IR 05000271/1992014

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Ack Receipt of Containing Commitment to Listed Improvement Actions Re Emergency Preparedness Discussed in Insp Rept 50-271/92-14
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 12/23/1992
From: Joyner J
To: Murphy W
NUDOCS 9301060302
Download: ML20126J800 (4)


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. DEC. 2 31902

License: DPR-28 Docket: 50-271 Mr. Warren Senior Vice President, Operations Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation RD 5, Box 169 Perry Road Brattleboro, Vermont 05301

Dear Mr. Murphy:


Subject: Emergency Preparedness Inspection 50-271/92-14 Response The purpose of this letter is to acknowledge your September 25,1992 letter committing to the following improvement acticus related to Emergency Preparedness (EP).

  • Evalution of the interface between EP and other site and corporate departments by February 1,1993.
  • Incorporation of a dermition for " annual" in EP Training Procedure OP-3712.
  • Modification of procedures AP-6000, " Plant Design Change Requests" and AP-6004,'

" Engineering Design Change Requests" in their next biennial revisions to require engineers to identify the impact of design changes on the Emergency Plan and the Emergency Plari Implementing Procedures.


-* Modification of the EALs identified on NRC Inspection Report 50-271/92-14 to better conform to the guidance contained in NUREG-0654 by the annual exercise scheduled in .

April 1993.

We recognize that the actions you are taking to improve emergency preparedness represent your.

committment to provide a stronger assurance of the ability to respond to emergencies. Thank you for your attention to these matters.

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9301060302 921223 Offl0IAL RECORD COPY d'h" O l t PDR ADOCK 05000271 G PDR

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i DEC,2 31992


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Ve'rmont Yankee Nuclear 2 i Power Corporation l No reply to this letter is required.

Sincerely, Original Signed By:

James H. Joynor H

James 11. Joyner, Chief Facilitics Radiological Safety and Safeguards Branch Division of Radiological Safety l and Safeguards cc w/ encl:

D. Reid,' Plant Manager J. Thayer, Vice President, Yankee Atomic Electric Company L. Trernblay, Senior Licensing Engineer, Yankee Atomic Electric Company J. Gilroy, Director, Vermont Public Interest Research Group, Inc.

D. Tcfft, Administrator, Hureau of Radiological Health, State of New Hampshire Chief, Safety Unit, Of6cc of the Attorney General, Commonwealth of Massachusetts R, Gad, Esquire G. Bisbec, Esquire R. Sedano, Vermont Department of Public Service


T. Rapone, Massachusetts Executive OfDee of Public Safety Public Document Room (PDR)

Imcal Public Document Room (LPDR)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

- K. Abraham, PAO (2)

NRC Resident inspector State of New Hampshire, SLO Designee State of Vermont, SLO Designee Commonwealth of Massachusetts. SLO Designee

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. DEC. S 31992 l

. Ve'rmont Yankee Nuclear 3 Power Corporation bec w/ encl:

Region i Docket Room DRS/EB SALP Coordinator J. Linville, DRP E. Kelly, DRP l1. Eichenholz, SRI - Vermont Yankee N. Perry, SRI - Yankee Rowe .

I V. McCree, OEDO P. Sears, NRR 3 W. Butler, NRR i A. Mohseni, NRR





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DEC. '2 31992


. VeImont Yankee Nuclear 4 l'ower Cor;mration





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e ~kg Ferry Road. Brattleboro, VT 05301 7002



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I acei nwst-l September 25,1992 ,

BVY #92116 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commisston ATTN: Document Control Desk '

Washington, D.C. 20555 References: (a) License No. DPR 28 (Docket No. 50-271) -

(b) Letter, USNRC to VYNPC, inspection Report 9214, dated 8/17/92 :

Subject: Response to inspection Report 9214 i

Dear Sir:

This letter is written in response to reference b), which identiflod two potential areas for ;

improvement noted by your staff during an emergency preparedness inspection conducted at Vermont Yr.nkee from June 29 July 2,1992. These areas were: ,

(1) The interface between Emergency Preparedness and other departments (Report Detall 2.3) - ;

(2) Vermont Yankee Emergency Action Level criterla improvement items (Report Detail 2.9)

Response to EP Interf ace: i Vermont Yankee will further evaluate the interface between Emergency Preparedness (EP) and other plant site and corporate departments. The purpose of the evaluation will be to verify that proper -i levels of Interface are assured via procedures, policies, and other appropriate administrative controls.

This evaluation will be completed by Februa*y 1.- 1993. Schedules for any subsequent efforts will be

determined at that time, With respect to the inspection report item related to training of security department personnel,' '

we have (as was noted in the inspection Report) revised the Emergency Plan Training Procedure (OP.

. 3712) to define ' annual" as twelve months, plus or minus three months, with respect to requalification .


of personnel on the Emergency Assistance Personnel List (EAPQ, it is important to note that existing -

administrative controls were already =ln- place within OP 3712 to ensure that the Emergency


Preparednoss Coordinator (EPC) would be made aware of any individual or group whose tralning was about to lapse, The EPC meets with the training instructor for emergency planning on a quarterly basis -

and reviews the Vermont Yankee EAPL to ensure that all personnel comprising the EAPL are quallfled and will remain so through the subsequent calendar quarter. The situation regarding the security


department was not brought to the attention of the EPC because the definition of " annual" in OP 3712 -


. was presumed to be once every calendar year; thus security department personnel training would not~


L have lapsed until the end of 1992.

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d-United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission September 25,1992 Page 2 The second interf ace item in the inspection Report related to ensuring that cognizant engineers for design change requests review the Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan implementing Procedures (EPIP's) for potential impact. To address this item, procedures AP 6000, " Plant Design Change Requests" and AP 6004, * Engineering Design Change Requests * will be revised by the next scheduled ~

biennial revision due date, to require the cognizant engineer to ldentify the impact,if any, of the design change on the Emergency Plan or EPIP's and to ensure, as appropriate, that the design change is reviewed by the Emergency Plan Coordinator. In the interim, Engineering Staff has been made aware of the concern to ensure that design changes are evaluated for impact on the Emergency Plan or EPIP's.

Hosponse to Emeraency Action Levels:

The Emergency Action Level (EAL) comments were discussed in detall with your staff on July 13,1992 during a conference call. Vermont Yankee will make appropriate changes to our Emergency-Plan Classification and Action Level Scheme Procedure, AP 3125, to address the concerns noted in the Inspection Report. This revision of the procedure will be completed by January 1993. Training on the changes to the procedure will then be accomplished prior to the Emergency Plan Exercise scheduled for April 1993.

We believe that the actions described above are responsive to your concernst however, should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Very truly yours, Vennont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation

> %w w Warren P. iurphy .V Senior Vice Prssident, Operations cc: USNRC Reglon 1 Administrator USNRC Retident inspector VYNPS USNRC Project Manager- VYNPS