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Requests Independent Insp & Appraisal of Methods Used & Assumptions Made About Condition Re Flaw or Crack in Weld of Pressure Vessel.Related Info Encl
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/19/1984
From: Fleisher Z
To: Palladino
Shared Package
ML100341020 List:
SP, NUDOCS 8410190364
Download: ML20106B100 (2)



WEST BRANCH CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION 443 BUENA VISTA ROAD NEW CITY N Y 10M6 September 19, 1984 EXPRESS MAIL Hon. Commissioners U.' S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Dear Commissioner [Ckd44tV' Re: 50-247-SP We received transcripts and letter copies of BN-84-146 and BN-84-154 regarding a flaw or crack in the weld of the pressure vessel.

In response we, along with the County of Rockland and Lt. Gov. Alfred Del Bello have called for an independent inspection and appraisal of the methods used and the assumptions made about the condition.

Since the nuclear experience is relatively young, in calling for independence we mean those who are not employed in the industry and those who do not regularly make studies I

for the government or Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

We believe we have located two teams'that would qualif'y and suggest that you speak to them about their services to ascertain if they are more independent than those who are now on the job.

Mr. Steven Lunn, C.T. Morgan Co., Danvers, Mass. Mr.Mor-gan pior.eered 17 years ago in ultra sound inspection.

Telephone (617)774-3215.

Mr. Tom Payne and Mr. Chas. Ecller, Destco, Essex, Connecti-cut. Telephone (203)767-2113 These companies were suggested to us by members of the American Welding Society who do eddy current testing.

Sincerely yours,

& bel El ZhS. Fleisher Secretary l


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Hon. E.




E. Clark Referral No.

Sente=ber 4, 1984 RESOLUTION NO. 633 O? 1984 REQUESTING TEE EON.

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Cornell / Clark, unanimous


WHEREAS, recent ultrasenic testing of the reactor vessel of Indian Point 2 indicates he presence of a possible crack, and

hEEREAS, the Nuclear,Re gul a,: cry Cornission states that it will not allow the plan to reopen until a detailed analysis of n.e : _3 aw has been cade and ca3culat. ons. mace on un e r.ner this

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hEEREAS, the Lieutenant Governor of the State of New York, Alfred Del
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RESOLVED, that the Rockland County Legislature request the Governc: of the State cf New Ycrk, Eon. "arie Cucco, coes hereby to a.ccc:..nt a :. e c. t e c n.n :. c a ;. e x.ce r t, :.n c e,e n nuclear industry and the Nuclear Re gula t ory Ccenission,

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October 4, 1984 Indian Point Unit No. 2 Re:

booket No. 50-247 d

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Director of Nuclear Reactor Pegulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 f


Mr. Steven A. Varga, Chief Operating Reactors Branch No.1 Division of Licensing Dear Mr. Vargas i

ConsolidateIl Edison and our connultante appreciatad the opportunity to meet with the NRC staff on Wednesday October 3,

1984 to disoues the results of our several. investigations and evaluations 'of the ultrasonic Indication ' detected during the recent ten year inservice it}8pection, of j.

the Indian Point Unit Ho, 2 reactor vessel.

We believe that the information provided the staff relating to thin issue, in several meetings and three naparate nuhmittels has demonstrated that the indication is without significance from an operating or safety atandpoint.

We wish to reemphasi r.e that the fracture mechanice evaluation we transmitted by 1ctter dated Septembe r 7,

1984 concluoed than the masaured indication that a hypotnetical flaw considerably larger would not recuire repair, nor affect the operational characterietics of the reactor vessel in any way.

The evaluation of the larger hypothetical conservatively bounds that. of the actual indication including flaw the ultrasonic realistic assesementa of the uncertainties associated with techniaues.

satisf actorily responded to th t-staff's recuenta for We believe we have additional information and demonstrated that the reactor vessel can he safely returned to service.

Accordingly, we recuent your concurrence to proceed to temperature and prennure in preparation for hydronta ti c testing of the reactor coolant system and subsenuent return to power operation.

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We anticipate commencing with hydrontatic testing inmediately upon receipt of your concurrence.

The confirmatory information requested by the staff during our October 3, 1984 meeting is in preparation and will be forwarded ah,ortly.

Should you or your staff have any additional questions, please contact un.

Verg'truly yours,



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October 4,1984 Docket No. 50-247 Mr. John D. O'Toole Vice President Nuclear Enginegring and Quality Assurance Consolidated Edison Company

,of New York, Inc.

4 Irving Place New York, New York 10003

Dear Mr. O'Toole:

We have received your letter requesting our concurrence to proceed to non-nuclear heat-up to temperature and pressure in preparation for hydrostatic testing of the reactor coolant system and then to subsequent return to pcwer operation.

As discussed in our meeting on October 3,1984, we have not yet completed our review and evaluation'of the infonnation you have provided concerning your investigation and evaluations of the ultrasonic indic.ation of the Indian Point Unit 2 (IP-2) reactor vessel.

Therefore, pending completion of our. review, we are not in a position to approve return to nuclear power operation of Indian Point Unit 2.

However, the staff considers the risk of IP-2 vessel fracture as a result of hydrostatic testing negligible, because the heat-up and actual test must be perfortned in accordance with the safety margins of Appendix G,10 CFR 50.

The crack size that this appendix requires to be included in determining the allowable test nressures and temperatures is 1/4t (approximately 2.2 inches) in depth and 3/2t (approximated 13.2 inches) in length.

Since the crack size considered in establishing the Appendix G hydrostatic test pressures and temperatures is significantly greater than the indication believed to be in the IP-2 vessel, the hydrostatic test of the vessel in accordance with the Appendix G limits will provide adequate protection against fracture of the vessel.

We concur in your proceeding to hydrostatic testing and non-nuclear operation up to and including, but not exceeding, hot shutdown conditions with the reactor sub-critical as defined in Section 1.2.2 of the IP-2 Technical Specifications.



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rga,CN Operati g Reactors Dr nch #1 Divisit i of Licensing CC:

See next page

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