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Energy Northwest Presentation Slide to NRC on 618-11 Remediation 10-18-2012
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 10/18/2012
From: Dunham Z
Energy Northwest
To: Lauren Gibson
Plant Licensing Branch IV
Gibson L
Download: ML12292A164 (40)


618-11 Remediation Project 618-11 Project Status Presentation to NRC Zach Dunham 10/18/2012

Purpose of Meeting

  • Provide informational update to NRC on planned efforts to remediate the 618-11 site
  • Describe potential impacts to CGS
  • Planned efforts to mitigate impact areas
  • Discuss CGS Licensing Basis Impacts Protecting the Columbia River 2


  • Introductions
  • Overview/Review of 618-11 Site
  • Status & Schedule for Remediation
  • Non-Intrusive Characterization (NIC)
  • Site Infrastructure
  • Remediation - Phase 1 (Trenches & VPUs)
  • Remediation - Phase 2 (Caissons)
  • Overview of Supporting Safety/Impact Analysis
  • EN
  • CGS Licensing Basis Impacts Protecting the Columbia River 3

Overview / Review Protecting the Columbia River 4 of 618-11 Site

618-11 Project Drivers

  • CERCLA Record of Decision signed in 2001 Technology alternative selected requires removal of waste from trenches, VPUs, and caissons; treating as necessary and disposing.
  • Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order Tri-Party Agreement between State of Washington, EPA, and the DOE Legally binding agreement with enforceable milestones Milestone M-16-00B - Complete by Sept 2018 all 300 area remedial actions (including 618-10 and 618-11 Burial Grounds)

Overview / Review Protecting the Columbia River 5 of 618-11 Site

North Aerial View of 61811 Site (Adjacent to CGS) 618-11 Remediation Project New Vehicle Barrier UPR 600-22*

61811 Site Existing Vehicle Barrier Protecting the Columbia River 6 UPR - Unplanned Release Site

618-11 Burial Ground

  • Operated by DOE from 1962 - 1967
  • 375 x 1000-ft rectangle oriented east-west
  • Approximately 8.6 acres in size
  • ~50,000 yd3 of DOE defense waste in:

3 trenches (88% of total) 50 vertical pipe units (VPUs)(11% of total) 4 caissons (1% of total)

  • Estimated Inventory for 618-11 Site 4,200 Ci Sr-90 5,300 Ci Cs-137 226 Ci Am-241 132 Ci Pu-239 639 Ci Pu-241 330 kg Beryllium Overview / Review Protecting the Columbia River 7 of 618-11 Site

618-11 Burial Ground Waste Forms / Potential Hazards

  • Low- to high-activity radioactive waste including fission products
  • Spent nuclear fuel residues
  • Plutonium-contaminated waste
  • Residual quantities of chemical waste associated with laboratory and fuel manufacturing processes
  • Tritium Overview / Review Protecting the Columbia River 8 of 618-11 Site

618-11 Burial Ground 4 - Caissons Trench 3 Trench 2 Trench 1 50 - VPUs Trenches VPUs Overview / Review Protecting the Columbia River 9 of 618-11 Site

618-11 Burial Ground Trench Wastes Typical Hanford Trench During Remediation NOT FROM 618-11 Overview / Review Protecting the Columbia River 10 of 618-11 Site

618-11 Burial Ground Trench Wastes Hanford Drums from Previous Remediations NOT FROM 618-11 Overview / Review Protecting the Columbia River 11 of 618-11 Site

618-11 Burial Ground Vertical Pipe Unit (VPU)

  • VPUs are constructed of five 55-gallon drums
  • Each VPU is 22 inches in diameter and 15 feet long
  • 50 VPUs at 618-11 Overview / Review Protecting the Columbia River 12 of 618-11 Site

618-11 Burial Ground Caissons (Will be included in Phase 2 Remediation)

Typical Caisson Design Actual Geophysical Information Overview / Review Protecting the Columbia River 13 of 618-11 Site

Status & Schedule Protecting the Columbia River 14 for Remediation 14

Approach to Remediating 618-11 Site Start with 618-10 to Gain Experience

  • 618-10 Site
  • Similar waste types (VPUs & Trenches)
  • Located ~3.5 miles south of CGS
  • Non-Intrusive Characterization Complete
  • Lessons Learned Applied to 618-11 Number of analyses per VPU Response/control of contamination
  • Trench Remediation
  • In Progress
  • Lessons Learned being captured
  • VPU Remediation
  • Will be initiated prior to 618-11 VPU efforts
  • Lessons Learned will be applied to 618-11 Status & Schedule Protecting the Columbia River 15 for Remediation

Schedule for Remediating 618-11 Site Remediation of 618-11 will be Performed in Two Phases

  • Non-intrusive Characterization (Completed)
  • Phase 1 - Remediation (~Spring 2014 Start)

Trench Campaign VPU Campaign UPR-600-22

  • Phase 2 - Remediation (~2015 Start)

Caisson Campaign

  • All Activities Completed by September 2018 Status & Schedule Protecting the Columbia River 16 for Remediation

NON-INTRUSIVE CHARACTERIZATION Installation of Cone Penetrometers for VPU Characterization at 618-11 Status & Schedule Protecting the Columbia River 17 for Remediation

NON-INTRUSIVE CHARACTERIZATION Activities conducted to support remedial action planning

  • Conducted geophysical delineation of the caissons and VPUs
  • Installed 2 cone penetrometers at each VPU
  • Conducted in-situ radioactivity measurement of each VPU using a gamma dose rate GM Probe
  • Survey results showed highest radiation readings near bottom of VPUs 18 VPUs < 100 mR/hr 18 VPUs 100 mR/hr to 1 R/hr 14 VPUs > 1 R/hr up to 9R/hr
  • Results showed ~20 VPUs are suspected to be TRU Waste Status & Schedule Protecting the Columbia River 18 for Remediation

Proposed Site Layout for Remediation Operations Infrastructure to Support 618-11 Remediation UPR-600-22 Drum Storage 618-11 Burial Ground Support Trailers clean soil Energy Northwest clean soil stockpiles CGS stockpiles CGS CAMs Dedicated Access Road Status & Schedule Protecting the Columbia River 19 for Remediation

Remediation Planning for 618-11

  • Implement Controls derived from the Hazards, Requirements & Consequences such as:

Limit the available Material at Risk at any one time Utilize distance and barriers Plan immediate response contingencies

  • Apply Past Practices and Lessons Learned 3 Energetic Events & 1 Airborne Release (2007-2012)
  • Monitor for Compliance ON SITE Sampling & Monitoring (personnel, equipment and field placed devices, etc.)

OFF SITE (visual observations, environmental sampling stations, event-air monitoring stations, etc.)

Status & Schedule Protecting the Columbia River 20 for Remediation

Trench Campaign Trench Campaign at 618-10 Status & Schedule Protecting the Columbia River 21 for Remediation

Trench Campaign (Past Practices & Lessons Learned)

Emission Controls Exposed waste will be limited to the Waste will be maintained below area of excavation.

grade and covered with layer of clean cover soil after sorting.

Fixatives applied at the excavation face. All work suspended when wind speed exceed 20 mph.

Typical Trench Campaign Status & Schedule Protecting the Columbia River 22 for Remediation

Trench Campaign (Past Practices & Lessons Learned)

Spill Controls Drums are placed inside salvage drums at the edge of excavation using heavy equipment Drums are cradled within the excavator bucket for removal Fire Response Front-end loader is manned and staged during all drum handling Status & Schedule Protecting the Columbia River 23 for Remediation

Vertical Pipe Unit (VPU) Campaign

  • Scope is to stabilize, characterize, retrieve, package and transport waste (50 VPUs at 618-11)
  • Waste disposal will either be to DOEs Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility (ERDF) or DOEs Central Waste Complex (CWC) pending characterization Status & Schedule Protecting the Columbia River 24 for Remediation

Vertical Pipe Unit (VPU) Campaign Step 1 Install Over-Casing Vibratory Hammer Over-Casing

(~30-ft long x Over-Casing 4-ft diameter)

VPU Surrounded in Over-Casing with some Adjacent Soil Drive Over-Casing Around VPU Surrounding Soil Status & Schedule Protecting the Columbia River 25 for Remediation

Vertical Pipe Unit (VPU) Campaign Step 2 In-Situ Stabilization Rotary Augering Tool Drilling Rig Enclosure Auger Attachment VPU Over-Casing Status & Schedule Position Drilling Rig over VPU for In-Situ Stabilize Over-Casing 26 Remediation Contents Status & Schedule Protecting the Columbia River 26 for Remediation

Vertical Pipe Unit (VPU) Campaign Step 3 Characterization Load sample into 55-gal Core Sample drum On-Site Analysis CWC Analysis String for Shipping for Radiological Determination Retrieve Representative Sample Status & Schedule Protecting the Columbia River 27 for Remediation

Vertical Pipe Unit (VPU) Campaign If Material Meets Disposal Facility Waste Acceptance Criteria Step 4A Step 5 Grout Injection Grout Swivel Head Mass Excavation Removal Grout Grout Truck Pump Load, Transport to ERDF Step 4 Grouted VPU Grout Injection Grouted VPU Status & Schedule Protecting the Columbia River 28 for Remediation

Vertical Pipe Unit (VPU) Campaign If Material Does Not Meet Disposal Facility Waste Acceptance Criteria Step 4B Drum by Drum Removal Retrieval Device Retrieval Enclosure Conveyor Suspect TRU Waste to CWC Waste Meeting ERDF WAC Retrieval System Grout Drums Status & Schedule Protecting the Columbia River 29 for Remediation

Vertical Pipe Unit (VPU) Campaign Full Size-VPUs Proof of Concept Tests Simulated VPU

  • Backfilled around VPUs with Hanford surrogate soil
  • Installed 4 diameter Size Reduced over-casings VPU Contents Overcasing Installation
  • Tests performed with various augers
  • Retrieved materials using rock auger and bucket auger Auger Bit Status & Schedule Protecting the Columbia River 30 for Remediation

Overview of Supporting Protecting the Columbia River 31 Safety/Impact Analysis

DOE Safety Basis Analysis Safety Basis Documentation

Development of Material at Risk Hazard/Accident Analyses Dose Consequence analyses (Mitigated & Un-Mitigated)

  • Fire Hazard Analysis (DOE Order 420.1B)

Fire Protection Approach General Fire Protection Program & Features Task-Specific Fire Protection Programs & Features Design Fire Scenarios

Releases & Work Activities of Interest Distances of Interest DOEs Emergency Action Level (EAL) Events Design Features, Controls and Results Overview of Supporting Protecting the Columbia River 32 Safety/Impact Analysis

DOE Safety Basis Analysis

  • The hazard analysis considers initiators such as:

Ignition sources Energy sources Explosive sources Chemical reactions External events Natural phenomena events

  • The accident analysis evaluates events such as:

Fires Spills Impacts (low and high energy)

Explosions Deflagrations External and natural phenomena events Overview of Supporting Protecting the Columbia River 33 Safety/Impact Analysis

EN Impact Analysis Energy Northwest will evaluate the DOE 618-11 Safety Basis for the following:

Impact on Columbia Generating Station

  • Dose to the Control Room personnel will not exceed regulatory requirements
  • < 5 Rem during an accident.
  • Access is available to all power block buildings and components
  • Ability of workers to safely access the site and normal work locations Overview of Supporting Protecting the Columbia River 34 Safety/Impact Analysis

EN Impact Analysis Impact on CGS Emergency Plan

  • CGS Emergency Plan has previously been revised to incorporate EAL Classifications based on potential incidents at 618-11 during non-intrusive characterization.
  • The Plan will be reevaluated to ensure it is adequate for the remediation phase.
  • Impact on ERO facilities
  • Access to ERO facilities
  • Staffing of ERO
  • Appropriate EAL categorization of 618-11 Events
  • Consistency & coordination between DOE & EN emergency plans Overview of Supporting Protecting the Columbia River 35 Safety/Impact Analysis

EN Impact Analysis Impact on Security Plan

  • The vehicle barrier has been relocated to support 618-11 remediation activities. Evaluate for other impacts.

Impact on the health and safety of the general public

  • All Energy Northwest employees, contractors and visitors are considered members of the public with respect to DOE events. Dose to these individuals need to be maintained <100 mrem/year from routine operations at 618-11.
  • Dose from an accident event (probability <10-2/year) would be maintained < 1 Rem/year (DOE Evaluation Limit).

Overview of Supporting Protecting the Columbia River 36 Safety/Impact Analysis

EN Impact Analysis Memorandum of Understanding

  • Two previous versions established MOU for Non-Intrusive Characterization Efforts MOU for Implementation of Supporting Infrastructure
  • MOU for remediation currently under discussion This legal document outlines responsibilities of the 3 parties that will delineate actions to accomplish integration of the following:
  • Security
  • Lines of communications, emergency planning/reporting
  • Mitigation activities
  • Protection of Public Health & Safety
  • Liability (Personnel, Property & Business Losses)
  • Joint training & response drills Overview of Supporting Protecting the Columbia River 37 Safety/Impact Analysis

CGS Licensing Protecting theBasis ColumbiaImpact River 38

CGS Licensing Basis Impact

  • Utilize DOE Safety Basis analysis and documentation
  • Identify mitigation and/or required changes to CGS Licensing Bases
  • Document in screening analysis ( eg. 50.59 / 50.54(p) / 50.54 (q) )
  • Submit appropriate documentation for NRC approvals
  • Coordinate with NRC during review process CGS Licensing Protecting theBasis ColumbiaImpact River 39


Protecting the Columbia River 40