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Suppls Interrogatories of 781015 Re Post Irradiation Equipment,Spent Fuel Hazards,Assemblies & Rerating of Units. Also Requests Selected Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: 07002623
Issue date: 12/19/1978
From: Blum S, Reiley J
To: Hoefling R
Shared Package
ML19269B897 List:
NUDOCS 7901190008
Download: ML19269B901 (1)



~4E C/RO_lb h ER iO1YErfR 5LDY GR$D*?;x December 19, 1978 g

N To: Richard K. Hoofling 2

tOo h l-h b

Fron: Jess Riley and Shelley Blum g

DIT07ERY Docket 70-2623 4

M Further to interrogatories of date November 15,1978 numbered hh-8h:

95. Describe the post irradiation equipment (PIE) which may bo located in an Oconeo fuol pool as to function, dimen sions, and mobility.
96. Provide the file on the 10 CFR 71.31 items which occasionad the memorandum for files by J. O. Mayor dated October 3,1978.
97. Provido all documents in NRC relating to security considerations in the transport of gent fuel.

98 Has a determination been made as to whether spent fuel ha::ards, in transport from the generating plant of origin to some other point of reposo, cro covered by the Price-Anderson Act? If so, provide the authority for this determination. If not, provido any IEC documents relating to this matter.

99. What reasons has Dako provided the NRC in regard to naintmning full, core reserve at Oconee?

100 Is it necessary, as Duke appears to maintein, to so place spent fuel assaiblics in the pool that rehandling must be done if the assemblies first in are also to be the assemblies first out?

101. Re Starostocki to Parker, July 21,1978, item 15, is the IRC Staff familiar with the location of West Charlotte High School in relation to I-85 on the projected spent fuel route and of the population of that school?

102. What other considerations than economic advantage does the Staff take into account in the cost / benefit weighing of the proposed action and the several alternatives?

103. Has the Staff originated alternatives in addition to the fivo developed by Duke? If so, what.nre they?

10h. Will an 18 month cycle at Oconeo result in a rerating of the units?

Will the burn be more completo? If so does Staff have the appropriato sources terms for the spent fuel? Pleamprovide if available.

Please respond to both of the undersigned.

105. Provide the Sandia study Yours very truly, on the hazards of spent fuel accidents in populous



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Mtiss Riley


-5helley Blum 854 HENLEY PLACE CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROlllTA 98007 - (704) 375-4349 790119creo 8