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Requests Further Extension of 850331 outage-based Equipment Qualification Deadline for Hydrogen/Oxygen Analyzers.Revised Schedule for Completion of Qualification Testing on Hydrogen/Oxygen Analyzers Encl
Person / Time
Site: Hatch Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/01/1985
From: Gucwa L
To: Stolz J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NED-85-061, NED-85-61, TAC-57133, NUDOCS 8503120030
Download: ML20108D862 (3)



l Georgia Power Company 333 Piedmont Avenue Attanta. Georgia 30308 Telephone 404 526-6526 Maihng Address:

Post Office Box 4545 Atlanta, Georgia 30302 Georgia Power L T. Gucwa the SouffWO eleCffC System Manager Nuclear Engineenng and chief Nuclear Engineer 0451y March 1, 1985

' Director of Maclear Reactor Regt11ation Attention: Mr. John F. Stolz, Chief Operating Reactors Branch No. 4 Division of Licensing U. S. Riclear. Reg.11atory Cbanission Washington, D. C. 20555 NRC DOOTT 50-366 OPERATING LICENSE HPF-5 ENIN I. TIATUI NUCLEAR PLANP WIT 2 REVISION OF EQUIPPENT GIALIFICATION PROGRAM DEADLINE EXTEtEION REQUEST FOR HYDROGEN / OXYGEN ANALYZERS Gentlemen:

'By letter dated ally 17,1984 (NED-84-383), Georgia Power Company .(GPC) rewested _ an - extension. of the 10 CFR 50.49(g) outage-based egripment m alification' deadline to March 31, 1985, for, the Plant Hatch Unit 2 Drywell Hydrogen ' (H )2. and Oxygen (0 2 ) Analyzers. %is extension was granted by the NRC on Algast 6,1984.- GPC hereby reglests a further extension of the

- gialification deadline.

GPC .albnitted the earlier - extension reglest die to delays which had occxtred in .the Ioss Of Coolant Accident (LOCA) environmental testing for these devices which is being performed by the man 2facturer - (Comsip, Inc.) .

GPC albmitted _what was then the latest available schedile from Cbmsip for completion of the test program as Encloalre 1 to NED-84-383. Camsip presented a revised testing schedlle to GPC on March 1, 1985, indicating that delays which had occared d2 ring and following the recently coupleted

. aging phases of the program would delay the schediled commencement -of - the LOCA testing by about six months. An outline of this. revised schedile is contained in Encloaire 1 to this letter.

GPC had previously expected to be able to declare these analyzers as fully gialified for use at Plant Hatch well before the March 31, 1985, extended 42alification deadline. However, the most recent schedlle does not

, allow an adestate period of time following receipt of the "Birty Day Interim Test Report" in which to perform the thorough engineering review

. necessary to establish gialification of this eslipment for its ' intended DR hkg


PDR g\

Georgia Powerkh Director of N1 clear Reactor Regulation Attention: Mr. John F. Stolz, Chief Operating Reactors Branch No. 4 March 1, 1985 Page N u se. Therefore, GPC rem ests that the carrent eosipment olalification deadline for the Unit 2 H2 and 02 analyzers be extended to November 30, 1985, under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.49(g). 'Ibe additional time reglested beyond the alrrently sche & led end of the test program will allow for any unforseen delays which calld occur & ring the qualification testing process.

GEC installed a new Comsip-Delphi H2 and O2 analyzer system on Unit 2 & ring the 1984 refueling and recira11ation pipe replacement autage.

4 Hatch maintenance personnel have been contlicting routine mrveillance and calibration of these instruments (as reglired by plant proce&res and

'Iwchnical Specifications) since the plant restarted A1 gust 29, 1984. A mmber of problems with calibration and operation of these devices have occurred, and for this reason GPC is paraling other 41alification alternatives. However, Comsip is the only H2 and O2 analyzer mamfacturer who offers environmental gialification for their instmments at this time. Therefore, the carrent GPC plan is still to use the Cbmsip-Delphi devices on both Hatch units to provide environmental gialification for this safety function by November 30, 1985.

GPC believes that the asperiority of the new Comsip-Delphi H2 and O2 analyzers over the eosipment which they replace in terms of 42alification asatrance, outweighs the problems and delays experienced d2 ring installation and testing and alpports the reglested short-term extensions of the gialification deadlines. In addition, by letter dated JL11y 24, 1984 (NED-84-395) , GPC has previously subnitted' "Jilstifications for Contimed Operation" for the plant using these instmments with incomplet.e gialification.

Very tmly yours, W%ch-/n L. T. G1 cwa CBS Encloalre xc: J. T. Beckham, Jr.

H. C. Nix, Jr.

J. N. Grace (NRC-Region II)

Senior Resident Inspector 700775


'Ihe following is the Oomsip, Inc. schedile for conpletion of qualification testing for the H2 and O2 analyzers proolred for use in Plant Hatch Units 1 and 2 as of March 1, 1985:

Testirg/Reportirg Phase Predicted Oonpletion Date Initiation of IOCA 'Ibst March 8, 1985 30 Day IOCA Test April 7, 1985 30 Day Interim Test Report April 22,1985 180 Day IOCA Test September 5, 1985 F1nal Test Report October 26, 1985

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