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Confirms Discussions Re Plan to Designate R Landsman as Region III Inspector Responsible for Conducting Insp of Underpinning Activities at Facilities.Related Info Encl
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 02/02/1982
From: Norelius C
To: Williams C
Shared Package
ML17198A223 List: ... further results
CON-BOX-11, FOIA-84-96 NUDOCS 8406120593
Download: ML20091P091 (48)


{{#Wiki_filter:.. - - - - - [#* N $%, NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 4 UNITED STATES { ) j.- ([,'. REGloN lli

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e otts e Ltvs. itusois sou? a-February 2, 1982 !!EMORA'iDD! FOR: C. C. Williams, Chief, Plant Systems Section FROM: Charles E. Norelius, Director, Division of Engineering and Technical Inspecticn l


INSPECTION PLANS FOR UNDERPINNING ACTIVITIES FOR SOILS WORK AT THE MIDLAND SITE This is to confirm our discussions that we plan to dedicate Ross Landsman l as the Region III inspector responsible for conducting the inspection of underpinning activities at the Midland site. In connection vith this assignment, I request that you do the following: I 1. Prepare a special inspection plan outlining the types of l inspections and frequency of inspections to be performed at the Midland site. This plan should be developed in conjunction with NRR to assure that it covers the unique technical issues they foresee in this project, and should be tied to the planned work schedule which has been received from Hidland. This plan should include the types of specialized inspections we anticipate which may require other types of technical specialists. 2. Even at such times as specialists are involved, I would like for Ross to participate in such inspections to assure continuity throughout this entire project. l 3. As part of the schedule you propose, I would like an estimate of l the time you think that will be required to carry out this inspection effort. r d/uA Y. auM Charles E. Norelius, Director Division of Engineering and Technical Inspection G. Gallagher, IE [ E. Jordan, IE cc: J. Gilray, NRR J. Knight, NRR R. Tedesco, NRR R. Spessard, RIII B. Davis, RIII W. Little, RIII 8406120593 840517 PDR FOIA I RICE 04-96 PDR u mm

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d. Power James W Cook
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/ 0 nce Pressdent - Projects Engsnervsng and Constructson Gene el oHkes: 1945 West Pernell Road. Jackson. MI 49201. (517) 788 0453 January 7, 1982 [l/ ~ i })f. j , i


-.4 .fr . ' hkh...- (,f]4 l Harold R Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation r - - --. US Nuclear Regulatory Commission r.r / v., Washington, DC 20555 J G Keppler Administrator, Region III US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 t MIDLAND PROJECT MIDLAND DOCKET NOS 50-329, 50-330 GENERAL QUALITY PLAN FOR THE UNDERPINNING ACTIVITIES, AND QUALITY PLANS AND Q-LIST ACTIVITIES FOR SERVICE WATER PUMP STRUCTURE AND AUXILIARY BUILDING UNDERPINNING ACTIVITIES FILE 0486.15, SERIAL 15424 ENCLOSURES: (1) GENERAL QUALITY PLAN FOR UNDERPINNING ACTIVITIES (2) QUALITY PLAN AND Q-LISTED ACTIVITIES FOR SPECIFICATION C-194 (3) QUALITY PLAN AND Q-LISTED ACTIVITIES FOR SPECIFICATION C-195 The general Quality Plan and the quality plans for the activities associated with the underpinning of the service water pump structure and auxiliary building have been developed. The quality plans for the Service Water Pump Structure and the Auxiliary Building underpinning will be incorported in Technical Specifications C-194(Q) and C-195(Q), respectively. These quality plans also include the Q-listed activities for the work covered in the specifications. The quality plans for the specifications will be controlled as the specifications are controlled, while the general Quality Plan will be controlled as a separate document. JAN-8 882 oc0182-0002a100 g, j vv y -vy - p

o 2 The h'RC's timely consideration of the enclosed documents would be appreciated. 1 A presentation of these quality plans is scheduled to be given to both Region III and NRR personnel at Glen Ellyn on January 12, 1982. JVC/RLT/dsb CC Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board, w/o CBechhoefer, ASLB, w/o AJCappucci, NRC. w/a MMCherry, Esq. w/o FPCowan, ASLB, w/o RJCook, Midland Resident Inspector, w/o RSDecker, ASLB, w/o WPHaass, NRC,,w/a JHarbour, ASLB, w/o DSHood, NRC, w/a (2) DFJudd, B&W, w/o JDKane, NRC, w/a FJKelley, Esq, w/o BBLandsman, NRC Region III, w/a VHMarshall, Esq, w/o WDPaton, Esq w/o FRinaldi, NRC, w/a BStamiris, w/o 1 l oc0132-0002a100 l

J o ENCLOSURE 1 1 QUALITY PLAN FOR UNDERPINNING ACTIVITIES GENERAL All activities for the remedial soils work will be covered by the existing Consumers Power Company and Bechtel Power Corporation Topical Reports CPC-1-A and BQ-TOP-1, Revision IA, respectively. This Quality Plan provides a more detailed' written description of the accomplishment of activities specific to the soils remedial work. The senior management consisting of J W Cook as Vice President of Projects, Engineering and Construction (Consumers Power Company) and J A Rutgers, Midland Project Manager for Bechtel Power Corporation (CPCo's contractor for the Midland Nuclear Plant), will review and approve major decisions and design concepts regarding remedial soils work. J A Mooney, CPCo Midland Project Office Executive Manager, and A J Boos, Bechtel Assistant Project Manager, will manage the remedial soils work. J F Fisher, Bechtel Construction Remedial Soils Group Supervisor, will coordinate the Bechtel and Subcontractor field activities. W R Bird (Manager of MPQAD) and D E Horn (Civil Section Head) will manage the remedial work with the overview of B W Marguglio (Director of Environmental and Quality Assurance). The specific Quality Plan and Q-list activities are defined in attachments to the Technical Specifications for Underpinning (7220-C-194 and 7220-C-195). Organizations involved with the underpinning are defined in the Functional Matrix, Attachment I and as follows:

l ENCLOSURE 1 i 2 QUALITY PLAN FOR UNDERPINNING ACTIVITIES CPCo Project Management - Sets policy, coordinates licensing review, and submittals to the NRC. CPCo Design Production - Provides client desisu 1. pit and performs reviews of and comments on Bechtel Design Documents. CPCo Site Management - Monitors remedial activities with respect to commercial type items, construction activities such as equipment care, labor and production. Bechtel Project Management - Coordinates with client and sets policy for Bechtel organizations. Bechtel, Project, Engineering - Establishes design criteria and reviews input from non-Bechtel sources. Originates and controls design documents for construction. j Bechtel Project Geotechnical Engineer - Functions as Project Engineering's Geotechnical representative on project. Performs geotechnical reviews related to design criteria and procedures. Interfaces with Geotech Services and Resident Geotechnical Engineer. Bechtel Construction Remedial Soils Group - Performs the overall on-site management of all Remedial Soils Group remedial underpinning activities including construction

ENCLOSURE I 3 1 {ALITY PLAN POL UNDERPINNING ACTIVITIES coordination between Bechtel, NRC, CPCo and Subcontractor. Provides direction over Subcontractor activities, and shall be the single point of contact between Subcontractor and Bechtel, NRC CPCo and other agencies. Geotech Services - Provides design and field geotechnical services as requested by Project Engineering. Resident Geotechnical Engineer - Performs foundation inspection and geotechnical on-site monitoring of related construction activities. Interfaces with the Project Geotechnical Engineer. Bechtel Quality Control (QC) - Performs first-line inspection verification of site Q-list activities. Reviews safety-related construction procedures. Midland Project Qcality Assurance (MPQAD) - Provides the quality assurance for all remedial work including work done by Bechtel and Bechtel Subcontractors. Develops quality plans, reviews safety-related design documents and construction procedures. Performs over-inspections and pre planned audits

ENCLOSURE 1 4 QUALITY PLAN FOR UNI)ERPINNING ACTIVITIES of Q-list activities as defined in the quality plans. Subcontractor - Perform construction activities as contracted for, within the framework of the Midland Project Quality Program. Consultant - Provides advice to Bechtel Project Engineering or Bechtel Construction (Remedial Soils Group) on construction methods, design, instrumentation or geotech. DESIGN CONTROL + Design Control for the remedial underpinning of the Auxiliary Building (Electrical Penetrations and Control Structure) and Feedwater Isolation Valve Pit fill material replacement and Service Water Pump Structure will be provided by Project Engineering. Engineering Department Procedures (EDPs) and i Engineering Department Project Instructions (EDPIs) will provide the controls for Engineering activities which are responsive to the Quality Program l requirements. Design criteria will be developed from design input from consultants, the i Hidland Plant Safety Analysis Report, 50.54(f) responses submitted to the NRC i staff, meetings with and submittals to the NRC staff, and testimony during the ASLB Soils hearing. Design documents, including specifications and drawings (as well as changes and revisions to these documents), will be reviewed and checked for compliance to design requirements by Bechtel Project Engineering. Design documents will be reviewed by Quality Control, NPQAD, Project Geotech and Construction. -~ - --

ENCLOSURE 1 5 QUALITY PLAN TOR UNDERPINNING ACTIVITIES MPQAD will act as the focal point for the assurance of the resolution of quality related comments. Technical specifications and revisions thereof will be generated, reviewed, I approved, and controlled by Bechtel Project Engineering in accordance with ^ EDP 4.49. Initial specifications will also be reviewed by CPCo Design i Producticn and comments submitted to Bechtel Project Engineering. Specification Change Notices (SCNs), used as interim change documents between re>isions of the specification, will receive the same level of review and approval by Bechtel Project Engineering as the basic specifications. Specification Change Notices shall be administered and controlled in accordance with EDPI 4.49.1. d Project Engineering will prepare, review, approve, issue and control design drawings in accordance with EDP 4.46. Changes to engineering drawings will receive the same level of review and approval as the basic drawing and are i administered in accordance with EDP 4.47 and EDPI 4.47.1. i Bechtel design calculations shall be originated, checked, approved. controlled and documented by Project Engineering in accordance with EDP 4.37. All design l calculations submitted by the consultant will be checked, reviewed and l approved by Bechtel Project Engineering. Bechtel Construction Remedial Soils Group will request from or notify Project Engineering of changes to design documents by Field Change Requests (FCRs) and Field Change Notices (FCNs), respectively. The FCRs will be reviewed, evaluated, dispositioned, controlled and administered in accordance with EDP 4.62. FCNs will allow Field Construction to initiate field changes in design i' l 1 J m

ENCLOSURE 1 6 QUALITY PIf.N FOR UNDERPINNING ACTIVITIES documents within the allowable guidelines of Field Procedure FPD-2.000 as provided by Project Engineering. FCNs will be reviewed, evaluated, dispositioned, controlled and administered according to EDPI 4.62.1. The design interf ace for the underpinning activities betveca Project Engineering, project groups, technical support groups and consultants will be ] administered as illustrated in Attachment 2, Design Document Interface Flowchart. Geotech design and calculation reviews will be accomplished per EDPI 4.25.1. The Subcontractor will receive design documents from Field Document Control to be utilized for construction. 4 7 Inspections will be performed by Bechtel QC to verify that construction is being performed,to the latest revisions of the design documents; audits and/or i overinspections will be conducted by MPQAD. Field geotechnical activities, including subgrade acceptance, will be accomplished in accordance with l EDPI 2.14.8. PROCUREMENT AND RECEIVING = i All procurement of Q-list items and services for the remedial underpinning work will be done by Bechtel employing the technical and quality requirements established in the specifications and drawings. Q-material requisitions will be originated by Bechtel Construction Remedial Soils Group in accordance with FPG-8.000. Bechtel Construction Remedial Soils Group will be responsible for assuring that applicable regulatory requirements, design bases, speci-fications, procedures and drawings are included and referenced in the procurement docue d. Tbe Field Procurement Department will initiate formal purchase orders and will be responsible for ensuring that the procurement 1

ENCLOSURE 1 7 QUALITY PLAN FOR UNDERPINNING ACTIVITIES package is complete and includes all of the information required by the supplier. MPQAD will review and approve procurement documents in accordance with MPQAD Procedure M-5 to assure that necessary quality program requirements are included. Upon rec'eipt of Q-material, inspections will be performed by Quality Control in accordance with PSP G-5.1 to verify items comply with the procurement package requirements and quality verifications packages are complete. Quality verification packages will be reviewed for availability, traceability and legibility by Bechtel QC and audited by MPQAD (MPQAD Procedure F-lM). In addition, a technical review will be performed by Bechtel QC for non-shop inspected items. PREPARATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PROCEDURES / INSTRUCTIONS All Q-list activities performed by Bechtel or the Subcontractor to support construction will be controlled by approved procedures and/or instructions. Written instructions to the Subcontractor will be in the form of engineering i specifications, drawings, and approved changes thereto. The G-321D form (controlled by EDP 4.50) attached to the specifications identify the procedures to be submitted by the Subcontractor prior to the start of fabrication and construction. These procedures will be logged, controlled, and distributed by the Field Document Control Center and will be reviewed by Project Engineering, Bechtel QC, Bechtel Construction Remedial Soils Group, NPQAD and Consultants as defined in Appendix A of the Quality Plan and Q-listed activitie's for each technical specification. Project Engineering will define the quality attributes of each procedure utilizing the

ENCLOSURE 1 8 QUALITY PLAN FOR UNDERPINNING ACTIVITIES l Q-listed activities called out in Section 4.3 of the Quality Plans. These procedures, when approved by Bechtel Project Engineering, Bechtel QC and MPQAD, will provide authorization for fabrication / construction to proceed. INSPECTION, EXAMINATION, TEST AND CALIBRATION Quality verification, inspection and testing of all Bechtel and Subcontractor Q-list activities will be performed by Bechtel Quality Control, independent of the Subcontractor and the Bechtel Construction Remedial Soils Group. Bechtel QC will prepare inspection plans (in accordance with PSP G-6.1 and G-1.1) utilizing inputs from technical specifications, design drawings and Subcontractor procedures. Project Quality Control Instruction (PQCIs) will be prepared to cover all Bechtel and Subcontractor Q-list activities. Existing PQCIs will be adapted for standard construction activities such as concrete batching, placement and testing, and reinforcing steel installation. Additional PQCIs will be developed as necessary to verify new underpinning activities such as temporary support installation, load transfer and threaded reinforcing connectors. All PQCIs will be subject to MPQAD review according to MPQAD Procedure E-2H. In addition, inspection and test activities will be monitored by MPQAD through the use of overinspection plans based on an l independent evaluation of design and procurement documents (MPQAD Pro-cedure E-1M). The Subcontractor will be indoctrinated to Bechtel QC and HPQAD l 4 procedures and inspection planning to assure that hold and witness inspection points included as an integral part of the Subcontractor's procedures, will be adhered to.

ENCLOSURE 1 9 QUALITY PLAN FOR UNDERPINNING ACTIVITIES Test will be performed to qualify, demonstrate or assure that the quality of procured items or completed construction is as defined in applicable engineering drawings and procurement documents. Calibration, maintenance and control of measuring and test equipment will be provided by an approved agency which will be pre qualified by NPQAD. This agency will provide for traceability to National Standards, the unique identification of each instrument or equipment requiring calibration, the establishment of calibration frequencies, and the identification of calibration status. Calibration records will be maintained by the agency and ' transmitted to Bechtel Construction Remedial Soils Group for review. At the completion of the subcontract, these records will be turned over to Bechtel ~ Quality Control. Performance and effectiveness of the agency will be verified by NPQAD audits and/or overinspections in accordance with MPQAD Procedures F-IM and E-lH. HANDLING AND STORAGE All Q-list materials will be stored and handled in accordance with general Field Procedures FPG 4.000 and 5.000 and supplemented by the Subcontractor's procedure. Storage and handling of material and equipment will be subject to Bechtel QC inspection and verification according to PSP G-5.1 and HPQAD overinspections and/or audits. (NPQAD Procedures E-1H and F-1H). DOCUMENT CONTROL AND QUALITY RECORDS I Subcontractor documents which are to be submitted for review and comment by i Bechtel Project Engineering, Bechtel QC and MPQAD will be controlled by the Field Document Control Center (FDCC) in accordance with FPD 1.000. Prior to

ENCLOSURE 1 20 QUAI.ITY PLAN FOR UNDERPINNING ACTIVITIES the start of work, the Subcontractor will submit construction procedures as required by the specifications, purchase orders and/or drawings to Bechtel Construction Remedial Soils Group. Bechtel Construction Remedial Soils Group and the FDCC will distribute the procedures for review and approval as defined in the quality Plans for the underpinning activities. Bechtel Project Engineering will be responsible for resolving review comments. All quality records will be controlled by EDPs 5.16 and 5.24, Bechtel QC Procedure PSP G-7.1 and MPQAD Procedures F-11M and F-12M. These procedures will prescribe the requirement for preparation, control, distribution and transmittal of all Q-related procedures, specifications, drawings and inspection records. NONCONFORMING ITEMS AND CORREC'*IVE ACTION Nonconformances discovered during construction inspection activities will be documented and controlled by Bechtel QC in accordance with PSP G-3.2 and MPQAD in accordance with MPQAD Procedure F-2M. These procedures provide for the identification and documentation of the nonconforming item, identify the authority for and disposition of the nonconforming condition, and provide for documenting the reinspection and closecut of the nonconformance. Within the Midland Project Quality Program, the identification of significant and reportable items will be accomplished by Bechtel QC and MPQAD through the review of nonconformance reports, supplier surveillances and guality assurance audits. Corrective action for significant quality problems will be controlled by Bechtel PSP G-3.2 and MPQAD Frocedure F-3H. s s

i ENCLOSURE 1 11 QUALITY PLAN FOR UNDEkPINNING ACTIVITIES In the design phase, investigation of cause and action taken to preclude recurrance of design deficiencies will be accomplished through EDP 4.65. Design deficiencies include those items which are not identified in the cour'se of design development and which ultimately require changes. AUDITS Audits will be performed by MPQAD to verify conformance of Q-list activities. MPQAD Procedure F-1M includes provisions for the identification of deficiencies, the determination of corrective action, and the necessary follow up to verify that timely and effective action is taken. TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION All inspectors and quality auditors will be trained and certified in accordance with PSP G-8.1 or MPQAD Proceduras B-2M and/or B-3M. Subcontractor field supervisory and engineering personnel will be indoctrinated to the Midland Project Quality Program. This will include an introduction to the quality system, inspection techniques, nonconformance control, NRC activities, field and engineering design changes and site organizations and interfaces. The indoctrination will be completed prior to any work proceeding. The Subcontractor will be required to implement training for the procedures covering the Subcontractors Q-listed activities. l Y m

^ ENCLOSURE 1 List of Applicable Procedures Page 1 G e LIST OF APPLICABLE PROCEDURES 's 4 s f T 1 u k t

ENCLOSURE 1 List of Applicable Procedures PaEe 2 MIDLAND PROJECT QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTMENT PROCEDURES B-2M Personnel Training B-3M Qualification and Certification of Inspection and Test Personnel E-1M Site Inspection Planning and Site Inspection E-2M Review of Site Inspection Planning Prepared by others than MPQA F-1H Audit F-2M Nonconformance Reporting, Corrective Action and Statusing F-3M Resolution of Significant Quality Problems 'F-11H Documentation Control F-12M Quality Records ~ M-3 Review and Processing of Corrective Action Reports and Contractor Work Requests M-5 QA Review of Bechtel Field-Originated Procurement Documents ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PROCEDURES EDP - 4.37 Design Calculations EDP - 4.46 Project Drawings EDP - 4.47 Drawing Change Notice EDP - 4.49 Project Specifications EDP - 4.62 FCR/FCN EDP

  • 4.65 Design Deficiency EDP - 5.16 Supplier Document Control IDP - 5.24 Document Distribution control Center

l ENCLOSURE 1 List of Applicable Procedures Page 3 FIELD PhDCEDURES FPG-8.000 FMRs FPD-2.000 Field Change Request / Field Change Notice FPG-4.000 Storage Maintenance / Inspection of Equipment and Materials FPG-5.000 Maintenance / Inspection of Material and Equipment Released for Construction FPD-1.000 Field Documentation of Correspondence Control PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS PSP G-1.1 Assignment of Responsibilities, Manual Application and Control PSP G-3.2 Control of Nonconforming Items PSP G-5.'1 ~ Material Receiving and Storage Control PSP G-6.1 Inspection Planning PSP G-7.1 Document, Records and Correspondence Control PSP G-8.1 Qualification, Evaluation, Examination Training and Certification of Construction Quality Control Personnel ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS EDPI - 4.25.1 Design Interface Control (Internal) EDPI - 4.47.1 Interim Drawing Change Notice for the Midland Project 7220 EDPI - 4.49.1 Specification Change Notification EDPI - 4.62.1 Project Engineering Review of Field Change Notice Midland Project Job 7220 i i y

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  • lNTERFACING OROUPS tes defined by EDPI 4.25.1 ee appro**d ellernatel e DISCIPLINE ENGINEERING OnOUPS ASSION APPROVAL e CHIEr ENOINEER free EDP 4.34)


ENCLOTURE 2 QUALITY PLAN AND Q-LISTED ACTIVITIES FOE SPECIFICATION C-194 QUALITY PLAN AND Q-LISTED ACTIVITIES I.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this QA Plan is to provide the means by which to gain adequate confidence that the Service Water Pump Structure underpinning system is constructed according to design documents. This Plan describes the minimum procedural interfacing between the sub-contractor, contractor, consultant (s) and the Midland Project Quality Assurance Department. (MPQAD) 2.0 SUBMITTAL, REVIEW AND APPROVAL FOR Q-LISTED PROCEDURES 2.1 The procedures listed in Exhibit A will be submitted as a minimum by the subcontractor as specified in the contract documents. 2.2 The procedures will be routed for review, comment and approval according to the flow diagram in Exhibit B. 2.3 The groups responsible for review, comment and approval of procedures.will be as specified in Exhibit A. 3.0 CALIBRATION OF SUBCONTRACTOR FURNISHED EQUIPMENT j i 3.1 All subcontractor-furnished jacks, gages, and construction i equipment requiring calibration will be calibrated by an agency approved and audited by MPQAD. 4.0 QUALITY ACTIVITIES 4.1 Section 4.3 provides the Q-List. All Q-Listed hardware and installation will be performed in accordance with the Midland

ENCLOSURE 2 QUALITY PLAN AND Q-LISTED ACTIVITIES FOP SPECIFICATION C-194 Project Quality Assurance Program, and will be inspected by the Contractor's Quality Control organization and overinspected by the MPQAD. All other Q-Listed activities will also be performed in accordance with the Program and will be controlled by the Contractor's QC organization and the MPQAD. 4.2 Within thirty days prior to the scheduled start of but not limited to the following activities, meetings will be held between responsible personnel of Bechtel Construction Remedial Soils Group, MPQAD, Contractor QC and the Subcontractor. The adequacy and availability of technical criteria; Quality Control inspection plans; Subcontractor's procedures; schedule of Construction activites; the sequence and clarity of Q-List activities will be discussed. 1. Start excavation below 620'. 2. Start of final load transfer and lockoff. 4.3 For any work relating to the service water pump structure underpinning, the following activities will be Q-Listed. This is intended to be a complete Q-List for all activites unique to i underpinning other than design activities. Not all of these activities, however, will be within the Subcontractor's scope of l l work. 1. Document submittal, interface and control. l 2. Procuring Q-Listed items and materials. t 3. Storage, handling and control of Q-Listed materials.

ENCLOSURE 2 QUALITY PLAN AND Q-LISTED ACTIVITIES F0F SPECIFICATION C-194 4 Furnishing and installation of lagging and bracing under "Q" structures. 5. Excavation limits, control and sequence under "Q" structures. 6. Crack mapping and evaluation. 7. Calibration, maintenance, control and installation of gages and settlement monitoring instrumentation. 8. Monitoring of building movement instrumentation and pier pressure gages. 9. Fines monitoring of dewatering wells in "Q" areas. 10. Location and protection "Q" utilities, d 11. Geotechnical aceptance of su'agrade. 12. Fabrication and installation of reinforcing steel. 13. Certification of personnel performing splices. 14. Threading of reinforcing steel and installation of mechanical splices. 15. Drilling in "Q" structures for the installation of anchor bolts, rock anchors and dewatering wells. 16. Installation and inspection of anchor bolts and rock anchors. 17. Contpretsible material configuration and installation. 18. Testing of reinforcing steel and mechanical splices. .i ,_ ____--___--- - -^ - " 1

Procedures 72 Be 51bmitted My Th3 Subcontracter Org:nizcticn Re ponsible For Procedure Review & Appr5v01 c 0 a T8 e a 6 85 T a T DT 3" 38 %nb Q 23 8 88 888888 88 Mo muunau Hu Procedure for general underpinning - This procedure X 0 0 X X 0 shall include the overall concept of the work involved, including the interface of all the 1 operations listed below. Procedure for load transfer. X 0 0 X X 0 3 ' rocedure for placement of lean concrete backfill in X 0 X X P shafts and tunnel. ~ Procedure for installation of (including mixing) and X 0 X X pressure grouting. Procedure for placement of pier concrete. X 0 X X Procedure for acquiring and maintaining calibration X 0 X X of Jacks and gages. I Procedure for mechanical splicing of reinforcement. X 0 X X Procedure for threading of reinforcing steel. X 0 X X Procedure for installation of anchor bolts and rock X 0 X X anchors. LEGEND Procedure for installation of compressible material. X 0 X X REVIEW & APPROVAL .X Procedure for placing reinforcement including X 0 X X REVIEW & COMMEhT - 0 bending steel reinforcement (hot and cold), as applicable Procedure for core drilling. X 0 X X ENCLOSURE 2 EXHillIT A PAGE 1 OF 2 i

e ENCLOSURE 2 QUALITY PLAN AND Q-LISTED ACTIVITIES FCF SPECIFICATION C-194 19. Installation, inspection and testing of structural concrete, lean concrete, grout and drypack. 1 20. Repair of concrete in "Q" structures. 21. Calibrating, maintaining, installing and controlling of hydraulic jacks and pressure gages. 4 22. Load transfer activites. 23. Backfilling and acceptance testing for access shafts and tunnels in "Q" areas. ) 1 9 v x r

f Procedures 73 Be Srbeitted By Th2 Subcentractsr Org:nizatica Racponsible For Procedure Review & Apprcv 1 1 c 0 u U Y$ e u 6 25 TE T &T 3" 33 2" 20 fa 8 38 888888 m mo mummou 88 Procedure for concrete repairs. su X 0 X X , Procedure for excavation "Q" structures and the X 0 0 X X installation of lagging. Procedure for protection of underground utilities X 0 X X Procedure for preparing, submitting, and revising X 0 X X Q proced. ares. Procedure for handling, storing, and controlling X 0 X X Contractor-furnished materials. Procedure for design document control. X 0 0 X Procedures for interface and coordination X 0 0 0 X between the Subcontractor and the Contractor for activities covered by the QA Program. ~ Procedure for certifying Subcontractor Personnel X 0 X X specifically for AWS welding and mechanical splices. l Procedure for Training Program of Subcontractor LEGEND X 0 X X Personnel for the Q-Procedures covering the Subcontractors scope of work REVIEW & APPROVAL - X REVIEW & COMMENT - O as applicalbe ENCLOSURE 2 EXHIBIT A PAGE 2 OF 2 i







ENCLOSURE 3 QUALITY PLAN AND Q-LISTED ACTIV]TES FOR SPECIFICATION C-195 i QUALITY PLAN AND Q-LISTED ACTIVITIES 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this QA Plan is to provide the means by which to gain adequate confident that the Auxiliary Building (Electrical Penetration and control structure) underpinning system and Feedwater Isolation Valve Pit fill material replacement is constructed according to design documents. This Plan describes the minimum procedural interfacing between the sub-contractor, contractor, consultant (s) and the Midland Project Quality Assurance Department. (MPQAD) 2.0 SUBMITTAL, REVIEW AND APPROVAL FOR Q-LISTED PROCEDURES The procedures' listed in Exhibit A will be submitted as a minimum, 2.1 by the subcontractor as specified in the contract documents. 2.2 The procedures will be routed for review, comment and approval according to the flow diagram in Exhibit B. 2.3 The groups responsible for review, comment and approval of procedures will be as specified in Exhibit A. 3.0 CALIBRATION OF SUBCONTRACTOR FURNISHED EQUIPMENT 3.1 All subcontractor-furnished jacks, gages, and construction equipment requiring calibration will be calibrated by an agency i approved and audited by MPQAD. G 6 A

o ENCLOSURE 3 QUALITY PLAN AND Q-LISTED ACTIVITES F0k SPECIFICATION C-195 4.0 QUALITY ACTIVITIES 4.1 Section 4.3 provides the Q-List. All Q-Listed hardware and installation will be performed in accordance with the Midland Project Quality Assurance Program, and will be inspected by the Contractor's Quality Control organization and overinspected by the i MPQAD. All other Q-Listed activities will also be performed in accordance with the Program and will be controlled by the Contractor's QC organization and the MPQAD. 4.2 Within thirty days prior to the scheduled start of but not limited to the following activities, meetings will be held between responsible personnel of Bechtel Construction Remedial Soils Group, MPQAD, Contractor QC and the Subcontractor. The adequacy and availability of technical criteria; Quality Control inspection plans; Subcontractor's procedures; schedule of construction activities; the sequence and clarity of Q-List activities will be discussed. 1. Start construction of temporary underpinning. 2. Start construction of permanent underpinning wall. 3. Start of final load transfer and lockoff. 4.3 'For any work relating to the auxiliary building underpinning, the following activities will be Q-Listed. This is intended to be a o , complete Q-List for all activites unique to underpinning other than design activities. Not all of these activities, however, will be within the Subcontractor's scope of work. ~

ENCLOSURE 3 QUALITY PLAN AND Q-LISTED ACTIVITES F0E SPECIFICATION C-195 1. Document submittal, interface and control. 2. Procuring Q-Listed items and materials. 3. Storage, handling and control of Q-Listed materials. 4. Furnishing and installation of lagging and bracing under "Q" structures. 5. Excavation limits, control and sequence under "Q" structures. 6. Crack mapping and evaluation. 7. Calibration, maintenance, control and installation of gages and settlement monitoring instrumentation. 8. Monitoring of building movement instrumentation and pier pressure gages. 9. Fines monitoring oi dewatering welln in "Q" areas. 10. Location and protection "Q" utilities. 11. Geotechnical acceptance of subgrade. 12. Fabrication of steel grillage for temporary supports for "Q" structures. 13. Fabrications and installation of temporary supports for "Q" structures. l 14. Welding of temporary and permanent supports for "Q" structures. 15. Fabrication and installation of reinforcing steel.

ENCLOSURE 3 QUALITY PLAN AND Q-LISTED ACTIVITES FOR SPECIFICATION C-195 16. Certification of personnel performing splices. 17. Threading of reinforcing steel and installation of mechanical splices. 18. Drilling in "Q" structures for the installation of anchor bolts, rock anchors and dewatering wells. 19. Installation and inspection of anchor bolts and rock anchors. 20. Compressible material configuration and installation. 21. Testing of reinforcing steel and mechanical splices. 22. Installation, inspection and testing of structural concrete, lean concrete, grout and drypack$ 23. Repair of concrete in "Q" structures. 24. Calibrating, maintaining, installing and controlling of hydraulic jacks and pressure gages. 25. Load transfer activities. 26. Backfilling and acceptance testing for access shafts and tunnels in "Q" areas.

Procedure] T3 Be Sibnitted By The Subcentrccter Ors niz:tien Recpannible For Precedure Review & Approval e 0 a T8 m u o a 55 18 O DT 3" 38 2nQ R8 8 88 888888 %8 o. Mo m u M m cr u Hu Procedure for general underpinning - This procedure X 0 0 X X 0 shall include the overall concept of the work involved, including the interface of all the operations listed below. Procedure for load transfer. X 0 0 X X 0 Procedure for placement of lean concrete backfill in X 0 X X shafts and tunnel. Procedure for installation of (including mixing) X 0 X X and pressure grouting. Procedure for placement of pier concrete. X 0 X X Procedure for acquiring and maintaining calibration' X 0 X X of Jacks and gages. Procedure for mechanical splicing of reinforcement-X 0 X X Procedure for threading of reinforcing stee). X 0 X X Procedure for installation of anchor bolts and rock X 0 X X i anchors. I.EGEND Procedure for installation of compressible material. X 0 X X REVIEW & APPROVAL - X . Procedure for placing reinforcement including X 0 X X REVIEW & COMMENT - 0 bending steel reinforcement (hot and cold). as applicable Procedure for core drilling. X 0 X X 1 ENCI.OSURE 3 EXHIBIT A Page 1 OF 2

Procedures Ta Be Submitted By The Sxbecctrcctor Org nizstico R cpo sible For Procedure Review & Approval c o ~< u M e4 c ~~ ? %Do w 33 2" %dt e ER ,o eo ocoonc cr uc E EE SONESO V. NO Procedure for concrete repairs. X 0 X X Procedure for excavation "Q" structures and the X 0 0 X X installation of lagging. Procedure for protection of underground utilities X 0 X X ' Procedure for preparing, submitting, and revising X 0 X X Q procedures. Procedure for handling, stor'ing, and controlling X 0 X X Contractor-furnished materials. Procedure for design document control. X 0 0 X Procedures for interface and coordination X 0 0 0 X between the Subcontractor and the Contractor for activities covered by the QA Program. Procedure for construction of temporary supports including grillage. X 0 X X 0 W Procedure for welding. X 0 X X I.ECE N_D Procedure for ceritifying subcontractor personnel X 0 X X REVIEW & APPROVAL - X specifically for AWS welding and mechanical splices. REVIEV & COMMENT - 0 Procedure for Training Program of subcontractor X 0 X X as applicable personnel for the Q-Procedures covering the subcont,ractor scope of work. ENCLOSURE 3 EXHIBIT A Page 2 OF 2


  • GROUP FID 1.100 EDP 5.18 FDP 5.16 ORIGINATEtSUS40ff





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i DRAFT' / Y MPOAD REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS (ou4l4 ch (Taoesou) Ch a day-to-day basis, the HVAC section and the Quality Engineering Services section will report to Walt Bird.( Tue(esod Ch a day-to-day basis, the other section heads and the Assistant Manager-Administration and Special Projects will report to Ben Marguglio. Ch a day-to-day basis, the PQAE will comunicate and interface with either Walt or Ben, depending upon the above-noted division of responsibilities. In addition, on a day-to-day basis, Walt will continue to be responsible for all activities associated with 50.55(e) and Part 21 reports (ie, deter-mining reportability, preparing reports and following-up for problem resolu-tion). In addition, on a day-to-day basis, Walt will be responsible for the primary management role for the remedial soils work. It is inctnbent upon each section head, the PQAE and the assistant manager to notify either Walt or Ben of any significant items in accordance with the above-noted division of responsibility. . In Walt's absence, Ben shall be notified of Walt's items, and conversely, Walt shall be notified of Ben's items. BWM/da 11/30/81 e

~ FXitTRT MIDIAND PRnfFPr ORGANIZATION esecuseve arrace cnAnw:.=. ene sswer, AHO CnEF esecurwe ofrecea J e seter ANO voce enassuam J erAtAuee f I /- \\ t / roomets, emos u sq * - f amo comet.wcteoes .q g J w coon qu g - .. Mt./d '7 N metAmoroomer offeCe. QUAtlTV ASSUseANCe PoteCY & AUDs1 J w COoE FOR Att PESC DEPT AcTfveTIES voce passeent a w uAnoUoteo, oenecTon . e e mester Peemcr esassagen i g _______l l l r- ~, J Capert a oessow g L t.%t exwd. m ~_ amusenernarsees ouAtsty sete ^ scweente a coer tecausses recoucreces assunAsocs N Y J seatsvase a e eAuuAse a a atuse w a some o emeetten A e mettesenopp asaseAcem asaseseen BBAseAcee IsA#AseR MaesAsse esAseases i T sasPoAs) m o ~,v s S s g.a r.. NW& 6ee,. f,sasa s

. tuins itPA%fhetNT , e,,_ ~..., b led Leernd Ceaseel PN ConsumarS o.(; 6"..I PD'l!H Ex(\\'N B OT*.*:- welkom t noner C ,,r ' p 0 h I % h(h q - amummmmm, Me**s s Au=~rre Rebog J sywo Qs ~-e < n a-~ Boucady E Hepa General offices: 212 West Michtge,i Avenue. Jack son. MI 49201 e (517) 786 0550 Prarsens X Bestemmer II, e*,"'O* ' "., December 3, 1981 Chotes O Oewoose James W Oompiev John P Outhey Kevin F Outty R F Godbout R shard L Maines George F H.S Laurene H Heenany werne A Kevtby a Alben D Mccellwee Devid A Mekaleeue Charles Bechhoefer, Chairman

i. H uai.

WR j'* """* Atomic Safety and Licensing Board . United States Nuclear Regulatory Comm. Q" Z, Wcchir.gton, DC 20555 J-= O sh..= we e, s..a s,,= ATWm RE: DOCKET NO. 50-329, 50-330, OM & OL

  • ",, * ',]T,0 n,

au r. y.

Dear Chairman Bechhoefer:

On November 20, 1981, Jame.s W. Cook announced the appointment of B. W. 'Marguglio as a r. ember of the Midland Project Office, where he will report to Mr'. Cook, the Vice President of Projects, Engineering and Construction. Ir. hio new role, Mr. Margu,lio will assume dir-et-line responsibility for all Midland quality assurance activities. Mr. Marguglio's new appointment, establishes the presence of senior quality assurance management at the Midland site, as Marguglio will spend the majority of his time in residence at Midland through the completion of the job. Walter R. bird, the current manager of MPQAD, will continue in that capacity but will report directly to Mr. Marguglio, and will be based in Jackson. Mr.rguglio and Bird, wha testified and presented their credentials in .thi*s hearing, are in the process of revising administrative responsibilities to reflect Marguglio's new role. Mr. Donald Turnbull, who also previously testified, will also take responsibilities, primarily in the administration section of MPQAD. Apart from the aforementioned changes, the organization and reporting relationships of MPQAD and the project office were not altered. Marguglio will also c.ontinue in his function of administering the environmental ~ department and the quality assurance program for plant m6difications. Very truly yours, ,. Ja.nes Ee Brunner i g - p If, l,,) mita, f pw hO /$ CI C b5C t e,

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/ DRAFT' s s tASC G 17 MPOAD REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS on a day-to-day basis, the HVAC section and the Quality Ehgineering Services section will report to Walt Bird. On a day-to-day basis, the other section heads and the Assistant Manager-kiministration and Special Projects will report to Ben Marguglio. (h a day-to-day basis, the PQAE will communicate and interface with either Walt or Ben, depending upon the above-noted division of responsibilities. ( In addition, on a day-to-day basis, Walt will continue to be responsible for all activities associated with 50.55(e) and Part 21 reports (ie, deter-mining reportability, preparing reports and following-up for problem resolu-tion). In addition, on a day-to-day basis, Walt will be responsible for the primary management role for the remedial soils work. It is incumbent upon each section head, the PQAE and the assistant manager to notify either Walt or Ben of any significant items in accordance with the above-noted division of responsibility. In Walt's absence, Ben shall be notified of Walt's items, and conversely, Walt shall be notified of Ben's items. BWM/da 11/30/81 s. l

-y3m mggg s-

  • L. O G-li k/1*

llU. / p qui,xTy a m mamer Dl?Mm4Irr C-J pird G-J L Bichards (See'y) V PkAS dM* M [N/ Sf7E IDGJrCT QA V 3-3 M A Dietrich / Sur s trrpDENr

  1. 5-8 L Peterson (See'y) a;-S D M Turnbull C-8 D Araoute (Sec'y) e i


  • -5 8 E Bandle C-S W Dotr C-8 K Estterfielg B-3 J W Croy
  • -8 M F Budde
  • -3 R Ahere e.S R C Ntrse!

S-3 J C Shah C-8 C H Carlie

  • -5 S Con DESICE QA e-S A E Sekleifer C

J D***** C-5 J Lyone ENCINETRING C-S E usyee e.S C Parker

  1. S-S C A Chien SUPDVISOR
    • 8 M b#'**

C-8 C Tho=Poen C-A C R Eagle n g e;;;L E1JrrH1CAI. S-A L Meist (Sec'y) vinlFICATION CL7E3#1 ;g SurtAVISOR ASST. SUPVR. ACTIVITIES C-S M J Schaeffer. D A Nott (Acting) 3.A D N pese (Actina)

  • -S E L Jones (8/17) gypg,yggo, dt-A M Kirkland
    • 3

_D K Partin C-5 N Perrine 8-5 D C Nendets CPCO B-A L Suthus C C-3 R Sets

  • -S S e-S J Dlttenbir Bechtel S-A 5 Hehta B


i L Eratt
    • S D Cochrane g4 g g,g a,. Contract Bsployee B-A T P Telang T-S S Teunder C-5 E R Oeuced e-S R F Cuentensberger ggte
  • -A R E Field g
  • -5 M Leech e.S E Coold ggegaan 5-A J Feger y

Ann Arbor A TLUIDS & !'Ech431 CAL T CPCo Temporary F1411D3 & MECMANICAL Employee W. CW I gggy gDc b gpgClAL ~ h* C-S g E Witeter SUFI2.f ucR PROCESSES SUPDVISOR

  • -S T af (8/J)

"III*" Not on Iman SUPERVISOR "S A S Cort

  • -3 II L Alles C-J J L Woode
  • -3 7 Kudich
  • -S M A Verderosa S-S T Schulsesaler

.C-8 N 8 Carcha B-S C N Andtrece 8-5 L Bobinson

  • -S A Surne
  • -S J Smith SFIC!AL AS$!CTTrr,S

' ~ e,g y b-5 7 E Subrasastaa

  • -5 J Denne11 NDE & WrtDING T-S T K Madden SUPO VISOR C-8 J e Deeter 3,gp, c,on,y C-S A D Davis 5-8 T 3 Charette 8-8 5 Slackletoa e.S J Callivan e-S D Sanders

.e.S D Nase 8-S J S Busby e.g g ne,p

  • -3 T Tate e-S R Sellere s

[ T/31/81 L .n m

V T ',/ v ,e . Midlagd D.h,e p il @ ews y 25'Pe' Copy

Thursday, July 16,1981, Midland, Michigan r

Vol.124, No. 64 32 Pages / W tnessi.Put selby-in charge already is " substantial," and noted the WIIILE admitting hs proposal i By PAUL RAU utility,has placed a vice president ..?.! 'ar"tir"the paYt p'robSe$7has Daily News staff writers ' ' i and LORIE SHANE ' ' *f"he extent of soil. James Cook, in eirect charge or the ,a P ' fha' sten to add that Mr. Selby has a fo$t$beort phr orNanc. ec tihe"f cel prod / ems at the Mid-; $2 bHHon caporadon to mn and Mr. "What I would propose is to have i cha r a an c icf o of Consumers Power Co.. should take fBDg DUCfear power Cook has exhibited exce!!cnt manage-Mr. Selby himself report to the NRC personal responsibility for correcting

  • "I SkWS in r Vamping the project on a fairly routine... frequency" as to 5 'l pr blems at the Midland nuclear p/BDt. /S "UnpreCe ; o*ffice and moving the project for-the success or failure of the soil (;or-plant, a Nuclear Regulatory Commis. dented at any other"
  • ard'.Koschik said.

rection program. Gallagher said, sion civil engineer testified Wednes-lie said Selby makes bi-weekly visits In my estimation. this would hold ' day.. DUClear plant. - NRC. to the Midrand prant and that Selby the CEO (chief executive officer) of Eugene Gallagher said the " buck. t has talked with NRC officials about the. Consumers responsible for the success has to stop someplace," and suggested. ; civil engineer. Eugene ' soils problems. this point on. we re at ine point or failure of the Midland prnject from. it stop with Selby by making him the direct reporting link to the NRC for - allagher. COOx, the utiiity s vice president ror tomorrows as far as the soils fixes. Consumers' program to correct soil . projects, engmeering and construction, By harmg Mr. Selby directly in-problems at the Midland plant. was asked about Gallagher's com. Gallagher said the extent of soil ments. this morning durmg the soil,:volved in the remedial work, all the staff beneath him... would under>tand problems at Midland is "unprece. G ALLAGHER ALSO testific'd hearmg. the significance of this to the company,- 'S dented at any other" nuclear plant.* involved to the extent he is *(s dircetly . He said that Sethy aircady and at would provede that much ntore Wednesday that "each and every one" aware of, and added that holding the utility's of the soil problems would have been mcentive to get (soil corrections) done chief executive officer accountable for prevented had a single geo-technical. every major decision we are making without any more problems," he the corrective actions would alert all engineer drawing a $30.000 salary been on this job." Cook also said requiring added. Consumers employees to the serious, on hand when the soils were placed in Selby to report in the NRC would be a Gallagher also recommended that ness of the situation. " gesture" to satisfy the ASLB and th,e the mid-1970s. the NRC place ene of its own geo. tech-Gallagher, who' has NRC. nical engineers at the Midland site full-SOIL PROBLEMS at the Midland several NRC mspections of the Mid. Gallagher had been asked Wedres. time white work'is under way to cor-nuclear plant originated in 1975-77. land plant in recent years made his, day by ASLB chairman Charles Bech. when. improper and poorly' compacted comments to an. Atomic Safety and Li. hoefer, an administi'ative judge, what rect, the soil problems. lie said such an soils were placed in many portions of censing Board panel'during a' quasi-ju. management actions he would like. engmeer would pro' ride a needed icdc. the site. As a result, about five strue. dicial hearing on the soil problems. Consumers to take in the soils area.. pendent view of the corrective pro. gram, which the NRC so far has re-tures - some vital to the plant's safety 'Selby was vacationing today and was Bechhoefer has asked the same ques, have sett!cd excessively or exhib. tion of several other witnesses, and fused to accept. dre h.agher stressed that these ideas unavailabic for comment. Gdll ited cracked walls. Michael Kuschik. Consumer's chief Gallagher said he anticipated the ques-is own, and are not the ofheial po-that it will cost $27 million to cor' rect spok,esman, said Selhy's involvement tion and had given it a great deal.of Consumers has roughly estimated with the Midland project and.the NRC thought. Continued on page 3, j the soit problems now,

o Direct role for Sell;>y urged l I ( Continued from page 1 f b b Gallagher also said he believes the sition of NRC managen ent. Under tross. examination by an at-NRC staff should have been informed tornev repreienting Consumers. Ron. earlier about settlement problems at aid famarm. Gallagher admitted he the administration buildmg nout whether Consumers' correctne While he admitted that tliere was no s job Zan rin then asked if ar s il program will be successful. He requirement to report construction Denton, the NRC director of nuclear id this is because Consumm ns problems with that building because it ld be held ac- '.not able to take soil materia! from is non safety related. Gallagher said reactor re[culation. shou.s mistakes. countable or Gallagher one part of the site and place it' proper- "we perhaps should have been in-Gallagher replicj heatedly, "You're ly to support structures on another formed of a previous incident which comparing apples to oranges. You're part of the site." would have given us better insight talking about my witfidrawmg items of He said some of the corrective ac-(into diesel generator building prob-non-compliance compared to a $27 mil. tions Consumers is proposing are "un-lems)." lion-plus fiasco. You're talking about a precedented"in his experience. He said he first was informed of the plant 70 percent complete that is But he testified he would "have administration building problem dur-crippled." more confidence that the task will be ing a " casual conversation" with Zamarin also pursued, over objec. successful" if Selby would take direct Bechtel Power Corp. officials during a tions by NRC attorneys, a line of ques-control of soil activitias, if the NRC tioning which determined that Gallag. placed its own engineer on site and if meeting in December 1978 in Ann Ar-her has not held management positions Consumers hired persons with 2nough bor.. experience to "know what it all Gallagher noted he had been on-site in large companies. Gallagher said he agrees with a re-mea ns." to mspect the diesel generator building smcc October 1978. ' cent finding by his boss, James Kep. pier, head of NRC's Reginn 3 Office of. ON THE LATTER issue. Galla.;her Inspection and Enforcement', that qual-said the practice by Consumers of GALLAGHER SAID the reason he ity assurance programs at the Midland waiving experience in ~ favor of educa. now can say that management attitude plant will be adequately implemented tion when hiring persons is an " abuse" is consistent with 'implementatiun of in the future. of qualification standards, although it guality assurance regulations regard-But Gallagher said he still has "re;- is permitted by federal codes. ang soil settlement problems is that ervations... and some u'neasiness" "Instead of getting a 'whole' person. there has been a corporate officer ap- .. Cor.sumers and other companies go pointed to the Midland program. out and get someone with no expe. He cited more ". involvement in he s rience, arrd then train them in a very day to day decisions" by Cunsumers, narrow area. as well as a belief that the newly-es- "As far as I'm concerned, this is the tablished Midland Project Quality biggest problem in our industry surance Department is "well-estab- ' t7 Jay." Gallagher told the ASLB. Iished and " working relatively well at' When ASL judge ' Ralph Decker this point in' time." nuted utility witnesses have testiffed that experienced personnel are hard to imd. Gallagher said: "On a project like findland..with a long history of problems, it's got to be dnne at.this stage of the game." IN TESTIMONY Wednesasty morn. ~ icg. Gsibgher said he personally felt it would have been "more prudent and, responsible" for Consumers not to at-tem;.t to remedy the scil problems at ' the obel generator building "until the r issues had been satisfactorily resolved with the (NRC) technical staff." Consumers faced with excess settle-mer.' of that buildinA phced a "sur-charge" of tons of sand around the structure in order to speed the settle-went. When maximucn settlement was believed to have 9ecurred, the sand < was removed. The diesel generator buddingis a safcty-related st trcture becaust; those . generators would supply power to the plant if other pow;er supplies were cut off. Gabghtr said "all of the plans and 8 methods" used in that surenarge lr "ought to have been worked out be- '( . tween the approfriate technical staff ir. the NRC... Tsat's my opinion." + "It's extiome'y prudent to know 1 where you're gomg and how you're go-ing to get there before you start," he' e 91 said. i 4 ,g.

N w ~ e...r y rrid.vio.r.idb#isli, sis ' ~ p& 3 j QA staff arrangement is ' 'unacce tab e': en ineer x By LORIE SHANE x Daily News staff writer areas.- . How much the NRC knew about the A new personnel arrangement among a01I hea r*ings admittedseveralNRCqualityassurance. s change before it occurred. Gallagher-Consumers Pow ~er Co. officials at the Midland nuclear plant is "unac-ctptable," and the utility's president officials knew about the change " tech. nically'* or informally," but that there still should have more direct in-the organization already is in effect. was no formal documentation or vcivement with the plant, a Nuclear -That recommendation prompted sev-discussion of the effects on the plant. He ' Rrgulatory Commission civil engineer eral phone calls during the day to see also admitted he had no reason, to scid Thursday. how much other NRC officials actually believe such formal submittals would flowever, that is Eugene J. Gal-know about the change and if they not be made. ligher's personal opinion, and not agreed with Gallagher. Following an . Whether the new organization meets nietssarily the viewpoint of the NRC as afternoon break NRC attorney William NRC requirements. Gallagher said he a whole, Gallagher and an NRC attorney Paton told the board that it would not be has not had the opportunity to review all said. appropriate to take action on such a Gallagher made the statements while suggestion, but that the NRC would the regulatiqns, but that the implicatloc is that it would satisfy requirements, testifying during soils hearings on,the report on the status of its review within Paton countered that during later plant. The hearings are about past two weeks. examination by 'asking Gallagher if one problems with soils and related areas -Two NRC QA officials told him during requirement is that QA programs. be, ( cndrImedies. Presiding at the hearings is a top level, QA manager (should). be added that in his opinion the new what Consumers proposes as the calls that "a full-time, on-site, " effective. Gallagher said it was, and f:ubman panel of administrative judges available," Gallagher said. organization will not be effective' and - from the Atomic Safety and Licensing t, Gallagher created a stir during therefore,in that sense, would not meet Board. hearings this summer by suggesting that requirements. One of the areas under discussion is. John.D. Selby, who is president. Miller tried to go one step further,'

  • ~

quality. assurance, which are those chairman and chief dxecutive officer of asking Gallagher to find the word programs that insure the plant will be Consumers, take personal responsibility " effective"in a book of regulations, but built and operated safely and correc' tly. for the Midland plant. He told the It is in that area where the personnel that line was dropped after objections '. changehas occurred. hearing

  • board Thursday he hasn't -from the NRC.

. [.~ changed his mind in that respect. M:re specifically, the change moved "In fact, I think it make;s it more . Whether Marguktio and his boss, Brnjamin W.Marguglio from Jackson - important for the board to further James W. Cook, vice president and head ' to Midland as the senior QA manager at consider that recommendation, speci-of the Midland project, c' an'do their jobs Consumers' Michigan headquarters - th2 site. The current QA manager. fically in light of the NRC's emphasis on effectively. Gallagher said he believed Marguglio will have sufficient authority, Writer Bird, will remain in Jackson but ... active involvement of senior level to implement QA matters, that it management,"he said.. appears he will have' sufficient freedom I will now report to Marguglio. Testimony He re' commended that Selby report from other responsibilities to carry out Thursday indicated Marguglio will periodically to the'NRC on the Midland his role and that he has no information I spend 60 percent of his time at the site plant. "My' personal philosophy is that that Cook is not doing a conscientious cnd Bird will spend 40 percent of his tim e the buck has got to stop at the top.** he job. thtre. The. new organization was said, at one point striking the desk for

  • How much time Marguglio should, j

sffective Nov.20. emphasis. Gillagher, who currently is a senior Gallagher's opinion on Selby appar-spend at the site. "Obviously, QA is civil engineer in the Inspection and ently is not the opinion of the NRC as a designed to be mobile. I didn't intend to have him cast ini concrete as a Enf:rcement area of the NRC, said the whole. "I' understand the recommend-monument it the ^ Midland site,*i new set.up is " fragmented in. the ation has not been included as one of the cssignment of responsibilities and, (NRC) staff's proposed findings, to my Gallagher said. He said, however, that the QA manager must have " active,- th:r: fore, appears to be unworkable. dissatisfaction, perhaps, but that is the day to-day. involvement from the. i "More important,. It leaves the system we work within,"he said, Midland project without a full-time. Normally, Gallagher would not have craftsworker up to his front line." r on-site, top-level ' quality assurance been the person to address the personnel In other areas Gallagher told the

  • rnanager " he said.He called the new set change. That person would have been board that Marguglio's 60' percent and-Bird's 40 percent don't necessarily add t.p " transient management or remote John W. Gilray, a quality assurance up to 100 percent of time spent at the i

control from an office 120 miles away." engineer with the Office of Nuclear plant.. - 9 s G llagher also complained'that the Reactor Regulation, a division of the 8 "I don't know when, where orhow they. utility did not formally provide the NRC NRC. Gilray could not attend the detailed information before it made the hearings because of a footinjury. will conduct business,"Gallagher said. - Thursday's testimony wrapped up this change. Gallagher said, however, that he "Ierge this board to act deliberately talked to Gpray and other NRC staff week's session of soil hearings, which I cnd quickly and not permit this proposed members before writing his testimony. have been ongoing for various parts of the past six months. The group was to organization to be implemented," During cross-examination. Con-G.;llagher said. He said later he did not sumers' attorney Michael Miller ques-earlier this week to postpone tha reconvene in early January, but decided realize when he w' rote his statement that tionned Gallagher about the following ~ dates have not been set.

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