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FOIA Request for Matls on Encl List of Concerns Re Facility
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 02/01/1984
From: Rice C
To: Felton J
FOIA-84-96 NUDOCS 8502090374
Download: ML20105C308 (6)


. -e KIRKLAND & ELLIS A PARTNtR$ HIP INCLUDING PROFL5540NAL CORPORATIONS 200 East Randolph Dnve c Washington othee Denver office e 6 1225 Seventeenth Street 1776 K Street. N.W.

Denver. Colorado 80202 Washington. D.C. 20006 312 861 2000 202 857-5000 303 291-3000 To Calt Wnter Direct 312 861- 2185 February 1, 1984 FREEDOM OF INFORMAllON ACI REQUESI, FOIA-r t/-9%,

FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Mr. Joseph Felton Ou'd2-8-91 Office of Administration Division of Rules and Records, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Sir:

This is a request under the Freedom of Info anation Act, as amended, 5 U.S.C. S552.

We request that you provide us with copies of all materials in the possession of your of fices that are responsive to the attached list of requests concerning the Midland Nuclear Plant, Dkt. Nos. 50-329 and 50-330. We are prepared to pay reasonable costs for locating the requested materials and for reproducing those materials. We request, however, that you telephone me in advance and inform me of the approximate amount of these costs.

If you have any questions concerning this request, please call me. As provided by the Freedom of Information Act, we look forward to your response to this request within ten working days after receipt of this letter.

Since rely , s Carol M. Rice CMR/gr enclosure 850209 PDRFOffl4840203 RICE 84-96 PDR i j

FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST (1) All documents prepared or used in connection with the " Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff / Consumers i Ner Company Quality Assurance Stipulation" entered June 5, 1981, in the Consumers Power Company, Dkt. Nos. 50-329 & 330 OM&OL, including all documents relating to any communication with any representa-tive of Consumers Power Company regarding the stipulation.

(2) All documents produced since January 1, 1979, to the NRC Staff, including staff counsel, by Consumers Power and/or Bechtel, 4

in connection with discovery in Consumers Power Company, Dkt. No.

50-329 and 50-330.

(3) All documents prepared by or in connection with the NRC -Region III Office of Special Cases and relating to any of the following subjects at the Midland Nuclear Plant, NRC Dkt.

Nos. 50-329 and 50-330:

(a) establishment of the Office of Special cases, Midland section; I

(b) quality assurance and quality control; (c) Consumers Power management attitude; (d) project completion schedules; te) remedial soils work; (f) HVAC deficiencies; (g) reactor vessel anchor stud failures; I (h) piping hanger deficiencies; (i) electrical cable misinstallation.

(4) All documer.ts prepared by or for the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards relating to any of the following reports:

(a) Report on Design and Construction Problens for Period from Start of Construction throuah June 30, 1982, Midland Nuclear Power Plant, Dkt. Nos.

50-329 and 50-330; (b) the fifty-four page report summarizing the history of the Midland Nuclear Plant referenced by R.B.

Landsman. in his testimony before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, Consumers Power Company, Dkt. Nos. 50-329 and 50-330 (April 29, 1983)

(Transcript at 14941-42);

(c) any similiar periodic report or summary concerning the Midland Nuclear Plant, Dkt. Nos. 50-329 and 50-330.

(5) All documents relating to quality assurance, project completion schedules , KVAC deficiencies, reactor vessel anchor I stud failures, piping hanger deficiencies, and electrical cable

! misinstallation at the Midland Nuclear Plant, Dkt. Nos. 50-329 l

and 50-330, in the files of the following NRC staff:

(a) J. Keppler (b) R. Warnick

'c) W. Shafer (d) R. Landsman (e) R. Cook (f) R. Gardner (g) I. Yin (h) C.E. Norelius (i) R.L. Spessard

.(6) All documents relating to soils problems, remedial soils work, including-underpinning of existing structures or

- cracks in the diesel generator building, auxiliary building, turbine building and/or service water pump structure at the 4

Midland Nuclear Plant, NRC Dkt. Nos. 50-329 and 50-330, including all documents in the files of the following NRC staff:

(a) J. Keppler

, (b) .J. Harrison (c) R. Warnick (d) R. Landsman 1

(e) W. Shafer (f) R. Cook (g) J. Kane (h) E. Gallagher (7) All documents prepared or obtained by any official or employee of the Nuclear Regulatory Commissior, in connection with

, the investigation, preparation and/or review of Reports No.

50-329/78-20 and No. 50-330/78-20, including all notes, memoranda l and documents from the files of G. A. Phillip, E.G. Gallagher, and G.F. Maxwell relating to these reports.

(8) All documents prepared or obtained by any official or employee of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in connection with l the investigation, preparation, and/or review of Reports No.

50-329/82-22 and No. 50-330/78-20, including all documents l relating to the December,1982, shut down of safety related work l

i at the Midland Nuclear Plant, and any communication with any

representative of Consumers Power Company regarding that shut I

down, NRC Dkt. Nos. 50-329 and 50-330.

\s N


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N-(9) All documents prepared or obtained by any official or employee of=the Nuclear Regulatory Commission since January 1, i

1982, relating to conditions under which safety related work would  !

-be permitted to continue at the Midland Nuclear Plant, Dkt. Nos.

, 50-329 and150-330, including:

i (a) all documents prepared by Consumers Power Company concerning its Construction Completion Program;

, (b) all documents evaluating the Consumers Power Company's Construction Completion Program; j (c) all. documents regarding the actual or potential l need for reinspection of safety related work at the Midland Nuclear Plant; j (d) all documents regarding the actual or potential i

need for independent. third party review of design l and construction at the Midland Nuclear Plant.

(10) All documents prepared or obtained by any official or

employee of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in connection with
the investigation, preparation and/or review of the Systematic
Assessment of Licensee Performance Reports ~ on the Midland

! Nuclear' Plant, NRC Dkt. Nos. 50-329 and 50-330 and Consumers Power Company's responses to those reports.

) (11) All documents prepared or used by C.E. Norelius and l R.L. Spessard in connection with the investigation and preparation l

i of their June 21, 1982, memorandum to J.G. Keppler entitled I Suggested Changes for the Midland Project, NRC Dkt. Nos. 50-329 i

i and 50-330.


-(12) All documents prepared or used by R.J. Cook in connection i with the investigation and preparation of his July 23, 1982,

! memorandum to R.F. Warnick entitled Indicators of Questionable

Licensee Performance -- Midland Site, NRC Dkt. Nos. 50-329 and 50-330.

(13) All weekly or other periodic reports submitted since January 1, 1983, by Stone & Webster with respect to soils problems, remedial soils work, including underpinning of existing structures and cracks in the diesel generator building, auxiliary building, turbine building and/or service water pump structure at the Midland Nuclear Plant, NRC Dkt. Nos. 50-329 and 50-330.

(14) All documents prepared since September 1,1983, reporting, evaluating, or referring to cracks in the diesel generator building, auxiliary building and/or the service water pump structure at the Midland Nuclear Plant, Dkt. Nos. 50-329 and 50-330 and any failure by Consumers Power Company to report such cracks.

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