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Forwards Addl Justification for Deletion of Requirement to Perform Erosion & Scour Bed Studies from Proposed Revision to ETS
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 01/18/1982
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
AEP:NRC:0055E, AEP:NRC:55E, NUDOCS 8201260381
Download: ML17334A362 (29)



NO OOCKK>>T>>¹FACIL'50-315)onald Ci..C'oy>>>>>>.Vucl ear Power Pl ant~Jni t ir Indi ana E O~M 5>>50 316 Donald C'..Coofc Vuc1 ear Po~er P 1 anti J'ni t 2g Indi ana>>ii'939 AUTH DNA>>iEi 4'JTR3R AFF>>IL>>IATIOV HER IN G g R~F"~Indiana, l Michigan Electr'ic Co.RKCIP, VA>>iK RKC>>IP~IEV>>T>>

AFFIL>>IATIOV DENTOVr H~R~3f fice o>>f Vucl ear Reacto~Regulationr Director SUB JKC>>T: For wards a>>ddl>>Justri f i cation foir del et i on o>>f require<<ent to>>oerf or.<<sr osi o>>n 3, scour bed studi es f ro<<orooosed r evi si on-to E 1'8~.DISTRIBUTIOV C3OE~CI002B;, CDPiIKS RECEIVED LITR>>ENCLl SIZE'.//3 TITLE: Ehv 1 r on"..Cb>><<<<as t s.NOTES: 18 E: 3 co>i e s ail.l>><<a t sr j a 1 IEE::3 copies-a>>l>>1>><<ate>is>>l~, 05000315'5000316 ACTION: RKC roIE:Vr IO C33E/VAN=i ORB¹1 BC 06 GROTENH JISM 9 01.COP'I E S'T TR ENCL", 7 7 l.1 SKCXP IE~T>>I 3 CODE/V 4'iE1 4 VLI COPIES LTTR K>VCLI 1 EXTKRVALl; ACRS VATLi>>48'VS I Cl 21 03'NTERNALi:


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INDIANA IIt MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY P.O.BOX 18 BOWLINO GREEN STATION NEW YORK, H.Y.10004 January 18, 1982 AEP:NRC:0055E Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2 Docket Nos.50-315 and 50-316 License Nos.DPR-58 and DPR-74 ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Mr.Harold R.Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 g)C RECEÃ<O JAN3 51982~g muc mapr~ICIER N4+++%C

Dear Mr.Denton:

This letter responds to a request for information from your Staff to provide additional justification for the deletion of the requirement to perform Erosion and Scour Bed studies from the proposed revision to the Donald C..Cook Nuclear Plant Environmental Technical Specifications, submitted in our letter No.AEP:NRC:0055C, dated November 4, 1981.Attachment 1 to this letter provides the basis for our request to delete these requirements.

Attachment 2 identifies information pertinent to the reports that contain studies performed as part of our current surveillance program and is submitted as an annotated bibliography for reference purposes.This document has been prepared following Corporate Procedures which incorporate a reasonable set of controls to insure its accuracy and completeness prior to signature by the undersigned.

Very truly yours, R.F.Hering Vice President RFH/sg cc: Attached 8201260381 820118 PDR ADOCK 05000315 p PDR

!r cc: John E.Dolan R.S.Hunter W.G.Smith-Bridgman R.C.Callen G.Charnoff Joe Williams, Jr.NRC Region III Resident Inspector-Bridgman ATTACR1ENT 1 to AEP:NRC:0055E Erosion and Scour Studies in Lake (1ichigan Near the Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant The Appendix B, Environmental Technical Specifications, Sections, Erosion and, Scour Studies have been part of the annual studies by the University of Michigan for 12 years.A brief summary of the studies is presented below to demonstrate that the Objectives have been achieved and that the Bases for the studies have been satisfied.

The erosion study objective was to determine the effect of the Plant's circulating water, rip-rap scour bed, and shore pi lings on the erosional and depositional processes affecting the stability of beaches in the vicinity of the site.The basis of the beach erosion monitoring program was to verify the contention that ice building mechanisms operate to repair any ice melt caused by the thermal plume.Studies were conducted by photographing the beach area from the air and from the ground.Pictures were taken during seasons when ice was present and when the ice was absent.Photographs taken from the air during non-ice conditions were compared from year-to-year to determine if the beaches north and south of the plant were stable, in other words, that sand erosion and accumulation rates were equal and unaltered by the construction and operation of Cook Nuclear Plant.Photographs of the ice accumulation and destruction were taken and studied over the.fall and winter ice season.Each season the photographs were studied to determine whether or not the thermal plume had melted the beach ice ridge, allowing the waves to'erode sand from the unprotected beach..The scour studies were to verify that there are no scour problems resulting from the Plant's high velocity discharge and to verify the short-term and long-term integrity of the scour bed placed around the cooling water discharge structures.-

Monitoring of the scour bed performance has been completed in accordance with the environmental technical specifications.

Our studies revealed that modifications to the Unit 1 scour bedwere required and subsequently completed.

Modifications to the Unit 2 scour bed were also made and completed.

Information concerning the modifications made to the areas surrounding the discharge structure were submitted to the NRC in our letters AEP:NRC:0170 and AEP:NRC:0243, dated April 6, 1979 and September 13, 1979, respectively.

Monitoring continued on the performance of these modifications for one year after completion of the work.

Results of the studies have been reported in scientific journals in the Great Lakes Research Division of'he University of Michigan Special Reports and in the Environmental Operating Reports to the NRC.The conclusions of all the reports clearly demonstrate that the construction and operation of the Cook Nuclear Plant has not caused a significant change in the beach configuration near the Plant, the thermal plume does not cause significant shore ice melting and subsequent beach erosion, and the high velocity jet discharges do not cause scouring of the Lake bottom.'uture modifications to the scour beds resulting from any future studies performed by the licensee ot requested by the appropriate federal or state agency will be, submitted for approval to said agencies having jurisdiction over this work.The appropriate federal agency is the United States Corps of Engineers under Section 10, Rivers and Harbors (RSH)Act, 1899, and Section 404, Federal Mater.Pollution Control Act (FMPCA), 1972.The appropriate state agency is the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources under Act 346, P.A.1972, and Act 247, P.A.1955.

Attachment 2 to AEP:NRC:0055E NRC Submittal Source Document List Annotated Bibliography'non.

1975.Environmental Operating Report.October 25 through December 31, 1974.Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1.Indiana 8 Michigan Po>ver Company.15 pp.+appendices.

Aerial surveys were made monthly of ten miles of beach, north and south of the plant.All erosion observed was due to natural processes.

Three one-foot interval contour maps of the Lake Michigan shoreline were made during 1974 and none of these maps showed any unusual erosion patterns.Lake bottom profiles by sounding were made during 1974 on a grid 3,000 ft.x 13,000 ft.The bottom profile showed no scour due to p'lant operation.

Semiannual soundings of the intake and discharge areas, which covered an area 1,400 ft.x 2.400 ft., also showed no signs of scour.Anon.1975.Environmental Operating Report, January 1 through June 30, 1975, Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1.Indiana 5 Michigan Power Company.27 appendices.

Aerial photographs from one mile north of the plant to one mile south of the plant were taken monthly and the analyses of the photographs from September 1974 through March 1975 showed no appreciable changes in beach profile during this time.A map was prepared from the March 1975 photographs and compared with earlier maps.An area 2,000 2,500 ft.1 south of the plant no longer showed the various mounds and channel-like depressions which remained after the safe harbor was removed in 1973.

Two bottom profiles were made by sounding a 3,000 ft.x 13,000 ft.grid, during April and May.These soundings indicated only minor lake bottom movement and s'tight deviations from the August'1974 soundings.

'There appeared to be normal seasonal shifting of sand bar position.Semiannual soundings of the intake and discharge scour beds showed no significant changes.'I Anon.1976.Environmental Operating Report, July 1 through December 31,'1975, Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit 1.Indiana, 8 Michigan-Power Company.pp.+appendices.

Aerial photographic surveys of the beach north (one mile)and south (five miles)of the plant indicate that no appreciable change in the beach front since the March, 1975 survey.The lake bottom profiles determined by sounding in the 3,000 ft.x 13,000 ft.area showed some minor shifting of the bottom,'ut the overall trend was toward stabil.ization.

The more detailed sounding of the 1,400 ft.P x 2,400 ft.grid over the intake and discharge also showed only minor changes in the lake bottom.SCUBA diver observation of the scour beds near the intake and discharge structures found the rip-rap was covering the two scour-beds and the three intake pipes.Anon.1976.Environmental Operation Report, January 1, 1976 through June 30, 1976, Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit 1.Indiana 8 Michigan Power Company.24 pp.+appendices.

The shoreline since the September reported in Special Research Division.aerial photographic survey also showed no changes 1975 survey.Shore ice studies of Hinter 1973-74 were Report No.55 of the University of Michigan, Great Lakes All studies showed there were no significant

'changes to the shoreline profile or lake bottom profile due to the construction and operation of the plant.Monthly soundings beginning in April, 1976, of the 3,000 x 13,000 ft.grid adjacent to the plant showed Very little change had occurred in the bottom profile since October 1975.Similar results were obtained from soundings taken on the 1,400 ft,.x 2,400 ft.grid encompassing the intake and discharge structures.

Anon.1977.Environmental Operating Report, July 1, 1976 through December 31, 1976, Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit 1;Indiana 5 Nichigan Power Company.25 pp.+appendices.

Aerial photographs of the shoreline indicated the beaches were stable and not eroding.Bottom profile studies within the'3,000 ft.x 13,000 ft.grid were conducted monthly from April through October, however, weather conditions did not allow soundings after August.No soundings were taken within the 1,400 ft.x 2,400 area.The data showed the bottom profiles to continue to stabili"e.

Anon.1978.Annual Environmental Operating Report, January 1 through December 31, 1977, Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit l.Indiana 8 Michigan Power Company.29 pp.+appendices.

Ice studies during 1976-77 showed that the ice melt hole caused by the thermal plume.had no effect on the most lakeward ice ridge.Therefore, the beach was protected the entire winter from the erosion by open waters caused by the plant.During 1977 depth profile data were collected using electronic digital depth sounding equipment wired to a microprocessor which recorded the 4

real-time depth readings from the depth sounder and boat position supplied ,by an electronic ranging system.Data collection cruises were made on July 29, and September 22, 1977.Bathymetric maps of L'ake Michigan adjacent to the plant were prepared and presented in the annual report 1 I ,(pages 8 and 9).Comparisons of'he maps produced by the two surveys show very little change occurred between the two'surveys.

Anon.1979.Annual Environmental Operating Report, January 1 through December 31, 1978, Donald C.Cook.Nuclear Plant Units 1&2.Indiana&Michigan Power Company.'42 pp.+appendices.

Shore ice photographs taken from the ground and from the air during Winter 1977-78 were examined for the effects of the thermal plume.Unlike.the previous winter, the pl'ume did melt the third ice'ridge during Winter 1977-78.The ridge was reformed shortly after the melt and on"no occasion did the-plume melt the ice completely shoreward.

Therefore, no beach erosion occurred due to plant operation.

1 Lake bottom profiles were determined from data collected on June 20 and October 20, 1978.Depth data, boat location, and data recording were all accomplished with the same electronic depth sounding, ranging system,.and microprocessor and recorder used in the 1977 surveys.Bathymetric., maps were prepared and presented in the" report.Comparisons of the two maps show litt'le difference between the June and October surveys and no significant changes from the 1977 maps.Anon.1980..Annual Environmental Operating Report, January 1 through December 31, 1979, Donal.d C.Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1&2.Indiana&Michigan Electric Company.30 pp.+appendices.

Beach erosion was studied by photographing the ice melt caused by the f~i'if plant thermal discharge.

Aerial and ground level photographs were taken and analyzed to determine thermal plume impacts.Ice was melted from the shoreline out to the hole melted by the thermal plume.The melting.was limited to a narrow strip-immediately in front of the plant above the discharge tunnels and at no time exceeded the width of the plant property.This melting of ice was due primarily to water'leaks in the discharge tunnels and not due to two-unit operation.

The shore ice melting may have been enhanced by sa'lt used to melt ice and snow from plant parking lots which runs off the lots into the lake.Except for the area in front of the plant, the me1ted first lagoon and bared beach were protected from erosion by,ice ridges.Scour studies required by'he Technical Specifications had been'completed'n 1978, therefore, no scour studies were conducted in 1979.Anon.1981.Annual Environmental Operating Report, January I through December 31, 1980, Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Units I&2.Indiana 5 Michigan Electric Company.33'pp.+appendices.

Shore ice studies continued the same as previous years.Ice formation occurred in late January 1980, somewhat later than previous years.Once formed, the shore ice complex effectively protected the beach from erosion I for many miles north and south of the plant.The melting due to leaks in the discharge tunnels was not clearly demonstrated by ice melt patterns,'ut ice melting in the first ice lagoon in front of the plant was more extensive than areas north and south of the plant indicating some leakage may have occurred.Scour studies were continued in 1980.Placement of concrete scour bed pads around the Unit 1 and Unit-2 discharge structure was considered a major repair implementing the Technical Specification requirement that P 0

one full year of surveys conducted at six month intervals be completed.

The first of the two surveys was completed November 7, 1980 with the ,second one planned for April 1981.A bathymetric map was prepared and presented on page 9 of the Annual EOR.Comparisons of this map with maps from earlier surveys, July 1977, September 1977, April 1978, and October 1978, showed that there has been very little change in the bottom profiles.Ayers, J.C;, N.W.O'ara, and W.L.Yocum.1971.Benton Harbor Power Plant Limnological Studies: Part VIII.Winter Operations 1970-1971.

Special Report'No.44.Great Lakes Research Division, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.37 pp.This report is a summary of the analysis of the 1970-1971 ice study at the Cook Nuclear Plant site.Ice formation, ice accumulation, ice destruction,.and the effects of weather on these processes are extensively discussed in this report.Data during this winter were collected to compare with ice formation and destruction during the winters after Cook Nuclear Plant began operation.

A ers, J.C.and W.L.Yocum.1972.Benton Harbor Power Plant Limnological Studies: Part XI.Winter Operations 1971-1972.

Special Report No.44, Great Lakes'esearch Division, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.22 pp.This report describes the sequence of ice formation and ice destruction at Cook Nuclear Plant during the ice season of Winter 1971-1972.

Cook Nuclear Plant was not operational during the winter.These data will be useful for comparing with data collected during plant, operation.

Ice began forming in early January and lasted until early April'

Ayers, J.C., W.L.Yocum, and F.Seibe'l.1973.Benton Harbor Power Plant Limnological Studies: Part XIV.Minter Operations,1972-1973..Sp'ecial'eport No.44, Great Lakes Research Division, University.of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.22-pp.This report describes the.sequence of ice formation and destruction during, the ilinter of 1972-1973 near the Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant.Ice first began to form in mid-December 1972 and disappeared in early March 1973.During January 1973 a pronounced thaw occurred.The high water levels caused severe erosion of the beach before the ice season began.Cook Nuclear Plant was, not operating during Hinter 1972-1973.

O'ara, N.H.and J.C.Ayers.1972.Stages of Shore Ice-Development.

Proc.15th Conf.Great Lakes Research Internat.Assoc.Great Lakes Res.521-535'.'ield observations and aerial and ground level photographic surveys were conducted throughout the winters of 1969-70 and 1970-71 to determine the sequence of events and processes involved in the development of the shore ice complex in fresh water.The study was carried out along the eastern Lake Michigan shoreline with the major effort concentrated on the beaches adjacent to the Donald C.Cook Nuclear Power Plant south of Benton Harbor, Michigan.The shore ice complex first produces an icefoot composed of two ridges of onshore ice, followed by the formation of a frozen lagoon of brash ice and an outer barr ier of ice.A second frozen lagoon and outer barrier-develop during the coldest part of winter.Finally a field of floe ice may fo'rm for a limited time reaching offshore to a distance of at least 17 km.The developmental stages of ice ridge and lagoon formation and destruction ar'e dynamic and changing.The'exterior ice field, second 0

outer ice barrier and lagoon are transient and apt to be carried away as the result, of wave flexing, wind and current movements.

Ice ridges and lagoons can be broken and breached by stream and wave action and reduced in height by sand-melting.

However, as 1ong as the weather and water remain sufficiently cold, the rejuvenating processes will restore ridge and lagoon continuity when exposed to the open lake.Seibel, E., C.T.Carlson, and J.M.Mareca, Jr.1975.Lake and Shore-Ice Conditions on Southeastern Lake Michigan in the Vicinity of the Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant: Winter 1973'-74.Special Report No.55, Great Lakes Research Division, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.62 pp.This study reported on the shore ice studies near the Cook Nuclear Plant during 1973-1974.

Cook Nuclear Plant was not operating during this winter.Considerable analyses were completed on the ice study data since this was the fifth consecutive winter of the shore ice study.Some of the conclusions of this study were: 1.The stages of ice development are not controlled by any single climatic variable but instead there exists a complex inter-relationship between the two.2.E'asterly winds coupled with rising air temperatures appear to consistently produce significant deterioration of the ice complex.3.Onshore northwesterly winds coupled with increase in wind speed and a drop in air temperature initiate accretive sequences.

4.Large quantities of sediment are incorporated in the nearshore ice complex during accretionary stages and are transported landward, lakeward or alongshore at the time of breakup.5.Since the ice ridges are grounded, as the data indicate, they may serve to modify the nearshore topography in the proximity

of the offshore bars sufficiently to influence the wave regime capable of reaching and acting on the shoreline and bluff line.The exact influence of this modification of the shoreline and bluff line is not yet established.

Seibel, E., C.T.Carlson, and J.W.Hareca, Jr.1976.Ece Ridge Formation:

Probable Control by Hearshore Bars.J.Great Lakes Res.Enternat;Assoc.Great Lakes Res.2(2): 384-392.Ouring the 1973-1974 winter season a time-lapse photographic system was'used to provide a nearly continuous record of ice conditions along a, segment of the southeastern Lake Michigan shoreline.

By analysis of the photographs, a typical sequence of nearshore ice formation through break-up was identified.

From the record of nearshore ice formation, a three-element mechanism for the development of the nearshore ice<idges in the vicinity of the study site was formulated.

Observations reveal that large quantities of sediment are incorporated into the nearshore ice and that the nearshore ice ridges are grounded.on the nearshore bottom in the proximity of'the'offshore bars.We believe that the grounded nearshore ice ridges simultaneously modify the nearshore topography and protect the shoreline and bluffline from erosion by winter storms.The degree to which the nearshore is protected or modified has not yet been established.

S<<~tse7 Cocket File DOCKET NO(S)~: 9MGP16 Q.S.~~altHltal KotectlcA~Ac/Bagicn V QEiae mm.m axxdm:~230 Bath Dm9xxn 8xeet Chicago/Illirxds KGX


D C~~~~t/~ta y~2-~na~I~~g~c gxpmy The following documents concerning our review of the subject facility are transmitted for your information.

Notice of Receipt of Application, dated Draft/Final Environmental Statement, dated Notice of Availability of Draft/Final Environmental Statement, dated Safety Evaluation Report, or Supplement No.dated Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact, dated Q Notice of Consider'ation of Issuance of Facility Operating License, or Amendment to Faci1 i ty Operating Li cense, dated Q Bi-Weekly Notice;Applications and Amendments to Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations, dated[see pagel's)]Exemption, dated Construction Permit No.CPPR-, Amendment No.dated Facility Operating License No., Amendment No.dated Order Extending Construction Completion Date, dated QM tlyap i Rp f~i dt 1 d d~Annual/Semi-Annual Report-transmitted by letter dated


As stated Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation See rext pry OFFICE/SURNAME/DATE P 02/>/87~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~NRC FORM 318110/80)


j;~4 I'r (~;r'pril 7, 1986'I, II l',.-~'""~;;Dr's TRrsu Tr ON:, D'ocket.File 50-.316 Pl(Rb4 Rdg hDuncan D~ligginton DOCKET NO(S).50-316 U.S.Environmental Protection Agency Region V Office ATTN: EIS Coordinator 230 South

Dearborn Street Chicago,

Illinois 60604


Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit 2-Indiana and Hichigan Electric Company The following documents concerning our review of the subject facility are transmitted for your information.

D Notice of Receipt of Application, dated D Draft/Final Environmental Statment, dated D Notice of Availability of Draft/Final Environmental Statement, dated D Safety Evaluation Report, or Supplement No., dated D Notice of Hearing on Application for Construction Permit, dated D Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Facility Operating License, dated D Monthly Notice;Applications and Amendments to Operating Licenses Involving no Significant Hazards Considerations, dated D Application and Safety Analysis Report, Volume D Amendment Application/SAR dated D Construction Permit No.CPPR-D Facility Operating License No., Amendment No., Amendment No.dated , dated D Order Extending Construction Completion Date, dated ling Other (Specify)e n Re ort for December 1985


As stated Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation See next page oar rem~SURNAME%DATE%.QB/.7../06..

NRC FORM 3'r8{1i84)NRCM 0240 A" ca~~

\pir l J>>)~k I4 I~4~+g~'I II l

,',...',, Dbcket-Ji'Ve.50-316~";~p'., RWR44~R(fgŽ~

Hie 2 2]986 NDuncan DWi ggi nton CA DOCKET NO(S)50-316 U.S.Environmental Protection Agency Region Y Office ATTN: EIS Coordinator 230 Beati

Dearborn Street Chicago,

Illinois 60604


Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit 2-Indiana and Michigan Electric Company The following documents concerning our review of the subject facility are transmitted for your information.

D Notice of Receipt of Application, dated D Draft/Final Environmental Statment, dated D Notice of Availability of Draft/Final Environmental Statement, dated D Safety Evaluation Report, or Supplement No., dated D Notice of Hearing on Application for Construction Permit, dated D Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Facility Operating License, dated D Monthly Notice;Applications and Amendments to Operating Licenses Involving no Significant Hazards Considerations, dated D Application and Safety Analysis Report, Volume D Amendment Application/SAR dated D Construction Permit No.CPPR-, Amendment No.D Facility Operating License No., Amendment No.D Order Extending Construction Completion Date, dated H Other(SpeclfyJ Monthly Operating'Repol t for October 19S5 dated , dated


As stated Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation cc: See next page PNRP4 PWR HB n oa/mo (gl 3I(A OFS ICS)SURNAMS+DATE+NRC FORM 318 (1/84)NRCM 0240~~~~~

0 (1,/p Q C-'It f 4~~4 t I~a'p I 4 t~E J 4 Q l 5 P