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Revised Special Rept:On 890914,pressurizer Level Indication in Standby Shutdown Facility Failed Low.Caused by Faulty Pressure Sensing Element.Rept Written to Replace Pressure Transmitters
Person / Time
Site: McGuire, Mcguire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/13/1989
From: Tucker H
NUDOCS 8911200167
Download: ML19325F342 (2)



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(704)373-4Ltl DUKEPOWER November' 13, 1989-U.S. Nuclear Regulatory C.ommission Document Control Desk Kashington,.DC 20555


McGuire Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2 a

Docket Nos. 50-369'and 50-370 Standby Shutdown Facility Special Report, Revision Gentlemen Pursuant to FSAR Selected Licensee Commitment 16.9-7, Standby ShutJown Facility (SSF), a special report concerning the inoperability of the SSF Pressurizer Level Indication was submitted on October 23, 1989. This revision corrects a typographical error.

If you have any questions, please contact S.E. LeRoy at (704) 373-6233.

Very trulv yours, V

Hal B. Tucker SEL/467 Attachment xc:

Mr. S.D. Ebneter, Administrator Mr. P.K. Van Doorn U.S. Nucicar Regulatory Commirsion Senior Resident Inspector Region II McGuire Nuclear Station 101 Marietta St., NW, Suite 7900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. D.S. Hood, Project Manager INPO Records Center Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Suite 1500 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1100 Circle 75 Parkway Washington, DC 20555 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 7

8911200167 891113 NM PDR ADOCK 05000369 S


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..a U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Docket Nos. 50-369 and 50-370 November 13, 1989 Attachment Duke Power Company McGuire Nuclear Station Standby Shutdown Facility Special Report On Saptember 14, 1989 at 0 D

ations determined that the Pressurizer l

Level Indication in the St it hautdown Facility (SSF) had failed low. A work request was written at 3 to investigate and repair the level indication. All components the loop were verified correct with the exception of level transmitter 1NCLT5151. Additionally, the remote amp could not be verified correct due to a problem in the wiring harness. The problem was believed to be faulty pressure sensing element.

The spare transmittors located in the warehouse could not be calibrated, and no other replacement transmitter could be located. Tha seventh day of inoperability occurred on September 21, 1989 at'0430.

Level transmitter 1NCLT5151 is a Foxboro Model E13DM split architecture differential. pressure transmitter. Split architecture refers to the separate pressure sensing and amplifier component. The pressure sensing element is lecated in tha Annulus, and the remote amplifier is located in the switchgear room located on the 750 ft. clevation of the Auxiliary Building. The Foxboro E13DM is obsolete and no longer available from the Foxboro company. Three Foxboro E13DMs located in our warehouse could not be calibrnted. Due to the split architecture of these transmitters, there was great difficulty determining which element of the transmitter was at fault.

This problem was compounded by problems in the remote amp wiring harness.

The faulty transmiteers were taken to the vendor for repair; however, none of the transmitterr would operate satisfactorily. A station problem report was written to replace the Foxboro E13DM with another type transmitter.

McGuiro Exempt Variation Notice No. 2055 was written to replace the Foxboro E13Dm with a Barton Model 764 pressure transmitter. The Barton transmitter was installed per work request no. 96999 on October 11, 1989. Operations declared the SSF Pressurizer Level Indication operable the same day.
