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Requests Extension to 801031 for Submitting Info Re Auxiliary Feedwater Sys Flow Design Basis Per NRC 791030 Request.Extension Will Permit in-house Review.Addl Info Re Condensate Storage Tank Level Indication Sys Encl
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 09/18/1980
From: Hunter R
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
AEP:NRC:0307D, AEP:NRC:307D, NUDOCS 8009240369
Download: ML17319A607 (10)



ACCESSION NBR:8009200369 DOC DATE: 80/09/18 D: NO DOCKEiT


315 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power 50-316 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Planti Unit NOTARI'ACIL:50 Plant~ Unit ii 2~

Indjana Indiana 8

8 05000315 05000316 G


REC IP ~ NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION DENTONtH ~ RE Office of< Nuclear Reactor Regulationr Director


Requests extension to 801031 for. submitting info re auxiliary feedwater sys,flow design basis per NRC 791030 request.E'xtension will permit jn-house review Addi info re ~

condensate storage tank level indicatioa sys encl.

DISTRIBUTION CODE: A001S COPIESRECEIVED:LTR TITLE: Gener al Distribution for after Issuance of Oper i ENCL / SIZE!

ating Laic NOTES: IEE:3 co>les al'1 material., 05000315 Send 3 copies of all< material to ILES 05000316 RECIPIENT COPIES RECIPIENT COPIES ID CODE/NAME LITTR ENCL ID CODE/NAME LTTR ENCL ACTION: VARGAtS ~ 04 13 13 INTERNAL'/DIRgHUM FAC08 1-" 1 DIRg HUM FACt 07 1 1 ILE 06 2 2 NRC'DR 02 1 1 OE 11 1 0 OR ASSESS BR 10 1 0 G FI 01 1 1 EXTERNAL: ACRS 09 16 16 LPDR 03 NSIC 05 1 1 5e es tgso TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: LTTR ~ ENCL

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INDIANA l!r MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY P. 0. BOX 18 BOWLING GREEN STATION NEW YORK, N. Y. 10004 September 18, 1980 AEP:NRC:0307D Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316 License Nos. DPR-58 and DPR-74 Auxiliary Feedwater System Flow Design Basis Nr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555

Dear Mr. Denton:

The purpose of this letter is to request an extension to October 31, 1980 for submitting the information requested by "Enclosure 2" of Hr. Eisenhut's letter dated October 30, 1979 concerning the Auxiliary Feedwater System Flow Design Basis. We have been working closely with Westinghouse to provide responses to the questions of Enclosure 2. However, the requested extension for submittal is necessary for us to complete our own in-house review'hich includes providing information that is not within Westinghouse's scope. We do not anticipate any further problems in meeting the revised submittal deadline of October 31, 1980.

Additionally, the attachment to this letter contains further informa-tion concerning the Condensate Storage Tank (CST) level indication system as discussed, over the telephone, with members of your staff on August 13 and 14, 1980. We believe, on the basis of the information provided in the Attachment, that we are in complete compliance with the requirements of Additional Short Term Recommendation 1 of Nr. Eisenhut's letter of October 30, 1979 and that this matter can be closed.

Very truly yours, P)e j 5

unter Vice President

. (1(

Attachment cc: (attached)

l 4~ y ~ - 1e 1

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Nr. Harold R. Denton AEP:NRC:0307D cc: R. C. Callen G. Charnoff John E. Dolan R. W. Jurgensen D. V. Shaller - Bridgman NRC Region III Resident Inspector at Cook Plant - Bridgman

ATTACHMENT TO AEP:NRC:0307O In preparing this attachment we use the same format as that of Mr. Eisenhut's October 30, 1979 letter.

Additional Short Term Recommendation No. 1


On August 13, 1980 we were informed by the NRC staff that=they would not accept AEP's position, as stated in our letter of June 26, 1980 (AEP:NRC:0307C), that our present design meets the intent of the NRC position for redundant indication of Condensate Storage Tank (CST) water level. As such, we are leaving our present pneumatic system design as it is and we will installing be an additional indication channel to comply with the NRC position on redundant indication. Specifically, we are installing a control room, panel-mounted,'indicator through separat'e circuits and supplies from the existing level monitoring system. This new level 'ower monitoring channel will be electronic in nature (rather than pneumatic) and will consist of a transmitter device connected to the CST through its own piping (sensing line) with its output circuit connected to a 0-100/ level indicator in the control room. This new level indication channel plus our existing system fully complies with the NRC's position for redundant, indications and closes out additional short term Recommendation No. l. At the present time, we anticipate that this installation will be implemented by January 1, 1981.


ACCESSION NBR:8009240369 DOC ~ DATE: 80/09/18 NOTARIZED: NO DocKKT FACIL:50 315 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Planti Unit 50 316 Donald C. Cook Nuclear'ower PlantP Unit BYNAME ii 2R Indiana Indiana 8

8 0500031 AUTH AUTHOR AFFILIATION HUNTERER ~ ST Indiana 8 Michigan Electric Co.

RECIP ~ NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION DENTOi4PH ~ RE Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulationr Director


Requests extension to 801031 for submitting info re auxf liar y feedwater sys flow design basis per NRC l91030 request.Extension wi l oer mi t in house review.Addi info re 1

condensate stor age tank level indication sys encl.


TITLE: General Distr ibut i on for after Issuance of Operating Li c NOTES: I8,E:3 cooies all material. 05000315 Send 3 cooies of all material to IEE ~ 05000316 RECIPIENT COPIES RECIPIENT COPIES IO CODE/NAME LTTR ENCL IO CODE/NAME LTTR ENCL ACTION'ARGAP8 ~ 04 13 13 INTERNAL D/DIRP HU I FAC08 1 1 DIRE HUM FAC 07 1 1 IEE 06 2 2 NRC PDR 02 1 1 L 11 0 OR ASSESS BR 10 1 0


INDlANA L MlCHlGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY P. O. BOX 18 BOWLING GREEN STATION NEW YORK, N. Y. 10004 September 18, 1980 AEP:NRC:03070 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316 L1cense Nos. DPR-58 and OPR-74 Auxiliary Feedwater System Flow Design Basis Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555

Dear Mr. Oenton:

The purpose of this letter is to request an extension to October 31, 1980 for submitting the information requested by "Enclosure 2" of Mr. Eisenhut's letter dated October 30, 1979 concerning the Auxiliary

( Feedkater System Flow Design Basis. We have been working closely with Westinghouse to provide responses to the questions of Enclosure 2. However, the requested extension for submittal is necessary for us to complete our own in-house review'hich includes providing information that is not within Westinghouse's scope. We do not anticipate any further problems in meeting the revised submittal deadline of October 31, 1980.

Additionally, the attachment to this letter contains further informa-tion concerning the Condensate Storage Tank (CST) level indication system as discussed, over the telephone, with members of your staff on August 13 and 14, 1980. We believe, on the basis of the information provided in the Attachment, that we are in complete compliance with the requirements of Additional Short Term Recomendation 1 of Mr. Eisenhut's letter of October 30, 1979 and that this matter can be closed.

Very truly yours, p) o/

5 R. . Hunter Vice President

(/i Attachment cc: (attached)


Hr. Harold R. Denton AEP:NRC:03070 cc: R. C. Callen G. Charnoff John E. Dolan R. W. Jurgensen D. V. Shaller - Bridgman NRC Region III'esident Inspector at Cook Plant - 8ridgman

II ATTACHMENT TO AEP:NRC:03070 In preparing this attachment we use the same format as that of Mr. Eisenhut's October 30, 1979 letter.

Additional Short Term Recommendation No. 1


Qn August 13, 1980 we were informed by the NRC staf that they would not accept AEP's position,. as stated in our letter of June 26, 1980 (AEP:NRC:0307C), that our present design meets the intent of the NRC position for redundant indication of Condensate Storage Tank (CST) water level. As such, we are leaving our present pneumatic system design as it is and we will be installing an additional indication channel to comply with the NRC position on redundant indication. Specifically, we are installing a control room, panel-mounted,'indicator through separate circuits and supplies from the existing level monitoring system. This new level

'ower monitoring channel will be electronic in nature (rather than pneumatic) and will consist of a transmitter device connected to the CST through its own piping'sensing line) with its output circuit connected to a 0-100Ã level indicator in the control room. This new level indication channel plus our existing system fully complies with the NRC's position for redundant indications and closes out additional short term Recommendation No. 1. At the present time, we anticipate that this installation will be implemented by January 1, 1981.