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Forwards Draft Procedure Single Loop Operation Greater than 24 H. Flow Bias Derived from Recirculation Pump Flow Measurement.Idle Loop Automatically Accounted for in Flow Bias
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 10/25/1983
From: Harrington W
To: Vassallo D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
83-265, NUDOCS 8310310290
Download: ML20081C584 (12)


r BOSTON EDIEON COMPANY BOO BovLaTON STREET Tf sTON, M AssAcHusETTs 02199 WILUAM D. HARRINGTON esusom viss passessui u .ss .

October 25, 1983 BEco 83-265 Mr. Domenic B. Vassallo, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #2 Division of Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 License No. DPR-35 Docket No. 50-293 Proposed Technical Specification: Single Loop Operation


(1) Telecon Boston Edison, NRC & Lawrence Livermore Labs (LLL) 9/27/83 (BECo #4.83.013)

Dear Sir:

During our telecon with your Mr. J. Donahue and Mr. T. Donich (LLL), Mr. Donahue requested written confirmation of the items discussed regarding the administra-tive controls at PNPS for Single Loop Operation.

Enclosed, please find a copy of our procedure for Single Loop Operation Greater than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. This is a draft procedure and is subject to change pending final i

NRC approval. However, your areas of concern - APRM Rod Block and Scram Setpoints,

! and the MCPR and MAPLHGR - are addressed.

l The Technical Specifications for PNPS do not allow changes to the APRM gain. Our proposed plan for Single Loop Operation does not require a change to this gain and consequently we have not requested Technical Specification revision to this l


l l With regards to the flow bias compensation for the idle recirculation pump, please

! be advised that PNPS flow bias is derived from recirculation pump flow measurement, therefore, the idle loop is automatically accounted for in the flow bias, j Finally, you addressed isolation of the idle loop. Although not specified in our l Technical Specification submittal, by procedure (see attached) the discharge (or l

l l .A i 8310310290 831025 N

DR ADOCK 0500029


.Mr. Domenic B. Vassallo, Chief Page 2 suction) valve in the idle loop would be closed. This is per General Electric Report "PNPS Single Loop Operation," NED0-24268, June,1980, which is referenced in our proposed Technical Specification change (page 13).

We trust this satisfies your concerns in this area, however, should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Very truly yours, MTL/ mat cc: Mr. J. Donahue (NRC)

, . _ .._ ._. - . _ . . _ . _ _ . ~ . -

Single loop Operation Greater Than 24 Hours I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to provide a mechanism for documenting that the specific technical specifications associated with single loop operation are in effect when one recirc loop is ou service and are returned to normal when both loops are back in op Compliance with these specifications is necessary for opera single loop configuration for periods greater than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> s

II. DISCUSSION The capability of operating at reduced power a sing culation loop is highly desirable, from a plant a bi y/ outage /zec ning standpoint, in the event maintenance o re or other component renders one loop inoperative 6

  • K' ulation pum III. REFERENCE MATERIAL A. Proposed technical specificat on't nge con g single loop operation (Proposed Change #80-6).

B. NE00-24268, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station $1 le Loop Operation.

C. NEDO-20566, Analytica mode Qsofcoolantanalysisin accordance with 10 CF .


A. The idle loop recirculation p electrically disarmed with the discharge valv losed preclud peration of the pump or injection of co slug into vessel. In the event that the discharge is i c le of closure, the idle loop flow will be prevented cl ng 4 lve.

I B. The re rcul n .

11 be placed in the manual mode, there limina the need for control system analyses.

I C. The settings the ro lock monitor, APRM rod block trip, and flow scram b modified as necessary to provide for single 1 opera .


D. PLHG stric ions will result in a percent reduction for all 1.

1 ECo wil'l.1,im he power level to 50%.


VI. PRECAUTIONS A. When the station is in a single loop operational mod following steps should be performed. This procedur wil_1 maintained by Reactor Engineering when in effect. -

1. The Watch Engineer should notify the Reactor er the I&C Engineer when operating with ene loop o,u rvice. /

?j (a) Rx Engineer notified 37^

Watch eer f&.

(b) I&C Engineer notified -

Watc in h

2. Theprocesscomputercurveofdriveflowvs.corhowisbeing updated by Nuclear Technici ncorporated inTo the computer data banks by Nuc ar Techn in der for the computer to calculate the t ore flow u single loop operation.


% /

h r Technician

.k ~ l edits.

Verification by wingcf

. Reactor Engineer Watch Engineer

3. T MA %f all fuel types have been reduced by My rcent and .t,he MCM perating limit has raised by, and have corporate,d the process computer data banks by the Nuclea chnicl


Nuclear Technician

Verification by reviewing computer edits. -

Reactor Engi kNer Watch Engi





4. ThesettingsfortherodAlockmonitorha'veb odified to S f (.65W + 38.7)I FRP as per at c nt A % is procedure. MFLPD I&C Enginee) '

Watch EngT r

5. The settings for the_APRQodbloc( i) have been modified to 5 * ( .65W + 38.7) FRP 1 asper aT ent B to this procedure. 2MELP()


  1. T -t I&C Engineer

/ Watch Engineer l

! 6. The s for th APR ( lux scram trip have been modified to

! S 65W + RP las per attachment B to this

( pr e LPDj

! . T I&C Engineer Watch Engineer

7. The idle recirculation loop recirculation pump has electrically disarmed.


Watch Eng K

8. The recirculation controls have been pla d e manual mod .

Mh f'" %

9. Caution tags have been placed on the ret tro s, the APRM-RBM recorders and the APRM-RBM cabinets (Pa 937),

stating that " single loop" on is in effec nd the APRM scram and rod block and ro lock m set ngs have been modified. 4 O


10. Core thermal po


be . ed to 1/ 50%.

W] Watch Engineer

a. When tion r rn to two loop operation the fo wing s shou, e performed.

N h En ineer should notify the Reactor Engineer The nd the C gineer.

(a) R'x.E,ng r notified.

Watch Engineer (b) I&C Engineer notified.

Watch Engineer

-w- -- - ,.-w- es-v ---w---

(2) The process computer curve of drive flow vs. c re flow has been returned to the two loop operation by the Nuclear Technician.


Nuclear Te n U. 7 Verification by reviewing computer d

..~NL Wa Engine

\ '#

Reactor % neer (3) The MAPLHGR curves a d the operating MCP ave been returned to the two ration valves by the Nuclear Technician.

me a M echnician Verificati eviewing to er edits.

N. Q Watch Engineer 4

Reactor Engineer

( tting or the rod block monitor has been returned to S .65 by performing procedure

+42){MFLPDJFRP L l 8.M.2 ~1.Z, block monitor calibration.

Watch Engineer


I&C Engineer

N (5) The setting for the APRM rod block trip ha returned to S 6 (0.65W + 42) ~ FRP ' by p orming

,MFLPDJ procedure 8.M.1-4, APRM flow bias signa calib on.


Watch inM e

,n.A I nginear (6) The settinc tor the APRM TJ ram tr as been returned to 5 0 (0.65W + 55) F by perf ing

,MFLPD'.g proceda e 8.M.1-4, flow breakers signal,c f ibration.

A i Watch Engi er


y g ngineer (7) The id i cu'htion loop r rculation pump has been return s rvig'.


- Watch Engineer l

( n tag h e been removed from the recirc.

ntrolle the RM-RBM recorders and the APRM-RBM b9qets ( el 937).

t i.

s Watch Engineer (9) This r ' edure will be filed in the Reactor Engineering file er section 10.11.

Reactor Engineer l

i l




,m ,

For single recirculation loop operation, the normal r bloc , ip in the rod block monitor must be recalibrated per technical sp atiop.y .





3 A. A rod block occurs if any of the followi ons e st unless the monitor is bypassed:

1. Either RBM upscale trip. ~
2. Either RBM inoperative trip. '. >

B. With the reactor mode switc i t e fun positi rod block occurs if either RBM downscape trip s unl&ss lhe monitor is bypassed.


l A. Obtain shift supervisor's' issio rform the calibration.

B. Bypass the RBM to b ated el 05).

C. Place the RBM m ch to e te's power flow position.

Place the fr tp 1 me n ion switch to the FLOW position.


E. Adjust the otentiometer an indication of 100% flow on the f ront panel meter.

F. Place the meter functio sw ch to the average position.

G. Adjust the POWER potentio ter for an indication of 102% power on the front panel meter.

H. Momentarily depress the local setup switch and verify the " Alarm Ref Set H", light is illuminated.

1. While holding the trip reset switch depressed, adjust R S on the Flow Control trip reference unit (234) until the "High" light just illuminates.

J. Place the RBM mode switch to the operate position.

K. Perform independent verification of setpoint ( f 102% power @ 10 flow).

L. Inform shift supervisor on completion of this procedure for b and complete documentation.

RBM I&C Independent Channel Technician Verification Date A


B -

.h 3


\b T b,


(Tss 4 _





- (.-


For single recirculation loop operation, the APRM flow booed,W ip functions Pf must be recalibrated per technical specifications. / ,






A. With the reactor mode switch in any ition, a any of the following conditions exist u-' -

themonitor[willoccurif s bypassed.

1. Any APRM upscale high trip.
2. Any APRM inoperative trip.

B. With the reactor mode switch in the run posit , rod block will occur if any APRM downscale trip c trips unles e monitor is bypassed.

C. With the reactor mode swi ny ty M on3 a half scram trip will occur if any APRM high high or opera ve trip Uc rs unless the monitor is

! bypassed.

D. Only one APRM will be rated t,me.

E. When calibrating APRM A or D b s bo to avoid inadvertant trips due to error, also when APRM o F bypass both for the same reason.


l l

A. Obtain shi ervisor's pe i sion to calibrate.

l l B. Bypass APRM channe be c rated.

NOTE: See Precaution ecti E.

C. Place APRM mode switch EST POWER FLOW position.

l D. Place the meter function switch to the FLOW position.

E. Adjust the FLOW potentiometer for an indication of 100% flow on the front panel meter.


F. Place the meter function switch to the AVERAGE position.

G. Adjust the POWER potentiometer for an indication of 102X power front panel meter.

H. While holding the TRIP RESET switch depressed, adjust R3 o the control trip reference unit (233) until the "High" light illumi es.

- ri' I. Adjust the POWER potentiometer for an indication of 115 r on front panel meter.

J. While holding the TRIP RESET switch depressed, adju he flow control trip reference unit (233) until the "High "

ht just illuminates. (

K. Place the APRM mode switch to the operate posi on.

L. Return the APRM bypass switch to normal (Panel 905).

M. Perform independent verification of setpoint 102% power f or ro block and 115% for scram @ 100% flow.

N. Inform the shift supervisor on comple {allAPRM channels and complete documentation.

APRM 1&C In nt wtion I

Channel -lechnician Veri ci Date w'

y A

C ,1 yx -

0 -

s E

N t.

l l
