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Issue date: | 12/19/1978 |
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MONTHYEARML20062H1911982-08-0303 August 1982
[Table view]Notifies That Apr 1982 Revision 6 to Spent Fuel Transportation Plan Meets Requirements of 10CFR73.37 & Is Approved.Revised Plan Contains Safeguards Info Which Should Be Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) ML20050S8361982-04-0101 April 1982 Advises That Invoice Will Be Issued Re 811202 Request for Approval of Revision 5 to Spent Fuel Transportation Plan ML20063D4781982-03-0909 March 1982 Forwards Personnel Whole Body Exposures for CY81, Per 10CFR20.407(a) & (B) ML20041B4531982-01-20020 January 1982 Informs That Revision 5 to Spent Fuel Transportation Plan Has Been Approved.Revision Contains Safeguards Info Which Must Be Protected Against Unauthorized Disclosures ML20032E4251981-10-28028 October 1981 Informs That Commission Has Decided That Review of ALAB-651 Is Unnecessary.Gilinsky & Bradford Dissented.Decision Became Final Agency Action on 811026 ML20033A4501981-10-26026 October 1981 Approves Revised List of Safe Havens & Food & Fuel Stop Locations,In Response to .Other Food & Fuel Stop Locations Along Route May Be Used Provided Security Measures Required by 10CFR73.37 Are Applied During Stop ML20033A3321981-10-19019 October 1981 Informs That Alternate Route E Spent Fuel Transportation Plan Meets Requirements of 10CFR73.37 & Is Approved,In Response to Util ML20031C5071981-09-28028 September 1981 Forwards Spent Fuel Transportation Plan,Oconee to McGuire, Alternate E Route Request.Plan Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20010G3521981-09-10010 September 1981 Requests Expedition of Proposed Amend to Indemnity Agreement,Per 810910 Telcon.Amend Needed So That Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Can Issue Amend to Part 70 License ML20005B7151981-08-20020 August 1981 Notifies That Ofc of Controller Will Issue Invoice for Manpower Expended in Review of Util Spent Fuel Transportation Plan ML20008F6751981-04-20020 April 1981 Forwards CE Alderson 810417 Memo to Sohinki Re Util Possible False Statement Concerning Amend to Matls License ML19345G7951981-04-10010 April 1981 Informs That Jm Mcgarry Will Present Oral Argument on Behalf of Util at 810422 Proceeding Re Amend to License SNM-1773 for Spent Fuel Transportation & Storage ML19345G7961981-04-0707 April 1981 Informs of Oral Argument to Be Presented on 810422 Per 810225 Order Re Amend to Matls License SNM-1773 for Spent Fuel Transportation & Storage.Related Correspondence ML19343D0081981-04-0606 April 1981 Informs That SM Sohinki Will Represent NRC at 810422 Oral Argument ML20003D5431981-03-26026 March 1981 Requests Current DOE Position Re Util Application for Permission to Store Spent Fuel from Oconee in McGuire Spent Fuel Pool.Transcript Pages from Bateman 790913 Testimony Encl for Review.W/O Encl ML20003G3041981-03-17017 March 1981 Requests Cancellation of License SNM-1773 for Fuel Loading & Zero Power Testing ML19350B4321981-03-10010 March 1981 Informs That Er Weiss Will Represent NRDC in 810422 Argument.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20008F4671981-02-0909 February 1981 Withdraws Request for Amend 2 to License SNM-1773,due to Errors & Issuance of Fuel Loading & Zero Power Testing License ML19345F0441981-02-0202 February 1981 Responds to s.Public Hearing Will Be Held in Charlotte,Nc on Facility OL Issuance.Hydrogen Generation from TMI-2 Type Accident Will Be Considered.Oral Arguments on Mcguire/Oconee Transshipment Will Be Held in Bethesda,Md ML20002E3191981-01-23023 January 1981 Forwards NRC 810119 Answer to NRDC Motion for Extension of Time & Notice of Appearance.W/O Encls ML19351F4131980-12-30030 December 1980 Submits Amend 4 to License SNM-1773,permitting Movement & Insertion of Single Fuel Assembly Into Various Reactor Vessel Locations for Indexing Purposes ML20003G8521980-12-0505 December 1980 Forwards Request for Amend 2 to License SNM-1773, Authorizing Possession of Th-232,depleted U-238 & U Enriched in U-235 ML20002B4241980-11-24024 November 1980 Applauds ASLB 801031 Decision to Deny Duke Power Co Right to Ship Dangerous Nuclear Waste Through Carolinas.Requests Notification of Date Chosen for Duke Power Co Appeal of Vanguard Decision ML19340D2051980-11-15015 November 1980 Expresses Approval of NRC Decision Not to Permit Shipment of Radwaste Through Nc & Sc ML19345C9361980-10-15015 October 1980 Amends License SNM-1773 to Include Encl Condition for Licensee to Follow Low Strategic Significance SNM Storage & in Transit Security Plan ML19345B6501980-10-0202 October 1980 Requests NRC Response to Buncombe County,Nc,Civil Preparedness Agency 800711 Telegram to President Carter & NRC Requesting Notification of High Level Radiation Shipments Through County ML19345C0801980-09-16016 September 1980 Forwards Revision 1 to Storage & in-transit Security Plan for SNM of Low Strategic Significance.Revision Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML19343A1791980-09-12012 September 1980 Forwards Fr Notice of Relocation of Lpdr ML19343A1821980-09-0505 September 1980 Forwards Notice of Relocation of Lpdr ML19338D0481980-09-0202 September 1980 Forwards Fr Notice Re Relocation of Local PDR to Atkins Library,Univ of Nc,Charlotte,Nc ML19332B3351980-08-0808 August 1980 Forwards Comments Re Storage & in-transit Security Plan for SNM of Low Strategic Significance.Response Requested within 30 Days.Comments Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML19344E2711980-08-0505 August 1980 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Federal Govt Purchase,Lease or Condemnation of Facility.Forwards Documents Listed in App A.Nrc 790913 Transcript Is Available in Pdr.W/O Encls ML19344E2761980-07-18018 July 1980 FOIA Request for Documents Re Federal Govt Purchase,Lease or Condemnation of Facility ML19321B1201980-07-17017 July 1980 Ack Receipt of Forwarding Spent Fuel Transportation Security Plan,Revision 3.Request for Proposed Primary Route Is Subj to Fee.Will Notify of Amount ML20148D2261980-07-11011 July 1980 Responds to Util 800417,28 & 0702 Ltrs Re Physical Protection of Irradiated Reactor Fuel in Transit.Approves Revision 3 to Spent Fuel Transportation Plan NUREG-0561, Advises That List of 60 Addl Heavily Populated Areas Has Been Included in Encl Revised Guidance document,NUREG-0561, Per NRC Amend Rule for Physical Protection of Irradiated Reactor Fuel in Transit,Effective 800703.W/o Encl1980-07-0707 July 1980 Advises That List of 60 Addl Heavily Populated Areas Has Been Included in Encl Revised Guidance document,NUREG-0561, Per NRC Amend Rule for Physical Protection of Irradiated Reactor Fuel in Transit,Effective 800703.W/o Encl ML19344E7671980-07-0202 July 1980 Forwards Revision 3 to Spent Fuel Transportation Security Plan,Which Meets Requirements of 10CFR73.37,as Amended 800603.Requests Approval of Primary Route for Shipment of Oconee Spent Fuel.Revision Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML19320D0791980-06-25025 June 1980 Forwards Responses to Pages 4-6 of Gaston County Board of Commissioners 800428 Questions Addressed to ASLB Re Util Application to Transfer & Store Spent Fuel from Oconee Nuclear Station ML19318A3341980-06-17017 June 1980 Forwards Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law in Form of Initial Decision Approving License Amend to Authorize Oconee Spent Fuel Transportation to & Storage at McGuire ML19318A1641980-06-13013 June 1980 Forwards 800603 Fr Notice Announcing NRC Amend to Physical Protection Regulation of Irradiated Reactor Fuel During Transit.Fulfills NRC Committment Made at 800428-29 Hearings ML19323G5911980-05-19019 May 1980 Forwards Applicant Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law in Form of Initial Decision ML19323E4211980-05-0808 May 1980 Advises That Fee to Cover 790713 Request for Approval of Spent Fuel Shipments Routes,Has Been Assessed Under Category 13 of 10CFR170.31,as Special Project.Ofc of Controller Will Issue Invoice ML19323E4661980-04-30030 April 1980 Advises That Util Is to Submit Proposed Findings of Fact by 800519,non-NRC Parties by 800529 & NRC by 800609 ML19309F8331980-04-28028 April 1980 Forwards Dj Kasun 800428 Affidavit Addressing Duke Power Co Compliance W/New Regulations Re Physical Security of Spent Fuel in Transit from Oconee to McGuire ML19323J3651980-04-28028 April 1980 Advises That Util Will Submit Revision to Spent Fuel Transportation Plan Incorporating Regulatory Requirements Not Met in 800408 Plan & Noted in Dj Kasun 800424 Affidavit. Lists Changes to Be Made ML15219A0501980-04-25025 April 1980 Forwards Addl Comments to Gaston County Board of Commissioners Position Opposing Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipment Through County & Two Proposed Alternate Routes.Author Does Not Oppose Shipment If Adequate Safeguards Are Provided ML19323B6981980-04-25025 April 1980 Advises That Util Compliance W/New Amend to Interim Rule Re Requirements for Physical Protection of Irradiated Reactor Fuel in Transit,Will Be Addressed at 800428 Hearing ML19318B0311980-04-17017 April 1980 Forwards Lincoln County,Nc Board of County Commissioners 791001 & 800408 Resolutions Affirming Position That Spent Nuclear Fuel Should Be Transported from Oconee to McGuire on Interstate Highways ML19312E0231980-04-17017 April 1980 Forwards Resolution Opposing Movement of Spent Nuclear Fuel or Waste Over Roads Through Lincoln County,Nc.Board Reaffirmed on 800408 That Spent Nuclear Fuel or Waste Should Be Transported on Interstate Highways ML19320B5821980-04-15015 April 1980 Forwards Position of Gaston County Board of Commissioners, Nc,Opposing Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipment Through County & Two Proposed Alternate Routes.W/O Encl 1982-08-03 Category:INCOMING CORRESPONDENCE MONTHYEARML20063D4781982-03-0909 March 1982
[Table view]Forwards Personnel Whole Body Exposures for CY81, Per 10CFR20.407(a) & (B) ML20031C5071981-09-28028 September 1981 Forwards Spent Fuel Transportation Plan,Oconee to McGuire, Alternate E Route Request.Plan Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20010G3521981-09-10010 September 1981 Requests Expedition of Proposed Amend to Indemnity Agreement,Per 810910 Telcon.Amend Needed So That Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Can Issue Amend to Part 70 License ML19345G7951981-04-10010 April 1981 Informs That Jm Mcgarry Will Present Oral Argument on Behalf of Util at 810422 Proceeding Re Amend to License SNM-1773 for Spent Fuel Transportation & Storage ML19345G7961981-04-0707 April 1981 Informs of Oral Argument to Be Presented on 810422 Per 810225 Order Re Amend to Matls License SNM-1773 for Spent Fuel Transportation & Storage.Related Correspondence ML20003G3041981-03-17017 March 1981 Requests Cancellation of License SNM-1773 for Fuel Loading & Zero Power Testing ML19350B4321981-03-10010 March 1981 Informs That Er Weiss Will Represent NRDC in 810422 Argument.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20008F4671981-02-0909 February 1981 Withdraws Request for Amend 2 to License SNM-1773,due to Errors & Issuance of Fuel Loading & Zero Power Testing License ML20003G8521980-12-0505 December 1980 Forwards Request for Amend 2 to License SNM-1773, Authorizing Possession of Th-232,depleted U-238 & U Enriched in U-235 ML20002B4241980-11-24024 November 1980 Applauds ASLB 801031 Decision to Deny Duke Power Co Right to Ship Dangerous Nuclear Waste Through Carolinas.Requests Notification of Date Chosen for Duke Power Co Appeal of Vanguard Decision ML19340D2051980-11-15015 November 1980 Expresses Approval of NRC Decision Not to Permit Shipment of Radwaste Through Nc & Sc ML19345B6501980-10-0202 October 1980 Requests NRC Response to Buncombe County,Nc,Civil Preparedness Agency 800711 Telegram to President Carter & NRC Requesting Notification of High Level Radiation Shipments Through County ML19345C0801980-09-16016 September 1980 Forwards Revision 1 to Storage & in-transit Security Plan for SNM of Low Strategic Significance.Revision Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML19344E2761980-07-18018 July 1980 FOIA Request for Documents Re Federal Govt Purchase,Lease or Condemnation of Facility ML19344E7671980-07-0202 July 1980 Forwards Revision 3 to Spent Fuel Transportation Security Plan,Which Meets Requirements of 10CFR73.37,as Amended 800603.Requests Approval of Primary Route for Shipment of Oconee Spent Fuel.Revision Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML19323G5911980-05-19019 May 1980 Forwards Applicant Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law in Form of Initial Decision ML19323J3651980-04-28028 April 1980 Advises That Util Will Submit Revision to Spent Fuel Transportation Plan Incorporating Regulatory Requirements Not Met in 800408 Plan & Noted in Dj Kasun 800424 Affidavit. Lists Changes to Be Made ML15219A0501980-04-25025 April 1980 Forwards Addl Comments to Gaston County Board of Commissioners Position Opposing Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipment Through County & Two Proposed Alternate Routes.Author Does Not Oppose Shipment If Adequate Safeguards Are Provided ML19312E0231980-04-17017 April 1980 Forwards Resolution Opposing Movement of Spent Nuclear Fuel or Waste Over Roads Through Lincoln County,Nc.Board Reaffirmed on 800408 That Spent Nuclear Fuel or Waste Should Be Transported on Interstate Highways ML19318B0311980-04-17017 April 1980 Forwards Lincoln County,Nc Board of County Commissioners 791001 & 800408 Resolutions Affirming Position That Spent Nuclear Fuel Should Be Transported from Oconee to McGuire on Interstate Highways ML19320B5821980-04-15015 April 1980 Forwards Position of Gaston County Board of Commissioners, Nc,Opposing Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipment Through County & Two Proposed Alternate Routes.W/O Encl ML19323B6111980-04-14014 April 1980 Expresses Concern Re NRC Proposal to Permit Shipments of Spent Fuel from Oconee to McGuire for Interim Storage ML19305E5901980-04-14014 April 1980 Forwards Applicant Testimony to Be Presented at Upcoming Evidentiary Hearing Re Applicant Challenge to NRC Denial of of Route 4 Utilization Per ASLB 800310 Order.Util Efforts Re Tentative Stipulations Will Be Provided ML19323D1471980-04-10010 April 1980 FOIA Request for Documents Re Duke Power Co Transportation Routes & Application to Transport Spent Fuel from Oconee to McGuire Nuclear Plant ML19323D5601980-04-0808 April 1980 Forwards Applicant Advising That Sc Route 11 Will Not Be Used as Primary Route for Spent Fuel Shipment from Oconee to Mcguire,But for Emergencies & Security Purposes. Question Solved & Need Not Be Addressed at Resumed Hearing ML19323A9671980-04-0202 April 1980 Advises That RW Bostian Testimony Re Spent Fuel Storage Options Will Be Presented by Duke Power Co at 800428 Hearing,Per NRDC Approval.Aslb Will Be Advised in Timely Manner Should NRDC Determine Otherwise ML19323A9691980-03-28028 March 1980 Discusses Chronology of Events Concerning Commission 800324 Notice of 800331 Public Meeting Re Physical Protection of Irradiated Reactor Fuel in Transit.Urges Expeditious Consideration of Application Filed 780309 ML20126D2031980-03-20020 March 1980 Favors Transport of Nuclear Waste Through Mount Holly,Nc. Other Dangerous Shipments Routinely Pass Through City ML20126D2061980-03-19019 March 1980 Favors Shipment of Nuclear Waste Through Denver,Nc & Storage of Waste at Nearby Nuclear Plant ML20126D1991980-03-19019 March 1980 Discusses Gaston County,Nc Resolution Re Transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel Through County.Requests Opportunity to Present Resolution at NRC 800428 Hearing in Charlotte Nc ML20126D2111980-03-18018 March 1980 Opposes Transport of Nuclear Waste Through Mount Holly,Nc. Route Is Extremely Hazardous Due to Presence of high-speed Intersection & Frequency of Accidents ML20126D2151980-03-11011 March 1980 Opposes Transport of Nuclear Waste Through Lincolnton,Nc. Questions Necessity of Transporting Safe Matl from Plant ML20126D2181980-03-0707 March 1980 Notifies That Gaston Taxpayers Association Opposes Transport of Nuclear Waste from Gaston Nc Facility ML20126D1941980-03-0505 March 1980 Protests Proposed Shipment of Nuclear Waste from Facility in Sc to Facility in Nc.Nuclear Plants Should Be Required to Neutralize Radioactive Matl Rather than Transport It ML19294B6251980-02-12012 February 1980 Forwards SB Hager Affidavit in Response to ASLB 791031 Order Responding to Carolina Environ Study Group Petition & Requesting Numerical Analyses Re Radioactive Emissions to Public & Employees ML19290C6061979-12-31031 December 1979 Comments on Proposed Rule 10CFR73:firm Embargoing of Area Creates Problems for Transportation of Spent Fuel.Great Portion of Major Roadways Traverse Category C Cities ML19211D3551979-12-0101 December 1979 Forwards Intervenor Brief Protected Under Commission 791102 Order.W/O Encl ML19211D3541979-12-0101 December 1979 Requests That Nondisclosure Agreement Not Apply to Intervenor 791201 Brief ML19290B7951979-11-16016 November 1979 Forwards Corrections to Transcript of W Bateman 790913 Testimony ML19294B6311979-11-0707 November 1979 Requests Extension of License SNM-1773 to 811231.Expiration Date of License Should Be Disassociated from Facility OL Due to 780309 Pending Amend Re Transfer of Spent Fuel ML19256E5831979-09-17017 September 1979 Confirms 790914 Telcon in Response in .Will Sign Protective Agreement & Participate in Camera Proceeding at Commission Level Only.Shipment of Spent Fuel May Take Place During June 1982 ML19250A8741979-09-17017 September 1979 Responds to .Protection of Fuel Shipment Routes Will Not Serve Any Matl Purpose.Expresses No Objection Re Proposed Protective Agreement on Confidential Session.Info Re Schedule of Shipment Is Not Presently Available ML19254D2481979-09-14014 September 1979 Responds to .No Active Position Has Been Taken by Applicant Re Disclosure of Fuel Shipment Routes.Applicant Is Willing to Sign Protective Agreement & Proposes to Ship Spent Fuel Upon Approval of Application ML19254E7981979-09-10010 September 1979 Urges Denial of Util Request to Ship Nuclear Wastes Between Plants ML19294A9271979-09-0707 September 1979 Forwarded Proposed Revised Page for Chapter 11 of 780309 Rept Supporting Amend to License SNM-1773.Revision Changes Qualifications Necessary for Supervisory Personnel Responsible for Spent Fuel Handling During Shipping ML19275A7871979-09-0404 September 1979 Forwards,Per 790807 Discussions Between ASLB & Parties, Supplemental Testimony of L Lewis,L Hamilton,Rw Bostian, Jm Elliot & Bj Garrick ML19290C6131979-08-30030 August 1979 Seeks Mgt Review of NRC 790803 Denial of Util 790713 & 30 Requests for Approval of Transportation Routes.Eight Miles of Route Through Charlotte Cannot Be Classified as Traversing Heavily Populated Area ML19209B8601979-08-13013 August 1979 Requests That NRC Assist Mecklenburg County,Nc in Evaluating Adequacy of Civil Defense Emergency Response Capability. NRC Has Expressed Concern Re Chain of Authority & Responsiblility for Public Health & Safety ML19249E9791979-08-0303 August 1979 Advises That NRC Proposed Addl Testimony Has Been Reviewed. Urges ASLB to Reject Testimony as Redundant & Untimely ML19242C4821979-08-0202 August 1979 Forwards Cask Drop Analysis Using Natl Lead Industries 1/2 Cask 1982-03-09 Category:PUBLIC ENTITY/CITIZEN/ORGANIZATION/MEDIA TO NRC MONTHYEARML20002B4241980-11-24024 November 1980
[Table view]Applauds ASLB 801031 Decision to Deny Duke Power Co Right to Ship Dangerous Nuclear Waste Through Carolinas.Requests Notification of Date Chosen for Duke Power Co Appeal of Vanguard Decision ML19340D2051980-11-15015 November 1980 Expresses Approval of NRC Decision Not to Permit Shipment of Radwaste Through Nc & Sc ML20126D2031980-03-20020 March 1980 Favors Transport of Nuclear Waste Through Mount Holly,Nc. Other Dangerous Shipments Routinely Pass Through City ML20126D2061980-03-19019 March 1980 Favors Shipment of Nuclear Waste Through Denver,Nc & Storage of Waste at Nearby Nuclear Plant ML20126D2111980-03-18018 March 1980 Opposes Transport of Nuclear Waste Through Mount Holly,Nc. Route Is Extremely Hazardous Due to Presence of high-speed Intersection & Frequency of Accidents ML20126D2151980-03-11011 March 1980 Opposes Transport of Nuclear Waste Through Lincolnton,Nc. Questions Necessity of Transporting Safe Matl from Plant ML20126D2181980-03-0707 March 1980 Notifies That Gaston Taxpayers Association Opposes Transport of Nuclear Waste from Gaston Nc Facility ML20126D1941980-03-0505 March 1980 Protests Proposed Shipment of Nuclear Waste from Facility in Sc to Facility in Nc.Nuclear Plants Should Be Required to Neutralize Radioactive Matl Rather than Transport It ML19211D3551979-12-0101 December 1979 Forwards Intervenor Brief Protected Under Commission 791102 Order.W/O Encl ML19211D3541979-12-0101 December 1979 Requests That Nondisclosure Agreement Not Apply to Intervenor 791201 Brief ML19256E5831979-09-17017 September 1979 Confirms 790914 Telcon in Response in .Will Sign Protective Agreement & Participate in Camera Proceeding at Commission Level Only.Shipment of Spent Fuel May Take Place During June 1982 ML19254E7981979-09-10010 September 1979 Urges Denial of Util Request to Ship Nuclear Wastes Between Plants ML19249E9791979-08-0303 August 1979 Advises That NRC Proposed Addl Testimony Has Been Reviewed. Urges ASLB to Reject Testimony as Redundant & Untimely ML19208C4981979-07-26026 July 1979 Requests to File Objections to NRC 790803 Addl Testimony. Testimony Was Received Later than Scheduled,Causing Delay ML19207A4781979-06-26026 June 1979 Forwards Rept to President by Interagency Review Group on Nuclear Waste Mgt, in Support of Citizen Group Testimony.W/O Encl ML19241B9711979-06-0404 June 1979 Submits Info Re Affiliations W/Prof Organizations ML19241B9801979-06-0404 June 1979 Forwards Depositions in Form of Affidavits Re Prefiled Direct Testimony Relating to NRDC 790501 & 21 Motions for Summary Disposition ML19289G1791979-06-0303 June 1979 Requests Extension of Time Until 790607 & 11 to File Responses to NRC 790511 Summary Disposition & to Applicant Motion for Summary Disposition Re Carolina Environ Study Group Contentions 1-3 ML19224D2741979-06-0101 June 1979 Forwards NRDC 790601 Motion for Suspension of Hearing Schedule ML19224D2921979-06-0101 June 1979 Advises of Near Future Intention to Publish EIS on Interim Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel.Urges NRC to Take Necessary Action in Order to Produce Final Generic Environ Statement on Same Matter.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19224D2161979-05-31031 May 1979 Forwards Corrected Pages 6,8 & Ll of NRDC 790521 Motion for Summary Disposition.Requests Parties to Insert Pages in Proper Places ML19276H0521979-05-21021 May 1979 Requests Extension Until 790528 for Filing Affidavit Re Summary Disposition of Carolina Environ Study Group Contentions ML19224C6501979-05-21021 May 1979 Forwards NRDC 790521 Motion for Summary Disposition. W/Supporting Memo,Statement of Fact,Affidavits of AR Tamplin,Tb Cochran & D Rotow & 790518 Statement Re Safeguards for Spent Fuel Shipment ML19259C3711979-04-21021 April 1979 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at Licensing Prehearing Conference ML19289F4061979-04-11011 April 1979 Forwards Answers to NRC Interrogatories & Motion to Produce Documents.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19289E4401979-03-0808 March 1979 Forwards NRDC 790328 Request to Util for Production of Documents;Also Forwards NRDC Interrogatories Submitted to Applicant.Will Proceed W/Discovery as Quickly as Possible, Per ASLB 790223 Order ML19263B8951978-12-29029 December 1978 Requests That Board Have NRC Serve Eia Expeditiously to Parties to Duke Proceeding,As NRC Failed to Do When It Served the Applicant.Failure Will Delay Time Needed to Bring Case to Hearing by 10 Days ML19274D2041978-12-21021 December 1978 Informs NRC of Recent Us Court of Appeals Decision for District of Columbia Circuit in Intl Union,Et Al Vs Natl Right to Work Legal Defense & Education Foundation,Inc,Et Al F 2d ML19269B9011978-12-19019 December 1978 Suppls Interrogatories of 781015 Re Post Irradiation Equipment,Spent Fuel Hazards,Assemblies & Rerating of Units. Also Requests Selected Correspondence ML20147G9141978-11-28028 November 1978 Believes NRC Should Have Informed Lg Ervin of the Possibility of Intervention ML20150E3181978-11-21021 November 1978 Ltr of Concern Re DPC Plan to Transport 420 Loads of Nuc Waste Matl Over Sc Highways.Urges That DPC Not Be Permitted to Transport Its Nuc Waste in Such a Manner ML20147C7701978-11-15015 November 1978 Forwards Third Round of Discovery Questions.Observes NRC Has Not Responded to First Set of Interrogs.W/Encl Request to Produce & Cert of Svc ML20148H1611978-10-26026 October 1978 Forwards Affidavits of J Adams of NRDC & K Bossong of Citizens Energy Proj ML20150B5611978-10-16016 October 1978 Opposes Applicant Request to Respond to Intervenor Contentions on Day of Hearing.Procedure Deprives Intervenor of Opportunity to Respond & Opportunity for Due Process ML20197B1591978-10-11011 October 1978 Objects to Issuance of SNM License to Duke Power Co for Transport of Nuclear Waste Matl from Oconee to Mcguire. Situation Creates Unacceptable Hazard to Residents Due to Inadequate Storage Facilities ML20148K8421978-09-23023 September 1978 Requests a Limited Hearing Re Subj Facil.Opposes Granting of Lic.W/Encl Newspaper Article Re Dykes Attempt to Stop Approval of Lic for Subj Facil ML20148A8271978-09-19019 September 1978 Requests That NRC Supply Each Intervenor W/Copy of Util Application for Amend to SNM License for Spent Fuel Transportation & Storage & All Related Correspondence. Advance Notice of All Meetings & Insp Repts Requested 1980-03-07 |
~4E C/RO_lb h ER iO1YErfR 5LDY GR$D*?;x December 19, 1978 g
N To: Richard K. Hoofling 2
tOo h l-h b
Fron: Jess Riley and Shelley Blum g
DIT07ERY Docket 70-2623 4
M Further to interrogatories of date November 15,1978 numbered hh-8h:
- 95. Describe the post irradiation equipment (PIE) which may bo located in an Oconeo fuol pool as to function, dimen sions, and mobility.
- 96. Provide the file on the 10 CFR 71.31 items which occasionad the memorandum for files by J. O. Mayor dated October 3,1978.
- 97. Provido all documents in NRC relating to security considerations in the transport of gent fuel.
98 Has a determination been made as to whether spent fuel ha::ards, in transport from the generating plant of origin to some other point of reposo, cro covered by the Price-Anderson Act? If so, provide the authority for this determination. If not, provido any IEC documents relating to this matter.
- 99. What reasons has Dako provided the NRC in regard to naintmning full, core reserve at Oconee?
100 Is it necessary, as Duke appears to maintein, to so place spent fuel assaiblics in the pool that rehandling must be done if the assemblies first in are also to be the assemblies first out?
101. Re Starostocki to Parker, July 21,1978, item 15, is the IRC Staff familiar with the location of West Charlotte High School in relation to I-85 on the projected spent fuel route and of the population of that school?
102. What other considerations than economic advantage does the Staff take into account in the cost / benefit weighing of the proposed action and the several alternatives?
103. Has the Staff originated alternatives in addition to the fivo developed by Duke? If so, what.nre they?
10h. Will an 18 month cycle at Oconeo result in a rerating of the units?
Will the burn be more completo? If so does Staff have the appropriato sources terms for the spent fuel? Pleamprovide if available.
Please respond to both of the undersigned.
105. Provide the Sandia study Yours very truly, on the hazards of spent fuel accidents in populous
b4A !AAf n f /tL, h&
Mtiss Riley
-5helley Blum 854 HENLEY PLACE CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROlllTA 98007 - (704) 375-4349 790119creo 8