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Forwards IE Inspec Rept#70-371/79-15 on 780925-28 & Notice of Violation
Person / Time
Site: 07000371
Issue date: 11/20/1978
From: Galen Smith
To: Ganley D
Shared Package
ML20148U211 List:
781020, NUDOCS 7812060323
Download: ML20148U228 (2)



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REGION l j 73 fs2y ;f 438 PARK AVENUE 0, 1 g KtNG OF PRUSSI A. PENNSYLVANI A 19406 i g**Q ***

f OCT 2 01978 1

Docket No.70-371 l

4 United Nuclear Corporation j Naval Products Division l ATTN: Mr. D. E. Ganley l General Manager ,

67 Sandy Desert Road Uncasv111e, Connecticut 06382 Gentlemen:


Inspection No. 70-371/78-15 This refers to the inspection. conducted by Mr. J. Roth of this office on September 25-28,19Z8 of activities authorized by NRC License No. SNM-368 and to the discussions of our findings held by Mr. Roth'with yourself and other members of your staff at the conclusion of the inspection, and to a subsequent telephone discussion between Mr. T. Collopy of your staff and Mr. Roth on September 29, 1978.

Areas examined during this inspection are described in the Office of Inspection and Enforcement Inspection Report which is enclosed with this letter. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of selective examinations of procedures and representative records, interviews with personnel, and observations by the inspector.

Our _ inspector also verified the steps you have taken to correct the items of noncompliance brought to your attention in letters dated May 2, 1978 and July 11, 1978. We have no further questions regarding your action at this time.

Based on the results of this inspecti'on, it appears that one of your activities was not conducted in full compliance with NRC requirements, as set forth in the Notice of Violation, enclosed herewith as Appendix A. This item of noncompliance has been categorized into the levels as described in our correspondence to you dated December 31, 1974. This notice is sent to you pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.201 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice," Part 2. Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations.

Section 2.201 requires you to submit to this office, within twenty (20) days of your receipt of this notice, a written statement or explanation O12060n23

United Nuclear Corporation '

2 P

in reply including: (1) corrective steps which have been taken by you and the results achieved; (2) corrective steps which will te taken to avoid further items of noncompliance; and (3) the date when full compliance will be achieved.

In accordance with Section 2.790 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice," Part 2 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, a copy of this letter and the.

enclosures will be placed in the NRC's Public Document Room. If this report contains any information that you (or your contractor) believe to be proprietary, it is necessary that you make a written application within 20 days to this office to withhold such information from public disclosure. Any such application must be accompanied by an affidavit executed by the owner of the information, which identifies the document or part sought to be withheld, and which contains a statement of reasons '

which addresses with specificity the items which will be considered by the Commission as listed in subparagraph (b) (4) of Section 2.790. The information sought to be withheld shall be incorporated as far as possible into a separate part of the affidavit. If we do not hear from you in this regard within the specified period, the report will be placed in the Public Document Room.

Should you niive any questions concerning this inspection, we will be pleased to aiscuss them with you.

Sincerely, e


  • G rgd H. Smith, Chief F el Facility and Materials Safety ranch


1. Appendix A, Notice of Violation
2. Office of Inspection and Enforcement Inspection Report Number 70-371/78-15 a