ML19332C777 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Three Mile Island |
Issue date: | 11/21/1989 |
From: | Jacob Philip, Philips J NRC OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION (ADM) |
Shared Package | |
ML19331A080 | List: |
References | |
FOIA-89-446 NUDOCS 8911280537 | |
Download: ML19332C777 (5) | |
?N U.S. NUCLEAR. U TORY C MISSION NHc sc:a uovist Nuevas FOlA W[
i y.
RESPON$( TYPE ese,r q
FRE D M OF g"et i I raanat
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h t
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8911280537 091121 PDR FDIA DEKOKB9-446 PDR
FTIA - W-W/ DATNOV 21 1m'
- +
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M+ '
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The information cons:sts of names of mdividuals and othee information the disclosure of which could reasonabiy be enoected to revealidentities C 44 confident:a! sources (EXEMPTION 7101)
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' wAh4 1
uJ f
I' PART 11. D-APPEAL RIGHTS The denist by each denying officialidentified in Part II.C may be appealed to the Appellate Officialidentified in that section. Any such appeal must be in writing and must be made within 30 days of receipt of tNs response. Appeals must be addressed se appropriate to the Executive Directnr for Operations or to the Secretary of the Commission, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washintiton. DC 20555. and should clearty state on the envelope end in the letter that it is en " Appeal from en initial FOIA Decision."
NEC FORM 464 (Part 2)
w s;
- 1..
4/3/79 Letter to Joseph A Califano, Jr., from Joseph M. Hendrie.
(1page)(AN0'7904130162) 2.
9/17/79 Memorandum for Connissioner Bradford from Victor Stello, Jr.,
re: Health Physics Program at THI, with enclosures.
L l
5 t
3/7/79 Amendment of Solicitation / Modification'of Contract.
(2pages) f 2.
2/27/79 Transcript, re:
Proposal Conference on RFP No. RS-0SD-79-010 (A Study to Determine the Feasability of Conducting an l
Epidemiologic Investigation of health Effects of Low-Level IonizingRadiation).
(26 pages) 3.
6/27/79 Letter to Dr. Elliott Stonehill from Todd M. Frazier, with enclosures.
(20 pages) 4, 6/30/79 Annotated version of Current Occupational External Radiation Exposure, re:
THI Station.
(1 page) 5.
9/1/79 A Study to Determine the Feasibility of Conducting an Epidemiologic Investigation of Health Effects of Low-Level Ionizing Radiation.
(216pages) 1 6.
9/7/79 Memorandum for Scientific Review Group on Feasibility Planning Study from Michael A. Parsont, re: Draft of the September 30 Interim Report to Congress on the Epidemiology Feasibility Planning Study, with enclosure.
(12pages) 7, 10/8/79 Letter to Todd M. Frazier from Michael A. Parsont.
(1 page) 8.
10/16/79 Letter to Anthony Robbins from Robert A. Purple, with enclosures.
(37 pages) 9.
2/27/81 Memorandum for Michael A. Parsont from Diane S. Flack, re:
Status. Report on TMI Worker Registry.
(7 pages) i
- e,
- g e., -,
t t
Re:- F01A-89-446 l
L 1
6/30/79. Current Occupational External Radiation Exposure,.
re: TMI Station; (1 page) Ex. 6l p
r, N-i I
6 g
r 1
l t
i I
'u 4
- i-p, A
. ',.;.g WASHINGTOtt D. ':. P0'45 -
Qi @l> f f April 3, 1979
%f.'.y*f' CHAIRMAN b
i i-i 9
The Honorable Joseph A. Califano, Jr.
!3 ' "
O Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Washington, D. C.
20201 m
Dear Mr. Secretary:
I This is in response to your memorandum of-April 1,1979 regarding the monitoring of persons on the Three Mile Island site during the incident.
. All' individuals entering the island site are registered and provided-1 1
appropriate dosimetry.
It is our understanding that the site vill evaluate and compile-the exposures for all these individuals including personal information such as affiliation, address, date of birth and i
social security number. We have discussed this with Mr. MdrF. Helson who
is an HEW representative at the NRC Operations Center and he has agreed q
to relay-this information to Dr. Robbins.
It should also be pointed out that both NRC and 00E have systems which can account for all their employees and contractor employees attached to
..l both agencies working on the island site or in the vicinity of the site.
If necessary, the list of these individuals could be made ev tilable to
.Dr. Robbins.
If there is any additional information you need or any additional actions which you believe we should take to establish-adequate records, please j
L let me know.
- incerely,
k%kA t, (
.y -
' Joseph M. Hendrie 1
(q i uran o00 l l 3 40'bp y.p
a 1
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Commissioner Bradford islinsCiT. A.RShin iTHRU:
~kVictorStello,Jr., Director,OfficeofInspection FROM:
and Enforcement
HEALTH PHYSICS PROGRAM AT TMI In your memorandum dated August 22, 1979, you had questions regarding identified deficiencies'in Metropolitan Edison's health physics.'TMI and the plans and. schedules which the staf,f believes are necessary to. remedy these deficiencies..The following discussion and the enclosures provide the-information you requested.
IE expressed its concerns recarding the health physics program at TMI in meetings with representatives of corporate management of Metropolitan Edison-on July 13 and 18, 1979.
The licertsee committed, in a' letter dated July 18
-(see enclosure 1), te implementation of corrective action with regard to the following specific aspects of the radiation protection program:
organization, QA. audits, control of high radiation areas, air sampling program, z.
t i
comprehensive bioassay program, and l
personnel exposure procedures.
- n. letters to the Director, NRC Region I, dated August 6, 13, and 16, 1979, he licensee updated the status of actions committed to in the July 18 letter LQ (see enclosures 2, 3 and 4).
The following summarizes the current status of L
f 1/. The organization of the radiation protection program remains deficient in that:
(a) functional areas and responsibilities are not clearly defined, L
]Y and (b) there is no one person with the responsibility of coordinating l
E. D. Flack, IE 49-28188
.2 ' Commissioner Bradford:
-:e 3
..station-wide radiation protection policy,'and there is no objective evidence that-the Unit J. ana Unit 2.::distian protection supervisors have 1
an effective communication system to accomplish such coo'rdination.
Action was. scheduled completed by September 15, 1979.
The implementation of their QA' program relating to the radiation
. _ protection program has not yet been accomplished..
Action was scheduled to be completed by September 15, 1979..
-..The revision-of_ written procedures,for higturadiation areas was developed n o eprly in August 1979,-but the work was of poor quality., As of September _4,
. 1979, the revised procedures have not been issued.
This item is long overdue.
Action shouldLbe complet'ed within the next few days.
.The procedure containing written criteria for evaluating air samples had not been implemented as of September-2,1979.
This item is long overdue.
Action should be completed within the next few days.
'The licensee's review and implementation of a bioassay program remains
. incomplete.
Procedures program were formulated on-
. August 17, 1979, but were found by'Tfre NRC to be inadequate.
New-proce-dLres'are being developed.
Training of people in-these procedures should be' complete a week af ter procedures are issued.
U Action should be completed by September 30, 1979.
.The licensee developed procedures for evaluation of an individual's
- exposure-to airborne radioactive materials; this was completed August 17., --
. 1979.. The NRC found these to be inadequate, and the licensee is currently..
preparing a revision.
. Action was scheduled to be completed by September 15, 1979.
Please note th'at while we are aware of the NUS-re) ort and its criticisms of the TMI health physics program, we have not spec.fically discussed that report i
and -findings with the licenses.
We have, however, reviewed the NUS findings -
and the results of our inspection program and find them to be generally consis-tent.. There are certain aspects covered by the NUS report that are not covered-specifically by regulatory requirements, nor have they been included specifically in detail in our inspectinn program.
These items are related generally to the organization, communications and coordinati'on within the health physics staff;
.w ereas our attention has been devoted primarily to inter-organizational h
coordination and communication, e.g., between health physics and operational staffs, and between the staffs of the two operational units.
We believe the deficiencies in this latter area ('overall coordination, communications and oversight and management controls) contribute in large part to the problems t
~ _ _.., _
f. ;
Commiss'icner Bradford '<
gM W'
txperienced at the site, and we are focusing our atte'ntion toward achieving corrective lections in this area.
The NUS report, however, has focused our attention on other areas and we will follow these more closely in the future.
In. summary, there are still deficiencies in the health physics program at THI, and occasional lapses which result in exposure and contamination incidents.
Improvements have been and continue to be slow.
Our onsite inspectors are monitoring daily the actions of the licensee in meeting the commitments for improvements and in routine operational aspects of. worker protection.
As deficiencies are identified they are pointed out to licensee management, discussed in periodic meetings with' licensee management representatives, and
'summari. zed in monthly formal reports of inspections.
Please let us know should you have any further questions concerning the above i
As in the past, we will continue to keep the Commission and its staff informed in a timely manner of incidents and newsworthy events that occ%r at'the TMI. site.
Victor Stello, Jr.
/- Director l
Office of Inspection l
and Enforcement i
July 18, 1979 ltr from L. V. Gossick, EDO IE Files Metropolitan Edison R. Smith, EDO Central Files 2.
August 6, 1979 itr from T.-Rehm, E00 IE Reading i
Metropolitan Edison H. R. Denton, NRR EDO Reading 3.
August 13,'1979 ltr from W ogue, SD i
I Metropolitan Edison TMI Inquiry Group 4.
August 16, 1979 itr from V. Stello, IE i
Metropolitan Edison,
D. Thompson, IE G. C. Gower, IE cc:
Chairman Hendrie G. Ertter (EDO-7224)
Commissioner Gilinsky L. N. Underwood, IE i
Commissioner Kennedy (H11-2028-H08)
Commissioner Ahearne J. H. Sniezek, IE S. J. Chilk, SECY L. B. Higginbotham, IE A. Kenneke, PE E. D. Flack, IE L. Bickwit, OGC
/g; g, EDO 9/ /79
't R
/P 79 AL%kMSI
- rySI X*
A/D. E ELD IE:D WPU:SM FFMSI DThompson VStello 9/12/79 EDFlack LH rsg.inbotham H.fezek GC[Gaer 9
/79 9/
79 9/ /79 9///79 Job Q 9/#/79 9/p/79 9/ /79 4
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.q ost ox 8 Mddletown. Pennsylonid f[
717 944-4041 o
July'18, 1979 GQL'0909 4
lir.L 3. E. Crier, Director
Office of Ir.spection a.nd Inforce=ent -
Region 1 oj U.S. -- lear Regula:o: y Cc= ission 631 Park J. venue-p
- ' ' Kieg of Prussia, - Pennsylvania 19406 *
. ~l ' -
Dear Sir:
Thrae PJile'Isla ' Nuclea:' Station, Units 1 and - 2 (*DfI-1 and 'DiI-2) i Operati=g License No. DPR-50 and DIR-73 Docket No. 50-289 and 50-320
-i LRadiation Protection Program
- 1. - Ey August 3,1979, Met-Id Ill:
Provide: a; descripti:n ci the organi:a:io:al changes in the Radiation a.
m Prote::ics ?::gra: at ne Three-Mile Island Station.
1 l
Provide a d efinitic: of the fu:ctional areas of the Radia: ion Protectici Progran and the specifi: respo:sibilities associated with each.
J t
Identify the responsible for each. functional area and the 1
lines of resp:nsibiliry for the Radiatica Protection ? ogram -ithin -- )
-l-the Me:ropoli:a.n Idison C =pany organi:a:1on.
.a d.
- L Previde n. definition of the geographical ' areas of responsibility for' i
. r.
the Radiation Protec:fon 5:aff assigned to Unit 1 and Unit 2.
l j-
27 Augus t 15, 1978, Met-Id vill reviev the adequacy of the current QA,progrd as'it-rela:es to providi:; for regular audits of the Radiation. Protection
?rogrc= by individuals who are independent of day-to-day radiological protet; ac tivities.
I 3.
By August 3,1979, Me:-Id will review and re-is' sue writ:en proceduras for con:rol of high radia: ion areas.
These procedures will include specific stri for control of keys for such areas and a surveillance progran for identifyi:'
tiv high radia: ion areas and for ensuring that such areas are properly cen: rolled.
Iy /.ugust 3,1979, Me:-Id uill issue a pro'cedure containing written criteri:
1 for evalua:ing air semple results vi:h respect to beta g=- a ratios and beta 3 energies.
/ 4 //'
l9690 A;gg/gjL 3
_. July 27.1979, M2t-Ed vill-rsview edequscy cf. exicting req
.w 37 17, 1979, 4
~ 5..
cur bica.ssny progra=,.and by/ August-revi. sed procedures as necesscry to assura a esaprahnnoivo-bica
'a, 37.1979,-Met-Ed vill review and imple=ent necessary changes to l expost the procedures which define che program that evaluates.the potentia
- 6.
- 3y Augus:
ofl individuals -to concentracions of airborne radioactive r.aterials as requ:
- by 10 CIR 20.201(b).
l Sincerely,.
s J. G. Herbein Vice President-Generation
' JCE: F.'O:bar i
3 i
, 1..
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Metropolitan Erlisan Coen; Post ottice son 4so Middletown, Pennsylunia,
717 944 4041 August 6, 1979 GQL 1018 Mr. : B. H. ' Grier, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement Region I U.S. Nuclear Re~gulatbry Comission 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406 l
Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2 F
Operatin9 License No. DPR-50 and DPR-73 Docket No. 50-269 and 50-320 Radiation Protection Program 6
Dear Sir:
Met-Ed has closely followed the.cocalitments whi<:h were made in our 7/18/79 letter (GDL 0909) to your office.
As discussed in a meeting on 8/3/79 with members of.your staff, certain cc:initment date.s have arrived and it is appro-priate to provide a status of our comitments.- As noted in the 8/3/79 weetitig, e positive action has been taken c,n all items.
The specific status of each item in paragraph 1 of GQL 0909 is' pre-sented belos.
a).The overall Radiation Protection Program organizational changes
have baen described in the form of a revised organization chart d'
which is currently under review.
This chart will be provided to
.I your staff by August 10, 1979.
l i.
b) - Functional areas of t.he Radiation Protection Program have been lr.v -
- '- identified'on the revised organization chart.
Descriptions dnclud.
ing the specific responsibilitics of each functional' area are 1
currently being prepared and will be provided to your staff. by.. -
August 10.-1979.
The individuals responsible and the lines of responsibility'for.
t-eath area of the Radiation Protection Programmithin. '
- >g the Met-Ed organization have been identified on the revised organi-l i-U zation chart whicn will bo provided to your staff by August 10,19%
N g
d) The geographic responsibilitics of the Radiation Protection staff 1:
assigned to Units 1 and 2 have been defined in the form of a plan p
view chart of Units 1 and 2 clearly marked to delineate geographic b
areas of responsibility on cach unit.
This chart is currently l.
under review and will be provided to your office by August 10,19E q
I,*. e rret 'm- [ c'. m r o r..a w i. n * / mN u
' '*.
- r "" " W k' > ' ' '
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Mr.'B. H.IGrier Page 2 August 6j1979 h
c 3
~ 2.
P,et-Ed is currently reviewing the adequacy of the QA program as it relates to providing for. regular audits of the Radiation Protection-Fregra.ta by individuals who are independent of the day-to-day radiclogical protection activities.
Our cocmitment to complete this review by August 15, 1979, remains on schedule.,
- . t...
The procedures for the control of high radiation areas have been re-vised and are currently under review.
These procedures include specifi-steps.for the control of keys for such areas and a surveillance. program:
for identifying new high radiation areas and for ensuring that such.. '
arcas are properly controlled.
Coments received from your staff subsequent to the August 3.1979 meeting regarding action levels and:
requirements will be incorporated into our pro:edures by August 19.-
1 0
Het-Ed has' issued a procedure containing written criteria f,or, eva,1, c,,
cating air sa-.ple results with respect to beta-gamaa ratics and= beta Cc=ents received from your staff prior to the~ August 3,197
c.eeting relative to formal procedure issuance and procedure format i
will be resolved prior to August 10, 1979.
Met-Ed formally reviewed the adequacy of the existing requirementsH 5.~
for the bicassay program on 26 July.
Based'upon our rev,iew,; our pr'esent Health Physics Procedure " Internal Dosimetry /hioassay Progt (HP 1628) will be revised in accordance with the latest guidance provided 'in i.NSI Guide 8.15, and details of NuReg 0041.4
-- It will include action icvels for whole body counting and urinanaly for suspected acute-and chronic cxposures of Sr-89'and Sr.90.
Health Physics Procedure " Respiratory Protection Program" (HP 1616);
- b.
will be expanded to include a detailed air sample analysis.sequenecl i.", " '
with actica levels specified when airborne concentrations of Sr-89 1
and Sr-90 (based on Cs levcis) are detected.
The calculation of MPC exposure hours for airborne concentrations h
~. r e, -
radioactivity will forrhally be included in health physics 'prbcedurd
"P.WP procedu re" (HP 1613).
Additionally, the appropriate he.alth v
physics precedure will include the requirement for a periodic revii
'[ ' ' g,.
j of air sa.ile results.
Procedures specifying the care, use and cleaning of the,re,spiratorf d.
pro:cetion devices available, tritium air sampling and overall l
respiratory program implementation will be included in the Respira :
Protection Program.
Health Physics procedure " Air Test Booth" (HP 1717) will, be review!
and revised as. required.
As previously cc=aitted, Met-Ed will have implemented the revised f.
procedures outlined abcve to assure a comprehensive bioassay progr; by 17 August 1979.
, 31. a <
'(.7 Page 3.
- J
v g
~Augus %.1979
- 6.
By August 17. 1979, Met-Ed will' review and implement necessary change
- to the procedures which define the program that; evaluates the potenti exposure of individuals to' concentrations of airborne radioactive materials as required by 10.CFR 20.201(b).-
/s/.J. G. Herbein J. G. Herbein
-I-Vice President-Nuclear' Operations n.
G. P. Miller e
e t
g e
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'l 1
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m 7
J a-i vv a
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4 e
f Poeo go MWesowm, Penns yhenia 717 944 do41-August 13, 1979 i
Mr. 3. H. Grier. Director Office 'of Inspection and Cnforcement Region I -
U.S. thiclear Regulatory Cor:rnission.
631" Park Avenue f
Kina of Prussia. Pennsylvania 19405
1 Dear'Siri e
Three Mile Island tiuclear Station' Units 1 & 2 (TNI-1 and TMI-2)
License tios. DPR-50 and OPR-73
~l Docket tics. 50-2$9 and 50-320 Radiation Protection Organization 7
Met-Ed has-continued its effort to mect the comrnit5ents of our 7/18/79 letter-
-(GQL 0909) as modified by cur 8/6/79 letter (GQL 1018).
At our 8/10/79 meeting with Mr. White and Mr. Crocher of your staff. items pertaining to the:
m overall Radiation Protection Program orcanization were presented t: meet the' 8/10/79 coranitnents-idantified in GOL.1018.
The specific status of 'each item our S/5/79 letter (GQL 1018) is -presented below.
The fv11cwing items were presented to your representatives at the 8/10/79 r,eeting.
Copies of the formal documents are enclosed.
l a.
Revised: Radiation Protection Program Organization Chart. F%)
Descriptions of the specific responsibilities-of each' functional'
.i area identified on the Radiation Protection' Program Organization Chart.
- 1. :
The individuals responsible and-the lines of responsibility Tor each~
functional area are described in (a)- and- (b) above.
A plan view chart of Units 1 and 2 which delineates the geographic areast of~ responsibility for each unit.
L 2.
Met-Ed is continuing the review -of the adequacy of the Q. A. program'as it t; elates to providing for regular audits of the Radistion Protection Program by individuals who are independent of. the day-to-day radiological protection!
Documentation of the review will be completed by 8/15/79.
The procedure for the centrol of High Radiation Areas was reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Cc.mittee with changes wnich.includo your staff' I
cements of 8/3/79.
A copy of the approved procedure was provided to fjr. White of your staff on 8/7/79.
g.gC T
, 3..
(;; 'f, ' ltir. B. H.,Grier 01/ (,
August-13, 1979 tor
.The procedure for,cvaluating air sample results with respect to' beta-gan.4' 0 ratios and beta energies was implemented by a Temporary Change Noticc.(TCN) on S/3/79.
The TCH was presented to Mr. White of your staff with an explana-tion which addressed the coments received from your staff.
M 5.
Health Physics Procedure " Internal Dosimetry / Bioassay Program" (HP 1828)':
describes the subject program and has been revised to incorporate the.
guidance provided in ANSI N-347, Reg. Guide 8.15 and HuReg 0041.
1 A procedure (HP 1628.1) for implernanting the Internal Dosimetry /
r' D
r r~
Bioassay: Program described in HP.1628 has been prepared which contains action levels for whole body counting'and-urinalysis for
. suspected acute and chronic exposures of Sr-89 and Sr-90.
.P.rocedums..HR.1628 and HP 1628.1-are presently undergoing review byv.O' the Plant. Op.erations Review comittee.
8 b)
Health Physics Procedure " Respiratory Protection Program " -(HP '1616) has been expanded in the fom of an implementing procedure (HP 1616.4)
-which ir.cludes a detailed air sarrple analysis sequence with action levels specified when airborne concentrations of Sr-89 and Sr-90 (based on' Cs leveis) are measu m d.
This procedure (HP 1616.4) is presently undergoing review by.the Plant Operations Review -Comittee.
c) ;The calculation of MFC hours for airborne cuncontrations of radio-activity has-been included in Health Physics Procedure "RWP Procedure" (HP 1613) and in an implementing pmcedure "MPC Hours" (HP 1616.5).
Procedures (HP 1613 and HP 1616.5) include the requirement for a periodic review of air sample'results.
Both of these procedures are j
_. presently undergoing review by the Plant Operations Review Cormittee.
i d). Procedures specifying the care, use,. and cleaning of the respiratory.
p 1
protection devices available, tritium air sampling and overall I
i-respiratory program implementation are presently' undergoing review by
the Plant Operations Review Ccamittee.
e) Hecith Physics Procedure " Air Test Booth" (HP 1717) has been r.: vised and is presently undergoing review by the Plant Operations Review a
- f)
A. training program for IIP foremen and technicians wi41 be accomplished,-
50- that the ccmprehensive bicassay program will' be implemented by 17 August 1979.
6; A procedure providing for ALARA review and evaluation of potential ex-posure's of individuals to concentrations of airborne radioactive' materials, I
as recuired by 10 CTR 20.201(b), will be reviewed and approved by.
August 17, 1979.
Sincerely, h1 ~
-l <
c l
1 J. G. IIerbei.n Vice President-Nuclear Operations L
- v. n.,m
~ 'L'llrEB. H. Grier.:- Dii ter 3-('
' August 13,:'1979 s
J i cct.i R.' C. Arnold j
1 J. Barton R. W.Dubiel
~D.'F. 1.imroth J-G. P. Miller
-G J.
. Reppert-C
~J. R. Thorpe Inclosures :
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~r,.t.p.. Yet-Ed u.
I 1
R. C. Arnold Y. P. Nuclear Ops.
Dir. Environmental J. C. Iterbein Healtfi & Safety Str. - Tr*I g
Recoverf N
J. Thorpe
[ To be assigned I
l Hgr. - SUrrolll StltVa Enyfrementel Monitor.
l Progrart H. P. Audit Prtgrars Str. - leasti Managesent a logistics f
1 Pustht J. Nd e G. P. fillier
D. Peppert Deputy J. Berica Supv. - Radiation Protectio.1 fi Chem.
Rad. Protection &
- 2. W. Dub 1el Chemistry l
D. T. Lieroth i
.j' t
resp. Prot.
HP Eng/
Supv. Chem 1
vaste Sup.
ALAFA E. Tuhre' C. Wlblin Dostnet thenfstry Chen Svp.
Sepv. Red.
Chem. Eng.
I "S*/
I.. Landry I. Sey 4
G. Reed
- t. Frederld X. Itarner T. hvileavy it. pitta (GD/EC.-
- Pret, Support
Zurital i
I HP TORElWI F01tt!%ff
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- 4. Support Services'and Logistics - Radiation Protection'and: Chemistry :
1 ss- --
8 7*
y, : Supervisor-Ridiation Protection'and Chemistry q
m 2..
Supervisor-Dosimetry 4
_ 3.
Respiratory Protection Supervisor H
y 4;. -Chemistry Supervisor-Unit.1 e
5;- Radiological Engineering /ALARA Unit 1
- 6.. Supervisor-Rad Waste Unit:1
.7; ' HP forem6n Unit 1
- g. Environmental Health and Safety -
- 1. -Environmental Monitoring Program 2.
.H.P. Audit Program
- c;i'aste Management Activity - Radiation Protection-.and Chemistry 1'. : Radiatien Protection and Chemistry Group' Head 2.
Radiochemistry. Supervis or 3.-
Radiation 1 Protection Supervisor
Chemistry Supervisor >
Radiological Engineering /ALARA
-Unit 2 6.'
Chemistry Engineer Support - Unit 2 7.
H.P. Foreman - Unit 2-4
.p h
S 4
e 4
8 e
4 e 8
- een '
O e
k f
.. -. ~,.
- 7 1
1-r Within t.he Operating Staff of Unit 1 is established a major group _.with the
. mission of providing radiation protection and chemistry support.
1The organizatio' of the Radiation' Protection and Chemistry group is illustrat'!
n in Figure.1.
Under the' group head are:
L Supervisor-Radiation Protection and Chemistry 2.
Supervisor-Dosimetry 3.
Respiratory Protection Supervisor 4.
Chemistry Supervisor - Unit 1 S.
Radiological Engineerin;:/ALARA - Unit 1 6.
Supervisor'- Rad Waste - Unit i 4
H.P. Foreman - Unit' 1 y
i 1.
Supervisor - Radiation Protection and Chemistry-The head of the nadiation Protecticn and-Chemistry Departm t reports toD.'
Manager, S'.'pport Services and Logistics.
Reporting to him are the heads' of the six sub-groups listed above.
Direct liaison is also conducted wit!
the Director, Waste Management Activity and the Radiation Protection and Chemistry Supervisor of the Was;e M:nagement Group ~ for the coordination oy Station-wide Radiation Protection and Chemistry policy.
The incumbent is responsible for the overall coordination-and performance
- of personnel assigned and scecifically for ensuring _ that'the Radiation Protection function is acccmplished in full compliance with 10 CFR 20' 0
(and other such regulations issued-by competent authority and approved jirocedbres) and the manacement of all chemistry functions associated with>
Unit 1 in accordance with the Unit's Technical Specifications andcprinary and secondary water chemistry and' radiochemistry procedural requirements.a The incumbent is also responsible for the implementation of Station Health Physics ' support functions (such as Dosimetry, Bioassay, etc.) for both. Uni and' Unit 2.
The incumbent is the normal point of contact in dialogue with representatives.of the Nuclear Regulatory Comnission in matters of-radiological concerns Unit 1.
Supervisor-Dosimetry i
Respo5sible'to both Radiation Protection and Chemistry Supervisors for thC L
L complete Internal and External Dosimetry program including the'supervisioq of all-personnel in the dosimetry group..
i The major functions include:
_Do,se Assessment
-The dose assessment section is responsible for. evaluations, calgulations, investigations of dosimetry results to a.ssure that proper data is used to!
These people are also responsible for detemine each individuals dose.
maintenance and delivery of the self-reader reports.
i 5
.t p
f x e
9 kt u e
j 4
External 0:timetry This section is responsible to the Supervisor. Dosimetry for proper control and maintenance of' the. TLD system.
This function includes TLD issue, reader;'
operation', system calibration TLD Anomoly investigation and liaison with
on-site or,qanizations.
I nt t_ - Do s i c.e t._,
y This section' includes implenentation of the interna'l dosimetry program,.
' sample collection and delivery, report, review and evaluation and computer!
Respirato,ry Protection Superyisor
~ Conducts.a program designed to maintain the effectiveness and adequacy of-re"spiratcry prctection.
program review includes:
wearer accepttnce, examination of respirators in use, evaluation of protection afforded, correlation of MPC - hours with measured doses, and records.
Writes or reviews procedures to implemnt the requirerents of HRC Regulatory Guide a....
8.1-5 and A r6G.C X1.
Establ-:shes liaison.among the various departmsnts that '
support the activity.
Chemistry Supervisor - Unit 1 The Chemistry supervisor is responsible for the coordination and perfor-mance of those personnel reporting directly to him which includes one Chemistry Foreman and Met-Ed Rad-Chem Technicians.
The' Radiochemistry supervisor will mormally be qualified for this position
. i -
in accordance with ANSI N18.1 - 1971.-
L Specifically, this position is responsible-for:
The management of the water chemistry sample and analysis program-within Unit 1 including both auxiliary and plant systems.
Thi selec'tioris 'sup'ervisTon, set-up and calibration of all chemical analytic
equip.ent/ systems.
l-The development or technical review of new chemistry procedures to meet
. F.
emergent requirements or to improve those in use.
1 The identification of training requirements for personnel assigned including the actual conduct of training which will be coordinated with the station Training Departinent.
The technical supervision of the operation of the water and waste treatment systems of Unit 1.
The maintenance of chemistry records and reports required by procedures under his c gnizance and/or by state or federal agencies, t*
Other duties assigned by the Radiation Protection and Chemistry Group Head.
-v I
o3o The stenpling and analysis and report 49 of non-radioactive waste water i
discharges in accordance with the station's HPDES (National Pollution Discharte Elimination System) permit.
~ a ~..*.
< ' l.,.....:.... r.i
.--r s
dlegicaT Engi6eering/At>M - Unit 1 T.a di 5.
l Assist in the planning, design and control of work in support of the..
- .M principles by providing recomendations, guidance and/or review in the following areas.
i Tacility/ Work r. pace layout and arrangement l
Tf affic/ Material Flowpaths Shielding 4
Remote indicating or monitoring equipment
Ventilation requirements in support of respiratory protection
~i Special tools /equipr,ent to reduce or minimize exposure Contamination /radiolupical control techniques j
Draf ting or review of procedures concerned with radiation protection i
and radiological centrols.
Other duties es may be assign' d by the Radiation protection and e
Clie:nistry Group Head:
Suptrvisor Red Waste - Unit 1 Responsible for the operation of the solid radwaste systems in Unit.)
including solidification of concentrated liquid waste and compacted trash.
Responsible for insuring compliance of all radwaste activities with Technici l
Specificatiens, procedures and Federal and State regulations.
l l
Respcnsible for the coordination with Waste Managerent Activities for the '
L sh^p ont of Unit 1 radioactive waste from the site.
-o Responsible to write or review procedures for the handling and packagin I
i' of waste material in Unit 1 to insure compliance with the regulations. ge e -
L 4
Responsible for engineering modifications to radwaste systems to insure---
proper, efficient and economical operation.
H.P. Foreman - Unit 1 R:sponsible to the Supervisor Radiation Protection and Chemistry for super-vision of technic.ians in:
1.' teboratory counting and support - Unit 1 2.
Health Rhysics operations and rnonitoring (RWP usaDe, job coverage) 3.
H.P. - Uni t 1 4.
Radiological surveys L
,- <- v r
- (
Within the Corpor. ate Staff is established a major group with the mi'.rio.' of o
providing environmental monitoring services and an H.P. audit program.
i L
Environmental Monitoring Program i
Responsible to the Director of Envirortmental Health and Safet
. tenance and review of the environmental surveillance program.y for main ALARA review; of effluent program and the reports related to the programs.
L 2.
H.P. Audit Program Responsible to the Director-Environmental Health and Safety for the RadiatC Protection QA audit program.
g I:
- ei e
t t
9 e
S l
L i
7 1
~~p Within the k'aste Management Activity is established a major group with the mission of 6ert operatf or.a1 and technical support of all facets of radiationi
- protection and chemistry associated with Unit 2 recovery operations.
The organization of the Radicticn protection and Chemistry Group is illustrath in figure 1.
Under the group head are; j
t.ine Functions Radiochemistry Supervisor Chemistry Supervisor.
Radiation Protection Supervisor Support functions I
Radiological Digineering and ALARA I
Chemistry Support Engineering Material Expediting The functional responsibilities of tFese major sub-groups are enumerated belos 1.
Radiation protec,t,1,on and Chmistry Greue Head.
The Head of the Radiation Protection and Chemistry Group reports to the Director, Unstc Managec.ent Activity.
Reporting to him are the heads of the six sub-
- grcups listed above.
Direct liaison is also conducted with the Managet
$upport Services and 1.ogistics. TMI Nuclear Station, for the coordinati of station-wide radiation protection and chemistry policy a'nd for matti involving rec;uisite s:ation Lt.pport functions (i.e. dosimetry, res-piratory protecticn and ceneric radiation pr.otection training).
The incumbent is responsible for the overall coordination and performan of personnel assigned and specifically for ensuring that the radiation protection functicn is acecmplished in full compliance with 10 CFR 20 '
(and such other regulaticns issued by competent authority and approved procedures) and the manasenent of all chemistry functions associated wi Unit 2 in accordance with standard technical specificatlons and prir.ary and secondary water chcenistry and radiochemistry procedural requirer.ent The incumbent is the norral point of centact in dialogueewith the repre
- .,,q
.sentatives of the Nuclear Reculatory Cor.'tission 'in ratters,of,radiologi-cal concerns affecting Unit 2 2.
Radiochemistry Supervisor The Radiochemistry Supervisor is, responsible for the coordination and p fonnance of those personnel reporting directly to him which include sar l
coordinators, sa ple ccmpilers, and those contractor personnc1 who l
operate and maintain the various rediochemistry counting laboratories a' TMI as a result of the Unit 2 accident.
The Radiochccistry Supervisor ;
I will nore.111y be qualified in accordance with ANSI 18,1 - 1971.
i Specifically, this position is r'esponsibic for:
The selection, supervision and calibration of all radiochemistry j
analysis and counting equipment.,
M-co eum** enoom p, _ -
.e a==emuse e->.e m.
e-w w e~ee
_ e>eme es
~t-1 The estabitshing and day-to-day conduct of a quality assurance prograa to ensure the highest stendards of r:diochemistry laboratory results 7,
(excluding field or portable equ;gr.ent),
The development or technical review of new radiochenistry procedures I
necessary to fulfill emergent requirements.
'l The (dentificaticn of training require.ents for personnel assigned, L
including the actual conduct of such training when the normal statien j
training department or others cannot fulfill this recuirement. of radiochemistry records and reports required b;"
procedures under his cognizar.ce and/or reouired by state or federal 4
g agencies.
..,.0ther dutf es assigned by the Radiation Protection and Chemistry Group '
.q Head.
I The functions of the grou;s for which the Radiochemistry Supervisor is responsible are enumerated below:
Semple Coordinator Coordinate the sempling effort throughout Unit 2 including ensuring recurring periodic samples are drawn as scheduled, y
arranging for other sam;1es as requested, ensuring that samples are forwarded to the cogni: ant laboratory for counting and onmrino that rotults are received in a timely manner e.nd dis-i i
tributed to cognizer.t personnel / offices.
Implementation of the 1
j emergency Sample Precedure.
(Z-33) j Implementation of the if quid discharge procedure.. (Z-46)
Implementation of the sewage procedure (2-51).
Supervision L
of those personnel assigned to draw and transport samples to and !
from Sample Labs.
Other duties as as vgned or appreved by the l
Radiochemistry Supervisor.
l b.
Sample Compilers l
Compile / composite, store and dispose of sampics as directed by thC Radiochemistry Superviscr.
p c.
Contractor Radiochemistry Laboratories l
P rfom radiochemical analysis as directed by the Sample Coordina 8
l-1 1
l t
- T
u i
.s, i
Radht. ion Protection $ oervisor 1
The Radiation Protection Supervisor,is responsible for the coordinatit; aiid performance of those personnel assigned and especially for that ofl contractor radiation protection supervisors and foremen.
He is specifically responsible for ensuring that the radiation protection (;!
is accomplished in full ccepliance with 10 CFR 20 (and such other rest; tions issued by competent authority and approved procedures.)
Specific responsibilities include:
- The review of surveys, including radiation, airborne and surf ace con.
tamination to detect trenc's which would require increased personnel protective measures.
The revi'ew and approval for radioactive releases from Unit 2 ond, wher ;
i requested, from Unit 1.
Maintaining close liaison wf th the Waste Management Activity Disposal i Group for purposes of day-to-day review of the handling, storage and shipping of radioactive material.
Specifically, the incumbent should review and approve shipping documents.
The calibration of survey and laboratory instruments assigned to Unit accordance with direction from the radiochemistry supervisor.
The identification of training requirements for personnel assigned an:
for the menitoring of the quality of training conducted within his su!~
The maintenance of records and reports required by pr'ocedures, technit:
specifications and others required by state or federal agencies.
't '
Other duties assigned by the Radiation Protection and Chemistry Group '
radiation L The preparation or technical review of procedures affecting/or RORC.
The incumbent is normally a raember of PORC and
'^ ~ '
Chemistry _ Supervisor The Chemistry Supervispr is responsible for the coordination and per-formance of those personnel reporting directly to him which includes one chemist, une contractor chemistry laboratory superviser and liet-E
rad-chem technicians.
The radiochemistry supervisor will normally be qualified for this position in accordance with AfiSI il18.1 - 1971.
Specifica111y, this position is responsible for:
The raanagement of the water chemistry saE.ple and analysis program w
~ ('
Unit 2 including both auxiliary and plant systems.
u D.
m q
4 i-The selection, supervision, set-up and calibration of all chuiesi '
analytic equipment / systems.
The develop > ant or technical review of new chemistry procedures to I
meet emergent requirements or to improve thost. in use.
1 The identifi[ation of training requirements for perso
' N "' '
.ing ddpartment cannot fulfill this requirement'.
The technf eal supervision of the operation of the water and waste 4' U-treatment systems (less those under the cognizance of the Waste P.anage-l rnent Activity Processing Section) of Unit 2.
.The.maintenapee of chemistry records and reports required bf proch riis l 3,, ~....
under his. cognizance and/or by state or federal agencies.
Other duties assigned by the Radiation Protection and Chemistry Group Head.
The Chemistry Supervisor shall be responsible for the time sheets 'for.
all bargaining unit personnel within the chemistry and radio-chemistry groups.
f The functions of the grtup for which the Chenistry Supervisor is responsible are enumerated below:
The B&W t.aboratory Supervisor and technicians are responsible a.
for the tr.aintenance of the B&W chemistry laboratcry and for the perfornence of analyses or other chemistry functions in accordance
' -with approved procedures as directed by the Sample Coordina ;' '-
i 1
J'et-Ed Fad-Chem Techs responsible' for the maintenance and 4',
operation of those chemistry systems assigned to or located with-u 1
in Unit 2 chemistry laboratory and for the conduct of such analyses 4;.,.
or other chemistry functions in acccrdance with approved pro-
cedures as may be assigned by the Sample Coordinators or other
duly author'ized supervisory personnel.
-The Chemistry Supervisor will be assisted-by a~ chehiist who fit 1s' altaff rather than line position; however, direct supervision of personner with-in the gitup may be require'd from tim 6 to time.
The Chemist is responsib1!
Assisting runagement and subordinates in the development, impleinentation, calibration, and standardization of functional tests, analysis techniques and other programs as may be assigned.
- n 9
. c, r..
i E
The development of-a quality assurance / control program consisting of h,
chemical calibrations and maintenance of instrumentation and, as I
necessary, periodic audits of the operation of associated cystems and techniques and adequacy and accuracy of data.
l Aisisting the Chemistry Supervisor in the dcvelopm:nt of budgets..
t providing pertinent data and information regarding expenditures and projected requirements both for the chemistry and radio-chemistry
' The procurement of chemical laboratory equipment and supplies.
- ^
l The instruction of' technicians in review or unusual p.ocedures anr!/or
techniques associated with analytical procedures.
j Other duties as may be assigned by the Chemistry Supervisor.
The Chemist will be the normal relief for the Chemistry Supervisor "durir, periods of his absence.
Three staff assistants or groups are assigned within the Radiation Protection and Chccistry Group.
Their functional responsibilities are listed below.
Radiolooical Encineerino/M.ADA - Unit.2 4
Assist in the planning, design and control of work in support of the ALARA principles by previding recomendations, guidance and/or review j
in the following areas:
Facility /'n'ork space layout and arrangement
Traf fic/ Material Ficwpaths,
L Shiciding I
Remate indicating or nenitoring equipment' Ventilation requiremnts in support or respiratory protection Special tools / equipment to reduce or minimize exposure Contamination /radiolegical control techniques Draf ting or review of procedures concerned with radiation pro-m tection and radiological controls.
Other duties as 'may be assigned by the Radiation protection and Chemistry Group licad.
_ Chemistry Engineer _S,uocort - Uni t 2_
Engineering support, principally that concerned with sampling systems '
, and procedures.
Draf t and review procedures concerning sempling and analysis techniques, perform quality assurance checks and when directed, supervise the per-I fortrance of technicians assigned to cuntractors laboratories.
R r a 'fl O e% f l A N hf e
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W Middlegm. Pennnivenia )?os' 717 U44 do41 August 16, 1979 GQL 1071 Mr. B. H. Grier, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement Region !
U.S. !!uclear Regulatory Commission i
631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406
Dear Sir:
Three Mile Island Nuclear St.ation. Units 1 and 2 Operating License Itos. DFR-50 and CPR-73 Docket No. 50 289 and 50-320 Radiation Protection Program Met.Ed has centinued its effort to treet the cemitments of our 7/18/79 letter (GO!. 0D9) es radified by our 8/6/79 letter (GQ' 1018) and our 8/13/79 The specific status of cach item identified in our 8/13/79 letter letter.
For clarity and continuity, which requires further ecticn is presented below.
the paragrcph numbers used below correspond to those used in our 8/13/79 letter.
A revice of the OA prograi as it rniates to providing for regular audits 2.
of the Radiation Protection Program by individuals who are independent of the day-te-cay radioic;ical protection activities has been completed.
Documentation of the review and tne resulting reccmmendations will be provided to on-site trembers of your, staff on 8/16/79.
Health Physics Procedure " Internal Dosimetry / Bioassay Program" S.
(HP 1628) describes the sub,iect program and has been revised to -
incorporate the guidance provided in A'?SI it-347, Reg. Guide 8.15 E
and NuReg 0041.
' A procedure (HP 1628.1) for implementing the Internal Dosimetry /
L Bioassay Program described in HP 1628 has been prepared which contains action levels for whole body counting and urinalysis for suspected acute and chronic exposures of Sr-89 and Sr-90.
Procedures HP 1628 and 1628.1 have been approved and submitted to the L
NRC ILE representatives on site for review and cornment.
Health Physics Procedure "Respiratcry # Protection Program" (HP 1616 hes been expanded in. the form of an' impler. anting' procedure tHe icte.4 b.
which includet a detailed air semple analysis se:;uence with ac. tion l
levels specified when airborne concentrations of Sr 89 an'd SrE90-Procedure HP 1616.4 has been (based en Cs icvels) are measured.
approved and submitted to the NRC ILE representatives on site for
~ en w Mc*vA?- *
- 3 Pr. 5, m Ur t er, D/ cGUTr oE-Augus t 15, 1979
. c.
The calculation of P.PC hours for airborne concentrations of radio.
activity)has been included in Health Physics Frecedure RWP Proce (HP1613 and in an imple: renting procedure 'P.PC Hours" (HP 1616.5).
j Procedures (HP 1613 and HP 1616.5) include the requirement' for a per review of air sample results.
Both of thes, procedures have been approved and submitted to NRC I&E representatives on site for revie>
and'com. ment.
d.' A procedure specify(ing the care, use, and cleaning of the respirate protection devices HP 1616.3), is presently undergoing review by '
the Plant Operations Review Cemittee (PORC).
This procedure will be approved and sutenitted to the NRC I&E on site representatives by e
Aucust 24, 1979.
Health Physics Procedure "Ain Test Booth" (HP 1717) has been reviset!
and submitted to the NRC lt.E on site representative for review and comen t.
A training program for HP fore.nen and technicians has been developed for thp ccm,vehensive bicassay program.
Initial has been i.
completed and the p'rogrart was implemented on 8/17/79.
Ongoing train and program review is continuing
' 6.
A procedure providing for Al.AP,A review and ev.tluation of potentTal expo-sures of individuals to concentrattuns of airborno radioactive materials os requirod by 10 CFR 20.201(b), will be reviewed cnd apprcved by 1
August-?t, 19/9.
A draf t of this proceduro has been prepared and is currently undcenoing review.
/s/.i. G. Herbein J. G. Itechein Vice President-Generation JGH:d,ih c.c:
R. C. Arnold D. Reppert J.
Barton J. l'udge R. W. Dubiel J. R.
- D. F..l.imroth I. W.11arding G. P. Miller
.J. Ubito"
- 8. Crocher
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,t v/ASHHvc TON. 0.C. 20566
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%.;600g'e 4,
0, AUG 2 21975 pe a r;t ec ht
C0'.q $6tOtat A 4
Lee Y. 00ssick Executive Director forOperatiAns (3
I FP.0M:
Peter A. Bradford
HEAL.TH PHYSICS PROGPAM AT TMI A cont:1 tant to Metropolitan Edison, NUS, concluded that there were-areas of ill!'s health physics program which were unacceptable.
I under-star.d the staff has met with "ied Ec on this subject anc identifice its
.L concerns in a letter to which Met Ed has responcec.
I would like a copy of tne cir.utes of this teetin; and Aqy correspor.cence relating to this p
proble as seen as possible.
I woulo like by Septerter S.1979 e :;tatus report of Met Ed's current weaknesses in'this area and tne specific plans with tiretables whicn the staff believe are necessary te retecy any cf the deficiencies.
Acditionally, the Octr.issicr. Snould be kept currently infermed of cevelopments in the l-heeltn physics area, cc:
Chairman Hencrie Commissicner Gilinsky Corenissionu Kennecy Commissionei Ahearne S.imuel J. Chilk Al Kenneke Len Sickwit O
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