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FOIA Request for Preliminary Safety Analyses of Indian Point & Shoreham Plants
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point, 05000000, Shoreham
Issue date: 05/26/1983
From: Spector B
To: Felton J
FOIA-83-299 NUDOCS 8308160538
Download: ML20077J562 (1)



6 Cail Driva E. Rockaway, NY 11518 May 26, )<83 FREEDOM '0F INFORMATION J.M. Felton, Director ACT REQUEST Tu lear ctIntory Commission-Washington, D.C.

20555 sg g f,

Dear Mr. Felton:

I received your materials last veck.

I would like to thank you for not only sending te what I requested but also for your personal respense. The rater-ials will be used both as justification and support in ny Senior thesis.

If I nicht trouble you further,one more sn.all detail is still needed for my '


I would appreciate it if you could schd re, under FOIA, the Prelim-inary Unfety Analyses of the two plants in my area, nanely Shorham and Indian Point.

I would appreciete the entire reports but if they are impossible to send due to bulk could you kindly send me the areas pertaining to the varicus hypothetical accident situations and the safety features designed to prevent said accidents.

If this is still too bulky just the Shorham inforration vill do.

Again I'd like to have all of it if it i~s possible.

Thank you for your time, I remain Sincerely yours, e

Brinn H. Spector s

8308160538 830526 PDR F3IA

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