected to occur during the life of the plant, the control tower will be pulling away fron'the main auxiliary building. Has the mechanical branch determined that equipment between the two buildings can withstand this elongation?

t' d.

The licensee performed an analysis on differential settlement of the l

buildings that was different from that which the NRC anticipated. The staff expected the differential settlement to be measured between the edge of the main auxiliary building and the edge of the control tower..In.


reality, the licensee performed an analysis using the center of the main auxiliary building as one point instead of the edge. Thus,'for the requested 0.25" differential settlement analysis, the actual' value was 0.17", and for the requested 0.50" differential, the actual value was 0.24".

Is the licensee's analysis acceptable to NRR7 i


There appears to be a lot of confusion as to what upward building move-ments the licensee and NRC staff should allow during underpinning. What are the allowable upward movements during jacking operations?

i f.

The licensee stated that existing structures were analyzed according to ACI 318 as agreed to with NRR. The SSER #2 states that the buildings have been checked against ACI 349. Is this acceptable to NRR7 q~.L)/}A8k?


,.a O

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9 ocT 1 1 G83^

D. G. Eisenhut 2

j g.

The analysis of the existing structures has been performed by assuming that the existing settlement stresses will be removed during the i


permanent underpinnk ;,ching. The audit team feels that the existing I

stresses cannot '; Jacked out in their entirety and must be included in


'the final analysis of the building. What is the NRC position in regards to including existing settlement stresses in the analysis?

4 Should you or members of your staff need additional information, please feel l

free to contact R. Landsman (388-5587).

I 1

RFLOa~h R. F. Wenick, Director i

Office of Special Cases

'l cc:

J. C. Stone, IE E. G. Adensas, NRR J. D. Kane, NRR F. Rinaldi, NRR I.

f i

u 3

I W-f...


r) r M


D. G. Eisenhut, Director, Division of Licensing, NRR FROM:

R. F: Warnick, Director, Office of Special Cases



I l

In accordance with present NRC procedures regarding Board Notifications, the 4

j following information is being provided as constituting new information rele-vant and material to the Midland OM/0L proceedings..This information deals with i

the licensee's November 3,1983, decision to issue a stop work order pertaining to eight Project Quality Control Instructions (PQCI's) which control the in-


spection of electrical instrumentation support welds.

The eight PQCI's contain duplicate welding criteria. The potential exists that i

j if a PQCI was revised, then all other PQCI's having duplicate welding criteria may not be revised. As a result, inspections could be performed to superceded i.

requirements. This issue was identified by Stone and Webster during their over-view of the Construction Completion Program (CCP).

j No work was being performed which was affected by the stop work order, however, the order will prevent the licensee from initiating phase 1 of the CCP as it relates to the inspection of electrical instrumentation support welds until corrective actions have been taken and the stop work order rescinded.

j If you have any questions or desire further information regarding this matter, please call me.


" Original signed by R. F. Ihrr.fck" R. F. Warnick, Director Office of Special Cases 3

i l

i t

RI hr RIItk RIII gg Ga ner/ls Harriso9 Warnick


11/07/83 Q%1fgI


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-t WASHINGTON, D. C. 20666 gg k..... j!

October 28, 1983 ffr#

5hisa L

m Docket Nos.: 50-329 OM, OL Md W


  1. ^

N'l 1

J and 50-330 OM, OL

,=NF FIto Q, i

E MORANDUM FOR: The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for the Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2 FROM:

Thomas M. Novak, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing j-l



This Notification is provided in accordance with NRC procedures regarding Board Notifications and is deemed to provide new information relevant and material to quality assurance issues in the Midland OM/0L proceedings.

! notes that on October 22, 1983, Consumers Power Company (the i

applicant) stopped extensive safety-related activities at the Midland site I

by issuing nine stop work orders. The orders result from the applicant's 1

audit which determined (1) that field design changes were not being identi-d fled on all applicable construction drawings, (2) that the effects of minor i

design changes on design criteria were not being recalculated, and (3) that the quality assurance organization was not reviewing design changes i

i for non-safety-related work which might affect safety-related systems. The 4

i nine stop work orders cover procurement activities, testing, NSSS installation, i

piping and pipe sopport fabrication, remedial soils work. HVAC system installa-l tion, Bechtel quality control (QC) hanger reinspections, Bechtel QC activities,.

and Bechtel post-turnover. activities.

j i

The enclosure also note that the applicant's corrective action will involve an extensive documentation review and that the duration of this i

review has not yet been determined. Significant layoffs of workers are indicated.

i The NRC will follow the applicant's corrective actions and will provide followup informattun to the Board as significant resolutions are achieved.

M Thomas M. Novak, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing t e cc: Licensee / Boards Service List NOV 7153




  • '6-m 1


Midland Units I&2, Docket Nos. 50-329/330 ACRS Members Charles Bechhoefer, Esq.

Dr. Robert C. Axtmann Ms. Lynne Bernabei Mr. Myer Bender Lee L. Bishop, Esq.

Dr. Max W. Carbon James E. Brunner, Esq.

Mr. Jesse C. Ebersole Dr. John H. Buck Mr.' Harold Etherington Myron M. Cherry, P.C.

Dr. William Kerr i

Dr. Frederick P. Cowan Dr. Harold W. Lewis T. J. Creswell Dr. J. Carson Mark Steve J. Galder, P.E.

Mr. William M. Mathis Dr. Jerry Harbour Dr. Dade W. Moeller Mr. Wayne Hearn Dr. Milton S. Plesset 1

Mr. James R. Kates Mr. Jeremiah J. Ray Frank J. Kelley, Esq.

Dr. David Okrent i

l Christine N. Vel, Esq.

Dr. Paul C. Shewmon Mr. Howard A.,avin Dr. Chester P. Siess Mr. Wendell H. Marshall Mr. David A. Ward i

Michael I. Miller, Esq.

Thomas S. Moore, Esq.

Mr. Paul Rau Ms. Mary Sinclair Ms. Barbara Stamiris Frederick C. Williams, Esq.

4 l

l Atomic Safety and Licensing


Board Panel Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel Docketing and Service Section l

Document Management Branch I




Mr. J. W. Cook Vice President Constsners Power Company 1945 West Parnall Road Jackson, Michigan 49201 cc: Stewart H. Freeman James G. Keppler, Regional Administrator Assistant Attorney General U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, State of Michigan Enviornmental Region III Protection Division 799 Roosevelt Road 720 Law Building.

Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Lansing, Michigan 48913 Mr. Ron Callen Mr. Paul Rau Michigan Public Service Commission Midland Daily News 6545 Mercantile Way I

124 Mcdonald Street P.O. Box 30221 Midland, Michigan 48640 Lansing, Michigan 48909 Mr. R. B. Borsum Geotechnical Engineers, Inc.

Nuclear Power Generation Division ATTN: Dr. Steven J. Poulos l

Babcock & Wilcox 1017 Main Street 7910 Woodsont Avenue, Suite 220 Winchester, Massachusetts 01890 4

Bethesda, Maryland 20814 g

1 Mr. Mn van Farrowe, Chief Director, Citizens Clinic Division of Radiological Health for Accountable Government Departnert of Public Health Government Accountability Project P.O. Box 33035 Institute for Policy Studies Lans,ing Michigan 48909 1901 Que Street, N.W.

Washington, D. C.

20009 i

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Ressunt Inspectors Office Commander, Naval Surface Weapons Center Route 7 ATTN: P. C. Huang Midland, Michigan 48640 White Oak I

Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Mr. Paul A. Perry, Secretary, Consumers Power Company Mr. L. J. Auge. Manager 212 W. Michigan Avenue Facility Design Engineering Jackson, Michigan 49201 Energy Technology Engineering Center P.O. Box 1449 Mr. Walt Apley Canoga Park, California 91304 c/o Mr. Max Clausen Battelle Pacific North West Labs (PNWL)

Mr. Neil Gehring 4

Battelle Blvd.

U.S. Corps of Engineers SIGMA IV Building NCEED - T Richland, Washington 99352 7th Floor 477 Michigan Avenue Mr.1. Charak, Manager Detroit, Michigan 48226 NRC Assistance Project Argonne National Laboratory 9700 South Cass Avenue Argonne Illinois 60439 l



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Oct 2 5 sg3-D. C. Eisenhut, Director, Division of Licensing, NRR IBMORANDUM FOR:

R. F. Warnick, Director, Office of Special Cases



i In accordance with present. NRC procedures regarding Board Notifications, the following information is being provided as constituting new information This information relevant and material to the 211dland ON/0L proceedings.

deals with the licensee's October 22, 1933, decision to stop safety-related These activities at the Midland site by issuing nine stop work orders.

were issued as the re: ult of a quality assurance audit of the design document l

The pertinent facts that relate to the stop work are as control system.


The stop work orders included procurement activities, testing, nuclear 3

I steam supply system installation, piping and pipe support fabrication, remedial soils work, heating, ventilating and air conditioning systes installation, Bechtel quality control hanger reinspections, Bechtel Sechtel quality control activities, and Bechtei post-turnover activities.

The licensee is the architect-engineer and principal site contractor.

estimates 500 to 600 workers will be laid off as a result of the stop work i

l orders.

The licensee's audit determined that field design changes were not being identified on all applicable construction drawings, that the effects of l

ninor design changes on design criteria were not being recalculated, and that the quality assursace organisation was not reviewing design changes for non-safety-related work which night affect safety-related systems.

The licensee's correctiva action will involve the review of 30,000 field design change documents. Each document involves an average of 1.7 construction drawings. The licensee has not determined how long the docu-i neat review will take.

l If you have any questions or desire further information regarding this matter, plasse es11 se.

l Alhl2t.oGA:

R. F. Warnick, Director Office of Special Cases l

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October 28, 1983 ija; 3.;, p

>r and 50-330 OM, OL 39 4

- (N Docket Nos: 50-329 OM, OL Elo


s m

illF 1 FIto n,y I

MEMORANDUM FOR: The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board l

for the Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2 FROM:

Thomas M. Novak,, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing



This Notification is provided for your information in accordance with NRC pro-cedures regarding Board Notifications and is deemed to provide new information material and relevant to quality assurance issues in the Midland OM/0L pro-ceeding. As stated in the enclosure, on October 5, 1983, Babcock and Wilcox (B&W) decided to stop all its seismic Class I pipe hanger and snubber activi-ties and lay off 132 craft and support personnel. The decision resulted from inspections by Bechtel and B&W which identified various discrepancies in the manufacture and installation of hangers and a number of deficiencies, including welding and bolting problems.

The NRC plans to follow the corrective actions which will result from this stop-work order and will provide follow up information to the Board once com-pleted.


.. Q -;; p,.d

-Thomas M. Novak, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing


Memorandum from R. F. Warnick to D. G. Eisenhut dated October 17 i

1983 cc: SECY OPE OGC Parties to the Proceeding i

I i

t I

h s



-.s s




1 Midland Units 1&2, Docket Nos. 50-329/330 ACRS Members Charles Bechhoefer, Esq.

Dr. Robert C. Axtmann Ms. Lynne Bernabei Mr. Myer Bender Lee L. Bishop. Esq.

Dr. Max W. Carbon James E. Brunner, Esq.

Mr. Jesse C. Ebersole Dr. John H. Buck Mr. Harold Etherington Hyron M. Cherry, P.C.

Dr. William Kerr Dr. Frederick P. Cowan Dr. Harold W. Lewis i

T. J. Creswell Dr. J. Carson Mark Steve J. Galder, P.E.

Mr. William M. Mathis i

i Dr. Jerry Harbour Dr. Dade W. Moeller i

Mr. Wayne Hearn Dr. Milton S. Plesset Mr. James R. Kates Mr. Jeremiah J. Ray Frank J. Kelley, Esq.

Dr. David Okrent Christine N. Kohl, Esq.

Dr. Paul C. Shewmon Mr. Howard A. Levin Dr. Chester P. Siess Mr. Wendell H. Marshall Mr. David A. Ward Michael !. Miller, Esq.

l Thomas S. Moore, Esq.

Mr. Paul Rau Ms. Mary Sinclair Ms. Baroara Stamiris Frederick C. Williams, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel i

Atomic Safety and Licensing


Appeal Panel Docketing and Service Section Document Management Branch l


5 e

1 4

... m-


Mr. J. W. Cook Vice President Consmers Power Company 1

1945 West Parnall Road I

) Jackson, Michigan 49201 l

1 cc: < Stewart H. Freeman dames G. Keppler, Regional Administrator Assistant Attorney General U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Connission, State of Michigan Enviornmental Region III Protection Division 799 Roosevelt Road 720 Law Building Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Lansing, Michigan 48913 Jr. Ron Callen 4tr. Paul Rau Michigan Public Service Commission j

Midland Daily News 6545 Mercantile Way 124 Mcdonald Street P.O. Box 30221 i

Midland, Michigan 48640 Lansing, Michigar 48909 8

  • r. R. B. Borsum Geotechnical Engineers, Inc.

Nuclear Power Generation Division ATTN: Dr. Steven J. Poulos Babcock & Wilcox 1017 Main Street 7910 Woodsont Avenue, Suite 220 Winchester, Massachusetts 01890 Bethesda, Maryland 20814

  • illie Pirner Garde l

44r. Don van Farrowe, Chief Director, Citizens Clinic Division of Radiological Health for Accountable Government Department of Public Health Government Accountability Project P.O. Box 33635 Institute for Policy Studies


Lansing, Michigan 48909 1901 Que Street, N.W.

Washington, D. C.


p.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Resident Inspectors Office Commander, Naval Surface Weapons Center Route 7 ATTN
P. C. Huang Midland, Michigan 48640 White Oak Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Afr. Paul A. Perry, Secretary Consmers Power Campany ite. L. J. Auge, Manager 212 W. Michigan Avenue Facility Design Engineering Jackson, Michigan 49201 Energy Technology Engineering Center

'P.O. Box 1449 4tr. Walt Apley Canoga Park, California 91304 i

c/o Mr. Max Clausen Battelle Pacific North West Labs (PMWL)

  • . Neil Gehring Battelle Blvd.

U.S. Corps of Engineers SIGMA IV Building NCEED - T l

Richland, Washington 99352 7th Floor 477 Michigan Avenue W. I. Charak, Manager Detroit, Michigan 48226 NRC Assistance Project Argonne National Laboratory 9700 South Cass Avenue Argonne, Illinois 60439-



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', (

_E WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 j - i n _*; ) _ _

%J * *'s.o#

October 26, 1983 3

u_ l p:

Docket Nos: 50-329 OM, OL fB 1 l

and 50-330 GM, OL OI IR ie : fa-l MEMORANDUM FOR: The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for j

the Midland Plant, Units 1 & 2 f


Thomas M. Novak, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing SUBJEC.:


By earlier Board Notifications83-109, 83-142 and 83-153, the NRC has described the structural adequacy of the Midland Diesel Generator Building (DGB)garding its plan to address the concerns of Dr. Ross Landsman of Region III re

. The plan included the preparation of a report on the adequacy of the DGB by a team of NRC structural engineers and consultants. That report, and an accompanying coverletter by the team head, Dr. P. T. Kuo, is enclosed (Enclosure 1) for your information. provides the applicant's results of a modified finite-element analysis of the DGB which was requested by the review team on September 12, 1983, but which was not provided to a schedule consistent with issuance of.

The modified analysis is discussed in Section 2.4.2 to Appendix III of Enclosure 1.

The NRC is currently reviewing Enclosure = 1 and 2 to determine its impact, if any, on existing staff positions. The staff plans to prepare a response to Congress relative to the concerns expressed by Dr. Landsnan before the Subcom-mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs on June 16, 1983. The effort is pro-ceeding on a high priority basis. Results will be reported as they beceme available.

l m,-

Thomas M. Novak, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing


As Stated cc: See next page t

i OCT311983



-e as** r



  1. rgy.


  1. m.
  • - i

/N g


Midland Units 1&2, Docket Nos. 50-329/330 ACRS Members 4

Charles Bechhoefer, Esq.

Dr. Robert C. Axtmann Ms. Lynne Bernabei Mr. Myer Bender Lee L. Bishop, Esq.

Dr. Max W. Carbon James E. Brunner, Esq.

Mr. Jesse C. Ebersole Dr. John H. Buck Mr. Harold Etherington Myron M. Cherry, P.C.

Dr. William Kerr


Dr. Frederick P. Cowan Dr. Harold W. Lewis T. J. Creswell Dr. J. Carson Mark l

Steve J. Galder, P.E.

Mr. William M. Mathis Dr. Jerry Harbour Dr. Dade W. Moeller Mr. Wayne Hearn Dr. Milton S. Plesset Mr. James R. Kates Mr. Jeremiah J. Ray

't Frank J. Kelley, Esq.

Dr. David Okrent I,

Christine N. Kohl, Esq.

Dr. Paul C. Shewmon Mr. Howard A. Levin Dr. Chester P. Siess i

Mr. Wendell H. Marshall Mr. David A. Ward Michael I. Miller, Esq.

Thomas S. Moore, Esq.

l Mr. Paul Rau i

Ms. Mary Sinclair Ms. Barbara Stamiris Frederick C. Williams, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Atomic Safety and Licensing Appec1 Panel Docketing and Service Section Document Managerent Branch -

'l i




.. i } '






Mr. J. W. Cook i

Vice President Consumers Power Company 1945 West Parnall Road Jackson, Michigan 49201 cc: Stewart H. Freeman James G. Keppler, Regional Administrator Assistant Attorney General U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, l

State of Michigan Enviornmental Region III l

Protection Division 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 720 Law Building

,48913 Lansing, Michigan Mr. Ron Callen


Mr. Paul Rau Michigan Public Service Commission Midland Daily News 6545 Mercantile Way j

124 Mcdonald Street P.O. Box 30221 i

Midland, Michigan 48640 Lansing, Michigan 48909 i

Mr. R. B. Borsum Geotechnical Engineers, Inc.

i Nuclear Power Generation Division ATTN: Dr. Steven J. Paulos 3

Babcock & Wilcox 1017 Main Street 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 220 Winchester, Massachusetts 01890 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Billie Pirner Garde i

Mr. Don van Farrowe, Chief Director, Citizens Clinic Division of Radiological Health for Accountable Government Department of Public Health Government Accountability Project P.O. Box 33035 Institute for Policy Studies I.

Lansing, Michigan 48909 1901 Que Street, N.W.

Washington, D. C.

20009 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Resident Inspectors Office Commander, Naval Surface Weapons Center Route 7 ATTN: P. C. Huang Midland, Michigan 48640 White Oak Silver-Spring, Maryland 20910 Mr. Paul A. Perry, Secretary Consumers Power Company Mr. L. J. Auge, Manager 212 W. Michigan Avenue Facility Design Engineering

' Jackson, Michigan 49201 Energy Technology Engineering Center P.O. Box 1449 Mr. Walt Apley Canoga Park, California 91304 c/o Mr. Max Clausen i

Battelle Pacific North West L.-bs (PNWL)

Mr. Neil Gehring i

- Battelle Blvd.

U.S. Corps of Engineers l

SIGMA IV Building NCEED - T-Richland, Washington 99352 7th Floor 477 Michigan Avenue Mr. I. Charak, Manager Detroit, Michigan 48226 NRC Assistance Project Argonne National Laboratory 9700 South Cass Avenue 1

Argonne, Illinois '60439 i

I i


.9 y


l q

q Consumers l Power Company


j otne : is4s w.n P.casi ao.a. a.em.on, w 4saoi. tsi?> 7ss-osso October 14, 1983 l

Harold R Denton Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 l

MIDLAND ENERGT CENTER MIDLAND DOCKET NOS 50-329, 50-330 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY NRC STAFF AT THE TECHNICAL AUDIT OF THE DIESEL GENERATOR BUILDING FILE: B3.0.3 SERIAL: 25867 This letter transmits to the NRC Staff the information requested at the September 12, 1983 Technical Audit of the Diesel Generator Building (DGB) in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The information provides a comparison of rebar stresses resulting from two analyses in which the forty-year estimated settlements (Settlement Case 23) were performed or a finite-element model of the DGB. The model and the referenced settlement case were previously discussed by Mr Karl Wiedner at the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) hearing held on December 8 & 9, 1982.

l Table 1 gives the stresses for settlements imposed at 10 boundary nodes around the DGB foundation; specifically. 5 nodes on the south wall, and 5 nodes en the north wall. These nodes are located at the intersection of cross walls with north and south walls. This analysis was performed for information purposes only and was carried out during April of 1982.

Table 2 gives stresses for the same settlement case as above, however, this time, settlement values were imposed at 66 boundary nodes around the DGB foundation. The settlement values were obtained by fitting smooth fourth-order polynomial curves through the same settlement values for the 10 node points on i

the north and south walls stated above. Likewise, this analysis was performed l

for information purposes only and at the suggestion of the NRC Staff during the aforementioned audit.


I f,D,) f



i OC1083-0035A-MPO4 y


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    • r



p 9

2 Tabulated rebar stresses for the majority of the elements for both cases are considerably in excess of the allowable value (54 ksi). For the elements with maximum stress values in the the same category the rebar stress values obtained from the second analysis-(Table II) are consistently higher than those obtained from the first analysis (Table I),

i l

l RJE/MFC/bjv l

CC RJCook, Midland Resident Inspector j

JGKeppler,' Administrator, Region III i

DHood, NRC a

FRinaldi, NRC PTKuo. NRC GLear, NRC GHarstad, Consultant JMatra, NSWC MReich, BNL CMiller, BNL CConstancino, BNL JKane, NRC RLandsman, Region III i

s t

~. j l

1 t

l t.

t i-1 OC1083-0055A-MPO4

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r-Q 5

l 1

i CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY Midland Units 1 and 2_

Docket No 50-329, 50-330 Letter Serial 25867 Dated October 14, 1983 At the request of the Commission and pursuant to the Atomic Energy Acts of 1954, and the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended and the Commission's Rules and Regulations thereunder, Consumers Power Company submits information requested by the NRC during the DG3 audit held on September 12, 1983.


/s/ R J Erhardt R J Erhardt Executive Manager - Midland Project i

Sworn and subscribed before me this 17th day of October,

/s/ Alva C Robinsen Notary Public Jackson County, Michigan My Constission Expires _0ctober 1,198o.


l I

h OC1083-0055A-MPO4 i





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OCT 2 5 1983' l

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D. G. Eisenhut, Director, Division of Licensing, NRR l -.


R. F. Warnick, Director, Office of Special Cases t



u j

In accordance with present NRC procedures regarding Board Notifications, the following information is being provided as constituting new information relevant and material to the Midland OM/0L proceedings. This information


deals with the licensee's October 22, 1983, decision to stop safety-related t

activities at the Midland site by issuing nine stop work orders. These I

were issued as the result of a quality assurance audit of the design document control system. The pertinent facts that relate to the stop work are as i


i The stop work orders included procurement activities, testing, nuclear steam supply system installation, piping and pipe support fabrication, j

remedial soils work, heating, ventilating and air conditioning system installation, Bechtel quality control. hanger reinspections, Bechtel quality control activities, and Bechtel post-turnover activities. Bechtel is the architect-engineer and principal site contractor. The licensee estimates 500 to 600 workers will be laid off as a result of the stop work j


4 The licensee's audit determined that field design changes were not being 3

l identified on all applicable construction drawings, that the effects of minor design changes on design criteria were not being recalculated, and that the quality assurance organization was not reviewing design changes for non-safety-related work which might affect safety-related systems.

-t The licensee's corrective action will involve the review of 30,000 field design change documents. Each document involves an average of 1.7 construction drawings. The licensee has not determined how long the docu-ment review will take.

If you have any questions or desire further information regarding this matter,,

please call me.


" Original signed by.R. F. Warnick" s-R. F. Warnick, Director.

Office of Special Cases l

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ff October 24, 1983 l^

  • w, e, Docket Nos: 50-329 OM, OL f.

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and 50-330 OM, OL f<


!aA ML File

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l MEMORANDUM FOR: The Atomic Lafety and Licensing Board for the Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2 i


Thomas M. Novak, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing



This Notification is provided in accordance with NRC procedures regarding Scard Notifications and is deemed to provide information material and relevant to safety issues in the Midland OM/0L proceeding. As stated in the Enclosure, on September 28, 1983, the Consumers Power Company (CPCo) issued a stop work order on all "Q" soil drilling and pile driving after drilling into structural concrete. The stop work order shall remain in effect until CPCo implements action to correct this incident and to ensure no reoccurrence.

The NRC plans to follow CPCo's corrective actions and will provide follow up information to the Board when it becomes available.



i Thomas M. Novak, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing Enclosure-Memorandum from R. F. Warnick to D. G. Eisenhut dated October 5, 1983 cc: See next page l

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00131 o








DISTRIBUTION LIST FOR BOARD NOTIFICATION Midland Units 1&2, Docket Nos. 50-329/330 ACRS Members l

Charles Bechhoefer, Esq.

Dr. Robert C. Axtmann Ms. Lynne Bernabei Mr. Myer Bender Lee L. Bishop, Esq.

Dr. Max W. Carbon James E. Brunner, Esq.

Mr. Jesse C. Ebersole 1. Jcha K. Busk Mr. Harold Etherington Myron M. Cherry, P.C.

Dr. William Kerr Dr. Frederick P. Cowan Dr. Harold W. Lewis T. J. Creswell Dr. J. Carson Mark Steve J. Galder, P.E.

Mr. William M. Mathis Dr. Jerry Harbour-Dr. Dade W. Moeller Mr. Wayne Hearn Dr. Milton S. Plesset Mr. James R. Kates Mr. Jeremiah J. Ray i

Frank J. Kelley, Esq.

Dr. David Okrent 1

Christine N. Kohl, Esq.

Dr. Paul C. Shewmon

- j Mr. Howard A. Levin Dr. Chester P. Siess Mr. Wendell H. Marshall Mr. David A. Ward

- Michael I. Miller, Esq.

Thomas S. Moore, Esq.

Mr. Paul Rau Ms. Mary Sinclair Ms. Barbara Stamiris Frederick C. Williams, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Atomic Safety and Licensing

. Appeal Panel Docketing and Service Section Document Management Branch 4

-l i


l I

i MIDLAND (For BNs) i Mr. J. W. Cook Vice President l

Consumers Power Company 1945 West Parnall Road Jackson, Michigan 49201 cc: Stewart H. Freeman James G. Keppler, Regional Administrator Assistant Attorney General U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, State of Michigan Enviornmental Region III Protection Division 799 Roosevelt Road l'

720 Law Building

Lansing, Michigan 48913 Mr. Ron Callen Mr. Paul Rau Michigan Public Service Commission Midland Daily News 6545 Mercantile Way l

124 Mcdonald Street P.O. Box 30221 Midland, Michigan 48640 Lansing, Michigan 48909 l

Mr. R. B. Borsum Geotechnical Engineers, Inc.

Nuclear Power Generation Division ATTN: Dr. Steven J. Poulos Babcock & Wilcox 1017 Main Street 1

7910 We %tont Avenue, Suite 220 Winchester, Massachusetts 01890 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 i

Billie Pirner Garde Mr. Don van Farrowe, Chief Director, Citizens Clinic Division of Radiological Health for Accountable Governr.ent Department of Public Health Government Accountability Project P.O. Box 33035 Institute for Policy Studies 1

i Lansing, Michigan 48909 1901 Que Street, N.W.

Washington, D. C.

20009 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Resident Inspectors Office Commander, Naval Surface Weapons Center Route 7 ATTN: P. C. Huang i

l Midland, Michigan 48640 White Oak Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Mr. Paul A. Parry, Secretary Constners Power Company Mr. L. J. Auge Manager 212 W. Michigan Avenue Facility Design Engineering Jackson, Michigan 49201 Energy Technology Engineering Center P.O. Box 1449 Mr. Walt Apley Canoga Park. California 91304 c/o Mr. Max Clausen Battelle Pacific North West Labs (PMWL)

Mr. Neil Gehring Battelle Blvd.

U.S. Corps of Engineers SIGMA IV Building NCEED - T Richland, Washington 99352 7th Floor 477 Michigan Avenue Mr. I. Charak, Manager Detroit, Michigan 48226 NRC Assistance Project

. Argonne National Laboratory 9700 South Cass Avenue l

Argonne, Illinois 60439 n;


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D. G. Eisenhut Director, Division of Licensing, NRR FROM:

R. F. Warnick, Director, Office of Special Cases l



In accordance with present NRC procedures regarding Board Notifications, j

the following information is being provided as constituting new information relevant and material to the Midland OM/0L proceedings. This information i

deals with the licensee's September 28, 1983, decision to stop all "Q" soil drilling and pile driving imposed as a reault of unknowingly drilling into structural concrete. The pertinent facts that : slate to the stop work are as follows:

o 1.

On September 20, 1983, the licensee began drilling piezometer BB-1 which is located in the control tower area near the main auxiliary building.


On September 22, 1983, concrete was encountered at E1. 594.3. Drilling was temporarily stopped until approval was obtained to resume based on existing borings which indicated a six inch concrete working slab at that i



On September 23, 1983, concrete was encountered at El. 583.5. Drilling i

was temporarily stopped until approval was obtained to resume based on i

existing borings which indicated ten feet of lean backfill concrete at.

that elevation.


On September 26, 1983 steel was encountered at El. 581.3. Drilling was temporarily stopped until approval was obtained to resume based on the assumption that the steel in question was scrap.


On September 27, 1983 the steel was cored through, retrieved and found to be one f6 reinforcing bar and one #11 reinforcing bar.- Cognizant individuals thought that there was a good possibility that this rebar had been used to reinforce the concrete backfill because of a crane mat used during earlier construction at that approximate location.

I Drilling 6.

On September 27, 1983, more steel was encountered at El. 580.1.

l was stepped and this time a more thorough review of drawings was made.

It became obvious that they had not drilled into fill concrete with added rebar, but into a structural strongback attached to the south side of the auxiliary building H-Line wall.


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D. G. Eisenhut

.2 OCT 5 1983' 7.

On September 28, 1983, the licensee issued Stop Work Order No. FSW-32 which stopped all "Q" soil drilling and pile driving.


On September 29 1983 the NRC was informed of this stop work. At this time all work remains stopped pending adequate corrective action to

' preclude drilling into structural concrete. This action includes revising the procedure to include a review of structur.1 drawings and not just buried utility drawings. Also retraining to the new procedure will be accomplished. All completed excavation permits w2.11 os reviewea to determine whether structural concrete has besa hit in the past and dis-


counted as lean concrete.

If you have any questions or desire further information regarding this matter, please call me.

1 1



'i R. F. Warnick, Director Office of Special Cases cc:

A. B. Davis i

J. J. Harrison R. N. Cardner R. B. Landsman R. J. Cook d

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