IR 05000295/1987014

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Insp Repts 50-295/87-14 & 50-304/87-17 on 870720-24.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Licensee Actions on Previous Insp Findings.Four of Six Previous Insp Findings Closed
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 07/28/1987
From: Jablonski F, Sutphin R
Shared Package
ML20236E855 List:
50-295-87-14, 50-304-87-17, NUDOCS 8708030124
Download: ML20236E876 (3)


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i Reports No. 50-295/87014(DRS); 50-304/87017(DRS)

Docket Nos. 50-295; 50-304 Licenses No. DPR-39; DPR-48 Licensee: Commonwealth Edison Company 1 Post Office Box 767 l Chicago, IL 60690 j i

facility Name: Zion Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2 l Inspection At: Zion, Illinois Inspection Conducted: July 2 -24, 1987 Inspector: . $' A 7/2 kh7 D6te '

Approved By: '


hh blonski, Chief


2 &!d Quality Assurance Programs Section [Ya te ' i i

Inspection Summary Inspection on July 20-24, 1987 (Reports No. 50-295/87014(DRS); 50-304/87017(DRS))

Areas Inspected: Licensee actions on previeus inspection finding Results: Four of the six previous inspection findings were close No violations or deviations were identifie .

B708030124 B70729 l PDR ADOCK 05000295-G PDR

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l DETAILS I 1. Persons Contacted


Commonwealth Edison Company T. Broccolo, Assistant to Assistant Station Superintendent, Operations R. Budowle, Assistant Station Superintendent, Technical Services D. Johnson, Stores Supervisor A. Ockert, Training Supervisor

  • G. Plim1, Station Manager J. Rapperport, Quality Assurance Engineer
  • T. Rieck, Services Superintendent
  • C, Schultz, Regulatory Assurance Supervisor
  • Stone, Quality Assurance Supervisor Other personnel were contacted as a matter of routine during the inspectio * Indicates persons present at the exit intervie . Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) Open Item (295/82020-03; 304/82018-04): Formalized training requirements for maintenance personnel.had not been-implemented., In some cases, formalized training for maintenance-personnel had not been developed. The licensee has now developed and implemented training for all maintenance personnel. The inspector reviewed the following Training Instructions'(TI):

L TI-301, " Maintenance initial, and continuous training program;"

T1-302, " Maintenance On-The-Job (0JT) Training;" TI-303, .

" Instrument Maintenance Training' Program;" TI-304, " Electrical ,

Maintenance Training Program," and TI-305, " Mechanical Maintenance." l In addition, the inspector reviewed various maintenance memoranda 'i that established policies and procedures for training and job assignments. This item is close i (Closed) Open Item (295/84021-01; 304/84022-01): Operations


personnel lacked training on control room drawing file. Zion i Administrative Procedure ZAP 6-52-2A, " Control Room Drawing Control" has been included in the training program for initial training and for the periodic retraining of o p rations personnel. The initial training, covering this subject, was presented to all operating j personnel in September and October of 1985. This subject has been included in the appropriate lesson plans and has been included in 0JT training. This item is close (Closed) Open Item (295/84021-06; 304/84022-06): Periodic testing j (PT) procedures did not list valve and breaker positions for use in


independei.r. verification. The inspector reviewed the current copy

of- PT-2A, PT-7, PT-8A, and PT-10 and determined that this item was

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L corrected. Items'by number and position status were included for specific use by the person doing the independent verification.

l: In addition, all of the pts were undergoing a review for upgrading revisions. This itm is close Closed)OpenItem(295/84021-08;304/84022-08): Periodic festing procedures need to be reviewed to determine if operational testing verifies correct position of valves and breakers. The licensee reviewed all the pts to determine if verification of equipment position was required, in addition to the operability test, and has made appropriate changes or additions as required. This item is close (0 pen) Open Item (295/85032-01; 304/85033-01): A policy document on the control of the masonry walls list needs to be c.veloped. The licensee was working through corporate Station Nuclear Engineering Department (SNEO)' representatives to address this requiren.ent. Work was completed. This will remain open until the " Masonry Walls List" control document has been developed and release (0 pen) Unresolved Item (295/85032-04; 304/85033-04): Review of program to identify and functional test main turbine stop valve limit switches per. Technical Specification (TS) Table 3.1-2, l Item 15. A position on this matter has been proposed by the '

licensee and undergoing onsite and offsite review The proposal has not yet been approved. -It is expected to be presented to the.NRC a,s a TS amendment. This item will remain -

open pending resolution of the TS chang . Exit Interview The inspector met with licensee representatives (denoted in Paragraph 1)

on July 24, 1987, and summarized the purpose, scope, and findings of the inspection. The inspector discussed the likely informational content of the inspection' report with regard to documents or processes reviewed by i the inspector during the inspection. The licensee did not identify any such documents or processes as proprietar (




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