IR 05000271/2021001

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Northstar Nuclear Decommissioning Company, LLC, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Vernon, Vermont - NRC Inspection Report No. 05000271/2021001
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 08/10/2021
From: Anthony Dimitriadis
Decommissioning, ISFSI, and Reactor Health Physics Branch
To: Reid B
NorthStar Nuclear Decommissioning Company
IR 2021001
Download: ML21222A142 (10)


August 10, 2021



Dear Mr. Reid:

On July 15, 2021, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed an inspection under Inspection Manual Chapter 2561, Decommissioning Power Reactor Inspection Program,"

at the permanently shutdown Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station (VY). On-site inspections were performed February 23-25, April 19-22, and June 22-24, 2021. Additional inspection activities (in office reviews) were conducted remotely as a consequence of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) during the inspection period. The inspection examined activities conducted under your license as they relate to safety and compliance with the Commission's rules and regulations and the conditions of your license. The inspection consisted of observations by the inspector, interviews with site personnel, a review of procedures and records, and plant walk-downs. The results of the inspection were discussed with Mr. Tom Silko, Licensing Manager, on July 15, 2021 and are described in the enclosed report.

No findings of safety significance were identified.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRCs "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter, its enclosure, and your response, if any, will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the NRC document system (ADAMS), accessible from the NRC Website at To the extent possible, your response, if any, should not include any personal privacy, proprietary, or safeguards information so that it can be made available to the Public without redaction.

Current NRC regulations and guidance are included on the NRC's website at; select Radioactive Waste; Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities; then Regulations, Guidance and Communications. The current Enforcement Policy is included on the NRC's Website at; select About NRC, Organizations & Functions; Office of Enforcement; Enforcement documents; then Enforcement Policy (Under 'Related Information'). You may also obtain these documents by contacting the Government Printing Office (GPO) toll-free at 1-866-512-1800. The GPO is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday (except Federal holidays).



2100 RENAISSANCE BOULEVARD, SUITE 100 KING OF PRUSSIA, PA 19406-2713 No reply to this letter is required. Please contact Steve Hammann at 610-337-5399 if you have any questions regarding this matter.

Sincerely, Anthony Dimitriadis, Chief Decommissioning, ISFSI, and Reactor Health Physics Branch Division of Radiological Safety and Security

Docket Nos.

05000271 License No.



Inspection Report 05000271/2021001

cc w/encl:

Distribution via ListServ

Anthony M.

Dimitriadis Digitally signed by Anthony M. Dimitriadis Date: 2021.08.10 14:04:12 -04'00'


Northstar Nuclear Decommissioning Company, LLC

Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station NRC Inspection Report No. 05000271/2021001

An announced routine decommissioning inspection of Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station (VY) was completed on July 15, 2021. On-site inspections were performed February 23-25,

April 19-22, and June 22-24, 2021 during the inspection period. Additional inspection activities were conducted remotely (in office reviews) during the inspection period as a consequence of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE). The inspection included a review of occupational exposure, effluent and environmental monitoring, radwaste and transportation, and decommissioning performance and status. The inspection consisted of observations by the inspector, interviews with VY personnel, a review of procedures and records, and plant walk-downs. The NRC's program for overseeing the safe operation of a shutdown nuclear power reactor is described in Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2561, Decommissioning Power Reactor Inspection Program."

Based on the results of this inspection, no findings of safety significance were identified.


1.0 Background

On January 12, 2015, VY certified the permanent removal of fuel from the reactor vessel

[Agencywide Document and Access Management System (ADAMS) Accession No.

ML15013A426]. This met the requirements of 10 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)50.82(a)(1)(i) and 50.82(a)(1)(ii). On January 20, 2015, the NRC notified VY that the Operating Reactor Assessment Program would cease on January 24, 2015, and that implementation of the Decommissioning Power Reactor Inspection Program would begin on January 25, 2015 (ADAMS Accession No. ML15020A482). On January 11, 2019 an amended license was issued transferring the license from Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. to Northstar NDC (ADAMS Accession No. ML18347B360). VY is in the active decommissioning phase as described in IMC 2561.

2.0 Active Decommissioning Performance and Status Review

a. Inspection Scope

(Inspection Procedures 71801, 83750, 84750, 86750)

The inspector observed activities, reviewed documentation, and interviewed personnel associated with occupational radiation exposure to evaluate the licensees protection of worker health and safety. The inspector conducted a number of site walk-downs, including radiologically controlled areas, to examine and verify radiological postings, airborne and contamination controls, and locked high radiation doors and gates. The inspector also toured instrument and sealed source storage locations to determine the adequacy of radiological instrumentation. The inspector reviewed radiation work permits (RWPs), and As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) work plans to determine if radiation work activities were pre-planned effectively to limit worker exposure. The inspector observed radiation protection (RP) technicians perform work activities to determine if implementation of radiological work controls, training and skill level were sufficient for the activities being performed. The inspector reviewed the site dosimetry program and radiological dose records to verify compliance with the regulations.

The inspector reviewed activities and documentation associated with effluent and environmental monitoring programs to determine if the licensee effectively controlled, monitored, and quantified releases of radioactive materials to the environment. The inspector accompanied site personnel on walkdowns of the gaseous monitoring system and discharge point to determine the alignment and material condition of equipment.

The inspector accompanied a chemistry technician during the collection, exchange, and analysis of effluent air samples to determine if sampling techniques and analyses were in accordance with procedures. The inspector walked down selected dosimetry stations and monitoring wells to determine accessibility, material condition, and whether they were located as described in the ODCM. The inspector reviewed procedures, the annual radiological environmental monitoring program (REMP) report, the annual radioactive effluent report, and the Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM). The inspector also reviewed corrective actions associated with the effluent release and environmental monitoring programs.

The inspector observed activities, interviewed personnel, performed walkdowns and reviewed documentation to verify the effectiveness of the licensees programs for handling, storage, and transportation of radioactive material. The inspector observed workers handling and packaging radioactive waste and performed a walk-down of radioactive waste storage locations to ensure the licensee had properly classified and stored radioactive materials. The inspector observed personnel labeling and placarding vehicles used for transporting radioactive waste and also reviewed work packages for shipments of radioactive waste. The review included records of shipment packaging, surveying, labeling, marking, placarding, vehicle checks, and emergency instructions to ensure compliance with the applicable NRC and Department of Transportation regulations. The inspector reviewed the training program and records to determine if radwaste personnel were qualified to appropriately implement the site solid radwaste program.

The inspector performed plant walk-downs, observed work activities and reviewed work plans to assess site field conditions and determine if the licensee had identified and implemented administrative and engineering controls to protect the public and environment. The inspector reviewed Northstar NDCs organization, staffing, and training to ensure reasonable assurance of safety and security in accordance with regulatory requirements. The inspector attended licensee management meetings, planning meetings, and reviewed the current status of the overall project to determine compliance with the license, technical specifications (TS), and post shutdown decommissioning activities report (PSDAR). The inspector reviewed the status of the decommissioning trust fund and met with Northstar NDC senior management to discuss recent expenditures.

b. Observations and Findings

The inspector verified that RWPs and ALARA plans were implemented and were effective in limiting worker exposure, and occupational dose was appropriate for the scope of the radiological activities performed. The inspector determined that RP staff effectively controlled work activities, used appropriate instruments for the surveys, and survey records were clear and complete. The inspector verified that technician training and qualifications were up-to-date. The inspector determined the site dosimetry program was adequate and worker exposures were within regulatory limits.

The inspector verified that effluent releases to the environment had been properly controlled, monitored, and quantified as required by NRC regulations. The inspector verified that the annual radiological effluent and the annual REMP reports demonstrated that calculated doses were below regulatory dose criteria of 10 CFR 50, Appendix I.

Additionally, the inspector verified effluent sampling equipment and area radiation monitors were checked, calibrated, and maintained as specified in the ODCM. The inspector verified samples were taken in accordance with procedures and sampling stations were accessible and as described in the ODCM. The inspector noted that the gaseous effluent monitoring and release point was moved from the main stack to the reactor building ventilation and verified the change was adequate.

The inspector verified solid radioactive waste was adequately stored and monitored and worker radwaste training and qualifications were up-to-date. The inspector also verified that radioactive waste shipping paperwork was properly completed and Northstar personnel were knowledgeable of their duties and responsibilities. The inspector determined radioactive waste shipped was properly classified, described, packaged, marked, and labeled, and was in proper condition for transportation.

The inspector found housekeeping and material condition of the site appropriate for the current stage of decommissioning. The inspector noted workers were knowledgeable and adhered to plant procedures and work plans and pre-job briefs were thorough and highlighted specific safety concerns. The inspector determined site staffing was adequate and personnel qualifications and training were up-to-date. The inspector noted Northstar is slightly ahead of their decommissioning schedule and completed activities included: demolition and removal of the cooling towers, advanced off-gas building, north warehouse, and condensate storage tank. The main stack demolition was complete, the turbine building piping and component removal was mostly complete, and the radwaste building piping, component, and tanks demolition was underway. The removal and disposal of reactor vessel internals was almost complete at the time of the exit meeting.

c. Conclusions

Based on the results of this inspection, no findings of safety significance were identified.


Exit Meeting Summary

On July 15, 2021, the inspector presented the inspection results to Mr. Thomas Silko, Licensing Manager, who acknowledged the inspection results. No proprietary information was retained by the inspector or documented in this report.


Licensee B. Reid, Vice President D. Pearson, Vice President C. Daniels, ISFSI Sr. Manager N. Langub, Decommissioning Project Manager S. Naeck, ISFSI Operations Manager M. Pletcher, Radiation Protection Manager R. Routhier, Facility Area Manager T. Silko, Licensing Manager D. Toegel, Power Block Area Manager

State of Vermont T. Leshinskie, Nuclear Engineer





Condition Reports

CR-2021 - 000017, 000022, 000026, 000030, 000063, 000066, 000071, 000072, 000100

Procedures and Programs

NSVY-CY-110, Rev. 0, Chemistry Gamma Spectroscopy System Operation, Count Room Tasks

NSVY-RP-110, Rev. 0, ALARA Program

NSVY-RP-131, Rev. 1, Air Sampling

NSVY-RP-141, Rev. 0, Job Coverage

NSVY-RP-141-02, Rev. 0, Discrete Radioactive Particle Control

NSVY-RP-301, Rev. 0, Radiation Protection Instrument Control

NSVY-RP-404, Rev. 0, Operation and Maintenance of HEPA Cleaners and HEPA Ventilation


NSVY-RP-501, Rev. 0, Respiratory Protection Program

NSVY-CY-2611, Rev. 2, RB HVAC Sampling and Analysis

RP Documents

BVY-21-008, 2020 Individual Monitoring NRC Form 5 Report

NVLAP Certificate of Accreditation, LAB CODE 100518-0, 2021-01-01 through 2021-12-31

PCE 2021-001

Radwaste Transportation Package NSVY 2021-38, 2021-69

RP Daily Equipment Source Check 6/18/21 - 6/24/21

RWP 2021- 0001, 0002, 0301, 0401

Sample Number SP-8488

Survey Log 21-0256, 0413, 0416, 0417, 0418, 0431, 0432


Annual Radiological Effluent Report, January - December 2020

Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report - Year 2020

NSVY-RP-10050, Attachment 1, 4/13/21

Performance Page #007, Rev. 0, TB 228 Heater Bay, Area #7

Performance Page #014, Rev. 0, TB 228, Area #14

Performance Page #023, Rev. 0, TB 248 TB Heater Bay, Areas #2 through #5

Weekly Team Integration and Progress Meeting, April 20, 2021

Work Packages and Plans

AOG-CWP-088, Rev 2, Remove/isolate Piping in AOG Courtyard Trenches, Drain Pit, and CST

Tank Room

CHE-CWP-115, Rev. 0, Remove tanks and associated components and demolish Chemical


CST-CWP-99, Rev. 0, Clean Out and Coat CST Tank

HVAC-CWP-090, Rev. 0, Install New RB HVAC System

NSVY-TRWP-ORANO-0014, Rev. 0, Shroud Repair Removal, Segmentation and Staging

NSVY-TRWP-ORANO-0015, Rev. 0, Shroud Cylinder Top Ring Segmentation and Staging

NSVY-TRWP-ORANO-0016, Rev. 0, Shroud Cylinder Active Fuel Region Segmentation and


NSVY-TRWP-ORANO-0044, Rev. 0, RWC-F Transport Operations

STK-CWP-097, Rev. 0, Preparing the Stack For Demolition

STK-TRWP-112, Rev. 0, Stack Demolition

TUR-MUCWP-044, Rev 1, Turbine Building Piping and Large Component Removal



Agencywide Document and Access Management System


As Low As Reasonably Achievable


Code of Federal Regulations


Certificate of Compliance


Inspection Manual Chapter

Northstar NDC

Northstar Nuclear Decommissioning Company, LLC


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission


Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual


Post shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report


Public Health Emergency


Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program


Radiation Protection


Technical Specification


Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station