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Forwards Fitness-for-Duty Performance Data for 960101-0630
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom, Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/20/1996
From: Hunger G
NUDOCS 9608270080
Download: ML20117B509 (18)


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l 4 10CFR26.71(d) )

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. 1 PECO NUCLEAR nco %, c-v Nuclear Group lleadquarters i

A (>Nir or PECO ENfkGy 965 Chesterbrook Boulevard
- Wayne, PA 19087 5691 i i August 20,1996

! Docket Nos. 50-277 50-278 i 50-352 50-353 a

i License Nos. DPR-44 r


, NPF-39

] NPF-85 l

! U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission f Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555


Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3 i Limerick Generating Station, Unks 1 and 2  ;

j Fitness-for-Duty Program Performance Data for  !

I the Period January 1996 through June 1996 l i  :

. Gentlemen:

As required by 10CFR26.71(d), this letter submits the performance data for PECO Energy's Fkness.

for-Duty (FFD) Program for the period January 1996 through June 1996. The data for our Peach
Bottom Atomic Power Station (PBAPS), Units 2 and 3, and Limerick Generating Station (LGS), Units
1 and 2, skes are provided in Attachments 1 and 2. Data for our Corporate Office and Nuclear 4- Group Headquarters specimen collection sites (i.e.,2301 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA, and 965
Chesterbrook Boulevard, Wayne, PA, respectively) are provided in Attachment 3. ,

i j The data are reported on the January 1992 revision of the FFD Performance Data form provided by j the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), formerly the Nuclear Management and Resources Council

! '(NUMARC), and include the following.

- Drugs tested for and cut-off levels.

- Workforce population tested.

J' Numbers of tests and results by population and type of test (i.e. pre-access, for-cause, random, follow-up, and other types of tests).

Substances identified.

9608270000 960820

!. PDR ADOCK 05000277


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August 20,1996

. Page 2 Attachments 1,2, and 3 also include the following.

A summary of management actions.

Analysis of the data and appropriate actions that have been taken.

- Random testing rate.

During this period, there were no significant events reported to the NRC in accordance with 10CFR26.73.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact us.

Very truly yours,

.d.k p G. A. Hunger, Jr.r .

Director - Licensing Attachments cc: H. J. Miller, Administrator, Region I, USNRC (w/ attachments)

W. L Schmidt, USNRC Senior Resident inspector, PBAPS (w/ attachments)

N. S. Perry, USNRC Senior Resident inspector, LGS (w/ attachments)

. 1 ATTACHMENT 1 Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3 Fitness-for-Duty Performance Data January 1996 through June 1996 l


Fitness for Duty Program Performance Data i

. Personnel Subject to 10CFR 26 PECO ENERGY COMPANY JUNE 30, 1996 Company 6 Monte Ending PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION Locanon DAVID M. SARLEY (215) 841-5703 Con:ac: Name Phone (incWe area code)

Cutetts: Screen / Confirmation (ng/ml) O Appendix A to 10CFR 26 Marijuana 50 / 15 Amphetamines 1000 f .500 f Cocaine 300/150 Phencyclidine 25 / 25 /

Opiates 300/ 300 Alcohol (% BAC) 0.04 /

Testing Results Long-Term Short-Term Ucensee Employees Contractor Personnel Contractor Personnel

. Average Number with Unesconed Access 2284' 1583 Categories #

Tested Positive Tested Positive Tested Positive Pre-Access 28 0 312 6 k Post accident 4 0 2 0 9

h Observed behavior 0 0 0 0 R2ndom 238 1 184 0 Follow-up 19 0 33 1 Other l

7 0 2 0 Total 296 1 533 7 8

REV.1/92 i

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. Attachment 1 Summary of Data Analysis and Management Actions Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station January - June 1996

1. Initiatives Taken The following summarizes the results of sweeps conducted by PECO Energy Company's drug sniffing canine teams as well as investigations and interviews used to confirm information about illicit activities at Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (PBAPS) during the period.
a. January 31,1996 - General team sweep of Technical Support Center. Results: No activation's.
b. February 29,1996 -- General team sweep of 'B' Cooling Tower Construction Activities.

Twenty contractors' personal vehicles searched. Results: Activation's on six vehicles.

No drugs found or forensic samples taken. The owner of one vehicle refused to allow Security to search the vehicle. Contractor was removed from site and denied access.

- c. March 19,1996 - General team sweep of the PBAPS Occupational Health and Safety Offices. Results: Two activation's. No drugs found or forensic samples taken.

d. April 17,1996 - For cause search of PECO Energy employee's private vehicle on station property, outside protected area. Results: Two activation's. Forensic sample taken from vehicle ash tray. Laboratory analysis confirmed forensic sample as marijuana. Employee was terminated.
e. May 30,1996 - For cause team sweep of contractor's private vehicle. Results: Three activation's. Forensic sample taken from vehicle ash tray. Laboratory analysis confirmed forensic sample as marijuana. Contractor was denied unescorted access.
f. June 07,1996 - General team sweep of warehouse construction project. Results: Six activation's. No drugs found or forensic samples taken.
11. Manaaement Actions During the period, one PECO Energy employee tested positive at PBAPS based upon a Random test. The employee was denied unescorted access. Treatment and rehabilitation were provided through the PECO Energy Employee Assistance Program. The employee was subsequently discharged.

During the period, seven contractor employees (i.e., six pre-access and one follow-up) tested positive at PBAPS. Unescorted access was denied for all seven contractor employees.

Ill. Events Reoorted Under 10 CFR 26.73 There were no significant FFD events reported by PBAPS during the period.

IV. Audits /insoections A reactive surveillance was initiated based on identification, by the Fitness-For-Duty Manager, of discrepancies between chemical test results reported electronically by the contracted HHS-Laboratory and hard copy reports of the same tests. Section 2.7 (g)(5) of Appendix A to 10 CFR part 26, does permit the electronic transmission of test results from the laboratory to the Medical Review Officer. The surveillance was performed to verify that adequate controls are in place to i



, 1

, ' assure the accuracy of the hardcopy test reports that are the basis for PECO management actions.

The NRC and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, HHS were notified of the event.

The surveillance determined that the HHS-Laboratory's controls are adequate to assure the accuracy of the hardcopy test reports. In addition, PECO does not initiate management actions .

or sanctions, based on test reposts obtained by electronic data transfer. The HHS-Laboratory has determined that their electronic database of test results was not corrupted, but that the report generator incorrectly retrieved some data from a historical database. This resulted in the i discrepancy between reports.

The HHS-Laboratory's investigation of the event included a review of the repost generator code.

The exact cause of the erroneous reports could not be determined and the event could not be duplicated. The HHS-Laboratory has implemented suitable administrative controls to assure that electronic data files are reviewed for accuracy prior to transmittal. i l'

inspectors from the National Laboratory Certification Program reviewed the event and corrective actions initiated by the HHS-Laboratory. No laboratory certification concems were identified. I Strenaths i All hardcopy laboratory reports are checked for accuracy and verified against laboratory data prior to signoff by the certifying scientist.

Electronically transmitted results are checked for accuracy and verified against hardcopy laboratory reports prior to initiating management actions.

Weaknesses Discrepancies in electronically transmitted reports may not be readily apparent. Corrective actions initiated have effectively addressed this weakness. ,

l V. Random Testina Rate ,

1 PECO Energy maintains separate testing " pools" for employees and contractors. Random testing i is conducted at an annualized rate of 50% The " average number with unescorted access" includes personnel granted unescorted act.,ess at both PBAPS and LGS.

VI. Adddionalinformation 6gggns Taken based upon Unconfirmed On-site Screenina i

PECO Energy has decided to temporarily suspend access for individuals as permitted by 10 q CFR 26.24(d).

l During the previous 6-month reporting period, (i.e., July - December 1995),100 percent of the

specimens which were determined to t'e presumptively positive for cocahe as a result of preliminary on-site screening tests were subsequently reported as positive by the HHS-certified

) laboratory. The confirmation rate for marijuana was 92.9%, greater than the required 85 percent.

During reporting period, January - June 1996, seven specimens were reported as presumptive 3 positive for marijuana as a result of on-site screening. Five of those specimens screened positivs

and were confirmed as positive by the HHS-certified laboratory. The MRO verifitxf the five

, specimens as positive. Of the seven specimens identified as presumptive positive for marijuana, i


1 one was collected from an individual with unescorted access. The individual was temporarily suspended pending the confirmatory testing and MRO verification process. The specimen was confirmed and verified as positive.

During the reporting period, January - June 1996, three specimens were reported as presumptive positive for cocaine as a result of on-site screening, All three specime,1s screened positive and were confirmed as positive by the HHS-certified laboratory. The MRO verified the three specimens as positive. Of the three specimens identified as presumptive positive for cocaine, one was collected from an individual with unescorted access. The individual was temporarily suspended pending the confirmatory testing and MRO verification process. The specimen was I confirmed and verified as positive. i l

Reduced Mariluana Cut-off Level j During the period, there were five confirmed positive tests for marijuana at PBAPS. It is estimated that two of the specimens would have tested positive using the 100 ng/ml immunoassay cut-offlevel.

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Umerick Generating Station  :

Units 1 and 2  !

t Fitness-for-Duty Performance Data i January 1996 through June 1996  ;

i e

i 5

i 4


Fitness for Duty Program Performance Data l

. Personnel Subject to 10CFR 26 I

PECO ENERGY COMPANY JUNE 30,1996 Company 6 Montha Ending LIMERICK GENERATING STATION Locanon DAVID M. SARLEY (215)841-5703 Contac: Name  !

Phone (include area code)


Cutoffs: Screen / Confirmation (ng/ml) O Appendix A to 10CFR 26 i Marijuana 50 f 15 Amphetamines 1000 f .500 f

Cocaine 300 /150 Phencyclidine 25 / 25 /

Opiates 300 /300 Alcohol (% BAC) 0.04


I i

Testing Results Long-Term Short-Term Ucensee Employees Contractor Personnel Contractor Personnel Average Number with Unescoded Access 2284 1583 Categories # #

Tested Positive Tested Positive Tested Positive Pre-Access I 61 0 1,437 20 i

k Post accident 29 0 0 28 0 1

$ Observed behavior 7 1 7 0 i

Random 252 1 195 3 Follow up 49 0 25 0 Other 6 0 0 0 Total 404 2 1,692 23 9


Breakdown of Confirmed Positive Tests for Specific Substances Amphe- Phency- Flefusal Marijuana Cocaine Opiates famines clidine Alcohol to Test 1 2 3 4 5 Licensee Employees 1 2 0 0 0 0 0

. Long-Term Contractors -

Short-Term Contractors 15- '4 0 0 0 5- 0 A

i Total 16 6 0 0 0 5 0 27 i

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. Attachment 2 )

Summary of Data Analysis and Management Achons Limerick Generating Station j January- June 1996 l

1. Initiatives Taken The following summarizes the results of sweeps conducted by PECO Energy Company's drug sniffing canine teams as well as investigations and interviews used to confirm information about illicit adivities at Limerick Generating Station (LGS) during the period.
s. January 17,1996 - Unrelated search of contractor's personnel revealed two cans of an alcoholic beverage. Contractor denied access.
b. January 17,1996 - Contractor refused for-cause search of personnel vehicle after positive alcohol test. Contractor denied access.
c. January 23,1996 - General team sweep of the Personnel Processing Center. Results:

One activation. No drugs found or forensic samples taken.

d. January 23,1996 - Pre-access interview and investigation revealed contractor had recent use of illegal drugs. For-cause search of contractor vehicle with canine. Results:

Two activation's. No drugs found or forensic samples taken. Under further questioning the contractor admitted to recent off-site drug use in the vehicle. Contractor denied SCCess.

e. January 30,1996 - General team sweep of the Personnel Processing Center. Results:

Two activation's. No drugs found or forensic samples taken.

f. February 5,1996 - General team sweep of Work Control Centers. Results: Two activation's. No drugs found or forensic samples taken.
g. February 5,1996 - Unrelated property search revealed contractor in possession of various controlled substances in an unmarked container while in the Protected Area.

Unescosted access was suspended pending investigation. Investigation revealed the substances to be prescribed medication. Contractors unescorted access was reinstated.

h. February 8 1996 - Visiting utility employee found in possession of can of alcoholic beverage when attempting to enter the Protected Area. Access was temporarily suspended and an investigation conduded. Access was subsequently reinstated.
i. March 12,1996 - Contractor found in possession of four cans of alcoholic beverages when attempting to enter the Protected Area. Contractor denied unescorted access.

J. March 29,1996 - General team sweep of the Nitrogen Receiving Area. Results: Four activation's. No drugs found or forensic samples taken.

k. Apil 9,1996 - Pre-access interview and investigation revealed contractor had recent use of illegal drugs. Contractor denied unescorted access. l
1. April 15,1996 - General team sweep of the Training Facility. Results: One activation No drugs found or forensic samples taken. 1
m. May 8,1996 - General team sweep of the warehouse facility. Results: No activation's.

e m w r > - - it. -w t

n.. . June 4,1996 - Contractor found in possession of three cans of alcoholic bevera0es when attempting to enter the Protected Area. Contractor denied unescorted access,

o. June 10,1996 - General team sweep of the Spray Pond Pump House. Results: No activation's, ll. Manaoement Actions During the period, two employees (i.e., one for-cause, one random) tested positive at LGS.

Unescorted access was denied both employees. The employees were referred to the Employee Assistance Program for evaluation and treatment. Both employees were subsequently .


During the petiod, twenty-three contrador employees (i.e., twenty pre-access, three random) tested positive at LGS. Unescorted access was denied for the contractor employees.  !

lit. Events Reported Under 10 CFR 26.73 During the period there were no significant FFD events reported by telephone under 10 CFR 1 26.73 by LGS.

IV. Audits / inspections A reactive surveillance was initiated based on identification, by the Fitness-For-Duty Manager, of I discrepancies between chemical test results reported electronically by the contracted HHS- l Laboratory and hard copy reports of the same tests. Section 2.7 (g)(5) of Appendix A to 10 CFR part 26, does permit the eiedronic transmission of test results from the laboratory to the Medical Review Officer. The surveillance was performed to verify that adequate controls are in place to assure the accuracy of the hardcopy test reports that are the basis for PECO management actions.

The NRC and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, HHS were notified of the event.

The surveillance determined that the HHS-Laboratory's controls are adequate to assure the accuracy of the hardcopy test reports. In addition, PECO does not initiate management actions or sandions, based on test reports obtained by electronic data transfer. The HHS-Laboratory has determined that their electronic database of test results was not corrupted, but that the report generator incorrectly retrieved some data from a historical database. This resulted in the discrepancy between reports.

The HHS-Laboratory's investigation of the event included a review of the report generator code. The exad cause of the erroneous reports could not be determined and the event could not be duplicated. The HHS-Laboratory has implemented suitable administrative controls to assure that eledronic data files are reviewed for accuracy prior to transmittal.

Inspedors from the National Laboratory Certification Program reviewed the event and corrective actions initiated by the HHS-Laboratory. No laboratosy certification concems were identified. l Strenaths  !

All hardcopy laboratory reports are checked for accuracy and verified against laboratory data prior to signoff by the certifying scientist.

Eledronically transmitted results are checked for accuracy and verified against hardcopy laboratory reports prior to initiating management actions.

Weaknesses Descrepancies in electronically transmitted reports may not be readily apparent. Corredive actions initiated have effectively addressed this weakness.

V. Random Testina Rate PECO Energy maintains separate testing " pools" for employees and contractors. Random testin0 is conducted at an annualized rate of 50%. The " average number with unescorted access" includes personnel granted unescorted access at both PBAPS and LGS.

l l- - VI. Additionalinformation Actions Taken based upon Unconfirmed On-site Screenina l

! PECO Energy has decided to temporarily suspend access for individuals as permitted by 10 l CFR 26.24(d).

During the previous '6-month reporting period, (i.e., July - December 1995),100 percent of the specimens which were determined to be presumptively positive for cocaine as a result of preliminary on-site screening tests were subsequently reported as positive by the HHS-certified laboratory. The confirmation rate for specimens identified as presumptive positive for marijuana was 70 %. The combined testing experience for LGS and PBAPS was 86.8%.

During the reporting period, January - June 1996, there were five specimens identified as presumptive positive for cocaine as a result of on-site screening. All five of those specimens were screened positive and reported as confirmed positive by the HHS-certified laboratory. The MRO verified the five specimens as positive following discussion with the individuals. Two of those five specimens were collected from individuals with unescorted access. The individuals were temporarily suspended and subsequently denied unescorted access upon confirmation and verification by the MRO.

l During the reporting period, January - June 1996, there were twelve specimens identified as I

( presumptive positive for marijuana as a result of on-site screening. Eight of those specimens l l screened positive and were reported as confirmed positive by the HHS-certified laboratory. The MRO verified the eight specimens as positive following discussion with the individuals. Four of those eight specimens were collected from individuals with unescorted access. The individuals were temporarily suspended and subsequently denied unescorted access upon confirmation and verification by the MRO.

Reduced Mantuana Cut-off Level During the period, there were twelve confirmed positive tests for marijuana at LGS. It is estimated that only five of the specimens would have tested positive using the 100 ng/mi immunoassay cut-off level.


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1 Corporate and Nuclear Group Headquarters Fitness-for-Duty Performance Data January 1996 through June 1996 i

i I


Fitness for Duty Program Performance Data

, Personnel Subject to 10CFR 26 PECO ENERGY COMPANY JUNE 30, 1996-Company 6 kbnths Ending l CORPORATE AND NUCLEAR GROUP HEADQUARTERS Locason t

DAVID M. SARLEY 1 (215) 841-5703 Contac:Name Phone (inc.bde area code)

Cutofis: Screen / Confirmation (ng/m!) O Appendix A to 10CFR 26 i

Marijuana 50 / 15 Amphetamines 1000 / 500 f Cocaine 300 / 150 Phencyclidine

! 55 / 25 /

l Opiates 300 / 300 0.04 1 Alcohol (% BAC) /

Testing Results Long-Term Short-Term Ucensee Employees Contractor Personnel Contractor Personnel Average Number with Unesconed Access 2284 1583 Categories # #

Tested Positive Tested Positive Tested Positive Pre-Access 6 0 1 0 k Post accident 2 0 0 0 0

$- Observed behavior 1 0 0 0 Random 86 0 l

20 0

, Follow-up 3 0 2 0 Other 3 0 0 0 Total 101 0 i 23 0 4

' i

. REV.1/92 l

Breakdown of Confirmed Positive Tests for Specific Substances Amphe- Phency- Refusal Marijuana Cocaine Opiates famines clidine Alcohol to Test 1 2 3 4 5 Lic nsee Employees 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Long-Term Contractors Short-Term Contractors 0 0 0 0 0 0. O A

Total 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 t

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., . Attachment 3 Summary of Data Analysis and Management Actions Corporate and Nuclear Group Headquarters January- June 1996

1. Initiatives Taken l The following summarizes the results of sweeps conducted by PECO Energy Company's drug sniffing canine teams as well as investigations and interviews used to confirm information about


illicit activities at Corporate and Nuclear Group Headquartsrs during the period.

a. March 14,1996 - General team sweep of the 965 Building,2nd Floor, Nuclear Information Systems and Engineering areas. Results: Five activation's. No drugs found or forensic samples taken.

! II. Manaoemen; Actions There were no positive tests reported during the period.

Ill. Events Reported Under 10 CFR 26.73 There were no events reported during the period.

IV. Audits /Insoections A reactive surveillance was initiated based on identification, by the Fitness-For Duty Manager, of

! discrepancies between chemical test results reported electronically by the contracted HHS-Laboratory and hard copy reports of the same tests. Section 2.7 (g)(5) of Appendix A to 10 CFR l part 26, does permit the electronic transmission of test results from the laboratory to the Medical 1 Review Officer. The surveillance was performed to verify that adequate controls are in place to assure the accuracy of the hardcopy test reports that are the basis for PECO management ,


The NRC and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, HHS were notified l of the event.

The surveillance determined that the HHS-Laboratory's controls are adequate to assure the accuracy of the hardcopy test reports. In addition, PECO does not initiate management actions i or sanctions, based on test reports obtained by electronic data transfer. The HHS-Laboratory has determined that their electronic database of test results was not corrupted, but that the report generator incorrectly retrieved some data from a historical database. This resulted in the discrepancy between reports.

The HHS-Laboratory's investigation of the event included a review of the report generator code.

The exed cause of the erroneous reports could not be determined and the event could not be duplicated. The HHS-Laboratory has implemented suitable administrative controls to assure that electronic data files are reviewed for accuracy prior to transmittal.

Inspectors from the National Laboratoly Certification Program reviewed the event and corrective actions initiated by the HHS-Laboratory. No laboratory certification concems were identified.

Strenaths f


. Althardcopy laboratory reports are checked for accuracy and verified against laboratory data prior to signoff by the certifying scientist.

Eledronically transmitted results are checked for accuracy and verified against hardcopy laboratory reports prior to initiating management actions.

Weaknesses Discrepancies in eiedronically transmitted reports may not be readily apparent. Corrective actions initiated have effectively addressed this weakness. ,

l V. Random Testina Rate ,

i PECO Energy maintains separate testing " pools" for employees and contractors. Random testing is conducted at an annualized rate of 50%. The " average number with unescorted access" l includes personnel granted unescorted access at both PBAPS and LGS. I VI. Additionalinformation Actions Taken based upon Unconfirmed On-site Screenina Specimens collected at the Corporate and Nuclear Group Headquarters are forwarded directly to the HHS-certified laboratory for testing. On-site screening is not conducted. I Reduced Mariluana Cut-off Level There were no confirmed positive tests for marijuana during the period. I l

l d