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Further Response to FOIA Request for Summaries & Evaluations of LERs from Fuel Loading to Declaration of Commercial Operation for Seven Plants.Apps C & D Documents Encl. Portions of App C Documents Withheld
Person / Time
Site: Columbia, LaSalle, 05000000, Shoreham
Issue date: 04/07/1986
From: Grimsley D
To: Sholly S
Shared Package
ML20204G617 List:
FOIA-85-668 NUDOCS 8605280001
Download: ML20205P875 (4)





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Mr. Steven C. Sholly pg7 g MHB Technical Associates 1723 Hamilton Avenue - Suite K IN RESPONSE REFER San Jose, CA 95125 TO F0!A-85-668

Dear Mr. Sholly:

This is in further response to your letter dated September 27, 1985, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (F0IA),

summaries and evaluations of Li unsee Event Reports from fuel loading to declaration of commercial operation for seven specified nuclear power plants.

The records identified on enclosed Appendices C and D are responsive to your request. Appendix C documents are being placed in the NRC's Public Document Room (PDR) in file folder F01A-85-668 under your name. Appendix D documents have previously been made available for inspection and copying at the PDR.

Access to these records may be acquired by referring to the accession number listed by each record.

Portions of Appendix C documents 7 through 13 which are outside the scope of your request have been deleted.

This completes NRC action on your request.

  • Sincerely, Nw 8 Donnie H. Grimsley, Director Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration


As stated l

l 8605280001 860407 PDR FDIA SHOLLYB5-668 PDR .

Re: F01A-85-668 APPENDIX C

1. 04/02/84 Memo for Harold R. Denton from C. J. Heltemes, Jr., re:

Initiation and Indication Circuitry for High Pressure Coolant Injection Systems. (6 pages)

2. 05/24/84 Memo for Charles E. Morelius from Karl V. Seyfrit re:

Evaluation of La Salle County Station Units and 2 LERS for the Period January 1,1983 to April 30, 1984. (4 pages)

3. 02/28/85 Memo for Dennis Kirsch from Karl V. Seyfrit re: Evaluation of WNP-2 LERS for the Period August 1,1983 to January 31, 1984. (6 pages)
4. 07/85 Feedwater Transient Incidents in Westinghouse PWRs by Robert L. Dennig and Marcel Harper. (35 pages)
5. 08/85 Engineered Safety Feature Actuations At Commercial United States Nuclear Pow 3r Reactors January 1 through June 30, 1984. (64 pages)
6. 08/85 Trends and Patterns Report of Unplanned Reactor Trips at U.S. Light Water Reactors in 1984 by Lawrence Bell, Patrick O'Reilly, and Marcel Harper. (110 pages)
7. 02/07/85 Memo from W. Gammill to A. Schwencerregarding Shoreham Solid Waste Process Control Program License Cnndition and SALP Evaluation Input. (7 pages)
8. 03/22/85 Memo from R. Caruso to R. Starostecki regarding SALP -

Long Island Lighting Company - Shoreham Nuclear Power Station. (6 pages)

9. Undated Shoreham SALP Background Table. (2 pages)
10. Undated Draft memo from R. Caruso to R. Starostecki regarding SALP - Long Island Lighting Company - Shoreham Nuclear Power Station. (27 pages)
11. Undated Draft memo from R. Caruso to R. Starostecki regarding SALP - Long Island Lighting Company - Shoreham Nuclear Power Station. (10 pages)
12. 03/08/85 Memo from R. Caruso to H. Thompson regarding Draft NRR l~nput for Shoreham Nuclear Power Station. (22 pages)



13. 04/12/85 NRC Region I Notice of Board Meeting for Meeting Scheduled 04/22/85. (49 pages)
14. 03/19/85 Memo from E. Jordan to R. Caruso regarding the Draft SALP for Shoreham. (2 pages)
15. 04/26/85 RIDS Distribution Control Sheet covering Limerick SALP Report for December 1983 to November 1984. (1 page)
16. ,01/11/85 RIDS Distribution Control Sheet covering Limerick Inspection Reports 84-65 and 84-14 w/ Notice of Violation (1 page)
17. 02/11/85 RIDS Distribution Control Sheet covering Limerick Licensee response to NRC Letter dated 01/11/85 concerning violations noted in Inspection Reports 84-65 and 84-14. (1 page)
18. 05/08/84 Memo from A. Bournia to D. Eisenhut transmitting draft SALP Report for la Salle County Station, Units 1 and 2 (11 pages)

y, _ _ . .. _ ~ . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . - . . . .. _ . . .. . .. . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . . . . -

t Re: F0IA-85-668 APPENDIX 0 l 1. 07/31/85 Letter from T. Murley to J. Leonard transmitting final SALP Report 50-322/85-99 for March 1984 to February 1985.

Report covers licensee's 07/09/85 comments and program /

staffing improvements in operator training and maintenance programs; radiological controls acknowledged (4 pages) -

Accession No. 8508050407

2. 05/24/85 Letter from T. Murley to J. Leonard . transmits schedule for meeting on 06/07/85; notifies licensee to prepare to discuss assessment and plans to improve performance at upcoming
meeting (4 pages) - Accession No. 8506060398
3. 05/24/85 SALP Report 50-322/85-99 for March 1984 to February 1985.

l Report describes weakness w/ control of plant evolution and timely resolution of QC deficiencies; effective management involvement and control of most plant activities noted.

(48 pages) - Accession No. 8506060407-

4. 05/24/85 Letter J. Martin to D. Mazur transmitting SALP Report 50-397/85-07 covering August 1983 to January 1985 (2 pages) - Accession No. 8506100816
5. 02/11/86 Final SALP Report for La Salle Plant (9 pages) -

Accession No. 8602130226

l TECHNICAL ASSOCIATES TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS ON ENERGY & THE ENVIRONMENT Dale G. Bridenbaugh 1723 Hamdton Avenue-Suite K Richard B. Hubbard September 27, 1985 San Jose, California 95125 Gregory C. Minor Phone: (408) 266-2716

. FR OF INFORMANON Mr. J. M. Felton, Director A RE M SP Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration f0IA,E gg U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ) .g Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Felton:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, please send single copies of records in the following categories to me at the address given above:

A. Any summaries and evaluations of License Event Reports (LERs) which occurred during the time period from fuel loading to declaration of commercial operation for the following nuclear power plants (including, but not limited to, trends and patterns analyses, AEOD reports, statistical summaries, SALP reports, etc.):

(1) WPPSS Unit 2 (2) Susquehanna Unit 1 (3) Susquehanna Unit 2 (4) Limerick Unit 1 (5) Shoreham (6) LaSalle Unit 1 (7) LaSalle Unit 2 You should omit any such summaries / evaluations which have been published in NRC "NUREG" or "NUREG/CR" reports. If you have any questions regarding this FOIA request, please contact me by telephone at (408) 266-2716. Your cooperation is responding to this request will be sincerely appreciated.

Sincerely, gn.t. cp+G W f C.

Steven C. Sholly SCS: bib

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Sa nt:



Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM:

C. J. Heltemes, Jr., Director

' Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data




NRC, 1983,""IE Inspection Plant Unit: Report: 50-322/83-28 dated September 14, l

_ Shoreham Nuclear Power Station The enclosed Engineering Evaluation Report (AEOD/E407) provides information .

concerning the initiation and indication cir~cuitry for high pressure coolant injection (HPCI) systems at boiling water reactor (BWR) facilities.

results obtained from review and followup activities conducted for theBased on l Station regarding compliance of the HPCI circuitry to IEEE also applicable to other BWR facilities.

Specifically, the concern identified in the referenced report is that for certain conditions the HPCI system function would not go to completion once initiated, system hadalthough thd' indication gone to completion. circuitry would respond as though e th co'nceln, the 1icensee for theAs h

design c_ange,to the HPCI system.

a result ofStation Shoreham the identification has committed of this to initiate a at this time pending appropriate implementation of this changeThis item is .

We have conducted followup activities for three additional BWR faciliti regarding this concern and conclude that it

. es for two of these facilities. is applicable to the HPCI circuitry be that given to reviewing the HPCI circuitry of other BWR r facilities y to vel if Standard.this circuitry is acceptable in terms of complying with the required 47 IIE i

$4f41f e

. une r., Director 0 i e for Anal is and Evaluation


of Operational Data As stated cc w/ enclosure:

GRivenbark, NRR (e


MGrotenhuis, NRR JSnie,,9 nrnonco I l
