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LER 82-031/03L-0:on 820531,surveillance Requirement for Radiation Monitor R-60A Not Performed Per Tech Specs.Caused by Personnel Error.Surveillance Performed.Personnel Instructed
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1982
From: Hairston W
Shared Package
ML20054M106 List:
LER-82-031-03L, LER-82-31-3L, NUDOCS 8207090273
Download: ML20054M119 (1)

Event date:
Report date:
3482082031R00 - NRC Website


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[EJ}] L At 2100 on 5-31-82,_it_was _ determined _that_the surveil. lance _ requirement-_for-radiation- I

[yjiq [ monitor R-60A (Main Steam Relief and Atmospheric Steam Dump Discharge) had not been g IEU] Lperformed within the time interval specified by Tech. Spec. The surveillance ; _

g p,3 gwas required to be performed during the previous night shift. Health / Safety of the g [ public was not affected. j i n , u

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[fg [ This event was due to p_ersonnel error. The instrumentation channel which was marked j Ej f] [ with a deficiency tag, was mistakenly thought _to be_ inoperable. As a result., a channe]J LFIB l check was not performed. _ _ _ _

Immediately upon discovery of the omission, the surveillanc_e_j

[,j yj [ was performed. Personnel involved have been instructed on the significance of a deficitncy g ) [ tag and the importance of verifying inoperability prior to discontinuing surveillance l

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, ., <n i.m ,ani3 W. G. Hairston, II1 ,, (205) 899-5156 g