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Submits Advance Notice of Util Intent to Request Extension of Deadline for Environ Qualification Due to Three Unscheduled Outages Following Steam Generator Steam Leakage. Notification Submitted Per Generic Ltr 85-15
Person / Time
Site: Cook American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 09/17/1985
From: Alexich M
To: Palladino N
CON-#485-238, CON-$485-238 AEP:NRC:0775Y, AEP:NRC:775Y, GL-85-15, OL, NUDOCS 8512300082
Download: ML17326B036 (3)


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'85 y'~u I September 7, 19Qpt-I AEP: NRC:077 Y OOCgpp>NG~~CRt. 1~8 .

R4hlcHSERV<r Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit No. 2 Docket No. 50-316 6L, License No. DPR-74 ADVANCE NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIFICATION EXTENSION BEYOND NOVEMBER 30, 1985 Honorable Nunzio J. Palladino Chairman U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mashington, DC 20555

Dear Dr. Palladino:

This letter provides advance notice of the Indiana 5 Michigan Electric Company's (IMEC's) intent to request an extension of short duration of the deadlines for environmental qualification beyond November 30, 1985, for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 2. This preliminary notification is being submitted pursuant to 10 CFR 50.49(g) and Generic Letter No. 85-15. Our previous intention was to perform the remaining environmental qualification tasks for Unit 2 during the refueling outage, which was scheduled to begin on or before November 30. However, three recent unscheduled outages (on July 15, August 2; and August 24) following steam generator tube leakage have resulted in a revised outage schedule.

At the present time, D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 2 is estimated to have approximately 90 effective full-power days (EFPDs) of fuel available for operation. Since Unit 2 is presently out of operation, and since it is unlikely that it will be returned to operation before the end of September, we can plan on no more than 60 days of operation at full power before November

30. Therefore, if we have to shut down Unit 2 on November 30 for refueling and the completion of environmental qualification tasks, we would expect to have a minimum of about 30 EFPDs left from the current fuel cycle. This would necessitate a redesign of the core reload pattern, and would constitute an unnecessary hardship to the ratepayers of IMEC.

IMEC will provide a follow-up letter regarding the equipment items for which this extension is requested, their corresponding Justifications for Continued Operation (JCO), and other circumstances relevant to this request.

This letter will discuss our efforts to resolve outstanding environmental qualification concerns during the present unscheduled outage. After consideration of the time required to acourately present a detailed explanation of each item for Commission review, we believe we can provide this letter prior to September 30, as required by Generic Letter No. 85-15.

8512300082 850917 PDR ADOCK 05000316 P PDR


s'e Nunrio J. Palladino AEP:NRC:0775Y This document has been prepared following Corporate procedures which inoorporate a reasonable set of controls to ensure its accuracy and completeness prior to signature by the undersignedi Very truly yours, I

M. P. Alexich Vise President I" ~


MPA/dam cc: Thomas M. Roberts, Commissioner - Washington, DC James K. Asselstine, Commissioner - Washington, DC Frederick M. Bernthal, Commissioner - Washington, DC Lando W. Zech, Jr., Commissioner - Washington, DC Director, NRR - Washington, DC Director, IE - Washington, DC John E. Dolan W. G. Smith, Jr. - D. C. Cook Plant R. C. Callen G. Bruchmann G. Charnoff NRC Resident Inspector - D. C. Cook Plant