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Forwards News Article Relevant to 850308 Petition for Emergency Action.Applicant Credit Rating May Be Further Reduced Per Puc of Oh Recent Ruling
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/14/1985
From: Hiatt S
To: Taylor J
NUDOCS 8503190226
Download: ML20112B532 (2)



4 March 14, 1985 Director. Orrice of Inspec ton one Enrorcement -

Tants '7affpf -

U.5, Nuclear Regulatory Commissten Wo3hington. DC 20555 Re Clevelond Electric :1umanoeing Co. (Perry Nuclear Power plont, Units 1 ond 2), Docket Nos. 50-440 and 50-461 Deor Sir /Ms:

Attachec hereto is o news article relevant to 06to Ottirens for Responsible Energy's March 8, 1985 Petitten for Emsrgency Action. Note that CEI's credte roting may be rurther reauced to the PUCC's recent ruling, please consider exis oeetetenci informatten zn your egessten r raid peetetor, 5tncerely,

// "

- pm c o.

Susan L. Hiatt OCRE Representotsve 9075 Munson pd.

Mentor. OH 44060 (216) 255-3152 f&f


8503190226 850314 PDR ADOCK05000g0 A

  • v The Lake County Telegraph. Painesville, Ohio 1

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13,1985 21 CEI customers may still pay for PUCO ruling onincrease PUCO also denied the power on PUCO's ruling,"he said.

I ,

CEI is ,mthe process of appealing company construction-work-in-l BySTEVEKOVACH Staff Rep rter

- ---- progress

- funds and ordered in- the commission's decision on the '

j vestigations of cost overruns at the rate hike and the denial of CWIP CLEVELAND-Customersof the Perry Nuclear Power Plant. funds,DeShant said.

Cleveland Electric illuminating Co. ..We are not surprised by Wall CWIP funds allow a company to could contmue to pay for rulings Street's decision to review us," said charge customers before a power made last week by the Publ:e Rick DeShant, CEI spokesman. "It source such as the Perry plant goes Utilities Commiss, ion of Ohio. (the decision to review the credit online tokeepinterest rates down.

Two major credit firms - Stan- rating) does not afIcet CEl's "From a credit perspective,it is a dard & Poor's Corp. and Moody's dividends. disappointing decision," said Steve

, Investors Service - warned "If the bond ratingislowered, this Zimmerman of Standard & Poor's.

! Tuesday they are reviewing whether would cause a significant increase Moody's said it was concerned

! to downgrade CEl's credit rating for us on borrowing costs, which about the study of cost everruns and after the PUCO granted only $t9.5 would be passed on to the con- the risk that CEImight notbe able to million of a requested $180 million sumers," DcShant said. recover the full cost of Perry con-rateincrease. "That's why wewere disappointed struction.


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