IR 05000320/1981007

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IE Insp Rept 50-320/81-07 on 810331-0403.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Const,Civil,Structural Supports, Fabrication of Piping Sys & Welding
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/05/1981
From: Sanders W, Lester Tripp, Varela A
Shared Package
ML20004F466 List:
50-320-81-07, 50-320-81-7, NUDOCS 8106180402
Download: ML20004F469 (7)













Report No.

50-320/81-07 i

Docket No.

50-320 i

License No. DPR-73 Priority Category C


l Licensee:

Metropolitan Edison Comoany j

100 Interpace Parkway Parsippany, New Jersey 07054 j

r Facility Name: Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 2


Inspection at: Middletown, Pennsylvania Inspection conducted: March 31 - April 3,1981 j

Inspectors: ' 9 /. W Y te Y d,u it M /fP /

w.c. aanaer, neactor inspector v date signed


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A. n.x _._ar n!


a, nescwr inspecwr date signed l





date signed



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Approved by:


E.E.Tr/p#p, Section Chief Materials

  1. * *'9"'

& Processes Section, EIB, DETI



Inspection Summary:

Inspection on March 31 - Aoril 3,1931 (Insoection Recort No. 50-320/81-07)


Areas Insoectea: Routine unannounced inspection by two region based inspectors of construction., civil, structural supports, fabrication of piping system, welding and NDE activities related to tM Submerged Demineralyzer system.

The inspection


involved fifty-two. (52) insoector-hours on site by two region based inspectors.

Resultsi No items of nonccmpliance were identified..

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Region I Form 12 i

(Rev. April 77)

8106 180 O




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Persons Contacted

Metropolitan Edison Company / General Public Utilities Service i

J. Becker - N.D.E./ Piping, Lead Supervisor


R. Corbit - Lead Welding Inspector M. Herlihy - Startup and Test Manager N. Hollenbush - Modification Turnover System Coordinator


  • L. King - G.P.U. Operations i

E. Mummert - Supervisor-Coordinator Unit 2 Standards


  • J. Wright - Quality Control Manager J. Tietjen - Modification Construction Supervisor i
    • L. J. Lehman, Licensing Engineer l
    • +J. C. Devine, Manager Recovery Engineering


    • T. R. Osterhaudt, Nuclear Recovery Engineer
    • +G. R. Skillman, Recovery Project Engineer


.L. Lohnes, QA Engineer N. Hollerbush, QA Engineer i


+G. Hovey


Neuman Catalytic Comoany R. E. Lewis, Construction Superintendent

  • Denotes those at Exit Meeting with W. F. Sanders, April 2,1981
    • Denotes those at Exit Meeting with A. A. Varela, April 3, 1981

+0enotes Conferees with Telecon 4/10/81 t



i r

This inspection was made to inspect the work ac,1vities in progress, completed


work, fabrication and testing status on the Submerged Demineralizer System


(-SDS) and review the records of the completed work for compliance with


the licensee commitments or regulatory requirements. The requirements are


defined in the Technical Evaluation Report (TER) dated April 10, 1980, ANSI


Code for Pressure Piping B31.1, Regulatory Guide 1.143, and GPU procedure 3803-Rev.2 relative to the welding and inspection of the piping system.


i This inspection is a follow-up to an inspection in July 23-25, 1980 and i

was related to the verification of the following items:




Control, verification and issuing of welding material.



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t Review of the contractor welding procedures.





Review of the qualification records cf the weld procedures.


i Review of the welder qualification records


- -

Review of selected drawings

Rcview of selected audit reports of vender activities



Observation of welding in progress on the filter manifold.



Two walk through inspections of the work in progress.



i 3.

Work Observations


These observations were made to inspect the completed parts of the piping system in the areas of (1) trial fit of the remete reach rods for the


underwater connecting and disconrecting of the flow piping to the filter oed tanks; (2) Although tb4 majority of the main fluid containing piping was either shielded with lead jackets or inaccessible, a visual inspection was made of the welds in the instrument and air system for conditions that would enc oach on the minimum wall thickness such as undergrind of the weld fusion lines-Particular note was taken of the welds with respect to surface condition and the mergjng of the weld to the base material. This inspection included observations of the lead shielding attachments to the RCS Manifold, High Radiation Filter Manifold, and three Glove Box Control


Consoles. No items of noncompliance were identified.

Personnel Qualifications The requirement and commitment for the Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) of the piping welds was extracted from the ANSI Power Piping Code B31.1 and i

the more definitivo licensee procedure GPU 3803 Rev. 2 which defines a visual examination to be performed after completion of the pipe welds. This is the extent of the NDE examination. The records documenting the quali-i fications of the two inspectors who performed the visu ' inspections on the l

welds were examined to the requirements of ANSI 45.2.6 with the following



attributes noted:

Eye examination for visual acuity within the year i

Insoector a


i i

Visual training school 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br />.


Experience, 5 years of nuclear inspection l



i TMI training on material non-conformance program



Procedure 15-03



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Eye examination for visual acuity within the year Inspector b


QA training, 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br />



Visual training school 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br />


Experience, 7 years NDE, 5 years nuclear



No items of noncompliance w>re identified.



Record Review An inspection was made of two randomly selected record packages which were considered complete, reviewed by quality control and turned over to the i

startup and test group. The records in these packages are listed and l

described below:

Record packaoe ' identified as " Installation of Chem-Nuclear demineralizer a.

in the B' spent fuel storage pool, subsystem WG-25, inspection boundary


ECM 700 Rev.0. Filter Manifold."


Turnover agreement. This record tabulates itemr which have nct been completed and will require further rework or cisposition. The list is compiled after a walk-down inspection by quality control of a specific

section of the system and all items.of this nature are listed for subsequent actions or resolutions.

The turnover agreement if acceptable, is assigned to the startup and test g? cup who accepts the responsibility for completion prior to startup of the system.


Weld material records which list the weld electrodes withdrawn by each of the welders from the controlled storage and issue station.


Weld data documentation which lists the welder identity, filler metal used, and signature documentation of the visual inspection of the weld after completion. Thirty-two welds were reviewed.


Records for the installation of the Chem-Nuclear Demineralizer in "B" spent fuel storige pool for reactor building clean-up ECM 719 Rev. 1 and CNTM-018, installation of feed pump and associating piping, including:

Turnover agreement for the quality control final acceptance of the


inspection walkdown similar to Sb.

Review of weld records described in 5d fcr 34 welds.


No items of noncompliance were identified.



  • .







Requirements for Construction / Inspection and Verification

'The inspection affort included review of the following:

Bechtel's technical specification number P-321A, Installation, Inspection I


and Documentation of Rigid Pipe Supports, Hangers and Restraints for j

the.SDS Piping.

GPU quality assurance procedure number TMI-10-MO-002, QA Modifications


/ Operations Section - Inspection Program GPU quality assurance procedure number TMI-15-03, Important to Safety


Material - Nanconformance Report Drawings by Chem-Nuclear Systems on the following: Monitor Tanks, Ion I


Exchange and Final Filter, Off Gas Separator, Prefilter/ Agitator, Radiation Monitors for Ion Exchange Filters, Fuel Pool Floor Equipment i


Bases and Installations, and Ton Exchange Support Rack Piping.

Other drawings were reviewed in conjunction with above to evaluate



design criteria, material, fabrication and Civil / Structural requirements


for conformance to codes and standards. These were observed clearly identified and cross referenced:

ANSI B31.1-77 Pcwer Piping Code AISC - 7th Edition Steel Constructior. Manual MSS-SP-89-78 Manufacturers' Standards for Hangers and f

Supports - Fabrication and Installation Practice.


No items of noncompliance were identified.


Observation and Record Review of SDS Feed and Monitor Tank System I

Civil / Structural Succorts The inspector performed a walkdown inspection of the fut:1 handling building i

in comp ny with contractor personnel to observe and discuss completed


structural supports for the SOS Feed and Monitor Tank System. Ha observed


the overall appearance to conform to standards of good practice and he i

randomly selected specific units for further detailed review of documentation


prescribed by technical specification P-321A. Subsequently the inspector



- was informed by GPU QC that their inspection and audit of c.antractor


documentation had not been completed due to need of clarification mouested bw



EPU of Bechtel on the Safety -ge etassification of ECM 714 on the Installation



of SDS Feea and Monitor Tank System. NRC review of ECM 714 documentation received from contractor and approved by GPU will be made in a subsequent inspection.













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i No items of noncompliance were identified.



Inspector Evaluation of Civil / Structural Aspects of the SOS j

The inspector observed in his review of the civil / structural aspects of the SDS that the regulatory positions of Regulatory Guide 1.143-78 appeared


full filled. This guide identifies:

t Foundations and adjacent walls of structures that house the radwaste


system should be designed to seismic loads for the buildings.

Equipment and components used to collect, process or store solid or j


liquid radwastes need not be designed to seismic criteria required for


the butiding housing the radwaste system.


No items of noncompliance were identified.



Unresolved Items - Licensee Commits to Recort on Engineering

Rationale and Justification for SOS Non-Seismic Design-l Whereas the SOS is required to conform to Power Piping Code ANSI B31.1-77, the inspector was informed by the licensee that code section 101.5.3 on




earthc;uake design was interpreted as not applicable. The inspector therefore


requested justification for this deviation from the committed code.



Licensee presented a draft report of his justification for the deviation at



the exit interview April 3, 1981. This report will be revised to address items discussed at the exit. meeting.

I r

Subsequent to the exit interview, in telephonic discussions with licensee, j

i they connitted to include in the final _ engineer _ina.recort, noted above, the

matter of excess loading or. the SDS fuel pool tank "A."

This tank, a part of the seismically designed original Unit 2 fuel pool, contains four upright j

15,000 gallon steel tanks filled during the special process control (SPC),

emergency recovery following the accident.

Radiation shielding covers of


massive steel beams-and concrete slabs have additionally subjected the fuel

pool structure to excess loading. This appears to be a hazard that could l

Jeopardize the structural integrity of the fuel pool during a seismic j

event. The licensee has comrr.itted to an evaluation analysis and justification

that leakage resulting from seismic rupture of the overloaded fuel pool


tank "A" will be contained and will not endanger the health and safety of the public.

The final engineering report will be reviewed in a subsequent inspection.

Pending his review, the NRC inspector had no further questions, This is


unresolved iten number 81-07-01.







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10. Unresolved Items



Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required in order to ascertain whether they are acceptable items, items of non-compliance, or deviations. One unresolved item disclosed during this inspection is discussed in paragraph 9.

11. Exit Interview At the conclusion of the inspections on April 2-3, separate meetings were


held at the site with representatives of the licensee. Attendees at this meeting included personnel whose names are indicated in paragraph 1.

The inspector summarized the results of the inspection as des:ribed in


this report.







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