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Slides - December 8, 2005, Meeting with Energy Northwest on the Risk-Informed Diesel Generator Allowed Completion Time Extension
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 12/08/2005
Energy Northwest
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TAC MC3203
Download: ML053490153 (15)


Pesoplie,*Vision, S~ollutionxs Columbia Generating Station Diesel Generator CT Extension NRC Public Meeting December 8, 2005


  • Introductions -

W.S. Oxenford, Energy Northwest M.E. Mayfield, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  • License Amendment Request for Extension of Diesel Generator Completion Time - G.V. Cullen
  • Risk-informed Submittal
  • Station Safety Enhancements
  • Offsite Power Configuration
  • Previously Approved Submittals
  • CGS Response to NRC Concerns
  • Summary
  • NRC Feedback
  • Review of Action Items g 2E ERG Y X ONORT HWEI ST Page 2 People *Vision *Solutions

Risk-Informed Submittal

  • Peer Review Team

- Assessed quality of PRA prior to use for the DG CT extension risk-informed application

- Determined modeling assumptions well defined and capture c within base model documentation

- Amendment affecting Facts & Observations (F&Os) resolved

  • NRC on-site review of Columbia's PRA
  • NRC Review Team comments resolved g3oENERGY I Page 3 v NORTHWVEST People-Vision-Solutions

Risk-Informed Submittal

  • Regulatory Guide 1.177/1.174
  • Risk metrics meet criteria for "very small risk region" (RG 1.174)
  • Key principles met E- Compliance with existing regulations

- Consistent with defense-in-depth philosophy

- Maintain sufficient safety margin

- No significant increase in core damage frequency

- Use of performance measurement strategies

- maintenance rule

_iPage Pe 4 4

PpleiOTHnWS EST People *Vision *Solutions

Station Safety Enhancements Plant Modifications Additional 480v AC Source to Battery Chargers (DG-4)

  • DG purchased and staged
  • Hard wiring installed to simplify and shorten deployment
  • Greatly extends power availability to preferred coping equipment (RC , ADS and Siwitchgear Control Power)
  • Battery capacity no longer limits SBO coping duration Pg P ENERGY l

N PageS5 X NORTHWVEST People *Vision *Solutions

Station Safety Enhancements 2 Plant Modifications (continued)

Additional 4.16kv AC Source for Selected Safe Shutdown Loads (Div 3 DG Cross Connect to Div 1 or 2)

  • CGS modified to add capability in response to RAI
  • Providing procedures and training to facilitate implementation
  • Significantly enhances flexibility and safety for LOOP and SBO responses Pag 6ENpERGY

..NORTHWVEST Page 6 People *Vision*Solutions

Station Safety Enhancements Risk Management

  • Risk Management Action Commitments for Extended DG CT Include:
  • Extended DG CT will not be entered for scheduled maintenance purposes if severe weather or high stress grid conditions are expected
  • Verify current grid stability and forecasted grid conditions g7 P e NERGY lPage l 7 w NORTHWVEST People-Vision-Solutions

Station Safety Enhancements Risk Management (continued)

Greatly restrict maintenance activities on station

  • No testing or maintenance on the protected DGs
  • No testing or maintenance on plant distribution system connections to off-site power sources
  • No testing or maintenance on HPCS and RCIC
  • Restricted testing and maintenance on risk-significant equipment
  • System load dispatcher contact on daily basis
  • Other commitments g8 NORTHWpEST l Page 8 People *Vision *Solutions

Offsite Power Configuration Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS)


  • Infrastructure includes 500kV, 230kV and 115kV AC Transmission systems Columbia Generating Station interconnections to grid:

- Main Generator output is to the 500kV system at Ashe substation (two bus, breaker-and-a-half scheme, 500kv lines to other substations)

- Preferred offsite source to CGS is from the 230kV system at Ashe (not connected to 500 kV yard at Ashe)

- Backup offsite source to CGS is from the 115kV system at Benton substation (on separate right of way from the 230kV system) l* Regional grid on east side of the state includes significant hydroelectric generating resources to continuously support station service to Columbia

  • Diverse Black Start capability in the FCRPS enhances recovery of station service to Columbia during LOOP/SBO events g ENERGYioSo

- Page 9 X ~NORTWS People *Vision *Solutions

Industry Precedent

  • Columbia Originally Modeled after Clinton Submittal - Approved without Cross Connect
  • Columbia Similar to River Bend and Grand Gulf Submittals - Approved with Addition of Cross Connect
  • Time frame commitment for implementation of cross connection same as committed by RB and GG
  • Defense-in depth and Safety at CGS are Equal or Greater g ENERGY Page 10 X NORTHWVEST People *Vision *Solutions

In dustry Precedent

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Grand Gulf/River Bend SBO Comparison

  • Columbia credits HPCS with RCIC as preferred system (in essence HPCS is backup)

- Columbia credits HPCS for 10CFR 50.63 coping

- Columbia committed on docket to have RCIC as preferred SBO response equipment

- FSAR states RCIC is preferred SBO source

- SBO procedures direct operators to RCIC first

- From safety and risk standpoint this makes Columbia similar to RB and GG PENERGY Page 12 X NORTHWVEST People *Vision *Solutions

CGS Response to NRC Concerns

  • Using DG-3 for SBO and Cross Connect Does Not Cause Licensing Basis Conflict

- Unlike PWRs, Division 1 & Division 2 have only LP AC ECCS systems for injection and decay heat removal

- When cross connection would be used:

- Plant will be at low pressure and high pressure injection is not required or

- HPCS has successfully mitigated the SBO

- Determination that offsite power will not be restored within 4-hour coping time

- Failure of HPCS

- RCIC functioning fully to mitigate SBO (and well beyond coping requirement o f4 hours)

Pg 1ENERGY S X NORTHWVEST Page 13 People *Vision *Solutions

CGS Response to NRC Concerns

  • Implementation procedures will provide for swap-over to be accomplished in 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> from decision to implement 9 Bus alignment - less than 90 minutes
  • Bus energization - less than 30 minutes
  • Ability to maintain core cooling and safe shutdown assured by HPCS plus DG-3 cross connect g ENERGY Page 14 NORTHWVEST People *Vision *Solutions

Summnary Conclusion

  • Risk-Informed Process Guidance Followed and Satisfied
  • Station Safety Significantly Enhanced to Satisfy Requirements and RAI
  • Similar to Precedent Approved Submittals P ENERGY X NORTHWVEST Page 15 People *Vision-*Solutions

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