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Responds to Six Items in NRC Compliance Bulletin 87-002. Plant Procedures for nonsafety-related Matls Will Be Enhanced.Fastener Testing Data Sheet & Mechanical/Chemical Test Results Encl
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 01/12/1988
From: Alexich M
To: Davis A
AEP:NRC:1045, IEB-87-002, IEB-87-2, NUDOCS 8801190035
Download: ML17326B311 (64)



ACCESSION NBR 8801190035 DOC. DATE: 88/01/12 NOTARIZED: YES DOCKET 0 FAG IL: 50-315 Dona 1 d C. Cook Nuclear Power P lanti Unit 1) Indiana 050003'15 50-316 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Poujer P AUTHOR AFFILIATION lant'nit 2i Indiana Ec 8< 05000316 AUTH. NAME ALEXICHiM. P. Indiana Michigan Power Co. (formerly Indian'a 5 Michigan Ele RECIP. NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION DAVISI A. B. NRC No Detailed Affiliation Given


Responds to six items in NRC Compliance Bulletin 87-002.

Plant procedure es for non-safety related matls eill be enhanced. Fastner testing data sheet 5 mechanical/chemical test results encl.


TITLE: Bulletin Response (50 DKT)



ga P-i

indiana Michigan Power Company P.O. Box 16631 CoIumbus, OH 43216 INDIANA NfCH/GIN POEM AEP:NRC:1045 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316 License Nos. DPR-58 and DPR-74 NRC COMPLIANCE BULLETIN NO. 87-02'ASTENER TESTING TO DETERMINE CONFORMANCE WITH APPLICABLE MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Attn: A. B. Davis January 12, 1988

Dear Mr. Davis:

This submittal and its attachments transmit the results of the tests performed on the safety-related and non-safety related fasteners at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant as per the requirements of NRC Compliance Bulletin No. &7-02. Attachment 1 contains the fastener testing data sheet and Attachment 2 contains the mechanical/chemical test results.

The sample of fasteners and corresponding nuts were selected in the presence of the NRC Resident Inspector and were independently tested by Chicago Spectro Service Laboratory, Inc. of Chicago, Illinois. The following is our response to the six items noted in the NRC Bulletin.

Describe a) the characteristics currently examined during receipt inspection of fasteners (i.e., head markings for grade and manufacturer symbols, review of certified material test report or certificate of conformance), and b) internal controls utilized during storage and issuance from stock to assure the appropriate use of fasteners.

~Res oese During the receipt inspection process for fasteners that are safety related, the following steps are followed:

880i,i90035 880ii2 PDR ADOCK 050003i5 8 PDR ckb


rp Mr. A. B. Davis AEP:NRC:1045

6. Based on the results of the testing and review of current procedures, describe any further actions being taken to assure that fasteners used in the plant meet the requisite specifications and requirements and that the operability of safety-related plant components is not affected.

~Res ense The one exception noted above for a non-safety related stud did not affect any safety-grade equipment. As noted earlier, we will be enhancing the plant procedures for non-safety related materials to preclude such an occurrence in the future.

s Sincerely,


M. . Al xich Vice President cm Attachments cc: John E. Dolan w/o att.

W. G. Smith, Jr. - Bridgman w/att.

R. C. Callen w/o att.

G. Bruchmann w/o att.

G. Charnoff w/o att.

NRC Resident Inspector - Bridgman w/<<t.


Mr. A. B. Davis AEP:NRC:1045

1. The receipt inspection process is governed by two (2) plant procedures. The purchase order and referenced DCC Specifications provide inspection requirements.

Fasteners purchased "N-Grade" have their physical characteristics visually examined. This visual examination includes head markings for grade/manufacture mark, and measurements for length, diameter and thread size. The examination also includes a visual examination for workmanship.

2. Certified material test reports are reviewed against applicable ASTM/ASME values. The certificate(s) of conformance/compliance is reviewed for its contents and applicability prior to acceptance.

3.. "N-Grade" fasteners, upon completion of a successful receipt inspection, are assigned an acceptance number (A-'Tag). This A-tag number is applied to the material by either of two methods - direct marking or container marking. The fasteners are stored in a controlled area and are issued by Storeroom Personnel, as requested on controlled stock issue forms'.

"N-grade" fasteners are issued via a controlled stock-issue form. The form is presented to the Stores personnel with a Job Order number, description of work, material and equipment number (stock number), description of material being requested, and quantity already written on the issue form. When the issue is made, the Stores personnel record the A-Tag on the issue form. This provides traceability from the job back to the purchase document. Material is handled/controlled using plant procedures.

Select a minimum sample of ten (10) non-safety related fasteners (studs, bolts, and/or cap screws), and ten (10) safety-related fasteners (studs, bolts, and/or cap screws) from current, in use, stock. The sample is to be obtained by the licensee with the participation of an NRC inspector.

Fasteners procured to meet the following chemical and mechanical properties are of interest: A-193 grades B7, B8, and B16; SAE J429 grades 5 and 8; A-449; A-325 Types 1, 2 or 3; A-354 grades BB, BC, BD; A-490; A-320 LTM; A-307; A-563; or equivalent.

f' Mr. A. B. Davis AEP:NRC:1045

~Res onse A sample of ten non-safety related fasteners and ten safety-related fasteners were selected in the presence of the NRC Resident Inspector. The details of the type and materials of the sample of fasteners are given in Attachment No. 1.

3. For the selected sample of fasteners in item 2, include a sample of typical nuts that would be used with each fastener (one-for-one). In particular, nuts purchased to the chemical and mechanical specifications of A-194 are of interest.

~Res onse For all fasteners selected for testing, a corresponding nut was chosen. The details of the material of the nuts are shown in .

Chemical testing shall be performed on all samples.

Mechanical testing shall be performed on each safety-related, fastener. Hardness testing shall be performed on each nut and non-safety related fastener. All testing shall be performed by a laboratory which the licensee has qualified for this type of testing and appears on the licens'ee's approved vendor lists Testing performed shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the fastener's specification, grade, and class, 'and the test shall evaluate the ultimate tensile strength, hardness and chemical properties as required by the fastener's specification, grade, and class. Each sample shall be tagged with the sample's ID number.

~Res ense The selected fasteners and nuts were independently tested by Chicago Spectro Service Laboratory Inc., of Chicago, Illinois.

This testing laboratory is on our Qualified Supplier's List for such service. Based on the test results, the mechanical, chemical and hardness information is presented in Attachment 2.

5. The results of all tests, together with supporting information, are to be reported to the NRC utilizing shown in Attachments 1 and 2 of this bulletin. the'ormat Include the names and addresses of suppliers and manufacturers of safety-related fasteners and, to the extent possible, of non-safety related fasteners. For any fastener found out of specification, provide an evaluation of the safety significance including consideration of the most limiting application.

Mr. A. B. Davis AEP:NRC:1045 R~es onse Attachment Nos. 1 and 2 to this submittal provide the information requested in the above item. Attachment No. 1 was organi.zed for each sample as it was selected from the storeroom. Attachment No.

2 was organized based on the various material specifications applicable to each sample.

The test results for safety-related fasteners including their nuts were found to be within the specification limits for mechanical and chemical properties. For non-safety related fasteners, mechanical and chemical properties were within their respective specification limits with one exception, which is discussed below.

One non-safety-related stud (DCCNP/31-772250; Page 25 of Attachment 1 and Page 9 of Attachment 2) was inventoried as SA-193 Grade B7 alloy steel designation; however, mechanical and chemical testing indicated that it was carbon steel. There is no engineering or safety significance to this finding. The material was originally procured and intended to be used as general purpose steel in a non-safety-related sump pump. Therefore, the installed carbon steel studs satisfy their design function and none of the 'studs in question were issued for work other than the sump pump.'ur investigation indicates that the mislabel'ing occurred when the unused studs were returned to inventory, and an erroneous part description was assigned. The error went undetected since, for non-safety grade material, the returned coding form was not reviewed against the original purchase specification. All studs purchased with the erroneously labeled stud are accounted for and none were used in a safety grade, or otherwise improper, application. The erroneously labeled studs in the storeroom are currently under a hold tag pending correct coding.

To prevent recurrence of this type of event in non-safety grade material, Cook Nuclear Plant personnel are initiating the practice of reviewing non-safety grade identification coding forms (only safety-grade coding received such a review prior to this) to assure that the returned coding is consistent with the material ordered.

This review practice will be incorporated into plant procedures.

When safety-related items are purchased, the order (and as a practice, the coding) undergoes a separate engineering and receipt inspection review to assure the proper material is specified.

Safety grade studs cannot be purchased and stocked in the manner of non-safety related studs. We believe that with the existing procedural controls such mislabeling would have been precluded for safety grade items.

Mr. A. B. Davis AEP:NRC:1045 STATE OF OHIO COUNTY OF FRANKLIN M. P. Alexich, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the Vice President of licensee Indiana Michigan Power Company, that he has read the foregoing response to the NRC Compliance Bulletin No. 87-02 "Fastener Testing to Determine Conformance with Applicable Material Specification" and knows the contents thereof; and that said contents are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.

ubscribe'd and sworn to before this A7 me day o Notary CDH P


bl ll~ 3- I //


AEP;NRC:1045 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Page 1 Attachment 1 Fastener Testing-Data Sheet

Fastener Description; 3/~" x "" ALL THD sTUD 'l'l/2 HYY Hx NUTs Description o f. Sample Stock Location LEVEL 8 SECURED STORAGE'039C'aterial Specification AS E as Documented by Licensee Records:

ASME SA-19ll GR 2H Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer):

l TTu

    • Class/Procurement Level: ~A N General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural) GENERIc sAFETY 0 NQN SAFETY RELATED USE HARD1/ARE SPECIALTY, LONG ISLAl'ID Cl Y, NB't YORK P.O.'.,'35258-0~>2-7X 4'RITTEN 6-3-87 4875-36 St.

HFR: Same as above.

gA Requirements Imposed on Ven<<r: cERT QF coMPLIANc c~PT QF coNFQPplwlcE YIsUAL ExAM MARKINGS PER DCCPV1050CN 0 ASIA SECTION I I I.

Licensee Representative:

Signature Date il C.

  • The sample lDP shall have a prefix that col ins th icensee facility initials.
    • lfapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

QA-N: Safety Related QL-04: Equivalent to ASME III Pipe Material Class 2,

AEP!NRC:1045 Page 2 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT a s Attachment 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sampl e IDIII DCC<IP/30-029918/ASP-6071 Fastener


1~ ' 7V'LL THD sTUD '1'>/2 HvY Hx NUTs Description of Sample Stock Location: LEVEL B SECURED STORAGE, C088E1 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: AsTM A-193 GR 87 ASTM A 194 GR 2H Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): 87 /STUD 2H "S"/iXUT

    • Class/Procurement .Level:<A-N, AL-04 General Plant Application'e,g., Pressure Boundary, Structural) GEIIERIc" sAFETY 0 I'Io I SAFETY RELATED USE Vendo~: NORTH CD!TEL FASTENERS P.O..".:<'0619-042-2X MP.! TElI 11-22 "2 P.O. Box 1242, Benton Harbor, MZ 49022 MPR: Keystone, 7621 Old Rockside Blvd, Cleveland, OH 44131 gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: cEPT 0F coMPLIPIcE PER DccPM105QcN 8 t"ARKII'IGs PG 26 G PG 27 OF 38 Licensee Representative:

Signature Date, 1-. --I-~

  • The sample IDS shall have a N")~( (.',,~

prefix that contains'e lice e facffi+ty nitials.

    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

QA-N: Safety Related AL-04: Equivalent to AS:IE Ii.E Pipe Material Class 2


~ ~

D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Page 3 Attachment 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

<<Sample IDP. DccNp/30-046489/Asp-9735 Fastener


1u x >u Hx HD Bot T Description of Sample Stock Location: LEYEL B sEGURED sT0RAGE, A356F2 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASIDE SA-193 GR B7 Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): B7 HARQtARE spEGIALTY co.

<<<<Class/Procurement Level: OA-N, OL-04 General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural). GENERIc sAFETY 8 NQN SAFETY RELATED USE HARD!'IAPE SPECIALTY CO. P.0.935258-042-7X HP.1 TEN 6-3-87 4875-36th St., Long Island City, New York 11101 HFR: Same as above.

qA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: cEPT oF cowpLIANcE, cERT QF coNFQRt4vlc, t4 KINGs, VI SUAI EXAtl . EP, DCCPV1050C>l Licensee Representative:

Signature 0 t g'))( 2 c,

  • The sample IDP shall have a prefix that co ins the T censee facil ty initials.

<<*If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

QA-N: Safety Related QL-04: Equivalent to AsllE III Pipe material Class 2

f t t

Q AEP:NRC:1045 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Page 4 Attachment I Fastener Testing Data Sheet'Sampl e IDIO DCOlP/30-046542/ASP-6110 Fastener


1'-' 'i'<Ex HD BDLT Description of Sample Stock Location: sEc'~RED LEvEL B sToRAGE. A357c2 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A-193 GP B7 Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): B7 TB TExAs BoLT

    • Class/Procurement Level: IA-N, 0L-04 General Plant Application (e,g., pressure Boundary, Structura]) GEr.IERic sAFETY AND NON SAFETY RELATED USE.

Vendor: NORTH CENTPAL FASTEfiERS P.O.-":,30313-043-3X 0!Rt TTEN 1-26-83 P.O. Box 1242, Benton Harbor, MI 49022 MPR: Texas Bolt, 3233 Nest 11 St., Houston, TX 77001 gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: cERT QF coHFQRMANGE, MARKINGs PER Dec%".105ocN PG. 26. OF 38 Licensee Representative:

Signature Da~e .z:-Z.-.

  • The sample IDk'hall have a prefix that contains the lice'e facility initials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

QA-N: Safety Related QL-04: Equivalent to ASME III Pipe Material Class 2.

AEP:NRC:1045 Page 5 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Attachment 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDP DCCNP/30-046403/ASP-9673 Fastener


5/0" - 3" Hx HD BQLT Description of Sample Stock Location; sEcUPED LEYEL B sTQRAGE, A355E3 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASIDE SA-193 GRB7 Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): B7 "TB'ARD~'IARE sPEcIALTY

    • Class/Procurement Level; oA-N, oL-04 General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural) GENERIc sAFETY' IG SAFETY RELATED USE.

Vendor: HARD)/ARE SpECIALTY P.O. -:I35" 58-042-7 ':IRITTEN i-3-"7 4875-36 St., Long island City, N. Y. 11101 HFR: Same as above.

gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: cERT oF coI pLIANcE, cERT oF coNFoRI ArtcE, VIsUAL. ExAI I'"ARKINGS >ER DCCPV105603 Licensee Representative:

Signature Date

  • The sample IOP shall have a prefix that cop ins the; censee facility initials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

QA-N: f ty Related Sa e QL-04: Equivalent to ASHE III Pipe Material Class 2.

AEP:NRCi1045 II~ i Page 6 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Attachment 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sampl e IDIO! DCCr<P/30-029909/ ASP-9828 Fastener


1 3/8" x 10" ALL THD ss sTUD Description of Sample Stock Location: LEVEL B SECURED STORAGF, C090F2 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: AsTM A-193 GR Bo Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): BG cARDIt'lAL IND. PRQD. MK3 "c"

  • ".C1'ass/Procurement Level: qA-N, 0L-05 General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Houndary, Structural) PRESSURIZLaR .SAFETY RELIEF VALVE FLAttGES DCCi'lP TAG ME 182-VKV-SV-0<r5 Yendor: CARDiwAL INDUS i RIAL PRODUCTS INC. P.O. -"37263-342-7x WRI TTEt t 10-1-07 3873 W. Oquendo Las Vegas, Nevada 89118 tMFRi Same as above.

gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: cMTR PT cERT 0F co"!FoPMAt'!GE vlsUAL ExAM, t1ARKINGS PER DCCPV105OCN Licensee Representative:



Signature Date e

~ ~

Pl .C c..),C

  • The sample ID!I! shall have a pre ix that con ns the 1 nsee facility initials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

QA-N: Safety Related QL-05: Equivalent to ASME III Pipe Material Class l

AEP:NRC:1045 i i D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Page 7 Attachment 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet'Sample IDP. DCCw/30-oa6730/ASP-Wls<



3/o" x 1'=-" ss Hx HD BoLT DescriPtion of SamPle Stock Location: sEcURED LEvEL B sTQRAGE, A350E6 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: AsTM A-193 GR 83 Xead Parking (Specification and Hanufacturer): BB "TB" TExAs BQLT

    • Class/Procurement Level: OA-I', OL-0<>

.General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural) GEHERIc sAFETY 8 Nol SAFETY PZLATED USE Vendor: TEXAS BOLT P.O.=;;3'3982-042-0 'IP.ITTEkl 12-3-80 P. i. Box 1211, Houston, TX 772S]

blFR: Same as above.

gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: CEPT OF CO>iFORIA~!CE, MARKInGS PER DCCPM105oCW PG26 OF 33 Licensee Representative:


I Signature / ~

Date r

/.//3 'he

  • The sample IDh'hall have a prefix that conta$ 1 z nsee facilit initials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

QA-iV: Safety Related QL-04: Equivalent to ASME III Pipe Material Class 2.

AEP:NRC:1045 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Page 8 Attachment I Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sampl e ID(. DCci'IP/30-046785/AsP-41."4




~ >/8" x 3" ss H Descri ption p f Sampl e Stpck Lpcati pn SECURED L VEL 8 STORAGE A35DC3 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records:

Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): B8 TB TExAs BDLT

    • Class/Procurement Level: QA-t'~, o,L-04 General Plarit Application (e.g., Pressure Houndary, Structural) GE><ER<C SAFETY <,<ON SAFETY RELATED USE.

Vendor: TEXAS BOLT P.o.g3g882-042-0 vlRITTErl 12-8-80 P.O. Box 1211, Houston, TX 77251 HFR: Same as above.

,gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: cERT 0F cot'IFQRMANcE MARKING'Gs PER DccPM105Qci'J Licensee Representative:

Signature Date <:-Z'-

  • The sample IDP shall have a prefix that Pi'ontai the lic ee facility initials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

QA-N: Safety Related QL-04: Equivalent to ASME III Pipe Material Class 2.

i ~

l AEP:NRC:1045 Page 9 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Attachment 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample ID/ DCCNP/30-047030/ ASP 9369 Fastener


7/8' ';." oIEcE ALL THD ss RoD DescriPtion of SamPle Stock Location: LEvEt 8 sEcURED sTQRAGE, .c091B1 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: AsTM A-193 GR GM P

Mead Parking (Specification and Hanufacturer): SM NQYA NcltItlE "N"

"*Class/Procurement Level: qA-N, OL-05 General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural.) sot(NET sTUDs " NUTs oN EAST RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL PUt4P DISCHARGE CHECK VALV'.. PP-035 Vendor: tQVA t%Ct<It<E P,O. -:-72032-040-7X NRITTEN 2 ~7 P.O. Box 30287, Middleburg Heights, OH 4413O L>1FR: Same as above.

gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: cERT QF cotPLIANGE, cEPT QF cottFQB%tcE MARKIt<Gs, VISUAL EXAM PER DCCPV105OCtl 8 DCCPV1040CS Licensee Representative:

s 7 Signature Date M-~ )(Mw~

  • The sample IDP shall have a prefix that co 'ins th 'censee facility initials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

QA-N: Safety Related QL-05: Equivalent to ASME III Pipe Material Class 1

AEP:NRC:1045 Page 10 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Attachment I Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDIt DCCt(P/30-047'00/ASo 9366 Fastener


I 5/0" x,', -'=" ss ALL THD STUD Description of Sample Stock Location: sEGURED LEvEL 8 sTQRAGE, c Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASIDE SA-453 GR 660 CLB Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): 660 B "l'l" >'Ht9" tevA mcHI!E

    • Class/Procurement Level: OA-N, nL-05 General Plant. Application (e,g., Pressure Houndary, Structural) GEt!ERIC SAFETY C,"Qt!-

SAFETY RELATED USE Vendo'. t'OVA NCflINE P.O.-"::46904-042-6X NRITTE l 12-";-96 P.O. Box 30207, L~liadleburg Heights, OH 44130 MPR: Same as above.

QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: ctq.p, PT/tnT cERT oF coNFORt<A!cE, vlsUAL ExA"'l, t1ARKINGS PEP. DCCPV105nctt Licensee Repr esentative:

Signature Date

  • The sample IDP shall have a pr fix that ntains e

~/~~(facility initials.


    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

QA-N: Safety Related QL-05: Equivalent to ASME III Pipe Material Class 1

AEP: NRC: lo45 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PIANT Page ll Attachment I Fastener Testin'g Data Sheet

  • Sampl e ID¹ DCO!P/30-046625/ASP-3693 Fastener


1"!<vY!<EX NUT Description of Sample Stock Location: sECURED LEVEL B STORAGE, A359G2 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A-194 GR 2H Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): 2H "U" BAYt INE BOLT

    • Cl'ass/Procurement Level: OA-!i, OL-04 General Plant Application (e.g., Pressur'e Boundary, Str'uctural) GENERIc sAFETY P3D NON SAFETY RELATED USE Ve"dor: NQPTff cENTRAL FAsTENERs P.o; 939881-042-Ox l RlTTEN 11-20-30 P.O. Box 1242, Benton Harbor, MI 49022 MFR: Bayline Bolt, 376 Gardenoaks Blvd, Houston, TX 77018 gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: CERT OF CONFOP>u!CE, MARV,rNGS PER DCCPM1050CW PG 26 .G 27 OF 33 Licensee Representative:

Signature Date

  • The sample ID¹ shall have a prefix that con ns the,l censee facil ty initials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

QA-N: Safety Related QL-04: Equivalent to ASME III Pipe Material Class 2,

AEP:NRC:1045 Page 12 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Attachment 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample ID'! DCCNP/30-046627/ASP-3631 Fastener


>>" HvY HEx tiJT Description of Sample Stock Location: sECURED LEYEL B STORAGE, A357G4 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: As'-194 GR 2H Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): 2H ~ 0 l; G MAl'lUFAGTURING

  • "Class/Procurement Level: 0A-N, <L-0<<

General Plant Application (e,g., Pressure Houndary, Structural) GEtlERIc sAFETY AtlD l'Oil SAFETY RELATED USE.

Vendor: NORTH CENTRAL . ASTENERS P.O.-";-39381-0<!2-0 '.!Rl N 11-20-30 P.O. Box 1242, Benton Harbor, i)I 49022.

i1FR: BGG i1FRG, P.O. Box 269, 3067 Unionville Pike, Hatfield, PA 19440 gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: cERT oF coNFoeerIC. teRv.Ii,Gs oER DccPw105Qc."i PR 27 OF 33 Licensee Representative:


Signature Date il-.,  :,'The sample ID!I! shall have a prefix that co ains th 'icensee facility initials.

    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

QA-N: Safety Related QL-04: Equivalent to ASME III Pipe Material Class 2.

AEP:NRC:1045 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Page 13 Attachment I Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDP. DCCNP/30-046622/ASP9224 Fastener


5/O': HvY HEx r!UT Description of Sample Stock Location: sEcURED LEvEL 8 sTQRAGE, A357F3 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ~ME SA-19" GR 2H H

Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): 2H "T" Ps3 TExAs BQLT

"*Class/Procurement Level: oA-H, AL-04 General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Houndary, Structural) GE."IERIC SAFETY G NCN SAFETY RELATEO USE.

Vendor:HARD",'IARE SPECIALTY P.O.'-;40910-Oz'2-6X HRITTEt! 9-2-06 4875-36th St., Long Island City, N.Y. 11101 l4iFR: Texas Bolt P.O. Box 1211 Houston, Texas 77251 gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: CEPT OF COMPLIANCE CERT 0 CO.")FOPAlCE, VISUAL SS PER DCCPV105<CH EX4'ARKING Licensee Representative:

Signature Date z.<- 1-.5-Z

  • The sample IDP shall have a prefix that contain he 1 i cens facility ini i a 1 s.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

QA-N: Safety Related QL-04: Equivalent to ASME IlI Pipe Material Class 2.

~ ~

AEP:NRC:1045 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Page 14 Attachment 1 .

Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • sample ID/. DccNP/so-047>75/ AsP 9"""



1 5/0" ss HvY HEx NUT Description of Sample Stock Location: sEcURED LEYEL B sTQRAGE, c100G2 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASIDE SA-194 GR 3 OR SF Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): S "T" "PNSB" TExAs BoLT

    • Class/Procurement Level: OA-N, OL-.05 General. Plant Application (e.g., Pres'sure Soundary, Structur'al) GENERIc sAFETY 8 NQN SAFETY RELATED USE.

Yendo.: CARDINAL INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS P.O.!!59907-042-7X WRITTEN 8-10-37 3873 W. Oquendo Las Vegas, 89118 t

Mi MFR: Texas Bo3 P.O. Box 1211, Houston, TX 77251 gA Requirements Imposed on Yendor: ogR, PT/>IT, cERT 0F coNFQRMANch, vIsUAL Ex',

tlARKINGS PER DCCPV105ACN Licensee Representative:

I Signature Date

.)~(. 8

  • The sample ID8 shall have a prefix that c ains t licensee facility initials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

QA-N: Safety Related QL-05: Equivalent to ASME III Pipe Material Class 1

~ ~


~ ~

Page 15 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Attachment 1 Fa'stener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sampl e ID/. DCCi!P/30-046906/ASP-418~:-



1" 8" ss ldvY HEx ~!UT Description of Sample Stock Location: SECURED STORAGE LEVEL 8 A360C3 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: AsTM A-~9<! GR'9 Head Parking (Specification and manufacturer): 8 "T" TEXAS BOLT

    • Class/Procurement Level: nA-il, nL-9~.

General. Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural) GFt!ERIc sAFETY G NON SAFETY PELATED USE Vendor: TEXAS DOLT P.O -.3'3 82-0~.2-0X ~'lRI TTBi 12-8-80


P.O. Box 1211, Houston, TX 77251 ilFR: Same as above.

gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: cFPT oF cogFo~icE, i~ARKIt!G PER DccPH1050cN Licensee Representative:

Signature r 5 p w Z*p Date rW-

  • The sample IDP shall have a prefix that cont i s the 1<t ensee facilRy initials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

QA- N: f Sa e ty Re la ted QL-04: Equivalent to ASHE III Pipe Haterial Class 2.

~ ~

AEP:NRC:1045 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Page 16 Attachment I Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample ID(. DCCNP/30-046915/ASP-9323 Fastener


1 3/0" ss ttA'Ex NUT Description of Sample Stock Location: LEVEL B SECURED STORAGE, C090F3 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: AsTM A-19<< GR SF Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): 3FB cARDItsL It'ID. PR0D. MJ4 "c"

    • Class/Procurement Level: . oA-N, pL-.05 General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural) PPEssURI7ER sAFETY'RELI VALVE FLANGES DCCtlP TAG t"t= ISl? -VKV-SV-045 Vendor: cARDINAL lt'tDUs TRIAL PRQDUGTs, .o.'l37"03-04"-ix NRITTEtl 10-1-37 3873 W. Oquendo, Las Vegas, Hvl 89118 tlFR: Same as above.

gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: OMTR PT cERT oF cot tFoRtgNcE, vIsUAL ExAM r~ARKIt,'G~

PER DCCPV1050CN Licensee Representative:

I Signature Date rX.e IF&

sample IDk'hall have a 4 q prefix that conta c'The the


li cW~

see faci1 i ty initials.

    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

QA-N: Safety Related QL-05: Equivalent to ASlIE III Pipe Material Class l

~ ~

AEP:NRC:1045 Page 17 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Attachnent 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDP PCC IP/30-046903/ASP9611 Fastener


Description of Sample Stock Location: SEcUpzD LEvEL B sTQRAGE, A359H4 Material Specfffcatfon as Documented by Licensee Records: AsTH A-194 GP, ."F Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): GF " ~ HIGllLAllD THREADs

    • Class/Procurement Level: DA-1!; ('L-05 I

General Plant Application '(e.g., Pressur'e Boundary, Structural) RFC-2719 GENERAL'AFETY 8 NON-SAFETY RELATED USE Vendor: HARDIIAPE SPECIALTY P.O. "-'012<'.4-041-7 WRITTEl'I ':-l3-'37 4875-36th St., Long Island City, N.Y. 11101

'IFR: Highland Threads, 708 Tidwell, Houston, TX 77022 gA Requirements Imposed on'Vendor: cFPT oF c04PLIAtlcE, cEPT QF col lFQRYv4l!c:- vlsUAL EXAt'l WPKIHGS PER DCCPV105AC"3 Licensee Representative:


  • The sample IDP shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

QA-N: Safety Related QL-05: Equivalent to ASME III Pipe Material Class l

AEP:NRC:1045 Page 18 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Attachment 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

<<Sample IDP. DCONP/30-n47310/ ASP <3Ga Fastener


7/8:: ss HvY HEx NUT Description of Sample Stock Location: sEcUP~D LEYEL B sTQRAGE, c Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTI'-194 GR 8F Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): 3F B "N" NovA YAcHINE

+<<Class/Procurement.'Level: nA-ti, ol -05 General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Houndary, Structural) BoNNET sTUDs 8 NUTs QN EAST PESIDUAL HEAT P t%VAL PUMP DISCHARGE CHECK VALV  ; P-035 Vendor: NOVA MACHINE P.O.$ 72032-040-7" NRITTLH 2-5-".;

P.O. Box 30287, Middleburg Hts, OH 44130 blFR: Same as above.


Licensee Representative:

Signature Date J'I 6 e-~~4m

  • The sample IDP shall have a prefix that con ins the Pcensee facil y initials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

QA-N: Safety Related QL-05: Equivalent to ASME III Pipe Material Class 1


Page 19 Attachment I Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample ID/. DccNP/31-242400 Fastener


'." x >'-;" Hx HD BoLT ~I/NUT Descrfptfpn pf Sample Stpck Lpcatfpn: UNSECURED LEVEL B STORAGE, A034F3 Material Specfficatfon as Documented by Licensee Records: AsT~ A 30" GRA Head Marking (Specfffcation and Manufacturer): NONE ON BOLT OR NUT

  • ".Class/Procurement Level: 0A-s sTANDARD ExE"PT PR0DUcTIQN MATERIAL General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural) GENERIc UsE NGN-SAFFTY RELATFD Vendor: LAsT REcEIPT: FLExALLQY P.o. l38646-040-7 7951 Zicnsville Rd, Indianapolis, ZN 46268 QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: NIXIE Licensee Representative:


Signature Date r

  • The sample IDb'hall have a prefix that co tafns the icensee facility initials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

N/A QA-S: Non-safety Related


~ e AEP:NRC:1045 Page 20, D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Attachment 1

'-Fas'tener Testi'ng Data Sheet ~ ~

+Sample IDP DCCNP/31-248600 Fastener


5/8' 1'LAcl'- -" HD GoLT l"/NUT-Descriptipn pf Sample Stpck Lpcatipn. U,"ISECURED LEVEL P STORAGE) A035D2 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: AS' A-307 GRA Head Parking (Specification and Hanufacturer): CV

    • Class/procurement Level: nA-s sTAND4RD ExEHPT PRQDUGTIQII MATEP.IAL General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural) GE'IERIc UsE NON SAFETY RELATED Vendor:i AST RECEIPT: ZIEGLERS P.o.i-:3t3850-040-7

'liegler Bolt and Nut House, P.3. Box 00369 STA.C Canton, OH 44708 gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: Ilo;IE Licensee Representative:

Signature "I Date

  • The sample IDf shall have a prefix that contaf s the 1 ensee facility initials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

N/A QA-S: Non-safety Related

AEP NRC:1045 Page 21 .-


'astener. Testing=Data Sheet

  • Sample IDg DCCNP/31-253200 Fastener


3l4" x'3" Hx HD BDLT ~'1/NUT Description of Sample Stock Location: UNSECURED LEVEL C STORAGE, A036D1 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A-307 GRA Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): zBN oN Bo LT/ NDNE DN NUT

~."Class/Procurement Level: QA-s sTANDARD ExEMPT PRQDUcTIQN MATERIAL General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural) GENERIc UsE NQN-SAFETY RELATED Yendor: LAST RECEIPT: ZIEGLERS P.O.".42140-042-7 Ziegler Bolt and Nut House P.O. Box 80369 STA.C, Canton, OH 44708 gA Requi-rements lmposea"on Vbnaor: NoNE Licensee Representative:

Date 1 ~ .W5

  • The sample IDk'hall have a X.)Pi. C prefix that contains the




see facility initials.

    • lfapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

NlA QA-S: Non-safety Related


Attachment 1 1

Fastener. Testing Data Sheet

  • Sampl e IDP DccNP/31-258400 Fastener


7/8 x 0" Hx HD BQLT w/HvY Hx NUT Description of Sample Stock Location:UNSECURED LEVEI C STORAGE, A037Dl Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records; AsTN A-307 GRA Head Parking (Specification and Hanufacturer):NQNE 0N NUT QR BQLT

    • Class/Procurement Level: 0A-s sTANDAPJ3 ExEN'T PRQDUGTIQl MATERIAL General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural) GENERIc NoN-sAFE~


Yendor: LAST RECEIPT  : ZIEGLER P.O.".39494-040-5 Ziegler Bolt and Nut House P.O. Box 80369 STA.C, Canton, OH 44708 gA Requirements Imposed on Yendor: NoNE Licensee Representative:

/ ~



Signature J'ate

  • The sample ID8 shall have a prefix that contain he lice e facility initials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

N/A QA-S: Non-safety Related

AEP:NRC:1045 Page 23 . ~


'astener"Testing Data 'Sheet

<<SamPle IDP. DccNP/31-261580 Fastener


1" x 2" Hx HD soLT I!/ HvY'Hx NUT Description of Sample Stock Location: UNsEcURED LEvEL c, sToRAGE, A037p1 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: AsTM A-307 GRA Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer):NONE ON BOU'R NUT

<<*Class/Procurement Level:. qA-S STANDARD EXEMPT PRODUCTION MATERIAL General Plant Application (e;g., Pressure Boundary, Structural) GENERIc NoN-sAFETY RELATED USE.

LAST RECEIPT: ZIEGLER P.o."-.,37424-042-5 Ziegler Bolt and Nut House P.O. Box 80369 STA.C, Canton, OH 44708 gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: NONE Licensee Representative:


S Signature './~X. V. Date ..X.-l'-<'-'ee sample IDP shall have a 4.)r prefix that contai c'The the li facility initials.

    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

N/A QA-S: Non-safety Related

I ~ ~ ~

rr AEP:NRC:1045

~ ~

Page 24, D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Attachment 1 Fastener Testi'ng Data Sheet

  • Sample IDP. DccNP/31-259000 Fastener


7/8" x 6" Hx HD BQLT HIHYY Hx NUT


Description of Sample Stock Location: UNSECURED LEVEL C STORAGE A037E2 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A-307 GRA Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): NoNE oN Bot T oR NUT

    • ClasS/Procurement Level:OA-S STANDARD EXEMPT PRODUCTION MATERIAL General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure .Boundary, Structural) GENERIc NoN sAFETY RELATED USE.

Vendor: LAST RECEIPT: FLEXALLOY P.0.38696-040-7 7951 Zionsville Rd Indianapolis, IN 46268 gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: NoNE Licensee Representative:

Signature r~ -W -'. -;:= -&-... Date


  • The sample IDP shall have a prefix that contaS s the 1 nsee facility initials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

N/A QA-S: Non-safety Related

P ~

~ ~

AEP:NRC:1045 Page 25 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Attachment I Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDP. DCCNP/31-772250 Fastener


'." x 2" ALL THD sTUD Description of Sample Stock Location: UNsEcURED LEYEL B sTQRAGE, A106H2 Haterial Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A-193 GR B7 Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): NONE

    • Class/Procurement Level; 0A-s .sTANDARD ExEMPT PRQDUGTIQN MATERIAL Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)


VendOr: I G M MAINT PETUPJI; Butler Bolt 6 Nut P.O. =8100-C-182 1986 P.O. Box 3505 3922 Nest Cleveland Rd. South Bend, Indiana 46619 gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: UNc<01N, PREsUMED NDNE Licensee Representative:

Signature Date

'll. 6-

  • The sample IDP shall have a prefix that contai the li see facility initials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

N/A QA-S: Non-safety Related


~ ~

Page 26 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Attachment 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDP. DccNP 112~12 B0LT Fastener


1-'2 Description of Sample Stock Location: A039G1, UNsEcURED LEvEL c sTQRAGE Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: NDT sToc< >T>< UN<No>'N Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer):

    • Class/Procurement Level: o.A-S General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Houndary, Structural) GENE'<C NOt'~ SAFETY RELATED USE Vendor: UrXNOe<

QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: NQNE Licensee Representative:

i; ~-'/ ..-c~=k~i I

Signature ~-.~- Date lA~As-'.c

  • The sample IDP shall have a prefix that con a ns the 1 nsee facility initials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

N/A QA-S: Non-safety Related

p ~

iO AEP:NRC:1045 Page 27, D. C ~ COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Attachment 1 Fastener Testing Data'Sheet

  • Sample IDP. DCCNP/31-930500 Fastener Descriptipn; 3/4" x 3 -'g" soUARE HEAD ss BQLT Descriptipn pf Sample Stock Lpcatipn; UNsEGURED LEvEL B sTQRAGE, A105I1 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records:

Head Parking (Specification and manufacturer): NDNE-

    • Class/Procurement Level: oA-s sTANDARD ExEMPT PRoDUcTIoN MATERIAL General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural) GENERIc NQN-sAFETY RELATED USE Vendor: LAST RECEIPT: KCD SELECT FASTENERS P.O.,"-,33572-040-6 2457 American Lane, Elk Grove 'llage, ZL 60007 gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: N0NE Licensee Representative:

Signature Date 115 c

  • The sample IDE shall have a prefix that contai the lic see facility initials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

NfA QA-S: Non-safety Related

~ ~

AEP:NRC:1045 Page 28 ~

D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Attachment I Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDP DccNP/31-930900 Fastener Description; 1" x 2" ss Hx HD l30LT M/HvY Hx NUT Description pf Sample Stpck Lpcatipn. UNsEGURED LEYEL c sTQRAGE A106J1 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: TP-304 SS Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): NONE
    • Class/Procurement .Level: 0A".s sTANDARD ExEMPT PRQDUGTI0N MATERIAL General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)GENERIc NQN-sAFETY RELATED USE.

Yendor:LAST RECEIPT: ACTION THREADED PRODUCTS P.O.-",;40453-252-8 7440 W. 100th Place, Bridgeview, IL 60455 gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor:NoNE Licensee Representative:

e Signature 'r'- ~ v Date iA A~~P

)~1 ~

"The sample IDf shal1 have a prefix hat contain the 1icn ee 6cflity initials.

    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

N/A QA-S: Non-safety Related

AEP: NRC: 1045 Page 29 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Attachment I Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample ID(. DCCNP/33-306000 Fastener


l 'i" HvY ~EX ~UT Description of Sample Stock Location'NSECURED LEVEL C STORAGE, A03GG4 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: AST Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): H

    • Class/Procurement Level: nA-S STANDARD EXEMRT oRODUCTiON MATERIAL

, General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural) GENERIc NQP sAFETY RELATED USE

<<n <<: FASTENER SYSTEMS P.Q.-',36"28-042-0 5331 W. 86th Street, indianapolis, ZN 46268 gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor:po /E Licensee Representative:

Signature 'l )


  • The sample IDP shall have a prefix that contains e licen. facility tials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

N/A QA-S: Non-safety Related

AEP!NRC:1045 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Attachment 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample ID/.DCCNt /12 cs NUT Fastener


'," re NUT Description of Sample Stock Location: UNSECuPED LEvEI C STORAGE, A054F6 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: AST~ A-~o7 GRA Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): NONE

    • Class/Procurement Level: oA-s. sTANDARD,ExEr,PT PRoDucTIoN MATERIAL General Plant Application .(e.g., Pressure Boundary,. Structural) GENERIC:"tON SAFETY RELATED USE.

Vendor: urwNowN-AssEHBLED il/:;" BQLTIr!G sTocK gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: rtor<E Licensee Representative:

~),W r Signature Date Pl

  • The sample IDb'hall have a prefix that contains> he lice facility i&ntials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

N/A QA-S: Non-safety Related

I 0-

AEP:NRC:1045 D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Page 31 Attachment 1 Fastener -Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample ID/ DCCNP/33-513000 Fastener


3/4': ss HvY '~Ex "lu Description of Sample Stock Location: U'<sEcURED LEvEL B sTQPAGE, A105E".

Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: Tp 316 SS Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): 316

  • "Class/Procurement Level: 0A-s sTANDARD. ExEMPT PRQDUcTIQN MATERIAL General Plant Appl'ication (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural) GEllERIc HQN-sAFETY RELATED USE Yendor: LAST RECEIPT: 7IEGLER BOLT P.O.".39494-040-5 Ziegler Bolt and Nut House P.O. Box 80369, STA.C, Canton, OH 44708 gA Requirements Imposed on Vendor:NowE Licensee Representative:

Signature Date /'


  • The sample IDb'hall have a prefix that contai the lice see facili g initials.
    • Ifapplicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

N/A QA-S: Non-safety Related


AEP:NRC:1045 Page 1 ATTACHMENT 2 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Data Summary SA-193 Gr B7 Bolts/Studs P

Safety-Related IDe Mechanical Anal sis Hardness UTS si 0.2% YS si Chemical Anal C Mn sis P Si Mo Cr a

DCCNP/30-028980/ 30.5 Rc 141,500 124,300 0.37 0.72 0.010 0.013 0.22 0.20 0.87 ASP9708 DCCNP/30-029918/ 29.5 Rc 133,100 113,200 0.40 0.91 0.012 0 01 F

ASP6071 DCCNP/30-046489/ 27.5 Rc 135,700 116,300 0.35 0.89 0.011 0.01 ASP9735 DCCNP/30-046542/ 32 Rc 143,300 127,800 0.44 0.89 0.007 0.023 0.


DCCNP/30-046403/ 29 Rc 138,000 122,700 0.40 0.84 0.006 0.023 0.17 0.20 0.93 ASP9673 Note: VTS - Ultimate Tensile Strength; YS - Yield Strength C - Carbon; Mn - Manganese; P - Phosphorus; S - Sulfur; Si - Silicon; Mo - Molybdenum; Cr - Chromium.

AEP NRC 1045 Page 2 ATTACHMENT 2 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Data Summary SA-193 Gr B8 Bolts/Studs Safety-Related Mechanical Anal sis Chemical Anal sis Hardness VTS si 0.2% YS si C Mn Si Ni Cr DCCNP/30-029989/ 89 Rb 83,600 37,400 0.03 1.62 0.025 0.033 0.83 9.44 18.26 ASP9828 DCCNP/30-046730/ 87 Rb 106,400 51,000 0.06 0.81 0.013 (0.005 0.65 8.30 18.85 ASP4184 DCCNP/30-046785/ 89 Rb 90,900 47,000 0.05 1.78 0.031 0.01 ASP4184 Note: UTS - Ultimate Tensile Strength; YS - Yield Strength C - Carbon; Mn - Manganese; P - PhosPhorus; S - Sulfur; Si - Silicon; Ni - Nickel; Cr - Chromium.

AEP:NRC:1045 Page 3 ATTACHMENT 2 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Data Summary SA-193 Gr B8M Stud Safety-Related Mechanical Anal sis Chemical Anal sis ID¹ Hardness UTS si 0.2% YS si C Mn P S Si Mo Ni Cr I)(XNP/30-047030/ 89 Rb 92,700 57,100 0.05 1.40 0.019 0.023 0.18 2.15 12.26 18.00 ASP9369 Note: UTS - Ultimate Tensile Strength; YS - Yield Strength; C - Carbon; Mn - Manganese; P - Phosphorus; S - Sulfur; Si - Silicon; Mo - Molybdenum; Ni - Nickel; Cr - Chromium.

AEP:NRC:1045 Page 4 ATTACHMENT 2 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Data'ummary SA-453 Gr 660 Cl B Stud Safety-Related Mechanical Anal sis Chemical Anal sis IDe Hardness UTS si 0.2% YS si C Mn B P V S Ni Si Ti Mo Al Cr DCCNP/30-047100/ 33 Rc 156,600 101,700 0.05 0.13 0.006 .013 0.31 <0.005 24.0 0.01 2.16 1.12 0.20 14.41

, ASP9366 Note: UTS - Ultimate Tensile Strength; YS - Yield Strength; C - Carbon; Mn - Manganese; B - Boron; P - Phosphorus; V - Vanadium; S - Sulfur; Ni - Nickel; Si - Silicon; Ti - Titanium; Mo - Molybdenum; Al - Aluminum; Cr - Chromium

AEP:NRC:1045 Page 5 C

ATTACHMENT 2 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Data Summary SA-194 Gr 2H Heavy Hex Nuts Safety-Related Mechanical Anal sis Chemical Anal sis IDI Hardness DCCNP/30-028980/

ASP9708 Nut A 32 Rc 0.47 0.014 Nut B 32 Rc 0.45 0.012 0.022 DCCNP/30-029918/

ASP6071 Nut A 26 Rc 0.46 0.007 0.025 Nut B 26 Rc 0.46 0.007 0.025 DCCNP/30-046625/ 31 Rc 0.44 0.019 0.012 ASP3693 DCCNP/30-046627/ 27 Rc 0.42 0.021 ASP3631 32.5 Rc 0.44 0.010 'CCNP/30-046622/

ASP9224 Note: C - Carbon; P - Phosphorus; S - Sulfur

AEP:NRC:1045 Page 6 4.

ATTACHMENT 2 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Data Summary SA-194 Gr 8 Heavy Hex Nuts Sa fe ty-Related Mechanical Anal sis Chemical Anal sis IDe Hardness C Mn P Si Ni Cr DCCNP/30-047375/ 88 Rb 0.06 1.79 0.030 0.018 0.50 8.90 1&.10 ASP9888 DCCNP/30-046906/ 86.5 Rb 0.06 1.83 0.029 (0.005 0.51 9.13 18.57 ASP4184 Note: C - Carbon; Mn - Manganese; P - Phosphorus; S - Sulfur; Si - Silicon; Ni - Nickel; Cr - Chromium

AEP:NRC:1045 Page 7 ATTACHMENT 2 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Data Summary SA-194 Gr 8F Heavy Hex Nuts Safety-Related Mechanical Anal sis Chemical Anal sis Hardness C Mn P S Sl N1 Cr DCCNP/30-046915/ 87.5 Rb 0.09 1.91 0.018 0.324 0.39 8.80 17.39 ASP9828 DCCNP/30-046903/ 92 Rb 0.05 1.73 0.030 0.166 0.37 8.63 17.54 ASP9611 DCCNP/30-047310/ 89 Rb 0.05 1.76 0.030 0.324 0.14 8.54 17.45 ASP9369 Note: C - Carbon; Mn - Manganese; P - Phosphorus; S - Sulfur; Si -. Silicon; Ni - Nickel; Cr - Chromium

AEP:NRC:1045 Page 8 ATTACHMENT 2 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Data Summary SA-307 Gr A Bolts Non-Safety-Related Mechanical Anal sis Chemical Anal sis IDe Hardness UTS si 0.2% YS si C Mn DCCNP/31-242400 20.5 Rc 94,700 85,200 0.23 0.42 0.018 0.012 DCCNP/31-248600 97.5 Rb 96,800 79,100 0.12 0.67 0.009 0.028 DCCNP/31-253200 92 Rb 98,700 92,900 0.25 0.40 0.016 0.029 DCCNP/31-258400A 82 Rb 68,000 59,100 0.06 0.37 0.012 0.008 DCCNP/31-261580 21.5 Rc 82,600 72,400 0.08 0 '1 0.028 0.033 DCCNP/31-259000 82 Rb 67,400 61,700 0.07 0.40 0.020 0.34 Note: UTS - Ultimate Tensile Strength; - Yield Strength; - Carbon; Mn - Manganese; - Phosphorus; -

YS C P S Sulfur

AEP:NRC:1045 Page.9 ATTACHMENT 2 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Data Summary SA-193 Gr B7 Stud Non-Safety-Related Mechanical Anal sis Chemical Anal sis IDe Hardness UTS si 0.2% YS si C Mn P S Si Mo Cr DCCNP/31-772250 85.5 Rb *74,200 ..

  • Properties found out of specification.

AEP:NRC:1045 Page 10 ATTACHMENT 2 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Data Summary Carbon Steel Hex Head Bole Non-Safety-Related Mechanical Anal sis Chemical Anal sis ZD>> Hardness UTS si 0.2% YS si Mn Si nCCVi /112412 24.5 Rc 122,800 90,400 0.43 0.99 0.020 0.027 0. 24 Note: UTS - Ultimate Tensile Strength; YS - Yield Strength; C - Carbon; Mn - Manganese; P - Pho'sphorus; S - Sulfur; Si - Silicon

AEP:NRC:1045 Page 11 ATTACHMENT 2 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Data Summary Type 304 Stainless Steel Bolts Non-Safety-Related Mechanical Anal sis Chemical Anal sis ID@ Hardness UTS si 0.2% YS si Mn P Si Ni Mo Cr DCCNP/31-930500 88 Rb 100,300 39,800 0.06 2.03 0.034 0.015 0.72 8.27 0.27 18.72 DCCNP/31-930900 82.5 Rb 98,400 60,100 0.04 1.50 0.032 0.012 0.54 10.14 0.24 18.83 Note: UTS - Ultimate Tensile Strength; YS - Yield Strength; C - Carbon; Mn - Manganese; P - Phosphorus; S - Sulfur; Si - Silicon; Ni - Nickel; Mo - Molybdenum; Cr - Chromium.

AEP:NRC:1045 .

Page 12 ATTACHMENT 2 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Data Summary SA-563 Gr A Heavy Hex Nuts

'on-Safety-Related Mechanical Anal sis Chemical Anal sis IDe Hardness Mn DCCNP/31-242400 96.5 Rb 0.19 0.69 0.007 0 '27 DCCNP/31-248600 96 Rb 0.03 0.66 0.014 0.019 DCCNP/31-253200 96.5 Rb 0.02 0.48 0.021 0.009 DCCNP/31-258400A 93 Rb 0.17 0.53 0.011 0.007 DCCNP/31-261580 82.5 Rb 0.21 0.44 0.014 0.011 DCCNP/31-259000 85.5 Rb 0.36 0.69 0.018 0.026 DCCNP/33-306000 65.0 Rb 0.12 0.50 0.011 0.015 Note: UTS - Ultimate Tensile Strength; YS - Yield Strength; - Carbon; Mn - Manganese; - Phosphorus; -

C P S Sulfur

AEP: NRC: 1045 f.

Page 13 ATTACHMENT 2 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Data Summary Type 304 Stainless Steel Heavy Hex Nut Non-Safety-Related Mechanical Anal sis Chemical Anal sos IDI Hardness C Mn P S Si Ni Mo Cr DCCNP/31-930900 21 Rc 0.04 1.78 0.016 0.007 0.45 10.68 0.28 17.41 Note: UTS - Ultimate Tensile Strength; YS - Yield Strength; C - Carbon; Mn - Manganese; P - Phosphorus; S - Sulfur; Si - Silicon; Ni - Nickel; Mo - Molybdenum; Cr - Chromt,um.

C 4 C.'EP:NRC:1045 Page 14 g

ATTACHMENT 2 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Data-Summary Type 316 Stainless Steel Hex Nut Non-Safety-Related Mechanical Anal sis Chemical Anal sis IDI Hardness Mn P S Si Ni Mo Cr DCCNP/33-513000 28 Rc 0.02 1.05 0.033 0.016 0.56 11.13 2.03 16.53 Note: UTS - Ultimate Tensile Strength; YS - Yield Strength; C - Carbon; Mn - Manganese; - Phosphorus; Si - Silicon; Ni - Nickel; - Molybdenum; Cr - Chromium.

P S - Sulfur; Mo
