IR 05000346/1996012

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Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-346/96-12 on 970206
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 03/24/1997
From: Grant G
To: Jeffery Wood
NUDOCS 9704040259
Download: ML20137K173 (2)








I March 24, 1997 Mr. John K. Wood 1 Vice President - Nuclear j Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station i Centerior Service Company 5501 North State - Route 2 l


Dear Mr. Woed:


i l

This will acknowledge receipt of your letter dated March 7,1997, in response to our

letter dated February 6,1997, transmitting a Notice of Violation associated with the failure j l

to post an entrance to the truck bay area adjacent to the cask wash down pit, which was a j


radiation area with general area dose rates as high as 10 millirem in one hour, in accordance  !

l with 10 CFR 20.1902. We have reviewed your corrective actions and have no further questions at this time. These corrective actions will be examined during future inspections.


/s/ Melvyn Leach (for)

Geoffrey E. Grant, Director Division of Reactor Safety i

Docket No. 50-346 '

License No. NPF-3 Enclosure: As stated See Attached Distribution i



To e.o.iv. copy of thi. docum.nt, indie i. in th. box c = copy w/o attach /.ncl T = cop / attach /.nct *N* = No copy


  • f 0FFICE DRS lc DRS l b/ DRP A J\ DRS lV l NAME KSelburg:jp e s TKczak % JJacobs'on \ V V \ MLeach/GGrant" I DATE 03/iq /97 03/jy/97 03/8/97 .[ l 03/J4/97 ort 1CIAL RECORD COPY V


9704040259 970224 PDR ADOCK 05000346 G PDR h,NhEh,0,E. '

._ __- _ _ _ ._ . _ _ _ _ . _ - . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ - _ . _ _ _ .. - , .._. . . _ _ . _ _ _.. . _ _



, i

g J. K. Wood -2- March 14, 1997



cc w/o encl: J. P. Stetz, Senior Vice President - Nuclear J. H. Lash, Plant Manager .

J. L. Freels, Manager j Regulatory Affairs State Liaison Officer, State


of Ohio cc w/ encl: Robert E. Owen, Ohio  !


Department of Health


C. A. Glazer, State of Ohio,

Public Utilities Commission

j Distribution: >

Docket File w/enci DRS w/ encl A. B. Beach, Rlli w/ encl i


PUBLIC lE-01 w/enci Rill PRR w/enci Enf. Coordinator, Rlli w/enci OC/LFDCB w/ encl SRI, Davis-Besse w/ encl C. D. Pederson, Rill w/enci DRP w/enci LPM, NRR w/ encl i










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_ -. , _ _ _ _ _ . _ , _ . .r,


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5501 N. State Route 2 419-249-2300 John K. Wood Oak Harbor, OH 43449 FAX: 419-321-8337 Vce Presidert. Nuclear Davis-Besse Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1-1119 March 7, 1997


United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington. D.C. 20555-0001 Subject: Response to Notice of Violation (NRC Inspection Report Number 50-346/96013


{DRS]) ,

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Toledo Edison provides the attached Response to the subject Notice of Violation, issued on y

February 6,1997 (Img Number 1-3787). Toledo Edison accepts the alleged violation.

The violation involves an event where an entrance to the truck bay area adjacent to the cask wash l down pit, which was a radiation area with general radiation dose rates as high as 10 millirem in one hour, was not posted in accordance with 10CFR20.1902.

Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mr. James L Freels, Manager - Regulatory Affairs, at (419) 321-8466.

Ve . ly yours, l DHIJdic cc: /A. B. Beach, Regional Administrator, NRC Region Ill '

A. G. llansen, NRC Project Manager 4 S. Stasek, DB-1 NRC Senior Resident inspector Utility Radiological Safety Board



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Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1-1119 Attachment I Page1 Violation "10 CFR 20.1902(a) requires that the licensee post each radiation area with a conspicuous sign or signs bearing the radiation symbol and the words


Contrary to the above, as of December 6,1996, an entrance to the truck oay area, which was a radiation area with general radiation dose rates as high as 10 millirem in one hour, was not posted with a sign bearing the radiation symbol and the words, ' CAUTION, RADIATION AREA.' (VIO 50-346/96013- l 03[DRS])" ,

Reason for Violation

.r The reason for the violation is a failure to post the ladder accessing the Auxiliary Building Train Bay as a Radiation Area following the decontamination and deposting of the adjacent cask wash '

pit area as a Contamination and Radiation Area. On November 8,1996, the new fuel storage area and cask wash pit area were surveyed and released as a Contamination Area. This area had been recently used to perform preventive maintenance on underwater filters. During the deposting of the contaminated area, the access to a Radiation Area in the Auxiliary Building Train Bay via a vertical ladder was not recognized by the Radiation Protection Tester nor by Supervision. This ladder is not a normal access pathway to the train bay and therefore was not recognized initially as requiring a posting. The oversight in posting was also not recognized by other Radiation Protection management during oversight and walkdown activities. The area rernained unposted as an access to a Radiation Area until December 17,1996, when the l condition was brought to the attention of Radiation Protection supervision by the NRC.

Corrective Actions Taken and Results Achieved Upon notification by the NRC, Potential Condition Adverse to Quality Report (PCAQR 96-1568) was initiated to document and investigate the posting deficiency and the access ladder was


posted as a Radiation Area on December 17,1996.

A walkdown of all other radiological postings was conducted to verify their accuracy and additional PCAQRs generated as required to identify and correct deficiencies. This walkdown was completed on December 17,1996. ,

Corrective Actions to Prevent Recurrengg l l

The Radiation Protection Section has established a periodic routine activity to verify radiological postings. This activity involves a weekly verification of required postings. This activity was initiated on January 13,1997. l l


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/ Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1-1119 Attachment Page 2 Discussions have been held between Radiation Protection Section management and all Radiation Protection personnel to emphasize the need to apply attention-to-detail principles to all activities, including the accuracy of radiological postings. These discussions were initiated on December 18,1996. 1 l

Formal training to PCAQR 96-1568 and this violation will be conducted during the current continuing training cycle for all Radiation Protection Section personnel. The training will include discussion on identifying all access pathways to posted areas, including those rarely used. This training will be completed by April 14,1997.  !

I Date When Full Comoliance Will be Achieved Full compliance was achieved on December 17,1996, when the Auxiliary Building Train Bay access ladder was posted as a Radiation Area.
