IR 05000482/1988003

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Insp Rept 50-482/88-03 on 880125-29.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radiological Environ Monitoring Program
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 02/19/1988
From: Murray B, Wise R
Shared Package
ML20196F374 List:
50-482-88-03, 50-482-88-3, NUDOCS 8803030159
Download: ML20196F376 (5)


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NRC Inspection Report: -50-482/88-03 -

0pern ino License: 'NPF-42 Docket: STN 50-482 Licensee: Wo1f Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation _(WCNOC)

P.O.-Box 411-Burlington, Kansas 66839 Facility Nara: Wolf Creek Generating Station'(WCGS)

Inspection At: WCN00 Office, Wichita, Kansas .

WCGS Site, Burlington, Coffey County, Xansas Inspection Conducted: January 25-29, 1988




Inspector: f Mwe :2//f/5 P R. Wise, Radiation Specialist, facilities Date-Radiological Protection Section Approved: fikfu11/ Ate /

3. Purray, Chtef, Fayilities Radiological klf[88 D&te '

Protection Section Inspection Summary Inspection' Conducted January 25-29, 1988 (Report 50-482/88-03)

Areas Inspected: Routine, ur, announced inspection of the licensee's

radiological environmental monitoring program (REMP).

Results: Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified.



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. Persons Contacted WCN0C
  • R. Hagan,; Manager, Nuclear Services ,
  • C. Swartzendruber, Manager, Radiological Services R. Potter, Manager, Supplier Quality Engineering-
  • Charlton, Supervisor, Supplier Quality Engineering W. Ketchum, Lead Engineer, Radio?ogical Services
  • V. King, Senior Engineer, Radiological Services

.L. Cook, Lead Auditor, Supplier Surveil'ance .

K. Moles, Manager, Emergency Planning WCGS

    • G. Wedd, Supervisor, Environmental Management B. Vince, Engineering Specialist I, Environmental Management C. Patrick, Supervisor, Quality Evaluations W. Lindsay, Supervisor, Quality Systems l C. Royse, Training Coordinator, Quality Division G. McClelland, Lead Auditor, Quality Division i C. Fowler, Supervisor, Instruments and Controls (I&C) '

R. Downs, Engineering Specialist III, Crew Leader, I&C M. Nichols, Radiation Protection Mana0er


T. Morrill, Health Physics Supervisor '

  • Denotes those present during the exit interview on January 29, 1988.

, ** Denotes those present during the pre-exit interview at WCGS on January 28, 198 ;

i Organization and Management Controls (83522/83722) i t

The licensee's organization and assignment of REMP responsibilities were reviewed to ve,ify compliance with Technical Specifications (TS),

Section 6, regt.irements and agreement with commitments in the Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR), Section 13.


The organizational structure within WCNOC Nuclear Services Division and i the WCGS Environmental Assessment Group was as defined in TS. The F responsibility for management of the REMP is assigned to the WCNOC

. Manager, Nuclear Services at the corporate level. The current .

organization structure and staffing appear sufficient to meet REMP f requirement i

i WCNOC procedures, implementing instructions, and position descriptions :

were reviewed for the assignment of responsibilities for the management ;

and implementation of the REMP. Current management controls as described ;

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in~these procedures and implementing instructions appear adequate for management of the responsibilities associated with the REMP requirement No violations or deviations were identifie . Training and Qualifications (e~523/83723)


Selected training and qualifications records for the WCNOC Radiological Services, WCNOC-Supplier Quality Branch, WCGS Environmental Management,-and the WCGS Quality Evaluations Division were reviewed to verify agreement


with requirements of TS, Sections 6.3 and 6.4,~and commitments in the USAR, Section 1 '

The WCGS Environmental Management stafflis responsible for collection, i documentation, and shipment.of the REMP samples collected around the WCGS


sit Training relating to the REMP sampling is on-the-job training and i documentation,was complete for staff members performing tasks associated with the REM ;

The WCNOC Radiological Services staff periodically' accompany the WCGS f personnel during sample collection and preparation to stay current with *

established procedure :

Additional training for staff-development is accomplished through the attendance at industry sponsored seminars and classes associated with i environmental monitorin No violations or deviations were identifie f i Audits (80521/80721) l


The licensee's audit program was reviewed to verify compliance with [

requirements of TS, Section 6.5, and agreement with commitments in the t USAR, Section 1 t Environmental program audits are conducted anntally by the WCGS Quality Assurance staff. The following audits were reviewed: j

KGLE QA Audit 50140-K117, June 16 through July 11, 1986 }

WCNV QA Audit 50140-K168, June 4 through June 12, 1937  ;

E Audit proceoeres and checklists were reviewed and it was determined that audit reports o re reviewed by management. Responses to audit findings had i been completed and documented in a timely manne p The NRC inspector verified that the licensee had developed emergency plan i implementing procedures and letters of agreement with state agencies for  ;

support of sample analyses and with the National Weather Service for i support of meteorological requirement [

t No violations or deviations were identifie ;





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. i<adiological Environmental Monitoring Program (80421/80721)

The licensee's REMP was reviewed to verify compliance with requirements of TS, Section 3/4.12, and agreement with commitments made in the USAR, Section 1 Annual radiological environmental monitoring reports for 1985 and 1986 were reviewed and it was determined that related TS requirements had been accomplished. The annual radiological environmental monitoring report for 1987 was not yet available for review at the time of the inspectio Selected environmental media sampling stations associated with the REMP were inspected. The required equipment at the selected sampling stations was in place, calibrated, and operational. Calibration and maintenance records for air sampling equipment were reviewed and it was determined that maintenance and calibration had been performed at the prescribed frequencie No violations or deviations were identifie . Meteorological Monitoring Program (MMP) (80521/80721)

The licensee's M P was reviewed to verify compliance with the requirements of TS, Section 3.3, agreement with commitments in the USAR, Section 2.3, agreement with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.23 and 1.97, and ANSI /ANS Standard 2.5-198 The meteorological tower, data recording equipment, calibration procedures, maintenance procedures, and semiannual calibration records were reviewed. It was determined during the inspection that the meteorological tower instrumentation data recovery exceeds 90 percent as recommended in RG 1.2 No violations or deviations were identifie . Contractor Activities and Quality Control of Analytical Measurements The licensee's program for oversight of contractor activities and the quality control of analytical measurements by the contractor was reviewed to verify compliance with requirements of TS, Section 3/4.12.3, and agreement with the recommendations of RG 4.1 Vendor audits were conducted annually by the WCNOC Supplier Quality Branch staf The following audits were reviewed:

WCNOC Supplier Audit 59451-K008, September 30 through October 1, 1986

WCNOC Supplier Audit 59451-K009, October 29-30, 1987

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Audit procedures a'nd checklists were reviewed, and it was determined that audit reports were reviewed by management. Responses'to audit findings had been completed and documented in a timely manne No violations or deviations were identifie . Reportable Occurrences (80521/80721)

No reportable occurrences or events relating to the radiological environmental monitoring program were' identified during the inspectio No violations or deviations were identifie . Exit Interview The NRC inspector met with licensee representatives denoted in paragraph 1 at the conclusion of the inspection and discussed the scope and findings of the inspection.