| Site | Quarter | Title | Cross cutting aspect | Inspection procedure |
05000263/FIN-2018012-03 | Monticello | 2018Q3 | Licensee-Identified Violation | | IP 71111.21M, Design Bases Assurance Inspection |
05000313/FIN-2018003-06 | Arkansas Nuclear | 2018Q3 | Reactor Power Transient Caused by the Turbine Bypass Valve Failing Open | P.3 | IP 71153, Event Followup |
05000373/FIN-2018003-08 | LaSalle | 2018Q3 | Failure to Implement Engineering Change Results in Reactor Coolant Boundary Leakage | H.4 | IP 71153, Event Followup |
05000530/FIN-2018003-01 | Palo Verde | 2018Q3 | Failure to Maintain Command and Control During a Feedwater Control Valve Malfunction | | IP 71153, Event Followup |
05000266/FIN-2018003-02 | Point Beach | 2018Q3 | Licensee-Identified Violation | | IP 71111.18 |
05000298/FIN-2018003-03 | Cooper | 2018Q3 | Failure to Provide Adequate Lubrication for Drywell Fan Coil Units | H.5 | IP 71152, Problem Identification and Resolution (PI&R) |
05000266/FIN-2018003-03 | Point Beach | 2018Q3 | Licensee-Identified Violation | | IP 71152, Problem Identification and Resolution (PI&R) |
05000391/FIN-2018003-04 | Watts Bar | 2018Q3 | Inadequate Sensitive Equipment Control Results in Unit 2 Reactor Trip on April 12, 2018 | H.5 | IP 71153, Event Followup |
05000263/FIN-2018003-01 | Monticello | 2018Q3 | Licensee-Identified Violation | | IP 71111.12 |
05000247/FIN-2018003-04 | Indian Point | 2018Q3 | Inadequate Procedure for Turbine Startup Caused a Reactor Trip | H.13 | IP 71153, Event Followup |