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QA Program for Phase I Concrete Const,Waterford Steam Electric Station Unit 3. Related Info Encl
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Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/18/1975
From: Shoemacke P
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ML17198A241 List: ... further results
FOIA-84-455 NUDOCS 8506220013
Download: ML20127B637 (52)


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 't J. A. JONES CONSTRUCTION COMPANY QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM for PHASE I CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION WATERFORD SES UNIT 3 LOUISIANA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Prepared By: h A /A $ / b / c .,c c 4 c.                  4./, e/7s Corporate Quality Assurance Engineering        Date Approved Byr                /                               d-/V7[

Corporate Manager, Quality Assurance Date FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST eso62gja850222 p9p $9-9$ Seea- c.Is3

s , J. A. JONES CONSTRUCTICE COMPANT NUCLEAR QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM ABSTRACT The J. A. Jones Quality Assurance Program is a totally integrated system of management feedback and control, involving all levels of the Jones organization. It is in full compliance with AEC, 10 CFR 50 Appendix B and ANSI Standard N45.2. This Quality Assurance Program addresses activities affecting compliance to contractually referenced documents and is applicable to the procure-ment, construction, repair and modification of Nuclear Power Plants and their associated materials, components, systems and structures. The following outline describes the critical activities of the program and defines the general sequence in which they occur. e Contract Review - Identify requirements, o Organization - Def^ine Q. A.. organization structure and its relationship to balance of Project. e Planning - Accumulate and prepare implementing procedures. e Orientation - Review requirements and procedures with all affected personnel. e Training - Identify and implement manpower training requirements. e Implementation - Implement the required procedures. e Technical Document Review - Identify acceptance criteria. o Planning - Define and document methods, processes and sequence of work. e Verification - Verify plans are adequate and work conforms. e Audit - Review program's conformance to contract. o Records - Assure documentation accurately reflects the accept-ability of the work. o Management Review - Evaldate performance, identify and correct problem areas. J. A.JONe5 CONSTRUCTION COMPANY t

( ,

  • Contents Section I i . Introduction Section II Management and Planning Section III Design Control Section IV Procurement Control -

Section V. Fab'rf cation and Assembly t, Section VI Cosstruction and Installation-

   ,     Section 'VII                           Aut.iting 1


                                         ,                         ,                        1 ATTACHMENTS:                                                                            '

A. Corporate Quality Assurance Policy and Charter B. Functional Organization Chart, Corporate Quality Assurande C. Typical Nuclear Project Organization Chart D. Index of Nuclear Project Operating Procedures E. Quality Assurance Personnel Qualification Requirements F. Quality Assurance Person'el n Training and Certification Program G. Matrix of Nuclear Project Operating Procedures J. A.. JONES CONSTRUCTION COMMANY


1. O Introduction This Quality Assurance Program Plan describes the J. A. Jones Construction Company's Quality Assurance Program, for implementation during the construction phase of Nuclear Power Plants. . This program for the assurance of quality is based on proven principles and practices and provides the means of control and verification whereby those responsible for project management can be assured that the quality required by the contract, applicable codes, standards, design speci-fications and drawings will be achieved.

J. A. Jones recognizes that the assurance of quality requires a well planned, effective and efficient program which encompasses not 1 only the activities ofthe Quality Assurance organization but includes the actions of all personnel methods and procedures that influence and determine the quality of the end product or service. The Corporate Quality Assurance Policy and Charter (Attachment A) defines the responsibilities and authority necessary to implement effective Quality Assurance Programs. 1.1 Objectives The objective of this Nuclear Quality Assurance Program is to provide the guidelines and methods necessary for planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring and auditing the quality assurance program i to assure that all activities, structures, components, systems and facilities are designed, fabricated, constructed, inspected, tested, documented and maintained in compliance with the contract, the project scope, criteria and applicable technical documents, codes and standards. To achieve this objective, the methods and controls described in this program have been established and shall be implemented at predetermined points as necessary to prevent, detect and correct deficiencier, and to document the achieved g2ality throughout the life of the project. J. A. JONES CONETAUCTION COMmaNY i _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ - - _ _ . . , , _ ~ - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ , __ _ .

 . This program, together with the J. A. Jones Corporate Policies, Standard Nuclea; Project Operating Procedures (See Attachment G for Matrix of Project Operating Procedures), ASME Section III Quality Assurance Manual, project procedures and instructions provides a total quality assurance system which complies with AEC Regulation 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, " Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants", and ANSI N45.2 " Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants".

1.2 Scope The QA system methods and controls described in this program are intended to cover all construction tasks and associated Q.A. activities which J. A. Jones may be con-tracted to perform. This program is arranged into six basic . i functional disciplines and the QA activities and responsibilities ! associated with them. 1.3 Responsibility J. A. Jones Construction Company is responsible for implementing this QA program to assure that the quality of all items, processes or services,.for which they are responsible, meet the applicable requirements of designated regulations, codes, standards and technical documents. l J. A. Jones Construction Company may elect to delegate l certain QA activities, such as nondestructive examinations, I to other organizations, but shall, in all such cases, retain prime responsibility for the adequacy of these activities. J. A. Jones Construction Company shall furnish or provide' access to contract related quality assurance informatic1, documents, records, material samples and other items required by the owner or other authorized regulatory authority. The owner shall have access to J. A. Jones Construction Company, our subcontractors and suppliers facilities and equipment for the inspection of work and materials. 1.4 Authorizations J. A. Jones Construction Company holds the following Certificates of Authorization, issued by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers: e "N", Classes 1, 2, 3 and MC e "NPT", Classes 1, 2, 3 and CS I e' "NA", Classes 1, 2, 3 and MC e "PP" Power Piping e "A" Boiler Assembly e "U" Unfired Pressure Vessels J. A. JONES CONSTAUCTION CCMAANY E


2. O Management and Planning This section covers the general management and planning activities required to develop and implement an effective quality assurance program in consonance with the project scope and activities.

The requirements of this program shall be applied to a degree consistent with the safety related importance of structures, systems and components, identified by the Owner as being safety related, and to those items which are covered by Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. 2.1 Quality Assurance Program The authority and responsibility for the J. A. Jones Quality Assurance Program is established and defined by the " Corporate Quality Assurance Policy and Charter" (Attachment A). 2.1.1 Planning - The contract scope, requirements and criteria shall be reviewed and evaluated by Corporate Quality Assurance and the Quality Assurance Project Manager. This review identifies the scope of, and requirements for, the project Quality Assurance Program. 2.1.2 Quality Assurance Program Index- An index of procedures and other task implementing documents shall be prepared and main-tained for the project. The procedures will be used to implement and control specific work and specialinspections and tests. Attachment "D" provides an index of the administrative project procedures to be implemented on Nuclear Power Projects. Additional project pre.cedures shall be generated at the project as the need arises. Procedures shall be forwarded to the Owner for his information and/or acceptance prior to implementation st the site.

2. 2 Organization 2.2.1 Corporate Quality Assurance (Attachment B) '- The Corporate Manager of Quality Assurance is responsible for:

e Coordinating the implementation of the Corporate Quality Assurance Program throughout the company; e Identifying project quality assurance requirements and responsibilities; e Interpreting the Quality Assurance Policy and Charter; 1 J. A.. JONES CONSTAUCTION COMPANY l l

o Previding informaticn, ascistance, counsel and establich-ing guidelines concerning quality to all levels of corporate management; e Monitoring, and evaluating project quality assurance program

 ;                          2.2.2        Project Quality Assurance (Attachment C). The project Quauty Assurance Organization, headed by a Quality Assurance Project Manager, reports directly to the Corporate Manager of Quality Assurance. He is functionally independent of project management; thus, has the freedom to identify quality related problems, initiate, provide and/or recommend solutions, and verify that implemented corrective action has been effective. The Quality Assurance Project Manager has the authority to stop work when adverse quauty conditior.

i exist and proper corrective action is not taken. Site Quality Assurance activities are divided into the following basic Quality Assurance functions and attendent responsibilities: Quality Assurance Engineering: e Review of project technical documents for quauty criteria and requirements; e Review of procurement documents relating to ASME Code and Owner-designated quality items; e Performance of Quality Assurance surveillance and monitor-ing of activities and tasks; e Establishing J. A. Jones inspection hold points; e Maintenance of the Nonconformance Reporting and Corrective Action system; e Reporting of quality trends and problems; I e Development and maintenance of inspection and test procedures and instructions; 4 e Review of special process, test, qualification and certi-fication procedures Quality Verification:

                                      -e          Assure that measurement and test equipment calibration is current, accuracy is within prescribed limits and in good operating condition prior to the performance of any inspection or test; J. A. JONES CONSTAUCTION CDMAaNY c--.-     .,       . , , , , , - ,,_,~w,,,-e-    -,-,--n--       ,- - , - - - -, - - - - - , - ---r---..--e--..-~,     - , , - - - - -

t e Document allinspections, checks and tests performed; e Verify the qualifications and/or certification of personnel performing nondestructive examinations or tests; e Report all nonconformances noted, in accordance with POP-N-703, "Nonconformance Reporting and Corrective A ction". I Administration: o Control and maintain all project permanent and non-permanent quality assurance documents, procedures, instructions, records and reports; e Log, distribute, control and file those project technical requirements, documents, and changes thereto, issued to Quality Assurance; e Accumulate, identify and store inspection and test data records, documents and reports; e Maintain project personnel qualification and certification records required by applicable codes, standards and regulations; e Maintain lists of Quality Assurance approved subcontractors and suppliers. Auditing and Training: o Plan, schedule and perform audits of internal, subcontractor and supplier quality programs and activities; e Review audit findings with supervisors of the groups involved and assure that findings and recommended corrective action are documented; e Aarsure that agreed upon corrective action is implemented and effective; e Issue a monthly audit status report to the Quality Assurance and Project Managers; e Administer the planning, development, scheduling and , documentation of Quality Assurance training programs , l in accordance with the Quality Assurance Training and Certification Program, (See Attachment F). i J. A.JCNES CONSTAUCTION COMPANY

1 l - 2.2.3 Othe r - Other corporate and project managarnant participation in the quality assurance program occurs at all levels by their reviewing and monitoring the quality program requirements, ' methods and procedures to assure that the most effective and efficient quality assurance program is established, implemented and maintained in concert with the overall project requirements, 4

objectives, scope, manpower and schedules.

l 2. 3 Project Documentati_on i 2.3.1 Quality Records - All permanent and non-permanent project records, data and reports received and/or developed which provide documented evidence of quality activities performed i and the achieved quality of items and services shall be main-tained. Quality records shall be available to project manage-ment, the Owner or his designated representative and other authorized personnel during the course of the project. Upon completion of the project all permanent project quality records required by the contract, applicable codes and standards, to be j forwarded and maintained by the Owner shall be identified and shall be legible. Other non-permanent project records required to be maintained by J. A. Jones as the construction contractor shall be forwarded, at project completion, to the J. A. Jones Corporate project records files and maintained for a contract j designated time period. Document retention as a rninimum shall be in accordance with ANSI N 45. 2. 9, " Requirements for Collection, Storage and Maintenance of Quality Assurance Records l for Nuclear Power Plants" applicable requirements or as mutually ' agreed upon by the Owner and J. A. Jones. 4 i 2.3.2 Quality Assurance Status Reports - A Project Quality Assurance 4 Status Report containing brief descriptions of the programs progress, current problems and quality trends shall be issued. monthly by the QA Project Manager to the Corporate Manager of Quality Assurance and the Project Manager. If required, Quality Status Reports will be issued to the Owner's designated represent-ative. Summaries'of nonconformance and audit reports shall be attached to these monthly reports. Prompt management review i and evaluation of these status reports provides continuous monitoring of the quality program adequacy. 4 e J. A. JONES CONSTRUCTION COMRaNY d

                 +--r,--                         -  --, ,,, , -- -                                                                                                                .


3. O Design Control This section describes the quality assurance methods and activities, to be implemented, which assure that technical documents are controlled during the construction phase of the project.

s 3.1 Technical Document Review 3.1.1 Owner's Documents - J. A. Jones project Quality Assurance Engineering shall review the Project PSAR, specifications, drawings and other engineering documents and their changes supplied by the Owner and/or his Architect-Engineer to determine the QA requirements and' activities. QA shall develop and use checklists to e.ssure systematic reviews are performed. The QA technical document review shall, as a minimum, check for: e Establishment of criteria and tolerances to be used for inspection; e Testing and acceptance criteria of items and systems; e Designation of safety related and Owner designated quality items; e Applicable AEC, ANSI, ASTM and other codes and standards;

  • Requirements for materials, packaging, shipping, handling, storage, fabrication, construction, erection, testing, main-tenance, quality assurance and inspection; e Special processes such as welding, heat treating, cleaning and NDE requirements; e Safety requirements; ,


  • Requirements for construction contractor developed specifications, drawings, instructions and other engineering documents;
                                           ~                         .
  • Requirements for material and item traceability, identific-ation and certification data; e Design interface requirements.

Any absence ofinkormation or misapplication of codes and standards identified during these reviews shall be documented and brought to the attention of the J. A. Jones Project Chief Engineer for clari-fication or necessary definition from the Owner. J. A.JCNES CCNST3:tUCTION COMPANY

 ,                                      3.1.2                 Internal Documents - All technical and activity-related procedures instructions and procurement documents developed by J. A. Jones for ASME, Owner-designated quality, and safety-related Category I and II items, structures, components and systems shan be reviewed by Quality Assurance Engineering. Documented evidence of QA reviews shan be maintained. QA shan utilize the document review checklist, to assure that applicable Owner's quality require-ments and criteria are accurately translated into these documents.

QA document review comments shan be forwarded to the cognizant project engineer for incorporation prior to releasing the document. QA Engineering concurrence for releasing this type of document is required. 3.1.3 Subcontractor Documents - Technical QA documents generated by subcontractors and suppliers which require J. A. Jones review aird concurrence shan have documented evidence of these reviews by the cognizant Project and Quality Assurance Engineers.

3. 2. Technical Document Release and Change Control J. A. Jones Project Engineering is responsible for the project technical document release and change control system. QA shan review and concur with the document release and change control procedures, the procedures shan provide for:

o Coordinating, review and approval prior to release for use; e Requirements for checking and reviewing, including those of the Owner; e Establishing a project technical document distribution list; e A complete drawing and specification list, along with methods for keeping the list current. Quality Assurance shan be issued copies of an released technical i documents. Copies shan be issued to the QA Administration Section who will be responsible for control and issue to quality assurance personnel. The quality assurance administration section shan be responsible for ' assuring that only the latest approved documents are issued, and that an obsolete documents are returned from the QA work areas. All obsolete documents shall be so identified and filed or destroyed. Obsolete documents may be kept in a separate, olearly identified, obsolete document file for reference purposes.

3. 2.1 Field Changes - . Changes to technical and work instruction and control documents may be requested by field construction super-vision, cognizant project engineers or quality assurance. An field changed documents shan be approved by the cognizant project engineer prior to implementation. Acceptable field change J. A. JONES CONSTsIUCTION COMAANY f
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methods and rsquirements shall be defined in the Documsnt Release and Change Control Procedure or an approved Field Change Procedure Field changes shall be approved by Quality Assurance. Any changes affecting ASME Code requirements shall be coordinated with the Authorized Inspector. When required by specifications, field changes affecting safety Cat,egory I and II and Owner designated quality items will also require Owner's approval. The cognizant project engineer coordinating and approving the field change will be responsible for having the field change incorporated into the next revision of the affected document. Copies of engineer approved field changes affecting Category I and II safety related and quality items shall be forwarded to the Owner for information.

3. 3 Design Reviews ,

J. A. Jones and subcontract designs when designated by the Owner's specifications as requiring formal design reviews, will be scheduled, held and documented. Participation in formal design reviews will involve J. A. Jones key personnel from engineering, construction, quality assurance and project management, having competence in the design area being reviewed. Upon owner's request, J. A. Jones personnel shall attend the Owner's formal design reviews. 3.3.1 Formal Design Review - Formal design reviews chaired by J. A. Jones shall be documented, summarizing significant design problems, decisions and assigned action items, and listing the personnel in attendance. Copies of the formal design review reports shall be issued to allinterested parties, including the. Owner. , A project procedure shall be developed, approved and implemented for Formal Design Review when such

'                         reviews are required by contract.

3.3.2 Informal Design Reviews - Informal design review meetings shall be held whenever necessary with the Ormer, J. A. Jones and subcontractors to clarify design interface requirements or problems. Informal design review meetings.shall be documented by a memo to files by the cognizant project engineer chairing the meeting. The design review meeting memo shall summarize i the documents reviewed, attendees, significant understandings l and/or conclusions. A copy of this memo shall be sent to Project Quality Assurance. 1

3. 4 Design Development and Qualification l When J. A. Jones is required by contract to perform design development and qualification activities for construction, materials, processes or other items, a procedure describing the planning, implement-ation, documentation and control methods to be used, shall be developed by J. A. Jones and approved by the Owner.


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. 3. 5 Documents and Records Project Quality Assurance shall obtain and maintain copies of latest applicable codes, regulations, standards, specifications, drawings, procedures and other technical documents and records for project refer-ence information.

3. 6 Audits Quality Assurance audits shall be scheduled for auditing design.

activities and the procedures described in this section in accordance with Section VII of this prograrn.

     "              9 4



4. O Procurement Control This section describes the methods and procedures to be implemented by J. A. Jones for procurement of safety-related Category I and II and Owner designated quality items and services, the associated documents and records required to verify they are in compliance with the applicable regulations, ASME Codes, standards, design specifications and quality requirements.

4.1 Procurement Planning Quality Assurance Engineering shall, upon release of design drawings and specifications, establish methods and instructions re-quired for the related quality assurance activities. Planning shall provide for: review and concurrence of procurement documents; evaluation and selection of subcontractors and/or suppliers; and identifying source and receiving inspection activities and storage requirements.

4. 2 Procurement Document Review and Control Subcontracts, purchase orders, work authorization documents and changes thereto for safety-related Category I and II items, ASME Section III and Owner designated materials, items and services, shall be reviewed and concurred with by Project Quality Assurance Engineering.
        , Quality Assurance's review will assure these documents include specific requirements and criteria of the applicable regulations, codes, standards and specifications applicable to the specific item or service being procured.

Procurement documents willidentify the quality assurance documents to ' be prepared and submitted, such as: l e ASME Code QA manuals: e Inspection and test plans; e Process controls; e Nondestructive examination methods and procedures; e Cleaning and packaging procedures, reports, records and certifications required; i e J. A. Jones source inspection and test witnessing require-l m ent s. Any requirements for extending appropriat e QA requirements to sub-contractors and suppliers shall also be defined. Any changes to procure-ment documents shall be reviewed and approved by Quality Assurance. J. A. JONE3 OONSTAUOTION COMPANY

4. 3 Evaluation and Salection of Procurement Sources J. A. Jones will select subcontractors and suppliers for standard (off the shelf) construction items and services and their demonstrated capability to provide a quality product or service on time, at a reasonable cost and financial stability. Corporate Purchasing maintains an up-to-date list of construction suppliers and contractors for use throughout the company. This list shall be used in selecting sources for standard off the shelf type products and services.

A pre-award evaluation of potential subcontractors and suppliers, of safety-related Category I and II, ASME Section III and other Owner-designated quality items, shall be performed by purchasing and quality assurance engineering. When an evaluation of the technical competence of the supplier is required, project engineering shall be included in the evaluation. Owner approval of selected subcontractors or suppliers shall be obtained when required in the contract. When available, the Owner's list of approved suppliers will be reviewed, and suppliers on this list will not be re-evaluated. A list of approved suppliers shall be maintained by project quality assurance and shall be used to assure that only approved subcontractors and suppliers are selected. -

4. 4 Source Surveillance and Inspection Requirements for source surveillance and inspe _ tion shall be determined and established in accordance with the relative importance, complexity and quality requirements of the items or services being procured. When required, J. A. Jones will assign quality assurance personnel to the supplier's facility to witness or overcheck the contractor's inspection and testing activities. Source inspections shall be planned so as to inspect items at the earliest practical time to detect and correct any deficiencies or when subsequent work will preclude inspection. J. A. Jones source inspection will not be performed when the quality of the item can be verified to conform to the specifications or drawings by review of certified ~

test reports and inspection upon receipt of items at the site. J. A. Jones will perform source surveillance and inspection on Owner-procured items


as designated by the Owner.

4. 5 Receiving Inspection 4.5.1 Planning and Inspection - Methods and instruction for receiving inspection of materials and items shall be planned during pro-curement activities'to coordinate them with the source inspection a ctivities. During receipt inspection and test, emphasis shall be placed on assuring that items received, including Owner furnished items, have not been damaged in shipment, are properly identified and that interface characteristics which influence subsequent fabrication or construction are verified. Any special examinations J. A. JONES CONST54UCTION COMsIANY r- , ~ ,r , ., , ._.m.,,- .- -

t or tests required to be performed upon receipt of an itsm by applicable drawings, specifications and the purchase order shan be identified, special inspection and test instructions developed, approved and performed accordingly. Sampling inspection methods may be used depending on the lost size and other considerations such as the suppliers quality performance history, type of test and application or use of the material or item. Mil. Std. -105 D, " Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by ' Attribute" will be used by J. A. Jones for establishing specific inspection sampling plans unless a specific method is defined by  ; the Owner's specifications. I Receiving inspection shan review and approve supplier-generated documents such as certifications, test results and inspection data for completeness, legibility and conformance to purchase order , requirements before accepting delivered items. 4.5.2 Disposition and Control of Received Items - Materials and items found to be damaged upon receipt shan be identified with an inspection hold tag and withheld from further inspection or use until disposition is defined. Acceptable material and items aban be identified as to inspection status by an Inspection Accept Tag or the inspector's stamp on the item and processed to storage or construction areas for use. Nonconforming material and items shan be so identified, segregated and disposed of in accordance witli the J. A. Jones nonconformance reporting and corrective action procedure described in Section V, paragraph

5. 6 on this program. This procedure provides for the identification, documentation, segregation, technical review and disposition of the nonconforming item. J. A. Jones will maintain active coordination with their suppliers and contractors to assure rapid resolution of quality problems.

J. A. Jones is responsible for establishing and implementing methods and procedures for storing, controning, handling and issuing all safety-related Category I and II and Owner designated quality items. Procedures win provide for maintaining records and methods of identification to assure that items and their associated data can be traced to their origin. Quality Assurance shan frequently monitor an storage areas to assure items and materials are adequately protected from environmental exposure and are properly handled and stored, to preclude damage, in accordance with established requirements.

4. 6 Audits i Quality Assurance audits of subcontractors and J. A. Jones pro-curement, receiving inspection, storage activities and associated documents shall be performed in accordance with Section VII of this program.


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1. Retain original copy. Sign ond return other copies promptly. three G
2. Invoices and shipping lists must show order number, and be rendered in 70066 _ ort;ce, 7.c. soz 110. Ef.11ona. La. total NCE ^C Nu Ns"[

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                                                            -                                                                   .           ACT REQUEST


75-317(J) Ar E #58
 *    ?' ""                ,                               .            A                            b J.          A. JONES CONSTRLJCTION Waterford SES Unit No. 3 Contract #W3-NY-4 COMPANY Job #75-317 December 17, 1975                                  ADoRESS REPLY TO:

P. O. Box i10 Killona, LA 70066 Ebasco Services, Inc. P. 0. Box 70 . Killona, LA 70066


Attn: Mr. J. O. Booth

                                                                                                                            ~        ~      ~ ~ ~ ~
                                                                                                  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
                       -Ref:-- Report No.' V3s 75-635-Concrete Placement 499-2 Sub:     Loulslana Power & Light Q. a. Stop Work Order'No.1 Gentlemen:

The following is the listing of observations received on subject report and J. A. Jones' response to each observation on those items' that. are the responsibility of J. A. Jones. Observation No. 3 - Concrete allowed to be placed that could not be vibrated under rebar, , Concrete found to be too stiff for proper placing, at the point of placement, was-rejected and the concrete already delivered and placed in the form was mixed with higher slump' mixed concrete and vibrated to place properly around the reinforcing steel. In the future, concrete entering our conveying equipment will be more closely observed and concrete of a consistency too thick for proper placement will be rejected and not placed In the form. Observation Wo. ,4 - Concrete being vib' rated in order to flow from truck chute. ' J. A. iMes' Supervisor rejected truck as soon as it was observed + .w ' r, "

                     ,             that thi .oncrete did not flow from the truck chute. Instructed                             -j,.c i . a d i t -

dump man not to dump concrete into conveying equipment that will not readily flow from truck dump chute. Vibrators should not

                                                                                                                               % ~ L / ~ .+

be used to assist concrete to flow down truck chutes.

q. .%


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                          'Mr. J. O. Booth                                                                                           ...

December 17, 1975  ;

  • Page 2 ,

Observation No. 7 - Dry concrete being removed from discharge hose and being permitted to drop in placement area. I Concrete of a consistency too stiff to be conveyed by the pump was discharged into the conveying equipment consequently plugging the line. During the operation of breaking down and clearing the

                  .               plugged line, concrete was allowed to drop through the top mat.

This concrete was removed prior to placing concrete in the immediate area. , in the future, when a transport line becomes plugged, the area underneath the c!eaning operation on the top mat will be covered to prevent the concrete dropping through the top mat into the pour area. The concrete will be removed from the protective cover and _ .- - _ . __ discarded. ____ __ _ Observation No. 8 - Improper placement of concrete. Concrete was generally placed in accordance with our, approved pour plan. The discrepancies noted were corrected on the spot resulting in a concrete placement l'n a workmanship-like manner. We are continuing to teach our people the proper pouring and placing techniques which will continue throughout the Ilfe of' the project. , Observation No. 9' - Inadequate supervision by J. A. Jones. During this initial training phase and observation of craft capabilities, J. A. Jones has increased top line supervision to expedite the training cycle. . _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ Through this effort, we anticipate added assurance that pro . cedures will be followed. Labor unions have been contacted and requested to supply craftsmen with capabilities more in line with the task to be performed. We have their assurance that this request will be granted in all cases possible. Observation No. 12 - Complete failure by most to meet require-ments of procedures and specifications. t the g'eneral Intent of the procedures and specifications were foliciwed as close as work area and equipment would allow. The requirements of the procedures and specifications were known by the supervision directing the work and incidents of non-con'for-mance by the inexperienced craftsmen were corrected as they. occur. red throughout the placement. i . . f i - 5 - t e s ,

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e .

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                                  ..                                                     s                                             '.4 Mr. J. O. Booth December 17, 1975 Page 3                                                     .

Attached please find the Instruction Course Outline which has been presented to the personnel involved in the vibration of concrete. Training periods of this nature will continue to be performed in any area of work deemed ,

         .                                necessary.

Wo. believe the training, observations and closer surveillance of the work being performed will assure compliance with approved procedures and spec-Ifications. The exposed surface of concrete on Placement I and 2 clearly indicates _ improvement in the placing and vibrations and we feel increased production

  • and quality will continue.

Should you have any-further questions or- conments, please-feel free to -- - contact the writer. Very truly yours,- J.. A. J0NES CONSTRUCTION COMPANY fkY er P. Leonard

                                                                                           .                      Project Manager
       .                                 JPL/AP-LT:ge                                                 .


                    .    -~_one          .d       . -. . . - - . .            ----m.--o-         --- . . - - *          ~
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  • cc: C. White L. Elliott
4. A.

Route ' File . J. Ferguson e

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                                                                .                            J. A. JONES CONSTRUCTION COMPANY
                                  .                                                                                 WATERFORD UNIT NO. 3


      & MANUFACTURER                                                                                                                         OF INSERTION                                                      VIBRATION                                                          ' IMMERSION WYC0_SS21-M I._ _ __                                         ..      ._                                . _ _ _                   30-3"_ sl ump.-
                                                                   - 20.-35 yds./hr.                                                  28"-21" slump                                                           to seconds                                                           into layer.

The WYC0 Tool Co. 26"-1" slump below DART Bearingless . Air =. - Modal A350 . 39 yds./hr. 27.72" - 11 slump 11.66' seconds into layer Koehring Con-below

   'struction Equip                                       .

Division .

                        , _ AVI.ILABLE EQUIPMENT                                                                                      . _ . _ , .                __ _                      _
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          . _ _ _ _                                      -- -         --                   -I 12 WYC0 992i-Mi @ 20 YDS /HR                                         =             240 YDS /HR 10 Dart Air Model A350 @ 35 YDS /HR                                                        =

350 YDS /HR

           - -                                  TOTAL Vf BRATING CAPABILITIES                                                               =        590 YoS/HR                                           -

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          .                                                                   (D CREIE P                     BtENT AND CDNSOLIDATICN WIN. i SESSICN CIASS WTES                                                                     .

GTILINE I. INIB2UCTIm II. PWWWF A. Separation B. Vertical Drop C. Final Ibsition . D. Lift Beight

                                             *                                                                                                ~                                                         -          - - - - -                    --

III. 02Nr.Tn4TICN A. Ban e for Vibration . B. Proper Manelling of Vibrators . C. Improper mailing of Vibrators D. Effects of Improper Vibration . IV. INSPELilm W PLACEMENT AND CCtwr.TnATICN A. - Purpose B. Function - C. Teamwork

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(. 4 ' IN17000CTION

                              'Ibe purpose of this training session is to provide additional information on the requirenents and pruper methods of concrete placenent and consoli-dation for craftsmen, foremen and supervision involved in the placement of concrete.

4 Pinesmsmt ia nothing Lore than the act of putting concrete into a certain area such as a form. proper placement consists of placing concrete in such a manner as to make the entire mass of concrete as uniform as possible. One of the unin causes of non-uniform concrete is separation of the coarse aggregate (" rock") fran the canent paste ("nortar"). One of the ways to prevent or reduce sept / ration of the concrete is to limit ^ ~~~ ~

                            ~ ~the height that concrete is allowed to drop fran the esi 6f tWehute'oF
          ~ ~ ~ ~                          -      -
                              ~" elephant trunk". Q1 this project, the height of drop is limited to a max-innan of five feet. 'Ihis is very important and should be closely watched at all times.

Another way to control separation is to' place the concrete as close to its final position as possible. ' Ibis is done to Yzevent having to move the con-i crete'around; this makes less work as well as keeping the quality of the concrete high. . . Separation can also be controlled b'y proper consolidation. Limiting the enount of concrete placed in any cne area mnkan consolidation easier and more effective. 'Ihe annunt placed on this project is limited by specifying a anxinanft lift height of 18"-20". If concrete is placed deeper than this st one time, proper consolidation is difficult to achieve. Proper consolidation is very important forobtahi= good quality concrete. Consolidation is also defined as " vibration". Concrete is vibrated to make it nore uniform, to fill all areas, such as keyways, with good, solid concrete and to release entrapped air bubbles.

In order to obtain good consolidation, the following thin e nust be done:


1. Vibrators must be inserted vertically, or as close to vertical j as is possible.
2. Vibrators should be inserted about every two feet.
3. Vibrators should be left in place for about 8-10 seconds or un-til a " paste" appears above the vibrator. ~
4. Vibrator should penetrate into lower lift to insure proper melding of layers.
5. Taking special care when vibrating around embedded items, rein- -

forcing steel and forms. e e y e 4 e 6

                                                                 ,-                                                                      e-1..,

Some of the things which should not be done wnen vibrating concate am:

1. Using vibrators to nove concrete
2. Pulling vibrators through concrete
3. Vibrating too long in one spot
4. Vibrating too far apart
5. . Holding vibrator against reinforcing steel
                      'Ibo little vibration rea= " pockets" of rock to form with little canent
                    . paste around the rock. 'Ibese form weak spots and have to be removed.
                      'Ibo nuch vibration can cause " pockets" of cement paste which am also weak spots. Proper vibration is one of the most inportant keys to good quality cxancrete.                                                             .
                      'Ibe purpose of inspection of concrete is to assum that the concrete is of good quality. 'Ibe inspector's function is not to " spy" or to try to find something wrong, but to make sum that the job is being done right. In-
                     . spectors,- craftsnen, foremen and-supervisors-are-all-a-part-of--the- same--- - -                                                                                               -
   .                  team and have the same goal - to get the job done oorrectly.

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  • 4 WIMe. trJ2 J. A. JONES CONSTRUCTION Waterford SES Unit No. 3 Contract #W3-NY-4 COMPANY Job #75-317 December 17, 1975

P. O. Box i10 Killona, LA 70066 Ebasco Services, Inc. P. O. Box 70 Killona, LA 70066 Attn: Mr. J. O. Booth . Ref: Report No. W35 75-645 Concrete Placement 499-6 Sub: Louisiana Power & Light Q. A. Stop Work Order No.1 Gent 1emen: The following is the listing of observations received on subject report and J. A. Jones' . response to each observation on those items that are the responsibility of,J. A. Jones. . Observation No. 2 - Contrary to Section II, Paragraph 5.9, Concrete received disturbing shocks and vibrations from re-Infbrcing steel which was set in motion by concrete pump discha rges. The discrepancy was observed at the start of the pumping operation and was corrected prior to placing second lift of c'.ncrete which was vibrated into a homogeneous mix l ! eliminating any detriment.31 effect on the placement. l In the future, transport 1*nes and conveying equipment will be properly supported and restrained to eliminate transporting shock to forms and embedded items in the placement. We have ordered additional concrete pipe fittings t6 install a shock absorber on the pump lines to help minimize this shock effect. Observation No. 3 - Contrary to Section 11. Paragraph 4.13. Concrete was inadequately vibrated. Adequate equipment for proper vibration of the concrete was on hand and the craft has been instructed in the proper use of the - equipment with written instructions of required spacing between FREEDOW OF INFORMATKW ACT REQUEST St4- M s 2 C.[ 595


  • i,o . . , ,

l, - Mr. J. O. Booth 1 ' December 17, 1975 Page 2, vibrating operations and depth of vibrations, copy attached.' The craft had inadequate experience in the use of the equipment

               .                       resulting in some instances in inadequate vibration.

We feel adequate instructions have since been presented to the

  • craftsmen and that they have now gained more experience and a better understanding of why concrete is vibrated.

We have experienced better workmanship on the subsequent pours and consequently, efficiency will increase throughout the life of the project. Observation No. 4 - Contrary to Section 11, Paragraph 5.1 Curing water.was not continuously maintained on all exposed surfaces. A crew of personnel have been assigned the sole task of con-tinuous placement of water on all exposed concrete surfaces for the required period of seven (7) days. More areas will be covered with bur' lap in the future to aid in holding the moisture. . l We feel that these corrective actions are sufficient to eliminate the problem completely. Additional personnel will be added as required. - Observation No. 5 - Contrary to ACI 318 - Rebar was Improperly spaced in some areas of the placement. ! This deficiency was corrected at the time of placing concrete over-l the top mat 'except where resteel went through the bulkheads and Interferences of embedded items and strongbacks would not allow us to reposition the bars. On subsequent pours, this is being watched more closely so that bars can be repositioned at the top of the bar and be within l tolerances. I' ' observation No. 6 - Personnel involved in placement activities were hot aware of or failed to follow J. A. Jones Co., " Concrete Pour Plan". Due to poor communications on the first placement, all persbnnel ' were not supplied a copy of the Concrete Pour Plan, consequently. causing interpretation conflicts between the general work procedure for placing all concrete and the specific Concrete Pour Plan for l - the specific pour. -

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                          . Mr. J. O. Booth December 17, 1975 Page 3                                                                                                                                                     ,.                                  s The concrete was placed over the entire area, however, by modifying Ilft depth, the concrete was kept alive and re-suited in a slover pour rate but produced a satisfactory

placement. This problem has been resolved by assuring that all personnel associated with the placement has a copy and understands the approved pour plan. . We feel through training and work experience obtained through subsequent pours that the discrepancies have been greatly reduced and will continue to be improved as the work progresses.._ Should you have any questions or coments, please feel free to contact the wri ter. - Z'*..

 -                                                                                                                                                     Very truly yours,                                          .                                             .

J. A. J0NES CONSTRUCTION COMPANY pA gJe P. Leonard Project Manager JPL/AP-LT:ge , enclosure cc: C. Whlto L. Elliott -- ~ ~ - - ~~ ' ~ - ~- - - q.~ A. - Route " FIIe e . J,. 4 J. Ferguson - - e G e amo a e see -em en e ** . e 4 e . .- .

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g Ag #[k 9, 'N e . ..a i J. A. JONES CONSTRUCTION Waterford SES Unit #3 Contract #W3-NY-4 CCDMPANY %Uob#5-317 ADDRESS REPt.Y To: P. O. Box 110 l Killona, IA 70066 1 17 h IMS .

Mr. Iktidar Emanin -

Quality Assurance

                                       ---nina,. G vices Incorporated-                                                                        .

P. O. Box 70 . Killona, LA 70066 Sib: harn Qu11ty Assurance Audit of (bncrete pour for Placanent #6 Ref: haca letter, W3QA-230, dated 9Nw W 1W5 Gentlenen: . Se following items are presented in response to each specific line iten of Report $1G-75-12-2 considered as falling under J. A. Jones purview: j -. Iten 4: Allegation states, "Not -=h vibrators wer_e provided for _ ' adequate vibration or to make provisions for breakdown of equignent." he approved Cbncrete pour Plan dated 26 Novenber 1W5 specified that six (6) Electrical and three (3) Air-Powered Vibrators were planned for use on pour #6. Just prior to pour, twelve (12) Electrical and ten (10) Air-Driven Vibrators were verified for frequency of vibra-tion and certified for use on subject pour. During the actual pour, a total of twelve (12) Vibrators were in operation with ten (10) nore as back-up directly adjacent to the pour area, J. A. Jones conairiars the allegation as stated unfounded. Itan 5: %heaquent to this pour, J. A. Jones instituted pre-pour meet-ings attended by all cognizant supervisory personnel to assure a ccm-plete understanding of the contents of J. A. Jones Work Procedure W-WP-7 and the applicable pour plan. J. A. Jones will continue these meetings and will place even greater erghasis on the contents of the placing procedures. FREEDOM OF LNFORMATWN j ~ ACT REQUEST


g4-45s 3

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( - Mr. Iktidar *-in 17 Dececber 1715 , , Page 'Do ,


Itan 12: A fornal training class was presented on 16 Da W 1775 by J. A. Jones Quality Engineering covering proper techniquesfor forand vibrator operators. ' Ibis class, which presented the reasons the required method of vibrator operation, was attended by all oper-ator persocnel assigned to pour #3 and those Oanstruction Super-visors responsible for pineanant operations. (burse contents, graphic illustrations and attandenea has been docisnented and is available on request. It is our intention to conduct this tyrininqr for any nos vibrator operators assigned to subsequent concrete pineanant operations. Itan 13: chenin nt Construction Supervisory persocnel have been coun-ciled subsequent to this pour and fully understand that the dropping of-concrete fran a height.of nore _thanlive .Q) f.e. et onto sarnnaad_ rein-

                                                                                                                      'Ibey h~ ave been ~
                                                                                                                                                       ~     -- -

fbrcing steel can cause separation of the aggregate. further instructed that in the future it is nandatory that the am uvai prevwinval direction nust be followed at all times.

                            'Ibe above answers are presented to the best of our ability in the shaanea of definitive specific incidents. It is respectifully suggested that future audit reports contain specific deviations in lieu of broad, all anman=Mna statenents which are extranely difficult to respond to effectively.

Very truly yours, J. A. GESIRDCTICE GalpANY

                                                                              'G. A.~ Greathouw

Project Quality Assurance Manager GAG /she . I ce: w. c. Griggs ! J. O. Booth J. M. Brooks C. V. Diz . D. N. Galligan R. K. Stanpley T. F. Gerretts A. E. Handarson - J. R. Tannard . H. E. Rice . e a e e

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r t 75-317(J) Ar,E #58

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J. A. JONES CONSTRLJCTION Waterford SES Unit No. 3 Contract #W3-NY-4 COMPANY Job #75-317 December 17, 1975 Acomess nsrty To: P. O. Box 110 Killona, LA 70066 Ebasco Services, Inc. P. O. Box 70 . Killona, l.A 70066 Attn: Mr. J. O. Booth Ref: Report No. W35 75-635

  • Concrete Placement 499-2 Sub: Loulslana Power's Light q. A. Stop Work Order'No. I Gentlemen:

The following is the listing of observations received on subject report and J. A. Jones' response to each observation on those items that are the responsibility of J. A. Jones.

                               ,0bservation No. 3       -

Concrete allowed to be placed that could not be vibrated under rebar. f w% p:p i Concrete found to be too stiff for proper placing, at the point of placement, was rejected and the concrete already delivered and placed in the form was mixed with higher slump mixed concrete and vibrated to place propeFly a'round the reinforcing steel.

  • In the future, concrete enterino our conveying equipment will be more closely observed and concrete of a consistency too thick for proper placement will be rejected and not placed in the form.

Observation No. 4 - Concrete being vibrated in order to flow from truck chute. J. A. ' Jones' Supervisor rejected truck as soon as it was observede M&. "r " ".- that the concrete did not flow from the truck chute. Instructed d.4.i+ d N . dump man not to dump concrete Into cenveying equipment that will  %%/ ed not readily flow from truck dump chute. Vibrators should not ,p . .h be used to assist concrete to . flow down truck chutes. - Fhr.t. tam ur aarunmnuoN ACT REQUEST

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l . Mr. J. O. Booth December 17, 1975 Page 3 - The concrete was placed over the entire area, however, by

                    .                   modifying lift depth, the concrete was kept alive and re-suited in a slower pour rate but produced a satisfactory placement.                This problem has been resolved by assuring that all personnel associated with the placement has a copy and understands the approved pour plan.

We feel through training and work experience obtained through subsequent pours that the discrepancies have been greatly reduced and will continue to be improved as the work progresses, j Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact the writer. . . Very truly yours, . J. A. JONES CONSTRUCTION COMPANY f? .bar- ' Je P. Leonard Project Manager JPL/AP-LT:ge , enclosure l cc: C. White L. Elliott

q. A.

Route ~ ' File _ J. Ferguson - _ l l l l 1 '. i. s_-

,;.. . ., ; , , ,, 3 ., ', ; ... . _


                                             ~        '                            '             '
              . _                                                                                                                                75-317 (J) A&E#062
                                                                                                                  .s J. A. JONES CONS IContract                                                       HUCTION   #w3-NY-4' COMPANY        Job #75-317 Waterford SES Unit No. 3 l

December 18, 1975 ADOREss REPLY To: P. O. Box 110

                                      -                                                                                                           Killona, LA 70066 Ebasco Services, Inc.

P. O. Box 70 Killona, LA 70066

  • 1., ,
                                                                                                                                                            , ..;                    l'/ '3 Attn: Mr. J. O. Booth                                                                                                                 ,.

9 . Ref: J. A. Jones' letter, Mr. Greathouse to Mr. Hussain, p;,'.','p; c', ii,*,(L


and Letter Nos. 75-317(J) A&E#58 and 75-317(J)A&E#59 dtd December 17, 1975 d /) '' # Y Sub: Loulslana Power & Light q. A. Stop Work Order No.1 (s& ' Gentlemen: Per your request for further clarification of items in subject letters, we submit the following. 5

1. Mr. Greathouse to Mr. Hussa'in, letter dated 12/17/75, item 13, subjective evidence is our " Concrete Placement and Consolidation Training Session Class Notes" which has been formally presented to personnel involved in placement of concrete. ,


2. J. A. Jones' letter 75-317(J) A&E#59, observation / ". W rs ..e No. 2, attached please find copy of J. A. Jones' purchase' ~
                                                                                                                                                               !",'           ., e ],, f order No. 75-317/P0311 for materials required to install                                                                                          -

the shock absorber. y Wgg s N1 ,

                                                                                                                                                                            -         ,        c<
3. J. A. Jones' letter 75-317(J)A&E#59, Observation No. 3, p g],,,

subjective evidence is our " Concrete Placement and Con- y,- - solidation Training Session Class Notes" which has been formally presented to personnel involved in placement of concrete. a.uume

                                                                                          --          . . . - . a--            .


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                                                                                                                                                          /CT REQUEST t v- V rf                                      ;

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f ,,. , s] Mr. J. O. Booth December 18, 1975 Page 2 .

4. J. A. Jones' letter 75-317(J) A&E#58, Observation No. 3, 4 and 7, subjective evidence is our Management Directive Memo " Concrete Placement Directives" dated 12/18/75, copy attached. N 5 J. A. Jones' letter 75-317(J) A&E#58, Observation No. 8, subjective evidence is our " Concrete Placement and Con-solidation Training Session Class Notes".
6. J. A. Jones' letter 75-317(J) A&E#58, Observation No.12, to clarify our statement, J. A. Jones Intends to continually improve work techniques, train personnel, and provide adequate ediuipment to obtain required results. In any case, we will exert any effort required to insure that the end product is completely acceptable to the Owner.  !

We trust the above properly clarifles your questions. Please advise if additional information is required. Very truly yours, J. A. JONES CONSTRUCTION COMPANY-

                                                                                                              -           4
                                      -                                                  Jer                     P. Leonard Project Manager JPL/AP:ge                                                                                                                                       .

encl. cc: C. White - L. Elliott J. Ferguson , Route j Q. A. . 1 File 5 e e N &* I . e

                         + ww. m.* e     .                , , , _


  • Q,, _j

__ f , f'~TER OFFICE CORRESPONDEIVCE . J. A. JONES CONS I HUCTION COMPANY To: All of Personnel Concreteinvolved in The Placement From: J. P. l.conard

                ,                                                                                                                                                                                                   m/

Project Manager / f Date: December 18, 1975 Re:

  • Concrete Placement Directives N
                               'This memo is iss                                                                                                                                                                                              .

i In the handling and placing of concrete on this project.ued to giv 1

1. i The following is a superintendent and engineers' mandatory  !

reading of concrete. IIst that must be read and understood prior to placing . Any cuestions or requests for interpretation  ! should be directed to the office of the Project Engineer. ,

a. - )

Ebasco Speelfication f.00-1564.472, section 11, i Concrete Placing, Curing and Finishing.

b. .

J. A. Jones' Concrete Pour Plan. * -

c. '
                                 ,-                              Concrete Placement and Consolidation training session class notes.                                                                                                                         .

2. The superintendent shall train and indoctrinate all foreman

  -                                     and 11st. craftsmen in the requirement contained in the mandatory reading'
        ,                              3.                                                                                                                                       .                       -

The concrete conveying equipment supervisor or operator shall unaided (raked or vibrated) down the truck chute.not allow con All concrete of - this nature shall be brought to the attention of the Ebasco Engineer , cc: Les Terry Jim Foster Mike Murray Olck Anderson . C. Allen (5) ' Al Prince i Mike Nolan (5) Gene Greathouse

  • t.a.
                                                                                     .. -       t.-


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                                                                                                                       ,   _ /% u r' To:            Al Prince                                                   From:  J. P. Leonard /

Project Managerd j Date:- December 18, 1975 Re: W rk Procedure W-WP-7 Revising Directive Revised subject work procedure to incorporate the handling and disposition of concrete collected during the concrete conveying line unplugging operation. This revision to be made and submitted to Ebasco for approval Inunedia tely. - e s , e , *'.'s , .l

                              '15-)           ,


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                                                                                                                                                                                                    ~,          g n A/05
                                                                                                                                                        )                FEB i 21976 cp W yO#G J. A. JONES CONSTRLJCTlCX$@.CDt9(IPANY Waterford SES Unit #3                                                           Cont raet #W3-N'/ h                                                                 --                        Jutr #75-317
                                                                                ?     *
                                                                                                                                                                                    ~ bnnsN            .e a.*  6+

ADDRESS REPLY To: l 10 February 1976 P. O. Box 110 Killona, LA 70066

Whalen - E & F Construction Company General Of fice, Suite 710 l

250 East Liberty Street Louisville, KY

                                                                                                                                                                                     '[ /,-

ATTN: Mr. John Whalen 7

Dear Mr. Whalen:


                                                                                                                                                    .                                                                     I It is not of ten in the construction business that the opportunity arises                                                                                                                           )

to praise the work of a subcontractor, so when this does happen I strongly 1 believe the parties involved should be told. It is with extreme pleasure ) , that I can, at this time, praise Mr. R. D. (Bob) Basham, your Field Mana-j ger at the Waterford SES Unit #3 site, and his crew of Ironworkers. Th rough l his most capable direction the work performed to date by Bob and his people has made my job much easier. The Whalen - E & F Construction personnel at 3 this location have been most cooperative and their professional competence l has been outstanding. . l ! It is with a great deal of pride that we can claim one of the lowest re- i Jaction rates in the area of cadweld operations of any job in the country.  ! . . To date, Bob's people have completed 3,012 horizontal welds and 82 vertical welds, with a total rejection rate, due to visual inspection, of 25 total welds. This amounts to an outstanding rejection percentage of 00.8%. This record is not attributable to a lack of knowledgeable inspection as has been suggested by some parties when informed of these results. The truth l Is that every cadweld operit ton l's subjected to one hundred percent inspec- i tion by both Ebasco and J. A. Jones Quality Verification inspectors. h

                   , inspectors are certi f t ad = ty =f t_=r thav have nhvs t eallv nerformad e= Aeld enerations.                                     I think this record is directly attributed to the exceptional abilities and personal pride in doing an outstandir.g job that                                                                                                                          ,

is evident with Bob and all his people in our day to day businest. It is a real pleasure doing business with them and for my own selfish reasons, I hope we work many more jobs together. Prior to coming on this job, I spent thirteen years at the John F. Kennedy Space Center in Florida. During this time I worked with many subcontractbrs in various phases of launch pad con-1 struction. I can honestly state this is the first time I have had a feeling of confidence with regard to the subcontractor's desire for quality per-

;                     formance and there is an apparent awareness of personal pride in workmanship
  ;                   from the management down through the ranks to field employces.

This is Attachmen* / /

;                                                                     FREEt>OM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST                                                                          to NCRJ3 of                    A              N NM .paga) L gggg                                                                                                                            y/-/k-6y Cf60I 1
                         .  - . , - , . - - - - - - , - , - - , , , - - ~ - -               - - - - - - - , - - , - - , . - , - - - , . . . _ , - - - - - , - . - - - , - , - - . . . - - - - - - ,

Mr. John Whalen' 10 February 1976 Page Two it is trost grati fying for me to be able to tell you that the performance of Bob Basham and his crew on this job is a credit to the Whalen - E & F Construction Company and is not going unnoticed by any who come in contact with them. You can be proud of these people. They are real professionals!!! Very truly yours, J. A. JONES CONSTRUCTION COMPANY

                          %V            V G. A. Greathouse Project Quality Assurance Manager GAG /shv                                                               ,

cc: R. D. Basham, Whalen - E & F, Waterford R. D. Basham, Jr. , Whalen Erecting Co. of Ohio gE. Rice, J. A. Jones Corporate QA Manager 1 l This is Attachment I/ to NCRJV3 673 Y p .g. of- / t _Tlut,/-/6 p _ _ _ - .. _. ____ l

s...._ .- _ l ~ A- 14-f

  • + .

J. A. JCNES CONSTRUCTION COMAANY f~lf- . ONE SOUTHEXECUTIVE PARK e 6060 ST. ALBANS STREET e CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28287 e (704) 553 3000 TWX NO. 810-6217875 J A JONES CHA WRITER'S DIRECT DIAL 553-3394 January 12, 1982 Mr. George Hill ECElH EBASCO Services, Inc. MME P.O. Box 70 K111ona, LA 70066 g

Dear Mr. Hill:

j Per your conversation with Don Blaisdell this morning, enclosed please find copies of certificates for Please feel free to call should

  ,                          you need more information.

Sincerely, i i Kathy Krenzer, Secretary

    ,                                                                              Corporate Quality Assurance                                                      -
                             /kvk enclosures O                     e N                                                                                                                                                           g e


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3. A. Jones danstruction Compang ~

Charlotte, North Carolina l .

        ,                                            ' Certifies That                                     ..

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                                                                               -                               .1
                                                                  .-E oca                                                   ..   .

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           ,             Has Successfully Completed Requisites for Certification                                                                                                      .


           !                              this               nan                           day of         "" =                    ;
                                                                                                                                           }'l l

1 ffWWO

                                                                                     ' Project Q. A. Manager, Level III Examine r                                        y
                        .za --                                                                                                       4 4;1                ,


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_ .. . =.g . .; , _ .u .. 1 , Procedure No. V-SP-1 . J. A. JONES CONSTRUCTION COMPANY SPEC IAL- PRO. CESS . PROCEDURE . ;.- . FOR CADWELDING .

                                                                       .        WATERFORD SES UNIT NO. 3                                                                        -


          .                                                     ,                                                                                                                                   .v-
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                                                                                                                                  .                                       O f9fmKm or nwonasaasu
                                                                                                                                                       'ACT REQUEST
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                                            . ;gg . E. & E cune                                                                                                                                                                                               ..,                                                      .

(d3WM@ T.

4. '

hk$. b .,! - h:, J .

                                                                                                                                                          .                         ' RESAR SPLICING INSTRUCTIONS                                                                                                                                                ,             [l.

t / C'or-$. 5~. J. m*..'. ., . ._. .

                                      ..m.,-y. . ~ -
                                                            ~                     .

F -[ CA.RE;O.a..

                                   . ; W. .u a. . .                                         . ..SPLICE
                                                                                                  .t SLEEliES;                 a                            CARTRIDGES & EQUIPMENT                    .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               . ,                            .                 fj
                                                                          .:                                               1 1J Cartridges, sleeves, asbestos wicking and ceramic in.
4. All graphite pa'rts (except crucible covers) must be ~ )

cleaned before reusing. Clean with whisk broom, rag. 4

                                - serts must be stored in a dry place. If outer cartons are .                                                                                                                    coarse brush or rolled up newspaper. DO NOT use wire                                                                                             -

F J'-

                              ; i . socked, remove and dry contents                                                                 thoroughly.-                                                                                                                                                                                       .,T                           -
                                                         '                                                                ;                                                                                       brush on graphite parts.                                                            s                .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        * . ' /.t?
P . '-

( ;" * *

                         . f. 2 Splice sleev'es are wrapped in a special rust inhibiting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     '                                                        ~'r       '
                                 ' paper. Do not unwrap sleeve until ready to use in joining                                                                                                             NOTE,A: If a splice sleeve must be unwrapped and left in,                                                                                                              .,


                             / i. procedure. Do not leave unwrapped sleeves in position                                                                                -

position overnight, protect as well as possible to prevent .i i

                                '                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         "i
                         '. t' -where they'may rust.(See Note A.) .                                      '

dew. frost. rain, snow or any direct moisture from getting

                            ' 3i GMphite pouring basins an'd crucibles must be' thor.

Inside the splice sleeve. Steeve must be heated with. ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    l            .

oxy. acetylene toren to assure it is completely dry, if . "9l

                             ' . oughly dried before use. Heat.with torch or on a stove to                                                                                                                        sleeves must be exposed for more than 24 hours, reli. ,' 7.' d l 0;<. tabove 212'F. Test by putting a drop of water on graphite                                                                                                                         able corrosion protection is necessary. Contact factory. , .. f.r ,
                       , y : -it should boil off rapidly. lf stored for several hours,
q. . . . -

for more information. v;.:.,; .; jy

                       '.'.;',..^             repeat               heatin. g before.                                use. d , . _                                          .a
t. , y
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      <:; s
3. . . . s.


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                                        .4.m ,w s af . . >-                                                                 ..     . . .                                     .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .~r                             -   ^                                                                                           .

a?RE G PROCEDURE '.*...2....., . ..Ay. .b.  :. > % . . u : w % ; M : g;e.-

                  %:.J'%y&w~.L                                                                .W
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c  % .. . ..

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    & Mi
                      >;% 1M. Ends of rebar must be; dry and free of rust. loose mill';;' ',?.;. ': 4 '2.2.2. Heat bar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   '                                                                                                                                       y Q
                    "yr,@f        hyklocatedp                    9;.fscalei. (Clean.idistance                                dirt, paint,                    .jf..Aga.

concrete, '. flamecutorground . etc. equals Cleanone off.Oversizelongitudinalribsshoula back half from .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 . slee     bar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ' 4.c-g.',.
 '                                     7?g Jength p]us 2 inches.) .jft. r. ;,,                                                                                                                  ,.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              *'        be ground down as flarr.e cutting may damage the bar, .!".                                                                                                 .


                                                                                                                                                           % ~q'd W ;:-                                                                                                                                                     . . ;ev g c '" Q 94              .@MI5'N              CLEANING           f.i.'*y            t

SEQUENCE .. AY79.f Q-lyW 1 /$ . i.c ^g.p.My especially on higher strength steels. .M;M,?.Y W,h$ 2

  • h. ' . v- M
              .Q'f                 18W:(1W'~                                             '        . f   . W        ."    $   m        :"     *       **.?f.'*'.         ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                             .'4. Cleaned bar ends which must be left out ovemight:, g.,$-

7W 2.1.% Torch and power brushing (See Note A) ' ':j.@,. . e

                                                      @N i4(.o                                        M T ';1.'r ~'                               '


                                                                                                                                                                                              *    -h. ?.should be protected (use empty cartridge cans) and. w%..                                                                                                       ,
  • must be reheated to drive off moisture,. . /;.: ;;.,,, A
  • y (


                        'l t y.h..                                 ':fcompletely and/or burn away
                     . iypt 2.1.'1RHeat bar ends with oxy. acetylene torch to dry .                                                .

NOTES: any- .other

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         -                2 foreign M*. P'.:

9.- -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ' ~~ p .5              f W.Jf.". r-h e:p[-;'fA.R;+7W

i ! c.Yf.'h.?IMCmetter. WS:. Flame should be soot free .'A. Use andofnot.$@ a handwireleave brush isany residue.or.laci not recommended.lf deposits of 'Y o

                                                                                                                        ;M..,, ".. ,'j*                                                                                 power prevents useof powerdriven equipment.then use' d";f, l

U h,N:.:'MbQNote

                      .                    <.a. o ':. ..-/ *.! . . ' a: ~

B) ' kM't gp r.

                                                                                                                                                    +-          - -%        ? Q 9..          d'; .5;qdouble cleaning as noted in 2.1.3. would be requir well as wiping with a clean, dry rag to remove any dust                                                                                        ~%n      ..

p$N '- J .

  • T-
                          "M'#,d;.',4;L1.2..                                                 Ramove                            all loose                       ' millRPM           scale,   or rust,                       etc. with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ~ clinging                  af ter a      hand
  • k.brushing. ' n ;. -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .      If
s. :lRQp4.b. j
                            .17 @                             . c. high speed' power wire                   brush, (1000 f
               .:. I?<&R.4.&f;(higher). See Note C)- ? ;.* : ;:::d.t > :.J J-119 . 4;.                                   -'
                                                                                                                                              .             . . v.J                          '   fM5          B.        A
  • rose. bud" heating torch tip is recommended. Bar '

should be heated to 200-300*F. to insure dryness. ,

                   .M.i ?M.#.l NM W- ~*2.1.3.. ;..                                                                                  Repeat. steps                                           ~2.1.1.*and '2.1.2. onj' extremely'                                                                                         s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  . ': **. , .h . :
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            . ..                                                          ~

i QO W,*@..D, bad t, bar ; surfaces. . ,' ! .s: G , '" e - ' C. Power brush must be kept free of grease, oil or'other '.'?".b'

                              .,i;.Rit.                                                                 . re '                 N.~,..
                                                                                                                                                        . .' . I ' 'j.;;       2- J : ;r ~ contaminants which could evolve gas and cause filler J[


                                  ' 2.2;i:; Torc'h'and Sandblasting '                                                             *
  • 7,i ~ .D- 9,~.N. - .. ; metal porosity. This would also apply to hand brush . '" '

J" ( .'? '.! '.X T. '

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             . '5~j?..


               '<s,..' ,O L{.,' ,.2.2.1. Sandblast bar end clean.
                                                    -                                                                                                                        ;A     5
                                                                                                                                                                  , :..:;; . y. ,2f.- ,;V                          y equipment in Note A., above.                                                       r. . '                         ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -s.f,'Ys   u ,

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                                                      *                                                                                                                               :.,:Cl@:'X,.                 .- i
                                                                                             .;5 m W e                                              .m.m                                                                               ;y,      .+       ,   %                      r.   -::       .     ~        :    :y.y w m .
1. Clean rebar ends as per "Rebar Cleaning Procedure." 2. Position Sleeve with tap hole direct y over gap between Slip Splice Sleeve onto bar before placing rebars in bar ends.

position for joining. Sleeve must be "lif ted" to allow more filter metal Butt ends of rebarif shear or flame cut.These ends will clearance above rebar than below. (Sleeve need not be form a " natural" gap when butted. if gap is over %" at concentric with rebar.)

                                 ' widest point, trim or rotate bars to reduce gap.                                                                                                            Larger sized Sleeves have screws or pins to accomplish
                                 ; .Saw cut bar ends are gapped b* to %'. Use spacer                                                                                                      " lifting". Smaller sized Sleeves are " lifted" by tucking supplied as " gapping gage" by butting saw cut ends                                                                                                  a doubled end or knot of asbestos packing under the against spacer. Spacer is tett in positica between saw cut                                                                                           upper Sleeve edge. This also secures packing. Do not bar ends while completing joint.                                                                                                                     force packing into Sleeve except at point of "lif ting".

If bar ends are badly bent, " lift" completely to push bar against bottom of Sleeve. I Wrap asbestos packing (2 turns) around rebar and against end of Sleeve. If packing is completely un. raveled, retwist while placing around Sleeve ends. Do Not force packing into Sleeve. MS ,%is.-d M.? f M M W.W.M.M 2.q~tR:.l ' - W -; T 4 ..~ 4 ::. . ':. 2 2 m k *k -5' E '? Y ,

                                                                                                     + dfi                                      -                                                                                               .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - N U. 5 b                                                                                                                          $5'?                      Nb ~" g.                       .. 4.     & Ahk$bhs..a. . ,..;...v,.                                                     3i 4.

A ..>% &:.n&a> :::m"?.Y.Wh;.z:2.:;u.&.h.M;m:

                                                         .                             p                                             WW-t &q 4d. .                                       iW
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Vj.. i .y1U-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .                Mr. +*   :
                                                                                                                                                                                         . ~ .~j. f B.. '% g           : .:. '~.w>,:.a            .e:, n. .L                         -

71.).@ d. j;2 W(y' > c xv.v-

                                 ' % .>.p.              ..               .a .s. : ; agg-R+... s,-: .c. ,,,ir : ga-                                                                    y..b;n.c . ..                                     v.J -
                    .              .q.                               .
3. Place End Alignment Fittings onto rebars, lock and 4. Place Horizontal Packing Clamp in position, (normally
                              *..:slide into position against packing and Sleeve. Be sure                                                                                                   it will hang from rebar.)

that End Fittings slide over the end of the Sleeve. Tighten hand knob on end of PackingClamp to squeeze the End Fittings towards the Sleeve. This wedges the 1

         -                    s;%9? .

packing securely against the Sleeve and rebar to prevent

                                    >,'-~                                                                             .

leakage. y .p..< , <:y ~;,.;. ;-; #e " . v . ~ :-- - . J. .. +u..,:p

w 5 .:c .w. . . .u - s. :.
m. ~;fi:ir m
  • M; ; .:: n; g
                                    .'p!.:                     ;." Q:.,gy             e....:;c                                                                                                                                                                      5;7/w                    +;+r+t:S.                             .-

m lg.d[ F...}Jn aq@v.74::ir.q-cr% W F h ,p. W 0 >; U. 1,l w%. (f.-'N.r; r t ! % , -M '/ C-5.@. u. -

  • M U. -
                                'w               s. 'Q      M-.             . sf:m        vm                                                          t.

E*.c y-T I %.y)y .

                       .             ri                       .f W  . . .
                                                                                        +.wA         . .Ws.    .g. h im{      ,.;s,',M?dQN (w9. '. *. ..'e9,e                                                       j.. N, A ---f.g. "1;        .

w . (..-s.;

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        - . .. ne.4
                                                             . w ym= y m.n.,...
                                                                                                                                                                                                           .w .: &g, 'g n                                                    . y-
                                                                                                                                                                 ,.          r        ;,;        .,     :-          ..
                                                      .$,y.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .p     .g
                                                . . .; p .                                                                   y?}:q.                       g. .yt,g,.
                                                                                                                                                                   .;g                   - . g. , c.                                      ,;.,,2:,,7i;,


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ,.g y,j%,t,... - 2;;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         , ' ^. h. . : - ..M
                                                                                                                          . .: .-. .. .-.. : ;.x.     . ww:,
                                      + .@.~.                       '.,

_,5 '".p. ..M.. ..e.s.~. y't e.2.'.w~ . , ; mj , .

                                                                                                                                                           . 7.s..
                                                              . : . u ._ . .y
       "                        5. Place Guide Tube in tap hole and position Ceramic insert                                                                                            6. Seat Pouring Basin in pusition on top of Sleeve. Pouring Basin is secured by using the chain on the Pouring Basin around Guide Tube.

If necessary, tum Sleeve so that Guide Tube is vertical. Frame around the bottom of the Sleeve.

  • Loosen PackingClampslightlyif necessaryand retighten. Do not over tighten nut on chain. Finger tighten only to keep assembly from tipping.

f~?)v t Z. .

                                                                                                                                                                ==--==.                    .                        ==.=


                                                             .                                                                                                                  .        .- -                                                                                                                                            4.e
 =         . _ - - _ _ -                                    -_-                           _.- - _                                        .-_                 - . - _ . . - -                        . - . - - _                                            - - _ _                                  _.                    _ -      _ _ _


                                                                                                                  .                                                                                                                                                                                                                            \

SEE At.SO: "{~.E7 f3*'T **?"~'77'"****' .T '" ;., '

  • instructions ior Vertical Splicing b'^
                                                                                                                             !~'$*1'W'*7,                           -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ' Y.f l df,;,q             M   , "~h       '[ ,'Q        .. .

g ,;, -(J -y Instructions for Horizontal Splicing .  ; Qgy,Jg .,,g. , Ni.! D 3.f/I. d  %=~ P h'7. W *

  • Cartridges must be stored in a dry y:*c.l)1'3.51b [ 7.gccl p'. *
                                                                                                                                            . , $'g ,Yj M y                                          .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .,.           .;          ; 5.f.,-pe f- -;;D,),fd.j,]                                  . p ,D ; t'M
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ,i-  ;

g.,,,",f. (ggM[ ' ',. . "".'Jd'1,E "NO SMOKING" area and handled with

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    -}).* r' . }.                                       .' .j:f j

{Rv. care to avoid puncturing. .

                                                                                                                                                                      .'.l h , .. -y<.4;13l          . . o..1 J[J
w. , .Tfy -

{D, :G ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         .y           ;P .                           T.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .7 '#44q Just prior to use, powder must be remixed. Use care not to spill ony                                                                           h,,'%.*Q,'M.;af.#
                                                                                                                                                ~ ' } .* :'.f.., * ..Y t-:- -"m " j.,; *.                                             N.c.N.Q*@'.{;.Q.3,i,((,/

M f, c ,. powder during remixing. 3ps.A:~: c .

  • nos
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ;)M:    ....s f'j,%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     '"*.;p. r.;       hl w[ :-M p .-.yL.;;s...'.M
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     -..* v                  p ,m vr.    ['M.\.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -.a f.i;,..
                                                                                                                               , ; .y                                                                                                                                     .,; .g.A ,_ p ....e-
                                                                                                                                                           .e..                                                                        . 3.g:         -; ; ..g     :3

[. ,; p..a%. ;a .:..s.t.m.M.

                                                                                                                                                                        . . . ;.:; .. .. .; ,k,.;                   . .. ... ..c. W             (j;.u; % fj w c . . ;.. . .. ,
         , Refer to section 7 of the " Instruct.ions                                                                                               .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .. . .                   ~
                                                                                                                                                                                  ,kp..;;;;w,3..                         r.; -

1 y m ct.h 2:'.g pg .,.$ for Splicing" for crucible preparation and starting powder procedure, .. GM 4'$4

(. 4 .'.. r7 =,... >. M!./ . : A.. .. m

[., '~t'- '-.i:M5}h.. r y r ... e ;,* $ 1.+- . f.d. '.n.W'v.l,g'.;M,Q+ly ., K ;

~.e. ..-  : .. . ..
                                                                                         ..                    v                                              ...                L                                                     .. y . w . ~.<%                                                 . *. . : . .t
                               % . k, .'  " , s.,

e , .;...... .:n 2.s,a

                                                                                                                                       .s        .v
                                                                                                                                                                          ....;+... u c.h-       ?.   . M. .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                .:. f. ., . Q, .$g?a.;p_~_           W .C .u<2     f :Y0;*%:Y; ':.... *                             ;s.,-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    -'- : .yu g?2(.;

e;. . .-9-{ w.,h s* ; M --' s i w - $: %.g.3 5.hbm sk.: wk- ."*-l';.**.~'4 2. Open bag and then reclose so as .

1. Cut off top of bag with side cutters to entrap alt in the bag (starting
                 @{sg"Effe66,ds..fL7,.$M, 7
                                                                                                                                     . just @.k      below        '.closure.

remaining bag length to permit

                                                                                                                                                                         ;~)%.Allow                 Qi-isy;.[..p,-

enough powder cartridge may be removed Yldg./t"d'4 .p ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          , if it is convenient).

_ -;.,1, c..b .i .*g. .-g. . t..,c.,n -N.,Tj T*r* ~. :.- 4"Q(fI./.k.,.&

m. .

remixing. i

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          . $h N                           li5. M 'b'y. h .N O 5 9 b                                                                               'k--                                      kk                                                 h                       ..,

k.(d(): M[;.M i.m 4  :%:I.hM  %: t & M'.'k f . n ~Y*[:N.,N

          .~ $':    . tw%j . *WW.                                                }.Y.$. l.S$

2:h?.W.f , h ,

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1 ' Q. Q . E & p.. d l c,.y Q ... g*;.w p- -
                                                                                                                                                             .q                                                                                                                                                             x' Q)W.w.h.
y. Mys,*sr/~f -, .9,YYf:)

t  : d:t,,i W. d& '.r.% 6

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                                                                                                                                                                       .-                           )                      ;:3..        s.4 w> E - .:- n ~ zp.:::.y G.

n.s4prM: 2 m>g -- 4.w: &. m

       .              v. g. W.                                                                                 -

N..m. w.,;; w.<..&J. v'q. v .4 ..

q. w 1.  ;. 9 w.:5  ; y n +.?~7.,
',. .- y  ;;; -

f'i.a  ! (Q;; r. .cpsha. ~,.. S:. gl.:y .g


h .;ie5.W#- j gv,,g. .!s. ,::;.%. ,?.!V, Ql 9.'i:

                                                     .e                                                                                              .
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                                                                                                                                                       ;g?        L g,y                                    q'           "

e e ,. v j . <@-

                           ;s / . f.uQ..,'*O.                                            Q*a.'. t :V.L.+  .                      .e-                9* k.',.y-4 1                                           t                                                                                                               .

9 -

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9. . g P. ;t,. .; e .w v.2%ry.:> -::
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ..f                                         v p:n.y .. .~ i t .if.M a
                         .. ; .-t .. .g @.o.. ;,                         .tp.                                                                                                                                                                                                            --

s: .w. , ,f-4,.*.2..;.r; ,- V . 4*.. ..%r; .(i %yl...,,f3 fV:98.n.

                        .>y;                                                                                                                                                                                                    -s       , .@g wf
                                                                                                        ,2.. S.i <                   v,<                                                  .
                            . W.. s $,.
                                                    . hE)    . w..     . A.,W[c
                                                                                            .) h?G k,.r.i.*          &.p n'.,,p.
                                                                                                                 . .n .; k 3.
                                                                                                                             .. Q,. g,;y       . 's.* '.Y.4           f. . *p;%,.g,(,,;,;n.;;.6.

s, .

                                                                                                                                                                                                             '*k  4 t %--

h,p w b: -

                                                                                                                                    %....v.7."s.'&E. . . - ~4:. . ;m. :da**sh wc:m.                                                                                                                                                               pr'i:

y - + )t,.o e . ~ . %; M > y&' #;.j ,-5.@w. w.bagp and 4 ,pour a small

                                          ,;;W                         ..ww.                                                                                v.                        .                                       .

Reopen o>(i.'. > .:v.Mu.

                                       . w.y v@.    .u'                                    s,M.v. .~.'54.      -

4 + 0 :.. .  ;-l..

                 .[                                    5,h i mp_n
                                                                                  %j.',.          $       l?

A#; . ;.J. - . kM

                                                                                                                                                                  ,k NyT'A -l.h;.d * pared crucible to check that the

amount of powder into the pre. E k' m';.$t 1:. h f T - cf." ..c m : -r.*-- w

                                                                                       #'.j %[% h..':1..g>"S W[WM:. ;w ': 'f'"-d 3                                                                                        .                                    steel disk is properly seated.
6. Dumpthe remainderof the powder
3. Fold cut end of beg back on itself 4. Using both hands. flip flop bag so intothe erucible rapidly.takingcare as to agitate powder and obtain a and grasp firmly. .

to rernove the starting powder cart. uniform remixing.

                                   , .1
                                                      , ' .'                                          '                                                                              -                                                               ridee lf itis the rebar powder.
                                   ; ). . ; p' . ,

p .

                                           . f .1
                                                       .. .:-        ,                                                                                                    })                               ,

I ._ - -

                                                                                                                                                           ._._                                                                                                                                                      .~-

N; _ . . - . . . . .

                                                                                                                   .                                     ..               .....1...                                                                 ..


                          ..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               l Cd3M313F
  • FOR BAG TYPE CARTRIDGES y;;s.4 --:a ys, ,y-
                                                                                                                    .- . . e                                                                      .


         .    ay...,.v.,m. .,j ,5.
                                                                                . -. .$. e. 3                        --y 4
7. Preparation and filling of Crucible.
                                    .- .P ..
                                                                            ' . :' '-..r&2
                                                                                       . ,9 p 3'7                            O
         '3* j..:s                                                                                                                                     A Crucible should not be reused until allowed to cool for 15
                  % Gn    -J *y'- ~,. ; d.'*M U,. a  .                                                           .

minutes or more. If more f requent firing is desired. several com. I .,7: li

                                    ~ '
                                                                      %~~,'Q",.'                           l. F     '   '  "' '         '

plete Crucibles with Frames should be used af ternately to al tow I .NN:v..N[7f).L.A'@ ' K -C 7 ~ i,,

                                                                                                       'v .;                                       cooling time.
                                         ;  .C                        .f.4                                                          '

Cicen Crucible thoroughly inside and on mating surfaces.

               -a ' .D' :i f. ' $ g.d
                                                        ;-            .%           p' .l" ?                            . ..

M7,$)[.N'-'d:.3 $2 .1 I M . G K,. -*- Place

                       '                                                                                                                           Close Crucibles and lock Crucible Latch.

steel disk over tap hole. Check for proper seating. Be' ore

q. . . . .. u:% r 4 f.! . i .:

opening powder cartridge turn cartridges end over end a few g

             -/ . .:?<. *M + 'J);.;[W M Pd '.'"Q ..h'< :/?QN                                                         times '.4 to mix powder. Pour in CADWELD powder. (if extra filler
                                . hf
            '. @,.         f*J97. W,f (b'1*-- .6:$-!:@ -d';'I.l."4cartridges                                                                       a 7" Starting are needed, as on }.7,f*(
                                                                                                                                                                 '!.'t[:hM.;dM.}[                       Transition Splices add these.)

NOTE: powder cartr'idge is packed inside powder con. m i

. :4,#. ,,:t;M . P/ 4. 'W'l
                                                          .                              ft .P."M..[,$a;.y.
                                                                                                  .o           f
                                                                                                                                                  . tainer.
                                                                                                                                                     ~.LevelRecover         this while pouring powder into Crucible.
              ;" '.-38 ? aL %.v-                                                                                        D ..                                    filler material.
            '.[ D i(k.',.~                 %"'         ..@5                N        h.,.            C'        @           .:. D $ D0                 3Spread
                                                                                                                                                          ;'}k NOT TAMP.

04/.!.; ,l!!/ '".:ddf.d: . ; . .r.o,.D.

              ... .                 . 3 . . ,f     .

w .r:s. Ed:f,O *D "


J. *.w .- ;:m. : , starting powder evenly over filler material. Keep ip small amount of starting powder to place on the mside upp

                                                                                     .-p%'.O.y                                                       of Place Crucible     Extension.

in posi, tion on Pouring Basm, .

       ,s,ypM.)y. .-s.

g.s,l. ' T.3.r. >- W Wggg* ; Crucible M y(7-Q. gni, ,g"%. S':3

                                                                                     ' . .1 h,;,"D,F. 4Basin.
                                                                        ;./#y.$i.df).~9' Note that parts " key" when Crucible is positioned on Pouring
                                                                                                                                                        *k Make sure mating surfaces are efean.
y. .. - . .

A steel Crucible Extension is provided. Place on top of the

  • Wd'N., 2 graphite Crucible and place the r.emaining amount of starting
        . r v.t.

F  :. .L ff#-j -@-. t M...%. , f f .*"*..{. e powder on upper

                                                                                                    .k. u@*'"',@*'@'

t inside

                                                                                                                                                                               , l.ipand       of Crucible Extension. P W ..%)f 4te-G,'; -

ia;;;A; ;;*;,e

                                                                                                                     " T s:2                          Crucible Extension                                   igm,te starting powder w, lace cove ith flint gun.

A'% J. =' bt.i s ' .;.1 n'; *'.'.-y.h.Jid Flint gun should not be pointed directly into Crucible opening but 1, .-s.Q' 9p.m .-i ' .1 . sc. . M g .. y fired at starting powder on Crucible Extension upper edge. ..

            . c ' a-      ,                                   m_                           --

(When firing stand up wind from the Crucible if possible.)

                              -if;'y::(.y,;.."d - ';, ,3 ?; y;/ p                                                      .xf        i dT."M 4*%T4.J!r.0$.'.Ji! M ."'y Q.$; . , (g. 7                                                                                                    If Crucible Frame has chain. place around Sleeve and tighten.

Tighten only finger tight, do not use pliers to over tighten. M 3l*'.3

                ;.v: :.e:r- -4                            2"NYb   .N s.M,             v. m m.              W.'@m.M                 y
                           .. M ,n                            .
 . ,. , v..n..               + ;.y -                                            ,
    .' h.e Q/ 'i, ..          .                                    ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ..                                    ~..
                                                                                                                                                                                      .w. c .


                                                                                                                                                                                                         . m . .N, [. -. .<                               .M.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ,l'[... .' S a.w        +6-17               %+s
                                .. n. M..c...+a;r,. yw 5}.Ir.,                 f      M,          .>'         %c'}.e                      ..y$       M;     w.g..M:p.


n. .~.
                                                                                                                                                                          ..  .    .M:
.p<;. . - c -

Jw.. ~

m. .y u s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    , ~ .s.s. . a
                                                                                                            .c<    ,:
                                                                                                                   .#' y,     ,w    .. cm.

M,,i, d-M,t.s.A'..a.n u e g v tw ..:nc, ., u... + -. .: . fr.y..:v....!..s.w. i -- - ~

            . . .n..w        .-a . n i
St"?.f. .: j'?:~ Y-f M *$: .Q~ ( ' ':).{l' :

m.4,,,7.s ,'

                                                                             &@                       b,y;                 n.Hf.                        h..?          f.e       k.      ,&.-


              . f '::.0* m.;      Q . y. $..5                     D     N     r.


                                                       '_ p ;


                                                                                                                                                                                                               .:J u d .u             i'X.. .?-@t~w
VM A w-{.fN?:C c.y& 6'sM(l 2 Q.,.a.*p.. u e~ s.v c.

w,.;,.u...x., y 7',*T*. ..


l J.i. M ..m

m. u g..ay" ~:.  ?...;s  ; .;;:, . ppp y; .

c -W 2 .

                                                                                                                                                   , '              y ..p,,,
                                                                                                                                                                             . f ;.: rlan             . ::;' wo w*, c. ;;,i ; ., . , . - t t - r Q.p,. ,


            $.. L*           . '.x.                w}~rr._+y..n:,

o, .

                                      ~ ,%:y:;1;;                             .q 7s.-: :, Qy.:.y a.,p ?.                                                            s.g                   ,, ~;.                         _
                 %                     ;.                                                                                                                         9. Breakoff riserwithoneortwosharpblowswitha hammer.
    . 8. Allow atleast one minute for CADWELD filler metal to Clean slag from Crucible and Pouring Basin as soon as solidify. ~                                                                                                                                         possible to promote cooling. Cover and Crucible Exten-
                       " Crack" the Crucible Frame slightfy open (%') while ,                                                                                        sion need not be cleaned every time.Use a whisk broom or slag is still sof t or plastic. This will prolong Crucible life.                                                                                    rag or the flat side of a screw driver for cleaning. Note:

Lif t slag with Crucible after stag has solidified. Remove Clean flash or debris from all mating surf aces as this all parts and packing. Remove graphite parts carefully causes springinl(of equipment clamps and hinges. to avoid breakage.

                              .2 I
 . : v_                                                                .___

e , .. o - .g . Procedure No. W-SP-1 J. A. JONES CONSTRUCTION COMPANY SPECIAL PROCESS PROCEDURE .- , FOR CADWELDING WATERFORD SES UNIT NO. 3 CONTRACT NO W3-NY-4 ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE . REV. DATE REVIEVED BY DATE REVIEWED BY DATE APPROVED BY DATE C 10//4/1$ af & ' - - /*/st/y_c . JL~* /d-lTWhAYf.) A A * *b7l7.: l IQht.hs ed$ ' ~ se/ta,/> r W l0~/6*W l Al' // !$ 2, $ll8/16 ^l _ _'a S//8./74 5, S $ l ct w 0-

  • l' l76 stinTG cs s -

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w. ...

4 ..Qc;#.u. %../.1::W..

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               .rm.; ".

m,,y.74. 1. u' REBAR CLEANING 4 m.. .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .n, ,A .;n.  .


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PROCEDURE - WQq %w% :Wptc.5Mkg&s @M . % .n # %ci . W .

                                                                                                                                                                                                           .               .-                           .                                         h L Ends of rebar must be dry and free of rust, loose mill                                                                                                                                     and not leave any residue or deposits on bar '

scale, dirt, paint, concrete, etc. Clean back from bar ends. A " rose bud" torch tip is recommended. end 2 inches beyond where end of sleeve will be lo. cated. (Clean distance equals one. half sleeve length 2.3. Torch and hand wire brushing (See Note) plus 2 inches.) . 2.3.L Should lack of power prevent the use of power 2. driven equipment, flame dry bar ends to remove Ct.EANING SEQUENCE all moisture and/or burn away any other foreign 2.L Torch and power brushing (See Note) . matter. Flame should be soot free and notleave any residue or deposits on bar ends. A " rose. 2.LL Flame dry ends with oxy. acetylene torch to re. bud" torch tip is recommended. move all moisture and/or burn away any other foreign matter. Flame should be soot free and 2.3.2. Remove allioose, mill scale, rust, etc. with a hand not leave any residue or deposits on bar end. A wire brush.

                                    " rose. bud" torch tip is recommended.                                                                                                         2.3.3. Repeat steps 2.3.L and 2.3.2.

2.L2. Remove all loose mill scale, rust, etc. with a 2.3.4. Wipe bar ends with a clean, dry rag to remove power wire brush, any dust. 2.L2.L 1000 RPM or higher is recommended for 3. Badly deformed bar ends may require cutting to assure wire wheel and cup brushes, easy fit of the sleeve. Bar end shear " drags" may be flam6 cut or ground off. Oversize longitudinal ribs 2.1.21 Heavy duty, low speed (200 to 350 RPM). should only be ground as flame cutting may damage reversible drillis recommended for use the bar, especially on higher strength steels. .The with Erico Cleaning Brushes. Contact longitudinal ribs should not be ground below the height factory for more information. of the bar deformations. 2.L3. Repeat steps 2.LL and 2.L2. on extremely bad 4. Cleaned bar ends which must be left out overitight bar surfaces, should be protected (use empty plastic cartridge bags) 2.2. Torch and Sandblasting and must be redried and recleaned. 2.2.L Sandblast bar ends clean. NOTE: Brushes must be kept free of grease, oil and/or other 2.2.2. Flame dry bar ends with oxy.acteylene torch to contaminants which could evolve gas and cause filler metal remove all moisture. Flame should be soot free porosity. 23 . R E V. t

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            .           - -.                     - . - - . - - - . - -            -~                               , - , -               _ . . - . - - - - - - -                     --.-,---.---,r-                      -.r       r    ,         -----.7----.,y-                         - - - - . - , . , - - -

n wr.a sPE.CCRdo - INSTRUCTIONS & m m ' J .m

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                                        .w . ,, .. = .                                                  -. _ --                                .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .w .                                   u. . ..- . .
4. Wrap Asbestos PackinC (2 turns) around rebar against
                                    .                                .                   S.
                                                                                                                                                      ;             both ends of sleeve. The second round of packing i'

should be placed alongside the first round; not on top

                                                                                                      ,          N '"*** S                                  -       of the previous wrap.
                                                                                                                                                    .                  If packing is unraveled, retwist while placing around
                                                                                                                                          . .,e
                                                                                                                                           '                        rebar ends. Do NOT force packing into Splice Sleeve.

Fhe .- . .

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1. Clean rebar ends as per "Rebar Cleaning Procedure". , _ . - n _ -n.J'g;1.S r
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -m .4        N2DJ Qc.u..i        ,v7     N q 4.     - ,r-'I a9'11Q; ge s ' C,; " 'q' ' ' ' g-{2,r.M

Use permanent ink, paint, keel or drawfile to mark bar ' surface at a predetermined distance (e.g.,12" = %' or ." x- ,. 2. . . Ja' f..: 30cm = 5 mm)from the bar ends. Use of other marking i

                                                                                                                                                                                                        -.           .** ' W '- 6 .s_J.,                                                        c.'s r ..

systems (i.e., punches, chisels, etc.) should be a pproved by the job engineer, after due consideration of possible 5. Place End, Alignment Fittings onto rebar, lock and slide effects on the rebar. into position against packing and sleeve. Be sure that the fittings slide over the end of the sleeve.

                                                                                                                                                              %                                                          a                'w n R'                                          3. ;#~ ~'
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Wr.hoii V 2 7. 7 % a v w . < a iis.. n V ""'T .gw... M [D-d.~~' d*'A.m Q: E;)ii; n i M*a"WsR'"*'*1

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2. Slip Splice Sleeve onto bar before placing rebars into position for splicing. 6. Place Horizontal Packing C! amp in position. (Normally Butt ends of rebar if shear or flame cut. These ends it will hang from the rebar.)

will form a " natural" gap when butted. If gap is over %. Tighten hand, knob on end of clamp to draw End Align. at the widest point,inm or rotate bars to reduce gap. ment Fittings firmly into position over sleeve ends. This Saw cut bar ends are gapped ha' to %* with Spacer. action wedges the packing against the sleeve and rebar , Spacers are enclosed in an envelope with CADWELD to prevent leakage of filler metal. Steel Disks in each carton of CADWELD Rebar Car. g.- ~ ..w.s. _-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ~cpA' M.e: -

tridges. Spacer is left in position between saw cut bar -

                                                                                                                                                                                 'x  .,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   *  ~#       " '                                             '                     -

ends. ._. w.c w J.-W n: - .

                                                                          -. . . ,                .a.            .                   .           .

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l , 's. ' $' 7. Insert metal Guide Tube in Tap Hole and position T w, .', _ __ m__m_ -___ m f"! . .

                                                                                                         --r-Ceramic insert over Guide Tube.
         '~.W' *. '-P'Y                                       -.w             ., % **? , .,. ,h _Ds.W r e'"                                                 ;               ,,,                         , . .          %. . .d N ' g "' ** m "l'                                  -
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                                                                                                                                                                 .               N y . ,;;;r $.. % ,"-                           .
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3. Position Splice Sleeve by placing Tap Hole directly in -'..'- "?'

line with the gap between the bar ends. (When using g;,.,7,--.;( x l-t

] *r { , ,,, . __ ,,, y .

Horizontal Side Fill equipment, Tap Hole must be ~~~'~L;i F'"+O m'%= m.,k.Jr;q.-: g', K11L'l ' m -m 3 horizontal.) " P' Splice Sleeve must be " lifted" completely to allow [ . N 4='% more filler metal clearance above the rebar than below. (Sleeve need net be concentric with tebar.)

                                                                                                                                                        *                                .Q -

s,4;...,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,a.g,,,,...a.,,.. Longer sleeves (6* or more) have Vent Pins to accom. plish " lifting"; drive Vent Pins down firmly. Shorter 8. Seat Pouring Basin in pos; tion on top of sleeve. Pouring sleeves (less than 6') are "lif ted" by tucking a doubled Basin is secured by using the chain on the Pouring Basia - end or knot of packing beneath the upper sleeve edge. Frame around the bottom of the Splice Sleeve. This also secures the packing and helps prevent sleeve Do not overtignten nut on chain. FINGER TIGHTEN rotation. Do not force packinCinto sleeve except at point ONLY to keep assembly from tipping. (Horizontal Side of " lifting". If shorter sleeves are not tilling properly, Fill Pouring Basins must be supported to maintain a consult Bulletin fl01 for acceptable venting procedures. horizontal position.)

  • RLV,1 1974 Erico Prossisces Inc. ItBloM e74
   .       samena.sPLECLtdo                                                                .

l$STRUCT[Olk'S FCF '[SE OF RESAR Cf.GT' D2E SEE A!.SO: N '""""~"'" P/ 9 "*':"'< v - P ' " N ~ ' '

                                                                                                                                ., - ;P. -                              - 1 s    ,

Instructions for Vertical Splicing _ __ . . . instructions for Horizontal Splicing ,N [,' , , r ~,. g 3. , Cartridges must be stored in a dry ,Y . , 'j. (, .' [,' , .. s. . l. place and handled with care to avoid "ys. 3 (<,. (: l c ,, - fg puncturing.

                                                                                                                                                      . . '.inffn;. cy.     ,                           ,

1 '

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         .k <            ;                 .

l, . t7 Just prior to use, powder must be ./ ,N e .a on.. ~'.  ! J - remixed. Use care not to spill any



                                                                                                                                                    '     ^.m               - !                                                        .~'-~                       ;~',

powder during remixing. ,

                                                                                                                                    . .. ; u- ~
                                                                                                                                                .-              1.2" r.

X g..r . .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     . )ph.                                         -

Refer to section 7 of the " Instructions

                                                                                                                                                           -k---*----                                            **'                            
                                                                                                                                                                  ~                   .y                                                                    u' E ' '  .     -

for Splicing" for crucible preparation - Tom W i and starting powder procedure. *,,, bNr - h' 1 .p. ')-

                                                                                                                                                           &n. = .N                                     *
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f4. . 3 M $Li!J,W SrJ .q. L Cut off top of bag with side cutters 2. Open bag and ther reclose so as

           *':! M.O72d.. [. .../ i.i yf.

Just below closure. Allow enough to entrap air in the bag (starting pg, "Jggg ' remaining bag length to permit powder cartridge may be removed e remixing. If it is convenient). u _c . n..T. ;- e. i h. . . '. ::n. .'. ;AL.,

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                                                                                                                             ',,..                                    '..esl ' .                             5. Reopen bag and pour a small h

1 - .. . . .  ; #~ d' amount r.,f powder into the pre-

                ., ;*-                     ME.'S'@b ' k                                                                              n,.! *37.-        '-
  • pared crucible to check that the S ' ' ' ' e , s .aw.. a.u .. b .;.e
                                                                                                                                         .si.s.s,.* 4.: uhJ steel disk is property seated.
3. Fold cut end of bag back on itself 4. Using both hands, flip flop bag so 6. Dump the remainder of the powder and grasp firmly. as to agitate powder and obtain a into th e crucible ra pidly, ta kin g ca re
                                                                                                       ,            uniform remixing.                                                                                 to remove the starting powder cart.

ridge if it is still in the reba r powder. products by REBAR DIV,ISION , E*C CANADA 346oo seson Rd Cleveland. (somn) ohio 44139 EUROPE SOUTH AMERICA MEXICO AUSTRALIA 5 . 35

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ..                      - ..... N ES .S*
 ,   1*74 Erico Prodiects Inc.                       Re10e4e74
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                              ~. - r-..-                 : m. zy . .m- wmy,          '
9. Preparation and filling of Crucible.
                                  .l.                                                                                                       ,.;                     .

A Crucible should not be reused until allowed to cool for 15

                                                                               -},.               ,
                                                                                                                                                             .,                 minutes or more, if more frequent firing is desired, several com.
                                    ..?,.,                                                                                                                           !

plete Crdeibles with Frames should be used alternately to allow

                                   ".t               *
                                                           .                       .] .. . g ', :                      ,1                  *
                                                                                                                                                   . . . .                      cooling time.
4. ; . wco .

Clean Crucible thoroughlyinside and on mating surfaces. Close

                              .4.         - - -

Crucible and lock Crucible Latch. W '( *"'*" " For 6* & P diameter Crucibles: c M.nm. ,c[ .  ; Place Crucible Ceramic insert in position over hole in l M' *

                                                                                               ,~                                 '

bottom of Crucible. Place steeldisk on Crucible Ceramic

                     # $. .%MD'.",%s;                                                                                                                                                 Insert and check.for proper seating.                                                    l' s.

c .

                                                                                     !! .i +

4 . For 4' & 5" diameter crucibles:

                        %f,;.[-* Di.. n.                      *
                      .gf ?,,,. g,,;,, g ,5 3.s> - ' g, 4..,

f  :.-$* .

                                                                                                                                   -.** y ]3 Place steel disk over hole in bottom of Crucible. Check for proper seating.


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             ,                                                                                                                                             o
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                                                                                                                     ;6 ' d Q-i agg'("
                                                                                  ' %,[./       g3 ' ,' 7 d i                     .

Pour in CADWELD Rebar Cartridge.-(It extra Filter Cartridges are needed, as on Transition Splices, add these.) NOTE: Starting

            ; ' M.Mn!!l/!u bf &,.4. .'p                                                                                   - ' ~d                                '

Powder Cartridge is packed inside powder container. Recover gra this while pouring powderinto Crucible. .

                 . .$" g,;g.; , '%.r.5={Ws-,'                                  ~~                            . -' N ;-;. -                                       ,                 Level filler metal.
                             ?,",','/il.?YM': .;;;;'                                                                 7"                                  a                         DO NOT TAMP.
i. ..;......., _, ',>

1 Spread starting powder evenly over filler material. Keep a small _ _ _ f ~ 0 amount of starting powder to place on the inside uppe' lip of R._

                       . .; . . d',,~.          , , r%c.)S                    - .,*%m. ba.g.Q]h'""'

T 1.. - Crucible Extension.

                               .                                                                                                                                                   Place Crucible in position on Pouring Basin. If Crucible Frame
                          ,,,,,,, [

B \ 'rA ' A " has chain, place around Sleeve and tighten. Tighten only FINGER C r.g(--* ' TIGHT; Do NOT use pliers to over tighten. i Q'.S

                     %m , . imma=ru manas
                                                               /                                        \

m. Note that parts " key" when Crucible is positioned on Pouring Basin. Make sure mating surfaces are clean and flush.

                   . !'..h.I,',                                        y,.;;;c  ' . .4    , ., . .,. , ../f j Tert' .                                                              A steel Crucible Extension is provided. Place on top of the p.,.t. 3                             . :,                                            .. ./ . .aan ,..

graphite Crucible and place the remaining amount of starting

       ,             W :3.",3                                                                       *
                                                                                                             ' i ,                                 7..~                        powder on upperinside lip of Crucible Extension. Place cover on
                     . ;, l'.;y;                                    F .-'. l']' *.'                   ". *'~*        *'"y:.c , if Crucible Extension and ignite starting powder with Flint Gun.

i . ; .'S,.VO. , l :[:-01. Y'.C. 'd [l' , ,} .;Flint Gun should not be pointed directlyinto Crucible opening but

                     .y;. 4                                                                                                 r. c. :

__, M .V.4;bJL W 'Y3-V;2;GGM

                                                                     .p; . .                                                      .

fired atstarting powder on upperlip of Crucible Extension.(When firing, stand up. wind from the Crucible if possible.)

                  ' R g. .;; '-^.                                       .                                                      a-                             .; . :s ,                     ,_. :.            -
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10. Allow at least one minute for CADWELD filler metal to- 11. Break off riser with one or two sharp blows with a solidify, hammer.
                     " Crack" the Crucible Frame slightly open (%') while                                                                                                                         Clean slag from Crucible and Pouring Basin as soon slaR is still sof t or plastic. This will prolong Crucible life,                                                                                                              as possible to promote cooling. Use a whisk broom, rag Lif t slag with Crucible af ter slag has solidified. Remove                                                                                                                   or wooden wedge for cleaning. Cover and Crucible all parts and packing. Remove graphite parts carefully
  • Extension need not be cleaned every time. Note: Clean to avoid breakage. flash or debris from all mating surfaces as this causes
                                                                                                                                                                                               ...:.t._..       . . . . . .       . .


                                                                                     !                      h\           '                  '

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i d w i { .. I d. e d ._ I

1. Clean rebar ends as per "Rebar 2. Position Bottom Support Clamp 3. Place a double wrap of Asbestos Cleaning Procedure." Use perma. and End Alignment Fitting so end Packing into position in the lower nent ink, paint, keel or drawfile to of ribarwill be at Guide Tube open. End Alignment Fitting, packing it mark bar surface at a predeter. ing.(This can be achieved by mak. tightly with a blunt screwdriver to mined distance (e.g.,12' = %" or ing a gage as indicated on the seat between recar surface and 30 cm = 5 mm) from the bar ends, photo. This gage will always be fitting.Take care to get the packing Use of other marking systems (i.e., somewhat shorter than half the material up close to the rebar and punches, chisels, etc.) should be length of the sleeve.) Take EXTRA not on the mating surface in the approved by the job engineer, after precautions on positioning these fitting where the sleeve will seat.

due consideration of possible ef. pieces of equipment when making fects on the robar. Transition Splices. If the larger bar - - -~~~~ ~

                                                                                                                                                                                                      -l is not far enough into tne sleeve it                         y
g. _ .-- will result in a low fill.
                                                                                              "T" chaped Support Rod on
                                                                                                                                                       )     p, ,

l r Bottom Support Clamp should be , P

  • f lined up with tap hole so that sup. ,

port will be directly under Pouring I .j a) e Basin. l 1 I d'. . u-i g.g .

v .
                            %l                                       'DJ                           "

1 L Whi <>. ; M i' e: . ,.

                                                                                                         -P                '
6. With Pouring Basin Frame Handles unlocked and Pouring Basin stightly open, place Pouring Basin around
4. Place Splice Sleeve into lower fit.
                                                                                                   'N'ik ting and firmly against the r               .c, P/                        Ceramic Insert against Splice j                . . .                                      Sleeve. Close Pouring Basin Frame packing to seallower end of sleeve.                                                J When loweringtop robarinto sleeve, I                                          .                Handles and lock. Place chain f

around sleeve and FINGER TIGHT. gap %* to ha' with a nail, wire or  :. EN Thumb Nut. Be sure to support

                                                                     " ' s'    "                                                                 Pouring Basin while securingchain, enve pa wIth C WELD                                     el                                                                so as not to upset position of sleeve.

Disksin each carton of CADWELD 5. Place a single wrap of packing Rebar Cartridges. loogely around bar on top of Splice r - . _ . - - . . . . . - - - _ - , Bar end gap should be visible Sleeve; DO NOT PACK. Place End t 6 through the sleeve Tap Hole. Alignment Fitting on top of Splice i Sleeve, insert metal Guide Tube in Tap Hole and position Ceramic Insert over Gcide Tube. gs,,!dN am. o V %t 8 l

7. Adjust Pouring Basin Support Rod L .g be .._

against bottom of Pouring Basin. T p% } _.P,E'g ar guqb

                                                                                                                                                                        ] *%

I Support Rod should just teuch and ' j I support Pou-Mg Basin. Do NOT

                                 ,                                                       force rod anc ibusing Basin up.                         arN:h 37
 - . , - - -                          . . - - . - + - ,                                          e
                                                                                                                                                           ,,,,,,-,r--,                     ,
    .             .                                                                                                                                        l,                         .-         s g


8. Preparation and filling of Crucible.

P 1

                                                  "'"I*'*                                                   7  1       A Crucible should not be reused until allowed to cool for 15 AMEI21.he~ ~                                                        minutes or more, if more frecuent firing is desired. several com.

l f plete Crucibles with Frames should be used alternately to allow cooling time. PP.t ' "'*" runr un go Clean Crucible thoroughly inside and on mating surfaces. d' P g}f, i pgg Close Crucible and lock Crucible Latch. y . -cauostt Exitasson a For 6' & 7' diameter Crucibles: Place Crucible Ceramic Insert in position over hole in I (M - MJ ,p

                                                                                          ,,g, ,                          bottom of Crucible. Place steel disk on Crucible Ceramic insert and check for proper seating.

i.' t For 4' & 5' diameter crucibt's: e

                                                          -- ' T~ * "" " l       '

Place steel disk over hole in bottom of Crucible. Check l

    '                                                                                                                     for proper seating.

i rno .

                                                                                                '/::           $    REMIX CADWELD IflLLER METAL CARTRIDGE AS SHOWN ON e

(tm - h j.<p- p'-- Wnff.%., C i PAGE 35. Pour in CADWELD Rebar Cartridge. (If extra Filter Cartridges . I. I -....--m"

                                                               .                                               i
                                                    '. M                   J wn,                               j    are needed, as on Transition Splices, add these.) NOTE: Starting

{a 14,i ; '* rouems Powder Cartridge is packed inside powder container. Recover Q " " 8 j' [-I ** I this while pouring powder into Crucible. i suw " Level filler material. 0 9e* * ( . ;@;g/"MD

                                                                      .                 g        ..

DO NOT TAMP. Spread starting powder evenly over filler material. Keep a

                            ,.        j                 .      t ,1.,                   wnm              A s
  • small amount of starting powder to place on the inside upper lip 4{. . Entra MD\'EsjaG nw of Crucible Extension.
                               --- M                                                    N                               Place Crucible in position on Pouring Basin.


    .                t.             ~4                                                                                  Note that parts " key" when Crucible is positioned en Pouring y                         Q-                                     ..                cTuesa                           Basin. Make sure mating surfaces are clean and flush.

Pi - A steel Crucible Extension is provided. Place on top of the ' l (Q d N 3 graphite Crucible and place the remaining amount of starting powder on upperinside lip of Crucible Extension. Place cover on [ - Crucible Extension and ignite starting' powder with Flint Gun. Flint Gun should not be pointed directly into Crucible opening but fired at starting powder on upper lip of Crucible Extension.(When

                       -                                                                                            firing stand up wind from the Crucible if possible.)



p i


j 9. Allow at least one minute for l CADWELD filler metal to solidify. r'

i " Crack" the Crucible Frame i M

slightly open (%') while slat is still h ' soft or plastic. This will prolong V. l V h I Crucible life. Lif t slag with Crucible V [,  ! M)h3 ' l after slag has solidified. Remove. ,., all parts and packing. Remove , ,' , J 'j - graphite parts carefully to avoid ,i

  • l if . 7 breakage. Do not force vertically.

3 f

i. Y[

I i [' '.', I, i l1

                     *u4 i
                                                    ...    /
10. Break off riser with one or two 'i l


                     'j                         y i                                                  sharp blows with a hammer.                                      2              .

3 I

               .                                n                                                        Clean slag from Crucible and                                  ?
              !            7c                     !                                                   Pouring Basin as soon as possible                             t
                           .7                   i.                                                    to promote cooling. Use a whisk                               'i broom, rag or wooden wedge for cleaning. Cover and Crucible Ex.                                  I r

i i Q' Qpj Q( tension need not be cleaned every time. Note: Clean flash or debris Q'f Lj) g 8 y from all mating surfaces as this g ,, , I . causes springing of equipment tg j, ,

               -                                                                                      clamps and hinges.                                                    A L         .                   !                        . . _ .
