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4/10/2002 Columbia Generating Station End-of-Cycle Meeting Summary
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 04/19/2002
From: William Jones
To: Parrish J
Energy Northwest
Download: ML021090633 (29)


4yý UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION IV 6il RYAN PLAZA DRIVE. SUITE 400 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 760114084 APR 19 2002 J. V. Parrish Chief Executive Officer Energy Northwest P.O. Box 968; MD 1023 Richland, Washington 99352-0968


End-of-Cycle Public Meeting for the Columbia Generating Station between the NRC and Energy Northwest Officials

Dear Mr. Parrish:

This refers to our meeting conducted at the Richland Public Library Gallery, 955 Northgate Drive Richland, Washington, on April 10, 2002, at 6:30 p.m. (PST). At this meeting, the NRC met with you and your management staff to discuss the NRC's independent reactor oversight process and the results of the NRC's implementation of the oversight process at the Columbia Generating Station for the period April 1 through December 29, 2001. This included inspection findings related to not meeting an emergency planning standard for members of the public, and a potential adverse trend in the crosscutting area of human performance. In addition, the NRC discussed one issue of regional and national interest. This issue involved plant security.

The NRC and Energy Northwest responded to questions from the audience following the presentation. No questions remained to be addressed following the meeting.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its enclosures will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

Should you have any questions concerning this meeting, we will be pleased to discuss them with you.

Sincerely, William B. Jones,hief Project Branch E Division of Reactor Projects Docket: 50-397 License: NPF-21

Energy Northwest


1. Attendance List
2. Presentation Slides cc wlenclosures:

Chair Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council P.O. Box 43172 Olympia, Washington 98504-3172 Rodney L. Webring (Mail Drop PE08)

Vice President, Operations Support/PlO Energy Northwest P.O. Box 968 Richland, Washington 99352-0968 Greg 0. Smith (Mail Drop 927M)

Vice President, Generation Energy Northwest P.O. Box 968 Richland, Washington 99352-0968 D. W. Coleman (Mail Drop PE20)

Manager, Regulatory Affairs Energy Northwest P.O. Box 968 Richland, Washington 99352-0968 Albert E. Mouncer (Mail Drop 1396)

General Counsel Energy Northwest P.O. Box 968 Richland, Washington 99352-0968 Paul Inserra (Mail Drop PE20)

Manager, Licensing Energy Northwest P.O. Box 968 Richland, Washington 99352-0968 Thomas C. Poindexter, Esq.

Winston & Strawn 1400 L Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20005-3502

-3 Energy Northwest Bob Nichols State Liaison Officer Executive Policy Division Office of the Governor P.O. Box 43113 Olympia, Washington 98504-3113 Lynn Albin Washington State Department of Health P.O. Box 47827 Olympia, WA 98504-7827 John L. Erickson, Director Division of Radiation Protection Department of Health P.O. Box 47827 Olympia, Washington 98504-7827 Chairman Board of Benton County Commissioners P.O. Box 190 Prosser, Washington 99350 Frank H. Brock, Chair Board of Franklin County Commissioners 1016 North 4th Street Pasco, Washington 99301 Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Regional Center John Pennington, Regional Director 130 228th Street, SW Bothell, Washington 98021-9796


END-OF-CYCLE MEETING ATTENDANCE LICENSEE/FACILITY Energy Northwest - Columbia Generating Station DATE/TIME April 10, 2002; 6:30 p.m.

LOCATION Richland Public Library - Gallery Room NAME (PLEASE PRINT) I ORGANIZATION Lynn Ann Holm Local - Public Mary Holm Local - Public Terry Alton Local - Public John Peters Energy Northwest Douglas W. Coleman Energy Northwest Don Feldman Energy Northwest Jim Girin Energy Northwest Eleanor Castle FEMA Region X Jack Pierce Energy Northwest Paul Ingersoll Energy Northwest Fred Klaus Energy Northwest Rod Webring Energy Northwest Jeff Gloyn Energy Northwest

_ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _

Page 1 of 3

END-OF-CYCLE MEETING ATTENDANCE LICENSEE/FACILITY Energy Northwest - Columbia Generating Station DATE/TIME April 10, 2002; 6:30 p.m.

LOCATION Richland Public Library - Gallery Room NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ORGANIZATION C. L. Perino Energy Northwest Bear Bentrap Local - Public Gregory Smith Energy Northwest Louisa Dovey Energy Northwest Dave Fraley Energy Northwest Charles Townsend Energy Northwest S. K. Rehter Energy Northwest John Arbuckle Energy Northwest Darrow Fujiyoshi Energy Northwest Carl King Energy Northwest Howard Kaczmaek Local - Public John Hanson Energy Northwest Carl Fies Energy Northwest Page 2 of 3

END-OF-CYCLE MEETING ATTENDANCE LICENSEE/FACILITY Energy Northwest - Columbia Generating Station DATE/TIME April 10, 2002; 6:30 p.m.

LOCATION Richland Public Library - Gallery Room NAME (PLEASE PRINT) I ORGANIZATION John Stang Tri-City Herald - Public Brian Adarri Energy Northwest Page 3 of 3


Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 0

End of Cycle Meeting for Columbia Generating Station 6:30 PM Opening Remarks - NRC 6:35 PM Introductions - NRC and Energy Northwest 6:40 PM Regulatory Oversight Process and Columbia Generating Station Assessment - NRC and Energy Northwest 7:30 PM Current Issues - NRC 7:40 PM Comments - NRC and Energy Northwest 7:50 PM Questions and Answers ANNUAL ASSESSMENT MEETING Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 1

NRC Personnel Ken Brockman Director Division of Reactor Projects Bill Jones Chief, Branch E Division of Reactor Projects George Replogle Senior Resident Inspector Columbia Generating Station Michael Peck Resident Inspector Columbia Generating Station Meeting Agenda




NRC Meeting Guidelines

  • Registration Table
  • Questions and Answers
  • Handouts
  • Feedback Forms Energy Northwest Introduction 3

NRC Performance Goals

  • Maintain safety and protect the environment
  • Enhance public confidence
  • Improve:

- effectiveness

- efficiency

- realism of processes and decision making

  • Reduce unnecessary regulatory burden 4

Key Aspects of the Assessment Program

"*Objective review of licensee performance

"*"Action Matrix" to determine agency response in three areas

"*Plant specific assessment letters

"*Information on NRC public web site 5

Reactor Oversight Process Reactor Oversight Process SAFETY SIGNIFICANCE

- very low WHITE - low to moderate IY,,ow - substantial

- high 6

Performance Indicators

  • Provide objective measures
  • Indicators for all Strategic Areas
  • NRC verifies through inspections
  • Performance Indicators Unplanned Scrams per 7000 critical hours 20/01 30101 4Q/01 0 Thresholds 5

White > 3.0 10 15 Yellow > 6.0 20 Red > 25.0 25 Unplanned scrams per 7000 critical hours 2Q101 3Q101 4Q/01 Actual scrams 0 0 0 Critical hours 1265.4 2080.0 2209.0 I Indicator value 0.9 0.0 0.0 7

Resident Inspectors

"*Live in Community

"*Prompt Response Capability

"*Stationed at Plant Regional Inspectors

  • Specialized
  • Team Inspections

Baseline Inspection "Program

  • Gathers objective evidence of plant safety
  • Conducted at all plants Focuses on safety-significant:

- Systems

- Components

- Activities

- Events Baseline Inspection Program

"*Monitors licensee effectiveness in finding and fixing safety issues

"*Inspection reports describe significant findings and non-compliance

"* Inspection reports are publicly accessible 9

Event Follow-Up and Supplemental Inspections

"*Review events for significance

"*Follow-up significant inspection findings

"*Determine causes of performance declines

"*Provide for graduated response

  • Crosscutting Areas PUBLIC HEALTH AND NRC'S SAFETY K.

Overall AS A RESULT OF CIVILIAN Safety NUCLEAR REACTOR Misafet Mission OPERATION Strategic Performance RATR RADIATION EUITY Areas SAFETY SAFETY Crosscutting Areas Human Performance Corrective Action Safety Conscious Work Environment 10

Inspection Program

" Inspection reports describe findings and non-compliance which are more than minor

"*Inspection reports are publicly accessible www.NRC.govlreading-rmladams.html 10- Assessment Program

"*Objective review of licensee performance

"*"Action Matrix" to determine agency response in three areas:

- Inspection

- Management Involvement

- Regulatory Actions

"*Plant specific assessment letters

  • Information on NRC public web site 11

ACTION MATRIX Licensee Regulatory Response Degraded Multip aRpetitiv. Unauceptable Response Column Cornerstone Column Degraded fooo Performance Column Cornerstone Coum Column A6 As nn Norersn R .etile Uogr.&d rputo (Pudrooan. 00. or Two WW.eJopuls (2 W1,il kirpt ortIYellow Comaestor.e, bo*liple Dagada Overall Unacceptable Irdlcutot$ (Plus)and (in dcltaeertcornerstons) Input) o any 3 White Iropo Corerstornes. MultipAYellow Pertomr*na.e; plants rot InIapicOnFodings in . Sca-tgo Pudorma.. i a Swategc Pdortonarie lnpuor, 1 Red Input; peaMlted to opr.,.I Green. A-a; A,..: Comorstorm Obectives rthitnos band, Comrztoo Comarsolen Objootoat Conoto batloma matmal wtmrgoaoding  !.a..a or Urocpthtal Mvarurn Objetveas Inet fully with moderated degradatior Signo*icantdegradation Ir to Safety fulv n-1_isfety_______eto norforoa _ __e Regulatory Branch Chief (BC) or DO or Regional RA (or EDO) meet with Commisson meeting Perforranci None Division Director (DO) Adminitrator (RA) Senor Licensee With Senior Meeoir __ meet with Licensee meet with Licensee Manaroernent Lcensee artaaemero Licensee Licensee Corrective o Licensee oot cause Licensee cuomulative root Loenooe Per.omnco o cetin Evaluaee on and coreclive cause evaluation with Improvement Plan with Aton AtNRC ActonAion with oversight NRC oversioht NRC oversiahl

. N Risk.Informed Baseline and Basetine and Baseoine and c NRC Baseline Insopection s e ole supplemental nspecrion supplemental inspection

  • Ins o Prograr procedure 9 1 pr vocedure e 95002 Procedure 95003 DF Order to moadly, Regulatory N ultoy Supplemental isption Supplemental inspection -0 CFR 2.04

-10 CFR2 50.54(f) Letter Suspencl, or revoke Aclions only only -CALtOrder licensed activities z BC or DD reviewlsigr D review/sfgn assess- RA reowms/s'gn asses"" RA review/sign assessre*ent sestoeo Letters ((Assotern reporl

-'irnptcrionplan) ttrotd report plan) rmerl report r (w p (wIinstrction (w/intoectron plan) r_____w_____________n S oB o C mo o RA (or designee) discuss EDO niscuss pedormance WPutic SRI or BC meet BCor OD meet Wth P o ith withSenioricensee

. Meetiri, with Licensee Licenseeporewthh LicenseeManagement Commission Meeting 0M to emerni None None None Plant discussed at AARM wnthSenior InvolvemeAntLicensee Cement SINCREASINGý SAFETY SIGNIFICANC MaST I

Note 1: The regulatot actions for plants in the Mutliple/[Repetitia Degraded Cornerstone column are rot mandatory agency actions. However, the regional office should consider eaco of these regulatory actions when sgnif*gcant new information regarding licensee performance becomes avaiaab(e.

Plant Safety Performance Summary 12

Performance Indicator Results All Performance Indicators are within the Licensee Control Band Performance Indicator results available on the NRC's public web site:

wash2_chart.html Inspection Results Emergency Preparedness safety significant inspection finding Human Performance substantive cross cutting issue Two supplemental inspections scheduled 13

Yellow Finding

  • Inability to notify and provide radiological protection for members of the public located at leased facilities
  • Moderate safety significance Energy Northwest


Crosscutting Issue

  • NRC identified adverse trend

- Human Performance IJ Human Performance Personnel Performance issues and errors contributed to a Yellow finding and a number of Green findings

- Emergency Preparedness

- Maintenance

- Operations

- Radiation Protection

Energy Northwest


Assessment Conclusions

  • Began assessment period in Licensee Response Column
  • Ended assessment period in Degraded Cornerstone Column
  • Supplemental Inspection (95002)
  • Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection 16

k .ssessment Conclusions

  • Public Health and Safety Assured
  • Strategic Area Objectives Met with Moderate Degradation in Safety Performance

° Significant Performance Issues Warrant Further Inspection 17

Additional Focus Areas

"*NRC Responds As-Needed

"* Mandated Licensee Actions

"*Implemented Emergency Response o Nuclear Industry Issue Security at Nuclear Power Plants

- Substantial security measures in place prior to terrorist attacks

- Federal, State, Local and Licensee integrated response to terrorist threat

Security. Response NRC Advisories

- Nuclear power plants at highest security level

- Updated with integrated threat information NRC Issues Security Order Summary

" Comprehensive Oversight Program

"*Columbia Generating Station maintained public health and safety

  • Capability and resources to respond and impose additional requirements

Energy Northwest CLOSING REMARKS Contacting the NRC Report an Emergency:

(301) 816-5100 (collect)

Report a Safety Concern:

(800) 695-7403 or General Information or questions: Select "What we do" for Public Affairs 20

Energy Northwest Electronic distribution by RIV:

Regional Administrator (EWM)

DRP Director (KEB)

DRS Director (ATH)

Senior Resident Inspector (GDR)

Branch Chief, DRP/E (WBJ)

Project Engineer, DRP/E (JSD)

Staff Chief, DRP/TSS (PHH)

RITS Coordinator (NBH)

B. Henderson, PAO (BWH)

W. A. Maier, RSLO (WAM)

C. J. Gordon (CJG)

DRS Branch Chiefs (GMG, ATG, CSM)

W. D. Travers, EDO (WDT)

M. Johnson, Chief, NRR/DIPM/IIPB (MRJ1)

R. K. Frahm, PPR Program Manager, NRR/DIPM/IIPB (RKF)

B. A. Boger, Associate Dir. for Inspection and Programs (BAB2)

B. W. Sheron, Associate Dir. for Project Licensing and Technical Analysis (BWS)

J. Shea, Chief, Regional Operations Staff, OEDO (JWSl)

S. Richards, NRR Project Director (SAR)

R. Gramm, Chief, Section 1, NRR/DLPM (RAG)

J. Cushing, NRR Project Manager (JXC9)

RidsNrrDipmlipb S:\DRP\DRPDIR\EOC 2002\Summaries\COL 04-10-02 EOC MS.wpd JSDodson WBJones IRAI IRA/

4/15/02 04/19/02 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY T=Telephone E=E-mail F=Fax