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FOIA Request for Documents Concerning Recent Direction from NRR Mgt Re OL Amend Request in 871211 Fr W/Opportunity for Prior Hearing & W/O Making Significant Hazards Determination.Weekly Info Excerpt Encl
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/11/1988
From: Hiatt S
To: Grimsley D
FOIA-88-105 NUDOCS 8803290411
Download: ML20148H388 (2)


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)(j3 k Q.)-/f-pf oonnie H.

Grassley. Otreceor Osvision of Rules and Recoeds Office of Adesntstrotton and Resources Monagement

'J. S. N u c l e a r Regulatory Commissson Washangton. DC 20555 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST curtuont to ene Freedom er Inforr.otton Act. S USC 552 as omended, and the provistons of 10 CFR Port 9,

the unoersigned nereey requests the folicwing.

011 records conce-r.tng e r. e *eerent directs.on from NRP sonogsment' regardsng the operottng 1scense omenament ae: vest fo* the Derry Nuclear Powe-clone wmsch wog notteed in t%e Federal Register on Decemee* 11, 1987 with op;;rtuntey f:t Actor hearing and wath:ve making o signsfacone mozords metermanceton, See the attached excerpt r e o r-the

.f e.1 Inforsotson Report for the weet e r.d t n g January 15, 1989.

I ogree to oecept the eno ges rcr the occve sceuwertt, 3.nce ely IQ W Suson L.

8 tore OCRE Representotsve 0 73 Munson Pcod Menecr. OM 4'066

( 216 '- 255-3158 l

l l

1 80211 9


pt)g hTTBe-105

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_ Crystal River Unit 3 Crystal River Unit 3 achieved criticality on January 8,1988 af ter a scheduled refueling outage which began on September 19, 1987. Pcde I was reached on January 10, and the plant is currently at 45 power in its power ascension program.

During the restart, three EFlC actuations of emergency feedwater occurred caused by problems in the main feed system.

Nc, significant over cooling h'

resulted from these actuations, but during one esent the stearr-driven EFW pump tripped on overspeed due to inadequate opening of the wamup valva.

h Perry 3

On September 18, 1987, the Cleve'end Electric illund r? t ing Comnany, et. al.,

h licensees for the Perry Nuc' ear Power Plant, Unit No. 1, requested a license W

amendment to remove the WSIV leakage control e vs ten f rom the I..

Specificaticos and to modify the al'owable MSl.' leakage f ron M (SCFk) Standard D

i Cubic Feet per Hour per line to 19 SCCW throuch any combina+irn of lines.

W ineir technical basis for this racuest was a piant specific analysis of hUREG-11f 9 "Ar. Eva'uation of Boiling Wate teactor Main Stear 'snietion valve Leakage and the E"ectivaness of Leakage 'reatrc r.t Methods" for the Perey


Nuclea r Powe r Plant, l'ri

  • 1.

k r dera' Pecister on Decerbor 11, 1987 A

This amendment recuest was roticed in tha e

with prior coportunit/ fcr hearing w,trcut rakirg a sigrificant hazards 4"

determination in accordarce with recent directicn f ron MP rana;erent. On January 8,1988, Susan L. Hiatt, a representative for the Ohio Citizens for j

Retponsible Erergy (0?E) filed befcre the Atoric Safety and Licensing Ecard, a

a Petition for Leave to 'ntervene ard Request for Hearirc with respect to the 4


Following the Steam Generator Dry Out Event and as decumented in a Confirrxtery


Achon L'etterdss,ued or Januar'y 7,19.88, Consolidated Edison agreed,not to ;take y

N thorized by. the Pegional Aemiristrator. The Aug' rented E

the plant critical until 4(a f ed to Indi%Poirgt 2 on Jaruary 7 tos investigate Inspe 'tsion Te'ar/ ( A!T) dish b

on January,12., f Based uponNthe 'resul,ts of the hel6 er hit meetin'gs the ven ins ecti(c, the lice sea,was inforred that seV al action itens rust be completed f


' tart {an'Firq. Cohsolidated pr rft h'

Regipna dminis ra r authoriz)'ng hortg dlongstdqdcorrec't.ive l

s E s o n f.

s~ s bmitAI e (er t t,he RC disrytsi h

a tions. /SecoN,)'th, futiQty, ust neet with the NRC' staff to dhcups the actier corrective actionb!t mus#gstrate thesratiorlale used in deterrnining its plan.]Ttte utili1. bust dere ddon' strate \\the effectiveness of short-tern actions and justify why Jor,-term actions should rot be completed prior to restart.

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