IR 05000443/1997002

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Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-443/97-02 on 970530
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/1997
From: Conte R
To: Feigenbaum T
50-443-97-02, 50-443-97-2, NUDOCS 9708130306
Download: ML20198G121 (2)





July 31, 1997  !

Mr. Ted C. Felgenbaum j Executive Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Northeast Utilities Service Company i

c/o Mr. Terry L. Harpster i P.O. Box 128 Waterford, CT 06385 SUBJECT: INSPECTION REPORT NO. 50 443/97 02

Dear Mr. Folgenbaum:

This letter iefers to your June 27,1997 correspondence, in response to our May 30,1997 letter.

Thank you for informing us of the corrective and preventive actions documented in your ,

letter. These actions will be examined during a future inspection of your licensed program.

Your cooperation with us is appreclated.

Sincerely, Original Signed By:

Richard J. Conte, Chief Projects Branch 8 Division of Henctor Projects Docket No. 50 443 cc: w/o cv of Licensee's Resoonse Letter B. D. Kenyon, President - Nuclear Group } ,

D. M. Goebel, Vice President Nuclear Oversight


F. C. Rathen, Vice President Work Services I J. K. Thayer, Vice President Recovery Officer, Nuclear Engineering & Support Officer ,



H. F. Haynes, Director Nuclear Training >

B. L. Drawbridge, Executive Director - Services & Senior Site Officer [g /

A. M. Callendrello, Licensing Manager Seabrook Station / '

l W. A. DiProflo, Nuclear Unit Director Seabrook Station R. E. Hickok, Nuclear Training Manager Seabrook Station




L. M. Cuoco, Senior Nuclear Counsel

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9708130306 970731 PDR ADOCK 0C000443 o '*" -

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Mr. Ted C. Flegenbaum 2 cc: w/cy of Licensee's Response Letter D. C. McElbinney, RAC Chairman, FEMA RI, Boston, Mass.

R. Backus, Esquire, Backus, Meyer and Solomon, New Hampshire D. P. Forbes, Director, Nuclear Safety, Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency F. W. Getman, Jr., Vice President and General Counsel Great Bay Power Corporation Commonwealth of Massachusetts, SLO Designee R. Hallisey, Director, Dept. of Public Health, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

, Seacoast Anti Pollution League State of New Hampshire, SLO D. Tefft, Administrator, Bureau of Radiological Health, State of New Hampshire S. Comley, Executive Director, We the People of the Un ted States Distribution w/cv of Licensee Response letter Region i Docket Room (with concurrences)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

PUBLIC NRC Resident inspector D. Screnci, PAO R. Conte, DRP M. Conner, DRP C. O'Daniell, DRP W. Dean, OEDO P. Milano, PD l 3, NRR A. DeAgarlo, PD l 3, NRR R. Correia, NRR (RPC)

D. Taylor, NRR D. Scronci, PAO, ORA Inspection Program Branch, NRR (IPAS)

DOCUMENT NAME: G:\ BRANCH 7\REPLYLTR\sb97 02 rpy T3,eceive o copy of this document, indicate in the boa: 'C' = CGpy without attachmentlenclosuf e 'E' = Copy with attachment /enclosu,e 'N' = No copy OFFICE Rl/DRP _

Rl/DRS /




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\ gp(jg %rth Atlantic 1:ncery Service Corporation l'.O. Ilos 300


.l Atlantic semi - t. sii m 874 (603) 474 9fc1 i

The Nrtheast IJtilities System June 27,1997 Docket No. 50-44 NYN.97072 United States Nuclear Regulatory Comiumina i


Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C.

Seabrook Station 1[cply to a Noticc_of Violation This letter responds to the Notice of Violation described in inspection Report 50-443/97-02. The response is provided in the enclosure along with commitments made in response to the violation.

Should you have any questions concerning this response, please contact Mr. Terry L. Ilarpster, Director of Licensing Services, at (603) 773 7765.

Very truly yours, NORTil ATL . C ENERGi SERVICE CORP.

" l/fd' . d%ir?' : A_ -

ed C. Fei enbaum Executive Vice Prey ent an -

Chief Nuclear Officer cc: 11. J. Miller, Region i Administrator A.W. De Agazio, Sr. Project Manager W. T. Olsen, NRC Senior Resident inspector Weyb- L PP' A

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1:NCLOSUltic TO NYN-97072


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RE11YTO A NOTICE OF VIOLATIOR NitC Inspection lleport 97 02 describes a violation regarding North Atlantic's failure to control licensee designated vehicles in accordance with Security Plan requirements. Nonh Atlantic's response to this violation is provided below. -

1. Yielatien During an impection conducted on hiarch 3 6,1997, a violt. tion of NRC requirements was identified.

The following is a restatement of the violation:

I ne Seabrook Station Physical Security Plan, Revision 21, dated November 11,1996, Section 6.7, l

" Vehicle Access," states, in part," Licensee designated vehicles... remain in the protected area except for {

operations, maintenance, repair, security and emergency purposes...After initial entry these vehicles only i leave the protected area for the purpose of servicing, repairs, emergencies, moving supplies from the warehouse or other directly related activities."

Contrary to the above, on hiarch 5,1995, there were 35 Licensee Designated Vehicles in use outside the protected area for purposes other than servicing, repairs, emergencies, moving supplies from the ,

warehouse or other directly related activities. 1 l

This is a Severity Level IV Violation (Supplement 111). l


11. Reason for the Violation North Atlantic agrees with this violation. The Seabrook Station Physical Security Plan (SSPSP)

describes, " licensee designated schicles"(LDV) as those vehicles that shall be limited in their use to onsite (inside the protected area), and are not required to be escorted by the security organization while inside the protected area. The SSPSP requires that LDVs remain inside the protected area except for servicing, maintenance, repairs and emergency purposes.10 CFR 73.55(d)(4) states that "the licensee shall exercise positive control over all such designated s chicles to assure that they are used only by authorized persons and for authorized purposes".

Contrary to the above, North Atlantic did not provide sufficient oversight of this programmatic requirement. The SSPSP addressed LDVs, but the LDV requirements were not clearly addressed in the implementing documents. The Seabrook Station Security hianual,(SSSP) does not include requirements to ensure that LDVs only leave the protected area for purposes of servicing, repairs, emergencies, moving supplies from the warehouse or other directly related activities.

The number of LDVs may increase as a result of the seasons and plant conditions (i.e., refueling outage support). During the winter months the number of LDVs increases to support snow removal. The Security hianual did not include an effective monitoring program to track the location of the LDVs.

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111. ConssdicAc11ons Nonh Atlantic has initiated the following corrective actions: The list of


dh ehicles that


l. On March 6,1997,Nonh Atlantic initiated a self assess t managers and no longer required LDV status were removed fromStation d h S brook the list. The departmen s t cted area for fh supervisors were briefed on the icquirements of 10 C ti al needs, maintenance, greater than an established time period f for an approved activity (i.e., oper the LDV list and the -

repair, security or emergency purposes), the vehicle willbe removed rom department must re apply to re estabilsh the vehicle on the LDV list.

i d to instruct the d such 2 Security Department Instruction, SD10002,00,"

oses. If the vehicle t than an is 4 Contr f

as operational need, maintenance, repairs, security or e established period of time, the vehicle will be removed from t e Management.

on the LDV list must be approved by Security Department t for the positive i

3. The Seabrook Station Security Manual l will be revised to include the req control of LDVs. It is anticipated that this revision will be comp ete ill be revised to require a l t d by June 30,1997 4. Security Department Instruction SD10002.00," Co IV, Date Whea Full comn11ance Will Be Achieved North Atlantic is currently in compliance with 10 CFR 73.55(d)(4) and th ,

