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Forwards Response to Generic Ltr 82-05 Re post-TMI Requirements Implemented Between Jul 1981-Feb 1982
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/16/1982
From: Pilant J
To: Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737, TASK-1.A.3.1, TASK-2.B.2, TASK-2.B.3, TASK-2.B.4, TASK-2.E.4.2, TASK-2.F.1, TASK-2.K.3.15, TASK-2.K.3.22, TASK-2.K.3.24, TASK-2.K.3.27, TASK-TM GL-82-05, GL-82-5, NUDOCS 8204270307
Download: ML20071J590 (4)




GENER AL OFFICE P. o. Box 499 COLUMBUS, NEBR ASKA 68601 Nebraska Publ.ic Power Distr.ic t mE~o~E <4on se ..sei April 16, 1982 to

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Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation C Attention: Mr. Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director > .

Division of Licensing Y  %,,

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 ;s j


Post TMI Requirements (Generic Letter No. 82-05) Response ocar Mi. Eisenhut:

Your letter of March 17, 1982 requested confirmation dates and associated information relating to the post TMI requirements which were implemented between July 1, 1981 and March 1, 1982 at Cooper Nuclear Station. Enclosure 1 contains the information

' you requested.

I:? you should require further clarification on any of the Information provided, please contact me.

5incerely, Jay M. Pilant j Division Manager of Licensing and Ouality Assurance JMP:JDW:dm Enclosure R2042Eo30' r\o0 gi g e

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Enclorura 1 NUREG 0737 Items Requiring Licensee Response Scheduled to be Implemented Between July 1,1981 and March 1,1982 I. A. 3.1 - Simulator Exams Simulator exams were to be included in licensing examinations by October 1, 1981: This item is complete. Certain information requested by the NRC regarding simulator exams through the remainder of calendar year 1981 and 1982 was provided to Mr. Paul F. Collins (NRC) by L. C. Lessor in a letter dated October 8,1981.

II.B.2 - Plant Shielding The requirement was to modify facility to provide access to vital areas under accident conditions by January 1, 1982: This item is complete. The District's response of December 30, 1980 stated that the shielding design review was complete and that the BWR design is such that entry into the reactor building is not required and is not considered a vital personnel access area. No facility modifications were required.

II.B.3 - Post Accident Sampling The requirement was to install upgraded post accident sampling capability by January 1, 1982: As stated in the District's letter of December 28, 1981, this system has been installed and is operational.

II.B.4 - Training for Mitigating Core Damage The requirement is to complete training program by October 1, 1981: This item is complete. The District's response of December 30, 1980 stated that the training for mitigating core damage is presently conducted as part of the licensed operator training and the STA's have also received training in this area.

II.E.4.2 - Containment Isolation Dependability Part 5 - It was required to lower containment pressure setpoint to level compatible with normal operation by July 1, 1981: This issue is complete.

The District's response of December 30, 1980 justified the present CNS Mark I Containment setpoint of 2 psig and determined that no change of the setpoint is necessary. By letter dated October 26, 1981 from T. A. Ippolito to J. M. Pilant, the Staff concluded that the requirements which portain to this issue have been met with the additional guidelines developed by the Staff. An enclosure to this letter contained the Staff's Safety Evaluation Report and the consultant's Technical Evaluation Report on this issue.

Part 7 - It is required to isolate purge and vent valves on radiation sinnal by July 1, 1981: This issue is complete. The District's response of June 30, 1981 stated that the subject valves close on a reactor building exhaust plenum high radiation signal.

Y J II.F.1 - Accident Monitoring (1) and (2)

It was required to provide capability for effluent monitoring of noble gas and iodine by January 1, 1982: These items are not complete. As discussed in the District's letter of December 28, 1981, the Staff is aware of the delivery problems associated with the Victoreen instru-ments. The instruments were to be delivered in March 1982 in time for the May 1982 refueling outage; however, the District has been informed by the vendor that the delivery date will now be approximately June 1982. The District will complete installation and confirm operability o'f the system within 60 days of equipment delivery to CNS. Compensatory sampling measures have been implemented as discussed in our letter dated January 11, 1980, J. M. Pilant to H. R. Denton (items 2.1.8.b and 2.1.8.c) and these measures are considered adequate in the interim.

(3) It was required to install in-containment radiation-level monitors by January 1, 1982: This item is complete. As discussed in the District's letter of December 28, 1981, the containment radiation instrumentation has been installed and is operational; however, the cable currently used to connect the sensor instrument package to the drywell penetration does not presently meet the required environmental qualifications.

(4) It was required to provide continuous indication of containment pressure by January 1, 1982: This item is complete. As discussed in the District's letter of December 28, 1981, the containment pressure instrumentation has been installed and is operational.

(5) It was required to provide continuous indication of containment water level by January 1, 1982: This item is complete. As discussed in the District's letter of December 28, 1981, the containment level instrumentation has been installed and is operational.

l l (6) It was required to provide continuous indication of hydrogen concen-tration in containment by January 1, 1982: This item is complete.

As discussed in the District's response of June 30, 1981, the system originally installed at CNS meets all of the NUREG 0737 requirements.

II.K.3.15 - Isolation of HPCI and RCIC Modifications I

The requirement was to modify pipe break detection to prevent inadvertent i

isolation by July 1,1981: This item is complete. The District's response

( of June 30, 1981 stated that the necessary design change has been completed.

II.K.3.22 - RCIC Suction l

The requirement was to modify design of RCIC suction to provide automatic transfer to torus by January 1, 1982: This item is complete. As stated in the District's response of December 28, 1981, this modification has been completed.

O J-II.K.3.24 - Space Cooling for HPCI/RCIC The requirement was to confirm adequacy of space cooling for HPCI/RCIC by January 1, 1982: This item is complete. As stated in the District's response of June 30, 1981, the HPCI and RCIC room coolers receive power from the emergency buses and can therefore operate as designed during loss of off-site power. Capacity of the coolers are such that the systems can operate for greater than 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

II.K.3.27 - Common Reference Level The requirement was to provide common reference level for vessel level instrumentation by July 1, 1981: This item is complete. As discussed in the District's letters of June 30, 1981 and January 11, 1982, the modifications have been completed so that all level instruments are referenced to the same point. ,

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