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Forwards Addl/Revised Info Re Radiological Emergency Response Plans.Info Includes Final Design Rept,Current Ltr of Agreement & ETE Matls,Including Program Rept 5 & App I
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/05/1986
From: Johnson W
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20154J780 List:
SBN-960, NUDOCS 8603110050
Download: ML20154J772 (498)


. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ __- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1 Wendell P. Johnson I Vice President O db M March 5, 1986 SBN- 960 .

T.F. 87.1.8 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555

Mr.11. R. Denton, Director I

' Nuclear Reactor Regulation References (a) Construction Permits CPPR-135 and CPPR-136, Docket Nos. 50-443 and 50-444 (b) PSNil ter (SBN-944), dated February 18, 1986, "Subrei t t al l by Applicants of Radiological Emergency Response Plans,

State of New llampshire and Af fected New flampshire Communi t ies ," G. S. Thomas to 11. R. Denton Subj ect
Radiological Ertergency Response Plans, State of New llampshire i and Af fected New llampshire Communities: Additinnal Inf ormat ion i Dear Sir Enclosed please find four copics of the below listed additional / revised .

information regarding the Radiological Emergency Response Plans for the State l of New llampshire and af fected New flampshire communttles. This information has been transmitted under separate cover (also enclosed with the information) by the State of New flampshire Civil Defense Agency to the Federal Emergency l Management Agency, Region I.

1. Final Design Report, Seabrook Station Public Alert and f Notification System, dated January, 1984 l l
2. Cu r rent Letters of Agreement i
3. ETE Materials including Program Report No. 5 and Appendix ! - I Traffic Management and Cont rol. l Also, by way of this letter, we are transmitting one copy of each of this information by prepaid delivery service / mall to the interested parties (i.e., to the ASLB Service List) as well as the ASLB Panel.

Very truly yours, 1

htf !YO' j Wendel1 P. ufohnson Enclosures / {J F

k  ! PDR 43 l 3ll l

l P.0, Box 700

  • Soobrook,f#103874 - folephono(SO3)47d 9521 I

_ --_ - . - - . . - _ _ ~ - ~ _ - - - - - . - - . _ - - - . . _ _ . - - - . . - . . . - . -

i .


. t l

United Stetco Nuclcor R:gulatory Commiscion l Attention: Mr. H. R. Denton l

l ect Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Service List l l

Helen Hoyt Esq. , Chai rman Dr. Jerry Harbour 'I Administrative Judge and Chairperson Administrative Judge l Atomic Safety and Licensing Atomic Safety and Licensing [

l Board Panel Board Panel I l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l Washington, DC 20555 Washington, DC 20555 i l l Dr. Emmeth A. Luebke ,

i Administrative Judge L l Atomic Safety and Licensing i Board Panel i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1 Washington, DC 20555 i


l STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Rockingham, ss. March 5,1986 l Then personally appeared before me, the above-named Wendell P. Johnson i who, being duly sworn, did state that he is Vice President of Public Service  ;

l 1 Company of New Hampshire, that he is duly authorized to execute and file the l foregoing information in the name and on the behalf of Public Service Company ,

l of New Hampshire, and that the statements therein are true to the best of his l

knowledge and belief. i

' - l Christina J.' PoliquinfFNotary Public ,

My Commission Expirest July 17, 1989 '

t i

i i


e Diens Curern P ter J. Math:wa, Mayor Harmon & Weiss City Hall 20001 S. Street, W.W. Newburyport MA 01950 Sulte 430 Washington, D.C. 20009 Calvin A. Canney City Manager Sherwin E. Turk, Esq. City Hall Office of the ExecutLve Legal Director 126 Daniel Street U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Portsmouth, NH 03801 Washington, DC 20555 Stephen E. MerrL11 Robert A. Backus, Esquire Attorney General 116 Lowell Street Dana Bisbee, Esquire P.O. Box 516 Assistant Attorney General Manchester, NH 03105 Of flee of the Attorney General 25 Capitol Street Philip Ahrens. Esquire Concord, NH 03301-6397 Asstatant Attorney General Department of The Attorney Ceneral Mr. J. P. Nadeau Statehouse Station #6 Selectmen's Office Augusta, ME 04333 10 Central Road Rye, NH 03870 Mrs. Sandra Cavutis Designated Representative of Mr. Angie Machiros the Town of tensington Chairman of the Board of Selectmen RFD 1 Town of Newbury East Eingston, NH 03827 Newbury, MA 01950 Jo Ann shotwell, Esqulre Mr. WL11 Lam S. Lord Assistant Attorney General Board of Selectmen Environmental Protection Dureau Town Hall - Friend Street Department of the Attorney General Amesbury, MA 01913 One Ashburton Place 19th Floor Boston, MA 02108 Senator Gordon J. Humphrey 1 PL11sbury Street Senator Cordon J. Humphrey Concord, NH 03301 U.S. Senate (ATTN: Herb Boynton)

Washington, DC 20510 (ATTW: Tom burack) H. Joseph Flynn Offlee of General Counsel Diana P. Randall Federal Emergency Manage. ment Agency 70 Collins Street 500 C Street, SW Seabrook, NH 03874 Washington, DC 20472 Richard A. Mange, Esq. Matthew T. Brock, Esq.

Hampe and M: Nicholas Chalnes, Madrigen & McEachern 35 Pleasant Street 25 Maplewood Avenue Concord, NH 03301 P.O. Box 360 Portsmouth, NH 03801 Donald E. Chlck Town Manager Cary W. Holmes Esq.

Town of Exeter Holmes & Ells 10 Front Street 47 Winnacunnet Road Exeter WH 03833 Hampton, NH 03841 Brentwood Board of Colectmen Ed Thomas RFD Dalton Road FEMA Rer,lon 1 Brentwood, NH 03811 John W. McCormack PO 4 Courthouse Boston, MA 02109


  1. PEASE A OR E A E' wH P t Rt c3ec t p .

G 31 October 1983

, . 1> y[,DJ.I D1, .I '-

- William T. Wallace, Jr., M.D., M.P.H.

Director of Public Health Services i,ff.l.1 10.S,t.

Dept of Health and Welfare .
Health & Welfare Bldg y . , , , , . .( ' . .

Hazen Drive .,.

rv i Concord, NH 03301 Oear Mr. Wallace Thank you for your letter of 7 Oct 83.

USAF Hospital Pease is a 70 bed acute care hospital with general med-ical/ surgical capabilities. We have a large outpatient service and offer most medical and surgical specialties and general primary care services to military persennel and their families who are assigned to Fease AFB or who live within a 40 mile radius of the base. We have a limited capability to care for radiolegically contaminated patients, 0 geera',1y cegani:ed tc prcvide sap;crt fcr en base accidents with sc e expansion capabilities for mass casualty situations. We are willing to cooperate fully with civilian hospitals and disaster authorities in assisting with care of civilian casualties to the extent that such care does not interfere with our primary responsibility to active duty military personnel.

In res;cese to your specific questiens, we would antici; ate being able to provide'the following services. It must be understood that our estimated capabilities are based on a peace-time emergency.

1. Our decontamination capabilities are approximately 10 ambulatory patients per hour and five (5) litter patients per hour.
2. USAF Hospital Pease has approximately 25 physicians and 15 other health care providers assigned. To the limit of our staff and facilities, we can provide medical care to radiologically contaminated patients.
3. The number of patients which can be treated would depend on the severity of tne injury or illness, whether the patient is ambulatory or litter. Our limiting factors are likely to be two operating rooms, number of medical staff available, and our 70 beds, although some additional minimal care beds could be made available in nearby dormi-tories. Our decontamination capabilities include the ability to


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decontaminate both' ambulatory and litter pa'tients contaminated with '

alpha radiation. This procedure is conducted either in a facility adjacent to the hospital the hospital if outside contamination is general. A special team is trained for these procedures. Medical treatment is generally provided after decontamination. Treatment at

. this hospital is possible without exposing the hospital, staff, and patients to exposure from the contaminated individual or from contamination brought to the hospital with the person.

4. We have a written protocol for handling and treatment of ,

radiologically exposed individuals. .


5. We have staff assigned and exercise our plans regularly.

We are willing to comit this hospital to assist in comunity  ;

enwrgencies a,s de, scribed in this letter.

, O '. .

\ .. ,

. R. 'SiEPH N,t.t Colcnel, USAF, MSC Administrator b .


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. Partemsuth .

Poem. u,msm, n~

Hosp.tal i RECEIVED 7"'"'""

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OCT 8 0E45 uj oggyMjn om. : et :ati Dira..lw

. Y~ J October 29,1985 I reu..m cf t., ' tl0VO 51955

.x t.: k :.t.t. :. r l m N.H,c,o, t, E L CONCORo,'s,y,

  • William T. Wallace. Jr., M.D., M.P.H. ,

Director of Public Health Services Health & Welfare, Building ,

Hazen Drive Concord NH'03301 Dear Doctor Wallacet In response to your letter of September 30. 1985, this is to advise that Portsmouth Hospital continues to have an Emergency Radiological Ducon-tamination Program in collaboration with the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.

Routine drills are conducted twice a year, and we have a written plan and protocols relative to treatment of the radiologically exposed patient.

Our responses to the questions contained in your letter are herewith provided, and are basically the same as the infermation we ic: warded to you in 1983. ,

1. Hcw mac. indiv!'.uals ccul1 ycut hrsrital ccccmmedate, at any point in time, who have expertenced an excessive exposure

, to radiation?

The number of Individuals experiencing excessive exposure to radiati:n who could te treated in our Emergency Department wculd var / depending upon the severity cf injuries or ser.cusness cf illness cf patients undergo!ng treatment in the Department at the time of the incident. The number that could te accom-modated on our Medical / Surgical Units would also be determined by our census at that point in time.

2. Does your hos;its! have the caoability to provide medical services to such an individual, or would the individual need to be trans;orted to another hospital for care? !! so, where?_

Portsmouth Hospital has the capability to provide the aforesaid medical ser tices.

3. !s your hestital ca:able of providing sarvices to individuals, in need of medical care w ho are also radiolottcally contaminated? If you can crovides services, riease answer the follewine:

O -" m =v t =7 == time' o= ri =>tv itier 4.

i - !s that number in addition to the answer in question one i

i i

Willitm T. Wallace, Jr., M.D., M.P.H.

Director of Public Health Services October 29,1985 .

Page Two above? Yes; also have the capability of treating one uninjured every thirty minutes. Additional decontamination urdts available from Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, which would increase the number we could decontaminate.

- What decontamination capabilities do you have?

Decontamination f acilities are available in the Emergency Depaitment with assistance from the PNSY.

- Would medical treatment be provided prior to, or af ter, decontamination? Both if necessary.

- Will treatment be possible without exposing your hospital.

staff and patients to exposure from the contaminated individual or from contamination brcught to the hospital with the person? Yes.

4. Dees yeur hos;!!al have n written protocol for the handling end treat *nent of radiologically execsed individuals?

Yes. -

$. r:-* y-- her W h=ta tu s uff t v-tht'e . and tr

    • !q to assure tr.cir preficiency to execute such a pictocol?

U;on notification of receiving contaminated patient (s),

Portsmouth Hospital would initiate its Disaster Plan providing necessary staff to execute the program of decontamination.

The Radiation Health Division of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard provides a Hes!!h Phys!cs $;ecialist to advise and assist in the management cf contaminated patients.

I hope the above information is helpful to you in updating your information resources available from health care providers in the State.

Sincerely yours, b)ON d . ..C William J. Schuler Administrator ,

WJ5:t:n O

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Plymouth: New Hampshire C32H ' 'iC)I 3361:20 0.1;i3 L. P.*n DartiM.

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17 occcher 1933 s"1 p 3 h I .. *!* \! * 'J.J .-

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. lli a:. ~ . **alla t e , Jr.,  !!. 3 . , !!.P.M. b y a.. ?S 8; Dire::or . . . . .

Divisi:n of Public Mas 1:n 3erv!:es *? . t n' .

3 : a : e o f ::t v  ?. s * ,$ 4 h i r e P te. : b e.'.' h 't' Hazen Drite Cen:srd, New Hi.pshire G3301

. ear .r. .a.,a:t'

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>te.: rial Esspi:al, h:r dire:ted your va:en: tequiry .

abou: our plan ist handlin; rsdis:ian casualties c "e.

Al far as ! 'd. ". J ' t , e . . a '? ) never :re2*ed sW:h A

2: :his hrs;I:a1 H)'e"er, se . r. e es:s:lishaf c - ;;;; : .. f  :: : ces !:r : ras:tsj ra:'.::i:- 1 : : '. ! s t :

vi::(.s. I belle a :he e.:12 sad "I.orge.:y Depar:.e-:

Pro::::1 !ar 3.1, : ( : i s n A : : i d e . : s " ti l l i d e o f in:e:es:

es yau.

In res; :s ;:ur reques: trr s;t:lfi: s,ters of pa:Lents in varia;s :a:e; cries : r. : re 402'.3 a::r.:!::t a: any ene :ine, I unable es pr>vidi :- snsur. As vi:5 any a:har sar: of disas:er ta vaulf :bl*.t:e :34

= a :413 2. compleaen: o f . : n ; o t e r n .1 . s t e r i a ', , r.s :s 3

our iss: :: st::spris:el: prs:sss .'t::e"er nutser of vie:i-s s! a 4 A l a '. 3 ; i : a '. :::ts::s;.e is presen:e! :a .s.

Inasna:h as r:41:1:gie:1 se:idants are v a n i s h ! . ; 1;/

- rare in :he f.'nited 5:a:es a ::: t p : in :.::h.en:s esniaini r high-levei ra:1etr ft:it!::es, sur #:a!! 'es .! as s1-m perien:4 .a  : r. i s area, .3: 's.e

'. .i fel: jus:ifte! !- -22'ti .

l' 1: : :r sin t .; ; r i : r i :.- 'l 4 "'t. as spe:.2'. fi:tlities er e pipaen: !)r r:dici:;l:a1 is:s.ta.ina:!an :r istin:l)n I

f William T. Wallace, Jr., M.D., M.P.H. 1 8 Director, Division of Publi: Health Services 0


Haren Drive Concord, Neu Hampshire 74Ia -

0J301 i

t It is our policy to accept radiologically contacinated patients for the treatment of urgent and life-threatening medical and surgical problems. It is for this purpose that the enclosed protoest was crea:ed. Victims of radiation exposure without coexistent serious injury or illness vou'd absolutely not be decontamins:ed in the hospital, nor should they be decontaminated in proximity .to env 9 densely oc:upied place. Mediest treatment vould be initia:ed before, durin; er s'ter decontamins:i.3n, depending en the pa: Lent's ::ndi:!On.  ;

We vauld nr: undartake to treat a patient for rediscion j si:kness. In :he shir: term, ratis:is- sitknesa is na l e.ergan:y sin:4 ;rainteis is de:erni.nc4 by d:se re:sivtf i rather than by i=cedia:4 interventi3ns. In the tant-term, j spacist ex;er:ise and ;sssibly bacteri:lo;[c isola:i:n '

j fa:!!i:!as .: available t. : 5:sva 5;iste vault be re;stre4.

- t'. t
ssa :f radia: . :. a::!:t-: in : 2r fia:: :: in-4 v:1ving .:rs th:n a fev injureJ ;s:len:s or s e v e r s '. 3 i-jurei f
ste .:..: t .;e:: '

as a .4: s - s t '. s. : : ; i : a ' , .


, fan::Lon ;rimarily in life-ssving statilizatian and : . a c. a. l a r -

l coordins: ton nsde. In this respec:, a radiation accident /

=as: casus 1:y in:ifant is na fi!!erent f r a .m a nasa :ssan'. y inciden: vichout radiation ex;ssure, t

!! a radima::!vely : : n : 2 - i r. t : e f ;2: Len: vis :res:a! ::  !

5:evs !;eare a:::rtin; :: :s e ; riser: ;;;: 3: :1  : :i-:-t:. -

a! sana s:st! me.:::s 9:ald 24 ;rtiasle and al sa e ;a:. ants passible, in .y as !9stian. The fe;ree 3! ::n:arina:!>n, again in my astica:Lon, vauld p:352's(* not be aavere.  ;

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ths: any :hanges : 3' 14 he .s t e in :ar ;311:tes 233 pr: eswrea t) Itssen this *.. ge1the d 1


'J tt is ns: :les: : s .4 9 hat sJr: 3 8

an ta fal!"er

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cf Pub 11: F. e s t : 5 la devel);ing, ihvtsasly, there is [t: le *e could Jffer in the r)*.e :! rtlertal h> spit:1. 1!svever, pieasa fee 1 frs : ) a a t. ! furthat (n!:rma:!): an :5!: p '. 2 3 as :ti s;eciti:s are f s i n 2 '. s : e f . i 4

l - Please c:n:a:t te if I can ba of any farther assiatan:#-



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Con:.: .inati:n vi:5 rt.dt.)a:t t*<4 est arial vil". s er.d panic str ,

pa:ients and bystanders fle to ths ?.esres: hospi:al. In the 1

1- absence of assocla:ed injury er 1.113tss, rs's:ine dec:ntacinattiti i ti cos: s af al;. cec::plished avsy f ra:. the h: spital cad ci:hte r.e.-atly Up.:latel ;1a:u. t* tis in sind Aer. y% tra n::ilied of a radi.ttien


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:ev E. ep* hires :4;y llt:chcoth }f amorf el T.esyt:al, 00: Eart:be:S l0,  !

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Radiati:n Saf e:y Cf fice ar.d f.afi legis: for  ;

- Ccova Speara :'s ariel H spi:A1.  ;


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J 6 .

6 Ceeen:t-ination o f teem (car.:.) .

l b, 3 P.ake de:ontaminatian trough on s:ratcher.

(1) R211 t*m sh.e:s toga:1.e: len.;:huisa and t*t:a al;n2 al et and l '.

heal of table. i (2)

  • Place pl:stic sheettt; avat to11a?. s' tat:s tacking 1: under i 1
.*a sides end head.

[  ; ()  ?::n <tts 3! ples:i: s't t i: c: the :! tab'. inte 4 :::.. ;5 .

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G Scava $;c:re M:eertal Has7 :1 41 Energency Depar: .in: Pro:o:e1 ta: R:tta:1.:n Ar.:1 dan:r Pa g e .N ,

e . .

. c. /.nb.21sn:e a::andants will v:ny 41.5 the a:Yalanca un:11 relesstl '

l fer dury by tha RSC.

v. r es t er.: of ?stion :

A. At:end t3 A?.C 's e s 'J 2u t t .

.' 3. Rad t t:iin eva.'. intisa

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P a t s. -L .


  • /I . K4tev41 e! Pat'rint.t. f A. Ory pc:iant. l l
3. R!O will rc-cent:ar en:ir s pr. clin: and re;ta: s.a'as ss ,stes et  ;

prav.ously c. r.:s:: ins.:w.! .trans.  :

C. Ncr ces oring is ;Lic a./. 3r. flost fra- 4:vr <a p* Tria; *n a

lian s;re: hcr. Tr:na.!s; pa:1's .: :s e nav ::::: har vi:h ;,traer..e' [

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.1 October 23o 1985


William T. Wallaceo Jr.o M.D.o M.P.H.

Director of Puh11c Health Services Health & Helfare Building .

Hasen Drive Concbrdo NH C33:1 Ces: C:. Walla:et The f:11cwing in!ct:.nticn is 5::vided in res;cnse to you: letter regarding cu: fa:llity's skiilt; t: pt: vide services to individuals wh:

r.17h t h e cen t s.~.L r s t e l b y ra di s t.L cn .

Cu: res; c:in: Lie with the questions as scsed in y:u: 1etts:


b .

c! te;:e.- c: 3:, 199!.


1. 12 individuals
2. Yes o no L:ansfe: to anothe: facility would be necessary f::

reli:21 services f:: these pa tients, unless radical p::ble.n 5:esent is cne that would p:e:1pitate a c:ansfer usual ci r:u.~s ta n:e s .

3. Yes a) 12 a t ecs t b) 1:o, it is the same nurher.

c) te::ntar.inatica shcwe: in E.R.

Ce::nes~.ination shot.or in tct;ue fa:11Leya d) Medical tren t:ent wculd he providet af ter de::ntar.!r.a tLen

. unless otherwise indicated, e) :en t.~ent shculd be tcssible without ex;csing staff o T::videi pict:cci is f:11 cued.

. 4. See en:::su:et F:11://itacedu:e f:: "Fada.s ticn Ex;:su:e cr Casual ty Fa tients."

!. Yes

ytu :ept:e addici:nal in!:::.stic~, p1e sse c:rtsat re.

Cin'~.::e : y ,

(O I

I ,l' w/ /) . .

d.. ., .

Peter D. Cavis e:Utive Clie:ttr l

T1:/.~r!! -




n' '


d * ,l ) '



1. S UBJECT: Procedure for the Care of Radiation Exposure or Casualty Patients
2. PURPOSE: To outline the procedures and precautions necessary for tac handling and care of persons who have beco=c contaminated with radioactive materials.
3. OBJECTIVE: To make all hospital personnel aware of the special handling requirements of patients who may be brought to the hospital due to exposure to radiatien.


a. General Instrue:icns (1) The E crg:n:) R::= will be aler:cd b; actu ence rad :
o expe : the arrival cf a patient wn: tay havc bc:-

w in c:nta:: wi:h radica::ive n::crials.

(2) The Incrgancy Roc'm nurse will it=cdiately notify the g

~ $$ Director of Nursing or her designee. The Director of Nursins er her designec will in turn notify the Executive Dire::c and Radiologist.

(3) The Executive Direc:cr and/or the Radiolecist ncy wish refe si 1 ccaculta:!:n ic t c : . r.1 : '.

'  :: neck expcr:cf etiage ent t5c s tc Encle:urc V. -

Censulta:icn List)

(4) The fadiolonist is re n per.s ible for obtaining a survey reter'and/cr uny other equipment he duen no.ess- ..

In the hospital, the Ceiger Counter and c: hor pertincn*

equipment are located in the E=orgency R;cr.. Additional equipment is available in Nuclear Medicine.

($) It should be emphasi:cd that cost of these patient:

present ne ra!!a:1cn ha:nrd t: peepic workinc at:and the: and thoraf:re, the acute codical care cf these pa:Len:s cheuld not be delsyed because of fear cf radiatien contamination.


b. Prepara a special r::n f:: the rec.ptien cf the pa:icn:

I ) Cnc cf the following r.ay be u:ed:

4-Qs (1) 1 1



HOSPITAL PROCEDURAL CUIDE tR23ER 150-3 Page 2 (a) Emergency Room-Ambulance Entrance "

(b) Morgue (c) Private Rco s (* Isolation Rooms)

'235 365 434 502 236 368 458 507*

302A* 369* .460 SOS

  • 302B* 401 461 517 317 402 462 518 358 407* 463 519 360 408* 465 520 361 417 468 523 362 418 . 469* 524 363 425 501 525 Placard (s) restricting admission to "authori cd persennel caly" will be applied to d:cr (s) cf arec selected.

(2) The Emergency Room-Ambulance Entrance shall be the firs: chcice because of the decontaminaticr. showcr.

The Morgue shall be considered as the second choice fer care and/or equipment. The Morgue table lends 1:scif :: washir.g with water. The Margue en:rs.:e wou'd . ther. be u:ed rather nce the EscrEtney E::n-Arbulance Entrance.

O '

'.'.cn the Mertuc i: uc c 3, the ;c:icr.: cr.d t.i: f . 1:

cus t be reassured. as to why this rec = is being utilized g


/" The floor adj acen't to the entrance used cust be covered with abscrbent paper and taped to the flocr with tacktr.:

. tape. The floor crea covered by ab: rben: paper shca'.d be cade large encugh to includa several waste in additicr. to the stretcher and

The decentamination kit (gowns, shoe covers, glevo c . pel:

bags, respirators and cleaning supplies), brcwn paper and

. =askLng tape will be 1cca:cd in the E=crgency E ca do::n:1mina:icn sh:wer. A back-uo centainer 1: loc;ted in !;uclear Medicine.

(4) If there is any dust involved, be prepared t: shu: cff the air circulatien sys:cm to prevent any cpreml of cen:tcina:icn. Centact the Directc , Buildtrg & Cr:z '- '

er the Maintenen:e Cupervi:cr cheuld shut d n.T te ne:c:

c. Upcn arrival of the ambulance (1) T*..e Ra dic i: ;i r : r.u : : che:? :".e pa:Len: f: r:lic.: . :- t-!'.

c:r.:aminati:n before movin hir'her fr:. the cr"ulcn:e.



Any crorgen:: medical pr:cidures tr.; L e a::: ;.ichc; '

\_' the pa:icn: is still in the attulance, h


W e,


(2) Personnel handling the contaminated patient or assisting in the area must wear disposable gowns, caps, ll)), masks, and shoc covers. .

(3) When external contamination is involved, save all clothin-ambulance bedding, blood, stool, vomitus, metal objects, belts and dentures and put in a red plastic bag, clearly label same with patient s name, location on part of bcdy from which the items were removed, time and date.

d. Decontamination Procedure - Nursing Duties (soap and warm water (1) Each step in the decontamination procedure shall be followed by conitoring and recording the extent of cen: amination and the location of contaminatien.

(2) If codical status per=its, cleanse and scrub with soap and water the area (of the patient) of the highes t con: amination first, being careful as possibic so as n::

to spread the contamination.

(3) If e. cxtremity alone is involved, clothing ts.y ser._ c an cffective barrier and the af fected liti a l: n c: c::. tu scrubbed and cleaned.


(4) L' ash w :er waste,.'unless markedly radicactive (a recli--

J3 of 2 time; backgrcund) tay be flushed into the c.__.....;

' _f4 w sewerage system where dilution will eliminate any hazard:ut.

effect. Snculd waste water be markedly radicactive, the water shculd be drained into a plastic container / bottle c:

apprc;riate size cnd placed in storage for subser,uen

'conitoring. Containers are available in the Lab:ra::rc.

b~nen de:cr .ine d to be "s afe" it ray be flushe d in:: e_

cc = unity seterage sys:c.. m (5) If the patient's bcdy as a whole in invcived, cr the ci-t' per:cated by contaminated materials, showering and scrubti-will be necessary, paying special attention :: h:fr r rt: .

hady crifices and bcdy fold areas.

(6) The Radiclegist will re=easure cnd record tensurenor :C with the survey meter after each washing er showertnr.

(7) If a w:und is involved, prepare and cover the wound .? .

vi-drapc. C le an s.; the neighborin: sk.r self-adherin;l surface. Sea cff tne cleansed area with a self-adherir~

vi-drape. Ec cve wound covering and irrigate the wcu:.; .

stori'.e water, catching the !

  • rigating fluid in .. re a ;;a a n d h an f. in ; a s d.i n c r i t . J i: m, t. . 'i t - d r a r e, r
  • ct:ained fren the Operating Re~n.

(. ~~ )

'>g Care =ust be taken not to crcsc-con:aminate the s":r:u-!'r -

5 surfaces fr:: the wcund and vice-versa.


/ NUMBER 150-3 If confronted with a.grossi'y contaminated wound, f} (8) with dirt particles and crushed tissue, the physician in attendance should be prepared to do a preliminary sicple wet debridement. Further measurement cay

' necessitate the use of a sophisticated wound counting detection instrument supplied by the consultant who will. advise if further definite debridement is necessary.

(9) The protective clothing worn by those caring for the astient (physicians, nurses, attendants, etc.) should ae saved as described in item e (3). This clothing must also follow the same monitoring and dccontaminatica routine as outlined for the patient.

c. Decontamination Procedure - Hcusekeeping Duties (1) The Housekeeping Supervisor will coordinate the duties cf her persennel with the E.E. Coordinator who will obtain clearance from the Radiologist that the area is within safe limits to enter.

(1) All Ecusekeeping persernel asrigned to cican u; c f thc ara :_ :: rear d.a;:;alle g c. _ , c a ,: ; . L '. ; - c . ,

C.a s k S , ar.d shee C O '.J e ! 5 .

i (3) Final clean up cf. the area will include washir.g c f tne I

D 3

() whole rec = (walls, ceilings, windows, floors) and all i equipment in the recm.


,.:::al iscla:icn c'. caning te:rniques will te u:cd.

(5) All ca:crials used will ta p la c e d in a c e r.:aine r na r'<.c d ..

, as......r....-c.s.w.....; -

s ..-.r.--.-.,

os . . n c. r. s .


.n. c o n t a ., r. e r s ,_ . .

be located in the Energency Room decontaminaticn sh:wcr.

A back-up container is loca:cd in the Nuclear Medicine rec =.,

(6) Wa cr used in the final clean up mun be rent:cred by the Radiclogist in charge bciore being dispcced cf.

(7) All equip =en: used cust be cleaned and conitored f er re: urn to normal use upcn ccmple:!cn of cicar, up.

The prote::ive dispo: .d le c l e .': i n g, t.c r n L ; l'. : u s c h e e ; ; r .

(c) placed in t."

personnel performing the clear, up rust L e_

cen:ainers tarked " RAD *0ACTI','E-Co "ST D:S ARD" upc:.

cenpletien cf the r:ce.

House?.cerin; pet; .:ncl r m'. r. n;t rU neq....

,o (9) I

i/c c ' r . wit '

(j cf :no r;;m and rer:/al cf p:...


special attentien Loir.:; poid to hands and feet.

( l ", ) Final re'.e:se cf ;cr::n .* '--*'.y area wi;i te determine-by the Eadielegic: in charr.o.

HOSPITAL PROCEDURAL CUIDE Pag'c 5 NUM3ER 150-3 Decontamination Procedure - Rooms, Equipment 6 Attendants

("' f.

(1) Attendants are to be monitored, paying special attenticn to hands and feet, af ter removal of protective clothing, to prevent the spread of contamin'ation.

Following the handling of a radiation case, the rocm (2) must be monitored and cleaned prior to its release for re-use by others.

(3) Prior to its release, the ambulance should be conitored and cleaned. .

g. Disposition of Contaminated Materials (1) If it is known that the contaminant has a short half-life, contacinated material will be stored for an appropria:e nu=ber of half-lives te reduce the radiation. This will be de:cr=ined by the Radiologist in charge.

Following apprcpriate storage, naterial could then be handled as any other hcspital items would te; tha: is, 1cundered er disp::ed cf in the normal

If the con:stinan: has a long half-life, conf.s:c:1::.

(i cnd disp::ci as radica::ive varte wculd nos p r e k : .1:

be required. This determination will also be cede Ly Ng the Radiologist 1(charge, i


In any case, infoE=ation en the radioactive ca:erials involved cust be cb:cined before any decision cf thir na:ure cculd be cade.

\ Containers cf cen:aninc cd n :crials will be s:cred in the Hot Lab (Nucicar Medicine) until sufficient time has passed to cllow the radioactive material to decay.

. . The twe decrs of this aresL*cust be labeled "to NOT E::TE?-

hen the rcdiatien it de:cycd F).DIC ACTI'/E F.iTEF. A'. . "

to belcw EF.9d 0.1 tr/hr it may be disposed of.

h. This precedure is cui:abic cnly f:r cases where the radicti:r' centacinaticn levels are relatively Ir.i. Precedures f::

handling casas where crea centanina tion and/or hi;F. leve ' c .

cf radiaticn ray te presor: require a distinctly differen appr:ach. In such an instance, cuch things cc increacel pr:te::icr f:r todical perscrnel night be neces:ary; i.e.

additicnal shielding cr possible 2 3". :len cf perc;nne' t: .

lini: the ir c:g e r.ure : t: : c re a : n11 leve.c. Dere deterninc:i:n: *

.ill be naJe t' ,

tr. ' c' er .

rc p' repre:entr.tive f::- tre State t- Arcncy..

/ y


  • A i'{.

b.// tl'M p L . r $:L k 'i/ V lh am J .fil e 7 g u p;* . , D>.PA.

C v '4 s . 4- *L * . '6 *ss' ~ , "b , s's , 4 . t.. . s

..c C O .. Ue p . Y . e w

  • CONSULTATION LIST In the event. consultation is needed on notification of a nuclear

' accident or radiological incident:


Diane Tefst

1. '

State Lab Bldg., Haren Drive 271-4588 .

Concord, N.H. 03301 Res: '171 Gold Street 524-3358 Laconia, N.H. 03246

2. Donald Halle 3 State: Lab Bldg., Hazen Drive .

271-4585 Concord, N.H. 03301 Res: Camelot Drive Hookscer, N.H. 622-9618

3. John R. Stanton State Lab Bldg., Hazen Drive y

Concord, ii.H. 03301 Res: 129 Moore Street 623-4743 Manchester, N.ll. 03102 IF 1:0 A.::5WF:.R, CO:iTACT 0:iE 0 THE FOLLOWING:

4 Robert F. !!o:- .ndin St. Ansle 's College Manthes ter, !! 11 . 0 1 1 0 2 669-10'10 Ext. 242 O*j

Res: Old Coach Road New Boston,i N.H. 03070 487-2463

'g 1

5. Wesley R. Williams -

- State Military Ra.servation -2261

, Concord, N.H. 03301 Res: 7 Thomas Street 332-52.'.0

. g Rochester, !!.H. 03367

6. CPT Roger Beaudoin Statg Office Building 271-3573

. Concord, !!.H. 03301 Res: '43 Oak Street 332-8687 Gonic, ll.ll. 03339 e

Enclosure #l O


F'-D9 .E W W W T' " w y -


h' ,

m. a x : < . ...:i e u uni . c. in wsm r

October 21, 198s .. 7T > &_

.T)uR._.U.u.T77) " " o"ao" c ' m"s' "

uk un w.s,ai4>.s n a-

. ... ....eicsxsos


William T. Wallace Jr.,to OCT 281985 Director of Public Health Services Health & Welfare Building Ofilw d use Direde Hazen Drive Dmmr. of


Concord, NH 03301 -

Pub'k Ecdth ;9 br

Dear Dr. Wallace:

This letter is in response to your letter dated September 30, 1985 concerning the capability of the Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital to handle individuals presenting with radiation contamination. I will attempt to answer the questiens posed in that letter, and clarify our procedures / protocols / capabilities.

Our hospital has established, written protecols fer the handling and treatment cf radiologically exposed individuals. We would be unable to acccmedate any patients v.hc have ex;erienced an excessive ex:csure to radiaticn. These patients w:uld have t: be transferred, af:er medic'al stabilizatien, frcm here to Pary Hitchcock Memcrial D H:s; ital (a;;r:x. Ei hcurs) er t: Eri; ham and W: mens Ecspital, Ecst:n, f'A (a;:r:x.

'd 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />).

The Upper Ccnnecticut Valley Hospital does have the capability of providing medical car to persons who have been radiologically comtaminated. The number of patients we cculd acccmedate w:uld vary, dependant upcn the nature of injuries and amcunt cf centaminatien. We wculd te able to treat I cr 2 severely injured, and several (up t: E total) artulatery er with mince injuries. Our current precedures and peiicies re;arding de::ntaminaticn include both decentaminaticn of the ncn-injured, and patients with miner injuries before medical treatment, and treatment of patients with life-threatening injuries prior to decentamination.

The designated radiation treat ent area in the hospital is the Obstetrics De::artrent, which is separated frcm the main ficer of the hospital. It would enable us ::

treat these contaminated patients without exposure to the remainder of the hospital.

Our staff would respond to such an emergency, and we would be able to provide adecuata staf f to execute the pret: col. We are currently in the process of coordinating a radiation drill to be held late this fall.

I hope this has answered your cuestions. If I may be of any further assistan:c, please de not hesitate to c:ntact me.

Sincerely yours, un 0LiA.U ,

Ann Carrier, Fi; Direct:r of Nursing AC:alj

.\. p .-



ocr e sess JL '

hlley u_ a gm ?"" A Regional 243 Elm Street / Claremont, N w am shi e 03743 / (603)542 7771 Hospital October 7, 1985 William T. Wallace, Jr., M.D., M.P.N.

Director cf Public Health Services


Department of Health and Welfare .

lealth a Uelfare Building Hazen Drive Concord, New Hanpshire 03301

Dear Dr. Wallace:

In response to ycur letter cf September 30, 1985, please be advised that cur positien with regard to the cr:visier cf cedical services in radielegic j emergencies remains essentially unchanged.


As indicate: in cur c:- unica.icn witn your cffice in 1953, the physi::: ce-sign cf our facility, and in particular cur emergency receiving area, would cake appropriate isolation of the contaminated patient impossible. The highly specialized nature of radiation decontamination mandates that medical and nursing specifically trained in sophisticated canagement technicues which are clearly beyond the s: Ope of cur cperations. I: remains cur p sitic.,

therefore, that the needs cf the public in tne event cf a radiolegic emergency in cur vici,nity w:uld be best ret by referring exp0 sed i-dividuals :: facili :es equipped to provide the prcper care. Given our geographic proxicity to Mary i Hitchcocx Mecerial Hospital, it would seem logical that this wculd be tne site l most apprcpriate for referral.

'Snculd'you repuire any furthei clarification of cur p:sitien in tnis re;ard.

please do n:: hesitate to contact ce.

Sincerely, 1




p CP.H: jem O

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a F:unded in 1893 a

s' Mteks Memorial Hospital m . .

  • %({K$cR AwfoRo Stittlo Nut sie.c FActttTY

{V k


' November 4,1985 Of'.e  ? cf Pc2 Lk.vidi.'

Div'd;r., :'.(

Pr.Ulc HJ iti, Ce d:r.-1 Willia: T. Wallace, Jr., M.D., M.P.H.

Director of Public Health Services Health and Welfare Building Ha:en Drive Concord, NH 03301

Dear Mr. Wallace:

Our apologies for not responding to your letter of Sep: ember 30, 1985, more promptly. This le:ter was in essence a follow-up to your letter of Sep:e ber 1983 in which ycu were surveying State hospitals regarding ability to provide services to individuals who might he contaminated by radia: ion.

I have reviewed the questi:ns submit:ed with appropriate pers:nnel cf

/3 Wee'.<s Men: rial E: spital and have de: ermined the: cur resp:nses w:uld be the V sa:e as submit:ed to you in Dece her of 1953.

! 1. How many individuals could be cared for?

Answer: S*c ne .


2. A: this time the individual would.have to be transported to another hospi:al.
3. This would be dependen: upon the type and exten: of con:a:ination.

We'do no: have any decontamination capabilities and treatment would not be possible without exposing the hospital and staff :: radiatien.

4. Yes, and another copy is a:: ached.

l t

5. We do not have the staff available to assure proficiency in executin; appr:priate pro:::cis.

Again, any inf:::a:icn ycu could provide us tha: would encbie us to enhan:e cur very lini:ed capabili:1es in this area would be apprecia:ed.

l Sincerelv, i

t I

.Q * ,

i .

% J. i a .le ..

..' n.

Patsy L. Pilgris, jpli l Assistan: Administrator Director of Clinical Services pLP:hp A::2 heen:2 I

..-.:<--::- , .,et: r: . : . 2. .ec  :: m n . m -: . .c . .



s Types of radiation exposure:

IJ s_

. A. Whole or partial body external radiation. This type of exposure involves no hazard to attendants, other patients or environment.

',. B. Internal contamination by inhalation or incestion: This type of

exposure i,nvolv e s no hazard to attendants, other patients or environment. Body wastes should be collected and saved for measure-ment of nuclides to assist in determination of appropriate therapy.

s C. External c o n t a'mi n a t i o n of body surface and or clothine by licuid or by dirt particles: This type of contamination requires surgical isolation technique to protect attendants and cleansing to protect other patients, attendants and the hospital environment. These patients should be confined and treated to remove potential ha:ard.

D. External contacinatien complicated by a wound: Surgical is cla t ic:

technique would be required as in C. In addition care must be taken to avoid cross conta=ination fro = wound to surrounding surfaces.

Wound and surrounding surfaces are cleaned separately and sealed off when clean.

Weeks Mem: rial Hos. ital accepts as efficial prete cl fc the treatre -

cf radiati:n addident cases the material published as

" Ice rgency Hand ling of Radiation cases" prepared by The U.S. Energy Research and Development Admin'istration in cooperation with The American Medical Associatien Published: . April, 1979 - ERDA-17 Censulta tien available by: Centacting Ereckhaven Area Cffice Telephone: 516-345-2200 Note: All of above information obtained in this literature which is in the Emergency roce pclicy manual.

Precedure te follow in the event a victin arrives at the hest.tal

1. Staff members shculd wear gown and gleves
2. Determine the type of exposure
3. Obtain geiger ecunter f ce Maintenance and measure amcunt cf radiatien.
4. If C cr D exposure, remove elething immediately and place in a plastic bag....Be sure bag is well sealed and labeled.
5. Take patient via stret:her t: a private :::m. If .::ssible ' ave .

the ,c a t i e n t get in a shewer and -ash very well w;th scap and water If a w:und is invcived this may n: he pessible and the patient i ( will have te be washed by the staff.

6. Implement surgical isolatien as indicated, & limit staff used in r:

i 7." Consult with the Ercokhaven Area Cffice (phene listed abcve)

8. Transfer the patient if indicated after censultatien. Process clothing as indicated after censultatien.






@ $[,


b '

C mmissioner n y D;partment of Health and Welfare V William T. Wallace. Jr M.D., M.P.H. I a OCT 3 1985 o Director Division of Public Health Services H;alth & Welfare Bldg.

ADMINISTRATION Hezen Drive . [ '

f' Csncord. NH 03301 Tel. (603) 271 Septe=ber 30, Ice 5 Guilbert A. Iesrechers, ' Ad=inistrator l Veeks Me=orial Hospital Middle Street Lancaster, NE 03551 Iear Mr. Iesrechers:

C h In Sep;e:ter, ice 3, the !ivisic: cf Fublic Heal:h Services conducted a survey of the state's hospitals regarding their ability to provide services to individuals who night be centaminated by radiation. This letter is prc=pted by the passage of ti=e since the initial survey and the c: going reed to have accurate a:d updated infor:ation u;e: which I as the Iivisic 's Direc:cr ca: rely, shculd the need ever arise.

I veuld a;;recia:e your ec:sideratic: cf the fellevi:g questiens. They are the sa=e as those originally posed and deal with two eventualities:

handling individuals who have erperienced cc :asination that cannet be re=oved through si=ple showering and clothes changes, and handli:g individuals who have bee: centa=icated (to a:y degree) and who have other

=edical proble=s.

1. How =any 1:dividuals could your hospital acconzodate, at any
in ti:e, who have er;erienced an excessive exposure te radiatic ?
2. Ices ycur hespital have the capability to provide =edicsi services to such an individual, or veuld the individual need to be trats;cr:ed to another hospital for care? If so, where?

3 Is your hes;its; es;able cf ;revidi:g services c individuals i: ceed of =edics; care who are also radiologically O cc :amina:ed? If you ca: prcvide services, ;; esse answer the V folieving:

- Eev =any, at a:7 cae ti e?


Guilbert Desrochers -

i Page 2

f. Septe=he r 30, 1985

- Is that nu=ber in addition to the answer to question one above?

- What decontamination capabilities do you have?

.,- Vould medical treatment be provided prior to, or after, decontamination?

- Will treat =ent be possible without exposing your hospital, staff and patients to exposure fro: the cc=ta:inated individual or fro: conta:ination brought to the hospital with the person?

. 4. Does your hospital have a writte: protocol for the handling and treat ent of radiolcgically er;csed individuals?

5 Does your hospital have the staff available, and the ability to assure their pr:ficie:cy to execute such a pr 00:1?

I a: ::: u d ' '" ' cf the tire and effer: that answering the foregoing will require. To ease tha; effort. I an e:elesi:g the res; :se to the


previeu: survey. Vha:ever :he cu::::e :f y:ur effer , all assista::e is

\ greatly appreciated. The ability to respond to radiological e=erge:cies e i whether the result of transportation accidents or related to nuclear facilities, and to respond to other envirc : ental e:ergencies, =akes

, necessary the close coopera:ics of this Division and the state's health care providers.

Thank y: fer y:ur e: Operatic:. If you have any questic s please call.

I would a;;reciate ycur reply by Cc cher 30th.

Sincerely, d% -_ T. W ,%

Villia: T. Vallace, Jr., .. D., M.P.H.

Director of Public Eealth Services VTW:ja i

4 s


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- e Q/%) EO5P.1TAl-October 8, 1985 .

R3CI .3D OCT151985 William T. Wallace, Jr., M.D., H.P.H. OfEce rf . Direder Director of Public Health Services E c. .n ..

Health & Welf are Bldg. - Hazen Drive Public th thi. s t saw Concord, New Hampshire ,03301

Dear Doctor Wallace:

In follow-up to your letter dated September 30, 1985, I have responded belev en behalf of Wentworth-Douglass Hospital to the questions which you raised regarding the hospital's ability to deal with a radiological emergency:

(1) Ecw many individuals could ycur hospital acccmmedate, at any point in time, wno have experienced an excessive exposure to radiation?

--Because of limited facilities at present, the hospital could accemmodate no more than two patients at any one time, who have experienced an exces-sive exposure to radiatien. During the su==er months, under certain favorable weather cenditions, it is pessible that up to six individuals ceuld be accc=medated.

-s-) . (2) Eces ycur hespital have the capability to provide medical services to such an individual, er would the individual need to be transported to another hospital for care?

--See abcve. Wentworth-Douglass Hospital is designated as a Level I!

Trauma Center. As such, the hespital is prepared to treat mest types of medical emergencies--with the exceptien cf severe radiatien exposure cr.

radiatica peisoning. In such cases, appropriate life-saving treatment would be initiated, and the patient transferred to a more appropriate facility such as Brigham And Wcmen's Hospital in Bosten, (with their permission.)

(3) Is your hospital cacable cf providing services to individuals in need cf medical care, wne are also radiologically contaminatec7


If ycu can previde services, please answer the following:

Hew many, at any cne time?

--See respense to No. 1 abeve (no more than six patients).

Is that nu-ber in additien to the answer te cuestien No.1 above?


(~~ -

t --No.



. ..........-n..,

W. T. Wallace, Jr., M.D. 11-17-83 (1) What decontamination capabilities do you have?

--The hospital offers basic wash-down and monitoring capability (i.e.,

surface decontamination). .

Would medical treatment be provided prior to, or af ter, decontamination? -

i --In general, decontamination would occur prior to medical treatment; however, if the pat,ient's condition is life-threatening, medical treat-ment would be initiated prior to decontamination. .

Will treatment be possible without exposing your hospital, staff, and patients- to exposure frem tne contaminated individual or from contamina-tion brought to the hospital .with the person?

--Very likely, because of physical limitations, it is probable that the staff who treat the patient and involved physical space will be subject to exposure. It is expected that other patients would be isolated f rem the contaminated individual. .

(4) Eces your hespital have a written protocol for the handling and treatment cf rad: lo-ically-execsec indivicuals?

In cen:ert with

--Yes. however, this plan is currently under review.


s_- the hospital's current building / renovation project, it is expected that an appropriate physical facility will be incorporated within a new Trauma Center to acce=modate patient (s) exposed to radiation. With this new area, we will update our existing procedures.


(5) Dees ycur E ssetta1 have the staf f available and the ability tc assure Eneir preft:1ency to execute such a proposal?

--Yes. Present staff, including emergency department physicians, radiolo-gists , emergency department nursing staff , radiological nuclear medicine ,

technologists, are capable of dealing with a limited number of patients exposed to radiation.

Picase do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regarding the responses provided above.


,4% W William C. Richwagyn Executive Directd/

WC?./ j d

-- . . , - . _ _ _ , - - - - - ~ _ . _ _ . , _ . _ _ . _


  • / ., N.= H.mpsN,. Ov3 Defeni. Ag.acy

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JAMt5 A. SAGGIOffs c.p.iy c.... ,

LETTER OF AGREEENT The Berry Transportation Co@any of North Hampton recognizes the critical role of major transportation vehicles in the event of either natural or technological emergencies such as flooding, fires, accidents at industrial facilities, including the Verment Yankee and Seabrook Nuclear Fewer Plants, and other energencies. For this reason, Derry Transportation Company agrees to assist the State Emergency response effort, in particular tne New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency, by providing transportation as detailed under tne terms of this agreement or as requested by tne New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency, and for such ccmpensation as is deemed fair and equitable by preper authority.

Tne nu. er of tuses availa:le for transportati:n purpcses curing an emer;ency is approxie.ately 65.


) The passenger capacity cf eacn tus is 65. Tne total passenger capacity cf all buses is 4,225.

Tne central maintenance facility for the Eerry Transpcrtation Cocpany of buses is 10:ated in Nortn Hancton during the schecl year. Euses are 1ccated tarcugh:ut tne E.Z.  : Assi;ncent cf tuses is base': en this distri:ution.

Tne nr.ber of drivers availacle for buses and vans dJring an emer;en:y response is 60.

In the event of an emergency and in coordination with the State, Eerry Trans;crtati:n Ccr;any will make all efforts t deploy its tuses as s;e:ifie:


A. 5 buses to Seabrock. B. 6 buses to Hampten Falls.

C. 31 buses to Hampton. D. 11 tuses to North Fa pton.

E. 5 buses to Stratnam. F. 5 buses to Rye.

G. 2 tuses t: Brentweed.



Two-waycommunIcationscapabilityisavailableonallbuseson 462.625.

New Hampshire Civil Defense Berry Transportation Company By By _

Michael M. Nawoj, Cnief Its ygent Or Representative Technological Hazards Division Executed This Day / E*/9F Executed This Day /7 .78 "I C) . . . . . .

O .


ei i


New Hemp &e Civa Defense Ageacy L .

[ 5+ete Ofike Peek se~eh j g ter Pieeiaan siree,

, y Cea.ea... . eomi .

BICH ARD H. STROMt JOHN H. SUNUNU y 7 O*de' Co esaer C

,.' JAMES A. SAGG10115 c*r~*r o ee-s The Coast /04H Kari-Van Dus Service of Durham recognizes the critical role of cajor transportatien vehicles in the event of either natural or technological emergencies such as ficoding, fires, accidents at industrial facilities, including the Vermont Yankee and Seabrook Nuclear Power Plants, and other emergencies. For this reasco, Coast /U:H Kari-Van Bus Service a;rees to assist the State Emergency response effort, in particular the Ne Hampshire Civil Defense Agency, by providing transportation as detailed under the terms of this agreement or as requested by the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency, and for such compensation as is deemed fair and equitable by prcper autnerity.

Tne num er cf buses availatie f:: transp::tatico purp;ses curing an

, 's e er;ency is a:;r xi stely 10.


The passenger capacities of tuses are as follows:

1. 2 buses with 45 passenger capacity.
2. 2 tuses wi*.m 52 passenger capacity.
3. 6 tuses aitn 45 passenger ca;a:ity.

Tne total capacity cf all buses is 470.

The location (s) of buses is (f;H, Durham.

Tne nu-te~t tf drivers available fer tuses and vans during an eTer;ency response is W g p JJ In the event of an emergency and in cocrdination witn tne State, Coast /U'.m Kari-Van Eus Service will make all efforts to ceploy its vehicles as specifle:

teh.< :

A. 6 buses to Newfielcs. B. tuses to Greenland.

3 m



Two-way coe.munications capability is available on all buses on 156 Hizo.n/

ku.s Jisphek on 158:MS.  ;

New Hampshire Civil Defense Coast /tMi Kari-Van Bus Service By 1 W By 4/m ~

pt MichaelM'.Nawoj,poief '4tsl Agnt Or Represenfatfve Technological Hazards Division Executed This Day /!3 / Executed This Day /


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etCHAao H' $T O t JOHN H. $UNUNU 832 3792 O' * "*'


JAMM A. $AGG;Cits c.p.., nr.o.,

LETTER OF AGREEMENT The Jan-Car Leasing Corporation of Nashua recognizes the critical role of majcr transportaticn vehicles in the event of either natural er technological emergencies such as flooding, fires, accidents at industrial facilities, including the Vermont Yankee and Seabrock Nuclear Power Plarts, and other emergencies. Fcr this reason, Jan-Car Leasing Ccrporation agrees to assist the State Emergency response effort, in particular the New harpshire Civil Defense Agency, by providing transp::taticn as detailed under the term: cf

.this agreement or as requested by the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency, and for such compensation as is deemed fair and equitable by prcper authcrity.

Tre ruicer c' buses 2/aila:le for trans;;rtation purp ses during an emergency is a;;r;ximate'.) 197.

( ) Tre passen;er ca;a:ity cf c : :.: is 65. Inc t:tal passenger ca:2 : it ,. c' all buses is 12,E05.

The locaticn(s) of buses is Nashua.

Tne nu.ber cf vans a.ailatie f:: erer;ency res:ense is 30.

Tne passe ;er ca;s:1:y cf ea:n van is 15. Tne t::a' passe ger ca;2:1:/ c' .

all vans is 45;.

The number of drivers available for tuses and vans during an emergency respense is 150.

In the event cf an emergency and in c:crdination with tPe State, Jan-Car Corporaticn will rake all efferts to cepicy its vehicles as s;e:ified below:

4 tuses/3 vans to Ne Castle. 5 tuses to Brent.::d.

15 buses /5 va.s t: Ne*t:9 93 t;ses/6 vans t: F : st:ut..

1 tus/6 vans to Stratham. 62 tuses to Exeter.

5 vans t: Farcten Falls. 2 vams to Ncrtn Fa ;t:n.

,y 17 cuses/l van t: Kingst:n. 2 vans t: Har:t:n.

( )



.. r .t .: . . ' . .f..,

a 1, : -. ..s.

.  : l,:

Two-way communications capability ~is available on all buses on 151.655. ,

New Harnpshire Civil bfense .Jan-Car Leasing Corporation By Y Y~

Micnael M. Nawpj, Cnief Bbq M dita E_

' Its A t Or Representa s ')_


Technological Hazards Division Executed Tnis Day /dd/ Executed This Day /--h-[/f w 7

i *

. . .c ,

O 25333/01s4 C03E5/sje

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N.- H.. pike,. c.1 c. tea A,.acy a y'3 s,. o,,a. e.,6 so h g ,

107 9t.. e,sure.r 2, -.

C.asged. N. 03301 BlCH A90 H. $1209I JOHN H. sUNUNU ,

g 7y o.,.. ,

c. . ., ,


- c.,4 o,.. .

LETTER OF AGREEENT The Tirrberlane Transportation Company of Portsecuth recognizes the critical role of major transportation vehicles in the event of either natural or technological emergencies such as flooding, fires, accidents at industrial facilities, including the Vermont Yankee and Seabrook Nuclear Power Plants, at d otner emergencies. Fcr tnis reas:n, Timberlane Trans;crtation Cerpany agrees to assist the State Emergency response effort, in particular tne New H;.mpshire Civil Defense Agency, by providing transportation as detailed under the terms of this agreement or as requested by the New Hampshire Civil Defense

/>gency, and for such compensation as is deemed fair and equitable by pr:per aatherity.

Tne nur.ter cf buses availatle for transportation purposes during an e er;e :y is a; ::ximately 31.

l Tne passenger capacity of each bus is 66. The total passenger capa:ity cf l

all tuses is 2,G46.

The location (s) of buses is 2 Central Avenue, Portsmouth.

Tre neter of drivers available for buses and vans dJring an emer;ency resp:nse is 35.

In the event of an emergency and in coordination with tne State, Timberlane Transportation Company will make all efferts to deploy its vehicles as specified below:

31 buses to Portse.cuth.

Nes Harpshire Cisil Cefense Timterlane Trans;crtaticn C:; pany

  1. d, ./l.

e By C Ey M1:nael M. Na j ,,s'nief 1:s A;ent Cr Represen;a:1ve Tee.nclogical Harar:'s Civisi:n l Executee m s oay /h/d


Executed inis oay l'd5Y i


'M de G JOHN H. sUNUNU c.. . , , .

N.. H..p.u. c.a o.f.. 4,.

s ... cere. r.4 s.4 ior ri.. s,....

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g 7


y A.

9r BICH AB0 H. $f RouI o, . . ,

JAh6tl A. $ AGGICfil c.p n o . ..

LETTET. OF AGREEENT The Timberlane Transportation Company of Exeter recognizes the critical role of major tran:portation vehicles in the event of either natural or technological emergencies such as flooding, fires, accidents at industrial facilities, including the Verment Yankee and Seab:cok Nuclear Power Plants, and other emergencies. For thi: reascn, Tinberlane Transportation Ccepany agrees to assist the State Emergency response ef fort, in particular the Ne.v Hagshire Civil Defense Agency, by picviding transportation as detailed under tne terms cf this agreenent c: as re:;uested by tne New Hampshire Civil Cefense Agency, and fc such coepensaticn as is deemed fair and e';uitable by p;cper authority.

Tne nu-ter of cases available fc: transportation purposes during an emer;ency is app cxinately 21.

g Tne passenger casa:ities cf buses are as f 110..s:

U l.' 19 buses with 49 passenger capa lty.

2. 3 buses with 66 passenger capacity.

Tne t: a'. capa:ity cf all teses is 1,129.

Tne 10 ation(s) of tuses is 11 Court Street, Exeter.

The nue.ber cf drivers available fc: buses and sans curing an emer;ency response is Jf. /f In t.-e event cf an e .er;er::y and in ete cinatien witn tMe State, Ti-terlane Transpc:tation Ccepany will ca'4e all ef ferts to cepI:/ its seni:les as specified belcw:

21 buses to Rye.

Ne.v Harpshire Civil Cefense Timberlane Transpertatier. Cen;s /


Ey j - A ~

Ey f2t . . . N.A m nae. M. Nan:), Cr:et Its Agent c: Re;:eten:nnt Technelegical Ha: arcs'Divisi:n


Executed Tnis Day //LJ

.' Exe:uted Tnis Day




^ New MempiMee Gwa Defease Agewy

'{ Steve Offse Park SewA


(] i 107 Pteeneae Sweet Comeed. He He.pi W ee C33Cl ,

M3/2712231 . BICHARD H. $180M8 JOHN H. SUNUNU 14008323792 g, Gew er ***

JAMil A. SAGG1 Cit 5 ee,.p eo.,

LETTER OF AGREEENT The Timberlane Transportation Cocpany of Salem recognizes the critical role of major transportation vehicles in the event of either natural or te:hnological emergencies such as flooding, fires, accidents at industrial facilities, including tne Vermont Yankee and Seabrock Nuclear Po 4er Plants, and other emergencies. Fcr this reason, Timberlane Transportatico Corpany agrees to assist tne State Emergency response effort, in particular tne New Ha.mpshire Civil Defense Agency, by p:cviding transportation as cetailed under the terms of this agreement or as requested by the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency, and fer such corrpensation as is deemed fair and equitable by p;cper autnerity.

Tne nu.:e: cf tuses avallitle fc trams;;;taticn pur;;ses c.:ing an eme:;ency is a;;;;ximately 40.

O Tne passenger capacity cf each bas is 66.

all buses is 2,640.

Tne total passenger capacity of Tne lo:atien(s) cf cuses is 51 Lowell Road, Salem.

Tne r; :e: cf drivers available f : tuses an: vans d;:ing a,eme:gency res;:nseisff.90 In the event of an emergency and in ccordination with the State, Timeerlane Transportation Coepany will make all efferts to depicy its vehicles as spe:ified below:

A. A buses to East Kingsten. 5. 36 buses to Hampton.

Nen Hampsnire Civil Cefense Ti-terlane Transpc:taticn C pany hs - ?f<n.he,. 'h. : c

=j c

iy4  ? /sl.~.--. '

,/ Ey ,7 o MicnaelM.Naw:),poief its gen Or Re;:esen:stive n

Te:nnel:;i:al Ha:ar:s Civisi:n 8Q .

Executed inis Cay / 1'/ Executed Tnis Cay .. o

, . u-


  • _.y EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT N.. He pA,. CM As. y i

v s.... on.. e.4 s.,*

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. -j io , .. a. ...., New He-p A,. c330

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Co. era.e JAMES A. SAGGiof ts c.,.y c...c.,


The Nia$n As $44 of [we, d/ 2 M recognizes the critical role of major transportation vehicles in the event of either natural or technological emergencies such as flooding, fires, accidents at industrial facilities, including the Vermont Yankt-. and Seabrook Nuclear Power Plants, and other ~

emergencies. For this reason, 7,A./m L.f. G. agrees to assist the State Emergency respcnse effort, in particular tne New Hampshire Civil Cefense Agency, by p cviding transportation as detailed under the terms of this agreement or as requested by the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency, and for such coepensation as is deemed f air and equitable by proper authority.

Tne nu-ber cf tuses availatie ft transportatien purposes caring an e er;e .cy is a::::xi ately 4'M .

Tne passe ger ca:a:ity c' es:h tas is [ [ . Tne t::al passenger es:::iu Q

V cf all tuses is M cC .

The le:ation(s) cf buses [e,r r ed 4,. A.4 ef M d' ^"e- # A"5-T.e n ete: cf va.s availatle f:: e e:gency respcnse is R.'M.

Tre cassenger M . Tne total passenger capacity cf all vans is f'4, ca:a:ity cf each van is /

The number of drivers available for buses and vans curing an emergency response is g f* __.

In the event Jf an emergency and in coc:dination with the State, h,h.Ju /a,s.4 will make all efforts to ceploy its vehicles as s;e:ifie:: telos:

A. /8/vfa to 8 M . E. N b.'f ed to hebrev h.

C. / t: / . D. / to / .

E. / to

/ . F.


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( on Two-way communications capability is available on

%[ buses o

NewHampshire.Civ[1 Defense N b l1 h s [4x5 p ira b ef/Ap By 1 --m By .s lLw . Dfh Its Agent Or Representative Michael M. Nawojf, nief Technological Hazar.s Division Executed This Day / IJ / Executed This Day 3 '" [

/ /





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' ' ICHA 0 H. $7AOME JOHN H. SUNUNU 1 3237 2 n,. w c...,,,,,

JAMil A. SAGCloit$

c.,.., s..o..

LETTER OF AGREEENT The7,.4e,. 6 Tm t.(, of U d d oto recognizes the critical role of snajor transportation vehicl'es in the event of either natural or technological emergencies such as flooding, fires, accidents at industrial facilities, including the Vermont Yankee and Seabrook Nuclear Power Plants, and other emergencies. Fcr this reason, T , (,.,Ia.i Tms, agrees to assist the State Emergency respense effort, in particular tne New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency, by providing transportation as detailed under the terms of this agreement or as requested by the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency, and for such ccmpensation as is deemed fair and equitable by proper authority.

T e nebe: cf tuses available for transpc:tatien purposes caring an e ::;e.:y is ap:roxi ately ,3 _ _.


Tre passer er ct:a:ity O' each tus is (f _. Tne total passenger ca:a ity V cf all tuses is;tS SO .


Thelocatien(s)cfbusesNtGhu./ M d u'W"3 Tne nu-ter cf vans available fer emergency rescense is d.

a:ity cf each van is // Tne total passenger capa:ity T.e passer.ger .

cf all vans is //

Tne number of drivers available for buses and vans during an emergency response is "A 7 In the event of an emergency and in coc:dinaticn with the State, 7,M,. A.. L 4 n111 cake all efforts to deploy its vehicles as specifiec celon:

A. bv.S e$ to $d N b. E. $buJ G to H 3 lHar bO*.

4 ex hss/r". o. i to / .

c. 2 3 e.s tc

/ te  ! F.  ! t:  ! .

E. .

H. t: .

G. t: .

/ J. te _.

O I. _-

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,} Two-way comunications capability is available on 10 buses t I New Hampshire Civil fense Tidwbu IvM[* bfs'o 4 . [H C , ,

By By 01 LYoW ,

e 7{

~Micnael M/ Nawoj, C tief Its Agent Or Representative ,

i l

TechnologicalHazards) Division i

l Executed This Day / 2 J #f Executed This Day

/ /

t' L

i I

l0 6

l i






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,W ,&

U New HempiNie C.J Defense Ageney

{; Seets Offse Park 5.wik 4 107 Pteenene Seree, (b] ..h_[ Coacerd New He. pin,e C33cl M3/2712231 RICH AMD H, STRout JOHN H. SUNUpsy

  • 1400432-27P2 Dere<ror Governor JAMES A. 5AGGICTIS coeur, caeeror LETTER OF AGREEENT The A. S. Welch & Sons, Inc. of Raymond recognizes the critical role of major transportation vehicles in the event of either natural or technological emergencies such as fl0 ding, fires, accidents at industrial facilities, including the Vermont Yankee and Seabrook Nuclear Power Plants, and other emergencies. For this reason, A. S. Welch & Sons, Inc. agrees to assist the State Emergency respense effort, in particular the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency, by p viding transportation as catailed under the terms of this agreement or as requested by the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency, and for such compensatien as is deemed fair and equitable by prcper authority.

Tne nu-ter cf buses available f0: transpc tation pur:oses durin; an e e:gency is a;:::d. ately E.

[V ') Tne pisse ;e: ca:2:i:/ c' ea:- tus is 65. Tre t:tal passen;e: cars:ir. C' all buses is 528.

The lccatien(s) cf buses is 26 Main Street, Raymond.

The nunte: cf drivers available for buses and vans d,: ring an emer;ency res;cnse is E.

In t'e event of an emergency and in ccordinati:n witn the State, A. S.

Welch & S:ns, Inc. will make all efforts to ceploy its vehicles as specified below:

5 buses t: Stratha .

3 buses to East Kingston.

T :-nay ccc unicatiens capability is available en all buses en CE.

Nev Hampshire Civil Cefense A. S. Welch & Scns, Inc.

- / t

) r

, By ~f dY. / / . Am i Ey ka nD Ne 1:~s Agen: L: Ee,.rese.:a :ve (a) ael.v. t,5a y, Cnief

'" Technological Hazy:cs Divisien


Executed Tnis Cay //2 '/d Executed This Day ( 4 25--E,Cs< C23i5 'sJ: E'e';'ac/ a'aimem fcr f e a Har psmre


.*p j '

IlEt10FANDUit CF UNDIBSTA$DTNG The Coast Guard is always prepared to assist in any incident involving danger to cny waterfront area, waterfront facility, and personnel thereon. In the event of cn v.sergency at the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant, Seabrook Nii, Co'ast Cuard responso authorized by the Port and Tanker 3sfety Act of 1978, would consist of control, notification, and restriction of waterborne traffic from an established dangerous area which the Captain of the Port Boston 11A would designste as a cafety senc. ,

The authority for the Ccast Guard to make its personnel and equipnent availabic to c::ist a State entity is found in Title 14, United States CoJo, Section 141, Pc:pensibility for overall coordination of Cosst Guard fo .es respendina to a rsdieledical incident at the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant will to with the Captsin of the Port, Eosten !!A. In the event Coast Guard assistsnee is desired under this c5reement dur!.1g an enersency or exercise the appropriate state ege:tcy sh.111 notify the Captain cf the Port, Ecsten 1:A at ($17) 223-1470, alternative point of cor. tact is the First fo.:t Guard Cistrict Cr.orstio.s Cor.ter, Ccaton at (017) 2 U -

3614 ,

-, Tne Goverstaent's Ita'aility' fer den:.;e er Ic:s of property, personal injury, or

( (.esth resultir.; frc i activity ec:rdin:ted ur.dcr this cf understandir.:

shall be prescribed by the Feder:1 Tort C1 stas Act, as anended (23 USC 267-25G0).

R.A.s e xi 7 FES1E:

F.ichsrc Strer.c (cate) Fic;mrt A. Lau=an (dJtC)

Oirecter Fosr Adairtl. U. f.. Ccast Guarf

!!!! Civil Corenser Agoney Cennscder, First Coast Guard District V



1. This memorandum of understanding between the State of New Harmpshire, represented by the Governor, and the United States Air Force (USAF),

represented by ythe Commander 509th Combat Support Group (SAC),

establishes mutually agreeable procedures for the following:

A. Response, containment, and recovery operations necessitated by major accidents involving Department of Defense resources that may occur in the several civilian communities.

8. Air Force support in natural disaster ^ relief operations in accordance with Department of ' Defense policy to assist civil authorities with personnel, equipment or other services when disasters are beyond the capabilities of civil resources.
2. T*,e primary p:ints cf contact between the State of New Ha pshire and Fease Air Fc::e Ease will be the Ne,v Hampshire Dire:tcr cf Civil Defense as the agent for tne G:vernor of New Ha pshire; and the Ease Disaster Preparedness Cf fi:e as the agent for tne Coman :, 509:n Ccetat Suppc t G: Cup.
3. Addendum I, establishes the memorandum of understanding between the State of- New Hampshire and Pease Air Force Base for response, centainment and recovery cperations necessitated by major accidents that may cc ur in the several civilian communities involving Department cf Cefense rescurces.

4 Addendun II, estr.blishes the memorandum of understanding te:*een the State of New Hampshire and Pease Air Force Base for Air Force su: pert in Natural Disaster Relief Operations.

5. Addendum III, is a consolidated list of legal references that may be pertinent to tne subjects cf this memorandum of understanding.



Governor Base Cc=ancer State of New Hampshire Peace Air Force Base, N.H.

-f ~


New Hampsnire Director of Civil Base Disaster Prepare:: ness Cefense Cfficer O


O- ,


" Authority supporting this agree' ment is' found in NH RSA 107, the New Hangshire Civil Defense Act, and the various Federal statutes and regulations referred to in addendum III of this agreement.


The several corcunities within the State of New Hampshire may be subjected to the adverse effects of major accidents involving military resources or resulting from Department of Defense activities to include a::idents involving nuclear material.


1. The primary responsibility for response to and control at the scene of an off-base major accident rests with civil authorities. Tne rights and respcnsibilities of civil aath::ities in tnel: area cf jurls:icti:n will be re::; .ized and respe:ted.
2. Tne cce.m.ander of the military installation nearest a major accident involving military resources or resulting from activities of the Department of Defense must respend with a Disaster Response Force composed of spe:ialists required by the situati:n.
3. Unen applicable, the Pease Air Force Disaster Resp:nse Force will assr.e responsibility fc: the immediate area cf the disaster af ter coordination with the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency, and permission from, the senior civilian authority present.

II. MISSION To define the p;ccedures used by the Disaster Response Forces during Major Accident Operaticns, and to af fect the m0st expediticus re:overy cons nant with the welf are cf the pe0ple of the State cf New Hampshire and the Mission of the Department of Defense .


1. A U.S. Air Fc :e c:ganization uses its Disaster Res; nse Force (CRF) fcr maj:: a::ident res;cnses. The en-scene cermander O depicys to the accident and a:ts as the military representative at the scene.
2. The presence of nuclear weapons presents unique and difficult problems that will need to be addressed judiciously. It is the Department of Defense policy to neither confirm nor deny the presence of nuclear weapons or components. However, in the case of a nuclear weapons accident, Department of Defense Instruction 5230.16 provides an. exception in that official confirmation of such weapons may be made when it will have significant value in conjunction with public safety or as a means of reducing or preventirs widespread public alarm. Such official confirmation will be provided if the accident requires evacuation of personnel, or is follwed by a radiation team or .other unusual activity observable by the general public. .The Air Force Public Affairs Official will provide complete and accurate information to the New Ha@ shire State Civil Defense Agency and coordinate the release of information to the media, and the general public with State Civil Defense. This will insure that a timely, coordinated and accurate State /000 response is presented.
3. A Naticnal Defense Area will be established any time an accident involving nuclear weapons, components or classified material cccurs on non-Federal Property. Department of Defense Directive 5200.8 and Section 21 of the Internal Security Act of 1950 (50 USC 797) constitutes the 1e;al basis fc establishing a national defense area. A cefinition cf the Naticnal Defense Area is fcund in Accencum III. Tne Ne.v Ha pshire Civil Defense Agency will be advised of such an occurance.


1. Notification Phase. This phase censists of the variety of cercunications possiellities arising when the runicipalities and Fease Air FC ce Ease become aware of an off-tase major accident. In the event civil officials are first to be -

ccgni: ant of a.majer accident, police or fire fighting officials should imediately notify the Fease Air Force Base Coccand Fest, ext 430-3507 and New Hampshire State Police Corcunications Center, 271-3636 or 1-800-852-3411. On receipt of pertinent infor ation relative to the major accident, Pease security and fire fighting officials will imediately notify their civilian counterparts and the State Civil Defense Agency of special precautions necessary during fire fighting, containcent or rescue cperations. In the event Fease Air Force Base becomes cognizant of the accident first, the aforementioned ceccunications will te ccepleted. Nctification of all off-base major accidents will be made imediately to the Governor's agent, the New Hampshire Civil Defense Director (24 hcurs)271-2231 or through tne State Police Communicatiens Center 271-3636 or 1-E00-352-3411.


2. Response Phase. This phase consists of response to the major T ') accident site by civilian and military- forces. The New Hampshire C/ Civil Defense Agency will deploy liason personnel in order to -

coordinate the state response. Communications and coordination will be maintained throughout the recovery phase of an operation by the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency. On notification of a major accident, the Pease Air Force Base Comander will deploy to the site with the following specialists.

2-1. Base Disaster Preparedness Officer 2-2. Fire Fighting Forces 2-3. Public Affairs Officer who will work with civil news media persomel.

2-4. Security Forces 2-5. A Medical Ofricer and Technicians 2-6. Bicenvironmental Engineering Team 2-7. Civil Engineers 2-S. Aircraft Maintenance Officers 2-9. Munitions or Explosive Ordinance Personnel , , _

2-10. Adge Advocate who will provide assistance on claims and other legal matters.

2-11. Chaplain 2-12. Mortuary Officer and Teams 2-13. Transportation Specialist 2-14. Procurement Representative to cbtain or rent supplies, services or equipment not available from 000 sources.

3. Recevery Phase. Tnis phase consists of all operations necessary to remove debris and prepare camaged property for release to owners.

4 Transfer of Responsibility. This phase consists of Pease Air Force Base transfer of respcnsicility to another military ccmmand or transfer of the affected area to c*ners after recovery cperaticns.

5. Any cec: inaticq with Feceral Emergency Management Agency will te made by tne New Hampsnire Civil Cefense Agency.

O (V






.A. Situation: ,

, 1. The several communities within the state of New Hampshire may be subjected to the adverse effects of cisaster situations to include fleed, explosien, fire, hurricane, tornado, utility failure, snowstorm, epidemic, fuel shortage, earthquake c: other disaster.


2. Tne several corr. unities within the state of New Hampshire possess the resolve to control the effects of most major emergencies. However, some situations may require the assistance of outside agencies, including the Air Force.

i E. Assur:tiens:

.n 1. The primary responsibility of alleviating the conditions created l

Q by disaste: rests with individuals, families, private industry, local and state governments, the American Red Cross and various ncnmilitary federal agencies possessing resources which may be employed.

2. Res:urces of lccal county and state agencies will be exhausted prior to receipt cf Department of the Air Force assistance with the exception cf i ninently serious ccnditions.


. To state the Air Force policy, assign responsibilities, cutline [

basic cperational concepts and prescribe procedures for requesting and using Air Force resources within the several communities within the State of New Hampshire. -


It is the policy of the Department cf the Air Force to p;cvide assistance in the fc:m cf persennel, equipment or services in cases where disasters are teyend tre capabilities cf the res urces available to civil autnorities. There are tnree categories of such energencies in which the Department of the Air Force provides such i assistance.


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1. Declared Major Disasters: Upon declaration by the President p that a " Major Disaster" exists under the Disaster Relief Act of

.t/ 1970, authorized Air Force resources will, consistent with defense priorities, be made available as requested by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

2. Threatened Major Disaster: Upoa determination by the Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency, that a condition exists which threatens such destruction as to

' constitute a major disaster, authorized Air Force resources will, consistent with defense priorities, be made available as

. requested by the Regional Director for the Federal Emergency

- Management Agency to assist in disaster relief effort.

3. Imminently Serious Conditions: When a ' disaster situation, whether or not previously declared a " Major Disaster" or a

" Threatened Major Disaster" as provided in subparagraphs 1 and 2 above, is of such im.minent seriousness as to preclude receipt of instruction from higher authority, and immediate action is necessary to save human life, prevent human suffering or mitigate great destruction of, or damage to property, the commander, Pease Air Force Base will take such action and provide such assistance as is required and justified under the circumstances.

4. In emergency situations nct covered by subparagraphs 1,2 and 3 above, but for which a request fer Air Force assistance has been (d' received, suppcrt will be celayed pending ap'p roval fr'om tne Air Force Reserve Region.

B. Concest of Ooerations:

'l. While there is no way to specifically define the actions to te taken in each possible type of disaster in this publication, the basic cbjective of tne cencept of cperations is to provide a single point of contact for requesting and employing Air Force eerscnnel and resources in any type of disaster. This is essential to prevent duplication of effort, insure that only the minimum amcunt of Air Fcree resources required are ccmmitted,

, and that those resources committed are utilized effectively.

2. The varicus heads of local government are responsible for emergency cperations witnin their respective areas of jurisdiction. Accordingly, requests for Air Force assistance may emanate from the offices of the enief Elected and/or Acninistrative of ficials of local jurisdictions. Requests for assistance will be made through the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency 271-2231,to the Pease Air Force Base Command Fest, ext.

430-3507. The Pease Air Force Base Director of Disaster Planning will te informed of all requests which may te made directly to Pease Air Fcree Base by the Ease Commanders, in order to insure tnat prcper ccordination has taken place.

4 jq 3. Coordination with Federal Emergency Management Agency will be conducted by the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency.


C. ProceduresforRequestinhAssistance:

1. Request for assistance in the event of A " Declared Major Disaster" or A " Threatened Major Disaster" will be submitted to the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency.
2. Request for'. assistance' in the event of an " Imminently Serious condition" will be submitted to the Pease Air Force Base Command Post, through the New Hampshire Civil Defense the head of local goverrsnent.

IV. ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS A. Administration: Not applicable

6. Locistics: If the disaster is not declared a major disaster by the President or threatened major disaster by

. the Administrator, Federal Emergency Management I Agency, re:;uests for reimbursements may be tr.ade j to the recipients of the suppcrt.

V. DIRECTION AND CONTROL A. Directi:n: Air Fcree perscnne.1 will rict harticipate in the preservation of law and order in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act (18USC) which prohibits the use of any part of the Air Force to execute local, state or federal laws, unless authorized by tne Consitution or Act of Congress.

E. Centrol: In all instances where Air Force support is provided under the provisions of this Addendum; a military "On-Scene Commander" will be designated to coordinate and maintain liaison with New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency personnel and the head of local government.



V AUTHORITY TO EXCLUCE PUBLIC (1) 42 U.S.C. 2,271 (a) Unlawful Dissemination of Restricted Data.


(2) 42 U.S.C. 2278 (a) Trespassing (3) 42 U.S.C. 2278 (b) Photographing, etc. -

AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH RESTRUCTURED AREA TO PROTECT CLASSIFIED INFORMATION (1) Section 21 of the Internal Security Act of 1950 (50 USC 797) and D00 Instructions 5200.8, constitutes the legal basis for establishing a National Defense Area (NDA). A NDA is; An area established on non-Federal lands located within the United States, its possesions or territories, for, the purpose of safeguarding ' classified defense information, or protecting Department of Defense equipment and/or material. Establishment of a National Defense Area temporarily places such ncn-Federal land under the effective control of the Department of Defense and results only from an emergency event. The senior Department of Defense representative at the scene will define the beundary, . rs!'< it with a physical barrier, and pcst warning signs. Tne lande ner's consent and cecperation should be obtained whenever possicle, however, military recessity will dictate the final decisien regarding 1ccation, shape and size of the National Defense Area. Also called NOA. _ ,

(2) 18 U.S.C. 793 (a) Criminal Penalties - Unauthorized Possession.

(3) 18 U.S.C. 795 Crininal Fenalties - Pnotographing, etc.

(4) 18 U.S.C. 797 Criminal Penalties - Publicatien and Sale.

(5) Department of Defense Directive 5200.8: Authcrity cf Military Commanders under the Internal Security Act of 1950 to Issue Security Orders and Regulations for the Protection of Prcperty or Places under their command.

(6) Prcposed Oraf t - Departrent of Defense Directive 5200.8.

(7) Department of Defense Directive 5210.2: Access to an Dissemination of Restricted Data.

(8) Ocartment of Defense Directive 5210.41: Security Criteria and Standards for Prctecting PA: clear Wea;;cns.

AUTHORITY FCR FISPONSE TO ACCIDENT (1) 42 U.S.C. 5122 Cefinitiens (2) 42 U.S.C. 5141-5152 Disaster Assistance (3) 50 App. 2251 Civil Cefense

(4) Executive Order 11490: Assignment of Emergency Preparedness Functions pV .

to Federal Agencies and Departments.

(5) Exeuctive Order 12148: Federal Emergency Management (6) Department of Defense Instruction 5100.52: Radiological Assistance Responsibilities in the Event of an Accident Involving Radioactive Material.

(7) Department of Defense Instruction 7730.12: Notification Procedures for Accident and Significant Incidents Involving Nuclear Weapons, Reactors, and Radioactive Material. . .

(8) Department of Defense Instruction 5230.16: Nuclear Accident and Incident Public Affairs Guidance.

(9) Department of Defense Directive 5410.14: Cooperation with U.S. News Media Representatives at the Scene of Military Accidents Occurring Outside Military Installations.


(1) 18 U.S.C.111 Assaulting, Resisting, or Irpending Office:

(2) 18 U.S.C. 231 Civil Disorders

,/% (3) 18 U.S.C. 241 Conspiracy a;ainst Rights cf Citizens

%J (4) 18 U.S.C. 245 Federally Protected Activities (5) 18 U.S.C. 372 Conspiracy to Impede or Injure Officer (6) 18 U.S.C. 641 Public Honey, Property of Recc:ds (7) 18 U.S.C.1113 Protection of Officers and Ertployees of United States (8) 18 U.S.C.1361 Government Property or Contracts (9) 18 U.S.C.1362 Comunications Lines (10) 18 U.S.C.1382 Entering Military, Naval or Cost Guard Property (11) 18 U.S.C. 1383 Restrictions in Military Areas and Zones (12) 18 U.S.C.1385 Use of Army and Air Force as Posse Cemitatus (a) 10 U.S.C. 331 Federal Aid for State Goverrcents (b) 10 U.S.C. 332 Use cf Militia and A: ed Forces to Enforce Federal Authority.

(c) 10 U.S.C. 333 Interference with State ard Federal law.

(13) 18 U.S.C. 2101 Riots

(14) 18 U.S.C. 2231 Assault or Resistance -

(15) 18 U.S.C. 2384 Seditious Conspiracy, AUTHORITY OF FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION .

18 U.S.C. 3052 AUTHORITY FOR MILITARY ACQUISITION OF LAND 10 U.S.C. 2672 AUTHORITY FOR JUST C0lFENSATION FOR PROPERTY (1) Amendment V - Censtitution (2) Case Law References ,

AUTHORITY FOR PAY)ENT CF CLAIMS (1) 10 U.S.C. 2733 Property loss; personal injury or death; incident to ncncombat activities of Department of Army, Navy or Air Force.

(2) 28 U.S.C. 2672 Administrative adjustment of claims of $2,500 or,less.

0283A Q .

.. y .


'f3 v . .





l p .


. F. R. M.QttiR, JR. ll


  • * ' YtYs,o
i. r0L:r, einicic lJ N. H. CIVIL CEFE SE AGENCY

!.J CATEh CECD'EER 1920 lf/? W Whw . ?A D .

M. Mi Ai5, it.0. , oisi.. fci l N. H. DIV. CF PUBLIC HEALTH !!s'/:CES i -v i

4 .


, Aedendum C Interim Supplemental Plan for Portsmouth Naval Shipyard

1. Backcround .

The Portsmouth Naval Shipyard maintains in operational readiness an emergency plan and organization with the capability of adequately coping with radiological emergencies. The Shipyard maintains a high order of preparedness to assure orderly and timely notification and the decision making process necessary for contrei a . recovery action. The following is an interim su;;1e-

- mental plan in su; cort of. the basic Nuclear Accident and Radiological Incident Centrol Plan for tne State of New Hampshire (NHNARICo). It relates to enese actions interfacing tne Shipyard and the State of New Hampshire curing a radic-logical emergency at the Snipyard.

2. Procedures fer Nctifvice the State A. Ge eral (1) The Shipyard has established procedures for the pec pt nctifica-tien cf State autnerities when preliminary assessment incicates that a radic-logical emergency may affect areas outside the Shipyard boundaries. The noti-fication will include reccemendaticns on any protective actions that should be considered based en the assessment. In the event that protective actions have to be taken immediately, nctificatien will first be made to lecal autnorities.

The order of netification is sacwn in Figure 1. Tne format used to convey informaticn is shc n in encicsure (1).

B. Verificat!ca (1). The precedure to be used to verify the authenticity of a notif t-cation is as follows:

. a. Partsmouth Naval Shipyard personnel authorized to notify State and local authorities of a radiological emergency are Ifsted in enclosure (2).

Primary verificatien cenststs of calling the of fice or heme of the individual making the notificaticn as IIsted in enciesure (2).

b. If the individual aking the netification is not at his i hee.e or of fice, verification will te made by calling the Emergency Conte:1

.? Center at the Shipyard (see enc 1csure (2)).


C. Local Authorlties  ;

(1) Notification of local authorities, when required, will be made in accordance with encicsure ,(3). .

3. Orcanization ,

] '

A. Authority (1) Authority for this Addendum is contained in section ! of the preface of the NHNARICP and the New Hampshire Basic Emergency Plan.

8. Esercency Headcuarters '

.(1) State. Emergency Headquarters will be located at the State Emergency Operations Center (EOC).

l (2) Shievard. Emergency Headquarters will be in The Snipyard's .

i Emergency Control Cen:er, Suilding 170.  ;

C. C:- unicat!ans (1) In t e event of a radiological emergency, coccunications will te maintainec bet.een the Shi; yard and the State ECC. Tele;nene anc racio c:- unf-cati:ns :et een the State Police and the Portsmo.;th Naval Snipyard fil te utt-li:ed. Also, c:mmunicati ns te:weto tne State P:1 fee, tneill:e Statethe Chil Cefense existing i r .NAWAS Agency, and tne Rockingnas County Dispatch Office will lC

( net-Orn.

and fire units. Data pertaining to the emergency as well as directing and con-tro11 tog information will be transmitted to the State EOC by the most expedient l means. Primary ccmmunicatico links exist te: ween the State Police ard tne Shi;-

See:ndary yard, and tet een State Civil Defense Agency and Rockingham Ccunty. l Cefense Agency and the Shipyard.

(2) The Shipyard has provided two (2) telephene lines to the Ship-yard's E.ergency Control Center which are dedicated for exclusive use by the State. The numbers for these Ifnes are unlisted and are provided to appropriate officials.

$ 0. Personnel

' (1) New Hanpshire radiological incident emergenry personnel 49dAcdf-radiological emergency teams are listed in Annexes 0'and E of NhNARICP.

tional emergency personnel and equipment are avaitatie from the Oe; art. ent cf Energy's Brookhaven New York Regional Office, U.S. Pub 1(c Healtn Service.

Winchester Engineering & Analytical Laboratory, Winchester, Massachusetts,

- and thecugh the provtsfens of the New England Cc pact on Radioicgical Healtn.


. l 2

v't .

p;*._f es

( l

't luth Naval Shipyard The Portsmouth Naval Shipyard will immediately notify the New *

' abyPolice Communication.

telephone (see Figure 1 Center, State Police Headquarters, Concord, targency which requires or m)ay require that off yard protectiveor radio, of the sn.

Prot:ctive actions, when recommended, are based on the U.S.

.rotection Agency Protective Action Guides, which are provided in yard Emergency Action Levels, which implement these Protective

. are provided in enclosure (1), Tat le 1.

aroshire State Police i lotificatien Jpon receipt cf notificatica by the Shipyard of a raciological

ew Hampshire State Police will notify New Haroshire State

'nel in accorcance with Anret C c f tn e .'*M ?. CP.

.c cunicatiens New Hampshire' State Police will act as radio cc wnicatiens v :y., 'cris:cwth Naval Shipyard and the State ECC for the dura-

  • affic Control '

j ate Police personnel will establish road biccks ard traffic tate evacuation of people frem such areas as cirected by the eshire Radiological Health Program l a Manager of the New Hampshire Radiological Health Prcgram will i

2crtscouth Naval Shipyard as a follow up1 emergency by State Police in ac accordance with the NhNARICP .


  • h Program shall make recommen,datiens to the Governor or histhe Manager of the N l

antative hire. for emergency actiens required to be taken within tne i ,

i e Icwing:

Manager of the New Ham; shire Radiofcgical Health Program will " '

l l

m ,

t l

I e

.; . . . . .; o o ...m oe. <w- -

.-- _w *

' a. In accordance with Annex C of the NHNARICP contact the State Civil Defense Agency and direct the activation of the State EOC in Concord.

.b. Centact emergency team members by telephone and deploy thet.

! as required. Use data provided by the teams to further evaluate existing ,

conditions, l ;


c. Determine the extent of any hazard to public health and safety, and order appropriate protective measures as required.
d. Recommend to the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency feple-mentation of evacuation plans if advisable. , .
e. Request out-of-state assistance as required.
f. Direct decontamination procedures in contaminated areas, supervise reentry into evacuated areas and st.pervise other recovery cperatic.s.

D. New Ham: shire Civil Cefense Acency

! (1) The Ne- Hampshire Civil Cefense Agency '(11 te netifiec of the emergency in acccedance with Annex C of the NHNARICP.

(2) The New Hateshire Civil Oeft se Agency will:

a. Assist in im:letentir.; pectective actic s as rec:? :t etd by
e Mana;er cf tr.e .ie. Ham; shire Raciolegical Healtn rrogrsm.
b. Activate and can the State ECC. Tne ECC will te canced by persennel from the State Civil Defense ' Agency, State Radio 1cgical Health ?regram and etner State Agencies as the sit. ration demands.
c. Previce assistance a,d ccerdication bet sen Federal, State.

and 1 cent agencies'favolved.


d. Cccedinate the evacuation of affected 1ccal c: munities.

- E. Emercency Teams (1) Emer;ency Radiological Centrol Team personnel will proceed as j ,

cirected by the Manager of the State Radialogical Health Prograt

5. Of f-Site Consideratiens ,

A. Succortine Cata j To assist State and 1ccal authcrities in their assessment cf the J effects of a radiological emergency to the general public, the follcwing sus-porting data is previced:

i a

j 1


r .

( .

Enclosure (4) is the map of the Shipyard shewing access locations.

(v9 osure (5) is the area map 'used for off-site Monitoring, Enclosure (5) is the harbor map used for off-site Monitoring .

to s:ater.

Enclosure (7) is a list of dairy herds in the vicinity of the tal Shipyard. .

ess Contro1 Procedures have been establis'hed to secure the Shipyard Main i enclosure (4) in the event of a radiological emergency, allowing

! 2rized personnel only. Traffic and personnel immediately outside l vill be controlled by Maine State and localtraffic Marine police cninthe accordance Piscataqua previded by the State of Maine.

c:ntrolled by the Coast Guard in accordance with guidance provided .

Naval Shisyard.

' 2 stfii D8s:*'tution 1

' Enclosure ti) represents the populatten distributten within e Portsacuti 'laval Sat: yard by 22.5 degree sect:rs. Enclosure (i) ulation d!strisuticn witnin 10 efles.

Lt',t e .

o use within the 0 - 10 mile radius varies with incustrial, esteential, .7.111tary, educational, and recreational uses repre-use factars depender.t toen seasonal and time-of day censiderations..

e- L's e The Piscata:ua River is a wide, cae:, nadgable river with tidal asiderable velocity. The tidal current is of the reversing tide.

a Alver is r.ot used as a source of irrigatien or drinking water.

l r boating, s; ort fishing, swieming, transportation, and as a scurce coollag water. The Portsmouth Harbor and tributaries are used Jer fishing, Ichstering, and shell fishing. Restrictions en the scataqua Alvar within the beundaries of the State cf New Ha pshire,

'lished by State authorities.

.ernal Sue:crt Acencies 1  !<ternal agencies which will su: port the Portsacuth Naval Ship-

.es in enciesure (10).

O ,


.O v * *





STAi! FOLICE (603) 271-3636



.l P

fi (D $ltolfCllVEAC110NClllDES toagaseousplumd l' h ENVIRONMfHTAL PR0fEC110?! thyroid dose from cxposure ,p actions to avoid whole body and Comments ..

I Recommended protective

} '

Recommended Actions (#

'Previously recommended pro-Frojected Dose (Rem) to the Population (b) .

tective actions may bereco fio planned protective actions an advisory to seek shelteri ns or to volun-

<1 State may issue whole body and await further instruct tarily evacuate. i tion levels.o

!!onitor environmental rad a If constraints exist, sp Thyroid unless for evacuation of children Seek shelter as aEvacu.ite evacuation. mininum. and pregnant women.

vnnte body 1 to 5 Consider l

levels. _

Ftonitor environmental radiationconstraints mak 25 Seeking shelter would be an Thyraid 5 to Control access.

of population in alternative if evacuationn were Conduct mandatory evacuation levels and 5 and above the predetermined area, whole body cuation based Honitor environmental radiationadjust area for m Thyroid 25 and above on these levels. the time Control access Protective action decisions at lanning purposes. f existing constraints.i e actions in keep actions are reco== ended for pinto consideration implement the impact tow-impact o protect vas reasonab I#)These may s low of the incident must take ID)At the time of the incident, officialsf maintaining radiation exposu with the principle o .

) ected Dose (Ren) to ,

- Comments

_., gency Team Workers Recommended Actions' __

Whole body 25 Control exposure of emergency team members to Although respirators and

- these levels except for lifesaving missions. stable iodine should be used Thyrniil 125 ( Appropriate controls for emeruency worke-rs, where effective to control dose .

include time limitations, respirators, and to emergency team workers, thy-stable iodine.) roid dose may not be a limiting factor for lifesaving missions.

= hole body 75 Control ewposure of emergency team members performing lifesaving missions to this level.

(Control of time of expasure will be rust

'" effective.)

(" These actions are recommended for planning purposes. Protective action decisions at

  • the time of the incident must take into consideration the impact of existing constraints.

(Source: Itanual of Protective Action Guides an 1 Protective Actions for truclear Incidents, U. 5.

Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC September l'J/S, Revised 6/80) o O

O 4

tw,,r.s...a s-NOTE: This is the general format for initial notification and early wacning. Noti-fication should not be delay:d if all

' information is not yet available.

'of the Radiological Control k

rtsmo:th Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, NH. In accordance with th Naval Shipyard Radiological Emergency Plan, I am notifying cc rrence of a radiological emergency at the Shipyard."

ation of this call may be made by calling me: (1) At my e) or (2) other (Shipyard Emergency Control Center),

e and class.of emergency are as follows:


] Transportation accident

] Reactor accident

] Fire involving radioactive citerial

] Liquid discharge

] Other:

Notification cf unusual event

] Alert

] Site area etergency

] General C ergen:y imary effect to off-site areas will be due to:

  1. 1 ease to the atmosphere flease to water frectradhation cation of the emergency is .

1 Enclesure (1)

The emergency cecurred at on .


(time) (date)


( ,! F. The wind speed is mph (steady, variable).

G. The wind direction is FROM degrees, true (steady, variable).

j H. The Pasquill wind stability category is .

I. Tide status is  ; river current status is approx. .

J. The approximate amount and kind of radioactive material is K. Perimeter survey results are: (as appitcable)

1. Distance from release point / radiation source ft.

and bearing degrees.

2. Radioledine x 10- Cf/mi .
3. Radiatien mR/hr frem degrees to cegrees.
4. Water activity x 10- Ci/91 .

/ E er;ercy Acti:n Levels are indicated in Table 1 with reco- ended a:ti:ns.

(7J t. .

Specific levels will te reviewed and briefly discussed:

Recca.e.ded Actions Af fected Sectors Distances H. Portsmouth Naval Shipyard has notified the following agencies of the situation:

I 1. U 5. Coast Guard Informatien given anc resper e l

2. State of New Ha pshire Infortation given and reso:nse (m.-

2 Enclosure (1)

s1 Cce unities Information given and response er Info,rmation given and response




3 Enc 1cture (1)



__ O -..  % . .

- p .  ; .. . .

.vp/ . - - . .,

(.) ( j IABLE 1  ; *..






. r



Radioicaine concentration in air --- 1 x 10- to 1 x 10 " pCi/el tiotify State authorities or and a lia rbo r wa t e r ----------------------- 6 x 10

_4 to G x 10 _3 pCi/ml Recomend no specific protective action at , i this time ~

e or -

and D i rec t rad i a t i on ------------------- 10 to 100 arem/'ir Dispatch of f-site monitoring personnel

-6 flotify civil authorities immediately


-6 Radiciodine concentration in air --- 1 x 10 to 5 x 10 Ci/mi and or Recomend steps be taken to control access to affccted sectors and warn the general public

  • and

!!a rbo r wa te r ---------------------- 6 x 10'3 to 3 x ID'2 pCi/ml Recomend preparatory steps be taken for directing the general public in the affected

- area to take shelter or evacuate or and Direct radiation ------------------- 100 mres/hr to 500 mren/hr Dispatch off-site monitoring personnel.

Radicindine concentration in air --- > 5 x 10

-6 Ci/ml !Iotify civil authorities immediately or and Rece==end steps be taken to control access and m -2 pCi/ml Recomend the general public in affected sec(

j Ita rbo r wa t e r ----------------------- > 3 x 10 be directed to take shelter or evacuate

and 3 or ,

D i rec t r ad i a t i o n ------------------ > ',00 mrea/nr Dispatch off-site monitoring team.

O further _nformation feats ; Lee notes on th.: following page for i

TABLE 1 NOTES (EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS) m Isted are initiated by perimeter measurements

  • jad as required based on off-site measurements.

,ency Action Levels relating to Environme'ntal Protection Agency action Action Guides are based on a continuous eight-hour expo-The action levels are conservatively rounded off to simple

' i numb:rs. For short-term incidents in which the Environmental

.ctia Agency Protection Action Guides are not exceeded, notifi-

.n t:111 be made in accordance with the Navy's policy to ensure State radiological officials are notified of occurrences that

.ca:se concern because of radiological effects outside of ships '

ore facilities.

ilodine concentrations of 1 x 10"7 pCi/ml for eight (8) hours yjgld a thyroid dose of approximately 0.5 rem to a cyld, l 0 pC1/mi will yield approximately 5 rem and 5 x 10 pCf/ml yield approximately 25 rem. Radiofodice concentration can be mired by direct measurement or,gy inferring frca direct radia-measurements assuming 1.6 x 10 pct /ml f or a gaca exposure of I crem/hr (assuming time af ter shutdown = 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> (Fig. 4.4

' l-56 of PAG Manual applies) and assuming stability Class 0, 0.5

' dcwnwind . measure ent (Fig. 4.5 Pg. 0-53 cf PA3 Manual applies).

t radiation Emergency Action tevels for eight t:urs will yield I d *cdy dose of apptcximately 0.1 rem far 10 mram/ne, 1 rem for

( 'pr and 5 rem for 500 mrem /hr.

A$,centrationsrelatetowholebodydosebasedoneighthour ure near the surface of a body of water. The E.?ergency Action s are based on protective action guides which are a;promfeately

.tentieth of Environ ental Protection Agency Protective Action

, is for whole bed / exposure. This is to allow for the possibility iter inlets concentrating radioactivity and for increased dese temersten in the water. The dose vs. radioactivity concentra-ccnversionsarebasedonadaptationofdataygichshewsthata

, entration of mixed fission products of 3 x 10 pCl/ml will re-i in a dose to beaters of 30 mrem /hr. The water source measured it used for drinking water.

iction levels were developed for planning purposes and should

'ed as gea,eral guidance. Protective actions taken during an il emergency must consider existing constraints at the time.

, Izarple, panic or stoppage of vital services may have more

,us consequences than exceeding seme of the above expctures.

'ent must be exercised in cooperation with other competent *

) Pities to deter,mine precisely what action should be taken .

many conflicting factors may be involved.


5 Enclosure (1)



l authenticity of the call, call the home or o'f fice number

' aal who called. ,

M Offtce .

Jr. (207)439-3223 (207) 439-1000 x2472 f (603) 868 9640 . (207) 439-1000 x1629 i . ' -

- (603) 692-2618 (207) 439-1000 x2588 t (603) 868 9652 (207) 439-1000 x1784 ln I

individual above cannot be reached call the Portsmouth Naval '

i 1 Emergency Control Center (207) 439 0724, (207) 439-0715, or l311000. Ext.1668.

\ -

i lD

! i l I i

l i

6 I

l l . .


' Enclosure (2) '


, i i

i E_

.... . .. .;.. ,,.. .. s r STATE OF NEW HAN75 HIRE NOTIFICATION OF TOWNS $URROUNDING PORT 5HOUTH NAVAL. $HIPYARD NOTE: In accordance with the NHNARICP, the State Police, State Civil Defense Agency or State Department of Health and Welfare will notify local

} comunIttes during radiological emergencies. Should urgency require -

the Shipyard to make specific' notifications, the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> numbers IIsted below will be used to alert the affected communities as required.

State agencies will be informed of these notifications per enclosure (1).

City / Town Telephone Number t

Dover 742 4646

, Ourha.3 862-1212 1 Greenland 772-4716

. Hampton 926-3333 Facury 252-1212 New Castle 772-4716


Newington 772-4716 Newfields 742-4960

.lt market 653-3950 N. Ha pt:n 772 4716 Forts.:ut3 426 2145 Rollinsford 742-4950 l0 !L Hi:Ui!

s f


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{. **2.ChtLtt stpttt 'sA380A 4.e 4 Awp1Hiag g3:st

.a 1.48*C.I Ju!3-itat December 30, 1983

s. m D' T7,,j ,t,; ...
  • e # .- 7 '-

e .*, g, .

William T. Wallaco, Jr., M.D., it.P.H. e

" 4,'

Director of Public Health Services I D

"'k' Health & Welfare Building ,,~

Hazen Drivo ' , , 1' , . . . . .

i Concord, i:H 03301 ...- .

Ce:r Cr. Walla:e:

O En:1 ? red is the inf:: stien e . c'.;r f acility's ability to handle radiologically contaminated individuals, as originally requested on September 29,.1983 and again on December 8, 1983.

Please excuso our tradiness in supplying the requested infor: ation on a timely basis.

Cur respenses coincide with the questiens as pesed in your Septerter 29, 19 8 3 reques t. i

1. 12 individuals
2. Yes, no transfer to another facility would be necessary for medical services for theso patients, unless endical pr:blem present is one that would precipitate a transfer i

under usual circumstances.

3. Yes A. 12 a t mos t B.  !!o , it is the.same nurber  !

C. Cecentaninatien shower in E.P..

l Cecentamination shower in merguo facility

! D.  !'edical trest: ent would be provided af ter docentarina- '

tien unless cthe:sise indicated E. Treat.ent should bo possible witnout exposing staff, provided protocol is followed I

.1 h.

i .

I Page 2 December 30, 1983 Dr. Wallace


4._ See enclosure - Policy / Procedure for " Radiation Exposure or Casualty Patients"

, 5. Yes Please feel free to contact us if you require any further information.

f Sincerely, William J. Clegg, Jr., FAAMA Colonel, MSC, USA, Ret Executive Director t

SC i

e 1

e J.

e t

  • d .

'~N .



c .- , . , , , , , ,, ,

. . z.;, s p.s.t :. ..' .* '

- ~

_ - = - .


NOTE: The iist of allk giving cows compiled below is provided to allow the State of New Hampshire to take the necessary pro-tactive actions to notify, sample, monitor and/or control the taking, distribution, marketing, and use of afik should such actions be deemed necessary by them in the event of a radiological emergency involving an atmospheric release of radioactivitys owner's Name Number of Direction and Address Ccws from Site Distance O

V .

NOTE: The New Ha : shire Cepart .ent of Agriculture will maintain the IIst of calry herds in the State and update it annually. Tne

- New Hampshire Civil Cefence Agency will keep an opdated copy of this Ifst at the State ECC. .

e-S E.-closure (7)

O .

i O

- rvrvuuv.r umummu- '


~ - .


' MILES 4,302 0-1 0-1 19,877 0-2 .

1-2 '

2-3 .


']_7.052 . 0-3 l f] 3-4 32,722 0-4  ;

i .


42,922 - 0-5 . ,


}1654 1 B 2723 -

. R .

1080 , 30 -

. e 488- ,. i 4 ) ..

t C .-  :

74 * '

- 1419- - -

, 592 E-s, .


'I 128 .

- 1 525

  • cg .

350 421 *

t. .

275 1000 [ .. 500 175 34 i:'3 5- ,- 4g,  :

125 '

52.5 l

37,6- 'C0


23 4 #' < ' 339 }- i


205 850 700 '55 7a , j '

  • 771 20 . .

525 85 116 75 0*

1451 ..

p 90 30 ,

71o': . l

- o  : .j 7.12 1,35 .. .

. n 155 o . . . i 197 ,

e0 Y o. ..

851 ..


l i

390 .



k . .-e 3 I 8 cit.

J eza 1 '



SCURCE: 1970 CENSUS DATA Er. closure (3)

I s



L.- -


S-6 62.69a 0-6


/. 2772 _

67,535 0 .

48:1 6-7 '

'7-8 ./ 70,358 0-8 y i 2823

. 3815 819-

.74,173 0.9 .:

' 82,019 -

0-10 i

/5 7846 -

. 9-1 -


.s .a .

A 200 .

R f B

  • 4

- 813 630

. . 3 . .


. i 323 140J . .


. g. C ' i 0 . 6328-270a *

' - 123 63 2053 . .  ;

~  ;

1252 -

425 41' 1366' 101 66 .




1233 P

. . 227 .

/ 0 737.

126"  : 2 .* 145 95 1 57 *

' O.

i ':,


\ l 1222 iS3

. \.

l C .



l 0

  • k i

'* 343 -

f' g f i .

.; o- d., , i, 7 =

tc.g- l.

0 O. 0 0 1315 60 35- f \, ,

M / J < S 1421 i  ! \

625 .- ; o 0- e 0

f l 2QS 216 / '

\. .

\ 671 959 0 0 0 / ,

. [* l 263.u. 11,8 . O' 145 .-

O. F M

7* 1455. .


452 107 0 .

-h h. .

a. :.a. . o ..  ;
  • l 90 ..-

173 333 14 o ,


.. L .

~ **

~ ' *

- ~ .:' ' -.;. .;

w) 1375' 1362 . ..

.. . c. .. .

. . :. - - 0 .

OsSm. moas Rm 2

!. 3 ,,,,

a 2- . .

Sectors: A-R. ' 6 - 10, SCURCE: 1970 CE'iSUS DATA l Enclosure (?) {




Pease AFB Hospital Medical Treatment i

Portsmouth Hospital Medical Trea'tment

'. Naval Air Station Air Ambulance, Brunswick, ME Aerial Monitoring,

.. and Reconnaissance Naval Air Station Air Ambulance, Weymouth, MA Aerial Monitoring, and Reconnaissance New Hampshire Army Air Ambulance,

' National Guard Aerial Monitoring and Reconnaissance Radiation Emergency Treatment of Radiation Assistance Center Accident Patients Training Site (REACTS)

Cak Ridge, TN U.S. Coast Guard Harbor Traffic Control Fease Air Fcrce Base k'eather Advisories Mutual Aid Ccmpact Firefignting O

J t

1 1

lO I

Er. closure (10) i .

. . .......<>...:.m...

. .,, , 2o.5



I g

l / . .

v . . . .. . ......... . ... .. .




1. C11for= notificaticn precedu es will be implerented fer a t'cee states by the affected nuclear facility. Each state w' preceed vita a rected tcwns. .

u , , -s = .- * = s s '. = ' '

  • e .< a. g . v c = . . .e.. .- :.

.=.-=#4 - . e c v'....

i. c. . =

eyay --

. -  :-. ....a,q.-

- -- ~e-,~. e , s . =c

.:.. - ,s.::- ----

cn.. .

,c:. ,

cperatica responsibilities v-l11 be shared as resources

. e.e_

c y , . = ..,. z :.:_.e y a. ..- . ;_ , . , ..

...a.- .

. . . .  : =. . - .., = ._.

y,. z; ,,

, c. _- _; _ : . c ,.

1 c, o u _,: -- c .a ,,a_ . ... :- _

, =,

. .._ 5 =.,,

3 us.

. s.=-,-...;- .. u, , ._ _.., , = . - . . . ..

m4 .

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+ /-j .-

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0 ,e= = ' .~.~, .R=- ' ~- = .'.e .1 C =. . . =__~ s *_ . . 2 '-_' -" ==_

s-= =s w'1' -

4 -

provide services for a.-y evacuee frca risk areas locaced in any s ate.

5. ,, . , , . ce.s--: n-_ , , =g .a,:..: ,

- e y: u . ... ,;: ,.:,.s c: e:

. - .a-nucle =.
facility wd- cake excess be's av-#'able fer relccated patients frca risk a eas located in any sta:e.
5. Available emergency medical t-ansper:-=cunits wit *.in fifty

.=.=~ 14 ] w c..'. as ab'=.


....t.,. a.s c .' e.' ' .e: r.. .'=.= --

when rec.uested to assis: with medical eme5gencies a.-d l

" hespital and nursing h=ce evacuation.

.'.e c .=. . = d a- a..v. 7_.. . e . . =. . ..~) C. c . ". . . .' .". . _-


7. S - = ~ = .. .=. =.' .5 .

- ,a..- . c . . .a -

1 ,~.v'_'=.

. =.^. =="_'_~ef C = .. . = . , c v',' c; e' 'u,u.. an c- _c. c.

. _., . . s o s

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c.. - e=- .

.a. .- .. . . . - . . . . . .

cf any c:her sta:e withcu: perso. .el in 1::e/rdance because cf travel ti. .e er cther delaf ed responses .

I i

f-Ng g ..


g. .

4 I

-...c....n~ . . . . .. w .i- . ..

x .. . ... ..

.There are several Interstate Compacts which could or would ha q* applicable j in the event of an incident at a fixed nuclear facility O. in or near Vermont. The most notable in this respect isBasic the


() New England Compact en Radiolacical Health Protection.

it was casignec to povice interstate assistance curing a r:: clear incident. The New England State Police C mpact and the Interstate Civil Defense Ccmoact are two otner mutual aid agree-ments wnlen could be ac:1vated in certain circumstances relating to a nuc1eer emergency. ~

Details relative to . evacuation procedures are most important.

Interstate Cooperation.w4'1 beceme vital under evacuation corditions.

. An agreement, _ not only' to interface the three State plans, but

~ ~

to use compattble procedures including stardard evacuation routes, public guidance by radio and TV, receptiori processes for non-resident evacuees, a:d many other prea=anged systems wd' ~

fac d14 tate the ecvement cf people away frca danger with caximus efficiency. .

  • Ve=ent has devele;ed a.gorotype evacua-ion system using de new "C: css-wird" technic.ue, however it can cnly be tor ='y successful if " three States agree to the concept and pernic interstare cavel by evacuees along predetermined rettes depe.-dent upon wi.-d direc-icn. Ve=== V" receive evacuees f em cen-igueus
  • S:a:es and pecess de , sider 9:cugh the Vermen: F.e :ati:: -

. Ce=ars , er by safely reuting them back to de-:.: respective Sta es , .

(~N de;e.-ding u;ca the evacuees chcice.



.=pove c an inc:.cen at e:.ther Verecne Ya.-les er Yarise Rowe a.-d cecrdinate =cvement of evacuees across state beu-daries , the follcwing precedures have been apsed to by Verrc=, New Hempshire and Massachuse ts .
1. VI?.'cNT Y;_'G'II:

(a) Ve=ent ECP 13 3rattlebero,. beginning of NE 119 at west etc cf bridge: a Ve=ent State Police Officer V'1 =an this ;cint join-J.y with a New Ee=; shire State ?clice Officer. .

(b ) Ver:ent ICP la Guilford, Vt. , US 5 at the Massachuses-a cercer; o:.n-dycenned by VermoneS ' tate Felice a.-d Massachusetts Sta:e Police.

(c) Ver ent ECP 15 Gud' *ord,. Vt. , I 91, no interchange; Jo:.n-dy ca nec by Ver nc State ?: lice ard Massachuse ts State Police. d-Ner dtcund traffic wd '1 basican y be c:n=c" e d Greenfi=_1d, MA. a: de interstate interchange.

(d) Ver c= ECF 15 Vern:n, tit. , '72 142 at_N_the Massachuse=s 31' c... -'

. . cc~- r . ,- .=- .P _'_'de_u

_ - , 'e_s . : . _' _u_ =_

. . ,. c_- _.. o. . . .

O this ;ci=. Ve=ent wd verify r.e...i.; enly with G -

. .Jc

-. 24_ o__u_ ..

p. e l l

g e


4.t M..i m w . :. m . .

. :e . , c. ;. . g . - - --

, '(-

- 2.~ -- YANKEE RC'.E: , -


(a) Vermont ECP 21 Whitin'gham, Vt., VT EA at the b(


. Massacnusetts corder; jointly canned by Ve=ent State Police and Massachusetts State Police.

(b) Vermont ECP 28 Stamford, Vt., VT 8 and VI 100 at une Ma.ssacnusetts border, jointly marr.ed by I

ver:cnt. State Police and Masgachusetts State Police.

Similar cooperative control point operations are encouraged .

- between New E,ampshire and Massachusetts.


Title 18, VSA Ch. 31 New Ergland Ccepac: en P.adiological Health Protec:icn Title. 20, VSA Ch'. 3 Interstate Civil Defense Cc pact .

Title 20 USA Ch.114 New E gland State Felice Ccepac:

Cf f

e 9

a g.

8 e ,


  • e e


l .


y.. .


,. r I'




. STATE IF Tw .GWSM-i Are you willing to p cvide transportation assistance in the event of an energency? YES Y NO

1. Name and address of transportation Ccrpany 00 /0H C TiAourfo/ZN4~{_2oy/ Co M'+ ' " W $1}loM So CD OSQS$
2. Contactperson/alternatewithtelephonene.ber, business /SAhour.

%Cn 3 dDwc Sf4-goyy Nt. rte: of Nses/ vans operated.,,,

7% -t44h 3.

2 u-rcs d - 4G/rpanway ~ "-

' ~r- -

i-m N3 L YA k' -


,,ses!va~.s avEL:at*e fc: e"e:'ency :ssponse.

/b 7'~' /%

4 N. rte: c:  %

A7 CCc- RG", y G <-/C Es-sc 04j c(

d a&: c u g,(, c7.33 - c5.,, g g :,


rassenge: ca:  : f.tes. , , _ , , y" ,

,r. ,y-

'tr. s - G % d w -toi'd g/

o 6. L::stic.s a: .-ich Nses.'wans are ; ara:ec.

h(C t c Yr 4 :.5 [7 M L. A. T_C N.

1-mb s4 nbe ~ dtl.

7 Nu-ce of crivers availatle or vans.

,f7 27t;.s pl'G3 s E. Ti. e re:uiret te':re buses / vans with Crivers On- te Cis a;;"+:.

\ t4 Q c3 u=> Q ,

9. Tw:-=ay co runications capability cf Ases/vars. If yes, eat f:elency?^

Q "V-., G c>

Rss G C~v (- -.u .

10. Comments or constraints on/to use cf busas/ vans. (Use reverse side if n** S ) %4%ic4utG.-C.to47 4 g,wc_ts . /

Cxo e t.-7 b R:.e cut c ev/v[ m' . _ t-

11. WPet is your daily rate
  • Men leasirg Nses?  : =m 7t,9s mir ~ ~

-z 4,n Hsa -cc :M Sigec4 5 $).k.rl.E V J

Cate i r,J f./ l t b.

/ /




. TRANSPORTATION ASSISTAtCE TO THE STATE C# EW HAWSHIRE Are you willing to provide transportation assistance in the event of an emergency? YES ,K NO

1. Name and address of transportation Company [f@CA# O.C f.O.

.<232 Nd/A/ 7) I4 k) 8TN 6 Lt: M /t/%#d4 ft/// LUN2

2. Contact person / alternate with telephone number, business /24 hour.

MARNjtltt! 34Mi%92 -s/(; - A efin l dub 6- 8733Y17

3. Number cf buses / vans cperated.

. 3.9 0.- Ma l42 - AM - VI~

4 Nu=e cf tuses/ vans available for emergency response.

ALL if Dec'Mi '9tf4 4tML4fLw~

5. Passenger capacities.

a2 N ~ 6 6 Bssiets -/CC - /.s~0far f,r

6. Lccaticns at whien tuses/ vans are gars;ed. / _

O 7.

Acceti rr- Lx o,e - muco -pas.fw-ci-ce eaqam0 Number of drivers available for buses / vans. I M QUICK GJu- MCyfi. - /.1G/SY

8. Tire required tefcre tuses/ vans with crivers can te dispatched.

/ /-/ 4 6/ 4

9. Twc-way cctrunicatiens espability ef. buses / vans. If yes, what frequency?

/ 5 / - 4 5 's '

(Use reverse side if


10. Cements or constraints en/to use of buses / vans.

neeced) 11.'What is ycur daily rate when leasing buses? 6.1/ T8 5>4'/dl85' /$'l#I .66dC 9 #'


g Signed Date w, A he

~)2- Jfs t ?. R (w


4 I

(~l SURVEY TO PROVICE DERGENCY V . TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE TO THE STATE OF EW HA>PSii1E 3 Are you willing to provide transportation assistance in the event of an emergency? YES / NO 1.

Name.andaddressbf ranspc:tation Company Dom Jc14 y -

Sd.y O n A/ W* ,_

2. Contact p rson/ alternate with telephone number, business /24 hour.

i f % -Te g

}k M 74a /etS T&

  • 791. ~ TVf bo~A--- >
3. Number of buses / vans cperated.

Tw '

4 Number cf buses / vans available for emergency response.

5. Passencer capacities. zS s,3 79 49 vi s-y.t g>
6. Lccations at which tuses/ vans are garaged.

)E' win ,l' - pLW 0^ O en.~-

7 Number of crivers available fcr ouses/ vans.

. 2$'

2. Time req; ired befcre tuses/ vans witn drivers can te dispatchet.

5 o~- k 4 9's ?w A 9 Two- way cct.?.unications capability of tuses/ vans. If yes, what fregeency?

y e-S YS.%

10. Ccr: ents c: constraints en/to use of buses / vans. (Use reverse sice if neetec) Q' ^


$.*/ h.-

/ *J d \ //

a Signe Cate

%'ed l' / 2 L/12 ~

/ /

n ,su .- _ -__---,___w _ - , , x Io. c~,L A - .

e. eaa, ~ 1 + b< M O a n 4 y'as.'.. A sj%e
b. ua .) eau i ~ L.9u y yy

} .Ak:K.A44s4w f s/a< .

c. nago_+u .

% K n. m .

d u .o;L w ,aw 4 -

.Ju.-< %. ,

it fp n 9 w y. -sp y gag

s. uys

& A/u sA Y

O -

9 4

1 O,


t i


-Q -

SURVEY TO PROVICE EERGENCY TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE TO TFE STATE OF NEW HAlfSHIRE Are you willing to provida ansportation assistance in the event of an emergency? YES NO i .

1. Name and address q transportatipn Company ff

//6 YH N '

M ' J-l 70s.'.-A t$!o,Yj;;. t$ hu/E/.v/f

2. Contact person / alternate with tele $ hone number, business /24 hour.. ..

S.R.* %). ' $ 'l* '},.1 ' A .he,D.*, d5j-ff6/ AhJ' 710l/Y! <:a N l- N?

l 3.


ECC' ' 00- ofn~5.N$tY1/4t$ bus -/ vans / cpe' ifb f ated. (/g[,,/fhte[,.

t'.)<.at1.a .. //f./,#f d ,h 4 Number cf uses/ vans available for egergency response.

S'50/ 4 2 fE)Ad.'..i<eit'. $$i. 530/nl.fidiff ? b .W h

5. Passencer capacities.

,3i S$f

6. Lccaticns at which tuses/ vans are garaged. ,, l

) 7 A,.# : .

i.?i k p1,,l* * * . . '

  • f,D SL np v .f
7. Number cf,dr,1 vers available for buses / vans.

V Y .d.':Je d/

E. Time receired tef.cre buses / vans with criverc can te cis;atched.

b's. byl.

. ru.r

9. Two-way cch?.unicaticns capability of buses / vans. If yes, what . frequency?


.P- ' L2 dm sad.watn J)AL xWsn 7

10. Ccements er ccnstraints en/to use cf buses / vans. (Use reverse side if i needed) l

.1 .20 L* R

11. What is ycur daily rate when leasing tuses? .

! /, j,3 *// d /,f.45 .: CU j Signee ~1,4se Cate ,s/fu jo j973 P

I V 1

l i

- - - - - r- -- -+ - -- - - - ,

l I

c. ,




Are you willing to provide transportation assistance in the event of an emergency? YES V NO

1. Name and address pf transportation Conpany
. t O rtko Ga o [e Puf
  • t

%+L Ys 9tlQ % m o307$

2. Contact person / alternate with telephone nunter, business /24 hour.

M'6 7 d Ltou Ac.c 6.3 5 - 4 3 D a S 3S ' 7I1

3. Ntste: cf tuses/ vans cge:ated.

. w - S f /-yy Sq 4 /S 7. L.W J6 eat ( q. J4 f. si . 7T A. Nater of busas/ vans available for eme:;ercy respense, 17 S<rn r v' % =6

5. Passenger cs [:ities, i
6. Lccations at wrich tuses/ vans are ;ars;ed.

/3 Q %G ~'?,

9'MArn3 t4. fl. o 3 e <J 6

7. tuter cf crivers avalla::le for buses / vans, lo fu - 45 MS %

S. Ti e rewi:e te rc:e tuses/vars ai n c:ivers can te ris;:at: rec.

lYo 4 A04A5 Mb4 c.E

9. Two-way c:municatiens capability cf tuses/vsns. If yes, what frecency?


10. Ccecents c: constraints en/to use cf buses / vans. (Use reve:se site if needed h g,y cg g,,g Q4 e, g ,7,, g , g_h 6 M Ec6ac( '0.d F,-c3L  ;


} 11. What is ycur daily rate wren leasicg tuses? ///,g m;

  1. 5 5o #A. 04 a c45.

Si; red 1u f* in t L L(

_ Gate ( _. ,

f.; / ,6 /

l' . _


5*.'W4'E e ~' l5 a -

f,, D< * .- )


, . ~ I.

/ ) '




a Are you willing to p;pvide transpc:tation assistance in the event of an emergency? YES R NO *


1. Name and address ,of transjertation ompany

/f l .n. / %

2. Contact person / alternate with telephone number, business /24 hour.

I/o p*/i' / 6

3. Nur.ter of buses / vans "


c' -T n 2'-.

/Q T T a,


p 4 Ntcher cf tuses/ vans available fer'e.t.e:;trcy respense, e-~

y lll.

5. Passe".ge: ca:scities.

ys.t c.*

6. Lccatict s at wnich tuses/vars are ga:a;ed. , b e-w ,J ~l Q ,* f - h5S f r. C f o  !. ) ,

p .

t O ,i,6;.

// W-- 5 .

  • s v 7

Nucter cf crivers available fc tuses/ vans.


3. Ti e ree.i:e :ef::e tuses/ vans ni;h c:ive:s ,can te cis;:at: e!.

20 - 10 '^v M ,

9. Twc- ay ccccunicatices capability cf tuses/ vans. If yes, what freQ.ency? '

fSS Out.rtiu. {r 4 fc r.* t. i. . . ,

10. Cen ents c: ccnstraints en/to use cf bu:ss/ vans. (Use reve:sc side if

!. needed)

  • A '/ A : ,

gggg . .t j 11. hhat is ycur daily rate we.en leasi g tuses? f ,j .6. *[ ,

  • D L w. r. L. o R . 3 ... V f,'

J signee Date N

b I 8- iYt. . . - ) .

<N ..

O a c. .: ,,:~' -

e fa,, 9 g ,. p s- % v - 4m,

p Q -


9QG. . L C e .L n'.' N:. e. 4 , ,

. A

' Are you killing to p;cvide . transportation assistance in the event of an aciergency? YES y NO fa, d t. 14 "Es. L f N* * 'M

1. Nane and add:ess of t:Ansportaticn Cortpany Il Art GX , in i3 ~- Y O W 'l N.C Contact persen/ alternate with, telephone nw.ber, business /24 hour.


kmh ti...n . ~ (.2 e"I) f!+ - yyy;.)

c.t on) 7 s g - 3 * *. ". ,

3. Number cf buses / vans cperated. /f O W f'" WW/Y OfM .b sf 4 Number of buses / vans availa:le fc eme:gency respcnse, '

j( [ g,- Lima 7)~ f V/ ~ */'/ Y 0

~7 ##

5. Passenger ca;:a:ities. 2[

. & p (7:. M - y?./ '.

6. Leca:icns at w .1:n tuses/ vans a:e gara;ed. .

p 4 . s t. . h ,, j "- A t $ .. ,

\ C. C J I.

7 Nteter cf crivers available fc: tuses/vars.


S. Tice rectire:: ce'::e tuses/va. s wit.. crive:s can te dis;at:ned.

n pf. -
9. Twc-way ccerunicaticos capability cf cuses/ vans. If yes, what f:ectency?


10. Cerrents c: cons::aints en/to use cf buses / vans. (Use re,erse side if I
            • ) NOA'i e~ 7 l.!, -f J
11. What is ycur daily rate when leasing tuses? /,35.r.] .t :g g.g ,gl .
f. c :- 't .r.f e sp.

7,. ,,

i' f'..;...; 6 i;,: d u v Signed

(.' } .' '.

Mc.. "C . Me h n i'si.T i .

V w .

.! (i,.i.,..A  %.


-(j -




l Are you willing to provide transpc tation assistance in the event cf an emergency? YES t/ NO

1. me and address of transportation Corrpany na9e wSThe$*,

hp $.D* 1 Ochhrdcl,qQ.oScs lep hone nunter, business /24 hour.


2. C a)t e:soNaIt M.3,4 - 9 2 S E
3. Ntrnte: cf buses / vans cperated, b

4 Nu.te: of buses / vans available fc ece:gency respcnse.


5. Passer.ger es:acities.-

l1 "S Q %? W %

Lecatiers a w:.ich cuses/vars are garaged, ps 6.

b - h 3 0, be.hbide$ O. \\ -

beau % ne.= w % h = q

7. Nu.ter of crivers available fc: buses / vans, b
5. fi. e rec. ired tefere tuses/ vans with crivers can te cis:st: red.

1 O m', n ab

9. Two-way cerrunicati:ns capability cf cuses/v'ans. If yes, wt at frequercy?


10. Certents c: ccnstraints en/to use cf buses / vans. (Use reverse side if needec)


11. What is ycur daily rate een leasing tuses? 5


D.O & G.ct S \ %

Y0 %

i'Q me & ,

Sigre s , . e J, m nhw

' Cate agi'he,.cn we, su -

n ---- - - . , , _ , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



'~ *



Are ycu willing to p cvide transportation assistance in the event of an YES )( NO eme:gency7

1. Name and address of transcortation Corm +any .ed'*

h E E M An t. *iE hN t re ad4 .

3Des.ny 2 sstsHs Y.S oe s e J4' .

2. Contact perscn/alte:nate with telephore nte,be:, business /24 hour, E( t-bj 3 *A - 7 7 i T
  • bAF.*E M A sic.e M E V3%-5Fof LI o " f
3. NLr.ter of teses/vars cperated.

3(e Gwas3 2 9M 4 Number cf buses /vars available fc: eee:;ercy response.

J(p bt 1:4

9y1 5* Passe.;a- " a "m a

'"s ' q v/S g 731b p,g To -Fs,(

B e. s c3 =

w/za va- -


6. L:catier.s at ri:n :uses.Nars are cara;ee.

3 3 c 9.G 4 h A L A.o O'

'- CLAA y F.4. -

7 .'A r.ce cf criee:s avallatie fe tuses/ vans.

4 Tr D%.w cM

8. TL e :s uire: :ef::e tuses/vars ith crivers can te


9. T*c-aaf ccrruricatices capability cf teses/ vans. If yes, = cat frec ency?


10. C: vents c: c:nst:alnts en/tc use cf tuses/ vans. (Use reverse site if r.eedet) gegr
11. hPat is yeu: cally rate when *. easing teses?

f4e C hy -1.1c N v Nut \

tl!, LS m

  • 7. e a d'*

Sigred G.dtn

/ 8

  • Date V, a 4




V ')

SURVEY TO PROVICE EE RGENCY TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE TO THE ST Eg PEW HAWSHIRE Are you willing to provide transportation assistance in the event of an emergency? YES V NO

. 1. Name and address,of transportation Company h q g glgyg, g%t4(edhhs a N tt c.= =A sh-

2. Contact person /al Na e wkth telephone number, business /24 hour.

N A( Wit.f-h54 ev y;rs g/e/ pf w sse e. &

4cA v e t. F

3. Number of buses / vans cperated.

1% C.o M 4ES f Ec.Moc\ ht FS 4 Number of buses / vans available for emergency response.

\$ Lc AC.4f4 7 8 4 C4

_ 5. Passenger capacities.

\i4-Y9Cm M 4Gb. 955 ,o g 3 TOTA {


W/&c- L  : /9 Locatiens at wnien cuses/ vans <r:are garaged.s l} \\ GuRh Ch G -.

Gsc 4e %

7. Number of drivers available for buses / vans.

84 } 3

8. Time re:;uired before buses / vans with drivers can be cispatched.

th : 4 o*k G e u rt.

9. Twc-way ccmounicatiens capability of buses / vans. If yes, what frec;uency?


10. Ceccents c: constraints en/to use cf buses / vans. (Use reverse side if l needed) Lv w( sq d ..\ q

.) M b y V s .s c% 61 c-%c*E-

. 11. What is ycur daily rate when leasing buses? -

Ce AeAtt -4.o vM t .(.5 / m.' o s..eem -

Qu g t.t V w . h mi + vu I 4W;sa msJo y +*Sh;ne? '*b/mf k$/

Date 17 ;14. }. A G


,I i

t 1




Are ycu willing to p:cvide transportation assistance in the event of an YES .% NO ere:gency?

'6 Nane and address of transportation Coryany '{t 6 a S.I AM is TA *W3T* h 1.

Qt YZ5 4 A 143 -

. . YIL g .}., e g N ,blg

2. Centact perscn/ alternate with telephcne number, business /24 hour.

GARG G 54c8. - "J,t'2. 6.. (

.7 v 2 MTV Numte: cf tuses/ vans cperated En I Aw G.y h=a  :,. w .\A]


4 5 9 ** La b"2. %AG %t.Atsc 4 N' mter cf tuses/ vans available fc: emergency respcnse.

33 Vnc 5.

Passenge cacacities/,

t'y 4 t.A.

/ 4179 To+d

6. Lccati:..s a: ..icn tuses/vars are gara;ec, m

M 17.5" Awp wh o % .c Gd 6%.

  • 4% %pa

% s M. H e 7 Nurce: cf crivers available (c: buses / vans.

33 E. Time re:ci:ed tef::e tuses/ vans 'witn crivers can te cis at: Pec.

\ Nogh N w.

9. Twc-nay ccrrsni:aticns capatility cf tuses/ vans. If yes, #at f re;ue cy?

N A% fe

10. Cc.~.ents c: ecnstraints en/tc use cf tuses/ vans. (Use reverse sice if neete ) g e, 4 g
11. hrat is yeu cally rate wr.en lessing tuses?


  1. 4 ei hf + .2 c:, W i sits) % s c R, 4 7 a. J/si Signed ,vhrt. .

- cate ,,.,.,s f3 l L) i L


. 1





e>R 5 mo .

to provide transportation assistance in the event of an (ES t- NO .

dress of transportation Ccopany M1 Ala. Na te,% ge es.h q 4..n -

c.u-fnat has, ac N i @ Ye#wTfh ' telephone number, business /24 hour.

aff .c #

N In C--e> w 4 M - M 6 t - 9 2,4 z.

CO LOsa v y uses/ vans cperated.

E s 4 ce, V 4 eJ$

eses / vans available fc emergency response.

To b 0 C 3 V a. ss


  • y rj}46 ASS zg Na n n A % . 5h S s.h e.3- VS g y g,g /f t which tuses/ vans are gara;ed.

k % h( bcE g9_C.Cp/o%;m os,u rivers available for buses / vans.

3% fc Yf ed b: fore tuses/vang with drivers can te dispatched.

%4 ef \ 4 e u. (t.,

municaticcs ca;atility cf tuses/ var.s. If yes, what frep ercj?

W o t.4 C

  • ccnstraints en/to use of tuses/ vans. (Use reverse side if H c vi 6'

.: cally rate when leasing tuses?

t 6 o O eq

, Ae, m',

A %e(

N\.M ) m\ o c, * *t. n en } }4 A Signed brL6. f?[/

Cate f y' 25 ?7 .

s-s V

r- .



MkM l

Are you willing to provide transportation assistance in the event of an YES v NO emergency?

1. Name and address of transportatien KAWCpe caA Ccg any diaN T es@L ow /

4 Ma

2. Contact a 3 [na't with telephone number, business /24 hour.

Go"4 9w')Fft. - Gr 4 3 - S a i s n . tar

3. Number of buses / vans cperated.

. . V.f G W 6 C.C 4 Numbe: of buses / vans available fc: ecergency response, pg G ac!

5. Passergerca;a:lties./64 es g 9 7o to +s t L AV-vy
6. LOCaticns a*. ani0h tuses/ vans are ; ara;ef.

.5 i b e s( %C ,

r' m

' 54Is m

7. Nuete: cf crivers available for tuses/ vans.

Y5 "P %.1 e Si3 E. Ti.te requi:et tef::e tuses/ vans aitn crive:s :an te cis;atz ed.

\ % s e.s k .

9. Tac-Way ccm.unicatices capability cf tuses/ vans.

If yes, #at frecuency?

A v st C

10. Cements c: constraints en/to use cf tuses/ vans. (Use reverse side if j nee ed) ggg
11. hhat is your cally rate when tuses?

$ 4.e . .p y +.t. o m i 1C-'w GI f t, t.$ m 1 e 12 $7 WA. ,,

Signed M 91. M Ca:e f /., ' y_ q . 9 3 i

I v




. Are you willing to provide transportation assistance in the event of an ernergency? YES NO


1. Name and address of transpcrtatien Compp W .g a n.h H W ARWI h Nha4rt.fw asoe3P47 4tj6 m r+ta N
2. Contact person / alternate witn telephcne t nwh:, business w /24 hour.

Rogg g\c.Au.ejm Co u qug+e 33 3 - LS'6 3 / 6 0 (G e& W ' UC' S

3. Nurter of buses / vans (f6G>C'fkcA ccerate c'3) d. d yt/ 40414.$,

(3sch - lY


') h.n T2 - / - RC 4, Nurter of tuses/ vans availa"Ile fc; e<e:gency respcnse.

// Frso Y y tLew at 4_7 m c

5. Passerge: capacities.
6. L::sti:rs a wni:h tuses/vars are a:a;et.

i 99/ mzL-A ~.b.

O se .,w s . s .a. 0 2,6 7 7 Nucter of crivers available fc buses / vans.

W,LL s n c.,


%c bala a o h6 L *,c~j

$$1.1C av.e c Oc.cyL'As

8. Tire re:;uired tef::e tuses/ vans itn drive:s can te cis:stched.

Nkk 46 45 % q .

9. T. c:cruri:atict s ca;a:ility cf tuses/vars. If yes, what frecuer.cj?

k R A% ol -

C.6 CWO.oS

10. Ccerents c: censtraints en/to use cf tuses/vsrs. (Use reverse side if
neste::) %c> wq, j
11. What is y:ur cally rate wten '. easing tuses? 890 A MT LE T ho 4A. E N OC,*0e %

Si;nec d Cate ' 9,fp j i




- . STATE OF NEW Half Si1RE I Are you willing to provide transportation assistance in the event of an emergency? YES ,X NO

1. Nameandaddressoftransportati5nCompany it afi's.t T/2x n y v~/n /Tc vt .]d, ,Jb d$t N' /dA A fcchtNr- N c3Fe')


2. Contact person / alternate with telephone number, / business /)24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. &. . Aire-t* / % ; I 5.:) - 6 4 3 cJ /fe 4 : J y .3. - / c 9 t'

3. Number of buses / vans operated.

~ ff .,,

4 Number of buses / vans available for er.e:gency response, s 2.b~~

5. Passenger capacities. .

.b / c :' b

6. Lccatic.s at which tuses/ vans are qara ed.

Ja d'c cA & / ke,(fc/' Abc A-rhi- /U/7'~ c..;Em:: 7



{ / /

7. Number of drivers available for buses / vans.

..,2 5 ~

8. Tir e ret;uired before buses / vans with drivers can be dispatched.

/. r G ~ .J c M .

9 Twc-way cc r,unicatiens capability of buses / vans. If yes, what fre:;tency?


10. Coments or constraints on/to use of tuses/ vans. (Use reverse side if



11. What is ycur daily rate when leasing buses? ,

e & ~ 4 a d %;c= ,c.si4 w, u xp:2 '

Signed (4 _u x


Date f 2. // -r/ q. 3 a ,

r ,

I-i .

l .


. TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE TO TrE STATE (F PCW HAW 5HIFE Are you willing to providt transportation assistance in the event of an er:m:gency? YES V NO


i 1. Name and address of transportation, Company 5 w de h e hs . Sac -


. Ax a.


2. Contact persen/ alter Ee*wTtn'tbehoneneber tdsiness/24 hour.
e. *
  • u lledustO tq:4) Hskt..sK U.'u:h tssI N? e sv.s he MsM174 si s,=s fall d.- st:3.:17
3. Nmter of buses / vans cperated. S' h+.

4 Nute: of tuses/va..s available for e er;ency respense, v as uu ,

- 5. Passense: capacitles. 66

6. Lccatices at anich tuses.'vars are ;sra;e::. ..

' M. ' S s :.ta a 5,.. %. . x tr...;  :!; ,

im (j

7. Nueter of c 1 vers ava!1atie for buses / vans.


8. Ti. e requi
ec tef::e tuses/ vans with drivers can te dis;at:r,ed.

q . I *

9. Tac-way cc.r.unicatiens capability cf cuses/ vans. If yes, what f:e ue-cy?

. ca .


10. Ccments c: ccnstraints en/ o use cf buses / vans. (Use reverse side if

.u.- , .> 4 9 q, a- -.

11. m e is ycur cally :ste wnen leasing tuses? 20. t .h 1 o O

si; nee 6 c/ ,///d/d

~ Cate t a l.s e/ cs .

( I (v




  • / ,

4 9

A copy of this agreement is on file in the offices of the New


  • Hampshire Civil Defense.


e M

e e

4 0

i i

{ .3 I





l i 3

I e


I .




A copy of this Agreement is on file at the offices of the New Hampshire

.l *

  • Civil Defense Dept. ,
l 9

4 6

5 m

t 1

0 O

ed 9

eu e

i 9

[Y'# #' ,

.U4 West 5 tree) e ..

Keenr, New Hampshire C3431 g ' f'y%,

. #. n , s =7,

  • 2

% 4.L>' V Q' _._. {+.t .... &....*$.

H. Charles La ..

- R chard L Champagne Me sr e r 3.,,,:,i. .

. S pedareadent . .

  • T.t. 2n.:,1 t.t. 3324s: ypyjg y4, yggy

.!:.' James A. Saggictes Tield Pep:esen:ative

!!cv Ha:pshire Civil Agency one A1:po:: 2:ad Can:c:do New Ha:Pshi:e 01101 Cea: M:. Saggi::es a Cn X:nday, Ap:11 13,1981, :he xtene sca:d c! Educa:Lcn app::.ed :he use c! :he xcene High Sch:: sh:ve: ::c= facill:les !:: pu:;cses c! de::n:2.--

ina:Lcn. Such use vauld he pa:: c! :his a:es's plan !:: a :adinlegi:21 :e:pcase.

p esse advise =e !! we need :o p:: vide y: vi:h addi:1:n.t1 in!:: .s:1:n.

% SLnce:ely yce:s o

?auL y -rm au X. Cha:1es *.a::scey

  • Assis:an: Sape:in:enden: :! Sch::12
the xse .e S:haci cis::1::

MCI. :d c: Cna:1es T. Bu:ns .


i t* .

n..... .*s,...,


vomber 8,1H5 ' '


, Fe M A [gretW4hi gy[pgpg .

I ..


i I . . . . . ,

i 4


Part ill .'

lO .


l Federal Emergency l l

Management Agency -

l 1

. Federal Radiological Emergency

i .- Response Plan, Concurrency by M 6' Twelve Federal Agencies and Publication  :

! as an Operational Plan; Notke f l


\ == . . . I

- . ,v.

! q.


  1. SR ,

. .' 9 j


i iO i

gm Federal Register / Vol. 50. No :17 / Friday. November 8.1985 / Notices Agency. Washington. D C. :04 *2. , based on specific authorities for FEDERAL. EMERGENCY resporrdi=g to ra6efogical em.egencie s.

/D Telepbone. (2021 HS-28R W ANAGEMENT AGENCY .

(2) cutlines Federa! policies and U -

Federal Ernemency Dated Ociober 30.1985 Samuel W. 5 peck.

planning assumptrens that underlie th.s

. Response Plan (FRERP), ConcurrorMa concept of operations and on which

. Anociate Director. Store end Local Provrema-by As Turebre Federal Agencles and ,j g ,,, ,,, Federal agency response plans (in ,

PubHcat$on as an , Operational Plan ,

.a ddition to their egency. specific

"'I ' 1 ""3 '"'I Policle:) were ha sed. and (3) specifie:

f" Pope fa*ss "' Federal Emergen'cy -

authorities and responsibilities of each Management Agency.

Port A Federal agency that may have a acvsose Notice. sig l'icant role In such emergencies 3 September 19a3 The Federal Radiological Emergency Prepared by the Federal Emer3ecy *Ibe FRERP includes the Federal Response Plan (FRERP)is now folly Manageroent Agency and the other Radiological Monitoring and operational for use In.the Federal Assessroent Plan'[FRMAP) for use by Agencies on the Subcommittee oo response to a radiological emergency. FederalResponse of the Federal Federal agenc!n with radiological * *

' 3 Radiological Preparedness Coordinating monitoring and asussment capabilities.

spons a i. f d Committee. Part A of the FRERP also includes Interchangeably as the Federal Plan. ha s m=maries cf Federal agency respense been developed by the Federal Table of Coninis p!sris Part B consists of individual Emergency Mariagement Agency I tr.trodacnon and 8.cig oand A. P.rpou agencies ruponse plans which are (TEMA) and eleven other Federal rnah.tained by the respectis e agencles agene:es and was pubhshed on B Sc:;,

C. Aa:non These response plar.s provide spec:'!c Septernber 12.1964 (Federal R egister.

D P' Assur puor.s guidance to Federal agencies for Vol 49. No.178. pp. 35896-359251. It w a s IL Concept of 0;ersuon* i=plementing PartIof the FRERP.

developed in response to E.O.12241 and 5 provides for Federal agencies to N',','n*,",'n',$,],"n*,',f g,7,9,7 a n d Part A of the FRERP will be revised discharge their responsibilit:es during a Ducuanon by FEMA. as necessary, in coordination wide range of peacetirne raiological C Ceaeral Rnpoese Roin of Pnt'eneJ wnh the Sabecm .ittee en Fede a!

emergene:es. It was pubhshed in inte .m A;e c:n a-d Offic:als Res; case of the Federal Ra6clercal bat cperatu:nal fc- t pening! D P.the t-Jc' nanon ned Ceareis.eut p r;a edness Cocrinating Ccemmee agency cone'.r ences by each cf the Fe' enc s (RFCC). DcE will have pr: mary E intwmance2 R n;onse Coord. nance responsibihty fer prepcsing changes to twelve agenices that cooperated in tre rea t tomeg ad n developement cf this Plan. III Fp'e si sad l '~ 3 N F"MW We d da EU U N .

Since the September 12.19M ~4 y,',',',7 'f' Subcemmittee. Agencies should preside pubhcation. FEMA presented th,s i plan B Parpin updates of their offsite plans and to the management of the other eleve: C. A.tneney and lunid:ct:en procedures to the Director. FEMA.

agencies for their ecocurrence Each of c. pat.:7 FB(A will peric6cally emercise the these agea.ces has provided its *nNe* E Organ: canon concur;ence in the F'.an.Tha Depart aent of Trar.sportat.c r.,:

F Fes;onshn of Pa ic.;atir3 A 6 esc e*


ao C.Ts;es of E. e sen. n the Sabecem:: tee en Tra;nt. g and concur ence has beca, prouded swbiect Esercises cf the FRPCC.The resatts c,.

to a resision of the summa y cf the K Ciersn g P opd ru L Sassang Aammen:s sach esercises will be used to upda:e Department of Transportataon Response Plan as contained in the FRERP.Tr.a I'n'*dg*d8:" * 'N the FRERP a .d inividual agency cff Je mponu plans and ; n Depart:nent of Defense concurrence a'.so A r.f,,,i Ag,riey gni,r ,,n e

t'ecnia y. The FRE.V will be pubhshe a has been provided subject to a reviaici B n of Federal Agenc3 Res;ce u of the summary of the Departrnent of P;as , freen t:rne to nme in the Federal Defense Respcese P an and !c other A;;end.: A Acre v e Resister.

riinct changes. A;;eca B Ce'ituners

^8P"d.: C. Federal Leersency eed 8 Sic;f FUtA and other members of the Facsimi!e Ernters Federal Response Subcommittee hase The FRERP covers any peacettrne reviewed these changes and have tot of TabWe red:ological emergency escumns *dh n deterr-ined that they are r":nor, c!anfy Tatte U-1. Rnpona Os eme= the IJn;ted 5:a:es its temterin.

Federal agency roles and T.t:e it.2 Ident.f canon of Cese.inas pournions and temtonal waters that responsibilities and do not affect t e Federal Agenc:en for Rad.otes can could requ:re a significant res;cnse by ba sic organizanon or responsn eness cf L egenc'" seseral Federal agene:es Spec 3ca3y.

the Plan.The Federal Rad;oleg cal  ! Introduction and Back ground eme genc:es cecurneg at f.xed nue: ear Emergency Response P!an. ine:w6ng the fachnes or the trans;crtatien cf changes provided by the De;artment cf 4. F@s' raicactar r ater:als.incluing nucle 3r Transportation and the De;artment of The Federal Raiolopeal Eme ser cy wea;cns. rnay fa!! within the sec;e cf ,

Defense. is hereby published as the Response P:an (FRERP)is to be ned ty the ;!an regard!ess of whether the o; era tional ;!a n. Federal age c:es in ; far av er rac.cacuse r atema!: a e scamartwin emisonwanow cc= Tact- rad.clogical eme genc:es it pnmardy pubac'!y or praately owne? Federab Mr. Vernon Adler. Ch;ef. Res;onse cuncerns the offsite Federal respense in reg.!ated. or reg a!ated by a- A! "~W n ss;;nti cf Siate and local3 :nere ents Planning & E.tercise Er.nch. D:sester (v) Assistance Pregrar s. State and Lcca!

Prostams and Sc;,n nri Directorate wnn for sne eme ;eracy.The


FRF.FJ (t) Presides the Federal

  • Tu n e w .. .s*- ' . J F :'
  • e,,,,,,,,..,,,,.a,..,c.....t,,-w-Ic.f eral Emergency Manaver-e-t guernment s cence;t of operanars  %..i...-.m

46544 Fcdiral Register / Vol. fo. No. 217 / Tndey November 8.1985 / Notices has developed this plarL li also assigns minimize the offsite rad.olne cal responsibility to the Department of consequences. 3. Protocol for Federal Assistance

' F.nergy for the development of the , Requests by Owners or Operators

2. Federal Agency Authorities V) l Federal Radiological Monitoring a nd Assessment Plan.

Notwithstandmg the pnmacy of the The owner or operator of a facil.ty or radiological activity, either privete or Additional authorities for other State for protecting public healih and authorized or regulated by the Federal Federal agencies are pnsented in government, can ask for assistance Section IV. , safety off site, some Federal agencies have statutory or other authontses for.- directly from the appropriate Federa!

' D. Monninj Assumptions i < . responding to certam situations . agency with which they have effecting public hes!!h and safety preexisting arrangements or The following breed assumptions and relationships.The State or local policies have been used to prepare part without e State request.Section IV of

, this plan cites those relevant legislative governments. es well as the CFA and A of this plan sad to develop the and esecutive authonties. This plan FT.MA. should be informed by the Individual agency response plans,and Federal agency first contacted when procedurve contained in Part B. provides a framework for coordmating Federal actions within those authorsties: such assistance is requested.

1. Public and Private Sector Response it does not create any new authonties.
6. Coordination of State and I.ocal The owner or operator of an affected 3. Basis for a Federal Response Assistance Requests nucleer facility has primary responsibility for actions within the The Federalgovemment will respond After notification of a radiological boundaries of that facility for when:(t) A state, other govemmental emergency that could significantly minimizing the radiological hazard to entity with lunsdiciion or regulated impact the public health and safety. and the public. Sta te or local sovemments ent:ry requests Federal support. or. (:1 - after discussions with the CFA. or upen have primary terpensibility for Federal agencies must respond to meet a direct State request for assistance.

determimng and im;!ementing any thee s'a tutory respesibditie e8- IUtA will designate and dep'oy a inessures to protect life, property. and when an emergency significantly affects Senior FT.MA Official (SFO) to proside a the environment in any area s not withirt Federalmissions preperty,or resources. single point of contact. as required. for the boundaries of a fixed nuclear facility Any Federal response will be closely State and local assistance requests.

or otherwise not within the control of a Where possible. the SFO will co locate coordmated with the State or local Federal agency. For example. in a goumments concemed. with the State representatn e at an transportation accident other than one Responses to incidents on or affecting offsite Iceation. State and local involving nuclear weapo(ns) the State Fede c. allands are to be cec 6.ated w:th govemment requests for assistance en localgovemment has the responsibity Fe:eralland r anageme .t agenctes to also be inade d: rect!) to indaid.a!

for takmg emergency actions both on ensee that response actmhes are Federal agencies with which they has e site and off site. During an eme gency. preexisting arrangements or

/N co s stent with Federat staNies relationsh$ s. Federal agenc:es' spprepnate Federa! resources may be gesemeg the use and occupancy of

!)' used to support State and local govemments' response measures. if these lands. In addition. Federally contacted directly willinform the SFO.

recognized Indian tribes hase a spec: I When State and local authorities are requested. Federal agency response relahenship with the United States of unable to obtain the required assistance.

'a s recog tize the primsey of the they should d;tect requests for offsde America. and State and local response roles of owners or operators gose .ments may have limited or no Federal assistance to the SFO. or in the and State and local governments asthor:ty en their rese .anons The absence of such a designated offe a! Ic if the owner or operator of a the a;prognate FF3tA reg:enal ofCce radiclogical acrivity is licensed or 5.resa ofindien Affairs of the De;anment of the IntenerIDollis The Cosernor of the affected State regulated by a State agency m an will be adused of the designation of the as adabie to asstat other agencies in

" Agreement State ~. that State agency consulting with these tnbes about SFO and will be asked to des gnate a would provide onsite monitoring. State representative as the State radiological emergency preparedness evaluation, and advice. However. the and responses to incidents Coordmating Officer (SCO) to prcude a Federalgovemment will provide any principal point of State contact.The appropriate support requested by that 4 Federal Agency Resource SFO wd! promote eUectin opnavg State agency or other State or local Co.- .itt ents n!ahonshgs among Fedeal. Sta:e.

agencies with lunsd:ction. local. volunteer. and pnvate

Certam Federal agencies have onsite The resources of the Federal agencies response roles in a radiological will be made available danns 7. Federal and State Communications ra dialogical esiistance operstions.

emergency when a Fedeest egney Ernergency tes;onse requires a sub,ect to peor commitmee.ts to fulfdl owns. authonzes. or regulates a facility o ther op erettonal requirements contmuous flow of mformation among or radiological activity and has the Federal and State agencies thowthet.t an authonty to take action on site. That considered essential based on statutory emergency. This plan does not resme Federal egency la pntnanly respons;b!e responsibilities Agencies comt attes this Cow. Heweser, for the SFO to resources under this plan do so with the coordmate response actions and for rnonitonng the owner or c;erater s understandmg trist the duration of the activities and for providing needed snaintain the most current mforma:ica.

assistance. For example. in the case of commitment of those resources wdl Federal agene:es need to keep the SFO depend on the nature and extent of the informed of their maior respons, efferts an emergency at a licensed commerc:al cuclest power plant. the Nuclear emergency It is further understood that and activines that might trn;:nge en the subsequent e eageoe:es that are more Rerulatory Commission rnoraton the actions of other agencies.

sencas or of higher pnonty(such as situation. evaluates licensee actions. those that may leoperdize nations! 8 Federal Referrals of State and lecal and eduses the licensee, as appropnate.

O Q on the licensee's efforts to bnng the secunt>l may reqwre Federal agencies to reassess resources previously g,,,,,,nc,p,qu,,,,

State and local authennes will be reactor mio a stable condition and cor.rnatted under this plan. encouraged to coordinate it'e:r actions

16548 Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Friday November 8.1983 / Notices T4aus ti.2 tot.VrlFICArOs C8 CC W ZAMr notification and response duties The be deployed to establish an offsite base noenn Aocec:es ro. R AoCQG.C AL ([A hi!! provide FUtA with a general of operatien for coordinating the Tedea!



U assessment of the emergencyincluding response,ie.. a Federalitespense location and nature of the - Center (RtC). The FRC wi!! be i, . w.e l c- . -- - l', *% assessment of the seventy of the established at a location that has been problem as known a description of the pre selected together with the

o. ,

CFA's response, and any follow on

  • ~
  • actions anticipated by the CFA. otherwise will be established at the time of the emergency at a location identined e.- -=

O* FE.MA will verify that the State has in conjunction with the State. A Federal

' o.o . o.: _ ; c.c = o.e been nott$ed of the emergency by Radiological Monitoring and e, e- s uim a-. contacting the State. FF.MA and the CFA Assessment Center (FDfAC) will be wit! notify other appropnate Federal y ','""* ,,,u,, , agencies of the emergencyin estabbshed by doe. usually at a nearby airport"in a similar manner. The CFA. if

,w.= o.s. - accordance with their notification

'-* any. will establish a local base of procedures. pre-established interagencF operations. FIMA. the CFA. and doe agreernents. or interagency opera tional The CFA. in conjunction with FUfA response procedures. If no Federal will eschan' ge liaison represen:atives ta whenever possible will present any agency has the authonty to assume the ensure that activities at the varicas Federalrecommendations to the S:ste or CFA role. FUtA will make all centers are coordinated.

other appropriate offsite authenry with notiScariens. In these cases where As a result of notincan:n of a larisdictien for irn;Iementing or rela ting Fed,erallands cou!d be affected. FDtA radiclogical ernergency. :-d af:er p ete: ive ac: lens. In the case of a Eted wi no::.i the Federal agency with 6  : CFA FN m nuc! ear facility licensed by the NRC. the pns6c:icn. The nottnca: ens will ,  ; g ,

licenses is responsible for deveic;mg incogorate relev an: mformation Su- ort Tes"" As so n as an a EreEnate Er:tec:ive action exchanged between the CFA. If any. and Em"e"gency Suppen Tea :is am a:e,. .

re" commendations and promptly FF.MA. Individual agencies houId FB1A will begin its coorinatmg providmg those recommendations to determine their spec:Sc requirernents for - m 0-4 d u SFO State and local authorities without subsequent informatien. whenever these er De;ury SFO (DSTO) c the scene.

a waitira NRC's NhC. in re:;airements hase not been predeSned FDtA wi.! n!y en the C:! .zagt the rc:e of CFA. wi!! es aluate the l.:ensee's prete :ne a::ica wen tt:e CFA or FDtA. Federa! Age .:y OfCc;al,(C;r A%. .

C:E w:I: ::;fy Fede a! agen: es wuh the scene. as tne ;:.nt c. ::-ta:

re: mmendati:ns as :ime pen: and FFMAP res; nsidh::es in a:::rda .:e c:n=eming Fedetal a: the will ei:her c ncur f.. them or sugest wah agree:.upen pr::e6; es. Fede .: s ene.

cod:C:stions. as a;; ;.. ate FDfA is (k

V~1 T then nsponsible for promotmg coordination among Federal agencies age that can pr:ude ra6:!:3.:a:

assistan:e rnay respond upon recening a request for assistance from the State If an agency de: ides to ina.a;e os response. that decision will be providing assistance to the State in corntnunicated to FUtA and will or o wner or opera tor. Federal a genc;e s include:(1) The name and !c:ati:n cf implementing these recommendations if so contacted willinform the doe as the lead agency ofEcialif see is such assistance is requested by the se:n as the:r response tearn ar n es at des:gnatei(2) the tete;h: .e number at State. and for communicatins th:se the s:ene re::mmendari: .s to the resie..d g wh::5 he tshe ca . he c::::: ed a:

Fe dera; a gene;es.

3 .3 3 ., . ., head;.anets :: at the s:e e (*: .f a ;r:;na:e. tre ;nma. c(...::a(. is 1.';ce e:e pt of net "crie- each e;:o) :: rne s:ene and h : .et E .p,Dee ::ver;en,r. /.c::en. Aedv:r;0agency en. . n,e::sw-lle.f.

assess the ceed te mit: ate etr: mated t:me :f arnval at the its respcese.The response de :ston wdl The headquarte s of5cials of TF_MA be based on the situation reported and emergency sde. and (4) intended and each CFA will f:!;ow a pre. rnay censist of several ste;s lag,, ten u the sce .e. Su .Ja !). FUt A established system for notifying a!!

  • Alertir4 or activating ap will pt:v:de each Federal egency won a;;r:;r:ste Federal agenc:es Fede al age .:v response co ;ene-ts: pro;nate the sar e i .' .a';en whe- FD' A a

Cete : .:n:n.; whe" er S' ate or !ccal desmes es SFO FD'.; *O are:

3:veminent requests f: ass' stance have Fede' a' yenes d- ed :' *re s a'.s

,he owner er operator of the fae:.ay s

been received (where a;;r:;natel: of Federai agen:;es' res;:cte a: 1:ns er ra6clogical activity is generally the

  • Ac:na::en of agency eme gency Ena;u of os smgdar ut:: s %,., .

f'rst to be: me awa e of a rad:: leg.:s! res::nse teams anc :he:r de;i:yre-t te f:s Fedeal s.n:n en sat me C, A w:,

eme gency at:d is res;cnsible for tne scene: and dec me an:

e _a nctify:rg the a::r:;: a:e State and

  • E 'abi:s . ment of bases cf c:e anen means f:r :j q pa est an L,,ma:m .

Federal auth:nnes. at ne sce e of the eme ge :> ft:m en sue A reca: nen n a. . n 52bse;ue :t to as e:e ;r :f a w ..: to ca- f cut a c::rina:ed off sae nen5:anen of an e:. dent. tre CFA wi;! Federal res :nse.

n:::fy FUtA head:uaners in a. Ce:!::..-e ::'f e Te":V A fuil.scaie Federal res;:nse berns Res::nse Te: s Al en:y ; ari a . ecntac:mg the wi:n the ete:ut:en of ine notificat:en pt:cedates gese .be res::nse tes' FDiA Erne gency Info- .ati:n and s:he- e and :r.:!udes a!!:he ab s e f:ur ce:::>- ent and es abdsere- :f :8"5 C :r::nat::n Ce-ter E:CCt CF As sie:s S :e a v e e ;e : es W :: :f ::can: s r ne ::ene , en . e a.nta. . s. .:ar eme ;rn:y ::ca:.:n a !.J :a:e *ee:: .se me Fe ers: 570 a..: s:sff c:ner Fe:ca: agen:-

ce :es at :ne r nes:;uane s ep:na!. res;:nse mg-t resen : .iy the nest :s res::nse tes- and 5:a'e age- ,

er Ce:d ofE:es se::n: s'e: hhe- t .e Fede ai res;c .se resprese..:a nes *c.:::e ::s::a e


A netineation sh:u!d in:!ude a rea:nes rne eied s'e: FIM A w i!! : e, see e A::: :f; y TEMA a-: <- g.l C]/ descr:;!ien af tre eme ;ency s:tuanen r *nf> "'e affe:ted S'a'e W he- ne in:::

se that FE'.!A can car 3 out its f.nhet or fcu"h ste:is resened an SFO may s.:e s:e::f.cs e:.,.d

rsced.res e ze
ec3em::ats af

48548 Federal Register / Vol. Sa No. 217 / Friday. Novernber 8.15es / Norw, o governroesta is in adviabg thern on as required. when the CFA bes available (5) Provide staff suppo,1 and re ..

) initial protect.m action resources to help provide the needed reseurces to the SFO as req.aee G

recommenderuna lPAka).' a nd otkas assistancs b. Emergency Response Tecre R::-

protective messores and reentry d. Serve os the Fermory Source for At the scene et the Emerverw:y. IFe

' recommendatione \RERa)

  • lot the puke TechnicalInformation Regardits the FEMA response is carried out thru that snay be devalcped by the owoer or Emergency Conditione Onsite and sac its Emerency Response Tea- . Fe a s operatcr. or State or local authoritsee. In potentio/ or /teo/ CYfsite Roc 9ologice/ by the SFO.De SFO cocrdma tes providing such advice. the CTA will use. E//ecta (1) Make en inittel report to the

' to the extenl applicable. appropriate Federsi activities with Sta te effsue White House Siteetion Itoom covering. If ' activities and promotes the coer? .s!.

advice acd input from other Federal possible. the condition of the agencies with technical espertise on of Federal actions. Infor-nation. aa d ra6ctogical achvity can sh g the recommendations. Free interaenc .

those matters FDtA.upon request.will emergency and the actual or potential among Federet. State, and local age .-

assist the CFA as required,in developing offsite radiolo5i calimpact. After the is encouraged.The SFO enn facihrs e such advice. .- initial report. prepare the secion of Whenever pouible. the CFA will information flow emong a!! resperse

  • FEMA's report deshng with onsite elements and help direct Federal coordinate its presentation of the conditions and their actoel or potentist Federal evaluation of PARS with FD,tA resources to the appro;nate State a 2 irnpact erf ,ite. local government agences.The SFO ,

either pr!ct to, or et the time of. their presentation to the State er other offsite (21 Review a nd concur in the relesee riot intervene in the relationshi;s a-d cf all Federally generated information communicauon channels that a!rea:/

authorities. W hen imminent per:I threatens t'.e pubhc health a .d safety, related to the onstte conditions and exist between Federal and Sta te the CFA wd!; resent the e'.s!.aSen cf remain info ned of allinfermanon agenc*es: rather. the SFO ;teuder a-PARS der:!:y to the State cr ciher re!ated to cf' site radioleres! epee, add:n:nal r enas fer fae:!. tat. nit Whe e pessible.the CFA eboa!d rewew Federal State interacnen:

cffsite aum:rines without haung to cocrdir:ste with any otber Federal Tedera:!y provided of5:te radiological Through the SFO. FT.MA carte c.t data before releere, three major

agency. With retard to deve!oping or evaluating RE3s. the CFA wi!! kerp (31 Assist the State Public Infor ation .

  • P emete c::rd:nati:a amen; FEMA in.:- ed of their dese'c; ment er Officer in developirta coordinated pubhc Federal agencies and theirintera::.: -

infer- .ation re! eases. - with the State. inc!ud:r,3. ia com ::.:

h ~ a ' e to h ba - ~ ~ .t - (a) P m canenal n:;rg by 4 6 CFA. De ; mm cf Q c: ass.fpng ser.sinve tec;.n.:aj desejo;ed er e.4:.ated PARS ar.d r:.e More s;e:.;::stby.

respons.htht:es the re!sted CFA.s , ,, n.e s.

t: P.... efomanen in a nuc!est weapon to the State er ether a;;r:;nate c~s ,

,Oi e , v , .,- , .. . . e v s h. s ^- : -

- , , , , ~ ' , , , " g--


, , , g . ., g .g 33.,g.;_..,_,. ,

(v )  ; esen:a':n e- Incse recc:. men:a:.:r.s.

F: e of the Federal Emer;e cy

  • Cocrd;r:ste offsite wc:

(U Ser <e. as a point cf centa:t for Management Agency State and local governr ent te:hnical ensite response activit;es of Fede: t .t information and. as required. f:t MA.s pMmary nspo:s.blous is de State agenan; er,.i technical assistance requests. Federai nsponn an to icwe6ately

  • Sem as a.s infer =am suce cr.

(2) P ovide staff liais:n notify part;cipahng Federal agencies 8 of the statu.s of the overa'.I.,F,edera.:

re;resentanves to State aufko-nes and the erergency a:d to serve as a focal res;o Se e'I:r*-(The puc c inf: : ax:

the SFO to help i+e ; et the teenecal E0*' I f Ef ::'. .; the escr::nanen of fun:t :s is des:. . bed m Sd:uct. L ,

45:v:ts f tN eme ;exy en s 'e and ., ce Ts deal ns;: .se acnvinn at de E.nen c! d ue nrpc:aaMn ta

tenna; e nal offsne rai
'qcsl causnal!ese: a-d at the sn. e f the c.*::nec teca-u .se;ue .:es, e ergency. Tr.e D.n::cr cf rDtA win [al Fromoee Cxtier:Lc8 A vY (3) W:rk wah DcE in its efforts to desig . ate and dep!cy the SFO for /erer / ced TAserlete pecude of!sde rnenstenrq data and coordinatmg Federaires;cnse actmnu 5%rh the Sec:8. lil Prortoa.* eardir au; assessr .ent.s to apprepnete Swe and at the scene of the e :ergency. of the previ. sics of effs,ita am. stance t:

Federal a ge::::e s. a E- eiency Su:: ?: Te:- R:.'e a;;t:;nate Sta;e a G scLai 7:'e"~ ta (41 Pn;are a coord:cated Fede al T' up ita Emergency Support Tea . at agen::es by 16e Federaj agenc.cs pesmon en FARs whe:ent pessibee. head:arte-s. FDtA wdL i :Wir; mein! care. fora. ; eat e Canaalt won HHS. DcF E?A.13. D} Nonfy pamcpatmg ager.c.e: of tne w a re. snetter, c:sth:cg. tra uper:at.: .

and othe Fe:r al am=es as .e:uire:. e e*ie .,cy situt:en and su:;4y sec.r:ty, and any ciner (5) When appr:;r aie. ; ese:: :ne ef:r at.:n trey need to taae n Fedeal usess .e..? cf FARs. m a:::::ma e a:n: s nee:e: to ;r:te:t tne ;say r:eaa*. a s:

c:njan:n: . .an FT.vA. to :..e State or safe). Tbs c::r:.naner. .. n: e .

I:} Cocremate Fedent res:cese be ;cf:=ed m ade.n:n t: a.d ::e' cther offsne set.honnes. at the nanenaileveL n:t sniant. tu sna:E: c:-*:: t' : -

(5) Ceve;c::t evaluate :2Ri o al .:,,:tive e :r-r .anen a t tn .

tect ce ;.:ac anc ;tese .; s.:n E e ge :y Inf: man:n and fa n:n:

gen:.ess aassve s part :! to :ce-

  • . heir M:f. 's.

n---'e ad.: e. In :enpr.cnon wuh tne SFO. to ns;:nsabihty to ;roside tnen Cxt:manen Center (E CCi Sm tne ene State. CFA head:uarters er fr:m ct.:er pubi : s;n:ahud for:s of assistano.

(-) Heis Stata a:d 10:.a1 ;:v e- . ment and ;nvare ongen::auer.: abcut tne f:: Maetam a c:ntm ac.s evnew - i:=.;ie: .ent pr:tecs e a:nons, e pet Of tre e=e. gen.f and 2e tr e tetsi Federsi nsecm e" rt t-

ts? :st.e s ns:c Je. e s; e t .a* c -*eena y art s sN

~ e :e* e ::v-e t er e*t.w .e a. 2 's m e e f4 ;*"*!41e :e*".:C: **0c!" s :r: 't.e C'#I IIS EE -

j% sc*s* rent:st.:.a aJ C :"41 a y ~~13C"8Of0 # E3 ~A

( ) 4:* e a*= v s a 8* et u v e 4 :.:. s . e s s 4 s . fe:e as !Cae me Wh te HCuse w n, g, gregg,,t ts ;r.e al:e t L : e f

\"/ .st se se a::--w s's Fe=:p r a s $ e e a g**t et J l See Appe.g.: s 'a, g er ,q,pggg gjgg9,ggqge ggw "" ' . ~

e f , p g, o g (7 4 t emga g g ag gy; p g.e, gy n,g s

,e.,_....,_e_,....e . . . e . ee . w. e . . . . ,. ,_, .. ._ r , , , oi ts!.. yygpg g p

'$#e a ssemc.s S ime asiew.a a, "r

  • v
  • e *es  :=ree er w .* e $ e e . Cc'e* s! s :3 HOI 7*"1 I3'8'

, 1 s

, 4554' .

Federal Respsest / Yol. 50. No.117 / Friday. Nevernber 8,1985 / Weice, Information orgsmurauchs desenbed is authonties. If FEMA s PIO oe any orber and serve as a platform for enrefahr pI the reresinder o41us section. ' participating esency's PIO amves na the selected. Waehington based rpeciarroes

! e. TEMA. through the SFO's P10, will scene of the eme gency beferithe Ia supply bechground inforrnation. ae d wor's with theCFAO's Pic so promoan CFAO. the FEMA P10 oc anchr required.

coordsaatica all Fadatal agencies agency's PLO may establish and manage regardeg;mWc cematica geners ted Federal operations at the lic entil the 4. Coordinated Release ofIn!ct sation to by them and to prom:cte the ~ " CFAO arrrves.11pon amval the CFAO .. ' . - . .

i coordination cf prasa retease with the "or his/ber PlO shaltseoume prirnary . . Responsee io Congruelenal requests Sta te. Cooedinatica doe a not meao' that ' responsibility for Federaf operstioca at for information will be coord*nated a the language of all retsases rnust be the jlC. If there is no CFAO for the among the Federel agencies whene,n approved by the SFO and CFAO PlOs ernergency. the SFO's PIO shall assurne po:sible.The CFA Congresskmal but rather that the information content primary reepeneitnhty for Federal Liaison Officer (Cl4) at the is to be reviewed by them prior to , operations at the llc. When there is a headquarters Congressional Affairr release to ensure its consistency with CFAO. the SFO's P10 will assumme Of!1ce will provide a sing!r point of the tota!!nferrarlon available. In cases responsibiLty for coordtaating Federal centset for all Federal agency when the public health and safety are in public irrformation et the flC frors she headquarters CLOS and Congressional imminent peril the CFAO's P10 may CFAO's PIO at a mutually agreeable staffs seebng site. specific emeriency review and release publicinformation time.FDtA FIO at the scene wi:1 Information. As time and circumstances independent!y.The SFO's P!O wi!! proude support to the CFA duirca the permit a!! agency CLO: wi!! either assurce responsibility frem the CFAO's per.ed that the CFA has Federal channel Constessional requests to th2s P!O at a mut:a!!y ag reable time when cperational responsibdity for the llc. single point of contact.or coordinate recovery effor s are initiated by the FDIA's support willinclude their Intended responses with (L State or other a;pr priate effsite cocide. anna pubhc in!ctmar:oa If no Federal amcy assames the CFA auther-ty. When no Federa! agency achunes of other Fedus!. State. o' assumes the CFA role, the SFO's P!O role for the emerge.ncy. the FDtA salunteer agencies at the scene but isoa headquartu.s CLO will coor6n.ais .

will coordinate Federa!!y generated located at the j)C with which FT.m hee Congressionalinformation as desenb.ed  !

public informatfort a pre. established relationshs above. {

2. Coordinated Refeete of Pubh: 3 Coordinated Release of Public A FDM CLO mt! be the poica o.!

Information at the Scene of the lef:rmat:en at the Headquarteri Level cen:act at the ace.e cf the e=erarcy Fanesmy for all Federal agency CLOS and F: s:me emergen:y sa anc:s it may l! pea ar rval at tr.e e ne gency scree. be ne:cs:ary to re'.e.ase pubhc C g ewc:al :aff semns infor=e ree the CFAO's PtO or,if nene. the SFO's infermatien prior to the estabhahme-/ cf "I'rdeg de mugay and aces D ' #8' ' 8 A'" ' ' '# ' U ' 8 "*

  • l FIO. will e sce the estabitshment of Federal e; era:.;ar.s at the !!C nhen : .s Federal pubhc m!c=a:>cc c;catiens at is tre case. Federal agencies must The FDtA CLO w,il k rep is t w U the joint infor7nst;on Center (jkC)in coord2nate the release of pubhc contact with the CFA CLO.if any. who cooperation with the crwner or information through their headquarte , '"U **"d'"*# D' D " "7 P**I operator's pre. established informat:cn with the CFA hesdquarters PIO. The contact in the Washingtos.D.C. are n.

center. or separately. if necessar). Most CFA headgaarters FIO senes as the The FDtA CLO will prende nuclear power plant owners er sing'e po:nt of centact at the nanonal opprpiate Womanon to Men of cperatoes hace des.g ated llc Iccat ces headquar'e s les el fer a'i Feders! Curpress sed /ct their F.e!d :.affs w an and have c,ade arra:qn'=e us to agen:) F Os as we!! as (cr the r ed.a. . i.s:ance as r:ecessary t or: the CIA establish and c;erate these cente s in The CFA heeduarters F:0. :n end e$e Fednal ame n.Las W r an emergen:y.The UC at the scene of c:nr.nenen wtih FDfA heady.rters. proced. e does not pre:;ade the e:berga.ncy wu! proude the puble w di establish procedures for C'nicauon and intermanon and the :edia mth adequ:te. accurate. cocrdinanng the ratesse of Federal e schryte beim een Ccoitre se:omi j and timely pubhc inf:=anca regering pubhc infern:atacn with the State pno, reperentanves and Federal

a radiological emer.ency. Efferts wih be to release to the media. If no Federal How ever. Federal terponsei wth be made to colecate a!! Federal. St*te. !::a! ase cy assurnes the CFA re'e for th, md mad a ong Fednal au sem in and c er c; erat:r pubh: e;:c sercy. then the FDtA tr e mr.nnee deser ted a:nem 7",e CI A in!:=at:en eff::!a!s in the DC hemdq;arters FIO wdi coor6nate CLO a-d the FDM CLO wru cwet.o am However. if s;a:e limitations at a Federal pubhcinformatico as described with othu on the infomam l nuc! ear power p!act's designated above. Fr?ded to the Congress as we!! as o=

infnr=a norr center peedude r'e ese as a frier te the estabbshme .! ef Federal n N-'" en bettwr pr uded to the pec;.c  ;

UC and/orif the State desFgnstes c;*rances at the !!C Fedard apncies tere.e3 cretar r>ns at the DC anctber Iceanen fer its p:bbc wd; c:ctd.nate re: esses uf pathe infomahon activines special effer's y ,,. f, ..,.c f;,. . j g,4.,,,. ,, can,f. -g e r;,;,

mformanan bath at the reg ana!!ne:

mli be t'ecesse y te : smtain !:se ard nec de s.te of the e er;e:cy .h i l' *f F * ; a :roa sc: re e f n9 c:o d:can:n be'we : the Federal FC t a:m t'e:r Washingt:n. O C FTMP is hmer't to it e Unord Sietes its and these o+e-press cente s if the F e.ik. irtes offices. tenteras. peruss'n95 and temte- **

Fede al P C% and the State FLOs can .ct Ti.e .wenn he.dquarters poets of, sisars. it is recernized that radioi: gest l co. locate at the EC FDfA m': nenfv cont::t for pubhc infonneho . will eme pe9:>es oc:urnne near .

the Store when and w%re the Fede/sl cent' .ae 'o en: rate tt.r:.2%: the intr- .cersi berdeas b e . re) Ca-a de 60 hss b-- estsbbs'ed crev rv. but cc:e the DC is a nn Me ucci :c uld re) re ic'e*" * *'

Mfflever ptachcJl. the e1 tab'ishment eM sNa*ed 3'.l % Jin:r'e'en based C?oper4nte ret;ortie e'l#ts.

cf Feoers) ooerations e t the llc el; be ir.fnerern r be cierde:ted Tnerefc e the CFA e-d FEMA rr ur dertaken by the CFA in coceranen thrv sh :k, DC pict to reirase. The c:ns Wanen mth tre Da-artr-en' c' N

with FD4 A. othee ap; epeate Feceral W.i+ war, ma y. ho-eser. ' ce ed et'ar Fede a! 3:--:'es n agencaes.and Swe and local hand:e nerf.a reat rnedia inquir6es .p;r::r:.'e. *heuld ecv d'*a'e seJ l


.tr>352 Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Fnday. Nwember 8.1983 / Notices E. Federal assistance will be initiated 2. Involvernent of Non Parncipenng reporting activities of allFederal Agencies g)


when the Federal Radiological

, Emegency Response Plan in In effect. or In some cons, other Federal a encies agencies during the initial phans of an

'm I'.8850"

,ngency while maintaining technica!

V through a request from a State or local snay become involved with FEMAP *ith State and local agencies government. another Federal agency or State Department would with similar responsibihties.

private entity, or (in rare ceses) when be involved if an Incident occurnng b. Maintain a common set of all offstre doe. efter notification of an incident. within the United Sistes or its terntones radiological monitoring data and but in the absence of implerrrentation of affected areas outside United States provide thne date and interpretation.

the FRERP or formal State request. . territory or if monitoring efforts needed including any Federal dose projections.

believes 11 must respond to meet . to be coordinated across an . to the CFA snd the State on an statutory requirements to protect publie international border.De Federal expedited ba sis to suist in developirg safety. Whenever Det responde without Bureau of Investigation (FBf] would other protective measures and re. entry a State requnt. the State will be notified have the principal role in the recommendations for the public. The by doe. Requests from private entities investigation of all emergencies where CFA will provide thne data to other will be referred to the State befoe- any terrorism or deliberste relee se of appropriate Federal agencies requiring decision on response is made to ensure radioactive rnetniels is suspected. or in direct knowledge of radiological then will not be a duphcation of effort. cans of thmets egelnet nuclur facihnu condulons.

or materials.The major FBIinterfaces. c. With other appropriate agencies.

9. Agencies carryfrts'out statutory however, are expected to be with the including those agencies with nsponsibilities related to radic!cgical CFA and FEMA. Even when the FBIis responsibihties for the ingeshen monitoring and suess ment during a involved. doe / epa will coordina te pathway (e 3, EPA. HHS. and USD Al.

Federal response will also coordinate help the CFA to essess the accident rnonitonns functions with their State their activities through doe (or later. counterparts. potential and to develop technics!

L Coordineuen of a Umited Rnponse "' s on p e at en  ! ri i tIo sh p d Ie de , ,

between a Federal egency and its State The FRMAP re,ccgnizes that the recommendations and in recovery counterpart nor restrict the flow of appropnate response to a request for planning.

Ltdcrmaticn from that agency to the Federst ra dieforcal assistance rns y d. Provide the personnel and State. take many fer .e.rangmg from advice equipment required to ccordaste at:d. in to. Federal agencies. as their 8'ven by refe; hone to e large Federal coeperation with other Federal resources per it. will assist cther "C"dev4 a-d aunsre u e; nance at g3m pen,3,,, ,, p,7(c7.n the cffsae Federal agencies and State and loca! ee scene of a uncus emngency.Mest radiological moniterms and evaluanen governments with and traming of the f Iloweg gaidehnes for , g ,3 y, n , , .

actnines designed to im; ove local an d ; ed e. Request su;;temental rad.oleg cai 8(~~{C[j',h[,g ag ne p v response capatilities. and w1!!  ; rnonitonng assistance frors other p, ' whee cooperate in dnlis. tests. and es ercises. a Ifm ted response pcss b Federal agencin when reeded. when oE requested to do so by the State. er if

11. Appropriate independent sufncient.

emegency actions may be taken by the considered necessary to maintain the partsctpaneg Federal agencies on their T Respcasibilities of Partic:por rg credibihty of the offsite assessment own authenty to save hves minimite Alf'Cd8 I Fequest ree'ecroferca!.

immediate hazards and gather 1. Responsibihttes Dunes Emergencie: h)dro!ct cat. gegraphical. etc . da'a information abcut the eme sency that Ccgnizant Federal Agency The CFA nuded for menitoms and unne rnight b.e Icst by delay. Such acnon will pnmary erneqency res; 'U

  • not preempt later implementation of the responsibilities are stated m th, g Preside consdianen and su;;cri FRMAP. previous chapter et C.1.The CFA will susices to al! ether entnet fe 3. pris ate 11 Funding for each agency's also contnbute to the FRMAP as contractersj with radioleg: cal participanon in suppcrt of the FRMAP is follows: monoonng funcnons and capabihties.

the responsibthey of that agency un!ess h Anis! HHS and ' ether

' Federal; _8

a. Ensure that DcE. Federa!. State and provided for by ot.her agreements local ofncia!: are nenned quick!) of a Sa;ea

, d l 'c en E O/ genit tion 8j,'p],',}n',"n nsite technical treehods of handhng radiclosteal

1. General Pnneip!es and radiolegical data to the doe or Ep A contammanen.

Offsite Technical Director (OSTD; and t Anat the ether Federal. State and The FRMAP addresses the State and localofncials and local age c:n in ur!y pianmtg fer cocedmation of the partic:panns c. Unhte FEMAP data. as a;;repr: ate. duen a a'ien and recovery of the agencies' support cf offsue rnemter:rg to deveic; the Federal techmeal effsee area and make recemr-e-danc s and essessment ef!crts. The recommendanons en protectae to ascid the i;tead of contam;ranc . t r organizauon of the FRMAP emegency r easures and evaluate the facihty or i: ;teper emegency operations-res;cnse and the roles of some agencies radio!cg: cal acuvity owner or o;erater i Froude telecommamcahons se;;c t under FRMAP will depend en the recemmendenens. The present4 hon of to Federal agene:es usitt. rig m effsite specine emergency. but will follow the these recommendanons to the State er radio!cg' cal menitenns if nuessary

;les cuthned m the Fedeal c'her effsde author.t> wl! te k Ensare the ordeHy f*ansfc of Rad.clegical Ernergency Res;cese F:an. ccord.nated with FEMA. res;cestb::n> fer coord.e.nes tr.e Infer- ancn generated frem. the GMAp Ce;crr. ect c/ Ere yy DcE s effsee irtemediate and Iceg t*~n red cIc3 co-res;;mse is provided to the CFA and to respons biht.n are r onnermg funct2n to EFA at a (V. the a;;tepnate State authennes a Ccordmate the offsde radiological t utuatly arnst!e time after the mir.,.

rnarnteneg assesstnent. naionen. and  ; .ases of tse eme gency if the need hr

r Federal Regt. ster / Vcl. 50. No. 2U / November 8.1985 / Notices

- 16.5a responsib:e for preparation of press accordance with agreed upon FRStAP doe ofGcial who coord.netes tne total releases about its own response

% doe respense )

notification procedures, to request their actisines in support of FF.StAP.

! \ usistence if significant Federal The OSTD is responsib!e for.

However.infonnation for the pE e V establahing a Federal Radio!cg cal involvement may be required. doe. in its Monitoring and Assessment Center about the results of the Federa!

role se coordinator.may choose to ra6clegical monitt. ring should be

  • (mtAC) to be und as a coordinst en coordinated through the CFA and contact,er may be contacted by any of . center for Federal monitoring efforts.

the participating esencies. but unless .This center need not be located near the FEMA.The participating agencies rnay

. DoEla also the CFA. doe will not be the . emergency site or the Federal Respo,nse . supply public information personn

. primary source of geners!!nformation Center (RC) es long es its actions can technical experts to assist the CFA.

about the incident. .

be coordmated with those centers. In TEMA.or State in their pubhc Notification of FRMAP esencies may information efforts.

some instances. the NtAC locauen be delayed or omittad if necenery to have etreedy been determ;ned and Secunty considerations mov restm.t avoid interfenns with investiganons of rna(uded as part of a Federal agency, pailable InformaWen dassined ine thresta against nucteer facilities or . State. or local emergency plart. % hen Wr pW or funnin m inatuiels. In some ceses. notifica tion the FRMAC location he e not been insolved.Information may else be may be made, but information not previously determined. a locet on will withheld from the public m critical to the monitanns and be selected after confernns with the emngucin ,nvgving tutorism er assessment activities can be restricted State.The location of the FRStAC wi!! sabotage to avoid interining with an by en ortgoing caminalinvesugetion. be reported to the CFA. FEStA. and Resencuena on classified informanen State officials at the scene and owe


When the Federst response is br-ce d.

may also prevent total 6:clcoute to headquarters willinform the other participating agencies pubhc information may be hand!ed hadwene s of othu a p up ., locaMy by apprcpriate Federal er le: ,.

Agencies reopen 6eg under FTdMp parncipating agenc;es % hen ite FRC will usually arnve in stages. wah and FEStA and net teated togeder. the efficiale advance teams prece6r:3 mere fdty OSTD wm duignate a liaise to be 4. Congressional!nformancn equipped teams. Agencies will DC and FEStA will designate a liaison ,

anticipate State needs to the maximum Responses to Constusional requesa to the FFetAC to facilitate coordination estent pcssibie and respend as quickly betwnn umm Repnumatnu cf au for infermanen wm N c:cenated as pracuca!.However. it shculd be amor:3 the Federal agences as pecWded egucies ;anicipet ng in the Nt AP recepired that the letstics of env res;cese shculd be present m the for m the FRE.9P.

rnaict res;cnse c; make th'e espectation of animmediate res; cess to TEStAC.if;essib:e'll The DcE OSTD wi wor' s c!ase'y with S E't?"huf8'S'"'

a!! State requests u . realist:c. th EPA P a6ctegical Res;crse As s'ated m S4ction D. f.nd. g ler ea:'


(d  :.Cccrinanen at the Emergen:y Su e Co:ri-r:r to f acatate a smc; - agencis ;stt;c:; .r. v.;;m cf FFatAF is the respcnsibsty cf test transioen of the ccor6 canon doe's mergency Action and nsponsib&n to EPA at a mutu.,...) agency.unless other agreements are e Coor6natien Team !EAC~) at agreeable time and af ter consult.non effect.This will be the case regard:ess cf headquaners will desipate en ininal I *heihet the acti"th'8 *'te i"'uated by

h 'h ' 3 I' i' 'Ib'"I' ' E IY ", statutory responsibilities or by the Off Site Technical Direetor (OSTD) for advance when this transfer could occur any emergency requirirta mere than a bu,t it would geerally be espected to ,,;y,,,,;,negger,,,ncy, limited Federal respense The CSTD, -

E ,e,-- s m '" ataea" m = $>= es<. :.,' w .weeme a e s.~ssea:

c.........,y . _.. n . a. c i eten.

ee;~;U[5$$ ~

the n o s ~ uenis su b a ed a nsoe SI*"I"'Y'I#""

a es St).$ c{

met.  : r a at ',',,','.d g . Leen a g ed that pertam ic the ef:s.:e scene of the er:ergency, the OSTD will condmer.s have been decur-ented and monumeg and assessment actienes contact the State or local agency their consequences hase been assessed. cosered by RStAP. Authenty fcr e.:':

responsible for r:6clegical monitonna. In the case of en accident at a nuclear esmey a rote dunns a ra6clo9 ca!

and the semer c!Scials of the CFA. pswer plant. for instance. the transfer of ene ge q n contained withm the FT.SU and EPA preset at the ,,,,, n ,, ,,g ;,y m , p, ,,; , pg , ,, , , , authermes etted m each agencQ emere ecj su a. ,. ;,y , g gy ,,.eesble t:me after .NRC has

9 8" " E l '" '" * *

  • O '*" I # 3 The person des: pated as OSTD may dear- .mec tr.e piarit to be m stab:e chepter.

very as the nature and degree of c 36nen, res;ceu chanp. F:t esam;k th Afarin.s::4ns'e e ;es:n n. F&al ecy len'un ed OSTD w:ll generaily be de PAP teen duipced by EP A e Cff ce cf "dalan:n g,, pee,e Plan Summanes ca;tain dunns the early tes;cnse As p.: .. : aili sene as tne OSC and To fac;taate the coord.nanc . 6f od6uenal reswees or add.uen.1 R AP w,1; tre coor6neuen Federal egency ruponse acuers IN teams ar ive. EACT may des I-Ce

  • nes:ensth'ies of ee OcE 0570 Other se:non def;nes ard sa: man:et F-dc.:

h;sner.level offic;al ft: n a reg.:ne:  ;.rnc.;4ang agences will be a f ency If terfacep--those activthes !.r utf Ce cf an off:c;dl frW"*. DCE res:o*isiO!e for CoCrd.neteg the r s,hich two or more ap-c:es 54'.e heec;.arters as CST'l C:E wil; nsufy , cnitanng achythes throuan the EFA rWated res; The eterh:n tne J;:rconste particip.iting agenc:et OS 0 es tung as the FENIAF res;cese emo ;Federalagenc:es are dee el whei these dcsipst;:n, are t ade f . c:nunues m !arp part by the nature and n* e e epic es ake e IM :s !so *he CF A ,.6- ~,,,,,,,~*,~,

s ';.s e . e-ep .ces T .is se:n:r .3c er nas ces.:e ?es::ns.:..mes :) 3,m . anes of tre res::ru n wee ent. me C5Q a at ecor: cre5 F.:he.ntu- .t.i.n4.:.u esse e.,e p g., c! ene ;ar::c::at.c; Fv:e a:

( ) v.,FR w,p;;eran:r. an;ye

\.) tra FR'.tAF re;: :.r to : e es..rJme.d in accordance won t e mnus an,en as :. - '

  • CF AO thrauch the derpaled 0;;E Tecn .' n.-e-is, coriact pcm:s for M UP. I'.cn . ;4rncann; a;e c3 .:

L*4 der. lihe DeE Team f.eader a tr e

. i

,e .

Federal Resister / Vol. 50. No. 217 / fnday. November 6. Isas / Notices 1655; .

p = aduce for the State regar&ng other Public Information Releseu from O each participating Federal egency during protective measures and te Headquarters entry

' P" C. Feder'al agencin'heedquarters Plos the planning procen.

. "Comm'" 8 h"' will either channel rn e&a information

'In'tri national Cooperation (CFA) Other Protective Measures andi Re. entry) requests to the CFNs PIO at the s < The consultetjon with ITMA. . . Rec.omrnendetions

..o (R,ERs)(Presentat

, , . hud onunm or cocede deir h

, the Deuartment of State. and otherFederst agencies .

as him/her

' through!!

prior to release. ', ' Th cooperate with government counterparts anJ cther will present a coordmated appropriate Federal agencies.

Federal In Canada and Mulco as egreed toln Public Infonnetfon Refe n ses from the posinon on other protective measures Fedml egencies* P10s will work already established protocols in and re. entry recommendahons for the respon6ng to radiological emerpencies public to the State or other oppropriate ether to promote the coor6nsted occurring near U.S. borders.The CFA tofense re of publicInformation through the f

will also provide appropriate and timf y offsite authorities. llC.

information diee** y to its counterparts Protective Action Recommendations Radiation Victim Care advice In Mexico and Cesde at the time of IU'"IOP'8"Il .

" doe will provide HHS ud cee' emergency. Unless the public health and sefety Federal. State. and local agencies w ah International Cooperstion (FIMA) are in irnminent peril. the CFA will consult as appropriate with FIMA. advice and medical resources to the FDf A will work with the Department estent evellable to sutet in the hend!i. s

- of Siste and other Federal agencies at HHS. EPA.USDA. doe. and othe' and care of redistion accident eenr9s J the i me of an emergency to ensure that Federal agencies m prepann; a

,, q u , ,,,q' sffected or potentially affected countnes coordinated Federal position on protective action recommendations. Recovery Planning are kept fully infor=ied-taking into considerstion appropnate Prior to the Descetvation of the Legistical Support for Feders! Agencin Federal and State Protective Achon Federal response. FTMA will ccet6 nata a d other Cuides necessary.

who such recommendanons are Federei sestatence to t resour s n ed by ee requested. in ptennirs for of' sits Fede al agencies at ee emergene, '

P etectwe Actien Reccmmendauens " C 0 " f7

  • scene. (Presentauen) Ms @"

Manne Fishe y Product Safe'v Unku de puMic hnM ed ufe*y Agences at the scoe of ee

/~'N The Ce;arsent cf Cemeke v m a*e m Lumt unt me CFA m h provide support to HHS/FDA at its 'C"#0h*" *M I naluanon of protecos e set:in "5E"""!'8 .eme ymey pner to de er .at ef N CFA. FDtA. and DcE wC1 provide a request on matters of fishery prodact status update on their er.uvates when

  • safety (marine areas orJyl. recommendaticne (pARel to the State or each of these agencies arrives at ce other appropriate offsite au:h.mty. as scene of the emergency. Subsequent Monitoring Resources (EPA) "quntei agecy status updatu mH W provided EPA will provide resources to assist Protective Achon and Re-entry to the CFA. FEMA. and doe on a doe m morutones rs6cactivity leve's in the eNrent:ent duet.g the ernergeey Recern:ne-dations D sse runanon (CFA)recurnes basis as requested sed to DA upon tansfer cf the FEMAP phase of the mcident and.dar.ruj tte The CF A will mfe .DeE er DA. as coor6nanen resp aibih y f-: : OcE.

snterme6 ate and lengler-n phase. w.:1 coer6naton of Fede al offsde coordmate Federal ra6o!cgicag ra6clogical morutonng. of protective Water Profects ,

monitonng and the evaluauon of actual action and re. entry and other protective Federal water trocurces p iect ensironmentalimpact measures recommendations rnade to the sn ana gers IDoD. Dol.TV Al wit!

State and of py decisiens or ace'ons coorinate the operance of theJ Nonficatien (CFA) taken by the State based on those pro;ects wuh the appropr:ste agec*H The CFA. s!ter receivmg couficeuen recom.mendations. U'8 "I "# 8'I of the emergency, wn!! non!) FDtA and and

"#8" P"! [WDAl w atu sm e agneuhun Protechve Action ud Re. entry ethn Federst agencies in accorda.9ce and fish and wildhfe (Doc. Del) d, ~e w!!h the CFNs nonficanen procedates. Recernmendauens Dissemmanen ra6cfc sical ao:ergencies.

This conficahon willinc!ade a (FDtA) doc and DoD mil prende mesee descripnen of the CFA e ruponse siatus TIMA shellinform Fede al agencies support capabihties for rad.:!:p;a.

and current actmties. a genereg at the nationellevel and et the Federal emergencies, backing up ene smcee anessment of the emeagency. and uy Response Cuter of prote:tive sefion when required and may ca!i en other mformauon ava. tab:e. and re. entry recommendsnons made to ad6uenal support frots ethe agere e the State and of any de6siens er actions n neensary.

Nonfication (TD(A) taken by the State basel on then TDtA will notify Federal agencies of recommecdations' White House Infermation the emergency situation and engply The CFA will notify the White H:.

all relevant irfortnanen p.etective Acuenimplementatien the w of the meideot. After the m:bal te Vecdl the CFA will prepare the secuen cf O 0:her P etec :ve a

Measures sed Pe< entry USDA. in coor6nanen mth HHS. will FIMA e White House re;er's cesJr d Recommendahons (FIRS) ass:st State arid local offic: sis m the with onsite condinons and ve.t e: .

irnplementanon of protechve messure to er potenuel offsite impacts Edsed c-IU"'I'E *"'I minirms.e es6snon esposure to the mformanon provided by the SFO c.

The CFA will consult as appro; mate p Ee through food mannon anj will t.t e ceer Fede sj agenc es. FTM -

weh FEMA. C cE E.:A.HMS.05 eter-: FutA of s.:ri au. stance other Federal m dos;cp..y



Tedal Resister / ol 50. Nc 217 / Friday. Novernber 8.1988 / Ndees g5;g '

  • Appensio C-Tederal Emergency rkne Public Infarroation O//icers /PIOrJ-.

O ctherwise deamadraspensible fee tha Federal agency officials at headwarters and Facmatt). Wmbers d ra diological facihty o' 8:a4e ri4 p traceported,1,s the CIA.m respcasa and in the Geld tesponsible for e .,, .

preparing and coordinating the *

-supports State and local allade bjt , dissemir>etion of public tnformetion irr ,,,,,. , ,,

supporting the owner or operaaer's . T cooperstion with other respondies efforts to the Inddest under, e

  • control and thereby preveat ce minimize rederal. State, and local agencies.
  • offsite coceequencea- Radiological Assistance Prcgmm (RAPJ Team-A ttam dispatched ta the

$~ ,N ,c,ano' N C%,,

Other Protectin Measures and Re- *~'S ce== =

site of a radiologicatincident by the doe entry Recommendations /REAsh-- e,o , , amou4uau*

Adv,ca preWed to the State ecmceming regional office respond rts to a eL1.-.,,icoot om w

guidaoce on actions neceenry to avojd tedialogical incident.

or minimise esposure tonsidual Radio /cg/co/ Emergency-A type of

. Ml.'.'u".*

peu uunas o=8 - te -,- , c * "

, redietion as eaposure through the . radiologicalincident that poses an m'".3 ,',"u",7 6 ectuat or potentiaI hstard to public _,,

ingestion pathwsy. Also advice , , ,

provided to the State concerning health or safety or loss of property. e.vo . me mgs g guldence that rnay be issced to tr: embers RC.dioleyicalTmnsportanon ,

cf the public on returning to an area Incicent- Any incident that involves a c= ow=

  • igme; affected by a radiolegreal emergency. transportation vehicle or shiprnent ,,_ ,,,,,,,,,,%.

a n a either permanently er for ahert term conta:ning radioactive rnatenals. 1

  • l er e gency actions.

E! C ' ' 'T ilCn~ A F I*

  • dt** lop *d b1 O neror OperctesThe organization the State to restore the affected area that owns or operates the nuclear

%*sm._lmr"A l


'"h'**'"" n d with Fedetal assistance if needed [

f.icility or carner, or cargo that cause, o.s _ o m . . e - ,-., mrum.m m the radiological emergency.The owner Senior TEMA OfficioIISTONOf ficial '""'""' $$"cu*s. e,=i=

appointed by the Director of TEMA. or **-==**

er operator may be a Federal agency. a hrs representative. to d. rect the FT.MA

State or Iccal ges emment. or a prie ste . . . ; , % ,, rE~iir.rm res;onse at the scene of a radiolograt business. I c=-m = tr u'mue l':r:::!;:t ?g Aye : es-4s CFF Fart e~:erp *cy I ", 7 ' *

  • 351 estabhshes the Feders! Radick,; ca! Srcte Cxed.nches O'/ ice * /SCO/- An 'esa he ar= ir= l're;arei-ess Coord:nating Committee offici.I designated by the Co*ernor of n m , i c,,," , em ,, ,, .g., ,u . ,, , .
  • IFFpCC' wb:h has a; r: sed the the affe:.ed 5:ste te werit we.h the . 'ermi*

( .

O) cobbshment of the S.:com .ittee on

} ederal Response.The 12 agencies CFAO and SFQ in coord.naeg the response eflerts of Federal.Siste. loca!. l inY5.$ $

re; resented on this Subco- nittee are volunteer, and private agencies. "' " *'*

referred to as the part.cipating agencies Subcommittee on federe/ Response- L' '#i 8 8 " '

in the FRERp.They are FEMA. NRC. ***

p. MS doe. D A. Doc. dot. 0cD. d c k epare nets o rdinating **C

[c= 3 7 i oc.naa me. %.

Core. .: net far ned to doelop and test ' ' "

the Fedetal f.adiological Eme gency

. 4'"

Fr:tective Attica C (FACl-A I""e 'b' #

r.d anen es;esare lo el cr Respru ph Nt wus M cs athshed by appt;priate Federal er would pamcipate in the Federal i '*'"m"*'**

o cm.ner rm State agencies beyond which protective radiological emergency response are wien should be considered. "*"" ** ' ' ' * * * * * ' " " ' usca. ps.t.s w,-<, $s **

ca- m . w iseuers's on M l'rcrective Action Recommendation Transportation of Radioactive *"'*""

Materiels-Refers to the losding  !

(PAR}--Advice to the State on cmegency mess.tres it shedd c:nsider unloadies. movement. er temporary in deter runirig action for tha pubhc to storage en route of rad:oactae trR Occ. 65-2s54: FJed 1kr-as. a as ar) take to avoid or redace the:r to mecels *




Tederal Repster / Vd. 50. No. 217 / Frtctsy. November a..peo / Notices 4855a ship or assigried geographle eroe where to provide infonnatico and suppcrt as order to protect nationel secuAty required.

informaths, pobey guidance prohibits the seddent or incident occurs,

[W V

T public release clinicnnatica that (2J T'he Service or Agenry having custody of the matenal at the tirne of the # F8mt 8/Notificct,,on et DoD identies storses locations of nuclear accident or signdicant incident if the Contact person's Title. Deputy meterials. ed:edulee of transportation of accidant occurs beyond the boundaries Director of Operations (DDD).

nucleat meterista, or the echedules of nuclear-powered vessels. For e nori-DoD ; of a DoD instalianon. doe fecihry, Contact Fesson's Org.enitauers neva!

- U radiological emergency, the DoD will ship or geogreplic ares.c.The NeconalMdatory Coounend c. + Nations

  • Organization of the joint Chiefs of Sta support the CFA and FEMA within the ' Center (NMCC)is responsible for initial constraints of national securf ty ee approved by DoD policy or OSD. notional-level command and control and J. federwlDeport 'ient or Apncy tosponse of DoD reoources and for,rfaces
b. For DoD ra dialogical emergencies. -

the responsibility for onsite Cornmand personnel unui condauene beve 1.lsted below are DoD's interfects and Control at the scene of a nuclear etabihsed. Comumend and Centrol will with other Federal departe:enta aad accident or significant incident is be trsaaferred to the reopensible Servica esencies in respoedtag to e Opereuons Center, se Directed by the assigned to: emergency.

(1) The Service or Agency In charge of Secretary of Defense or his authorised e DoD doe far.ility naval representative.The NMCC will continue -

  • Cgunnegi.? C' Citt=se Fgoga.6 Act ev istigosaces

- . c.c. -

m. m.

1 ~.a m .... ................_... .:.v 1,


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.: isc,ea .ce sa as .a- _ m. . . ... _J 6een caesare ce=,

. cso . .~. -'C-, e-v=-e+ = * =

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I 399 8 .h4 8' '.P 9*,cI... . .. . . . . t I I 94A = .. . - - I sewa Ca== 03f."

tese4m m se a.o8.we 4.v.,. . t it a ..

.. .\ san. Coe.mes Ca=. CBC c,-- - ., '

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Iccal ofte.a's it is t- perter,t to 3 C:D Res;: 9se F'c? c-iF c:ei." b*

.I Rern?s.b:!::es 'cr Ass.s c. ce :s Re.'e ences federcl. State. ced local Govern ~ents reccgmse that for nuclear weapons or ' '

weapon ecmponent accidenta. land may Apey Respcue Fun a.The DoD has the responsihihry to be temporanty pieced under effective .

assist Federal. State and local 8' 8 C on eene Sa ona D ens a t o e caf e ge e National Secunty Ares (NSA) to protect I8","Q gg <

commander wdl be assigned and wdl l' S gusernment classJied materials. m W E.w't d assist the onsite resp.onse. m coordmation with FEMA. to ensure th, These lands will revert back to S' ate Accident /nvolym Radio'et i cc/

contral upon disestabhshment of the pubbe as pretecsed. AI teric/s_ 0 March 1tatt The State Covernor is re.pcas ble for 50^0'NSA 3. DoD Directive $2x16 Leler.?

b The DoD will provide assistance to ag,, dent and/nesdent A.biec Arc s q the healta, safery and welfare or Federal State and local gone .menta in Cuicence ? Febrsary in3. I individuals withm the temtonal hrus '

of the State dur:ng penode of e ne sency the esent nf a non DeD rad: clerical 4 DoD Directive X251 Cr* #

or ens:e and c:ay be espected to durcet

  • ergency m accorda .ce w'th DoD Assistory Resourcos Durset Pec:w. *~

pahey or as approved by 050 subject to measurts that roust be ta'nen to satisfy c,:f,,,

g s/ es E',nerper' cees We!.hm 7,rf,gries c^.a j L that respocsibthry.The DoD shall assess essennat operanonal requirements the nature and entent of the radiolog:cel Assistence in the form of rnanpower- 23 May 19M emergency and the pulential offsite lor:9ei and te'ecommunications. O M 8E '# S W I" I effects o*. the ;abbc hea!!h and safety 1-c!ud:re air!.ft serttees may be prouded. w teal 4Wedeole. upon the a . T%e Atomic EreT/ A t cf

  • d and. m Coordinalson with F~t.MA actise ar-ended rewest of the CFA cr FEM A Ret,ests O the State and local agencies of

. ht. L 9*-3 51 "Com e*' c* ** N (V a;;rognate respcase reeas.tes Offsite authenty and responsibihty et for ass: stance must be direc'ed to the NMCC or throueh channefs esiebbshed Physical Protechen of bdch" '

Ir plementahon Act ofIK e nuciear accident rest with Siete .nJ t;. ;" or 4;termen:2 J



16560 Tederal Resister / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Novembe't 8.1985 / N ,tices

.snd roordinates Federal offsite f lDint o!S nncenon ct DvE a federotDepartment or Agency r.,dinlogical monitonny and essessment fleodquarters laterfaces

. support to the CFA and to the State and '

Contact Person.a Tb!v: Duty Officer.

OV local governments. doe's support is

' augmented by severalother Federal Cuntact Person's Orsanization:

Liste'd below are the doe's Intede:

wiih ciher Federal egencies and Emergency Action and Coordination departments in responding to a esencies including FEMA. NRC. EPA.

11 15. USDA. Doc. DoD. e nd Del. Th, Tea m. .

radialogical emergency. doe's RMAP estatalishes the framework for- Contact Person's Emergency beation: -Radiolegical Control Divhion is fe p contdinating the monitor {ng and - "- Emergency Operetions Center. . . responsible for coordinating doe's

' * ~" " ' ' ' . reponse effort within DcE ond amce; assessment activities of the Federal


  • the Federal agencies.

. agencies. - -

Ogeamineeest or gameacy FgoeaAg AGahaCT insfI## Act: ,

.e - I - e w e,e e sne e . . .. seaC scese g ea. eteng con

  • unoa. **4 cm. oso Oat a w =eeens segrey saappm.=

. t

  1. awas pregeme=e . . , t e od .=4scTirsoA asesc. osf. out oso scs4 esac sc7a6 troveet osman we esser ==ma amme it.mC4 Out itssa .

. t swasmoyene en pag aeg '==$ WoA one. oss. oso scrag emme scrat oss ha8 an==woonae ame==se morar stam e a e ,.e

' l, ten scrai sim.a gea e g n.a, o.O cid sce as tea . . . . eA8in =,CE'D a a w a s ,,,,..,g ,,.,,e ,. , e.a,; scs u osa sciaa o.s sC8 as lea . .. . . Aa8 enea eaw e ,. , ,gea , , .

. _ .,g.act, map'0SfD in ,ogfg em e , s t e.a . .,_ . as a yie no

==c*e== e.caeaos see e=e%=sa e *e= ee pc : cre .c8 si a=8 . sCT 9 ar newg e= ==y==rs areae ., . ans ,cg*g asg e e== ee . eve =,e er= **eaa6 ears 4et ena meag .=rs=am paese . Iact cea r etaara e *=e, %aea eIwa way .cs se oso as as oog ice og gas .__ aseensre nosomy as ow -m- - - -

smans emmes een - . , , scyV coo ec7 a4 out scs 4 .. ~ . . *** en='wot 70 ses ,ew= see as e . .. J aal . . .. . . ... Assismens esiegew, _ _ esi-ame =g gag ac,rst te,eee e.newe te seews esearve .. etwa . . . ..  : 8ia8 eme=wesfD Caroopeaa .e** ** . 8 8 ena . . . ._ Rae me=<0s'o ( ACT ceiay e ea e e,a e, wee ear., e t tea . . .. IaCf 8eere .emen ew., s e ma . .. . . . _ _ ama inwa<t'O e=me messe .esermone  ;

  • t se a . .. i aC'

,1 Porporw!nht:es f;r A ss. orc:r. . v .%RC tar Plcomes Prexte *:rss. cr>d kr~an senices HHS Crwd** &

( Mex!. Srcie cvd Lccc! Cn r *: rots Res: cme to En.ereencies M orch 8.19' and nonte':hn* cal sesistance in tre !

D; + Coordinate the offsne radiofogical  :. 0;erononel Ars;onse Procedures of advice, guidance. and enources f:

/ORPs/ Drielo;rd Between ////S. (lor. Federal. Sis te. a nd local sovem men:s rnenit a nns. a s s e s s m ent. e s alu e tion. a n d EPA. ced the NRC 1963 torettins of all Fedorni noene,es duries 3 doe. EPA letter of Aper-ment on

, p,;,, ,y g,,,,,,,,,,, ,, gg$

the smtial phases of an incident, and 80hI'C8D88 8IldC'd#d'8 8' OCf y,,,',,,,,,,

maintain liaison with State and local agenrise with similar res;cns bilaies fors/ sties January 18.19*8 Contact Person's Title Er-easency

  • Maintain .1 comrnon set of offsoe 4 .Votione/Plen /or Andscler: col Coordinator.

c.ed.atomt monitonn; data and f'f8C' Co* **PC'C/ Naf/*8' Contact Persen's Dmsion Dme e-prouJe a woh inter;retatten to the CFA Pe

  • er IS7'p"lents doc-NOAA. Nov e nb" E .ergency Ccord. nation.'

and to a;;ropnate State and local 1982- Contact Person's Emergency Uce'.

asencies requinns direct knowledge of 8. doe Specific Authonties Emeyney Operstle Center. Roe'n E r4dinlogical conditions. 10. Hubert H. Humphrey Building.

  • Proside HHS and other Federal.
  • The Energy Aeoryonisovon Act of 1.ofd lPub, L 93-438). Wa shington. D.C. :c:m.

State and local agencies with techmcal

  • nd tredical advice concermes
  • De De:crwent dErie ey 2 FederalDeportn'ent or Aprcy trear .cnt of radiological contaminatten. Dmichon ACIof18f*lP%D l 95-913- /nter#cces Department of Health and Human Listed below are HHS's inredace 3 DeE Aescorse P!ca esd Prceed, c with other Federal depar -erts 4%,s Senices Response Plan Summary R#cv cas agencies in respondies to e es6c:ci L I Saminor) o!Res;cose M.ssian e nergency.

Agenr> Response Plan in a radiolo -

1. The Federal Radio ogicat g,;,,,,n,3, afical emergency, Heali5 and Hu-an the 9, e -ev cr .ea rs.d. .e-w c- -

Vomten. s and Aesessmeni P:an 5,n,ces (HHS) assists with the a 8 **srcsi e diaw CNs e'i "w aC2M *]s '*

Ch4;ter !!! of the FRERP ice iri F ood saa,,Das,,A .',"e.....

a s s e ss ment. pre serva tion. a nd g , g,,, g, ,, , ,4e ,,ed'*'a,",.'i e Interagency Procedures protnoon of human healih and helps n, c,,,, ea . ree,,i A,*n n ao 4' 1 Areeme tt he'neen ERDA end ensare the availabiloy of essential ami nonreea m mde tai'~e**o G


.. l Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Friday. November 8.1965 / Notices 36562

'I Oteaarwtat o* FaovS'*G **'o U* *** Otyt6o*ws av' Feoe stat le<ttmeac s kA) v .

p_ ;- .w y9.<a a w 4a  ?

.. i ,. =.- y

,s - e e, n- ._. .

e,,v, eagem opensa mesee no f ases se-w=n e.yae e.eer f esew esseees ew=e

, 9e g '. l f **T-ww .noroewee eart

,., a.s . _ ..

J' #s tw hshC on Osa sCF 4L Dea sC* *t . c*un * *me *~~ * *

  • m .e an u.e *

.,e eeenp sa*. lcco oat ca on ~*c oss tIua as g e Paae 8Iwa am e--vns , oa w<=

n a of ta, een W cerysseure W e

na c . . ,oso o g04 o 4a.acses4. .. . =wpwev a one Caa.e. gear *,*e*'e* . e=easa .J e--,-w, w - e.e

, - , .. .~ . - ,

.. =.a s

3..a.e ees. s. . w .cer _

. . ; e -,-=,

, e ~, . eoe e. - a s . . . _._ _. .

..e s

Depsttment of the ;aterior Reponse PLnn request.The Department also 4 Responsibilities for Assis:ance to admirdstus the Federel govemment's Surumary Federal. State. ond Locof Governments t si nspgnsMty for 468 Federally

. Review and report en available J. Summery of Reponse Afission recognl ed Indian trtbet and villages housing for d'saster victims and Th' ' 'I lh' Int"' ' and about 50 mi!! ion eens ofInd:en dis;!sted persens rnanagn'E8"m'o"0 su5 mMica sens cf lands. It also has certain res;cns.b !, ties e Assist irt planning for and placing "'I for the island temteries of the United hemetess uctims in asa<!atie hcustrg , 'f ,',"f',,,*,",

. g$',", ' n*d b' "

. P eude emergency h:4.s:ng i.;;crt res;:ns t:e for these lands and fa:dmes staff within assilat!e res:ar:es when they are threatened by a 2 Headquent s Point c/Notif.conen

+ technicat h:usm4 radic'egical e nersency. in addit.en. the Contact Person's Tit}e: Diretter.

dssistance and advisory personnel to Dep eriment ccordtr.ates emergency Office of Envitertmental Project Review Stsie and local suihenties with ,,, pen,, pi,n, for Intenor.mensged (OEPR).

3.nsd:chen. park and recestion aren with Star, and local authenties and operates Conte <t Fe sen's C%ce Of*.c4 cf the J HUD Respoese Plcn eed latener wetu resources protects to Secrutary. Ce;4rtment of the Interer.

Ae'e esces ;reteet r .ac::al and ap ct !r.ral wa'er Recm 4:!A intener Euld 4 Asency Response sa;;hes in cases of rato!: : cal Wa shiratorL D C. ::T:44 eme7encies The Deper ment racudes p) 1 HUD TAERF Cf":e cf E erpe:) 3 I'0C! f'!C ~t? Cf AJ<Y Da;stedness Se;te-:er 3".1984 a o me an d ass. stance c: :e- .r4 lo t'f70;' 8

%_ >> dro ctc end natural rescucts.

E NUC Specif.c Authenties ircluding fish and wddhfe. to Federsi.

Siate. and local goverunente upon None Ct e.a,we wt ce i r s.o. e : . ac,4 C, ..,Ias sca s 1_ _ ; p. ,,

e:ae u, ,

,p , w, ,, e g .2 c4 en

,c.3 , .

%i *

  • e e. a t. ., e ,. .e . .

e e.* eco u a

t.ssoa a w e see-e +e , C( 89

        • e'e* F ser'TD see 9*4 D I 0%8 esee c't W8W cee" o dt Ce( C 44 %AC see og l
  • ee* oene**ms Soc .cs ai. e.a attai e.*C ets a es wa .Ct** N t 8ases eage ==e4*emees , . . .

8.94 *ewez. .eeene, mea aeseewe=en a ,-+  :=C .Cr u o=4 .cs a6 sw%: 8cs es . ., C we e' pi.s=e e*m

's messesow=a<. oeC revse 0.g ou mec car e.g ee,ys ,, ye.e C *=, se ergreenere ne'aws E**e esewie a=armenen 8 e =a esos mes.e, reee ,

,p gse ,, ,, . y g g ,,,,,, , g,,,,

a s as se.e.,s eg, s. g e a. 6,s. a . c e ** s ewme*a

. . . . !* < * ==, Cave t ya a e e' r*=e * -. ,cese 8 5 ss . _

  • *=. = m. e **emaese . .
  • Froude coercea .:n and 1.ais:n e Dci!;r:J.c A 4 Repons.bthries for Assistar:e t:

Federal. State ced Leccl Cos e??.~e-ts betwun Federal. State. end Iccal

  • Act c? !%4 ;~ ovid:r~g for ts.m g g ,,,,,, g g .,,
  • P uude hydrolegic edstee and '8]nc;es sad Federe;!y recognized ,

IF *a n int al gos n .ments. s ;;nes of the U S. (*e Stat. 398) a ss: star:e. ircL.d. g -:st:r g J Do/ Response flan c?d

  • The Arc!c.rc: cn Act oflY:. as personnoi. eteipme-t. a r.d la ntra' cry ar ended (43 U S C. 3911, asd prg:t S.;;crt.

A ,'ererces adenzau:n sets,

  • Proude educe and assistance in A,,ncy pnpan,, pg,3
  • No::orclPark Service Act ofIDG assessst g and trunirnaz;ng of! sat 1 9M DNt 5 (Draft'r--!nter;:r (16 U S C.11. and par's enathes a:?8 e ceset.e :es :n n4'.*a! rer:ar:n e 7,,, $,.; cer Act of IC1. s e a"**i' A e L L g !.sh a r'd m W!e F. enen:p C;erau:-s Federal r F.Jmeg.:al F. e seecy Pes::nse Plan- (25 U S C 131. includ.r8 ass:stence o
  • F :s rde ee:r:-u:. sa.a: ard ' g. dan into l

M C'.! 1 :C ro f +-lr r e n e r v Vu. cal ade:e atd ass. stance t: t. e Eme tency Ce.e socc: Raicieg cal e .Wt.crel mid!.ft Fe%e .M i T. rn'enes of Caa- Ar-e .can 5: met g ..;,,,..;;,, g g of y a s a-e* Di l ar.J the \,.r4 n Is;ena, s~d t.e E *-terors .

g (. 5 C A and n'qe enabbf d *


  • r r' f t" **. of t* e Pacif.? ls.4 Gs M'ca e- I 1



i r .

Federal Regieter / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Triday Novembe+ 8.19% / Notices

.tS5M Eum aeg Pacracnose Maxy Ft:n.A% Map <v kremess-Contenwed .. = s , a .,.m


w l I

- __ .. _ J c~ c,.o e *, w.e.e

_. .. J o.o on u o.r-c o at m.a . _ . 2 er e_

o.o o = w o = e: o = .m o88 8Etaa amme ass. art emma . . . . . -

-  % Jer.ergwenew**e=eem .. ..g- .

aie es esown amoeise,s,sesnewmam f i naa . . ...a,,, ,. ~3 . ,

>*w.eenanaarwg6a - *

., . e enyerems= anamnes em= gramme ere myww,  ;; teme.,,ar=ent ..'.. .. .. j ca

. p e. . .o ree e ,

eroe . . . seau . - .

a.= , m 3 Tederal Emnepacy Managunaamt Radioactivity Rettests enta the Agnocy Reepoose Fins S === mary t Responsibil ties for Assistance to Envinnmens from doc focalare; J. Summary of Response Arission fedemi. State andlocal Governments *

. January 8,1978.

  • Provide resources inclu6ng 3 OperationalRnponse Procedures- futA le responsible for coordinating ,

personne1. equipment. end labora tory Des eloped amoeg the Nuclear the Fedatal res; to aU ta6oleg. cal support to assist doe in monitering Regulatory Commission. Enviroementalerrergencies that require a significant, rodeoactivity levele in the envimnment Protection Agency. Depart:nent of mulu. agency Federal presence FDtNs dar.r.g the phase of the Health and Services, ar.d the coor6natten role promotes en efre:%e incident. De;artment of Eneryy. November 30 and efiicient response by Federal

  • Assume respons.bif;ry frcm OcE for 8;eneles at both the no tocallevel a-d ,I 1991 coor6nahng Federalinte -e&ste ead at the scene cf the e=e gency. -

icng. term rad elegical rnonitor rg af:er lainagency hece&ses Cocransm is achimd et the eeta:P the in hai phase of the eme-ger cy after receiving adequate sis rance frem the 1 ycruolofpfet,cy.,A ,4,ona c ,,de, I"*\ b1 MA hC4h "^* *I M*

Emegency Suppon Team m and es andPmtecure Actior.s forNuc mor the scare of the ememency between Department of Eriergy and other Federal facidents Ofnce of Radiation Programs.

agencies that they will ec-nmit the Muay State. and W e%es H required res:mrees. perscreet, and fed.s Sepamber $;,g gg,g 1973 op ,,,;,, p,,,,,,,,, y,, FDtA e En e grary Res;tmre Teri for the duraucn of the Fedetal ers;~ense (ERT) FDtNs ERT includes e FTm ef fo rt.

g ',' ", '7'"X A"#f-

A,wu 2 to e E?A Rctaqcc., Fe3 er.a! Cc : .wVaat, ens Mar. apt,

  • Assess the nature and eite .! cf m who i.a res;c: sib:e fx prend.ns enviroru:nental red.aoen hazard. 7#" A "##### ### ~ M 0' 'I ^ ! cominutiications reanagement sw;; ort
  • P evide gu.darge to Fedetal 8 E**C""I'"*"7 WI the Semer FDtA OtScut e apacies ar.d S; ate ar.d local 3 M' *: c -d.. - cf Cede stcc

(' g:s err: .e.sts math jur.s6c' c.a e . E'N f'" 'e' I'/'* I f*f T'at) w. Paint of Nct.f,cc: en ct M Menagement'Ag e.-cy acd t.s e H**d%"??

acce; table emergency leve!.s cf talcactivity and tad.atic: L: the Ewicen'entalPrclectica, Contact Persen's


Einerse .ey enviror:nent. Corcerturf the Use of #,gh recy.ency

  • Assist the Cognizant Federa!

Acnon Of5cer.

Fa6o for Redeo/cgical f.mergenc 6 Coat act Persen's Off'.er Emeqency Agency (CFA1. as regnsted. In Response (w der deve!cp:.ent). Of fice of dese'c;irg rec: . e-ded t easures to P ad.ation P-ogran.s. Ecs troc=arra! 0;eranons Directers'A Cce*ect Fersen e Emergency tes prve:t the pubhc health a:d safe y. '"**^W i E.-e le 4 nfor' and 3 EPA Res;cese F c.- e?! P~-cet:.~ 6 E.=A S;ec1c A.,t.'cr Cec t d.n s c: , Ce nter (E'CC).


  • P osident's Reorpa. Jet.;ca Picn No. 3 Federcl Copar: ment or Agery Agency Response Pf en . 2 D*C'=b',2. trn. In'*!$C C H d
1. U 5. Environmental Pmtection
  • Public Hrolth Stevice Act. se t.uted yo?ow are putA's \nte sces-Agrecy Rad.cicg celt.~e?pency a~endet 4: U $ C. 241. Secuon i:t, and wan other Fede sl de;ar*.=en's et Retperte P cn. OfRee of R s d'anen 4 U S C. 243. sechon 311- agencan m res;cade.g to e tsa,ai hegrar.s. January 30.19rt.
  • Sa'e Dr.ching troter Act (P b L e.nergency.
2. I.e::er Aarve: ent between DaE and 9 ',.s:31 EPA for Net:ficatica cf Accidental Fcrew Ewe at,s %cv 8.da=acewewf Aerrer Atr4 % Meye v tartsme act s e e ssina c>sarsee-oes 4a "

s - --. .- . a gea. m.g sg f gcll _ ,- ,m . w. g ri e*wa -

cec c as en4 pcs a4

. cn< cm !='  ; (Q g g* gpg. gcy,ggag

    • J w # f u*' . asa **c ciae n,as:a end _ _ , , ,

ped O ap ad Q ag supgl f[7 ad _ _ . s *wn .vesuree e,. .g a g g 3f A***ma 8r4 48** We @pggees eet , ,,, en:

  • au on' tes ama a=vQ se & n,5;a. Cad . g e* g g*

i8*******.~..-. Dad, cne w$* a w ==4 i esf get 8***'**** . - . - . - . _ .

. 'D=

Dm*. Da cme omo oas end o as aspw;. esa 8 *5*

  • 8*eseres ca-*

NC 84191; A

,:.: :. te' onc icraa cut scrat g% m.s %c ll set er

  • =amma e.m ga*g3*

x : ";. sia an.1 asas . .

,, c,s. *.ed O a, gag %g ,.2 6

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ugeesa samme en ssauro e,ww e en.

e, .A o , c ,c, , ,,.

==.; eu .,at:

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. . . opd; ,, ,, , , , , ,, ,

8 8 ** 8 '**=== . .

, Enn". O no c e D ag aufe ne ePtenet .

F.Am=1 Register / Vol. 5a No. It" / Triday, N::vemba 8.19eul / f4tkos s

2 m,,6 cm- mous Sterne Farpas ass magwacgs Coresrwed to\ t ,

t  : .cs me.


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n.e m ,m. ee %c 084 cw o ans wie #e as em --lt - . .. _

F Ehaa eseg .eurwe smeeg

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u-era. - son.e.e , Js; esse __ , n w __ - - ~ .

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licensees end offsite eut5cntn.

4. Responsibilitirs for Assistance to 8. NCSShecific Au'thorities incloding confirm \rg the 11censee's e Earcutive Order 124:2. Aaugrunent recocumendauer.a to obite authennn.

Federal. Stato and local Governmen ts of Netse1 Swurtry and F:nerpney and will kee the media litfon=ed of the e Provide and coordinate. In rerpensa Pn;aredness Te! woes.unkatacas NRCe know edse of the statua of the to a FD4A request, the necessary Funct e IncidenL The NRC is also ruponsible communications for the Federal " , .m Oc @ rM. for the denlopment. coordinatien, er d goverment response In accordance preuntetico (in conjunction with with the NationalPlan for j.,,,u,,,, c,g,, gymy, y,,,y gy, ELNA) of Federal protecuve ecuan Cominunications Suppen in g., recommendstions and for kn;teg e+n E=ergracia andMajor Discsurs. lo!y a g g,, , y,,,, y ,,, ,, ,g ,,. Fedarst agencias and entitm v. formed 1983. Ba pre;ared to provide t,Ns y,f,yg gy.,jfy yj g.,, gy of the s, Latus cf the irn%t.

suppcts pt:or to a fortnel dadaratica el p,.e chts THno.s r tu' ices ts cad C * ** ' ***

  • hh ' O'U * *N ' * *' * * ' '*

an or tunict duasler.

Staact,,ement Coordmet:ca pomc4 ate 6 MM the .E .a y

+ Prewde repteser.tauen to p,,pe ,q,,f,f.n lJy 6.1r a also be cal;ed n;cs to e:s.s!ic Teferal appropnete Siete egeacas to asaist to l' S. Nudaar Regulatory C " ted ole c:nn!!:rea ar.d eesasa ac.!

rneetres their cc:nm,anicamer.a Eupmsa F'.aa 5 mmary a::vit,ea dc. 4 t.cdants i fct Wh a na requirements. #hM L Summ% ef Rnpuse Mnion

2. Fant cMcctrt=, et W
s. NCS Respcese Flan ac!Prcced.s.9, The U S Ndeer Perdatory References Cc. .ruat.:es (NT6C) regu! ate 4 the use of N'8diV8M'"

Contact Pe son's Tit's. Headparers A 8 '"'7 8 "P" " f" 8 " b;.;r:du:t. sce:r. and sper el ru. dest cw4 4d. 4 ecuvwas at C*;e:a:tcns Cl'.cer.

s. NaLocalPlcn for C .nc emaaua.:s c; a:d teanith cucieat Contact person's OfCce: lastec.uce p Sa;crt in Emergenc.:n and M:;ct fa un !!an inodet im oMa W C- aa.d referce-ent (!1El Cc:ta:t Fers:n's E.c.e wey bw :-

C.rr rrs. Office cf F.: smen:) npated ansan ;;so a s ;- . a tt b' D #

. Preparedness (C;4rauene! lary 19; threat to the pub' c health cr safel or f.TsC 0;etauens Cer.ter, Es de s h.

Maryla nd.

ensitor.nental quality. the t.Tsc

  • ou!d Interagency Precedurts
  • 'Y M 1 Feden! Depart nent er Apwer 1.Meromodum of floden0:ndir1 y, Interfaces CS A and IT.MA. lanuary U.1950. ,g .g. , g , g, g g ,,,, ,

,,,.sure that a;;rc;nate protecave LJeted be4w are the NRCs is'edstas

2. Evecuuve Order 1:Ns (Fe atei to the transfer of telecemmuricatien' amen re::=m4:dat.oes are becs c:ade with other Federal depart: net: : er to c" sits av.1: nun in a t.:naty agenc:es in respcn.ita to a tam:Fa!

fancuo s). De White House March P. e "* e *g e n C y.

ID If. a dd.t.on the M C wC s a;;aar*. n!8 Pas"JAA S I MA?ee e Ce ~_ i=^=e F t ctA as, tu+g a # a c g g e _

- **ec - -- - _ j

.-m__- 4e 8 I mee ort eh **1 . . . _ ....... .. . . . s e as e.maasen sees auss a teme O se._ . . -. ...

80 "

a s Ce erw e eeeme=e m** '*m "" **"****

Aar.eena are emmev we wrememame -. , Dec. Cud Cod. t84, FeiaA a=4 we Can asG3, Ce' 5.ssa ,emme .

l e w.c c.o ew. en m.~ a o cw .cs co- .c.e.e. -e - o m -


, 6 K.m cani ca. Cad. O.g assig mee,ane arens F1 hna Nas ses emuse .mmense owe messerers pse cer=e am enemme p.est esaseuemmesee A.

, Coc. Casa Cad. U A # s eaa. *e4 >=t. Can s01 Ce f .

Caryumenre saramamme .

  • W A Pt.aA Crd Mweb ..j

. .. . . . 8 8 inA ord iF8 en4 8'l . -. . _ . . . . .. . ..

C.sruae=* nemos 71 w .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ .

a=**e m.s s=w.e.e. maea eenme .mmerrese ... . . . 4

_ _ . p g 4 easmie=areH . Fla>4 fs4 L 8 A se4 wr.04. .

6aA u . ... . . . ..

9 aA Ww n 4 emeeswiesem eC# at .. ... . . . ' Cmd .FM esa sh l8448asAr

- .... . ? CaC ted. De V9Ca _.. . . . . . ....l Somme asse ..

8 essnese ee== . . .. .. j == s is t".A .-....-......J_. s . .

ptsap peareneg emesisi. _ . . . . . . , Cnd e s onaAr . . . . . . . _

g,q. is anear, y as / eanae eaesas yesen,ees, -- . . .j

.g me.k U s wees*ennemm wer>=wri.. .. .. ..J

  • =ne* reen . .. . . Da aras .. . 8 e es e erwee m=e ese easeg 8 ** ar==essee's 6mprw omens ne f esse ayenses ,8 4 " & Camas e scene,g *** e Cesenete esm erhea6 enesamme semire . a toose e se seesaure **M N

=== a esewe ene ca ena e=e eere emme s> e n-' l

.es.. - - O a,  : w ca .. e e ta ,-6 e e e . e ., -

' n e -. e ., e. . . . : - -

eiw . . . ..

m- -% _

  1. 8F'****

.e4 r=es' area =8* 88*

orem ua ms; *as e-se op _ _ . e f ( e 4 Cr4 3 8

  • #ewner as==ve.aeee es to earmasse esa poses ype ewe *=e=


Fedemal Reerister / Vot sa No. :17 / Friday. November 8.19 sin / Nattces avr) unlocorperstad town or edlage or any

  • Radioecttve centsoeneficer:

,,,,,,o,.,,g odd assenumss4 mat =n==rs to the State end locai ssecremanas in etimes pobbe entity.

  • Sezirte. thd. k u. c< d ntse.- cf v tesponse ta rediological emergencies. Afonsterrnp-Tha on ci sempling acd a nude *e =cepon or re deck rcal This pleo. authertud by 44 CFR Part .

radietion detecuan eqamrmma to nuc!eer wespen cowiponent. incluhr a tevbed versicn of the determine the levela of r 6anoa. hetisoneg end Notaam/ Caingsocy Eka-Aa Imeropng,Redeleycol Aesir44nce e Pubhc harerd. ectuel ce 14rcJ plan. , , , .

  • operatisaa plan required to audine the *
  • Nucles r Weepert S<gnifice-f r,dere/Reeponse Ceo+ce-A center Federal response to ra&ological -

s . Incident-An unenpeced eve-t

' established by IT.MA at a locadon , erurgeactes at comtnereaal noclear ' ' involving'rnsleet weeparis or

' ' identreed irt conjunction vrrtti the State , * ' power plants. la Executive Order 12241. ' 'rsdiolopcal sudear waapoo -

that serves as a total point for Federal the President delegated to FT.MA the a>am =swes which dcas not fa!!in the respanas seems laieracueen the re:pon:ibihty ftre the devefaptnent and nudesr weepam accidenI cetegcry t=e State. - promufsation of such a plan hi response . Ruale se nidens dainne so a raad Neelser Toei/ities-S t a tJon a ry to Pub. l. 96-2pt . nuclear wespan or radalogical nodese riuclearinstalledans times use or produco Natione/ Defense Arvo(NDAMAn wespon ccaponsed to the extecrt radioectin materials in their corrnst aree established try a DoD omcial on ,n , j a , ,,,,,g, ,,,, pg,,, ,,,g ,,3,,, ,,

operatioca. Thase facilities incl.ade non.Federsl la nd s locesed wrthm th* nommance ce riscartImaco ty Dd u nochest power plants and United States.tu pone mona,oclu temtoms foe the purpose of gg other ILxed far.ilrtf e s.,

/nternyucey Amerstonce eafegaard ng clusJted defene*

  • Ww imedWs e b de InesI of edoy Wur wps P8ctr //RAFNA Plan ong:na!!y it formatics or protecurg Dc.D g e gy.

published in 1M5 by en interagency eqdpment er r-atena!. Estabbshment of coannittee of Federal armey a Natioral Defense Area terscranty

  • M b ru u 6 ad e @

re;ress.:utnu as a rneans for prcrwid r.3 placu sah n:n Fefera!!ar.ds edar the pre nach@m @Molduh or inte nuM w rapid and eCectrve ra6ategical eflectier control of DoD and results only intm h md aseurance ht t*w ecent ef a from en eweigervy event.The senfor

  • Coad lead to a nudeas wupon rad..!os, cal Ic.d dent. This phrerf

.has been DeO f-erepeesemstrve at the scene wdl * * "M " "' * "" O *U * *I superseoed try de FRMAP. dean, the bcnndary. treeth it =,th e the signatory agenclu bong Wwm3 w

/oint In/er natica Cen:et U/CFA physical bamer. end poet waming en '* D*'*dd**

central p.euit of contact (c.r a'l ne a e Natsor / A deles ce/E.-evency rnedsa et r%e s:ene of the inc1 dent. News Pre;' Pla. for 0%to--The arn ce4 ta boundasy ha e.sita ana, rnedia representstives are is;t irl:r sd Co.::merce / Nuc/e:r pa n,er picn t .

Md* M* ***U'WO",

c! a:'a Les and events v;a p et=i: A ::. dents t *.u w. p.::HC:.:.r::q

. infer ne . cSr.ars f-: 1 all referred ta u na Ratar har. th 4 " " 8 2 * " C C"I ~ 4 0 ' # '

participatist Federal. Siste. and Ics:at dcct.rneat wa s p .blished by FD:.\ fe.t .. consequences of an er .arp:.:y ar.d interim un in December ISM a:.d protre'r4 de puM,c bred a:d salem apncies, wbo.edestly, are co.focated at incluing ass;sws wid determ 4 theflC. re; resented the first step towards and nr,g pi.hLa proteca,e

/aint Nuc. lear Accident Coordeno::rs developing Federal radiolegical emer;ency response pf ans at.d Wio n 8C'* **# H-

. Center //NA CCHA lomt doe /Dc0 .


capabihty at Xtrtland A.: For:e Bue, pm:ede e1 A'buqacque. feew Met:co res;!e Neric= c/Sceurity Are:/NSAF An The DcE or EPA official des s .ated to for c aintatn!r3 current tef:rmat:en on s'es estabbshed by doe on e rFedv*al coordinate the Federst rad.etes cal thelecation of s;e: ahmed D E ard Dc0 lands la.a'ed wnho t.v Unoed Sie es rnon'ter ng ard asuss ent a w.,es its possesacns. or territc nes for the under the Fedstal Rabe!cgical teams or organuations ca;able of n r.laar weapons accident purpose of ufes.arems ef asstfied or MJnitones and Assessment F'an restricted infor:oecon, or peotectin6 DcE 015,te.-The area within (a) the a s sistance.

equipmeat os rnaienal Earabbahr:wnt of boundary estabitshed by t* e owtet er Llo/een 07"cer/l.NOFA Fede al eperator of a f! sed nuefer? fae'hty er agency on:.a1 sent to ano2er agency to e NSA taccorardy placaa ear.1 n<:r,.

fachute it teragerscy cominunicatione Federal Landa under the e control (bt the boundary estabhs'ef at t* e t- e and coor6 nation. of doe and resJia only fro:s an of the **"T" cy by the 5ts*e et leeal Lacrate-A bcense besed to a faedh*y emergency esent.Tha senic' doe gove--rnent with furtsic?.en for a owner or operater by she NRC pennent representa,ne hauer can'eh ofihr trans;ertation accident not ece:-- g a'

. to the conditions of the Atom e Ere sy materiat at the stene wn! define the a faed nuclear facihty and not inse. 6 1

  • A:t of W(as amended) oriss.ed cy boundary mark it wi:5 4 P)sical naclear wea;cns: or(c) the aru

, an Agreement State pursuant to barr:er and post waming s.ges. estabashed by the CFA as defireJ ti a

. appropriate State laws. NRC license s Ac'est n eopen Accaten -An NationalDefense Area orNatienai

} certem activities under section UCla) of unespected esont mselurg nac! car Securtty Area in a nuclear weaccae o that Act. weepers or radio!cgical nuclear w e4;un acudert ur w esper s.gnificeM irc de-'

Limited Aesponse-Res;crise to a co. ponents that res.Its in any of the On.Sceae'onder-The enlea f request for radiological assistance that following. officer of senior doe official who 1 Ins olves limited doe or other agency

  • Accidennst er unauthonted commands DoD and doe fcrees ard resources and d:es not req aire the launching. firing or use by U S ferees or superstees a!! DoD and doc o;er.tices formal fie!d management siracture IJ 5. supported athed ferees af a nudear et the sere of a DoD/ doe nutiede Locc/ Covernment-Any c:anty c.ty. ca;ab:e weapons sysie'n that cow'J weas:n accident or weapon s .f,cd-t vdlage. town. 6 strict. or p:ht.:a! crea'e the risa of an cattreak cf inc dent.

subdnision of any Staie. an> Incan * %c!nr detunancn.

. O is te /ete':I5atert-Fedetal tribe or authonged tribal organization. * %n

. nuclear detor.ation or bu*nmg ass stance that is the primdt) or Alaska Native vdlage or organizanun of a wlear wee;on or radiologic : responsibilm of the Federal anno eat inclutag 4r> rurs; c:me.anity er si,,,,un;g  :,;p,. oy, ,,, y 3 ,, reg h n er M




l I


i i

THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the Vermont, New Ha:pshire and l Massachusetts Civil Defense Agencies, hereinaf ter referred to as Civil {

Defense Agencies, s'nd the United Stated Department of Co:sserce, National '

Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad inistration, National Weather Service, herein- ,

after referred to as the "NWS".

i THIS AGREEMENT is fully a part of the " Agreement for the Operation of a

  • NOAA Weather PJdio Trans itter by a Cooperator," hereaf ter ref erred to I as the Easi: Agreemen:, and is ref erenced in the Easic Agreement as L Appendix A.

THIS AGREEMEhT covers the responsibilities and operational considerations '

between Civil Defense Agencies and the !NS relative to the use cf !NS radio to alert persons living in the p:cximity of Yankee Rowe and Ver:en: Yankee in the eve.: cf an e:ergen:y cendition at the plan:. This Agree.en: fulfills.

in pa::, the requira:en:s se: f e::h by !?JRIG-065!./TEMA-RIF-1, F.evisien 1, '

Criteria fer Pre aration a .d Eval.:stien of Raf teletical Emergency Fas :tre F11.s and F:t arednee r in E =::: c f L: lear Fever Flan:s; and /;;e .4= 3 there::. r RESPONS IBIt.ITIES :



1) a::iva:e c:na s'.er: and c: b::ad:ss: ever the !~.7 tra. :1::ar,  !

lo: :ed en A:ss F.111, P. tribe:c, Ver:ent, prescribed c:e: gen:;. ,

cessages pertaining to state and local emergencies, nu: lear pcwer i station emerge:cies when so requested to do so by the Civil Defense Agency (tes) and severe weather alerts as deter =ined by the NWS. '

2) Tha: all pres::ibed Civil Defense e:ergency cessages he*.i in the (

pcssessi:n cf Natienal Wea: hor Service be given reas:nable pr:- i te::icn f r:: cisuse c t.c ide.tal b cadcast. (

3) Tha: the INS Eurlington, Ver=en: in the event the Mt. Astu:ney (

NOAA Wea:her Radio (NWR) trans=itte is n:n-epera:1:nal, vill {

ne:ify Radi: 5:stien ki!A - Erat:lebero, Ver:en:, to a::1vate  :

the tra?. trans:1::e: a: Marlbore, Vereen:. This procedure is ne:-

essa:y to aver: potential da: age to the 177. equip:en: shculd it l be cperatienal already and kiSA atte pts to also activate the i sys:::. Tne 5:a:e vill be res;ensible f:: netifying WT!A vha [

the h::af:ss: cessage should be. This pre:edure vill enly be a::c ;11shed in the event cf an e=argency at Yankee (Reve) er [

Ver:cn: Yankee Nuclear Power Station requiring activa:icn of the  ;

4 Public Notifica:icn Systes. l l

I l


(B) CIVIL DEFENSE AGENCIES AGREES-g 1) To provide the National Weather Service a " Standing Operating Q- ,

Procedure" defining the Civil Defense Agencies personnel by title and name authorized to request broadcast of an emergency message; procedures for verification of caller identity; and prescribed emergency messages for broadcast over National Weather Service radio. ,

2) To make requests over NAWAS and/or commercial telephone to broadcast prescribed emergency messages.
3) To notify National Weather Service upon termination of the emergency.

PUBt.ICITY - The mutual role of the Civil Defense. Agencies and the NOAA National Weather Service vill be recognized in all press releases, public presentatinns or other public information/educatien activities carried out in regard to promoting the services provided for in the Basic Agreement.

AMEND.ENTS A1.*D TEntINATION - This Agreement eay be amended at any time by a

mutual consent cf Civil Eefense Agency (ies) and the National Weather Service.

This Agreement is terminated in accordance with the provision of and at such time as the Basic Agreement is'ated.

IN WITNISS VME?.!!T Civil refense Agen:ies and the ? 'S have exc:uted this Agree: en: effective as cf tr.e la:es: da:e written below.

p V

Tor the Ver:en: Civil '-

"To'r'the P.assachusetts Civil Defense Agency Defense Agency Civil Defense Division Civil Defense Division



Le;utyN irecto w,yn&m


I Director


w \

Q w/ % /

  1. 1

] IV!P'L) ><iW W Y.' I f Ca:

I / / Cate'

/ /


Tor the United State of A.-erica Tor the New Hampshire Civil Depart =en: of Co.merce Defense Agency Na:ional C:eanic and A::: spheric Civil De fense Divisien Ad:inistratien Na..tional-Ve

. rt. r Service ..- . . . -


/ ^ /J ' l.__ .J

/ v ^

Regional tirect

/ Direc:ct


Date ate

bl 1 h, 5

e' ' ,



+ RUTLAND, VEAHONT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the United States of Amerlea,

  • Department of Conserce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

National Weather service, hereinaf ter referred to as "NWS", and Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation, hereinafLer referred to as the

  • Cooperator".


WHEREAS, Cooperator operates a nuc1ent power plant, known as.Vercont Yankee, and under regulations contained in Title 10 of the Code of federal Fegulations, 54:tica 50.47(t)(5) and A;;endix E, section IV.D.3 to Part $c, is dire cte: to provice a syste: for pec:pt e:ergency notification to the put!!c; and .

WHEREAS. NWS cperates a centinuous reteorological and hydrelegical infer stien and warning radio systes, kneen as NOAA Weather Fadio (h'JA), whien car. pr:vice a ceans f:r Cec;erater t: satisfy said e:ergency netification to tr.e publi ; a-:


Ws!.*I A3, C::: a-a t:r L-- tra'3 ces!.e

- t: pr:v!:e f:P tr.e I n s ta'.1 1 ti: P. A.

t: previ:e

. c; era tion cf a h*4A trans:itter en A es hill. Parl::r . iersent an:

for said emergency notification reans. .

NOW, THERITCME, in consideration of the benefits of this agree:ent to esen party, tne parties agree as follows: .

1. C::;e at:.- srall pr:v!:e al* i.f:r ati:- re;.!re: f:r tne Ps:!:

(*e;.en:7 11:in:e a;;11:sti:r. Lnt c;erate tr.e t ans:ltte- stri:t*y in a:::rcance with tr.e license.

2. Costs associated with the NWA trans=1tter will be torne by

. C::; era ter. in:1udes, but is not li:ited to, costs fort a) Far: nase cf equi;:ent. .

c) inst:11atten.

c) c;eration, in:1uding p:ser, c) =aintenancs.

e) cc:=unicatter.s links fr : the hWS office to the trans=itter, anc f) re:: val er re;* a:e:ent cf e;ui;:ent. .

). C:o;e-at:r w!!1 previ:e caal trans:lttir.g equ!;:ent as' s;t:ifie: ty l t/4 3. Cosperator is s=lely res;cesitie for all aspects of equi; ent ins tallation, including any necessary permits. Hosever, c=nnection


(- -

2. ,

{ to the FJA transmitter at Hount Ascutney shall be under the direction of a KJs

  • electronic techr.ician and in accordance with the best modern practige. 7ne

,- . design of any device used by Cooperator or his agent to connect to the NWA

transmatter must be approved by WWS before the connection is made. .

L 4. Cooperator will use qualified and licensed radio technicians for all transadtter saintenance. Cooperator will use its best efforts in -

maintaining the transmitter to ensure that eutages are kept to a ainimuo, that i

breakdowns and malfunctions are quickly acted upon, and that equipment performs routinely within the technical specifications of said equipment and terms of the license.

5 Ceoperator er designee will monitor the broadcast and will notify tne Ver=:et F43 cffice whenever the trans=itter g:es eff tne air Lnd aise when it again te:c:es cperational. .


6. Ceeperator will perform an i==ediate technical ' checkout of the 4

trans=1 ster when each che:keut is requested by N 'S as a result of any Padio

' fre;wency Interference proble:.

i 7 K45 will te all:.e: t: ene:4 periccically the effe:t cf

  • I C::; erat:r e;;!;teit cr. F'S e;;i;:ent.

g E. F43 will raintain c:r.te:1 cver all treac:ast content witn tr.e exception of cessages 9 saved in connection with an e=ergency at the Vermont Yankee facility.


9 All ressages tr:accast in cor.nection witn a Verron: Yankee erergen:y will :e re:eived ter:2rn the Civil refense Ager.cies as des:ritet ir.

A:;en:ix A :: II et ent, entitle: ";; et:er.t f r A:tivatien at: Use cf b;AA Westner 72: : it. Ess;:r.:e L: ar. Ir.ergen:y C:r.:iti:n at Ver:: . l a r.* s e Nac15ar Sta tier.".

10, Cee;erator will hold NJS free of any listility for less or ca: age L: C ; erat:r pre;erty installe L: carry cut this agreement. ciner less er es: age caused cy IWS's failure t: use reascna:1e care.

11. K45 w!!! c:tair. the radic fre; far tne


transritter. Tne IL: ens e 6111 re: sir, the ptsperty of 1:42,

12. b'45 w!11. if ne:essary. all:w C :perat:r to install, at Co:; erat:r's , s;e:ial e;!;:e.. at tne M: ant As:stney tra .s:itter site pr:v! :: ine cesig ar.: r ela t e: Installati:r. are first a;;reve: ty b;AA in writing.

13 ft43 pers:r.nel w!11 exercise reasonable care to pectect pec;erty cf C::;e st:r.

16  !!43 w!!! activate tne r.:tificati:n syste: with the siert s!d ai and creacrast cessages relating to a Ver=:nt Yaneet e:ergency wnen re; waste:

ty autocrises officials in ac: rcance with A;pendix A.



l 2- ,

J . ,

t -

' 15 In the event the NWS Network Systes between Surlington and l Mount Ascutney is non. operable, the FW3 office will inform Civil Defense to

  • activate the redundant system lo,cated at WTSA radio station, Eratti,eboro, . .


' 16. NWS will provide standard NWS prograssing over the transmitters (including the use of the warning alarm) as required by NWS directives.

. 17. NWS will participa,te in a yearly drill to test the use of the ,

NJS equipment as a public notification systes.

18. It45 and Cooperator will coordinate and jointly issue a public '

announcement describing the service to be provided as a result of this a gre e me nt.

If the service is ter=inated for any reason the parties will also cocedir. ate a patlic state:ent explaining the reason (s) for ter=iniation.

. l 19 Tne previsions cf this agree =ent shall be carried cat by the I parties witn no ec=pensation due either party. I I

I at any

20. This agree:ent may be a: ended, c:eified er terminate l tL:e by e;t;si c nser.: cf tne parties hereto. It cay te ter:1nated by either '
arty c;
n gi. ir.g a t lesst 6 ccetc.s pri:r written r.:ti:e. Alth:.g- t: tne [

extent poss! Die, recog-1:ing tne 1:; rtar. e cf this project, tne parties te-et: will strive t: give ene year's r.: tics cf intention to ter:teste.

l IN WITIG53 VNIFE0f,the parties hereto have executed this agree:ent '

eff ective as cf the latest date written telcu.

m j;&uW

'w ,

--I Frasident, .A  !

e Cire: ce, '

Vermont Yankee Nuclear F)?ar Carpers:fon NWS Eastern Pegica J P h 9lf['l  ;

cate tate l

r l

f p


. Le iTr.s. Cr A C n e.r..e...

~ .

B .. . .u a :. :.


() -



The purpcse ofihis inster of Agree:ent is to establish concitions regarding a:ergency planningo notifica:ica u d emergency res;;cse ,

activities sacuid an eve:t at the plant re:;uire E:ergen:y Plc activa:icn.

u. . :. . . . . . .:. o .2 .

A. .E:erge::y C:e. atic .s Tacifity (ICT) A center as;a:*is.e is c:crcira a tne cepicy:er.: cf 'J:i'.i.y a:e.gency res;:nse ;.e.ser..el.

evahate eff-si .e a::icen: :: :1.1:ns, and :: :2 i r.*.t i n c .. . ._. . a . 2 . o. . . s . . o. . . .r.e.s..e

. . . . . . . . . .. u. a.... ..........

. ,s. ..e

... s..

.. 1.r.. .os.

1.e . ;e . . a...........

m. . ... .
e. . . e . . . ... .:....e. A..e


( ... .., ) .


\ I "J< 3. E:e r g e r. y C:: -t i ra : r - Th e E.:e r g e nt;;/ C:crci.2t:r is a s sif ce::er cf :ne Utiii y was is res;c-sitie for t.. se ele.:en;s c:::u :e:

... e .. .. ../ C.e a.o...


... . ,3 . ,. .... .a e , ,..e ..s . ./ ( .v.. .. ; ) .

.: ..e ..e. . ...e.og .r .. . .., . .

e. e... . u..'e. a .e

.. e..... .. ,, A ca ...e .e_s.o.. 2.e.

,. . . . . . e ...< c . . . . . . . o ..........o.. . . .e .

. . . a . e , . e e a. L.... e . ..... o . o . ./ . e...

.... .o. . .e ...r . .s . .c. .. . . .. . e . o . e e..e..../

. ..a..u.s

.. ..e ye.o..a Ce ...e 1 :stics is; ;r':.a. y - Cale='s ( ~a' e s : r a t: *. e :: r: ) . alterra:e

- McLicay ~:= (3ra::letcr ). .

3. 5:n e - Tr.e 5:ste ef'Ve.===:, Ne. Et ;:.i.e e t .ua s s a c a.'.s e t t s .

v.e. ....

p....,,, . . . . n. . , .., a. o y.os.e..., ,.., .... .. v.g.3 ,. , ... r....e

.. e.g.>..

VtrOn 4

v. . 9. e g. a s . .. .e....g._

. . - a

.. . . . . . . . . .s.j s ..a.

~_..n.1.o.. . r r n..a..s... s g o . . e g . s. . ., .s .. ./, .

g.. .. ... ,


. . - . g.a..

... .e.. . .g . , . 2. o. .. .s. . g.. ...

' ".*..'.'.'*.Y . ' *. *. *

. t : '.' . *. 2 . *. . e 1.*. *. .. .-...'1*..'.. .= e *. . t e . . *. .=. e .*. *. .* *. e L=.

.< e..

r. .e .., .o e ., . . m..g. . e , e ... r.t o.a... .. ...


. . .u . . . . a..... C...r. ....g . . . . . . . .

... . g ; ; . , ;. . ... .,

(m x


.. ..e a . .. ...,.....

...... ,

.. ..e N *

!.. A. 1 is :r.e C:L' i:y 's ca:y a..: ..c:..liga:ica :s ne:' f/,:r.e :rree Sta t e ...

r....e % ,. .,,. .a.,z.e.f. .... : e V .

.. .. 2.e

. . ....2 . .. . . . . . . . . .

cis::very of u ever.: ::a: rer.i.-es :'assif':2:i:n as ei ar.

. s .- - . .

A .


s. -

.,j *

( )

Unusual Event, Aler:, Sita Area er General Dergency. De notification shall ce cade by the Utility 'using the liuelear A* er:

System. Telephone ec::u:1:stiens will, te used as the retur.das:

. se a s .. .

3 The initial oessage to centact tne State will te as specified in the Utili:y and 5:ste E ergenev Plans. Additional infor:atien will be previcec to tne State repres:ntative retu.-ning the ca.11 to tne

  • U:llity. .

.C. The Utility shall notify the local c:::=.nities within a 10.:lle

  • radius of a.n Aler:, Sits Area cr Cecera.1 bergen:y us*:; :he Tri-State P.utual Tire Aid Net. The =essage vill ce as s;e:ified in tee res;e :ive Dergency Pla:s.
1. De Utility 2..2.1*. ;r:vice :ne 1::sti:r.s er : .e Me:ia Ce::a.- u:

b ergency C;eratic:s Tacili:y (I T) :: ::e sta es.

. o. e .. . , . . e g . o .o.:. - 1. ...y..e


. . . . . . . . . . , g . o . . e .e . . e .o..

c.. s...e.... .. . . .

space fe.- ::e :.: re;re:e.:a-ives fr:: :..e 5:ste at es::

. . e . . . o . o . .,. a .. . s .. . a... , .. i. , /

C,.... 1.o... . . : . . ,. a ... .u...e . , a . e . . . .

a..... . . . . . . . . ...... .

m ex:na.:ss i:f:.-:a:ica esse .:ia.1 f:. evtha:i:n cf :ne e.:ergen:f.

t s

1: T, he Utili;/ .a.1*. ;r:vice ar.t. :tir.:ain ::::.;nica:i:..s f:.- ::e 1:s:e ne ;ri:4.3 is eacs of ::e Centers listec 1: I. a: eve. Snould caans of cc:=usica:ics frc: the U:'11:7 bergency C;e-a icts Tac'11-/ a.: : .e 3: ate berger.:y C;eraticas Center ce disru;;e:.

ne Nuclea.- A'.er:. Sy::e= wi*.1 :s used to cec:.dinate :he a :ivi. Tilt
e: ee: ::e 3:.::e ed U:ili:y. II:ner tr.e 5:a 4 er '.':111:y c u

( T.x: e;;i:::  :: . : .- : '.

a :ivata :na sy:::: f:r a. ./ us e u r.e:e:::ry.

h = =ay :e c:::a::e: c el/ 1: ex.rers cir: ::.t..:ss).

G. De berge::y C:cedir.z;;r v111.f.e ne ;cin; cf cen:a:: f:r 5:2:e

- re;resentatives arrivi..; a: the bergen:y C;erati:r.s ...o.o.~Tu'11:y.

A..... >.a. . . . . . e , a a. . .s..

,....a... .r.e.o.o,.... .e

.. ... ..e .e.a.e

.. a .. ...... ,., ....,.

v11*. :e* u ca:1.1:e: M tr.eir 'res;e:-ive e:ergen:/ ;* us.

.: - .o . ..o . ~ . .....o....eaa.......s:

a > .. ....,, ... .,.... . ..... ,. .... a,...e ...,... . . . . . . . . . '

.s. .

h.fce:2 :1:n ::a*.* :e releued t: :.e ;u:*i: as :::: u ;:::1:ie c :

1: a cece:1rs:4d =a.:er.

~. De U .111:7 a= 0 5:s te a g: ee :: ex:ne ge Pu:*.1: .f:.-:a i:n ? a:s a .:

. .r . . y > ,.....,.o.

.. c.o .._.o t.r .... .

. ..e

... .a . 4e.s

. . . ... ,....,s.

. .e .e....a

. . . .. .e......

u . . . . . . . - .. *s a s .es .: - e zet-:

u 1**.isne: : / t ~. 8

... o , ...

..,:.,i. s .r.:'.e :::y :::a ra:e .

... ..i . . ,. ..



.r., . g...'c * ..sra t > *

  • 8,2 2.s*: .'.T .

. - . - - ~7 1- . . . _ , , . _ . _ ,

- .. , , .- . n. r .-

> \



K. .The State of Vermont and Utility agree to excha ge the*use of the

. n.D' reader for counting environmental TLDs. . ,


. L. In the* event of" a radiological emergency, the Utility agrees to i sake the Nuclear Services Laboratory located is 'a'esthoro, l Massachusetts, available to the 5:ste for counting samples.

2 l M. An accident shall be deemed to have term.inated when, in the

.I. ,

agree =ent of both the'5 tate and Utility, there is no Icr.ger need* l for either consideration of further protective action or

surveillance related to of f-site protective
  • acticn. l l  !

i N. The Utility and the State ag. ee to coordinate is tne, i i updatir.g a .d exercise cf both Utility and State Isergency Plans, a:

i required by rederal regulati:ns or as requiret,5? c;eraticcal l t


o I C. This ag. et:ent cay be a: ended by su sequent agres:en te.een :ne  !

. Sta te(s) a.-d the Utility.

P. U;cn t..e effe:tive date, this Letter of Agree =ent vill ;er:ede

all previeds agreements signal tet een tr.e 5
4:e anc the 'J 111 y.


!' C. Upen the exe:ution of the parties hereto, this ag. ee:ent sr.all be l effective as cf the latest date .ritten belev. . l i f l



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srArz cr usAeststris n.put::ca  ;

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\ DA E ./' / DATE' /  !



I J ./.JJ CC ;IIINSI L;?.I;7;?.

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[f }'.A NA CI A C 7 C 57ATT. CT HIa* HA-:? M*RI V VI?n NT YAsXd{I7.47.CNS!:'J C:.IA A 70'a'I3 STA7 "N 4 N e* P j :4a d

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i, - .



. The purpcse of this letter of Agres:er.t is,to establish conditions regarding e.=ergency, notific.ation a .d e:ergency res;ctse activities s..cald a.. event at t..e plant require b ergency Plan a c tiva t ten .

. . .:.: L....I..5

,2 v.. .

A. E e .- g e r. : , C:e.-1:i:ns Taeilitt (I:T) - A center es:::* isn e: i. : .

c :e r:i r.2 :e tr.e ce;i:y:e..: er Utili:/ e:e. gen:7 res::nse ;+ 8:r.Se1.

evC.. ate eft-size a::icer.: c:.:iti:..s, a.: :: :s i n :2.r.

f - ., c:=u.1: iens vita eff-site au; .:rities. Ine 10:a*ien is:

!I F r1:.ary - f.:rl: r. H:.: e , A1;ar..a .e - :iIF - S r.e'. : .. n e ia *. i s .: - e r -

j i>e erCiel Hea: quarters.

,3. Derien:1 Cecr:1.21:r - The bargency C::rtir.a::e is a s:aff =e::er cf tne U:111:y we.o is res;':le f r : .:s e ele e .ts ::..:;::et wi nin .e bergency C;erati:..s Ta:ility (I T).

~. N=.: Ma .it Center - A center ceci: ate: :: :ne ne.: efia f:P :ne purpcse cf cor.: acting jcin: State. Te: era.1 a.nd Utili:/ ne.s trief t:gs ce:cerning e.:erge . y c:nditier.s. Tne Media Center loca:ics is; Cxtew t'::el, Charle:cas , .w.assa c..a e::s.

3. 5:s te - The Sta te c f 'le. :: .: a.d :<azza:.usetts.

E. Utility _ - Yar.kte 3:we Nucles.- F:wer Station 1::a:ed in 7:.e.

Ma st.1:r.W e ::s . .

T. Nuclear f.ler: 5 .'s t e - A c:=- ;r.1:a :1:n sy s t e: f:e it.i ial

.ittea;;:n :: :..e 5:a:e cf ar. it.:!cen at :.e C:ility; a:: *ne reaur. a . Seans cf c:= uni:a:i:n set.een :ne State a .: C L i i
  • y f " .-

ex:r.a. ge of it.fer:2 :i:n caring t..e p er t:d of tr.e ir.:ic en" .

. i . . . . . . . . _. . . :

  • Th e S t a t e ar.: Utility ag ee :s : .e f:* * :.>i . .g:

. g

8. .. ,.,

v, .



... ...... ...j .........

...p..... ..

.. . .....,/

Police Agencies i=edia t.el/ ce n: la ter :na.n 15 rir.ute s u;:n P.e

t. eet., 1; e:;L-es : 12 :: '. f : ::. : i : r. .t: e;; er : . :f

,. . m .. *

  • I 1. .mm., v e -- ,

- l 1 . ,- s . ,

) - .- . . . ,

Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area er General Emergency. ' The . I notification shall be made by the Util'ity using the Nuclear Alert f System. Telephone communications will be used as the redundant l seans . I

5. The initial message to centact the 3:ste vill be as specified in <

the Utility and state Emergency Plans. Additional information vill [

be provided to the State representative returning tne call to the i



. U tility . . ,

j-' .


C. The Utility shall provide the location of the Emerse
cy C;erations [

i l Tacility (EDT) to the states. .

i I -

D. Thrcushcut tne duration of the incident, the Utility sat 11 provide


j - s; ace for the two re;resen:stives fec= tne State at each Emergency i C;eratic=s Tacility and F.edia Center. The utility a:4 State agres

s exer: tes efferts to ex:ntage inter:sti:n essential for evaluation of tue a:ergency. j l E. The Utility snail pr: vide and =aintain c::= uni:sti:r.s far :nt State ' l
in es:: of the Car.ters listed in 1. a:cve. In uld ne ;ri:ary i j  : tans of cc:=unication fres ::e Utilt:y Emergency C;eraticr.s [

] .) Ta:11117 an :ne State Emergency C;erati:r.s Center te disru;ted. [

e Nu: lear Aler: Syste: will te use; : cec:dir. ate the a::ivitie: t l 7 i to ween the State and Utilit/. Either the 5:ste er Utility can [

j activate the system fcr any use as neces:ary. (Exce; tion: C:::rci l j Fees =ay be costacted caly is extra:e cirez: stances). t f

T. Thel:ergek:y'C:cetina:: ui11 te ne ;oint cf c:ntsc: f:t 5: ate l re;rese::stives arrivi:t at ::e Emergsney C;eratiens TA:111:7  !

Ausneri les and res;cesicilities cf :ne 5 ste a:4 Utili:/** l will te as cc: lined is their res;ective a:ergency pians.

1 l L j -

C. Te =ai :als ;utlic confidence and to avoid public a;;renensten. -

infer:atics shall be released to tae ;u:11: as s::= as ; si:te Ln l ,

in a c cedi:Ated

i i H. The Utility and 5:ste agree to ex:nante Putli: *nfor:a:Lon TaeWe s i

for review ;rier cc cisseminz ing ::e ;acke:s to tne ;u:lic.

6 The State Men

  • tn Oe; art:ents agree is ne :sthed estatligne: :y '

tne i

j Utility in ;rojecti g eft-site kn'eleiody d::e rates'T


{ -. . .

  • t i -

J l

I t L

i  !

! /.

l q

, t

. 1

.s....., ,..o..~..-~.. .

_ 3 . ...,,

. . . . . . . . - . . , , . s . ; , . ,.)

. s* % . . . . . . .

'.) ,

j m .- l i

.' l In the event or a radiological emergency, the U.tility agrees to 1

J. i l suka the Nuclear Services Laboratory located in Westtoro, Massachusetts,'available to the State for counting sa.: pies.

  • j
  • i
K An accident shall be deemed to have terair.ated when, is the ,

agreement of both the Stata and Utility, thtre is ao icnger need '

l ,

for either consideration of further protectLve action or i

surveillacca related to off-site protective action.

L. The State .of Massachusetts a&rees to notify the State of f*ew York '

(ingestion pathsay zone) and coordir. ate off-site radiciogical j

~ cer. sequences with sa:e during any event that shculd cc:ur at Yandee i R es -

in the Classification of a Site or General be.sency c nditien,  ;

M. ne Utility and the Sta*e agree to c ordir.:te in tse :sinte .ance,  ;

updating and exercise of bot:~ Utility a.nd State bar;ency 7:ar.s. as I

l i

require.d by federal regulations or as required by :;tratice.a1 t cor.sidera ior.s. .

f N. D1: a gr e e :n .".*. Sa y b e a : t . d e d by tu t s e *u f.a. *, a gre t stat het a t er. tne 5 ata(s) and tr.e Utility. .

i .

l '.1".*, ru:er:f:e t C. Up = tr.e eff ectiv e :ste , this Le . .ee cf Agree:ent Sta te and ths Utility.

j t.*.e l

, all previcus agree ents sige.ed betseen '

Upon the e:.eeutien or the ;arties hereto, this a;ree . ant sr.all te a

i j P.

effective as of the *.stest date written te;cs.

1 .  !

1 (

\ 3-th t

w.v A% .

CIVIL O LII.';.1I,2~.?!"TCA


STATE CT M AI.1 A:*r51 ~5 i

STATE CT VZ? %%: .

\ 9/mlet 14An .

OATI j DA7il / i 4


(, J .'.



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l .





I p

h l

THIK AGRIEMINT is entered in:o between the Vermont, New Hampshire and f " Massacausetts Civil Defense Agencies, herei:af ter referred to as Civil Defense


Agencies, and the United States De;artment of Commerce, National Oceanic and f l

Atmospherie Ad=inistration, t.ational Weather Service, hereinaf ter , referred to

. r f-as the "F43*. ' l I

ier the 0;eration of a NCAA d

j THIS AGRII.u. INT is fully a part. of the, aAgree:en: [

' Weather Radio Transmitter by a Ceeparator," tereaf ter referred to as the Easic l Agreeme==, asd is refere=ced in the Basic Agree =e::,as Appendix A.

l .

I Ty.23 Ac?.IIMINT covers tr.e responsi=ilities a:d 'c;eratier.a1 c: sicera !cns '

l use cf N'45 rati: :=

i to: ween Civil Cefense 4e::les a d :na F45 reia:ive to tr.  ;

alert. ;ers=r.s livieg is tr.e prcxt:1:y of Yanxen Reve and Ver:c== Ya . des in t:e i l ave:: cf as a:ergency c ncitica at ::e pian:. This 4ree e:: f a.* f L*.ls , in i  ;

I ;are, ::e require:en:s se:. forta ey liURIC-Of p/fI:dA-REP-1, Revisics 1, criteria (

f:r- Fre: ara ti:r. zac Ita* ua ti n c T Ea ti:*.: Jical Era.-rer y Fe r::es e P*.ac.s a-: (

f Fre:are:..ess in Sa::ce: er Nuc'. ear F:ver Pin.:s; a:: A;;.encix. 3 :nere::.

- l i h

  • 1 f r!.spons:*n.:T:I : I, l

' ', ..c.

u 1 (A) TYI ti43 ACRII.3-I .

To activate t.:na alert a:d to br:adcast ove tas F4R trams =1 ster, 1) 1::ated c: Ases Hill, t'.aritero, Ver==n:, prescribed emergency cezzages ;<rtalcing s sta .e :: 1:ca.1t= e:ergencies, nacitar ;:wer I

  • stati:: ecerger.cies sr.e: se reques*.e c= s= ty ::e Civil <fense

' Ages:y(les) a:d severe weather a.ier*.s as ceterzined by : e if43. i l

l' 2) That all prescribed. Civil. Defense a:erge:cy messages held in tne  !


possession of National Weatner Service te given reascnable ; rote :1c: l

! . ft:= =1suse er acei: ental tr:ad:ast. -

i l  !

! (a) c:vz CIrs::sr A:InC:Is A:RI:s.- t t

To ;rovide tne ':ational Weatner service a. assanding C;erating

! 1)


Precedure* deficies the Civil Cefense gen:les persert.e1 ty st*1e a: 4 l name au =:ri:e1 ts request treaccast cf as emnegency :: sage; ,

{ g,,

prece:ures far verificati:n cf caller identity; and prescriced

) ,

emerge:cy :sssages for tr:ac:as over '4eatner fervi:e radis. (

.r ,

- ercial t ete;t.:r.e  : tr:At: :: [

2) *: :12e reques ts ever li A'443 ar--


rite: e:ergency =essages. I f

t To notify flatic:al Weatter Service u;cn ter inatica cf sne a:ergency. I l / J. 3) l j ..

t. ..


.J r

. L l


. e. s. .<. - : a .1 . .. , ... u . .

. .. .. . *;'iJ i5. k n...a..

e.... u. .....,g..,. .. ,

PU31.ICITY - Tbs mutual role of the Civil Agencies and the NOAA Naticr.a1


Weatner Service will be recognized 'in all press releases, public presentations

! 'er other public. information/ education activities carried out in regard to promoting the , services provided for in the Basic Agreement.

AMINDHEkTS AND TEMINATIOl{ - This Agree =ent say be acendec at any tine by mutual escaent of Civil Defense Aisney(iss) and the National Weather Service.

- This Agreemann is terminated in accorcance with the provision of anc at'suca ti'se as the Basic Agreement is terzinated. ,

IN WITIESS W'r'I310f Civil Agencies and the h*d5 have executed this Ag-essent effective as of the latest cate written celow.

for tne .M.assachusetts Civil For tne Vernone Civil Defense Agency Agency Civil Deferse Divisicn Civil Divisien

- k --

e .v-V  % %~ C O = e> ~w :,)1.- ===-

- - ==e==- N'u? -


f .2h '

9 t.,% @/ Cata Cata/ / 8 fer tr.e New Na=pse.fre Civil Tor t::e Unites States of Anerica Agency Lepartnant of Cce:erce Civil Defense Division National Cceanic and At=cspneric Acministration j Natien ' . ccr Servics 6 0W

- / , l J. 0, -, A / , ,s s Direc;ct,

,i) .,')

EngLccaL DL:ectot' {}

4, e '

is G.a,.a:w n rl


La;e l

Ca te l I .


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STATE Cf E silA WSHIRE l  : Am


l I. Purpose .


f. The purpcse cf this letter of agreem nt is to establish the conditions I fo: notification of the State of Maine (ingestion pathway) shculd an

,i event occur at Seabrock Nuclear Power Station.


11. Agree ent

! The State of New Harpshire agrees to n0tify the State cf Maine and

! cc::dinate ef t-site ra:i:10;ical consea;en:es with sa c c; in; any i event at Seatrock Nuclear Power Station which results in the I classification cf an UNsual Event, Alert, Site Area c; Gene:El i Emergency. ,

l .

i <

$ /m /



Efl $f I Rf




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O l


.. H... . . c o .,.... A.. , N ,

bl h

$ rote Offic. Park Sowth ie7 n.. .. i,....

Coac.rd. N.= Hampsher. 0330l


  • 403/271 7231 RICHARD H. STROME JOHN H. SUNUNU 34004323792 p,,,,,,


    1. ~ *~

LETTER OF AGEEENT Be it known thati the New Hampshire Towing Association, having the capabilities required to provide the vital resources necessary to conduct emergency towing services in the event of major emergencies, and the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency, under the directicn of tne Governor and the Civil Defense Director and charged with emergency preparedness for the State, have agreed that the New Hampshire Towing Association will, in time of major emer;encies su:h as fic: ding cr a , 2: ident at tne Seabrock NJ lear Power Statien, or other such natural or can-made disasters, provide emergency t: win; ib>

%.J service as needed and under the terms of compeii5ation deemed by proper


authority as fair and equitable.

Ne,< Ha pshire Civil Defense Agency New Ha pshire Towing Association i -

Ey )lSIW Ricnar; h. St cce, Direct:

Ey IIh Rene Fcrtin, Presicent Executed Tnis Day Executed Tnis Day J



Ey [h Minnael M. NaW:j, Cnief Ey b/{ '

Allen Lampt,' Vice Presicent Tecnnological Ha: arcs Division i

O' us Evecuted This Day E ncuted This Day l

l -


  • =ri~~., ****~t. z.

4 w) , ;

Department of Energy .

Brookhaven Area Office

. Upton, New York 11973 August 2,1984 -

Mr. Richard H. Strome' Director State of New Hampshire .

New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency P

One Airport Foad Concord, N.H. 03301

Dear Mr. Strcme:


RAI)IOLOGICAL ASSISTANCE Since you are located in our Region, the Brookhaven Area Of fice is charged with the responsibility for providing radiological assistance in the event of an emergency. Such assistance can be requested at all times by 7 13 calling 516-282-2200 and asking for radiological assistance, indicating the t I nature of the incident, the locati:n, and how to contact authorities to

'~ coordinate our response.

The Department of Energy (DOE) will respond to requests for radiological assistance from licensees, Federal, State, and local agencies, private organi-zations, er individuals involved in or cognizant of an incident believed to invcive scurce, ty-product, or special nuclear materials as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, cr other ionizing radiaticn sources.

Unless the DCE or a COE contractor is responsible for the activity, ioniting radiation source,'or radioactive material involved in an incident, DOE radiological assistance will be limited to advice and emergency action essential for the control of the immediate hazards to health and safety.

Radiological emergency assistance will be terminated as soon as the emergency situation is under centrol. Therefore, responsibility for post-incident recovery, including further action for the protection of individuals and the public health and safety, should be assumed by the appropriate responsible Federal, State or local government, or private authority as socn as tne ,

emergency conditions are stabilized.

If you have any further questions or desire further infor=ation, feel free to contact me.

Sincerely, O

O ,o i

m,1 .. 0. s.d, ahu

^ - Davi-[ v.~ ,sSchweller ci -

Area Manager /

cc: L. J. teal L. Cohen



  • New MempiMee C.J Defense Agency ' ~

r' ' t, Siete Cffee Park SovA 107 Ffeomat $reeer s

Coacerd. New Hempskre C3301 MICH A AO H. STRCM E JOHNH.SUNUNU * '2 Durector --

Covernor JAMES A, SACCICTES caour, caseror LETTER OF AGRIETNT Tne New Hampshire Schcol Transportation Association recognizes the critical role of snajor transportation vehicles in the event of either natural or technological emergencies such as flooding, fires, accidents at industrial facilities, and other emergencies. For this reason, the New Hampshire School Transpcrtaticn Asscciation agrees to encourage schcol bus contractors and schccl districts to wcrk cocceratively with state and local authorities, particularly tre New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency, in planning fcr and

~ assisting in the State Emergency Response effort.

/ )


1 New Hampshire Sch0cl Ns, ha ;snire Civil Defense Trans;crtaticn Associacicn e N E

By __ 4 6 # A t

, f 7.icnarc H. Strome Ricnard D. Snow Director Presicent Executed This Day 2/l[fd

! /


Sy A- Eye CicLg ,

tecnael M. Nawcj/Cnief Ricnar M.

Tecnnological Hazares Divisica Executive Directcr l ( vs) i Executed This Day 1/2 / 9A Executed This Day N

/ / /

I, g. .



t. .

N.. Hamps. c,a Defea Agency u



  • sr.e. Offic Porn $.wth .

! g ,

+ IC7 Pleassat $t,eef

. .. Conc.ed, N.= Nomph., C3301 ,

403/271 2231 RICHARD H. SitoME JOHN H. $UNUNU 1400432 3792 g,,,,,,

c.. . ,, ,

JAME5 A. SAGG:0f ts c.p.,y a,ur .,

3 LETTER OF AGREEENT The American Ambulance of Lcudon having the capabilities required to provide the vital resources necessary to conduct emergency transportation services in the event of cajor emergencies, and the New Ha pshine Civil

.- Defense Agency, have agreed that the American Ambulance will, ii. time of fh natural or technological emergencies such as fire, flooding, chemical spills, d

accidents at the Verment Yankee er Seabrook Nt.'. clear Power Statico, or other emergencies, will provide transportation service as requested and under the terms cf compensation deemed by prcper authcrity as fair and equitable.

New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency American Ambulance Ey !k' Micnael M. Nawop; Cnief By ..

1.ts Agent Or Representative Technclogical Harards Division Executed This Day j hlO [i Executed This Day / W# ~b

O v

20235/ Cisk CCJJ5/24755/sjc

.e e. a

,4 y * .,' g

, N.= HompNr. Ov3 AO 'a(7 .

j y '

Sr.te OfIke P.,k Sevth  ;.

j i .


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- MA H$ OME JOHN H. SUNUNU g 3 79 c...r e JAME5 A. 5AGGIOTE5 c.p.or 0, .<,.e LETTER OF AGREEENT Tne Golden Cross Ambulance, Inc. of Claremont having the capabilities required to provide the vital resources necessary to conduct emergency transportation services in the event of major emergencies, and the Nes Hampshire Civil Defense A;cncy, have agreed that the Golden Cross Antalance,

/h b') Inc. will, in time of natural c:'technclegical emergencies such as fire, ficoding, chemical spills, accidents at the Vermont Yankee or Seabrook Nuclear Power Station, or other emergencies, will provide transportation service as requested and under tne terms of ccmpensation deemed by prcper authcrity as fair and equitacle.

New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency Golden Cross Ambulance, Inc.

By /[ j M (

  • By / C v' & M

tecnsel M. Naw Its Agent Or Representative TechnologicalHaz%,Cnief ards Division 1-Executec inis Day l IO: lib Execute: Tnis Day 12/'9/55 a

Flease see copy of ajustient cf cur fee schedule effective Januar/1, 1966.

ud /*.

2:232/?isk CC??5/25753/sfc

. . .l*)

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.o..s. . .:.. .w

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' Zee following rates will be in effect' starting January 1986 to liedember 31, 1986.

-. ..,._s.

. . . a.









. /. ,

$ \


5 D'

i-l l

l l



EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT N. Hamp u. c ;I Ae acy '/i f 1 P~N I si.e. oirs. P.,k s.weli


. ': I c) m .. .. ..,... 1 c.-.,s. ~.. ~...N.. em ,

RICHARD H. 5iROMi JCHN H. SUNUNU ,g 79 n< ' < 'a' c..., ,

JAMts A. 5AGGIOff5 c.p., a..< r.,

LETTER OF AGREE >ENT The Medical Transfers, Inc. of West Ossipee having the capabilities required to provide the vital resources necessary to conduct emergency transportation services in the event of major emergencies, and the Ne.<

r Hampshire Civil Defense Agency, have agreed that the Medical Transfers, Inc.

i g

d will, in tine of natural or technelegical emergencies such as fire,'ficoding, chemical spills, accidents at the Vermont Yankee or Seabrook Nuclear Power Staticn, or other emergencies, will provide transportation service as requested anc under tne ter s of cc.;:ensation deemed by prcper autnerity as fair and equitable.

l t

l l

New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency Medical Transfers, Inc'. 3 /


i l

l Ey . b{> Ey kun . f ll

-ns A ent Or*F# sWMW ~

.i..- -

l Micnael M. Nawoj/ Cnief l Technological Hazards Division _ . .

1 1

lill10 36 Executed Tnis Day /d -d ~ b3" p

v Executec Tnis Day 2:273/:isk C07?E/2 r$5/s.'c

. .  %. n.


New Hampsk;te C.;I Defease Agean '.,

' N 4


" Seote ofree Park Sowth V' -'

/O .

107 Pressoar $#reet Co,acord. Ne= Nompshire C3331 M3/27b2231 piCHARD H. STROME

JOHN H. $UNUNU 1400432 3792 p,,,,,,,

c..., ,

JAMES A. SACCIOf ts cer.y n,u ., e LETTER OF AGPEEtENT The Nortn Conway Ambulance Service of North Conway having the capabilities required to provide the vital resources necessary to conduct emergency transportation services in the event of cajc r emergencies, and the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency, have agreed tnat t*e Nortn Ccnway Arculance m

Service .will, in time cf natural or technological emergencies such as fire, (d 4 flooding, chemical spills, accidents at the Vermont Yankee or Seabrock Nuclear Power Station, or other emergencies, will provide transportation service as re;uested and under tne terms cf cc:pensaticn deemed by proper autncrity as fair and equitable.

New Hampsnire Civil Defense Agency Nortn Conway Ambulance Service

  1. , 1 Ey [/ ~- By W.,.c// ./wFa Micnsel M. Naway; Cnief ' its Agent GrMepresentative Technolcgical Ha:a'rds Division Executed This Day ISf:0 $O Executed Tnis Day / AW U /

2235/JLsk CC33E/2173Els'c

4 -




New Hampddae Cv1 Defense Agency "

Swee Of fke Park Seweh  :.


't W, 107 moient 3 reset T

(,) .

conc.,d. Ne. u.-piw,. casci 603/271 2231 RICHARD H. $1a0Mt JOHNH.SUNUNU IW52-37M o eaer ce,erner JAMI$ A. SAGCIOTES ce,.,y o.,e.S, LETTER OF AGREEtENT The tEH Tri-State Medica of Concord having the capabilities required to provide the vital resources necessary to conduct emergency transportation services in the event of major emergencies, and the New Ha.T pshire Civil Cefense Agency, have a; reed tnat the NRH Tri-State l'edica will, in ti .e cf G . natural c technological emergencies such as fire, flooding, chemical spills, V accidents at the Vermont Yankee or Seabrook Nuclear Power Station, or other i

emergencies, will prcvide transportation service as requested and under the terms cf c:npensati:n deste by prcper authority as fair an: equita:;e.

New Ha.rpshire Civil Cefense Agency NRH Tri-State Me:ica l

By j

  • By its Agent 0: Flepresentative Micnael M. Naw J, Cnief l Tecnn logical Ha:ards Division Executed This Day l9 fl0 S.5 Executee Tnis oay /. T-76 A

U 2023S/ Disk C0332/24783/sjc



l l

BEVERLY 9221200

-- - ---- < GLOUCESTER 2811828 V

/ IPSWICH 356 5500 SALEM 745 680,1 l . t J

PEABODY 532 3800 NEWBURYPORT 465 8700 1

I L LAWRENCE 686 0211 LYNN 592 2300 P.O. BOX 187 : BEVERLY, MA. 01915 LETTER OF AGREEMENT The O'Brien Anbulance, Inc. of Feverly Massach'Jsetts having the capabilities required to provide the vital resources necessary to conduct enersency transportation services in the e / e r. of r.ajr,r emergencies, ar.d the new Manpshire Civil Defense


l Ar;ency, have agreed that the O'Brien Antulance, Inc. will, ir. ti e of natural or technological disaster such as fire, floodin6,


chc=ical spills, accidents at the Vermont Yankee or Seabroo':

':ucle r Fo.ter Station, will provide transportation or back up services as requested ar.d ur. der the terns of conpensaticn 1

l deer.ed by proper authority as fair and equitable.



- ~

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EY A7/L- 3Y A t

e c F. Z..,,2

  • l , a M s.T

.c._u s C_c .-. %. C. ns i i_ !.,_, _,_, o..

Its I. ent Cr Representiti'te E::ecuted This Day /" / 2 Ib Executad ".his Day / F/d%,

! /

t 1



  • /' l@((f7 '

State Office Park South -

T ri T - g 107 Pleesone 59eet t

('-*) 'M .,4. H.. it.. ,,w,. es20: .

403/271 2231 RICHARD H. STROME JOHN H. SUNUNU IM324792 oi,u e.,


JAMES A. SAGG:Otis c.p..y o,,..,.,

LETTER OF AGREE ENT Tne Twin Rivers Anbulance Service, Inc. of Tilton having the capabilities required to provide the vital resources necessary to conduct emergency transpcrtatien services in the event of major emergencies, and the New i Hampshire Civil Defense Agency, have agreed that the Twin Rivers Ambulance p Service, Inc. will, in time of natural c: technological emergencies such as

,Q i

!- fire, ficoding, chemical spills, accidents at the Vermont Yankee or Seab cck Nuclear Power Stati:n, or other emergencies, will p cvide transportation service as :scuestst and under t .e terms of compensation deemed by p cps:

authority as fair and equitable.

i l

New Hampshire Civil Cefense Agency Twin Rivers Ambulance Service, Inc.

By bd '

Ey $c[/1 c, u.

l Micnsel M. t4adoj; Cnief Its Agent 0: Representative i Technolcgical ha: arcs Divisicn Executed Tnis Day INAIM Executed Tnis Day / :' 6 'I lJ l



r. ..

.B H ,apiN,. c.;I cer ai. Ag.acy N.

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c a.,a. 8.. ossos RICHAto H. $TROME JOHN H. suNUNU g c ., , a,. < *,

JAMts A. SAGGloits o.r or a,. o.,

LETTER OF AGREEENT Tne Care Ambulance Service of Lowell, Massachusetts having the capabilities required to provide the vital resources necessary to conduct emergency transportation services in the event of major emergencies, and the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency, have agreed that the Care Ambulance l

() .

im Service will, in time of natural or technological energencies such as fire, f1 ceding, chemical spills, accidents at the Vermont Yankee or Seabreck Nuclear Power Station, or other emergencies, will provide transportation service as recue5:ed and under the terms of ccapensaticn deemed by p c;er autncrity as fair and equitable.

New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency Care Arb' lance S rvice

/ /

/ y, s -

Ey />

Micn'01 M. Nawcj, Cnief Ey 9 Its A enc Or 'Representacive TecnnelegicalHadardsDivisica C ar.,. epe ,

er j'[

"anag/ ,#) j Executed Tnis Day ////r/ >=hulance Executed inis Day v

75 :t3< ::???,':235!s 'c


" ~ + i DAVID G. DUBEY rer F.o E "



&+ h, 182 East Mason Street s) MFDICAL SER VICES, INC. Q* ,

( y &. Berlin,New Hampshire 03570 G 4 . Telephone: (603) 752 1020 January 26, 1986 NH Civil Defense Agency attn: Mr Nick Pishon State Office Park' South

  • 107 Pleasant Street Concord, NH 03301

Dear Mr Pishon,

As per cur recent telephone conversatien, *he following is my attempt to describe the assistance that my cc:.. ?any would be .

villing and able to provide in the event of a state-wide nass casualty incident.

First, I will list our resources. We have three ambuina-=

vehicles. Two cf these vehicles are type II' vans, one cf which "Is~ equipped with four-wheel drive. The third is a type III r m=dular ambulance. The ambulances carry all cf the requiret basic life support equipment, as well as MAST Trousers and esophageal obturator airways, which my personnel are trained to (N

( ,/ use. The ambulances also carry some light extrication equipment, such as axes, pry bars, and etc.

We can provide crews consisting of two Emergency Medical Technicians fer each cf the three ambulances. We aise have extra part-time perscnnel, sc we could cenceivably respend vitn extra EMT's if needed. All of cur pecple are nationally registered EMT-A's, and most have additional training in MAST, E0 A, and patient assessment.

Now, fo: cur limitations. First, there is cur contract with the City cf Berlin, which requires us to keep cne ambulance and crew. Within the city limits at all times. , Furthermore, in the event of a statewide disaster, under the command cf the city manager and thewefire would p?eY))placed chi If the incident should invcive this area, I dcubt that eiYher'ef these gentlemen veuld be inclined to send uselsewherej5SThek%fere, E we cculd respend at mest two ambulances,- and then'enly ff the?*incicent d=

net invcive the city cf Berlin in CJ  ;

any w%e.a y). C V..'R.*

d.3 3 As JD.

Cur other significant limitatiengsgacu(flakkjef training and are equipment fer cperatiens in hacardous= envig,cnpents. We essentially a transpcrt service. If4 the,';g#itlent is in until a

hacardcus area, we usually have te wait en ~the cutskirts gg the patient is brought to us. This might be significant in the event cf a disaster involving the nuclear plants.




, e i

'- To sum things up, we are willing to do what we can to help out. Hopefully, this letter has given you some idea of how .w e might be deployed to best advantage. I support your efforts to plan ahead, but I hope we never have to implement your plans.

- Sincerely, t

il}W . / .

l I

David G. Dubey 3

i i

4 4

t f

4 1

1 k

l O

E l





.f  : N.. Ha.p A,. c.a o.f.... Ag.acy

-( sees. cit.c. P 4 s ,,h s~ < ior Pt..iaae se,... ~ '

Conco,d. New HampiNee 03301


'N~/ JOHNH.SUNUNU #3/2732231 RICHARO H sinCvt oc,,,no, 14004373797 c .e.-


c,w. c v ..

February 19, 1986 Mr. Henry G. Vickers,- Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency Region 1 J. W. McCormack Post Office & Court House Boston, Massachusetts 02109

Dear Mr. Vickers:

Enclosed please fj ., 20 ccpies of each of two documents. The first is the package of current le '.ers of agreement. These supercede previous letters of agreement that have been subtitted to FEMA. This package may te consicered an update of Part. 4.0 of the New Hampshire RERP.

! The second document is the final design report for the Seabrook Station g alert and notificaticn (sired syste . At your recuest, we are s2-ittle 27

('~' ) ccpies of tne January 1954 report despite the fact that we understand tnat FEMA has already reviewed the report (see attached letter).

We trust this submission meets your expectations for these documents.


.a l Richard H. Strome Director RHS/ elm Enclosure 28875 i

l l

l l

1 G'

l Emergency Management for New Hampshire

g. - --- - - - - -


t ,.

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] ,

O n .

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.v_U n.! Kr U i

_. __ t.0..L u' u U ...

, c. . . . .

New Hampshire .


] Radiological Emergency .

l Response Plan l .

s .


_I .

I, l

l '

F t os _ __

Prepared In Cooperation With -

O -

New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency '$

- ~ =

Technologice! Hazards Division i .*

g . , .


Agreement Date Letters of Agreement by and between Vermont Yankee and Rowe and the 3/31/84 State of New Hanpshire and the States of New Hampshire, '

Massachusetts and Vermont -

L;tter of Agreement between Puolic Service of New Hampshire (Being Prepared)

Cnd Massachusetts The New England Interstate Radiation Assistance Plan 11/14/85 R.S. Landauer, Jr., & Co. (Emergency Worker Dosimetry) 12/20/83 Interstate Civil Defense Compact (RSA 107) 5/51 New England State Police Compact (RSA 106A) 6/69 Statement of Understanding between the State of New Hampshire 3/29/83 and the American Red Cross Division cf Public Health Services KI Policy Letter 9/17/85 Letters frcm N.H. Hospitals jx d

Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital androscoggin Valley Hospital

' .: . _ 10/9/85 10/31/85 Ja:nolic Medical Center 10/17/85 Cheshire Hospital 11/7/85 Cottage Hospital 10/4/83 Elliot Hospital 10/17/85 Exeter Hospital 1/16/86 Frisbie Memorial Hospital 10/28/85 Huggins Hospital 9/29/83 Keene Clinic 12/30/82 Lakes Region General 10/15/85 Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital 10/28/85 Nashua Memorial Hospital 12/27/85 New London Hospital 12/3/85 Newport Hospital Parkland Medical Center 11/27/85 Pease AFB Hospital 10/7/85 Portsmouth Hospital 10/29/85 Sceva Speare Memorial Hospital 10/17/83 St. Joseph's Hospital 10/23/85 Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital 10/21/85 Valley Regional Hospital 10/7/85 Weeks Memorial Hospital 11/4/85 Weqtworth Douglas Hospital 10/8/85 Q

0142T 1/30/96

Agheement .

Date C'Lstter of Agreement Yrom School Bus companies V

Berry Transportation Company, No. Hampton 12/20/85 Coast /UNH Kari-Van Bus Service, Durham 1/23/86 Dover School District, Dover 12/22/83 Ja M ar Corp., Nashua 1/9/86 Manchester Transit Authority, Manchester 1/22/86 Timberlane Transportation, Exeter, Portsmouth, Plaistow, 1/23/86 Derry, and Salem -

Warbuaton Transportation, Rochester 12/21/83 Watson Transportation, Rochester 12/17/83 Welch & Sons, Raymond 1/28/86 Letter of Agreement with U.S. Coast Guard 2/7/84 Memorandum of Understanding between USAF and State of 84 N;w Hampshire (Pease AFB)

Interim Supplemental Plan for Portsmouth Naval Shipyard 12/80 FAA Concord Flight Service 12/82 New England Telephone Company ederal Support Agreement (FEMA /DCE) 11/8/85


V Agreement from Keene School District on Use of High School 4/81 Shower Facilities for Decontamination State of Vermont Dept. Public Safety and U.S. Dept. of Commerce 1/16/84 to transmit NCAA Radio Messages Letters of Agreement between Vermont Yankee and Vermont, 8/5/81 New Hampshire, Massachusetts Letters of Agree'm'ent between Yankee Rowe and Vermont and Massachusetts 9/2/81 Lstter of Agreement between New Hampshire and Maine 8/29/84 Lotter of Agreement with New Hampshire Towing Association 11/27/86 Letter of Agreement with Department of Energy and New Hampshire 8/2/84 Civil Defense Agency N;w Hampshire School Transportation Association 2/3/86 O

0142T 1/30/86

i Agreement Date u;tters of Agreement from Ambulance Companies ,

American Ambulance, Loudon 1/10/86 Golden Cross Ambulance, Inc., Claremont 12/18/85 Medical Transfers, Inc., West Ossipee 12/19/85 No. Conway Ambulance Service, No. Conway 1/1/86 NRH Tri-State Medical Services, Concord 1/8/86 0'Brien Ambulance, Inc., Beverly, Mass. 1/8/86 Twin Ambulance Service,.Inc., Tilton 12/16/85 Care Ambulance Service, Lowell, Mass. 1/21/86 Berlin Emergency Medical Services, Inc., Berlin 1/26/86 O


~ e I

l f

4 r

1 o0142T 1/30/86

> t ' ,, r






I. PURPOSE The purpose of this Letter of Agreement is to establish conditions regarding emergency planning, notification and emergency response activities should as event at the plant require E=ergency Plan activation.

II. DEFINkTION A. E=ergency Operations Facility (EOF) - A center established to coordinate the deploy =ent of Utility emergency response personnel, to evaluate off-site accident conditions, and to esintain

,- - co==unica: ions with off-site authorities. The location is: Pri=ary

- Covernor Hun: Ecuse, Alternate - Erattleboro Office (VYNPC).

E. EOF Coordinator - The EOF Coordinator is a staff =e=ber of the Utility who is responsible for those ele:ents conducted within the l E:ergency,0perations Facility (EOF). '

C. News Media Cente r - A cente r dedicated to the ne'.s redia f the purpose cf conde::ing join: S ta :e , Federal and Utility news briefings concerning e:ergency condi:icns. The Media Center

! 1::a:1:n is: Frizary - Lale='s Chale: (W. P.attleb:::), A1:ernate -

Qunlity Inn (Brattleboro).

D. Site Recovery Mana:er - A =e=ber of the Corporate office who is responsible f or planning recevery at:icas.

E. S:a:e - T..e s:a:es cf Ve =cn:, Passachuse::3, and New E:=; shire.

F. U:ility - Ver:en: Yankee Nuclear Power S:a:icn 1ccated in Vernon, Ver=ont.

C. Nuclear Aler: Syste: - A ce==unication syste: for initial r.o:ifica:ica to the S:a:e of an inciden: at the Utility; and the ceans of ec==unica: ion be:veen the 5:a:e and U:ili:y for e:: change of infor:a: ion during the period of the inciden:,

III. AGREEMENT The S:a:e and U:ili:y sgree to the following:

A. It is the Utitity's duty and obligation to notify the three State Police agencies i==ediately or no later than 15 minutes af:er the event has been classified as either an Unusual Event, Aler:, Site Area, or General E=ergency. The ini:ial no:1fication shall be cade, as specified in the Utility and State plans, by the Utili:y using the Nuclear Aler: Syste=. Co==ercial telephone ce==unica: ions vill t be used as the redundan: =eans. Additional inf or=a tion will be i provided to the 5: ate representative returning the call to the U:ili:y.

i l

-s - *

- B. Th2 Utility will notify the thres Stato police casncies no l'atar, -

than 15 minutes af ter an emergency condition has been observed b'ut immedia tely termina ted. Notification shall be made, as spe'cified in the Utility and State plans, using the dystem identified in A. above.


C. The three States agree to have the Utility terminate an " UNUSUAL EVENT" e=ergency without obtaining State concurrence. However, it is the Utility's obligation to notify the three State police centers when they terminate the " UNUSUAL EVENT". -

D. The Utility and State shall exchange and coordinate Emergency Plan changes that pertain to those elements of interface prior to implementing'*the change. .The Utility and State vill coordinate the effective date of the changes.

E. The Utility shall provide space for at least three representatives fro = the State at the Emergency Operations yacility (EOF) and the News Media Center. Location'of the EOF and News Media Center will be the responsibility of the Utility.

F. The Utili:y and the State agree to exchange all infor=stion (plan:

radiological release, off-site radiological conditions and plant technical data) known and available for emergency evaluation.

C. The U:lli:y shall previde and cai::ain co =unications for the 5: ate ir es:h Of the Cen:ers lis:ed in E. abeve. The Nucles: Aler: Sys:er vil' be used :: c::rdinste the a:tivities be:veen the S:a:e and Utility. Ei:her the S: ate or Utili:y can ac:iva:e the sys:e: for any use as necessar.. (Excepticn: Cc::rel E:c= :sy b'e cen:a::ed enly in extreze circu: stances.)

E. The EOF Coordinator or Site Recovery Manager vill be the poin: of contact for 5:a:e represen:atives arriving at the E ergency, Cpera: ions Tacili:y. Au:horities and responsibilities of the 5:a:e and U:ili:y personne' vill be as cc: lined in their res;e::ive e:ergency plans.

I. To maintain public confidence and to avoid public apprehension, infor=ation shall be released to the public as soon as possible and in a coordinated manner through the news media center, if activated.

J. The Utility and S: ate agree to exchange Public Inf or=a tion Packets for reviev pri:: to disse:inating the packe:s to the public.

K. The 5: ate Eealth repar:=en:s agree to the me: hod es:ablished by :he Utility in projec:ing off-site whole body dose rates.

L. In the eve:: cf a radiological E=argency, the U:ili:y agrees to cake the Nuclear Services Laboratory located in Westboro, Massachusetts, available to the Sta te for counting sa=ples.

M. An a::iden: shall be dee:ed to have ter_inated when, in the agree =en: of both the 5: ate and Utility, there is no longer need for either consideration of further protective ac: ion or surveillance related to off-site protective actice. Close cut of e=ergency C classification shall be as outlined in respec:ive a:ergency Plans.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ _ _ ~ , __ _ _ . .

N. Th2 State of Vermont cgress to notify the State of New York (ingestion pathway sone) and coordinate off-site radiological consequences with same during any event that should occur at Vermont G Yankee in the Classification of a Site or General Emergency (V .' ,

condition. .

. O. The Utility and the State agree to coordinate in the maintenance,

. updating, and exercise of both Utility and State Emergency Plans, as required by Federal regulations or as required by operational

. cons idera tions. - ..,,

P. This agreement may be amended by subsequent agreecient between the State (s) and the Utility.

Q. Upon the effective date , this Letter of Agreement will supercede the

. previous Letter of Agreement signed between the State and the Utility dated 11/29/82.

R. Upon the execution cf the parties hereto, this agreement shall be effective as of the latest date written below.

.1 x k


. /


& %W $?b ' "

( QfGL. 0C , l b D DAT [


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DATE Y / /flf r




&*f J \ T.'.e".:.:

r. , ' -: - .





N* ./ .


e i


' The purpose of this Letter of Agreement is to establish conditions regarding

==argency planning, notification and emergency response activities should an event at the plant require Emergency Plan activation.


A. E=ereency Oeerations Facility (EOF) - A center established at the plant site to ccordinate the deploy =ent of Utility e:ergency response personnel, to evaluate of f-site radiological conditiens, and to naintain ce== uni:ati:ns with off-site authorities. .

E. E=erren:v Cc:rdinater - The E:ercency Coordinator is a staf f re:':er cf



the Ut:lity wh: is resp:nsitie f cr th:se elenents c:ndu::ed within :he Emergency Operations Facility (EOF). . . .

C. News Media Center - A center dedicated to the news media for the purpose of conducting joist State, Federal and Utility news briefings cencerning e=ergency conditicas. The Media Center location is dependent upcn accident ccnditions.

D. State - The State of Ver:ent and Massachusetts.

E. Utility - Yankee Rove Nuclear Power Station located in Reve, Massachusetts.

F. Nuclear Alert System (CESCOM SS-4A) - A co:nunication systes for initial notificatien to the State of an incident at the Utility; and the redundant ceans of cc =unication between the State and Utility for exchange of infor:ation during the period of the incident.

I .


' The State and Utility agree to the following:

hi l

, l


i:' .

j A. It is the Utility's duty and obligation to notify the two S:a:e Police Agencies immediately or no later than 15 minutes upon the discovery of an event that requires classification as either an Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area or General Emergency. The notification shall be cade by the Ut'ility using the Nuclear Alert System '(WESCOM SS-4A). Telephone


communications vill be used as the redundant means.

i B. The initial message to contact the State vill be as specified in the Utility 'and State Emergency Plans. Additional information vill be

provided to the State representative returning the call to the Utility.
  • C. The Utility shall' provide the locations of the Media Center and E=ergency

.- Operations Tacility (EOF) to the State.

D. Throughout the entire duration of the incident, the' Utility shall provide space for the two representatives from the State at the E ergency Opera-tions Tacility and the Media Center. The Utility and State a5ree to exert best efforts to exchange information essential for evaluation of the e:ergency.

E. The Utility shall provide and cain:ain communications for the State in each of the Centers listed in D, above, should the primary ceans of co==unication f re= the Utility I:ergency Operations Tacility and the State E:ergency Opera:icns Center be disrupted, the Nuclear Aler: Syste:

vill be used :o eccrdina:e the a:ti.1:ies he:veen the 5:a:e a:d Utility.

Either the S:a:e or Utili:y can ac:iva:e the syste: for any use as Centr:1 E::: =ay be centa :ed caly is ex:re:e ne:essary. (Ex:eptien:

O circe:s:ances).

T. The E=ergency Coordinator vill be the point of contact for State repre-senta:ives arriving at the E=erge:cy Operatiens Tacility. Au:horities and responsibilities of the Sta:e and Utility persennel vill be as outlined in their respective e=ergency plans.

G. To caintain public confidence and to avoid public apprehensics, infor:a:1:n shall be released to the public as soon as possible and in a coordinated manner if possible. .

H. The Utility and Scace agree to exchange Public Infor:ation Packets for review prior to disseminating the packets to the public.

I. The S: ate agrees to the ce: hod established by the Utili:y in projecting

of f-site whole body dose rates. .



J. In the event cf a radiological emergency, the Utility agrees to =ake the

Nuclear Services Division 1.aboratory located in Vestboro, Massachusetts, available to the State for counting samples.

j K. An E=ergency shall be dee=ed to have te::inated when, in the agree ent of be:h the State and Utility, there is no 1cnger need for ei:her censidera:ics of further protective action er surveillance related to protective action.

.- ', . . J .' ' t P : . ' .' , .'

s L. Th3 Stato of P.ssscchusatts cgroas to notify the State of !;ev York (ingestion pathway zone) and coordinata of f-site rcdielegical censequences with same during any event that should occur at Yankee Keve in the classification of fice or General I.iergency Condition.

M. The Utility and the State agree to coordinate in the naintenance updating J

L and exercise of both Utility and State Emergency Plans, as required by Federal regulations or as required by operational considerations.

N. This agracent may be a= ended by subsequent agreement between the Utility and any other party (ies) to the Agreement.

O. Upon the effect ve date, this Letter of Agreement will supersede all previous agreement signed be'cueen the State and the Utility.

P. Upon the execution of the parties hereto, this agreement shall be '

  • ef fective on April 1,1981.




) ~



?/If/  ?- 3 lf 0 DATE /

D ....







The purpose of this L,etter of Agreement is to establish conditions regarding radiolcgical emergency planning, notification and response should an event at Seabrook Station require Radiological Emergency Plan activation. ,


A. E ergency C:eraticr.: Facility (ECF) - A center established at Newir.Iten Statier., !!ewingter., N. E. to cecrdinate the de;1crer.t cf lied Ha ;: hire.Yar.kee energency per:cr.r.el, to evaluate cff-:ite ,

accident cenditions and to maintain cce.?.unications with off-site auth:rities.

E. EOF Cecrdinater - The ECF Ccerdinator is a center cf 1:ew Hz:; hire Yankee who coordinates conitoring activites and protective action reconcendations with State representatives. He conducts these functions within the EOF. .

M- ert' .

C. . Media Center - A center dedicated to the news media fcr the purpose of conducting jcint State, Federal and New Hampshire Yankee briefings concerning emergency conditions. The Media Center locati:n is the Town Hall in Newington, N. H.

D. Nuclear Alert Syster. - A c:caunicatien system for ' initial r.ctification I to the State of an e=ergency at Seatrcck Statien; and the means cf cer.T.unicatien between the States and New Ha.?; shire kankee for exchange cf infer :ti:n 4.rir.g the ;cri:d cf thc

j f


2. .

E. Response. Manager - An officer of New Hampshire Yankee who manages C)

Q - the New Hampshir'e Yankee emergency response organization, brovides protective action recomendations to State officials and es-

' tablishes a recovery organization. ,


  • 4 .. .

F. Site Emergency Director - [ member of New Hampslitre Yanliee who has the responsibility for the conduct of emergency operations at the station. . .


The States'and New Hampshire Yankee agree to the following: .

A. It is New Hampshire Yankee's duty and obligation to notify the 1 two State Police Agencies promptly (i.e. within 15 minutes) after an event has teer, classified cs either an Unusual Event, Alert, Site A.ea, cc General Energency. Yhe r.otification shall be made by

. 1;ew Han; shire Yankee using the Nuclear Alert Systen. Cer. ercial - -

telephone cer. unications will be used as the backup means of r.ctificatien. .

E. Tne initial r.essage to centact the States shall be as spec'ified in New Hampshire Yankee and States' Emergency Plans and Procedures.

Additional information shall be provided to the States' representatives returning the call to the station. .

C. New Hampshire Yankee and the States shall exchange and cecrdinate radiolegical emergency plan changes that pertain to those elements cf interface prier to implementing the change. New Hampshire Yankee and States shall ecordinate the effective date of the changes.

D. l.'ew Hampshire Yankee shall provide space for at least three representatives frem each State at the ECF and the Media Center.



. l-The States agree to maintain with New Hampshire Yankee a current (s) . list of persons with authority to respond who will be allowed access ,

1 to the EOF and Media Center. New Hampshire Yankee will provide space at the EOF for the operation of the New Hampshire Incident Field Office.

s. .. . .

E. New Hampshire Yankee and the States agree to exchange all information (radiological releases, off-site radiological conditions and on-site ,

technical data) known and available to permit a rapid and accurate evaluation of the emergency.

F. 'The' EOF,Ccordinator will be the person to be contacted by the. States' ,

representatives arriving at the EOF. ,


G. Infermation shall be released to the public in a timely, coordinated canner th.cugh the Media Center, if activated, er by c::rdination between the ECF and States. All news releases to te cade by New

.Har.; shire Yankee sha'1 te a;;r:ved b .the Ees;cnse Manager..

b' t .


New Hampshire Yankee and the States agree to exchange public infor-catien material for review prier to ' distributing the material to the public.

I. The State Health Departments agree to the method established by New Ha=pshire Yankee to project off-site whole body dose rates.

J. The State Civil Defense Agencies and Health Departments have reviewed and agree to the precedure established by New Hampshire Yankee to classify emergency conditiens, which includes the Emergency Acticn Levels.

K. In the event cf a radiological emergency, New Hampshire Yankee agrees thrcugh Yankee Atcmic, to take the Yankee Envirer. mental Labcratory located in Westberc, Massachusetts, available to the States fer O-N- sample analysis.

- - - - .- - , _ -. ._m.. . ,.- , -, . _ _ _ . . _ - . _ - _ . - - . , m .,.,__. , _ _ , .., . y,, - ,,., . -- ..m.--

, t; _

L. An accident shall be deemed to have terminated when the States and New Hampshire Yankee jointly agree that there is no longer a need

()T R '

for either (i) consideration of further protective actions or (ii) surveillance related to off-site pr,otective actions. Close out t

~.r . . ..

of an emergency classification shall be outlined in respective radiological emergency plans.

M. The State of New Hampshire agrees to promptly notify the State of Haine (ingestion pathway zone) and coordinate off- site radiological consequences with authorities in that State during an event which is classified as either a Site Area or General Emergency at Seabrcek 2, '


N. Tne State of New Hampshire and Cc=menwealth of Massachusetts agree to r.ctify the Unite:' S:.ates Coast Guard, when appropriate.

. ___ C'. , , This ag[eeger.t, may be amended .at. any time by written agret..ent 7 . .

'u 1

k .


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  • .s .
  • s -

TEI NI4 n G AND B*~I157A 3 c .n.......a.

. A.ea. . 5.~s~ -e r- ~s'

~ -

A.::: ved 10/80

. I . 72di *eci a1 Health C:" 'ttee  :-

e S

Rev./ Posted 12/28/82 .

11/14/85 S

S i

. . - - - ~ . _ . _. . . _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

(G) v . .



,, This plan is authorized by the New England Co= pact on Radiological Health .

Protection, as approved by the I.egislatures and Governors of the. several ,

party States. De Act was first passed in the State of Maine on March 1, 1967, and subsequently passed by the state of ve:mont on March 14, 1967, Rhede Island on April 5,1967, New' Rampshire on July 18, 1967, Massachusetts o n De ce=h e 20, 1967, and C:nnecticut en May 24, 1969. O.e C:=pa:t becane official with the passage cf the see:nd coc; state. Os C:=;a::, as sign =d '-- 'aw in each cf the states, fellcwed essentially the same f:::a:

as develeped by the New Ingland Radicicyical Eealth C:=nittee (NI?.Z ) . O.e NI?.E is cc pesed of the six New England Radiation Cent :1 P cgra: Ciree:::s, the T A Pagional Radiological Eealth Representative and the EPA Regional Radiation Fepresentative. The C = pact also allows that any state ne: =entioned aheve.which is centigucus t: any party state =ay beccee a party to this C:= pact by enacting the sa=e.


r.-- e_-

%. .,.* .~ .

The purpose of this plan is to delineate the manner in which the New England C :=act en Fadiological Eealth Protection will be i=ple=ented. O.e purpcse cf the New England C = pact is t= _ (a) prc= cts the P.adielegical Health P:c-

' ec:icn of the public, and individuals within par.y states , (h) p : vide t

==:ual aid and assistance in radielegical health =atters including, but net

    • '-=d  ::, radiatien incidents, and (c) en::urage and f acilitate tne ef ficient use of personnel and eqci;snent by f=thering the orderly acquisi.icn and sharing of resources useful for programs of radiation protec.icn. plan ou. lines the manner in which this interstate mutual aid and assistance and exchange of perscanal will he accomplished. plan includes specific inf= =a icn on the channels cf e- icatica among the states, the availability cf equi;=ent, and laherat=ry capabili.ies, the procedures f=r requesting assistance f:cm the party states and notifying party statas cf radielegical incidents, as well as clarification of the precedures cf the lean cf persennel and equipment, and financial chligatio=s encountered.


O.e C== pact Ad=inis::ats: cr designes f== each party state shall ec-ify the Se::stary of the E : cf the iden :.ty of any sche:dinate er suh=rdinates ::

wh:= his a"-'- d y as C:= pac: Ad-'-istrat= has been de'.egated. ( see Appenda I. )

b o

.m . . .


.... . .. . .i

.m 1

(2) p)

s V . .

ARTIC:.E I? - CCP.C.:ICAT!CNS ED EXCHANCI CT FI.ANS Each Compact Ad=inistrator er Designee shall provide the home and office

. telephone pu=ber of hi=self or herself and/or such staff members as he er she may designate as ==e:gency contacts. In addi-ion, he c:' she shall provide a se=end char.nel of cec:=unication such as the State Police which will be

- operative 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a. day for seven days a week, and shall arrange within his er her state for e=ergency ec =unicatiens to reach a respcnsible ,s aff se=her. Each C=mpact A%istrator whall notify the Secretary of the above designatient and this infor=atien shall be updated at least annually in Appei*. dix I of this plan.

ART:C*.I v - I.'5T N s CF I;CI?m-* AND I.A20RATORY C.U A3::.:T I5 Each Cec: pac. Ad=inistrat== shall trans: the secretary a listing cf available field survey egai;ce .: includhg range, c:her e=e:ge .cy egal;=ent, and a cf available labora :ry capabilities by type cf a .alysis (i.e . , 9: ss alpha , gress he a , ga= .a spe:. cscepy, e :. ) . Such lis::. .gs shall he u.-dated a=cally c: ::r e c ' - ' ' c-- ' - -- s warrant. (see Appendix :, and Appendix :::. )


,a) Cpen dete==ination by a C:ipact Ad=inistrat:: c Celegate that a radiati:n incident has taken place' within his/her s:a:e of a nay .itude suf ficient to rer:1:e addi icnal pt:s==el er equi;=ent, the C:=pa : A % is.: ate: er celegate should cenu=: the Secretary = regues su=h aid as he/she dee=s necessa.y. The Secretary shall centact such other party state /sta es t:

reg est aid as he/she judged to be best able to assist under the circu=-

stances. The state / states receiving such a reg. est should respend with persennel and/or arci;nent to the best of their ability, while maintaining sufficient capa.bility f : the p ctaction cf the public haalth within their evn s ate. At the ti=e cf the re7:es., said perse=el should be advised of their assigned tasks and of the locat.icn and individual to which they art to reper.. Pr=visiens fer further briefing, when necessa y, nay als:

he a anged at the ti=e of such rer est.

b) A y stats responding to a request for, aid under this plan shall cperate while in a par y state, in ace:rdance with the radiation incident plan of that state. ,

i c) Rei=hurse=e .t by the state aid er assistance under this Article f:: any less c da= age ::, c: expense incurred 1. the epera-ica cf any egai; cent: f= ces: cf all r.aterials, transper.a ic . a .d ca:n:n .ance of cfficers, enployees, and egai;nent; and f : any e==pensatten c: bene'its

% fe; injuries cr death incurred by efficers cr e=plcyees of an aiding state shall be in ac:crdance with Ar.icle I.

.s . .


. *... s.


\d ArIC I v : - N:* IT:CATICN .

The notificatica to other party states under this plan shall be made di:ectly by the Ccmpac. AA* 8strater c: Designee; and such notification shall also be made to the Secretary, New England Radiological Realth Cec =ittee.


AND EXCHANCI CF CATA o a) Tacilities and egal; ment specified in Article V cf this plan may be leaned in ac== dance with either cf the t.c folleving situatiens:

(1) ene in s.t.ich the regaested state is n=: affected by the incide::

in geesti:n: an d , (2) ene 1. which the rer ested s-=-- 4s er c: eld pessil-ly be affected by the inciden: in q;estion. (See A;;endix ::

and Appendix III.) ne reraes ing state shall ref=hurse the lendi:g state in ace : dance with A .icle I.

b) 1.a.h::stery analyses =ay be perf===ed by the rercesse d *-=-* under c:nda_i .s specified in paragraph (a) at:te. (see A;;end x :::.)

c) 7spesksf:: a s sistanc e , ex:ha ge cf data c: c:her perti..e.: 1..f: tati:n

=av he a :=;11shed utili:=g f:::.s 1.. A::e .d:x :7 th::ugt :.e 54:retary x . _

of the NIPSC. Trans:issic= shall be by the most expenditicus zieans cf ec==ranicatica available.

A r:C I C - I4;N CT PERSOM.~r*

P:cfessicnal c tech.ical personnel having special sk. ills c training relatef to radiatien protection may be made available to a party state upon repest.

Such regaests shculd be trans=itted through the NE73: Secretary, and have app = the respective cc= pact AA*tistnat:rs c: De signe e s. The rer:esting

- state shall rainburse the lending state in ace : dance with Article X.

Ar:0 I I - CY.A.?CI! TCR IOC 7"I'" ANO FI?. SON'.4".

l The state receiving aid cr assistance shall rei=hurse the state rendering i

a) aid c assistance f:: any 1 css c da= age in= .::ed in the cperatien of any equipment. ..

b) ne state receiving aid c assistance shall pay fer the c:s: cf trans-

ing and nain
nining all efficers and e=;1 yees cf the sta e rendering aid in a--- '+--- the rendering state 's ?::les a .d 7.e r:lati: .s , c:

r these cf the s . ate receiving aid--whichever is grea ar.


r 1


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.s (v,9 .

c) The party sta:e bcr:cving persensel shall reir. burse the state 1 caning the personnel at the sa=e annual rate as the personnel are re=eiving in their cvn state. The-bor:cving state shall pay for the ecst of maintaining such personnel 6 accordance with Article X, Section (b) .


d) . Nothing centained herah in Article X shall prevent any assisting party state f =m assuming the costs incurred under sections (a), (b), and (c) of Article I. -


A3t"'Id.E II - CPOA'"ES AND P_T.SIONS The Secretarf cf the NI?.E shab.1heresponsiblef:: updating A;;endicies and II c a.. a...ual basis and the rer.a 6 6 g appendicias whe. appr:priate.

In additic ., the ser.bers cf the NI?.20 shall notify the secre ary cf chang 65 situatiens that may. affect any of the ite=s covered under ths ce= pact. If needed, the Secretary can fer= a sube::=dttee to rewrite appropriate see icns cf the pla.. Revised appendicies will be fo:.rarded to all pla: helders at I the begi . ing cf each calendar year.

. %./ . , 3. .

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V. l 10/8C y ,.- - , ._ - - - _ _ , , , . _ , . . - , . - - . . . .,.m- -____- , , , . - _ _ . ,_, _, .c.., _, .--- , ... - ,-,,__,._.,.-_.,-m,. - , ,_r.y. . . _ - _ , . , ._


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. . Office of Radiaticri & Noise Business ( (617) 223-5785, 5708 l1

. Ecme 4 (617) 729-8356 Other E.ergentj Contact Paul Bedrosian Business # (617) 223-4448 [1 Ec.e ! (617) 475-2668 24-Hour-A-Day Centact Oil & Hazardous Materials Duty Officer (617) 223-7265 O.

q . <,.- .

FCDD N."J DRUG AmINISTPATION Priw. .rf Contact Warren Church

- Business # (617) 223-3178 Mcrne 9 (617) 664-5307 Other Dnergency Contacts (in crder of pricrity)  !;eil Gaeta

. Business # (617) 729-5700 Hme 8 (617) 488-7081



Edward Baratta -

- Business # (617) 729-5700 Exe # (617) 729 Paul Bolin O' Business 4 (617) 729-5700

, Ecme 4 (603) 434-0596 12/28/52

e .


/ *,


, compact Administrator ,

commissioner of Environmental Protection Stanley J. Pac Business Tel: (203) 566-2110 Persen to Whem Authority ' "

is Delegated Arthur T. Heubner N- Business Tel: (203) 566-5668, 5134 Home Tel: (203) 521-5050 C:her Energency C:ntacts (in c: der of priority) K9 vin T. A. McCarthy Business Tel: (203) 566-5668, 5134

  • Home Tel: (203) 487-0305 Denald Karn Ecsiness Tel: (203) 566-5662, 5134 Ec=e Tel: (203) 2SE-1214

Ocseph R. E=clen .

  • Business Tels - (203) 566-5668, 5134 Eeme Tel: (203) 526-9294 E:30 to 4:30 C:ntact Radiation Centrol Cffice Hartford, CT (203) 566-5668, 5134 24-Hour-A-Day Centact Connecticut State Police (203) 566-4240 Ask for Executive Office l

i i

em e 9

I l



r. -

ilV ~ Ccznpact M:ainistrator . Ccr .issioner, Department of Hu z.n Se:: tices Michael R. Petit Business Tel: (207) 259-2736 Person to Whcra Authority

  • Ibnald Hoxie , -l 2 is Delegates Business Tel: (207) 289-3826 Home Tel: (207) 622-7445 other Emaqgency contacts (in crder cf Priority Wallace Hinchley Business Tel: (207) 259-3226 Fc.e Tel:

(207) 377-5534 l2 Russell Partin Business,Tel: (207) 2E9-3S26 2 Ecm Tel: (207) 622-1255


. Jch.. Ca e_mn ....2 . .;

V -

Business Tel: .(207) 289-3826 Ecu Tel:- (207) 622-9536 24-Heur-A-hv Centact


P2ine State Police (207) 289-2155 Business Hours: *8:00 - 5:00


12/82 Fav. 2 7-


/ .


( Ccrg:act Ai .i'ni's rator Com:7.issioner, Department of Public Health Alfred L. Frechette, M.D.

' - Business Tel: (617) 727-2700

" Person to Nhcrn Authority Robert M. Hallisey Business Tel: (617) .727-6214, 9710 l1

~ .. Home h l: (617) 729-5728 Other Energency Contacts George Silble (in order'ef priority) Business Tel: (617) 727-6214, 9710 l1

. Ecme Tel: (617) 367-7768 Robert Watkins Bus,iness Tel: (617) 727-6214, 9710 l1

- Here Tel: (617) 832-3378 Willia Bell -

Eusiness Tel: (413) 545-2563 Ecre Tel: (413) 773-7853 l1

-llW ' :.' c) :: , - . ' *- .

l , ,

Agostino Savastano Business Tel: (617) 727-6214, 9710 1 Ecce Tel: (617) 331-6911 Thcras O'Connell Business Tel: (617) 727-6214, 9710 1 Hcrne Tel: (617) 754-6624 24-Hour-A 'ay Centact. Massachusetts State Police (617) 566-4500, Ext. 237 l1 e

s O ,

12/52 Fev. 1


C l.. . *



  • Compact Administrator Chief, Bureau of En ironmental Health John R. Stanton Business Tels- (603) 271-4587

. . Home Tels * (603) 623-4743

    • Person to Whom Authority , .

,'i s Delegated , Diane Tafft .

. . . Business Tel: (603) 271-4588

.. Home Tel: (603) 524-3358 Donald E. Halle Business Tel: (603)'271-45E5 .

Hene Tel: -

(603) 622-9613 24-Hour-A-Day Contact New Ha.~.pshire State Police (603) 271-363G FR*0E ISLA2:3 e t' 7' '

Compact Administrator Director, Department of Health .

Joseph E. Cannon, M.D. - -

Pusiness Tel: (401) 277-2231

, Person to Whom Authority -

is Delegated .

James E. Hickey

, Business Tel: (401) 277-2438 Home Tel: (401) 884-4732 j

other E.ergency Contacts (in order of priority) Charles McMahon '

i Business Tel: (401) 277-2438 i

- Home Tel: (401) 949-7138 i

i William P. Dundulis i f Business Tel: (401) 277-2438 Home Tel: (401) 762-5738 i

j 24-Hour-A-Cay Contact 9hode Island State Police (401) 647-3311


  • ECO .'ct M.Tinistrator . Comissioner, State Health Depart:nent .

. Llcyd F. Novick, M.D.

. Business Tel: (802) 862-5701 Home Tel: (802) 425-3169 Person to 1.?.om Authority . -

is Delegated Raynond N. McCandless Business Tel: (802) 828-2886

- / Home Tel: (802) 223-5075 .

! Other Drergency Contacts Paul Clenons Business Tel: (802) 828-2886 Horne Tel: (802) 592-3534 Deberah Voland Business Tel: (802) 825-2B26 2 Hane Tel: (802) 462-2227 Daniel Higgins (3rattlebero Office)

Eusiness Tel:.. (802) 257-1750 Exe Tel: (802) 257-1901 p ', "

L/ .

24-Hour-A-Day Vennt State ' Police '

(802) 822-2103 . .


'i f

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,A,f?,AT, , gtilgg RA.D.I5 Tim ,

                                                                                                                                                              - p,gn y og 4              ,

STATE (f1NNIX.TICITT Ihte 12/,1!0, Rev - 0 Dadiation Evaluated taity Type Hamifacturer Model 5- tab. Field Alpita_ Iwta Ganma 2-ray Neutron Micrmaave. t/ Of Eberline E-530 X a.) 4 IIP-270 probes '

                                                                                                      .                  24 K  200     200 h.) 1 IIP-260 prole                                                           ;:                 cru   mr/hr   mr/hr                                                 .

m Eherline E-120 .X 50 50 50 , mr/hr mr/hr pr/hr t- Ton Chivnler Victorcen 470A X l 1000 1000 1000 a.) Will also detect R/hr 9/hr R/hr

  • high energy alpha.

p- m flaird Attwie 420 l X 100 100 100 l l l l mr/hr mr/hr ar/hr l


t- IN/ Scintillation Eherline RM-19 X X X, 1.2 Meg X' a.) 1 Eterline SPA-3 scintillation cim per . prole assenbly, a 2 x 2 NaI Xtal mr/hr l . Cn-137 b.) The RM-19 can he used with a Ot - prole and other alpha, beta, gana , protes. . y- Scintillation TNrline PAC-1 S X' 2 Meg , ACA . cTm .. 1 l'. Ton Chinnier Poll Imhistries M0li X 999R 999R

  • Dosimeter Dendix CIN-138 X 200 mr X Insimeter landsverk tr-50 X 200 mr X
  • Ibsimeter Iandsverk CIW-730 X 20 R -

twsimet er Tw n11x 622 l X 20 n l , i 1 I

CDran( ) Ibte Page 2 of 4 page . Dadiation Evaluated . t ticy n7e Manufacturer Model I tab. Field Alpha Imta Gcm na X-ray tJeutron Microwave *

  • Dosimeter Iandsverk CIN-742 ,

X 200 11 tbstmeter Capintec PIIY-SIU 6 X 500 mr 500 mr . 1 l Insimeter Ibrulix 1200-mr X 200 mr 200 mr tbstmeter thiclear Assoc. Of>0, X 5 11 5 ft

  • tbstmetere Dendix CIV-742 X- ; 200 11 1 ,

l 1 . Ibsimeter Jordan CIN-750 X . Charger . tbsimeter Dendix X Charger

  • Dosimeter Victoreen CTV-750 X Charger l l l l l l Dnsimeter Dendix 906-5 X derger ,

tbstmeter capintec CAT 6 11192 X , Chanjer

     *Nklitional eqiilpnent of this type available on sinrt notice.                                                                                                ,


                           .                           I          I I          I j

1 I I I I i 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I s .

  • t .- LU40CTir1rl- Il D/Il0 1:ev. Page 3 of 4 twjes

Radiation Evalu;iled . at l_ty hTe Manufacturer H alel I tab. IInld Alpha Octa C.ituna X-ray Ileutron Microwave' . l r 1 RF Nartia 8100 l X 200 n*f/on2 915 Milz or 2450 Mllz I RF Martia . 8608 X , 20 nel/cm2 a.) "E" Field and "II" Field

                                                                                                                       !                                      10 Milz to b.) 8616 metering unit                                                                                                                                  18 CIIz                              '

I 1 Air Sanplers, fixed ,. I X l X X X . t Pressurized Tonization Chamber with ' chart recorder and alann setpoint X5 X l I I I I l l . l. - I I I I l l 1 ' 1 I I l -l . e I i . I .


O + e e O e


I - I I ' 1 I .I I l I I I I - I I I

                                                      .               I              I                                                       .

s . 9 m ,- --

                                                                                                                                                                 -     w   ,                 A
                                                                                                                                                                            .-       ,                          1 0                              RADIATION FVATJ1A& ~UITNFNr                                                                                               PageyFj 7                        .

4 STATE MAINI? , Datel2/29/R2 -

                                                                                                                                                                                           ~ -

Rev 2 Radiation Evaluated tpy Type Manufacturer. Model 5 Tab. Field Alple Ileta Gwee X-ray Neutron Microwave i . . . . 2nS therline PAC-15A l X 2 l R/hr l l . Ion Chanber Victoreen CM700 X. 30,000 .

                                                                               ;.      cm                                    .                    .

Oitle Pie 1w hnical TAC-3 l .X 5000 . Ion Chamber Associates l l l glmR/hr- l l


Ton Chamber ~ CIN-715/ X 0-500 R ,- 720 .

                                                                                                                                                                                                    , , ;1 Ion Oiamber     Poli           1015                                X                                     2un-999R                                             -
                                                                                                                                                                                         ,     12 l                        .
   ' Condenser R     Victoreen      570             l                                                         Omr-10R                                           l                                             ,
                                               .1 tandsverk      tr-64                               X                                     Omr-1000R
                                                                                                                   -l                                   ,

G.M. Thinwall Victorcen CIN-700 X 50 mR/hr ~ l I . . I

    ~2x2 Nai micron Johnson         CSP 2A         l                    X                                     2-20 mR/hr '                                      l l
  • l Air Sampler Radeco IID-28D  ; X l .
                                                                                                                                                                                                  -              I (120 vAC)                                  l             l                  u          I          -l                                                -

1  ! l 1 Air Sampler Celman - X (120 VAC) . , l i e

Marnifacturer Model I t>ib. Fik ( blia I3 eta Dadiation Evaluated (;amna X-ray Neutron Mi _ l+ it ity 3 - - l l

  • X X X X X' 1 Film Dattes~

l .


Dervlix CIN 138 .X 200 mrt l 12 I tbstmeter , . i Ibsimeter Dervlix Ctw 742 X 200 11 , l2 ill TID chips liarshaw 3x3 mn X X X. l2 9

                                                      .                           ~.

TfD Deader (l) Panasonic IJD702E X , I mR t,t.n ,

                                                                                                                                                                                .l2             .

Beckman 700 X X X Liquid Scint. - PtIA 800 Channel Canberra Series' X (2) 80 ,

                                                                     . X                                                X
!              Celi (51)           Chnberra

( - X X 1 3X3 tb1 'llarshaw l [ _ - X X I 4X4 t!al liarshwaw ,

             -                                                      1           I                  i Canberra                         l X        l                       X        ,

1 Silicon I Deta Onimter Nuclear ~ 8100 X - Chicago X X I Proportional NL* clear IEIR counter Measuroments I . -

                    -                    "              FCI             ( X                              X       X 1

I I 1 It'3A X X X i ._ tu rrES: (1) A Panasonic Mrxlet Un702n replaces tle fonner Eberline nystem arvi UIY114AO Environment Dosimeter llatky n. l2 (2) 'The Series 80 Multichannel Analyser han an 8K microcogwiter with a library of 65 fission preclucts On- - auto analysis. The GeLi, 3X3 NaI, 4X4 NaI, anct Silicon scintillator spectroscopic detectors are al'1 connected to the Serien fl0. 'I1w re are 2 additional MCA's available arwl 2 hardcopy printers. e

                                                                                        - l '1 -

[ RADTATIOt1 INAills pitttr2TT . Par.[ ] ,2


STATE MASSACitt1SN Eutel2/211/.112-y . Nv 1 , Radiation Evaluated itity 'lype Mantifacturer Model i Tah. Field _A_l giha Deta _Gantua X-ray Neutron Microwavo H Wirvlowless Gas tkaclear 1 X X X

                                                                                                                                                           'l 1 Flow Propor-        Heasurrments                                                                                                                                        .

tional Counter Cbrp. , l ll l ll l l .

                                                                                                                                                                 .   ~

H ' Thin Wirvinw ' thiclear Chicago X + X X

                                                                            '                                                                                l1 Gas-Flow             Spectrci Shield                                    s                                                                       '

Proportional , , Counter 1 . H T.iquid Scintil- Packant 3300 X . X ] l1. lation Counter . H GeLi MCA System Canberra (1100 X X with DCC 1104 ' l l l ' TU) 11eader Victorcen 2600 X l X l l 1 CaF2(Mn) Victorcen 2600-2 X X - Vacutm Tule ' nosimeters . nirnace 'Ihennolyne 'lype X 10500 l . I AC t D peta Tracerlab X X System l

^C    Proportional         PNC             PCCllA           X                         X         X counter           '

I Pegulated Air Fherline 11AS 1 . X . l Samplers . l l l 1 Pulse Pate F2wrline PING Meters with IIP 210 Prole? IIP 210 X 5x105 5xin5 l c[m egm

                                                                              .                            liadiation Ev?luated                                  ~

it i cy Mantifacttirer Model I Iah. I'ie ,l l.l u DeLa Ganina X-ray Neutron Mic: ) . C m 1 Detector Victorcen 490 X 10R/hr! 10R/hr l r Alpha tuter Eherline PACI SN', X 2m cgm.

                                                                 .                    2R/hr i       am, Detector Precision           Deill                              X
  • 20mR/hr Radiation Ilole l ,

Instnrnent ' l l l ll l! j Starvey Meter builta 3 , X - l

                                            . 1 Prete             umiltm         d4-3                               X                              0-200 mR/hr low energy ganna probe                 1
  • I I I Prote Driltm 44-2 i X 0-200 mR/hr hi 0h energy gamna probe I

Gamna Detector EberlIne E-120 X 50mR/hr

       .itino FWiel 7                                 l                     X         1mr/hr= 25R/hr 25R/lir
  • l l
  • l1000 d[m l l l alpha l
                         -                        l
       .Tonlan FWiel ACB-10k                                                X                             10kR/hr
       .victoreen thiel 444                             i                   X               .


                                                   \                                                -

Ion Chanter Victorcen 440 l X 300mR/hr i


Ot Victoreen Cr# 770 X 50mR/hr50mR/hr

 '      Ion Chanter       Victoreen     CIN 715                             X                             500R/hr i     Alpha tuter        Victoreen     CIV 700                             X         50mR/hr                                                       .

Ion Chanter MDII X- 12R/hr Qitle Plc Victorcen X 10kR/hr 10kR/hr

  • Ibsimeter IF11C Sb l x -

Clurger , l l i intimeter tantisverk CIN-742 X 200mn I Ensimeter Iarvisverk X III i 171 Met er ,ttania n616 X 10,0nnitw/nJ

s ...e.. . . . . ... .s .

             $          4 9

M e Y L'!.. . g {.

 .a e

l .- ,3 3 6 . I u - a


l u O PI .., . 3 3 m

  • O > *
             >' 4 3          En. b
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os t M

           .C El, 4                                                                              .


                  .S 9

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0 9 c a 4 @ p .M.e

                          *** b
 .,                       a n                       4MU                                                                 9
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q O >>^W <t'x >1r r-r

                                                                                                                                  -'r          e<2     .

STNIT: NIM 11AMI511 Tilt . ThtS11/07/fil

u. .

hv 3 Itadiation Evaluated Gwuna X-ray Neutron Microwave

 "_A s. int i t y      We         Manufacturer   Hrwiel I       tah. Field _ Alpha     IIcta 1           Prqnrt innal    Tennelec        f11-1000        X             107cpn  107 clu                       .

counter 2010 X 6x108 R 6x108 R 1 1TD re.vler Victnreen 6620 X N/A .' 1 NCA [Ge(t.i)] Nuclear tbta , i i Victorcen 592n X 1R 1R . 1 Ton Osamtv r E-510 X 200 200 200 3 01 Thorline mr/hr inr/hr er/hr - CIN 700 X 50 50 3 (N Various Makes mr/hr pr/hr CP-200 X 20 20 Og Hn n. , 1 Johnsnn ar/hr pr/hr Fherline PAC-ISA X 2x106 2 Scintillation CT* therline ' SPA-1 X 2x106 l 1 Scintillation

  • cpn X 200 Scintillation therline 1

mr/hr . Fherline PAC-3G -X 105 .q l 1 Prq nrtional counter CTM . . t Wu. n. nSt'2A X 5x104 , l 1 Scintillation . epn Johnson , l l

[ . Radiation Fvalu._ted -

                   )                                                        ,

Alpha Gamma X-r' y Neutron owave (3: ant i ty ' Type Manufacturer Mortel I fah. s' _ul It ta ., l 300 r 2 Pressurize <l thiclear Ton Gambers Measurcnents X un/hr Iah. . un. D. Ftc;P-2A X 5x104 . I Scint.illation epn Johnson , l Viet oreen 70 X ( 1 Inn charnber * ( 0.25R - 100 R . Vict oreen 570 X ( 2 fon chamber , 20 mw/cm2 0100 X 1 Dower density turita Iw;imeter Various Cin 13f1 X 200 mr 63 - Makes Mr11 1015 x 999 R 1 Ton rianher 1 Air nargiler Mr.fiPneu- 41-3202- X 66 m3 / 66m37 5-76ft hr hr matics Inc. ISC-2 X 106 1 I.iqu iti scinti- f 'I'.I 1lat inn coisnter e e e e

r r QTto 11/07/113 P- Page 3 of 3 p.

                        ,) 'llitt:
.i.. ._taly ,
                     ~,                                                   ~

Itadiation Evaluated ~ sy i .:it i t y 3p Manufacturer Mexiel I lab. Fieltl Alplia lieta C.amna X-ray Neutron Microwave i Ion Oi.vnter nerline PIC-6A X 1000 1000 It/hr R/hr . I CcM Itatemeter flerline IN-14 X 5x105 , , 3 Air saiqiler Ibdeco ll-809C X 12.5 cfml - 7 Micro-Il Meter trulltan 19 l X 5 mR/hr ,

      ?              CcM            Irwlltan           5                      X                         2                                           ~


  • I CcM Itwiltin 2000 + X 5x105 .

At lantic Nticlear C.-M , G O O e e O G G

  • e I


                                                                     .m             .                            ,
                                                                                                                                                                 '                 ~
         .                                            TAIW4AWCY              . CAlWITT. TTY (5)                                          ,

Page 1 cf 1 State NIW IIAMf"Ulfitf*. ,.

                                                                                                        .                                  Date 11/07/95                                 ,

Hev 7

  • Analyses Per Day (l)

Analysis Tine state involved in theny.ncy State Not Involved in E:menjency _ 33tissa Analysis (hrs) 11 hr clay 24 hr day (4) 8 hr day 24 hr day (4 )


tu tt: u.ite r or v...tatinn Camuna scan 4.0 2 5 2 5


it.i . r on- Cross alpha . , gio. . igiis ation(2) & Oross teta 0.7 2(3) R(3) 6(3) 24(3) it. .-r or . pa.cipitntion Tritissa (ll-3) 3.0 1 3- 2 , 8


Air filter or

.t y stegvwition(2)              Cross alpha.                                                             .
                                 & gross beta         0.7                 4                         Il                    11                              '34 rin (t=alle or chip)            Extcroal ganno                0.1                 27                       80                     80                          ' 240                   ,

t 11 iiiin scin . tale can te pointained for a relatively shnrt perievi of time (e.g. ,1-5 days) s .-) tri t ans. nrat inn not available to do toth analyses sinultanenusly

  • t :: awpirat.i.m t isnt inctivkst . .

I a) ints g.resigpms the availability of personnel , - - ( *. ) nir any otlier til'1IIIC snenders ,

  • G i

y w - - - , i- .~+.--m-- - - - -

ItAIJI Aritti IV , 'i < 3 I ta li i t te rn* Page i fr 3

           'V                        -

STATE DlinDE g Ent , '#!G

                                                                          .                          Radiation Evaltbted itity       lype      Manufactairer   t .lel i          I;th. Field          A11 pa_ Deta         Gamna    X-ray    tJeutron     Miciowave Scintillation   11x11tm         00           ,

X 5x106 Counter l CTY1 , Ibta Survey tinclear 2650 X 100 (not Ot) Chicago ,

                                           ,                                                 mR/hr Ganwi Survey    victorcen       470A                        X;                               I n/hr l000 R/hr.

(n) Geiger Counter Inditn 3 l X 200 mn/hr . 3x105 cpn Micrt>-R tuter .t2ditn 12 S X 3 mR/hr , Celger Counter laditn 2 l X 50 50

                       ,                           l                                          mR/hr mn/hr~

(1) Of Eher1Ine E-120 X 50 50 mR/hr mn/hr at (thin wall) Victorcen CIN-700 g X 50 50 l l l l ImR/hr mR/hr ,l, Ion Chirnier Victorcen CTN-715 X 500 R/hr , (2) Condenser R Victoreen 570 i X (2) Meter l - DAD tan Eberline In-1 A X X X tbsimeter . Ibrulix CIN-742 X 200 mn X l Dnsimeter Capintec T11Y-SOC) 6 X 2n X l Ibsimeter Chpintec 111Y-STV 6 X 200 mR X 1 1

aute 12/14/. . tree. 3 . Page 2 c[ 3 page -

                          )                                                                                                                        ,

itity Typs Manufacturer Model I Radiation Evaluated ~ tab. F111d Alpha tieta P.amaa X-ray Neutron ' Microwavn - Ibsimeter tandsverk tr50 X

  • 200 mR X ,

Ibsimeter Nuclear Asso. 012 X 1.2 R X l l tbstmeter thsclear Asso. 050 X 5n [X ^ Ibsimeter tbsimeter 1200 X 200 mn X Corp. , Ibsimeter Ibsimeter 002 X .7 Corp. l200 mn X 1

                                                                       ' l                                                                             '

J [ l . trwBkgml Alpha /Deta Canberra 2402 X X X l Counting l l3 systm l ,~ l i I I I I I l l i I i l l Flat /MCA (3) h'.C 400 System 01annel l . (flote: G:mna Srec. systm inoperable.) 3 . (4) Ton Chamter Pnl 1015 l X l , 999 R 1999 R l (5) Ion Chanber Victorcen 440RFC X X 1'R/hr * ( fi) Ibwer twnsity NADI % 11100 X 20 mW/cm2 200 mW/cm?- rower twnsity N.\RIW D616 X (915 ft 2450 Mllz crnly) twwer Iwnsity IIoladay 1500 X 100r*t/cm2

                                                                                                                            '(2450 #1117.)

(7) Prole i

                            ,71Anns          A633                  X 100 mW/cm2                  '

10M1tz-300M117 (7) Prckw t1 Anni n523 X

                                                                                                          ,                   100 mW/cm2 300M112-26r.t rz            ,

RADIATION INALUfd OllfiNFNP pg. '. . State RilODE ISTIND Date 12/14/ft3 *8


NY 3 ~ rrlTS Ind/or COPMfWIS: -

                                                                                                                   .                                   l 1

) calibrated with both DelDer and' 11t'270 proben. ( , 1

) One unit has 2.5R, SR,10R, and 25R chmbers. %c other unit han 2.5R and 25R chmbers.                                                     .
) System has 3 x 3 Nai coupled to 400 tliannel MCA. Outpit.'is channel by channel teletype or X-Y plot.                         -                       .
)      10 x 5-6 and 10 x 5-180 probes on 2 units; 10 x 5-6 prolle only on 1 unit.                                                     .
)     RP shieldixt for CRT and 'IV measurements. %is unit is on loan frrm DRII.                                                                ,

1 one unit with two probes. % 1s unit is on loan from DRil. , [.

)      Probo is for une with NARDA Model 0616 meter.                                                    ,
) 11 nit is calibrated for 12x11tsn Model 44-3 (Iow-energy) Prole, althotrjh it will detect other garruas.

e g . e e e 'W i 2

O V b IAI:OHAWVtY ANAJ . CAlWITT. TTY (5) b , Paga 1 *c f 1 State NIN llAMIMIITiti: . - Date 11/07/85 kv  ? Analyses Per Day (I) . Analysis Tine , Stat er Involved in niergency State Not Involved in Emergency II.<liisn Analysis (hrs) 8 hr slay 24 hr day (4) 8 hr day 24 hr day (4 )

 -li ll. , wirer or
i. . i.: tat i on Cansna scan 4.0 2 5 2 . 5 s.. ..r or Gross alpha ,

ii :.:ipi tation(2) & gross leta- 0.7 2(3) 8(3) 6(3) ,

                                                                                                                                                         .      24(3) s..t er or ir.cipitation                   Trititan (11-3)                  3.0                 1                     3                       2                           8
 \ir filter or                                                                                                                                               .

try alegvisition(2) Cross alpha

                                   & gross Imta                    0.7                 4                       11                    11                          34 In (txills or chip)             External gansna                            0.I                27                     80                     80                          240 I ) niir. r.che<kile.can he maint ained for a relatively short perirvi of tine (e.g. ,1-5 ciays)
    ?) lei: rru. nrat inn not available to do both analyses simultaneously                                                       .
i rei.:. cat. inn t.iisc incliwlevl al shis t,resopposes tha availability of personnel -
   '.1    lbr any other NiltilC meindlers                                                                                                       ,
                                                                                                                                                     . c, .

gg.g.H (l lIJJlItilNP

  • Pa Q'. ,

STATB VERM0f7P e . Ibt l'.. {nj,02 y Dev 2 3'pe Radiation Evaluated illiy Manufacturer bodel I tab. Field Alpha ileta Ganina X-ray _

                                                                                                                                           , Neutron        Microwave.         ,

OF 3 Eberline mC-4 X 5x105' , Ion dimler Victorcen 570 X 0 . 2 511 b.25R l Lo.100R to 100R Ion Ommber M. II . D. 101'S X 999 R 999 R Pressurizal Reuter-Stokes RSS-111 X 500 500 Ion Ch mter l uR/hr uR/hr . l m Eberline E-120 X 5x104 5x104 5x104 . crm cim ctu Ton Chanber Victoreen 471 X 300R/hr 300R/hr *

                                              ;                                                              (<linn to 300mn integrate),

m Eberline PDM-4A X 2x105 ' 2x105 . C[Tn C{m Of to Scint.1- Victorcen 'Ihyac III X 0x1d5 0x105 llation Nai l crm ctu , Silicon Herac IV X lx105 narrier counts Scintillation Fberline . PAC-15AG X 2x106 2R/hr CIm Dicxle lloliday 111-1500 X 100 rnW/cm2 (2.54 Gilz) --

                                            ,                           .I                                                   E-probe: 0.5Milz to 6 CIiz7 '- l Diodo            11oliday        3002          l              X                     ]               107 V2 /g2 ps,                                  ;

li-probe: SMllz to 300 f tIIz, 100 A2 [g2 pg, 10 Kilz to 220 7111z ,. Isotropic IFI RIPI-1

  • 300 V/t1 [2
i a .2_ 1 2 / 211/112 J.? Page_ 2 oC 2 page %

0' Itadiation Evaluated U ,* - . iiit i.t y

,                         "Ina         Manufacturer      Mod 31 I           rab.      ald     Alpha  Beta     Canma      X-ray        Neutron      Microwave
                                                                                                                                                                      ~      1 1             Dlrvie               Narxla             0616                       X Pruim                 Nania              0621                   ~

X 20 rnW/cm2 4 Ton Ch mter Victorcen V715 X 500R/hr  !

                                                                                                                                                                          ,i 2              m                     Victoreen         V700                        X              3x105   50mR/ht-i
                                                     .                                               cpn                                                                   f Ion Ouuntnr           Nuclear           Strad                       X                           3          3 10 R/hr 10 R/hr Annociates f.

3 0:artz Filer DCA 015 X l.5R 1. 5R , ** 3 Giartz Filer DCA '050 X 5.0R 5.0R 1 Otartz Filer DCA 150 1 X 0.5R 0.5R ,2l 1 0:artz Filer Capintec SRC)-6 X l0.5R 0.5R -

  ?             TLD Feader            Victoreen          2010                X                              103R        103 p                                .

I Gns Flow PNC FCC-llT Proportional .

                                                               &             X               5x107  5x,107 Counter                                  IE-1T                                cpn    cpn
  • 100 mgm/an0 Wirxlow Gas Canberra 220S X
  • Flow Counter Ge--Li Ganm1 Canberra Series 80 X -

Spectroneter Phl.0623 Survey Meter I1ritten 2210 X X . l

                                             "                                                                                              .                  I Alpha scint prube                       43-2            1    X       X                                            ~

[ l I Deta 44-1 l X X l c.wna " " " 44-10 l2

                                                                           .X        X m 'nilm                                 44-7                 X       X
                                            .      _ -m             _                       _
                ..-                                                             &l


                                                                                . .- ...n...                             . . : a.
                                                  .              ..-,,..r..e,.

r . v. w r. 7. - , . . , .., . ,. . ..a . . . . u - n. .e. .- . .e u.. _ r , . , , ., c., (1) I (we) reques: the radiclogical a.ssistance frc= under the provisions of the New England Compac . * (2) Agency requecting ass'istance: (3) Authorized,requestar . (4) Phone ..,(include area code): (5) Des: ribe tj 7e e..d cuantities cf acristen:c requested:

a. re..:i. : .e..t :

I e

b. .w.a npcuc r :
c. Suppcrt Se:tices: . .

(6) a. Where is the assistance needed? -

                          'b . Ohere should equi,x.ent and/or personnel repcrt (be specific):
c. Whenistherequestedassista$ceneedad? *
d. Estinated duratien cf assistance:
   !,        a                                            ,
     'd                   e. Contact person for requested assista .ce -- specify locatio.. and phene e                              n'.:.her (include area c:de):                                                 -

L, v.. - .,., . .... . ... - . . - . . . - .

 .         ..             ---_v-             .- -                                         -               -                                             ._


        .                                                                                                                                                                        i
                     -                                                                                                                                                           J 1 4:. ... .r.. ..aA . .. . CC     -  Ae.,

w. (

  • RIQ: EEO Fcr. F.'DI*I,c; cl2, A23:EII.*::i: Fayc e f .*

(7) cther cc=sen:s:


I i Sig:.ature. o f Authorized Requester: .

                                                                                              .                   Date:


  • t 1 -

j . . ue., t. gu.a c: .=an n.:- . :;. * :::.:= =:.: -

  • r L
  -       R. S. Landauer, Jr. & C@.                                                                                                         ' st e:s Das enco pa a'e: 35 M.:::awr E:e: , i East 5'.rs=;ct. 6 Je 57: 08516 i

    . Telep%one (2 1; 236-ku t 20, 1923 (n)

    ;~J                                                                                   .

NM State 'e,7-tnent of Civil Defense l ' Attention: M 5. Petullo

             'l Ai. 7:rt Road Conesrf, Teev Ea:ps'.. ire 03301 Ref: Account # U.3t.6          E Mrs. Petullo:

ne f 11o/_4 are s::e of the pobts Mike Navs' and I dis: ssed pris to the initi.aticz: of yor f 4'- ba'.ge service in 1962:

                                -1.                                     in larp gantities, or C-1 Ve e s . pr: vide        ,2.
                                                                     '/.,.      ,   ,n .r s aa _.        :, . w..... ._...

v . s. ,2 ..- s . of an eu rgen:v. The rrici.5 s:hed:le v:uld be the price wtich is i . effe:t at the ti:ae cf need dem. nii .- en the c. ar. tit. re :..:.i- a d .

2. 1. the even . ci sr. em gen:y, a . a-;--:piate 1 :ati:n f ,- emrgen:y d:si:at:j p--c:essi .;

y s... - : .,

                                                   .                   ,a
                                                        .,....:....a....         . . . e g._., e . , : ~ a. ..-. .,_

a ('m ... . r _ ~ . a . <-a-:,.. c. ---.r- . r

   %                                          . :. n 2 c.e n... . .r o._~ .-

b _: .. s. . .e .r .__u..,

                                                                             ,. ...         ..., 6. _4 s...       ,.s.. a . .-
                                        . . ,    .      u.. ...   ,        .         .

I hotel ro:c), crr New Jersey regional office and on- ca.S rr:>:essi -g f aeilities in G'.en-wood , Ill'.nci.s . The cbsi:e would depend on

                                     . :ur needs and the extent of the e::er.r.ene.1-e J '- e' 4 c ...

If you have a j gestions or if I can be of any fu.-ther belp, please contact meat (201)239-6f:'t. Sineerely, t Id E. S . I.J5-)AE'., J?.. & CJM?AN! DITIS~0N OF TIENICA1 O?I:).TIONS

/ /

i l -

                                                                                            .w . . ,?

chu:k J .de:sen East Coast Regional Sa es Ma .apr i f

 \     l I

M T W E N~ w? W E kW 1. g 20.7 C, 3 y' , , .

c. -


                                                       .NEW ENGLA.N'D STATE POUCE CO31 PAC;                                                                             s.D-
               '.lI                               .                                                                                                 I                   g
        .       j.         :     106-D: L Compae Es:ided.                       106.D: 5 Retire =est Syste=-                                         '


                         "                                                                                                                                   2             5-8 106-D: 2 Direc:or, Divisien of Stata Po-
        .J j                   lice.

106-D: 3 Powers of Dire:to:. 106.D: 6 Me=hership Retire =e:ts. 106.D: 7 Report.t. 106.D: 8 Repeal of Compact. f': '"- d 106.D: 4 Alter:sta to Cor.fe r.:ce. y '

  • l 106.D: 1 Compact Ratifed. The general court of this state hereby i "-4
     ' [-

ratines the followi g co= pact to beco=e efective at such time as the legis-l , 7,

 . .HI-- ~                       lative bodies of any 3 cf the eligible states also ra'tify it.                                                '
                                                                                                                                                       ' --     n:      7t s
     ~f l                                                 New Eng!::d State Police Compact                                      -


                                                                                                                                                                        . m. .

Article L Purposes  !

! c c:,.

The pur;cses of dis ce= pact are to: A. Provide c!:se ::d efe:-ive c:oper: tics and r.ssistance in detecti:g

d apprehendi:g these engaged in orga:!:ed ed : al activities; ]J[


3. Establish a:d =2i:M- a ce==:1 ci-8-d in:e!!!ge:ce bureau to -

I y ga$er, ev:!uate and disse '-'te :o de appre;date law enfor:e=e : c5- l Myn',i cers cf de parv su:e infc-.-ade: cc:cerning crg1:i:ed e-i=e, its le2de.s  % 1 a:6 tel: ass: cia:es; 7 8, M.. u:. C. Provide =u:::1 sid and assis=:ce in de event of police e=ergencies.


! - i

                      .'        and to provide f:: de ;owen, dudes, dghts, ;+.-2eges ::d !==cri. des cf                                        [gyi-
                                ;cli:e ;er::::e! when re.:dering sus aid.

j' Article II. Entry into Force and Withdrawal A. This ce=;act shall ente-into fer:e when e acted into law by 2:7 3 cf the su:es of Co::ec:i::t, Mai:e, Ms.ssadusets, New :In ; shire, Rhede [Q [f ' r e Isla:d and Ve =c::.. Theree.fter, die c:=pa:t shs!! become efective is to any oder cf the afere= endo ed states upon its exact =ert Streef.

                                                                                                                                                   ,g.                            I
                                                                                                                                              ,hQ I
3. Any parv s:a:e =ay w-;thdraw frc= this co=; set by erac:ing a statute re;ea" g the sa.=e, but no s::6 withdrawal shall take efect until
                                                                                                                                            ' 't?Wg
                                                                                                                                                 , M* e,:
9 - 6 c e year after the gover:or of the widdrawing state has give no: ice in I w:iting of the widd::wal to the governors of all other pa: y states. No  ;) T I.

withdrawal shall afect any liabilig a!:eady incur ed by or chargeable to a

                                                                                                                                           .l                                 9 party state prier tc Se ti e of sud widdrawal, and any records, f.!es, er Q

infer = ados obtained by cdicers or e=;loyees nf a withd.rawi:g state shall '


{j; cc tinue to be kept, used, and dis;csed of only != such =arre.: as is cc - gI l siste:: wi$ this c:=;act 2 d any rules or reg !a: ions pursuant thereto. .i 45'

                                                                                                                                                                 -o      -

r. Article III. The Conference i,.

                                                                                                                                      ~i                         W              .l w,-

A. There is hereby estalished the "New E g!1:d State ?clice Ad=izis.

    '                                                                                                                                                                         .. G N:crs' Confere :e," hereirafter called Se "c::ference", to be c:=;csed .                                     ,'"
                                                                                                                                                                        ~j 8

n 99 .

                                                                                                                                       .       \       W                      --,

{ (B 'j ,'  !  ; jTf ~;3th'j{..M.!m

           -l                                                                                                                                                    . a'"$i - .


. i. i .g. h.rcq f*
         & Q & h ;m k 3 w w & Es &. %..o= = i k[.2:-b
                 - ~'                                       _

y, ~ ' ,

                                        - ' - LE' AW Q J ;'                                                                                                                                                    e
                                      - ~;f--~==33 3 ,.,m                                Q w~

mRN r ..

                                                                                             &R.Qw                                                      . -

gsg'u,. , . . . . . . .


Ul 106.D: 1 SHERIFFS, CONSTABLES, AND POLICE OFFICERS {h,i - M' of,the'=Wtrative state. head of the state police depart =ent of each party

   ~                    M Ad                               B. If authorized by the laws of his party state, the administrative head of the state police depart =est of a party state =27 provide for the dis-charge of his duties and the perfor=ance of his functions on the ec=fer.

ji esce, for periods =ene of which shd1 exceed 15 days, by an alter ste. No d and appointment shall have been given to the confe

                .M)                               the ec:ference may require.                                                                                                                          -
                 I                          .
                   . h,                                                                                                                                                                                 -
  ,_.       g           D                         be selected only fr = among the c5cers and e=;1o                                                                                       ' ,
h. a s!! ' depart....e t, the head of which such alternate is to re;:esent. '


           @.y q,                                    D. The me=bers of the cc:ference shall be entitled __-                                              .

to one vo which a =afori:7 of the total :=ber cfs votes ca(-- the co i . gj:


n i favor thereof. Ac: ion of the conference shall be only at a =eeting y_~ at whic w$ w[% < ,

                                     >j          a majority of the me=hers of the co icence, or their alter:ates : e ; es.

e= t. ~

- { .

M '[ij E The cc:ference sidl have a sed. L ._ - W )*- ~ ,. F. The c:: fee::e shdl elect a=ca57, frc= acc:g its membe ,a s { chair == (who shdl ::: he eligible to s"~w ""e f), a vi:e ehd:= : 1, h' * (l; . - f.x his duties ~and c =;ensation. Such executive se g 1 ~ 3, p 1 - JGb pleasure cf the ec fere:ce, and togeder wi:h the treasurer shall I. I-be bonde

       ~k It         ,

is such a=ount as the cc:ference sha!! de+=" a , also shfl serve ss generd secetary cf :he c=ference.The e ecutive se. ret:7


n I

t. .

G. Ir:es;e:Se of the civil service, perso SQ j!i . c. t cf the c : fee::e, shall appo!:t, remove or discharge -. h(fi7 [,y lshall 6x the duties and ec=;ensation of such personnel.=27


_H ,. l

q. j H. The conference =27 establish and =aintain inde;enden:!

7 or is con-h e: i=ction with a 7 one er = ore of the par:7 states , a suitable @r & e e=ent "j D

  • ei!gible for social securits7sta= for its fu!I ti=e e=;loyees. E=;1oyees 7 _ cf the M"$  % j ,i i i :urs:ce pr0vided that 'he c fcente takes such ste;>a7 coverage in resp s may be neces-sar7 ;;rsuant to the inws of the United . States, to partici; ate rin t

[~- such preg == of i:strance as a gove== ental agency or unit. The c= fee::s kflI

                                           =27 establish a=;loyee           benedts asa:dma =aintain or par:icipate in such additional                                of F

prog L. 2=s .

              )                            of a reded edicer or e=;y be a;;repriate. Employ =ent b7 the c:=fere::e                                                     (,                        -
   )-.a orother re$e=e t-::::ected be:edts ;2id to such
                                          ; r**/ state.

a  ; odi:er er e= . p. 1 1 I. Thef::= r er:0=e! cc:ference 2: =ay borr:w, ac:e;t or c::tra:: fer the services of 7 party s=te, the United States, or a y subdivisics c: 's bc'

  • 223 '
  • 1a /

s 3 3 2 p--. C M

                                                       -'                                                                                                        Y
        ..r U ,a
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                                                                                                                                ,g           m

_ . m.

                      '                                                                                                                 1                            -e.

b NEW ENGLAND STATE POLICE C05f?ACT 106.D : 1 [,, agency of the afore=entioned gover==ents, or fro = any agency of 2 or _ .i,

                            =cre of the party states or their subdivisions.                                                         I"l                '

aa J. The conference may accept for any of its pur;cses and functions ll - j q- " '{ I under this ce= pact any and dl donations, grants of money, equipment, supplies, caterials, and services, conditional or othewise, frc= any state,

                                                                                                                              'g I

i the United States, or any gover== ental agency, or from any person, 5:=  ; D. - h_ 3 or corporation, :=d =ar receive, utili:e and dispose of the same. The ecs- 'l

  • F l[ ference shall publish in its annual report the terms, conditions, character, -l . - - -


      - I' add a=ount of a=y resources accepted by it pursuant hereto together with                            '
                                                                                                                                                      ~"' "- - i

the identityof the donor. f M - 'l ' i

                                                                                                                           'l i m-W                                K. The confeence =ay establish and =iistain such facilities r.s may be                                            "                -

8* ! necessary for the transacti:g of its business. The cc ference =sy acquire, held. a:d e :vey real 2:d personal proper:7 and any interest derein. @ _

              .                 L. The cederence sh .11 ad:;t bylaws for the conduct cf its business 1:d                     jp:[z_
              .            shall have the ;ower to amend and :sscind these bylaws. The cc fere:ee                                d,! '-w--%t

= E

             !             shall publish its bylaws in convenient for= and shall f!e a ecpy dereof and a co;y of 2:7 acerd=ent deretc, wii de appropriste agency or eficer in li C -                   '

e2d of de ;:r y states. The by!:ws sh:11 ; : vide f:: a;;re;-ia:e to:i:e to

                                                                                                                            ' ] .-
                                                                                                                                ,                                    a l

de ::det:ce =e=be s cf a2 :: deen:e =een:gs. f!;I'

  • g d %4 }

t tIu w-

                               }L The ec: fee:ce t.::uaUr shd1 =2ke to de g ve :r and legislamre ci each ;:.r y st::e a re;c ::ver. g de a:-ivities ci de cedee::e f::

p- '



b T l

the precedi=g year, and e=bcdying such reco ends:ic:s as may have been issued by the cederence. The cc:ference may make such additic:21 repor:s :.s it =ay det= desirable.

  • f@* Q}

f ../2~ hj r , pll

                                                                                                                                                                     '- 2 Artic!e IV. Cc !ere=ce Powers                                                                    -D,.dr M

. - . t ^ T The e:darence shall have ;ower to: . f':jll! -

                                                                                                                                                                     ,J A. Establish a:d c;erate a New Engla:d Cr:- ' al Intelligence Bureau,             j Q,                         "

" herd:afte edled "the bureau", in whid shall be re:eived, asse= bled and  : . .'i.!WC-- -: kept case histories, records, data, personal dessiers, and other infor=ation - cenec=i:g perscus engaged or otherwise asse:.iated with org' ' ed c-i=e.

                                                                                                                  !'hT                                                -

- ['. -

3. Co: sider and rec:

MM-end =c"= cf identifyi:g leaders and e=ergi:g  ; l j[h I leaders of org"' ed cri=e and their associates. $-

       .                       C. Facilitate =utual assistance a=c:t the state ;cU e cf de par y                     ':l;%. J W g                           states pursuant to Article VII of this ce=;act.                                     ;:l:                                                         i t

D. For=ula:e procedures for clai=s a:d rei=hurse=ents, pursuant to ' !,4_, 'sf~,$- P

     -i                    Artic!e VIIof this co=;act.                                                        . ' ..' ..

M J E. P:c=ote cooperation i: law enforce =est and =ake recc==endations ' to the party states and oder appropriate law enforca=ent aud::ities fe 'jG- ' ll

                                                                                                                           ,                                         _y de i=;;;ve=en: of sus cec; era:ict.                                               '
                                                                                                                    'Q Yq Bg F. Do sL1 M is whi6 =a7 he :ecess: 7 az' - =-"' to te ext::ise O                    *"'="-

m D':s': # .n.c;M

                                                                                                           *j           t.'                       -
          .%   '                                                                                                     ,                                          F5::
      ,.T                                                                                                       q.j. ,
                                                                                                                . s .' .                           j_     .

w:3 *-ag>e h.y,

                                                                                                                           ..                  e i               ;; r== u.

7 - __m

q. 3g.
                                     $I        t y

h..:.. . .- . .

                                               !'                     106-D: 1 SEERITES, CONSTABLES, AND POLICE Or r1CERS gg"ggg; n* ' '

h - Artide V. Disposition of Records and Information

,       m               -4 l                                                           '

The burea established and operated pursuant to Artide IV A of this r -~ '" _4 compact is hereby designated and recog:ized as the instrument for the A - i perfor=ance of a central cri=inal intelligence service to the state police l departments of the party states. The files, records, data and other infor-

           ~--                                                       =ation of the bureau and, when =ade pursuant to the bylaws of the con-f(            j                     ference, any copies thereof shall be available only to duly designated od-

(( a cers a:d e=;1 crees of the state police departments of the party states li acting within the scope of their c5cial duty. In the possession of the afore-

' ' - - - ' }/ i '

l said c5cers and e=ployees, such records, data and oder infor=stion shal! F - -- - 1 be subject to use and dispcsition in the sa=e =anzer and pursuant to tha il sa=e laws, rules and regulatices applicable to si=ilar re:ords, data, and i mm fr.el infor=ation of de e5:er's or e=ployee's agency and the provision of &Is c:= pact. f Artide VL Additional Meetings and Services {-7l:

                               - , i.                 ,

d The =e=bes cf the cetfee:ce fre= any 2 or =cre par:7 states, upc b~ ]  ::tice to the c' sir =:: as to the ti=e and pur;cse cf the =eed:g, =27 3 =eet as 1 se:-ic: icr te di1:ussic: cf proble=s c===c: to Weir s=:es. M , A:7 2 :: =:re ;a-t7 :=te.s =r.y designa:e de cc:ference :.s a icia: s gen. j3 to =sintal: * " " such addi:i::21 ce==c: services u Sey =ay


_ g N.% dee= des! 2b'e f:r ::=b d:g c g=i:ed crime. Ex:e;;in th:se cases whee all pr:7 sutes icin is sud decir:2:i= fcr

       ,                                            l               cc==en services, the representative of any group of such desig a-ing g_$jU                    '

states i: Se :::lere :e shall c:nstitute a separate se:: ion cf such c=fer-I. esce f:: Se ;e': =an:e cf the c:==ce service er se-vices so desig sted 3 J !i I

                                                                    ;r:vided da:, if a 7 additic:21 expe:se is involved, de ::2:e so a: ting
                           --f 'f; l

shall pr:dde de necessary funds for this pur;cse. The creatica of such a sec-ic er ici : age :c7 shall not afe:t de privileges, powes, res;ctsibili-ties or duties of the state.s par'icips:ing therein as e=bcdied in the cder

                                              "i l: .               a.rticles of $is ec=pa:t.

h[ Ii. n a, Artide VIL Mat:al Aid

                      -EI h                                             A. As used in this Ar:icle:
                                              !!                        1. " Emerge:07" means as cecurre::e er cc:ditice, te=;crar/ in         2-     I e                 j                      t:re, in which de state ;olice de;rt.r.e:t of a par y s:::e is, er =27 Q                 r reasceably be es;e ted to be, t:able to cope with substanti:1 and i--!-            [

b l cent da:ger to the pub!!c s:!ety, and in which the c:oper:tien of or aid i fr:= Iccal police fc::ss vridin the state is, or may reasonably be er;ected hl;.); - to be ir.:udefect. Also "ecergency" shall =ean a situatica in whis = l 1 inves igation of an u;ect of org=l:ed cr.'=e, or events ce=ected with ( M,AI j, crgari:ed c-i=e require atg=entat#en, for a l!=ited ti=e, of de inve:: iga-3

2) i I

tive ;er::=21 Of de state ;0iice departnett from widout the :::2. ['

  1. 2. " Requesting sut3." me2:3 the state whose s=te pc!!:e depr =en-
                        }4 [t }'                                   requesis 2:: ism::e in c:;ing wi:h an e=ergency, I,l r

ng F* 230 .I y I M k [. 1.1 r 4

AY W$L}Q t .;

       .                                                                                    106.D: 1         'l    .,       .


s. -

d I 3. " Responding state" means the state fur:ishing aid, or requested to '



                  ' furnish aid, pursuant to this Article.                                               ?        8
                                                                                 '"st ative head cf B. In case of e=erge ey, upon the request of the ad                                       l                             3 the state pe' fee depart =ent of a party state, the ad=inistrative head of the                 l                       Q state police department of each responding state shall order such part- of                     1                       y" l

his stata police forces as he, in his discretion, =ay find necessary, to aid the

state police forces of the requesting state in order to carry out the pur . .
                                                                                                                  ,            ..q
poses set forth in this co= pact. In such case, it shall be the duty of the . .d ad=inist-ative head of the state police depart =ent of each responding
  • j
 -                  state to issue the necessarf orders for such use of state pelice forces of his                8 NE
                                                                                                             ;j state without the borders of his state, a:d to direct such forces to place                                                 E the=selves u= der the operational control of the ad-in'<trative head of                                                  ~f de state police de;=t~- ent of the requesti=g state.

C. T e ad '"<trative head of the state police de;ar'=ent of any ps&f j 7 -

r sts*e, in his discretice, =sy wiihold or reedl the pelice fcrees of his state l ' . . . . is. -

cr 1: 7 put or a y =e=ber terecf, ser.i:g widcut its bcrders.

                                                                                                             ,     t
                                                                                                             !     h                 *~~4 D. Whenever acy of the state po!!ce forces of any par:y state are e:-               !!*

lE. G gaged outside their ore state in carryi=g out the pur;cses of this co=;act, ,, the individual =e=hers so engaged shall have the sa=e pcwers, duties, 1 i-= ides r.s =e=he:s ci de s:ste pclice de;a- - ik rg-rights, privileges 22: ;Q :; =-p

                      =ert cf de su:e in which dey are ergsged but in any event, a reques-irg
                                                                                                           ,h' C @                r p g if s=:e shall save ha--..less any =e=ber ci a res;c:di ; s=:e pci!:e de;r -
                      =er: se-.-:rg W ' i:s herdes f:: any act er acts deze by hi= in the p.erf:r=ance eihis du-/ whi'e er;;ged in c - y=g cu: 2e ;=;c:es ef this Il1'Qg 3
                                                                                                                                  -RE Q,57 c =ptet-                                                                             'I

Q E. Allliabilitf that =ay arise under the laws of de r= questing state or i, y under de hws cf the responding state or under the laws cf a dird state c 'i ~ 5 ac-cu:: of or in ec=ecde: wi$ a request fc-

                                                                          d   e'-l be ass"-aA " d tc=e by the reques:ing sta:e.

j l ]1j F. A y res;c: ding 3:ste renderi:g aid pursuant to Sis ce=;act shan be

                                                                                                                     '.               #W rei=bursed by de requesti:r s:::e for any loss or d' age to, er expe:se
                                                                                                         ,%_y                                    '

IH . ine.: red in the operatics of any equi;=ent a:sweri:g a request for aid, a:d for the ccst of =sterials, tr=sporta: ion and =ainte ::ce of state Ih t; hi,f police persc=el and equi;=ent i:cuned is ec=ection with such request: prov'ded, that nodi =g herein ce=**ed shall prevent a:7 responding state

                                                                                                         ; p'
                                                                                                                                            .lJ W

f;c= assuming such loss, ds= age, ex;enses or other cost. G. Ead par:y state shall provide, in the sa=e a= dc:ts a:d =a=er as h' 7s.ulM 5$ h

 -                      if dey were 0: du:y widin their state, for the pay an . allowances cf de          , ,l k, -

perscesel cf its state police depart =ect while engned without the st:te ' p' ;, . purs:.s t to iis ce=;act a:d while going to a:d rer=:ing fr = such duty + . ,% . I '. , 't e .w l pursu'.:t to this ce=pset. E. Each par y state providing fcr Se pay =ent cf c =;e:satics a:d 7. ' a dead bene 5ts to injured =e=bers a:d the representr.tives of deceased .j2 M;

                         =e=iers cf its state police depar .e:t != c:se such me=hers sustr.!: in.

0'! . j=ies er ne hi'ed widin their ow: state, sha!I;nvide for de pay =ent of l'\" h.rm . 4? .,m y~ ;I Y .p .ySW.i dd ( )  :, -e@,W c , u

                                                                                                                         '%5 %~d
   \D                                                                                                   .' ei,g6W kgpgCw-w..,.wMM_.fympp;gggyy&g                                                                  -

f rmEm

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                         @                                  co=pensation and death benedts in the sa=e canter and on the sr.=e ter=s in case such members sustain i: Jury or are killed whUe renderi:g hD         Ul                          aid p=suant to this compact.                                                                .            .
                     -I    l ily                                                                                                                                   !

qfa'l' Article VIII. Finance D A. 'the conference shall sub=it to the governor or designated edicer or

      %_ y M.{l !                                            odi:ers 'of each pa:ty state a budget of its estimated expenditures for such qd               :      .           peried as may be required by the laws of that party state for presen:stio':                             ;

g sh?  ! to the legislature thereof. r

     '          ~ ~
  • di l 3. Each of the ec ference's budgets of esti=ated expenditures shs!!

cc:'A specide reco==endations of the amount or amounts to be a;; :-  ! r Ih! h I, priated by e2:h of the party states. The total amount of apprcpriade:s

                                                             =de ar7 such b::dget shall be a;;cnic:ed a=c::g the par / s'ates as
                                                                                                                                                         '         {

l! foUows: One-third is equal shares; % divided a=c::g the par:/ sta:es i:

  • the proportices that their population hear to the total population of sil de f'!

n pany states; and Vs divided among the party states in the ;ro;crdons that the =afor e-i=es cc-Htted in each par-f state bear to the :: .!

                   "                     ' l' M          l                 st=he cf =aicr cri=es c:- tted in 22 de pany states. In deter sii.;                                    .

r . y g ' pc;d.d: ;=suant 'o this paragra;b, the =est reces dece :ial tenius c =;Ued by the U:ited States Gover==ent shan be used. Nu=bers c: { y

                         'h                                 =afer c"-" i-'" 5 e rs re;crted in the = cst rece:t 22:=1 ?C-"

Q  ;, j~ Crime. Reper;" c:=;iled by the Federal 3= eau of hvestigade: ci de United States Department of Justice, or by any agency which =ay assu=e

             -                 :Qx
                                       !  l                 respc=ibE!:f fer such c:=;ilation in de pla:e of such bureau. In ne fI                           eTe:t that any sc=:e cf infc. .atic: require:i tb be used for the ;=,cre cf this parag a;i shall be dis:::tinued, the cc ference shan =a'-:e i:.s c:!-

Eli l cu!atic:s c the basis of de best a!!ernadve sources cf infer a:ics 2:d

                               })gl.                        shallide :ify the sources used.

i; _ q: C. The cc:ference shall not pledge Se credit of any party state. T:e p r conference =27 ceet any of its cburations in whole or is part with f=ds j f available to it u: der Article III J of this ec= pact, provided that the confer- , 9  : ecce takes specide action setti::g aside such funds prior to 1::urri:g any [h1 ob!!g tics to be =et in whcle or in part in such cancer. Except wher- the r p {, c::ference =akes use of f=ds available under .ini::e III J heref.  ! _ 52 - -_-_-4 i 1 the. cc:ference shall =ct incur any obliga:ic: ;-ice to the aUctment of l^


h! d

  • I funds by the party states adequate to = set de ss=e.

h L,  ! D'. The c: fert :e shall keep a:::rste ac:custs of all receipts a:d dis- - h5 i bursements. The receipts and disburse =ents of the cc:fere::e shs3 he - d 3:

                                      ;    f' subject to the audit and ac:curti:g precedres estab!!shed under its rules.

ETeTer,12 recei;ta and disbrse=ents cf funds hand.!ed by de cc:fer-I i [ hll, esce sha!I be audited year!y by a qualided, public ac:ounten: =d the re- -

 %(/ ,.                         $ j d; ,1 :

pen of de audit shan be induded is a .d bec:=e ;=t cf the a:::a1 repon cf Se cc.- ference.

                                .L j-                                                      .

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                                                                                                                                                                                       . .s .
              ; y '-- .~ ~ ~ ~" NEW ENGLAND STATE POLICE COMPACT 106.D : 5                   y                           .

g. E. The secounts of the conference shall be open at any ressonable time '$ E for inspectied by duly constituted edicers of the party states and any


persons authorized by the conference. I - j

            ..                   F. Nothi g contained herein shall be constmed to prevent conference-                                                                      '

E  ;

                                                                                                                              ,         j compliance with laws relating to audit or inspection of accounts by or on                        i        I

$ behalf of any gove==ent contributing to the support of the ccnference.

                                                                                                                                        ,                                    ~%B'

=- l .


l-Artide IX. Constreetion and Severability *


I 2 This ce= pact shall be libera!Iy construed so as to efectuate the purposes ' N 5 thereof. The provisions of this c:=;act shall be severable and if any *


3 phrase, clause, sentence or provision of this compact is de-Jared to be 'l r contrary to the Constitution of any state,or of the United St:tes or the _~ I applicability thereof to any gever==ent, agency, person or circu=stante is held invalid, the validity of the ra-M-der of this compact and the appli:a-

                                                                                                                    ,.               f                                .'             $
I i bliity thereof to any gove==ent, agency, perso: or circu= stance sh:!1 tot '

be afected thereby. If this c:=;ac:.shall be held cc:trary to de cons:i:u- { ,$ tion of any s: te participati:g herein, the ce=;::t sha'l re=ain in full - jg .@@.[.$ ,$ force and efect as to the re=* g party states and in full force and effect ,, - r-as to the state afected as to all sever:b!e =a:ters. E:s car NM- o ioarce. '15 53, r t : 1, ef. J= e 11,1:0.'. i:. p - w. I.'

                                                                                                                       .sp ft'                  mkM'TM      p 106.D : 2 Director, Divisien cf 5:::e Peace. s er de pu.;c:es cf this                    jll                           _gy5
                   .i j:::, the dire::= cf de divisi:.. cf s=:e pi:e sha:. be sis s=:e's repre.

n to t.u.e ec :.ere :e. ,T'w'c ' rb.Py 6.- L

              .v                                                                                                      : ,, ,

Amp,. u2 .: 4 { fourte. 1967, 04: 1, ef. Jee 11, ;t 63. T -car ( j g g-f,8

                                                                                                                             }; u ...
                                                                                                                                                                        -,     -     y. r 106.D : 3 Powers of Director. The directer sha!! =ct request aid f :=                                       ~                                   ~



l - withou: the s: ate, pursuant ts .4:-ide VII B of the ce= pact, c:til he has-  !;'- U.- received the cen:unence of the gove=or in such re, test. The s vernor, in .. ^-m-%J. : his discretion, =27 widhold or rec:Il the police forces cf this state or any  !, part or a:y me=ber thereof, se ti:g wideut its borders. .W.

                                                                                                                      .Id T43%             '

S E.:s esT  :;!f i. tr, .I' Source. 1967, 2ll4:1, ef. J=e 11,1963. . l'l!'M - 93' e9;i,- j

                                                                                                                 .i f                                    :.r.a -
                                                                                                                           ,';,n g

106 D: 4 Alternate to Conference. The director is authorized to des-ig:ste an dte= ate to se.ce in his ;!::e and stesd c: Se c- 'a- - a as i hML

            ;              pe:=i: ed by Artide III E-C of the c:=;a:t. Ecwe rer, it is de 'stention of           l h ;. -

4 WT b

            ,              the legislat :re that the director shall atta:d and panicipate in the werk of the confere:ce i: ;erson to be =2 i=u= exten:;r::-icable, bf!
                                                                                                                                                                           # r.d
                                                                                                                                                                     ~                  e

} 5 E:srcsT [i t.


J Soerce. 1963, CA: 1, cf. J=e 11,1963. ' E

                                                                                                                  ,l:                              -
                                                                                                                                                                                   -g3 106.D : 5 Retirement S.vstem. The New Eng!and S:ste Pdi:e Co:-                    llr d
           ,               ference = 7, by resolu:ic leg 11!y ad:;ted != fer= a;;;cved by the 'ccard j, .:h                                     _-

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h . * .' , kE hjiM$5ii3555N$sMWWda$d3nksGMss.INSNb.

b [N N f2m mi e m mi-y &M %.g.p .. g:.m _' --_ _ -J.:~ % ' ~ '_= =


l {.ty,. f;__ s.

            ;                                                                                                                                                                                  l
3. -.


 ,t           3'$                                       SEERIFFS, CONSTABLES, AND POLICE OFFICERS                              ._ ___ ... .
                     ;                  106 D: 6                           ,

j i of trustees of the New Ea=pshire retirement system - -- g6

                      ;                  retirement system. After such election, said conference                        h shall be known r.s 3                                                                                                                                       '

f gg,J, ' as employer for the purposes of RSA d 100-A. The boa f of the c5cers and employees of the conference shall be ' lij  ; '

    +                   l                 ment system a:d participate therein.

f j ' Eurost L ---- hj ,Soam. 1969, =t:1, es. June n, uss. -- j',j j !.. Membersh'p in the New Ea=p-

                                                                                                                                                               '               ~~
       ;e                                      106.D: 6 Membership Retirements.                                                   ((*c5cers i               shire retirement system shall be optional for the New Hampshire                          -

g,,! .;t l I and e=ployees of said conference who are in its service en the l date when (.* J g I- participation beco=es effective and any such c5cer - i

                                                                                                                                             '                 or e=ployee r

j to Jois s:!d syste= sh: [9)h I such perieds of previcus service rendered to such conference il er the state l' ;i for which the conference is willing to make accrued liability contributions. jFf ;! [ Me=bership shall be compulsory for all New Hampshire employees enter-

        $i ,!                              ing the se .' ice of :he ecclerence after the date pardcipation becomes                             l.                                       efec-kg l                                    ,i;e,                                                                                              l l
  .p.,.,,. s E m02Y                                            --
       M i 1-                                 Sort e. 1953, Ci: 1, e:7. J.: .e 11.1002.            '

LC6-D : ~ Repertr. 'lr.e chief f. cal chicer of the cotfere:ce sha:1 ___f sub-l mit to the board of trustees such infor=ation and shall cause to te ;er-formed, with respect to the New Hampshire employe s of said conference i li  !

 ]. +q[j ,                   '

who are membe s cf 5: Id retirement system, such duties as shall be pre- l _ 4 scribed by the her.-d cf t ustees in order to carry out the provisicts , the l3 g.' state e=ployees' retirement systa=. ,j f p; E mcar , l

 *                   {i                                   19st ut:1, er. Je.. n, issa.                                                         '

j . Socce. Renunciation, withis the messi:g of  ! 106.D : 8 Repeal cf Compact. . g f.'p !. Artic!e II of the ce= pact shall be accomplished by act cf the legislature l! A)i y { . n[. repealing the compact and by notice in accordance -dth said!l, article. In the - s eve:t cf su'h as act of repeal the governor shall send the necessary notice s. jj ,

                                               - to the ether party states.


                                                                                                                                                  't l :

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Soute. 1963, t1: 1, ec. J=e 11. ns). ' l k t

                                                                                                                                                   !l 5           .              ;

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  • D N n M M E N M W M idjQptgj g y g (( .


                                      ,'    THE STATE OF NEW HAWSHIRE          .

AND THE AERICAN RED CROSS , t , PURPOSE The purpose of this statement of understanding is to provide for cooperation and coordination between the State of New Hampshire, its agencies, counties and municipalities, and the American National Red Cross, (hereinafter known as the American Red Cross) in carrying 6ut their assigned responsibilities in the event of natural or man-made disaster or enemy attack. DEFINITION OF DISASTER , A disaster is an occurrence such as hurricane, tornado, stcrm, feed, high water, wind-driven water, tidal wave, earthquake, drought, blizzard, pestilence, famine, fire, explosion, volcanic eruption, building collapse, transportation wreck, or other situation that causes human suffering or creates human needs that the victims cannot alleviate without assistance. AUTH.CRITY_ ine State cf Nea' Hamcshire ThE State of New Hampshire, in cocperaton with the Federal Government, is responsible for the develcpment and execution of civil preparedness programs and fcr prcviding assistance to lccal gcvernments and municipal units in the develcpment of disaster plans and capabilities. Tne New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency has been designated by the Governc: as the cccrdinating agency for diaster cperations. In ccnducting such cperations, the New Hampshire Civil Defense will encourage all state and Iccal agencies and municipalities to cocperate with agencies established by laws of the United States. The American Red Cross The American Red Cross is an instrumentality of the United States Government, with a Congressional Charter, codified at M U.S.C., Section 1 et. seq., under which it is charged to "... carry on a system of relief in time of pesce end apply the same in mitigating the suffering caused by pestilence, famine, fire, ficeds, and other great naticnal calamities..." This role has been restated in the Disaster Relief Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-288), which says "...nothing centained in this act shall limit, er in any way affect the respensibilities cf the American Natiensi Red Crcss under the Act cf January 5,1905."

                  , SCOPE OF AMERICAN REO CROSS ACTIVITIES Nat' ural Disasters The magnitude of a disaster may be such that it simultaneously affects tens of thousands of people in several states or it may bring suffering and anguish to just a few persons in one apartment building or group of houses. Regardless of the extent of the disaster, it is the responsibility of the American Red Cross to help meet tt}e human needs that the disaster has caused. These needs may include food, clothing, shelter, first aid, and other basic elements for ccafort and survival.

~ The American Red Cross also helps disaster victims needing long-term recovery assistance by advising and counseling them on the availability cf resources, so that they can resume living in keeping with acceptable standards of health, safety and human dignity. Such'rescurces include those of their own family, as well as federal, state and 1ccal agencies, both public and private. If there are no other resources available, the American Red Cross may provide direct additional assistance to enable the victims to re-establish themselves. Red Crcss assistance to disaster victims is not dependent upon a Presidential c: other federal disaster declaraticn but is provided regardless cf the si:e cf tns catast::;he c: disaster in:ident. I carryin; cut its resp: sibilities t: p cvide fc: mass care 19 pea:etire cisasters, in:1uding pre:2,.ti:na:f evacuati:ns and peacetime ra:1:lc;i:al emergencies / nuclear accidents, the American Red Cross will operate app cpriate shelter facilities and arrange for mass feeding and other appropriate suppcrt. In doing so, the Red Cross will pay related costs only when such ' activities are under the administrative cent cl of cr authorized by the American Red Crcss, er when pric written agreements have been made fer scme other c:ganization to provide emergency services on behalf of tre Red Cross. American Red Crcss disaster responsibilities are nationwide. Therefore, when the local chapters in the affected areas are unable to meet the needs of disaster victims, the rescurces of the total organization are made available. The American Red Cross prcvides blood and blood products and handles welfare inquiries frem anxious relatives outside the disaster area. The American Red Crcss will ccnduct an appeal fer voluntary centributiens cf funds at the time of disasters. In disasters with ccmpany or owne liability implications, tne custcmary emergency services will be extended c , either a mass care basis cr to individuals ano families if such help is not c: cannot ba provided immediately i by the owner of the prcperty involved, af ter such inpredictable catastrcphes as collapse cf privste da s, fire in hctels, theaters, and night clucs, and C9 pleasure bcats. O i

Peacetime Radioloolcal Emeroencies/ Nuclear Accidents O' In the case of peacetime radiological emergencies / nuclear accidents, which have company or owner liability implications, the American Red Cross will conduct shelter and feeding operations in centers and facilities designated in advance by the New Hampshire Disaster Planning Office, under arrangements worked out among the Disaster Planning Officer, the American Red Cross and officials or owners of the buildings. Civil Disorders . Where there are su'ffering and want resulting from civil disorders, and fundamental human needs are not met, the American Red Cross will participate in community action to supplement the efforts of the responsible civil authorities in extending emergency services and relief to the victims of such dirturbances. Other Ecercency Situatiens Situations caused by ecencmic, political and social maladjustment including the usual hazards of industry and agriculture, are not usually considered to be within the American Red C: css respcnsibility fc disaster preparedness and relief. There may te cther kin s cf emer;encies invc1ving large numbers cf pe:ple; c: pr:blems related to ener;y cutages, ccsts c shortages that create evident human needs c in which public cfficials request Red Cross assistance. ( Wa:-Causet Eituti:ns In war-caused situations, the American Red Cross will use its facilities and personnel to support and assist mass care and emergency cperatic9s cf the Disaster Flanning Office, to the extent the Red Cross considers possi:le, while ca::ying cut its cther essential responsicilities and assignments. The American Red Crcss will support naticnal emergency blood collections and supply efforts as provided for under spe lal Federal Emergency. Management Agency procedures and regulations related to the National Emergency Elecd Program. COOPDINATION AND COOPERATICN In the cischarge of its resp:nsibilities the American Red Cross reccgnizes the responsibility cf the State of New Hampshire in disasters and will cccrdinate its activities with the respcnsible state agencies and 1: cal gcvernments, as required. This is essential when a state of emergency is declared by the Governor or the President has declared an e.mergency or major disaster. The American Red Cross will keep the Governor er his designee ad/isad of acti:ns taken an will kee: a continuing liaisien with tne offices cf the

  ,       State of New Hampshire to ensure effective assistance to all disaster victims.


    ' -x     Responsibility for coordinating the services of.other voluntary agencies or C~ ,/      groups during and after a major disaster will be underaken by the American Red Cross upon a request from the Disaster Planning Office, and with the consent of such agencies or groups.

S The American Red Cross agrees, that in an emergency, at the request of the [ Disaster Planning Office, Red Cross liaison personnel will be provided at the state's Emergency Operations Center (and to other district or regional Emergency Operations Centers, as appropriate.) PLANNING AND IMPLEhENTATICN 4

,            Cocperative arrangements for planning, exchange of information and continuing liaison regarding preparedness and disaster operations will be develcped and maintained by the Disaster Planning Office and the American Red Cross. Lccal counterparts of the two organizations will be encouraged to make similar arrangements.

IN WITNESS THERECF, the parties hereto have executed this Statement of Understanding en the dates indicated. STATE CF NEW HAFFSHIRE AbERICAN NATIONAL RED CAOSS f J n Sununu


h4d d 6recerick M. Wooc

             .,cvernor                                         N.H. Volunteer 2/a/rrs                                      y/.n/s s Date                                             Dat6 O                                      ,

Db [O EI.IV { ~'a *

      -                                   STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE
                                                                                                 .SEP 2 01985
            *    -A .%.      . N.         DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE 4 N.H.n.c. L.,, ,a DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES
     '      .4,
j. tpO NCDRD. N.H.

v - __ M. Mary Hongan Acting Commissioner. Department of Health and Welfare


William T. Wallace. Jr M.D.. M.P.H. Director Diviston of Public Health Services . Health as Welfare Bldg. . Hazen Drive - Concord. NH 03301 Tst. (603) 271 4501 Se'pte:ber 17, ice 3 F.ichard Stro=e, Director N. H. Civil Defense Agency State Office Park South 107 Fleasant St. Concord , K-: 033C1 i rear Lick: p., v This letter states the policy for the Division of Public Health Services regarding Potassius Iodide and replaces the policy stated by letter to you dated 10/83

1. Fo:assiun Iodide shall not be made available by the Divieier' te the general puh'ic. Since FDA has authorized the non-prescriptien sale of Fo:assius Icdide, i: is legally available to individuals who, based en their cwn persesal analysis, chocse to have the drug i= ediately available. Any decision by individuals fro = the general population to take the drug shall ts a personal decision. ,
2. Potassius Iodide will be made available, in the event cf a radiological e=ergency, to emergency workers. For the purpose of this po'. icy, e:ergency verkers are defined as a person ordered by the Governer, er his duly authorised representative, whether directly or through an authorized chain-of-con =and, to enter or re=ain in an area, the residents of which have been crdered to take protective action (s), for the purpose cf assisting in icple:enting this (these) protective actien(s) in any canner the Governor cr his duly authorized representative shall dee:

appropriate. E=ergency workers shall include these individuals carrying out routine or enhanced fire, police, and health care duties during the course of a protective acti n and who are e= ployed, e ;cvered or designated to do se by the authori:ed authorities of municipalities. A The Potassiu= Iodide shall be ingested by emergency workers only af ter () 3 instructions to do so frc= cyself or my designee.

       *        .s                                            .

Richard Strome, Director , Page 2 (' >) Septe=te r 17, 1985 . In order to implement this policy ( the Division of Public Health Services will

                      ' purchase Potassium Iodide in sufficient quantity to cover 4,000 state and local emergency workers. The Potassium Iodide will be provided to the Civil Defense Agency for distribution to' the IF0/ EOF, local Eoc's, and other points
            .          from which emergency, workers will be dispatched. I recommend that the individual desemetry'" equipment and the Potassium Iodide be packaged together and issued as a unit at the appropriate time. ' The package should contain instructions on how to take it and a message to the effect that the Potassium Iodide should be ingested only after a message of authorization to do so has been made by myself or my designee.

Maintenance and inventory of the Potassium Iodide can te done jointly by our agencies on the sa:e basis as caintenance and inventory of the dose =etry equi;=ent. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, LJ TD . g Willias T. Vallace, J.., M. D., M.P.H. Director of Public Health Services V!W:ja . t

a I .

 .v M

ELLIOT HOSPITAL october 17, 1985  %

                                                                                   ' Ili h' J. TT.,7 w f William T. Wallace, Jr. , HD, HPH                             -                           .

f~.e, Director Division of Public Health Services OOI J i pD ., Health and Welfare Building , O.E,e g' ',','O Hazen Drive . 7 .*;,cy, D Concord, NH 03301 6;t..j'.. .*V:.; .. Hl'.;:hrg hi~a

Dear Dr. Wallace:

In response to your-letter regarding potential care for me=bers of the general public exposed to radiation,' there has been no significant changes in our policy. To reiterate and to address ycur questions specifically:

1. Assu=ing the individuals involved have been externally exposed and are not contaminated, the nu=ber who could be accc =odated would depend cn the I a= told by the Vice nu=ber of rec =s available fer reverse isolatien.

President cf Nursing that this varies between 5 and to at any given ti:e.

2. Our hospital dees have the facilities to provide cedical services to indi-
  .< O <

viduals as describe d " - ent 1.


3 Our hospital can provide so=e li=ited decontamination to one individual at a time at the approxicate rate of cne per hour until available beds are filled, depending en the severity of the conta=ination. That nu=ber is in additien to the enes in cc :ent 1, given the conditions set forth in that ec::ent. Medical treat ent would be provided prior to decontamination providing the

              ).atient's medical conditien was sericus. This condition uculd be deter ined by a physician in conjuncticn with a radiatien specialist before the patient entered the hospital. Treat =ent would not necessarily be possible ,                           - .

without exposing the hospital and its staff, if perfor=ed before decen-ta=ination. All reasonable efforts would be taken to avoid conta=inating other patients.

4. This hospital does have a written protocol for the handling and treat =ent of radiation contaminated individuals.


5. This hospital does have the staff available and the ability to ass,tre their proficiency to execute such a protocol.

The above cc==ents apply to a nor=al situation. However, in a disaster, the total capability of the hospital would be =obilized to' treat patients. If you need any further informatien, please co not hesitate to contact ce. Sincerely, O  ! v' Scott W. Goodspeed Vice President va . -g g=. ss.e - ves-i:s :: :: . e::: es; 5:::

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   .Jud o..r #. .

E EExeterHospital 3ECEIVED

         ,i. .                                                                                                                  10 bu2 ell avenue,exeter,n.h. 03833 d                                     .
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T. Wallace . ,,*, MDJr :;:. , ..a..:r..'.?(y',.A f . g'; , . M . ; .37

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Director of Public Health Services -

                                                                                                                                                                                                            '.f. . c -                                .~
                                . Department.of Health and.Welfar.e                                                                                .
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J Hazen Drive . ..' . . . . . m . .

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Dear Dr. Wallaee,

. R. ~ ' f:T.. .1- 6.:. - - 7. :. N h 7                                                                                  '
                                                    -                 .-                - .:.. , - .; .?. . .: ^ 5                                                                   .m.: . . .                                       -

Kevin Callahan', the CEO of Exeter Hosptial, asked'me to reply to your letter- of Septe=ber 30, 1985, regarding the status of Exeyer Hospital's ability to respond to a radiological emergency. Please refer to my letter of November 14,- 1983, as the following co=ments will be largely an update of that letter. . Because of the delays at Seabrook Station, and it's questionable viability, there was little action taken from 1983 until late 1985 on the radiation decenta=ination facility. Eevever, with Seabrook Station ncv , scheduled for co=pletion late in 1986, ve have again actively been voriing u

         ,                         on this facility.                                                  .                     . :.s.-
r i. . . 3: . . ,


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                                              . Question f3: ' Exeter Hospital is now' developing a radiation deconta=-                                                                                                                                                                                                               -
                             -              ~ instic: treatment room,:iby;. converting. one of the existing- Energency .               .
                      .. T:                                                               .rooma,Mvhich wouId'' to handle" two (2) patients -at .
        ....J1.U..i.;!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             i      This      is   .    .    .'   ,  ,    .;,     ..a
                                          .. Depart = ente-                                                .i. one..tisiwh.o. a.r.e. bo. Eh
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                       .L.:1 *M.r..S.. dit. . ion' to,. the /pa. .Tcon.t.aina y
                                                                                                                          . ,ti..en.ts! . .                                                                                                                                                               .r.   .          .


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         . be            completed                                "in
                                                                                                                                     , . y. . .
                . /.....         .
                                                ..the.e phys
                           * . ' i February,.lc.i.ala.cha.

y andv /we- expect .

                                                                                                                                .s. ;to- have'.mergency R.oom toour"firsE March 1986

protocol which is being developed, and the'tr'estment area are designed . to . allow us to treat life- thr'estening or. limb threatening ' emergencies . _ ".' prior to 'decontaminatien, ' land proceeding with decontamination after pa the .

                                       ... .the . . tient .ia- stablized 4llThis done without. . exposing
                                ~ * *" Ho spita I ;. ..or:
                                                                                        . .Ic ,s.patie. .. . . .... ._ .nts. to radiation gr! radio'ective 7 contamination. '


          .- *..~ .' ..         . C(',Th.e :.m. edica.l ::s. taff ': wor.k.
                                                                          -                                                                        .,..              lv,itF. .'_.thi?. in.jured 'facient wonId , . . ot           .

patient '.s

                            .L. f...      3. . ,.n e c e s s ity; :,,,.b e.                 .,.       .   .m.g.erposed$s                                       to      ,. some-                                         .
                                                                                                                                                          ..xax.pected.. to 4b.e                                                     . swell .below taxisal
              . ..: f;.c; . s,u.,p:conMnation,.r                                                                                                                   .c.b..                 ./ . .,workars...-        thi..s and                             is . u             
                                                 . . ermi. ssahIem,. c. doses                                                       .. . m          mut                 v..for
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f;. involved 'ptobles

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y . monitoring

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s. O .Qf-yt@ Dr. William Wallace . Question f5: Exeter Ho' spital is currently involved in a program to housekeeping, maintenance, security, and develop th,e nursing,

                                                   ... physician carry out such a protocol.                                                                                                                                                                           The             first series                                                            ,                        .
                                          ....hof . lectures' and demonstrations was given by Dr. David Drum and his ,,;.j                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          j,,:Ja , ,,.
 '."~ ' ';N.I.3$ElnuisC '. Carol JankowskiO* fr'od"Brighak(and,, Women's Hopital in , Boston, - {, yggQ,:;.
         ^ 74 /..'e/last weekM"They will be . involved with further. teaching sessions and mJ;., f,g ;
                                  .W with overseeing the first drill,of this. protocol,].which is expected to ; 3frgm                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ,

O I occur in March, 1986., :.I.. * -d. ; ; p : ' r ; ' ".". . ',. * . .

                                                                                                                                                                              ~                                                '                                                                 *                                          
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .                                         :/ .

If you you have 'furt'her questions about Exeter Hospital's capability . to handle radiological 17 conta=inated patients, 'or'if you wonid like an . . update ~ when the drills have been successfully co=pleted, please let me

  • know.  :- *
                                                                                                                             . '.,.. '.' ...:..T .:, . ~::                              -
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ,.'.'..Q.A            .


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                  .                                                                                                 -[>                                '.                         3ry W                                :phere ,                                 D.

GWL/lem cc: Kevin Callahan

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Alica P:ck Day Mem:rl!.I H: spital . 125 Mascoma Street, Lebanon, New Hampshire 03766 / 603-448 3121 U orric er executiv. oirector , g3CE_T.V, aTF i..

                                  "h*n?       .                                  .

OCTI 51985 e" - October 09, 1985 Office et , ,

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          -                                                                                          Dh'n k . . . ,

Puh!i- tn;.,. , ;.,, , William T. Wallace, Jr., M.D. ' Directoi , Division Of Public Health Services

            . Health And Welfare Building Hazen Drive
  • Concord, NH 03301

Dear Dr. Wallace:

I am in receipt of your letter dated September 30, 1985, requesting information on our hospital's ability to provide services to individuals whom might contaminated by radiation. Because the Mary Hitchcock Me=crial Hospital is jus: six miles awc.y and because AFD is a small hospital with extremely limited.rescurces, it is unable to handle radiation victims. v .S :.1.n c e r e l y , cA Claire L. Bowen Executive Directer CB/sg 5


J Family centered health care


  'd RECR.3T /ED c' )            androscoggin valley hospital                                                                        fiDVI        1935
                                                                                                           ' Ofice c.; r,,.,


              -                                                                                                         DMancf
                                           ,                                                                  Public Ec:hh Ettvhm
                                                                            ' October 31, 1985 William T. Wallace, Jr., M.D., M.P.H.

Director Division of Public Health Services State of New Hampshire Health and Welfare Building Hazen Drive Concord, NH 03301

Dear Dr. Wallace:

This letter is in response to your letter of September 30, 1985, concerning the survey about persons involved in radiation contaminati6n emergencies.

1. The number of patients that our Hospital would be r, able to acco=cdate, at any one time, who have

() experienced an excessive exposure to -radiaticn

  • would be one (1). Please remember that there is a major difference between exposure and radioactive contamination.
2. Our Hospital is capable of providing medical care only to the extent of primary emergency care as outlined in the attached policy. At that point we would : then make arrangements to transfer the patient to a facility that is able to provide
                         , adequate care based on medical requirements.


3. Here again our Hospital is able only to the point of providing primary care as outlined in attached policy and then making arrangements to transfer the patient to another facility. The abilities that we have are still limited to one (1) and this would include those listed in question 1.

Our plan calls for the use of our morgue for decontamination capabilities and that would be able to be sealed off for a short half-life isotepe. Medical treatment would be provided as outlined in the attached policy and based on patient needs. - (] wi There is no possible way that we would be able to provide any care for a contaminated patient es c . -. ~ , n , , , . . ,, . . ..o ,- -. . .. n, c : n . . . i . - ,. . . a n , c. c 3. ,- e n

William T. Wallica, Jr., M.D., M.P.H. October 31, 1985 Page 2 ,

                            -    without exposing the' Hospital and staff in
                                .p r o v i d i n g 'c a r e for a' contaminated patient or
                               . contamination brought to the Hospital with the person.
4. The only written protocol that we have in our Hospital' is the one that you will find attached to this letter.
5. The protocol that you find attached could be executed during the weekday, daytime hours when staffing is available. At any other time, staff would have to be called in, but please note that we do not keep such persons readily accessible.

Thank you very much for your time and cooperation. I regret that there was no response to your original survey. Sincerely, w \ $v f> Steven Dickerson, RT, R Director of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine cc: Eensen L. Eisenberg, M. D., Radiologist Donald F. Saunders, Administrator Radiation Safety Cc=ittee C. U. Glenney, M.D., President, AVE Medical Staff Ms. Marion Z. Dover, Director of Patient Services

                              , Ms . Suzanne D'Ercole, Head Nurse, Emergency Dept.
                   .               Physics Consultants                                                 -


                                                             - - . - -- -                                  .-- - - . - - , . , -               .-v

l 4

                                      .                                                      RADIATION ACCIDENT POLICY                                                                                   .


          }                                                                                  .     .
   -                            PURPOSE:
                                     .To establish a systematic approach in the management of radiation accidents / incidents.                                                                                                        .

NOTIFICATION: , Emergency Department staff upon notification that a radiological emergency has occurred will:

                                     -1.             Obtain information regarding number and condition of victims, type of radiation accident and Radioisotopes.
2. Notify Director of Emergency Department or his designee who shall have overall responsibility for the total medical and radiological care and treatment of patients.
a. Decides whether to implement the radiation accident 4 plan
b. Instructs nccificaticn ef:
1. Radiatien Safety Officer

() 2. 3. Security - On Call Director of Nursing Service

4. Hospital Engineer
5. Informational Services (to be fcund on page 5).
6. Execu*dve Director
c. Takes charge of victims or designates persen to de so.


  • 1. Preparation for arrival of victim (s) -
                                      ,,             a.      Floor-
1. Route from Purchasing Department entrance to decontamination room (morgue) is to be covered with suitable floor covering and secured to floor with tape.
b. Above route to be roped off and marked
                                                                                    " Radioactive".
b. Decontamination Recm: Morgue
1. Tuin off ventilation
!    O,/

s 2. Cover floor with absorbent paper

3. Designated person with geiger counter to monitor all persennel, eculp=ent and samples leaving i
        -       - - , ~ _ - - . -          _ - - -

Paga 2-

              ' Radiation Accidsnt Policy
                            .                    decontamination room.
4. Cover non-essential equipment with plastic and


 \/                                              cover light switches'and handles on cabinets                                                  ,

with tape.

5. Provide suitable containers to receive dis-
                               -                 carded contaminated materials, eg. clothes,                               '


3. Decontamination Team
a. ED Physician - takes charge of all medical problems
b. Nurse - assists physician
c. Radiation Safety Officer - monitors patients and decontamination team
d. Circulating' Nurse - assists all the' above as needed
4. Decontamination Team Preparation
a. Attach personnel monitor to clothes
b. Don full surgical dress, eg., gloves, mask,


c. Attach outside dosimeter PATIENT AERIVAL
1. Phvsician and Radiation Safety Officer examine patients



in ambulance en arrival.

a. Contaminated patients with life threatening injuries are given top priority. .
b. Contaminated, noncritical patients are to remove clothing in ambulance and proceed to the decentamination room via the purchasing dock.
c. Non-contaminated patients go to regular trauna section of the Emergency Department
2. . Stretcher is brought to ambulance to receive patients.
a. Cover patient with plastic or cloth sheet after being transferred to stretcher.
3. Monitor ambulance attendants for contamination
a. Non-contaminated attendants return to duty
b. Contaminated attendants are to follow instructions per the Radiation Safety Officer.


1. Airway, breathing, and circulation status of patient fs per M.D.

l a. Diagnostic testing and procedures as indicated to stabilize patient's condition. r


                                                                                                             ~           ~ ~ -

Rndir. tion Accidant Policy Paga

b. Place patient's clothing in plastic bag.
 ~)                       c.         Cotton swab samples of ear canals, nares, and mouth,.

'(V 1. Label an'd place in lead container for later analysis,

d. Radiation Safety Officer monitors entire patient and records the amount of contamination.

Physical Decontamination of Radioactive Areas.

1. Contaminated open wounds. (first priority)
a. Begin decorporation. (detailed procedure enclosed)
b. Wash areas with normal saline for three minutes.
c. Monitor and repeat steps as needed.
d. If contamination persists, wash with 3% hydrogen peroxide.
e. Save and monitor all tissues.
f. Cover wounds after decontamination.

r" t 2. Contaminated eves s-)% -

a. Rinse with water, monitor and repeat as needed.
3. Contaminated ear canal _
a. Rinse gently with small amount cf water.
b. Suction frequently,
c. Monitor and repeat as needed. .
           .        4 ., ' Contaminated Nares or Mouth
a. Rinse mouth gently with small amounts of water and suction frequently.
b. Prevent water from entering stcmach as much as possible.
c. Insert naso gastric tube, suction and monitor contents.
1. If contents contaminated lavage with N/S until contents are clear of contamination.
2. Begin decorporation.
5. Contaminated Intact Skin w a. Scrub gently with soft brush for three minutes using (Q soap and water.


                 - Rndiction Accidsnt Policy                                 Pnga   4
b. Monitor and repeat as needed.

(~') (j c. 'If contamination persists, use, Lava soap or Clorox full strength for small areas or diluted for' larger areas, if still showing signs of contamination.

6. Contaminated Hair
a. Shampoo with soap for three minutes and rinse.
b. Monitor and repeat as needed.
c. If contamination persists clip hair off. (do not shave scalp).

D. Removal of Patient From Decontamination Room

1. Dry patient thoroughly
2. Reswab all contaminated areas and label containers
                               " post decontaminat' ion."    ,
3. Radiation Safety officer monitors patient's entire body and documents.

New covering is placed on floor to stretcher outside 4. decontamination room.

a. Patient is transferred to clean stretcher outside contaminated zone.

Fatient transferred by attendants who are net-('} N/ b. involved in decentamination procedure. E. E::it of Decontamination, Team

1. All protective clothing removed at " clean line" and disposed of in plastic bag marked " contaminated."
2. Clothing is removed in the following order.
                              .a . Outer gloves (turn inside out)
                  *         ,  b. dosimeter
c. surgical gown and shirt (turn inside out)
                        ,,     d. head cover                                               '
e. surgical trousers
f. remove one shee cover, monitor shee, if clean step over line and repeat same for other shoe Cover.
g. remove inner gloves. i
3. Monitor feet and hands for final time.

F. Radiation Safety Officers's Responsibility

1. Monitoring of:

O a. ambulance and attendants

b. route from ambulance entrance to decontamination 1

Radiation Accident Policy Page 5 room.

  • decontamination room, patient and personnel.

,r) . %/ 2. Decontamination of areas as needed.

3. Analysis of specimens considered to be potentially contaminated. .
4. Proper disposal of contaminated items or water.
5. Examination of film badges and dosimeters and follow-up as needed. . .

F. For 24 Hour Assistance: Call: REAC/TS, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, (615) 576-1004. DECORPORATION A true medical emergency exists when a victim of a radiation

     , accident inhales or ingests radioactive material or has contam-inated open wounds.           The sensitive internal tissues beccme irradiated as the material beccmes incorperated biochemically, which results in permanent radicactivity within body tissues.

Therefcre, whenever it is possible that adioactive material has gs entered the bcdy, decorporation should L. started within ene er (_) two hours of the accident. In most cases, emergency department personnel will not know the exact isotopes involved, and isotope identification may take days. Thus certain steps should be taken routinely in an attempt to remove the ecst cc==only encountered radioactive isotopes. Lincoln has prepared detailed charts and references for this purpose, and those should be available to emergency depart =ent personnel. Further .information published by the International

      , Atomic Energy Agency can be obtained from UNIPUB, 345 Park Avenue, South, New York, New York 10010.            Finkel and Hathaway discuss the principles of dealing with open wounds contaminated with. radioactive material.

The radioactive actinide isotopes can be chelated effective-ly and subsequently excreted by the use of DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid) which is available only through REAC/TS. Because to be effective it must be administered within one hour of internal contamination, it should be ordered from REAC/TS before a radiation accident occurs. Any emergency department that has reason to expect that DTPA may be needed because of nearby nuclear reactors, isotope production facil-ities, nuclear chemistry laboratories, etc., should have on hand both the chemical and instructions on its use. O

  • R.diation Accidsnt Policy Paga 6 If DTPA is not available, several procedures can be used to

(,_/') decrease incorporation of common radioisotopes. They should be '- started as quickly as possible. , Because radioactive iodine is taken up by the thyriod, its uptake can be blocked to a great extent by having the patient swallow two or three drops of saturated solution of potassium iodide in a glass of water after ga'stric lavage has been complet-ed. Antacids will precipitate many metals in the stomach as insoluble hydroxides, and catharties will subsequently shorten their internal transit time. Aluminum phosphate gel (Phosphajel) reduces by 87% the intestinal absorption of radioactive strontium. Barium sulfate (to' be obtained from the Radiology Department)' will precipitate radium. Again, these should be given as soon as gastric lavage is completed. This emergency department personnel have available a number of agents that lesson the biological incorporation of radioactive isotopes. Once these isotopes have been incorporated, there is little anyone can do e:: cept wait for metabolism and excretion, as well as radioactive decay, to occur. SdPPLIES NEEDED TO PREPARE THE MORGUE FOR A CONTAMINATED PATIENT I. All supplies will be kept in Morgue. / N, ( '/ A. Ample supply of chux to Morgue

1. Cover floor from ambulance entrance to decon-tamination room (rolls of paper or sheets can be substituted)
2. Cover the floor of the decontamination room (rolls of paper or sheets can be substituted)
3. Prepare several stretchers for contaminatec patients E. Rolls of 2-inch-wide masking tape to
1. Secure floor covering
2. Tape decontamination teams' sleeves and cuffs
3. Cover handles in decontamination room
4. Make " clean line" at door to decontamination room
                   .C. Rope to delineate contaminated route from ambulance entrance to decontamination room D.      " Radioactive" signs to place on rope and on door to decontamination room.

II. For Decontamination Room A. Three large waste containers B. Plastic bags to line waste containers C. Cotton-tipped applicators D. Stoppered containers for swabs of contaminated areas E. Lead storage containers for stoppered glass containers () f-s F. obtained from Nuclear Medicine Department. Clorox G. Lava soap

Pega 7

                    '             Rndiction Accidsnt Policy H.        Soft scrub brushes I.        3% hydrogen peroxide
   . e3                                                                                                                                                                          '
    %/                              III. For Decontamination Team A.        Surgical scrub suits                                                                                      .

B. Surgical gowns (waterproof) -

                                               .C.        Surgical hoods D. tSurgical masks E.        Surgical' gloves (various sizes)

F. Waterproof shoe covers G. Film badg'es . H. Dosimeters IV. For Radiation Safety Officer - A. Beta-gamma detector - in nuclear medicine room B. Alpha detector - from Civil defense C. Extra batteries for detectors D. " Radioactive" tape-labels to mark containers. holding contaminated specimens or swabs E. " Post-decontamination" tape-labels to mark containers holding relevant swabs. REFERENCES

1. Lincoln TA: Importance cf initial management Am of Ind persons Hyg
                                             ' internally contaminated with radionuclides.

(~% Asscc. J. 37:16-21, 1976. ,

   \ '/
2. Manual on Early Medical Treatment of Possible Radiation.

Injury, Safety Series $47, Vienna, International Atomic " Energy Agency, 1978. .

3. Finkel AJ, Hathaway EA: Medical care of wounds contaminated with radioactive materials. JAMA 161:121-126, 1956.
4. Ann Emerg Med. Sept. 1980. 462-470.

s Revised: 3/84 Revised: 7/84 2

                         , . _ - _ . . - _                     _ - . _ . - - , _ . , , _ _ _ _ , _ . . , , _ , . , . . . ~           . _ _ _ , , , _ _ _ _ _ _ .       .,..,,._..,,-n-      _ . _ _ , , . , _ .        , , , , _ _ , , , - . . . ,

QI/' **

                          -                  I gECEl U                     .

T1 e 22 %0 U-0 5 ce *{ y.C ct T., en .> UC'"\ ~,r,#. . PubMC October 17,1985 . William T. Wallace, Jr., MD, MPH Director, Division of Public Health Services Health f, Welfare Building Hazen Drive Concord, NH 03301

Dear Dr. Wallace:

Regarding your letter dated September 30,1985, to Charles F. Whittemore, President []' of Catholic Medical Center, requesting an update on our capabilities to handle radiation exposed and contaminated individuals, I must report that there has been . I no change at our institution with respect to the items you have enumerated. Therefore, the letter written by Dr. Windler on January 6,1984, still holds for our institution. If I may be of'any further assistance in this matter, please feel free to contact me. t Sincereiy, drs y egu ,MD Directo.r, Emergency Medicine Department JMD/ows

                                                                                                       ~ ~ ~

i . 2 The C7es, ire IVecical Center Cheshire Hospital

 /"T               580 Court St.. Keene, N'e w Hampshire 03431.Tel. (6031352 4111                    John T. Foster. Presiden:

V , November 7, 1985 .

                                                                         \. .OJ %. . .3    Y .'7p'
                                                                                                * * 'L.'-,7 gg';

William T. Wallace, Jr., M.D., H.P.H. Director of Public Health Services NOV.'219E' T State of New Hampshire , O, . Hazen Drive Concord, New Hampthire 03301 i* 7 .; '; ... - .

Dear Dr. Wallace':

Following are answers from my colleagues to your September 30 questions about treatment of patients exposed to radiation: Question #1 Hcw many individuals could the hospital accommodate, at any point in time, uno have experienced an excessive exposure to radiation. Answer: The number of patients we could handle would directly reflect the available beds at the time of the incident. There is usually no radiation hazard frcm a patient who has experienced an excessive exposure to radiaticn. There'c e, it te:cmes a matter c' available bed space, refle: ting the he;se cer-P sus at the time cf tne incident. O v Question #2 Does your hospital have the capability to provide medical services to such an individual, or would the individual need to be transported to another hospital for care? If so, where? Ansser: ine hospital would be able to provide medical services to such patients, dependent upon the severity of their injuries. The specific manage-ment cf tne patient fecm the varicus short term radiation effects (knc n as Acute Radiation Syndrome) would be predicated on the patient's particular symp-tons. Question #3 is your hospital capable of providing services to individuals in need of medical care who are radiologically contaminated? If you can provide service, please answer the following. How many at any one time? l l Answer: At any given time, we would accept and triage the patients, staging care based on their medical needs. The decontamination procedures take a;;roxi-mately 15 minutes. Tnerefore, our through-put could be projected at (cur patients per hour. Emergency medical procedures (life saving) are given priority, and may be expedited based on individual needs. It is our feeling that this rate could be sustained over several hours if necessary.

  -              Ouestion 33      is that number in addition to the answer in Question #1 above?

l Answer: The numbers would include those in Ouestion #1 for patients in need cf acm ssion to the institution. I

  ~.      '

Dr. Wallace .

   -                   November 8,1985 Page Two
O Question #3C What decontamination capabilities do you have?

Answer: Our facility would allow the decontamination of four oatients per hour. We are assuming they are moderately contaminated, and require no life saving measures.  : Question #3D and 3E Would medical treatment be provided prior to, or af ter, decontamination? Answer: Treatment in the decontamination area would be limited to life suppce-tive measures, with other definitive treatment being done in the Emergency < Department, or other appropriate areas, after decontamination. Our present decontamination area is located in the morgue, which minimizes the risk, of unne-cessary exposure to the general public. Question #4 Does your hospital have a written protocol for handling and treat-i rent of radiologically exposed individuals? knswer: The "Cheshire Hcspital Radiation Accident Plan", addresses the handling anc ce:cntamination cf radica:tive'c:ntaminated patients. Tnis plan was tested in April 1985. Question #5 Does your hospital have staff available, and the availability to assure tnetr proficiency to execute such a protocol? Answer: Yes, staff assignments including on-call personnel have been made to implement this plan. A test run of the procedures has demonstrated our ability to respond to these emergencies. We have participated in the emergency response concerning a radioactive accident at the Vernon Nuclear Plant in April 1985. It should be noted, however, that we are considered to be a secondary facility. If you have any questions regarding our response to these questions, please do not hesitate to call me.

Since ely, /
                            /.      l   /
            -            . e/,4          "**

> John . Foster ! Pre,5 dent

                     /mg iO


            ;'           Ff                             - - -- 3                              g N4.J[g.-Aa.
               ,.'q' W ;.J.
                          . ,J C% O i 1 AG c. n: Ow.- . m .-l 1 A _.

1,1. SWIFTWATER RCAD. WOO OSV LLE. .NE'.V W W.PSHi.:.E O27S5 R 'f.. p., 1 M 603 717 2753

                                                                                                 %? y' .v October 3, 19S3
                                                                                                 '.{         f      ,,

LqnTc.:' v ws.

                                                   . . .                              c ac4 g.       ,
                                                                                                           ~tJ Mr. William T. Wallace, Jr. M.D.                    M.f.H.                  0 0.'..  **-
                                                                                     .n.g2,'.              'e ..s" 5!.,. 3 Directo.r       of Public Health Services Stata of New Hampshire Dapartment of Mesith and Welfare Division of public Health Services Health & Welfare 3cilding Ec:en Drive
      -            Concord, SR 03301 Re:     Radiological E=argencies 0:sr D r. 'Talla c e :

a Regn ding yce: reques: for 1'nforma: ion on the capebili:ies of this hospital :: -espond to reltological (nergen:1:s: 1'

1. It is esticated that Cottage Hospital could eccomme-date 20 pt:1ents who have experienced excessive exposure to
sdiation. Like all hospi:21s, car c:cupen:7 d:es very, but the p ; c '21b i li t y ths: re cou'd trea: less t h a n 1". ; lov.
2. Cottsge Hospi:a1 decs have the capabili:7 :o provide
      -             medical sarvices to individuals exposed :o radia:Lon.
3. Y e 's , va see c.tpsble of providing servi:es :c individus's in need cf medical care who are also radiologically ?ntanins:ed.

[ Ihe hospl:a1 can serve 20 people a: any one ties (no: in addi: ion J to di above.) A deconta:ination in place, however, patients vould have :o be d:ne 1 or 2 et a :ize. Medi:cl tres:- d sent would be provided a f ter or during decontasinstien.  !:aat-cent is possible vi:hou: expssing the hospi:al, s:aff and ps: tents fro = the con:anina:ed person or from con:2 ina: 10ns b:sush: by

         .          him.
t J 4. -Yes, such protocel is established,
5. *'

s e s , a dis as :c : d til 9 ss c.aju::ed on Au( as t II, 1933 f to provide in service : raining. Finally. Cotta 3e Hospi:el recognizes :hst sa agreo=an: vich :he Division of ?ubli Mest:h Se:ti.:es :: delive: se:viess is in the bes: interes cf :he c. nuni:y we serve enf ve veuld be qui:e villing :s en:e: in:o :his kind o f c: .i: an:

RECE~?.w* .j.: n

   >.r   ,                           Fri:bla Mcmcrial Hccpital                         NOV6      5 85 Whitehalt Road                QQ g q' ,, f.      l..,,
  • Rochester, New Hampshire 03867 Tel.: 603/332 5211 S,'M tI 1 p 8, 'lIC h ; % .. .

October 28, 1985 William T. Wallace, Jr., M.D., M.P.H. Director of Publ,ic Health Services. . Health & Welfare Bldg - Hazen Drive Concord, New Hampshire 03301

Dear Doctor Wallace:

In response to your letter dated September 30, 1985, I have responded below on behalf of Frisbie Memorial Hospital to the questions which you raised regarding the hospital's ability to deal with a' radiological emergency.

1) How many individuals could your hospital accom=odate, at any point in time, who have ex:erienced an excessive exposure to radiation?
                  ..Since people expcsed t radiation are not centaminated, they would be evaluated, have baseline blood work done, and admitted if needed
  -~              cr sent hone and referred fer followup. We cculd handle two per hcur in the Emergency Department alcng with usual patients.
) Does your hospital have the caeability to provide medical services to such an individual, or would the individual need to be transported to another hosoital for care? If so, where?
                  ..Yes, we have capability of treating most medical and surgical prob-lems except neurosurgery. We have a hematologist who could treat radiation sickness.
3) Is your hoepital capable of providine services to individuals in need of medical care who are also radiologically contaminated! If you can provide services, please answer the f ollowing:
                   ..As above, no neurosurgery. These cases would be referred to Wentworth-Douglass Hospital in Dover. Attempt would be made to contain the radio-activity while transporting the patient who is critically ill. Any patient who is not critically ill would be decontaminated and treated here.

a) How many, at one time? We could treat 1 or 2 seriously injured and 2 to 4 non-emergency patients. b) Is that number in addition c the answer to cuestion #1 abeve? , ,: Yes, this is in addition to those created in question #1. i

\    /
                   ,   Dr. Willitm T. Wolltco                            .

5 Frisbio M:morici Hospital _g.

       \"                   c) Wh'at decontamination capabilities do you have? ,

Decontamination facility is in Physical Therapy Department which provides a separate outside entrance with a Hubbard tub with spray for washing off patients. Radiation would be released into the sewer system - we have no separate radiation-proof drainage, d) Would medical treatment be provided prior to, or af ter, decontamination?- Medical care would be provided prior to decontamination if the patient is seriously ill or injured. If victim is only slightly or moderately injured, he would be treated after decontamination. e) Will treatment be possible without exposing your hospital, staff and eatients to exposure from the contaminated individual or from contami-nation brought to the hospital with the person? The Physical Therapy' area will be protected from contamination by covering the floor with plastic. Staff will wear gloves and 0.R. jumpsuits for protection. If patient must be moved quickly to surgery before decontamination, there might possibly be contamination of the route of travel, however all attempts will be made te reduce the spread cf particles by covering the patient with a plastic sheet. Clothing will be kept in a waste centainer and covered to contain source of contamination.

4) ' Dees veur hesrital have a written protecol for the handling and trea: ent
      \                     of radiologically exposed individuals?

Frisbie Memorial Hospital has written radiation decontamination protocol which we review and update yearly.

5) Dees your hospital have the staff available, and the ability to assure their proficienev to execute such a protocol?

Frisbie Memorial Hospital would initiate a disaster recall to ensure , enough staff to handle this situation. We have had a drill of this pro-cedure and plan more for the future. Should you have any questions regarding the responses provided above, please feel free to contact my office. Very truly yours. Jeffrey White l i Executive Vice President JU:CF I i


     ,l ,. 95g
                                  .9         M                    DEPART.TIENT OF HEALTH AND WELTARE i .>                   48          ..;


      %J                                     '
     ., ,I                                                     .                           -
     -          E'igar J. Helms. Jr.                            -

t Cammissiener

  • Depar: men: of Health and Welfare ,
        , Wi!!!am T. Wallace.Jr M.D .\l.P.H.                                                                                            T*;
         ' Direc:or 4

Division of Puhtic Health Services.. Mcalth & We!!are Did y. *

     ~l*        Hazen Drive                                                                                                          . !v .

Ctacord. NH M,01 Tel. sch 271- ,, , Septenber. 29,1H3 -

                             '.eslie Maci.eed, Ain.

Muggins Hospt:t1 South Main 3c. _ Wolf e bo ro , 2.~d' 0H94 Os a Mr. Ma::.4 et : The ',1 vision of public Meil;h Serei:es is curren:17 inveleei !a p*.a--t.; f::

                             . adiologic11 er.e r;e .cie s, such as nuclear powe r p*.an: accidents, highday acciden:s involving radiological 'sacerials in ::n.soort a.d other pessible spi *.lage of radicac:tve :::eriz;s.                                       Se of :he s;ec!!!: responsibili:tes of the s:.t:e health egency is :o assure :ha:                                              e thers .-f :he gene ral pub'ic       .

exoosed :s radia: ton vill be a5*.e to reevive ap::::ria:e edi:t*. :tre. o' i 8

ha: end, I a2 requesting in! ares: ten on the ca;abili:tes of vour hespical :o provide :his edt: 1 care.
          ;                  5;ecifica117, I vnuld a;;:act's:e your cce .en:s en :he f:llowing:

o o

     .{ * *     .
1. Xev any in.fividua*.s could your ho s:1:21 <c: tedi:e, a:
                        - 3 .t. ?- ,.. .
            ,,    .l.       . . . s..--. c s . ..Q                  poin- in :ine, who have experienced a.. ex:essive exposure ::
                      .                                             radia: ion?                *M
                                                                                                - *,._s
  • pg *. / .g 6%.* **$k.
       .    .a.s..    *                    ,      .               /     /.,4 p.s. , ,   st                   *-

I . .

         .:p.,. :. ,
  • o a .1, . . ' V .
  • l
                               .-                                   *. Dces your hospital have the capabili:y :s pesvide .edical services to such an individual, or v.iuld :he t.dividual need to
                                                    ;              he ::anscor:ed :o sancher hospi:s! !s: :::e. O, g . . , , s .,
      .                  ,,.s.....                                -
3. Is your hospital espable of providinz serviens to Individuals in need of Tedical care who -tre also rad!.olostc4117 con:491.a:ed? If y:n :.13 provide services, olesse AfsVer the I f ollowing:

l . L.'~'s -How Tany, 4: any one cine! l l , -Is chs: number in addition to :he answer :3 zuestion oat l i above? ./ <. - a : :e::n:t-i 2:t:n :4;4511t 144 to you ..sve? ( - a". t . . . . L

r-i * .



   /                                                     -Would medic'ai treatment be provided prior to, or af:er,
   'O)                                                                                                                                             .'.e i
                                          ,              decentadination?                               5"e' e           f' 6N                                                -
                                                         -Will trea::ent be possible without exposing your hospital, staff and patients to exposure from the                                                                                    , to     .

contaminated individual cr frota contaminatigbrough:84'3j

  • the hospital, with the person? 4.<.J f -
  • M'4 2 y
g. n
                                                   .            . ~ . t., .         .4          qw             -
4. Does yeur hospital have a written protocol for the handling and t.,,,,,.

treatnent cf radiologiially exposed individuals? s 5 Dees your hospt:a1 have the s:a!! available, and the N- ability *. to ^ ~ f ' '- - assure their proficiency to execute such s.p.rotocol? d .u ~.,<.. &y. ...

  • si.-*/ w .a. r.f .&
                                             .m ~CT'::. t'-: _r.:. W +.~rt ' ^ t. ., < +.)

l w .n.1...f. . vould your


hespi tl en:er into an ' ' ' , Cne a fdt:ional ques: ton need's to be askadtReal:h Servi:as :o del'.rer services, sgresse.: vi:h :he 3tvtsi:. of Pub 11: according to : .e espabili:tes identi!!ed by the previcus questi ns, should the need arise during the course .of a radiologiesi energency?

                                                                       .V-.' . d. t ~.'I, .G ,
                                     /M s::e of the foregoin; -til ne: be easily answered, but I would
                                                   '"~2.                                                             .

I an aware tha:

  • gre n:17 t;;re:' e:e ywr :s <! .g :Se nice ssary :tne to f ully answe r e ach ques: ton. As :he S:a:4's Chie! Meei:t Officer, i: is impor:t : that Ieffully :his
    '             un.'e rs:and the s::;e of se r ri:e s avula 31e to :he public in the even:te if I can he of c

kind cf energen:*. Please d: ns: hesi .ste :o co.:e:: . assis:ance or answer any questions. Sincerely, 1

        -          %'illias I. '.*al'a e,                   *,r., M.D., M.?.E.

Director of Publi: Mes1:h Services .

     ~              W':p                                                                 Chie f Ene:;enev :ept.
                 /c.:. Alan Fraser Ecus:en, y.


      -                              p-                                   ,

j %/.'..L.L '*.,  % ': A.

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c , g. f . c i Lakes Region General Hospital l%c.f. d

                                      $:       (    ,  LACONIA, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03246 603-524 3211
              .'[1,).'d               M        ,[*. j October 15, 1985
3EClV.dlD William T. Wallace, MD, MPH Director of Public Health Services OCT171985 State of New Hampshire Office cf the Dirc: tor Health & Welfare Building r.ivirica cf Hazen Drive Public Hnhh &ni'm Concord, liew Hampshire 03301

Dear Mr. Walace:

In response to your letter dated September 30, 1985 re-garding this hespital's ability to provide services to individuals who might be contaminated by radiation, I be-lieve is still correctly answered in my letter to you cf November 14, 1953, copy attached. ID

 'qj                    If you have any questiens, please don't hesitate to                   -

contact me. Sin ere'v, e L J& a w 1 Robert C. Abbott Director Environmental Services RCA/slh Attachment

               ~S\ ~.  ..
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.C                LAKES REGION GENERAL                              k HOSPITAL'                          '

LACONIA. NEW HAMPSHIRE C3246 ,, ' 5"% 603/524-3211 November 14, 1983 William T. Wallace, Jr., MD, MPH C i e, Director of Public Health Services '# #~ ' State of New Hampshire Health & Welfare Building .NOV;.; 7 v Hazen Drive *


Concord, New Hampshire 03301 - n .. -

Dear Dr.'Wallace:

I regret the delay in responding to your letter of Sep-tember 29, 1983. I wanted to coordinate this reply with our Emergency Room Head Nurse, and Chief of cur Emergency Room physicians. We were collectively unable to do so until re-cently. I will try and respond to your questions in the

   ,~           order in which they were asked and refer to them by number                     , , , _       .

(j only.

1. The number of individuals we could accommodate would depend on the extent and type of injuries that accompanied their radiation exposure. It -

would depend on our current inpatient census and the types of inhouse patients. How many could be

               ,         dircharged, etc? I don't believe any hospital could give you a meaningful numerical answer to                               e j

this question. ,

2. Yes, with some exceptions. We do not have a  !

neurosurgeon on staff so patients with severe  ! head trauma would be transported and those with extensive burns vould be transported to a burn care facility.

3. Yes, we have this capability and a detailed radia-tion accident protocol. The number of individuals we could treat would depend on the circumstances as detailed in my answer to question #1. We hate a hubbard tank and decontamination rooms.

Medical treatment would be provided in conjunction with decontamination. The most usgent concern r- would get first attention. We have a radiation (_S) accident protocol designed to give us the capa-bility to provide such a person medical treat.v.ent without unsafe exposure of our hospital or staff.

4. Yes, we have a radiaticn accident prcteccl.

e'-. r l

. )(/'Nl s,

William T. Wallace, Jr., MD, MPH . . , Director of Public Health . * - November 14, 1983 . Page 2- - , Our hospital would be most happy to enter into a reasonable agreement with the Division of Public Health Services .to de-liver services providing that our commitment is the,same as other krea and state hospitals. The treatment of radiation accident cases obviously requires measures that totally dis-rupt the normal operation of the hospital. I don't think we would like to see our hospital designated as an area radiation treatment center so that other hospitals couldOnavoid


the com-the other hand, mitment required to provide this treatment. we recognize our responsibilities to treat such cases that oc-cur in our service area and to help neighboring hospitals that

                 .may be faced with more casualties than they can treat as a                              I result of a disaster situation.

I hcpe we have answered ycur questions satisfactorily. If not, please don't hesitate to call me. , Sincerely, 's (}- 126Ca4X Robert C. Abbott Director Environmental Services

                 .RCA/sih cc William Walsh, MD, Chief Emergency Room Services Shelley Cohen, RN, Head Nurse, Emergency Room 4

e e O . w

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MARY HITCHCOCK MEMORIAL HOSPITAL A::e perca.r cf Derme+:c-c:cWc ren. _ JEgiF2Nh pW6,.,19))p' O ., . .. s., .=

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October 28, 1985 b'"i...'[:),i[,,s.c Dr. William T. Wallace, Jr. Director of Public Mealth Services -

      -         . Hazen HealthDrive& Welfare Bldg.

Concord, N.H. 03301 .

Dear Dr..Wallace:

Upon receiving your letter of September 30, 1985 inquiring about our capabilities to provide medical service to individuals contaminated by radiation, I reviewed our earlier response to the survey conducted during 1983. Essentially, our capabilities are unchanged. Specifically, this means that we could normally accommodate four or five individuals who suffered from aplastic anemia due to excessive radiation. In addition, we could simultaneously handle the decentamination of an additional five pati.ents who were otherwise unaffected. This is the same capacity. as we - had during 1983. Again, ~ as stated in our 1983 response, if faced with a catastrophic emergency, we could accommodate perhaps two hundred patients. We continue to routinely and periodically test our pre-paredness with drills that are conducted by our Disaster Committee. As a result of these drills we take appropriate follow-up action with our staff. If you would like any additional information, or would like us to participate in a regional effort to plan a coordinated response to radiation emergencies, please let me know. We would ( be glad to assist you in such an effort. Siqcerely, , JAMES W. VARMUM President

JWV/cs O .

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s . .,.,',. . .. . -< j: , n* H l'nnpect 9 rect. II.n 201-1 Nashua N24iu.a. New If amp 4iire 03061 s* Memorial 603 M3 5521 , Homital December 27, 1985 ,HhkVU JANS 1986 William T. Wallace, Jr., M.D., M.P.H. Ordre cf Ga Directoi Director of Public Health Services  !!his!cn of State of New Hampshire,;**w M d

  • Department of Health & Welfare Division of Public Health Services Hazen Drive Concord, NH 03301 v

Dear Doctor Wallace:

I am writing in response to your Septer.ber 30, 1985, letter Jr., with regard to Nashua addressed to William T. Christopher, Memorial Hospital's capability to handle casualties frcm a resulting in injury or radiological radie. tion incident update my previous contamination. This letter will correspondence dated October 18, 1963, in reply to your similar survey at that time. The following respond to your questions:

1. Based upon the average census of our hospital, we would expect to be able to accormodate approximately 35
 '                            persons who have been exposed to radiation.
2. Nashua Memorial Hospital has the capability to provide medical services to individuals who have suffered exposure to radiation. We expect that an individual who has suffered a massive exposure requiring very esoteric treatment, such as bone marrow transplant, to be referred to one of the tertiary referral hospitals in Boston.
3. Memorial Hospital is capable of providing services to individuals in need of medical care who are decontamination radiologically contaminated. Our facilities would probably accormodate no more than two persons at any one time. This number is included in the total nur.ber of patients we could treat who have been exposed to radiation. We have a specially-modified stretcher with a spray hose adapted for use to



William T. Wal' lace, Jr., M.D., M.P.H.

     ..            December 27, 1985 Page 2                     .

decontaminate a patient in our emergency room. Our radioactive disaster plan calls for emergency treatment to be provided immediately, even prior to decontamina-tion when that is medically required. In normal circum' stances, we would attempt to decontaminate the

                            . patient     before   providing  definitive  medical   care.

Given a seriously-injured and contaminated patient, we would expect that our hospital staff would be exposed to contamination and radiation in the course of treat-ing the contaminated patient.

4. We do have a written procedure for the handling and 91 treatment of radiologically exposed individuals and for the monitoring, decontamination and clean-up required following such an incident.
5. We believe that we have the staff available with the ability to execute our radiological disaster plan which we have practiced. Our procedure has never been tested in reality.

In order for us to further prepare to appropriately handle the

  • victims of a radiation accident, I would like to receive a copy of any contingency plan developed by your division to coordinate the response to radiological emergencies. .

Sincerely, NASHUA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Gerald M. Homer Associate' Executive Director O GMH2 mrm RADIATION

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NEW l.ONDON NEW H AMPSHIRE 03257 December 3, 1985 William T. Wallace. Jr., M.D. Director of Public Health Services . Health and Welfare Building Ha:en Drive Concord, New Hampshire 03301

Dear Dr. Wallace:

This letter is in answer to your request cf information regarding radiation cen-tamination.

1. Hospital can acccamodate two individuals at any point in time. .
2. Hospital could previde medi 0 =+rvices to such an individual.

Os 3. Hospital could provide services to a maximum of two radiologically conta:ina:ed patients at any given tie.e. This number is not in addition to question 1 above. Decenta=ination capabilities would have to be makeshif t as we do not have a dedicated area at this ti=e. Whether medical treatment was provided prior to or after contamination would depend en the type of r.edical treatment necessary. In all probability, there would be s::e contamination of hospital staff when dealing with this particular type of problem.

4. Hospital is in the process of writing protocol for handling cf radiologica!.ly exposed individuals.
5. Hospital has staff available and ability to ensure proficiency to execute such a protocol.

Very truly yo s, , f

                                                                              'Yp art     . Fria               /,M.D.

R.W iewb b a .

One Parkland Drive

                             -     g     J                                                      0:rry New Hampshire 03038
                           '~f l  OU                                          -

Tel. (603) 4321500- ' c. Medical Cent ^r F3 I[) , DEC D L.T.h ',; *

                                                                      .i           '   '

Pd:.k E November 27, 1985 . William T. Wallace, Jr., M.D., M.P.H. Director of Public Health Services

                    -   State of N.H. Dept. of Health and Welfare Division of Public Health Services Health & Welfare Building Hazen Drive Concord, N.H.       03301

Dear Sir:

The following is in response to the state survey of September 30, 1955:

1. Two patients can te acccmmodated at this institution.


     -                  2. Parkland Meiica'l' Center is capable cf providing medical care to victims of radiation accidents.
3. (a and b) Parklan'd Medical Center is capable of providing medical care (as stated in questien 1) for two patients who have received excessive radioactive contamination.
3. (c) Decentamination capabilities: isolated area / isolated entrance, examining table, stretcher, shower facility, disaster cart, disposable floor coverings, garments, containers, survey meters, pocket dosimeters, radiation warning signs, radiation tape.
3. (d) Medical treatment is provided prior to decontamination if the physician in charge determines that a medical emergency exists.
3. (e) Radiation safety measures, which adhere to ALARA guidelines, have been designed to provide treatment as appropriate.
   ,/ \

N un a c-

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4. The drart form of a ritten orotocoi <aadiation oisester Policy) has been formulated by Parkland Medical Center. It is presently being reviewed for final approval in the near future. ~

5.* Adequate and proficient staffing is available to carry out ,

- . this protocol.
                                                                                                                                     ~                                                   *

! Please do not hesitate to call if you have any further questions . regarding this matter. , i Sincerely, .

j. .: , .
  • e ,$-
                                              ....1      l ..           . ..

Steven R. G6rden Administrator

- )

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7 October 1985 r-* - William T. Wallace , Jr. , it.D. , M.P.H. ' REC 31VED - Director, Div of Public Health Sves Health & Welfare B.1dg 00T101985 Hazen Drive Omee of the Die'" . Concord, NH 03211 p. , , ,g , . ., , Pub'i. . 4. h.. d i:" Y Dear Mr. Wallace Thank you for your letter of 30 Sep 85. Our response to your questions remain the same as outlined in our 31 Oct 83 letter to you. Please contact me if you have any further questions. Sincerely m O' ( EP '., Co onel, USAF, MSC Administrator l O


 'f                                             . .. .. sir...

C.~ ~. _ ,, 2 RICH ARO H. STRout ENN H. SUNUNU 7 0, rector Goe.*no, JAMt3 A. SAGGIOf t5 February 18, 1986 C'"* C"*m' Mr. Henry G. Vickers, Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency Region One J.W. McCormack Post Office and Courthouse Boston, Massach'setts 02109 Cear Mr. Vickers: Enclosed are 20 copies of the ETE materials tnat have been corpiled by XL3 for Seabrook Station. These materials were forwarded to us on Feoruary 18, 1986. They represent the most current ETE work available for the Seaorock Station EPZ. It is our intent to use these materials to supercede the previous ETE studies prepared by CLD. Therefore, we suggest you distribute the new KLD stucies, and not the older CLD studies, for review by the RAC. We make this suggestion with two provisions. First, we are reviewing the studies ourselves at tnis time. We have forwarded you what we consider draf t rather than final report copies in order to meet the Fe:ruary 19, 1986 deadline for maintaining tne exercise senedule for Seabrook Station. We may have internal cuestions and comments for Ed Lieberman. These questions and ccinments may lead to revisions in the final ETE product. The second provision is the acknowledgment that the adoption of the KLD word by flew Ha 9snire leads to some short-ter~i in:cnsistencies in planning Occ/.ents. As e have discussed with your staff, tJew Harpshire state and local plans reflect access and traffic control points and reception center locations tnat were adopted based upon the earlier CLD work. As we have agreed with your staff, it is not feasible to revise these plan elements at this point in tine. Necessary revisions will be implemented after the exercise, but before the ASLB hearings. It is likely that these revisions will be made con ;rrently with revisions necessary to rescond to RAC coments, FDtA's exercise 00m.ents, and coments raised by tne state and local energency res:cnders. Tna.x /cu for your assistance in this natter. Sincerely, M ichard H. Strome Director AH3/jmu enclosure 2BMG}}