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Advises That Ny County Democratic Committee Passed Encl Resolution on 821118 Favoring Permanent Closing of Plants
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/18/1982
From: Farrell H
To: Ahearne J, Gilinsky V, Palladino N
NUDOCS 8211220249
Download: ML20028A512 (2)




Democrctl3 C unty C mmittee Nnw Y2rk C unty yOQ41 o

Kerman D. Farrell, Jr.

  • County Leader US.$. IED


'82 NOV 19 All:29 ct t :Li 0? EEOitiA6 /

DOC /,LTiNG & SEilVICE BRANCH November 18, 1982 U.S.

Nuclear R=gulatory Commission Washington, D. C.

20555 Nunzio Palladino, Chairman John Ahearne, Commissioner Victor Gilinsky, Commissioner James Asselstine, Commissioner Thomas Ibberts, Commissioner

Dear Commissioners :

Please be advised that on November 18, 1982, the New York County Ibmocratic Committee passed without dissent the following resolution :

IESOIV E D, that the New York County Democratic Executive Committee favors the permanent closing of the Indian Point nuclear power plants, and calls upon our government officials to take immediate steps to accomplish this end.

The entire resolution is attached.

We urge you to insure that the Indian Point nuclear power plants remain permanently closed.

Yours truly,

-2EC'D C ^ :.






) Vh (2 1:: u Yerman D. Farrel, Jr.

Democratic County Leader Attachment 8211220249 821118 PDR ADOCK 05000247 g

PDR 00 East 42nd Street New York N.Y.10165 l


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De.rnocrctis County Committee N;w Y,nrk County o

Herman D. Farrell, Jr.

  • County Leader RESOLUTION TO CLOSE INDIAN POINT WHEREAS, the Indian Point nuclear power plants pose a serious threat to the health and safety of the residents of the New York City metropolitan region, and WHEREAS, a newly released study prepared for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission by Sandia National Laboratories indicates that a worst-case accident at the Indian Point nuclear power plants could result in 50,000 early deaths out to 17.5 miles, 167,000 early injuries out to 50 miles, and financial loss of $314 billion, and WHEREAS, most of New York City lies within 50 miles of Indian Point and portions of the city could be rendered uninhabitable for decades by such an accident, or its water supply contaminated for years, and WHEREAS, serious safety problems such as corroding steam.

generator tubes and reactor vessel embrittlement resulting from aging and deterioration increase the likelihood of a catastrophic accident at Indian Point, and WHEREAS, emergency planning and preparedeness for the vicinity around Indian Point has been deemed deficient by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and WHEREAS, there are no evacuation or sheltering plans to protect residents of New York City from excessive doses of radiation in the event of an accident at Indian Point, l

and WHEREAS, the Indian Point plants have, in recent years, been out of service almost half the time, with no effect l

on electricity supply to the region, including New York City, and are presently shut down for refueling and repairs, and WHEREAS, present and future electricity needs of the I

greater New York City metropolitan region can be provided l

through alternative energy sources if Indian Point is permanently closed, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New York County Democratic Executive Committee favors the permanent closing of the l

Indian Point nuclear power plants, and calls upon our government officials to take immediate steps to accomplish this end.

l CO East 42nd Street New York N.Y.10165 212-687-6540
