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Rev 1 to Engineering Rept C-NOME-ER-0120, Design Evaluation of Various Applications at Waterford Unit 3
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Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/23/1999
From: Burger J, Margotta K, Mcgarry J
Shared Package
ML20204H122 List:
C-NOME-ER-0120, C-NOME-ER-0120-R01, C-NOME-ER-120, C-NOME-ER-120-R1, NUDOCS 9903290020
Download: ML20204H140 (23)


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ENGINEERING REPORT Design Evaluation of MNSA for Various Applications at Waterford Unit 3 j Bagineering Report Nanber C-NOME-ER-0120 Ramsion 01 l


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} This document is the property of ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power (ABB i CENP), Windsor, cannareirne, and is to be used only for the purposes of the agreement with ABB CENP paramat to which it is fhraished.

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RECORD OF REVISIONS No. Date PagesInvolved Pnpared By Approvals 00 3/1199 All K.V. Margoua J.T. McGarry J.M. BurBer 01 J.T. McGary If7ffD 1-3, 5, 8,12, and K.V. Margotta added W V A J.M. Burger 1

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j C-NOMEER-0120 Revision 01 Page 2 of13 l

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.. .- .~ .n n :s TABLE OF CONTE!f!S Section ' title g 1.9 INTRODUCHON 4 19 FURPOS' 5 10 RESULTS 6 40 CONCLUSIOPr to it REDERENCES I1 FIGURE Figure 1 - Basic MNSA ConAguration 13 APPENDIX A i

ABB CENP Inter Office CWe, C-PENG-99-004, Dated 3/13/99, K.H. Haslinger to J.T. McGany.  !



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I C-NOME BR-0120 Revision 01 Page 3 of 13 1


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INTRODUCTION A Mechanical Nozzle Seal Assembly (MNSA) is a device which has been designed for use on certain primary pressme boundary nanina in a scactor system. nozzles are attached to the presmuiser, steam generator or RCS pipe by a partia1 penetration

("J") weld on the inside of the vessel or pipe. The weld joins the *moonel aanle to the carbon Weel vessel or pipe. His weld, in some applications, has been found to be susceptable to Prunary Water Stress Conosion Cmcking (PWSCC) casting the possibility of a prunary pressure haandary leek.

A MNSA is inellad omeo the nozzle that has a weld or nozzle deemed susceptible to PWSCC. MNSA replaces the two f==r*ia== of the weld,1) it fonas a primary pressee 4 boundary seal and, 2) it prevents the nozzle from ejecting in the event that erther the weld should fait completely or that the nozzle denlop a 360* crack. l i

Dree MNSA (18erhaar=1 Nozzle Seal Assembly) designs have successfhlly completed qualification test programs which included a hydrostatic leak test (3175 2 50 psi l pusesure at ambient oo Mhtions), three thenna1 cycle leak tests to 2500 poi at 650'F, and i vibration testing which replicated the seismic spectrum for the San Onofre plaats, (see Refsences 5.1.1 and 5.1.2). Each of the MNSA designs was subjected to the seimnic test anadthaas with the system pnesurned to a A J . of 3125 pai. No leakage ,


De three designs clanlified as described above are:

  • "ncarna Pressuriser" MNSA for the pressure tap nozzle on the knetasa of the pressuriser, Rdesence 5.2.1.

e " Side Pressurizar RfD" MNSA for the RTD nozzle on the side of the pressurizar, Rderenos 5.2.2.

e " Hot Lag RTD" MNSA for the RTD nazzle on the hot leg pipes, Reference 5.2.3.

All MNSA configurations are designed and fabricated to Section III reqairements of the ASMB Boiler and Pressere Vessel Code.

Dree MNSA designs are insaadad for use cri hot les nozzles at Waterioni 3, one for an RTD nozzle, our for a PDT nozzle and one for a sampling nozzle.

All MNSA designs have similar cr==panames, although they are sized differently for each specific application, all are fassumed to the applicabb vessel or pipe in a similar manner. Each desi 6a fiestmes relatively long tie rods between their Upper Flange and thstr Top Plate. De Upper Flange is restrained by four bolts threaded into the vessel c-N'WB-ER4120 Revision 01 Page 4 of13

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or pipe. The Top Plate is f=eanari to the Upper Flange by the tie rods. See Figure 1 for a basic MNSA anangement.

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1he font boks attaching a MNSA to the vessel are the crdmal E+; _--- 4 which

=$e=i= ks fuochon as a primary pressure boundary. These boks rest.s the MNSA components fican moving with respect to the vessel or pipe, which in turn, <. '. .

the proper compression on MNSA's Grafoil seal.

It should be noted that titis report does not evahnte the effed of the MNSA caraposents on the scalas or their welds. Panial penetration welds are required by the Ases to he under "=heintly no load", this condition is defined in Crwnhuninn Engineering Bulletin 83-03. Satisfacuan of this requirement must be venfied by the Utility.

Appenda A of this report addresses sonne specific Waterford questions regarding the testing and <pulificariaa of MNSA.


'Dw purpose of this asport is to perform an engmeering evaluation of the thtee MNSA designs intended for use at Waterford Unit 3. A compenson of these designs will be made to other qualified MNSA designs and a determinatina will be made whether the new designs can be deessed rpahf'=1 without mMaianal testing.

The three Wmesford MNSA designs am:

e " Hot Img RID" MNSA for the RTD noszie on the bot leg pipe, Reference 5.2.4.

. " Hot Img PDT" MNSA for the pressure tap annie. on the hot %g pipe, Reference 5.2.5.

  • Hot IAg Sampling" MNSA for the samphag nozz:le on the bot leg pipe, Raderence 5.2.6.

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C-NOMB BR-0120 Revision 01 Page 5 of13

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or pipe. The Top Plate is fastened to the Upper Flange by the tie rods. See 1"tgure I for a basic MNSA arrangement.

The four bolts attaching a MNSA to the vessel are the critical components which mainamin its function as a pnmary pressure boundary. Dese bolts restrain the MNSA components from moving with respect so the vessel or pipe, which in turn, maintaint the proper compension on MNSA's Grafoil seal.

It should be noted that this report does not evaluate the effect of the MNSA components on the nozzles or their welds. Partial penetration welds are required by the ASME to be under "substantially no load", this r=inian is defined in Combustion Engineering Balletin 83@. Satisfactwo of this requirement must be venfied by the Utihty.

2.0 PURPOSE ne purpose of this report is to perform an engineering evaluation of the three MNSA designs intended for use at Waterfbrd Unit 3. A wy.dson of these designs w31 be inade to other quahfied MNSA designs and a determination will be made whether the new designs deemed quahfied without aMirianni testing.

De tinue Waserford MNSA designs are:

  • " Hot IAg RTD" MNSA for the RTD nozzle on the hot jeg pipe, Reference 5.2.4.

" Hot W PDT" MNSA for the pressure tap noezie on the hot leg pipe, Reference 5.2.5.

" Hot Lg Masophag" MNSA for the sampling nozzle on the hoileg pige, asterence 5.2.6.

C-NOME-ER-0120 Revisen 01 Page 5 of 13

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4 3.0 RESULTS 1he three Waterford 3 MNSA designs have been evaluated for two operahag conditions, (1) normal static opuation and (2) operability during and after a seismic event.

Norinal Static Opention For a failed noerle with an insamtlart MNSA, the MNSA is considered the primary pressure boundary sent As such it is exposed to the pipe or vessel's operating temperstme and pressure.

For matic operating me, the applicable qualification test involved n= hum hydrostatic testing, and thermal cycle testing to design operating and pressure

=h, for an RfD MNSA. ' Ibis testing is descnbed in Reference 5.1.1.

Scienic. Conditions The pranary issue is to coerina that sessmic loading on the three new assessed desigs will not advenely e5ect the seat function. The function of the seal is preserved if the bolts winch preload and capture the seal are not overloaded. Two approaches were used to evaknee this issue.

a) An overturning marname, russiting from the product of a unit G loed, applied tinough the MNSA Center of Gsavity, tinses the induced number of Gs froen the seisunic event, was applied to each new MNSA design. The bolt load created by this moment was compared to that exponenced in a tested design. The knam Pressuruer MNSA was used for an= pari == since that design, of the three qualified tinough testing, psoduced the highest londmg in the bolts.

b) The loads created by the atrJe m4 against the MNSA compoesnts during scianic testing were evahrsted. Again the Ranna Pressurizer MNSA was used for coraparison purposes since that design ma the highest loads in the qualsfkution psograin.

k is to be noemd that the Batson: Pressurizar MNSA was subjecsed to vibration testing with an intensity that =W the Saa Onofre seismic spectra by a factor of five.

The tect was conducted with the sysican at a pressurs of 3175 i 50 poi, no leakage occuned. The acismic traing is described in Reference 5.1.2.

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.-- -- -> .n a n ....a 3.1 Evahntinn of the three Waterford MNSA M  ? ns; the Not Im RTD, the Hot Im PDT, and Hot Im n==Ua? MNSA for their ability to withstand normal static lonha The crztacal parencent for this evaluation is the configuration of all of the consponents involved in restramig and compressing the Grafoil seal of each MNSA design.

From the piping and sozzle dawings, References 5.2.7 and 5.2.8, it is detennined that the specified diameter, in the region where the seal will be made, is the same for the RTD, the PDT sad Sampling manlea (0.993 nranimal). From the Waterford MNSA drawings, References 5.2.4-5.2.6, it is determined that the same Grafoil seal design is used for each design.

'I1se details of the other MNSA components involved with controDing the restraint and cosapseesson of the Grafoil anal have all been designed to achieve the same seal configuration as the qualified R1D MNSA when the seal is installed. Ta~ sse components are the Plat Seal Retainer, the lower Flange, and the Compression Collar.

Therefore since all of the interfacing components are the ame size as the tested RID MNSA componeras and the same seal compression is achieved in each design the quahfication test for the RTD MNSA, Reference 5.1.1, can be astended to the Waterford 3 Hot Leg RTD, Hot lag PDT, and Hot Img Samphag MNSA.

Also, it should be noted that the quahfied RTD MNSA design is identical to the RTD MNSA design intended for use at Waterford 3. There wiB be a much lower sersauc load on the Waterford RID MNSA since, as noted in Section 3.2.1, the G loading is much lower than that insposed on the qualification test specimen. '

3.2 Evaluation of the three Waterford MNSA desi_ena- the Hot Im RTD. the Hot Im l PI7r, and Hot In tenwen, MNSAffor d=i ability to whad h W i 1

There are two concerns regarding seisesic loading:


= 434 loading might affect the bolts attehint MNSA to the vessel which could cause the Grafoil seal to harnsna nalandarf h e loading would ddlect the nozzle agamst the MNSA components and this nught afract its sealing capability.

d C-NOME-ER-0120 Revision 01 Page 7 of 13 i

4 3.2.1 A c=hl=rian, Refeream 5.3.1, was perfonned to determine the loadmg in the bolts created by a unit G load applaed through the CcWer of Gravity of the MNSA design.

r' ele =1= tin =, Reference 5.3.3 was perfonned to determine the G loedmg in the hot leg pipe region at Waterford 3.

Plant M=uimum Bolt G Imd at Hot n~&r Imd in Imad P Obs.) Leg _ Pipe Bok Obs.)

(1.9 G applied) P xG Waterford 3 46.4 (Ref.5.3.1) 0.6 (Ref.5.3.3) 27.8 San Onofra 2 & 3 37.8 (Ref.5.3.4) 2.8 (Ref.5.1.2) 105.8 The highest bolt load for Waserford 3 was found in the Sampling nozzle MNSA, of the l San Onofre MNSA designs the Bnttorn Pressurser MNSA had the highest bok lands. l Pnan the table above, it can be seen that the bolt loading in the qualined Bottom Pressurizar design is =harmatially higher than the Sampling nozzle MNSA at Waterford 3.11serefore, this & is enveloped by the qualification test pfm M.

Purthmanare, the seisade load is trivial compared to the bok preload of approhy 3,600 pounds, Reference 5.3.5.

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3.2.2 In annparing the MNSA &stgn configutations bd 4 Waterford 3 and the qualiGed MNSAS it was detennamed that the valve attached to the PI7f rwele at Waterford weighs 25 lbs, whus the one tested in the seismic qualification psogram of the Bottom Presuriser MNSA only weighed 20 lbs. "Ihe Table below evaluates the moment at the base of the valve pipe on the PDT MNSA at Waterfond to that created at the base of the pipe of the qualified unennen Pressurizer MNSA. Although the pipe moment is analyzed below it is only used as a method to quantify the differtece in the loadmg of the MNSA components at Waterford 3 compased to the design teseed. The loading into the MNSA cr==pnaanet would be proportional to the pipe rnoment.

For simphcity the constzvative assumption is made that the G loading is applied at the top of the valm nther than at the Center of Gravity. Since this is a comparative evaluation a more exact determinatina of the valve C.G. is not required.

Plant Lanath frons Surface Valve G Lead Bendant to Top of valve L (inches)

Weight (Ihs.) W W. G Moment LxWxG (in. Ibs.) i Waterford 3 13.5 (Ref. 5.2.5) 25 0.6 202.5 Oter.5.4) (Ref.5.3.3)

San Onofro 2 & 3 13.3 (Ref. 5.2.1) 20 2.8 744.8 Otef.5.1.2 ) (Ref.5.1.2)

I As the Tanne shows, the iceding into the qualified Bottom Pressurizer MNSA is much I snore severe than will be expenarmt by the Waterford 3 PDT MNSA.

3.2.3 Another ententneina, Reference 5.3.2, was perfonned to decennine the loadag input creased by scismic testing imo the n arrarn Pressurimer MNSA con 7m. 'Ihe loads which would be applied to each of the MNSA designs under tius condihon are proportional to the naiannie G loading applied. As shown in the Table above, the loading into the Waterford MNSA components is only 0.6/2.8, or approxanately 21 %

of the load, applied to the Bonom Prussurizer MNSA specunen in the qualification test.

In actuality the loads imposed during the SONGS test program were far more severe than design requirements. Due to an oil column resonance in the seismic table used for vibration testing, an unavoidable resonac.w hwy was encommered which inadversently generated inertial lands appenvimmly five times higher than required by the San Onofre seissaic spectra. The MNSA maineminad its stmctural ingegnty and did not leak even sifter this severc land.

C-NOMB-ER-0120 Revision 01 Page 9 of 13

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De Waterford hot leg RTD nozzle, hot leg PDT nozzle and hot leg sampling nozzle MNSA are each considered Qualified for their intended application. The bases for this 1

conclusion follow:

De seal configurataan is the same in each of these three designs and this  ;

configuration has successfuDy mM an ==h 3125 psi hydrostatic test, and l l three thenna1 cycling tests to nonnal operating tesaparature and pressuse eaadd' iaan, I withoutleakage.


De insposed sensees on the bolts of each MNSA, due to seismic loading, has been cahl=ead and found to be less than that experienced by the Boston Pressurizer MNSA bolts in the vibration Qualificatioa test progam.

  • ne imposed loeds, due to seismic loadang, into those MNSA components ed=:

the march have been evaluated and found to be less ta' nn that - ;='-- :--j by the ham Pressurizer MNSA bolts in the vibration Qualification test program.

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! C-NOME-IiR4120 Revision 01 Page 10 of 13 1



5.1 ABB CENP Test Reposts

5.1.1 " Test Report for MNSA Hydrostatic and Thermal Cycle Terts",

j Test Report Number TR-PENG-042, Revision 00.

5.1.2 " Test Report- Scianic Quahficatma of t'ne San Onotic, Units 2 and 3 MNSA Clamps

for Pressuriset Instrument Nozzles and RID Hot Img Narzles",

2 Test Report Number TR-PENG433, Revision 00.

i' i 5.2 ABB CENP Drawings t

i 5.2.1 B MNSA-228001, Revision 02, "Rocom Pasesizer Mechanical Nozzle Seal Assembly".

1 1

5.2.2 B MNSA-228402, Revision 02, " Side Pnnseuriner RID Mechanical Nozzle Sent

. Assembly".


5.2.3 B-MNSA-228@3, Revision 05, "Not Lag RID Samipling MNSA".

i 5.2.4 B-MNSAWPD-228-001, Bewision 02, " Hot tag RTD Mechanical Nozzle Seal Assenbiy".

l 5.2.5 B MNSAWPD-228002, Revision 02, " Hot tag PDT MNSA".

g 5.2.6 B MNSAWPD 228W3, Revision 02, " Hot Samphag MNSA" 5.2.7 B 74470771403, Revision 02, " Primary Pipe Assembly" l 5.2.8 D-74470-772401, Revision 04, "Instnanent Nozzles, Waterfosd HI Piping"

5.3 ABB CENP rabhainae i

5.3.1 " Seismic W of Hot Iag RTD, Hot leg PDT and Hot lag M MNSA

j. Haniwan", rahiheiam Ninnhar C-NOME-Calf-0107, Revision 00.
5.3.2 "Nazzle I. cads for which SONGS hamn Moussed PZR MNSA was Quahfied",

i r=w h Nunber 3-PENG-Calf 408, Revision 00.

i' 5.3.3 " Analysis of Waserfon13 Hot IAg Seismic Response Specsta and N",'

l rah'h Nanber C-PENG Calf 021, Revision 00.

i C-NOMB ER-0120 Revision 01 Page !I of13 i


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5.3.4 " Seismic Quali&meinn of the Steam Generator PDT, Hot Ieg PDT and Hot IAg Samphag MNSA Hardware", Cakshtion Number S2-NOMB-Calf 0085, Revision 00.

5.3.5 " Analysis of Waterford Unit 3 Hot Sampling MNSA",

Nr=h Nanber C-PENG-CALC 418, Revision 00.

5.4 Waterfasd Drawing 1564-1539 P33. "1/4-2" Ranarehinchned Valve", Velan Ihgineering Co., Dwg. PI-4562-N-1. Nole: Apphcable Part is a 1" Valve Sime.

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l C-NOME E0120 Revisson 01 Page 12 of 13

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Tie Rod ,,

Hex Nut & Flat Washer M

Top Plate u W:- -


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I i i Compression Collar -A Or.. Grafoil Seal



Hex It & Locxwasher Upper Flange.

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Packing Retainer  : , go.ver Flange (Split) M;q '- , 1 s Firme i Basic MNSA Confqpation C-NONSER-0120 Revisson 01 Page 13 of 13

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APPENDIX A ABB CENP Inter Office Cornspondence, C-PEN 3-99-004, Dated 3/13/99, K.H. Haslinger to J.T. McGarry.

C-NOMB BR4120 Revision 01 Page Al of A9 4


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. ABB Inter Office Correspondence I

To: John McGarry CMG 99-004 l K.H. Hashnger [d (kg l cc: Rhondo Doney $88g March 13.1998 l Edward siegel Ken Margoes Boris Nedger Cheryl Mondrata Subpost rs h of MNSA Clamp 8esenne Quahdicadeed for WEE 54 MNSAs Iteferonees:

1. ABS CEM8 Test Report TR-ESE-033 Rev. 00 *Sasamic QueAGcadon of die SONGS Units 2&3 MNEA C amps fer Pressunzer Instrument Narma and Hot Lag Netztes *
2. ASB CENP Calculebon S-PENG CALC-DOS, Rev. 01, " Nozzle Louis for whicit SONGS Boeom Mounted PZR MNSA was QueG6ed *
3. ABB CENP Test Report TM-PENCr042. Rev. 00. " Test Repost for hedSA Hydmetauc Test and Thennel Cycle Test.'
4. A85 CEM8 Calouisbon C.PENG4:ALC 018. Rev. 00, ' Analysis of Watadent Unit 3 Hot Leg senphng MNSA.*
5. A88 CENP Calculabon C PENG CALC 419, Rev. 00. 'Anatyeis of Waterford Urd 3 Hot Lag l PDT MNBA.* '
6. ASB CENP Calculaton C-PENG-CALC 020. Rev. 00. 'Analyms of Waterfosd Unit 3 Hot Lag RTOhANSA.*


7. AB8 CEMP informahon Bugetin 83-03,"Inskumentation Nozzle Watts.*
8. AM CEP58 Caloidegon C PENG. CALC 421. Rev. 00. *Detonenston of Waterford 3 Mot Ls0 seemic Response spectra & Acceleratons for use in the Analyses of MNSAs."

This document has been sospeed in response to questions fmm ner. Kan P. Wusen of WsES to Kari H. I Hoshnger of ABB CENP The questens regenhng the documentaton of RANSA Clamp Ldunic QuotAceton had been asnt to AM CENP Windsor elocamnscesy on 3/12/99.

This document is panaded as genorm m*nmason to the Wee 53 nANSA protect C-NODG ER 0120 Revision 01 Page A2of A9

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! C-PENG-99.o04 Page 2 of 4 i

  • General Resoonses.

!j A= cated in the vertous ABS CENP documents "The AfMSA is a mechanecai device that acts as a compfsee repiscoment of the 'J' teefd bedween the Arcanof 800 inetrument nozzfes ami efter me Not Leg pipe, me Pressunser vessef, or Sesem Generseer aheN. The Amceen of me ANISA is to

, prevent Jestege anaf so reserein the nozzfe seen speceny in me event of a throupfHoof cresdr or j went sedure eta mesafe."

1 it should tm nomd that m tne fonow6ng discussens me term *epchon mfers to a smen outward j movement of me nozzie in a deacten axial to the nozzie until it contads the MNSA 6 ptsee.

4 ,'% tiiss aildressed the MNSA bom wth the nozzle J-Weld edher fuuy andfor penisty intact and

. aner fue efecolon (due to a hypothencel se0-Degree creceQ Prior to epoeop. the MNSA and the nozzk i represent dyneneceny avo seperme strudures and the somnue evaluenons for the MNSA (as eduesd in

References 4 through 6) are appecuta The pnesence of the MNSA does not aber me ongmel noszh

, analyses, as amended by the vue.mements imposed by Reference 7. This is because aRor fue epochon j the MNSA proveles me moel restremt to the trzte white the fut lengh engagement inside the het leg pipe more poveles me comptom lateral restraint of the onipnel coneguranon. Since Reference 7 may

! have necesskoled installabon of shens between nozzle and bore to reduce stresses into the J<seid, and

since innesadon of == MNsA now mows compum mmovai of == shm . en nosan denen ame con

! be credeed wigt the supportug funeon from the closely fluing GrafoN seal compreemon comer. This new i demon foamse mere men componesses for the removal of the shens. On me het ing ID and of the nause l the namew deerence, plus the resulbng complex fracture contours win congnus to provide a lateral j- restremt simderto that of the ongmes J. weld Theretom it is estennished that, wah asceadon of the totadonal restraint provided by me ongmW 4 WeM, i the presence of the AS45A plus the remainmg nozzie engagement amor nozzle epochon mentains the

onginal nozzm supportmo charactertshes such as menge, ngsmy ann boundary constens wth respect i to me asemed poms. The heNSA itseW pairs up udh the nozzle and because of ks own WNMess d pnnndes adeled support to the nozzle without delnmentally affecting its natural frequency response

! bemver.

$ The ablRty of the IMd8A to perform as a complete replacement of the J weld was largely demonessed l

by test. This was accomphshed for the SONGS demon by the hydmetenc and thermal cyde testag documented in Reference 3 and the severe seismic quetRcation testing of Reference 1 as augmented by j the shocuemon of Reference 2. These references are now used to demonstrate sommic quetAceton of the WsES.3 helSA desgns by companoon to the much lower WSES 3 sommic pipe motons documented in Reference 8.

i l Speafic WSES Questens are addressed as fonows:

i l

AaB CENP ceiculamon S ~ 4G CALC-008 and Waterford 3 document ER-W3 96 0198-00-00 stas that i CE Age Test Report TR-PENG 033 prepared for Sar, Onofre Uruts 2 & 3 states that a crack was i simuisted by seal wekhng the socket for the test speamen along only a 100* arc instead of the enom

! seca.

1 i

j ousehen 1. What is the emets for using 100"?

, Reeponse: A88 CENF had proposed hn de 9m SONGS msehg ueny a 300* ange, becouee it j renest m espresent are w warw arvek acenew Jer me nazew ireer. sowGs raeonen nr spee#>he a foo wem wee she noeien met # not arwy baser represenrod me most amfy aroek seenmo, est met # adeo wount send to impose an addanner side medhy info en Grafbt aser repon i

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l C-NOME-ER-0120 Revision 03 Page A3 of A9 1


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  • C-PENG.99 004 I

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ABB CENP concumed wth the 50NGS request. pnmenry because we nic not espect any rest impact j on me outcome orme sesame test (pinese note met earher heNsA ciamos had been tested).

< Question 3: Does the TR-PENG-033 test report enve6ep the asJound crack comht6 ens

! identined at Waterfers 3E8 Unit 37 Aesponse; The Weferfbnf Asakage behower and observacons suggest the presence or nuner amet l cracks One can, theredbre, condude mat the remainng J-weki at WSES-3 is stronger then that i mmuisfed wier a f stPcract. Neverthebss. as clecussed above, ASS CEhP does not catew metme j denge of me adual cracfr afects me pnmary conciumion of me deseng tefactr was desspried do condrm l j met me AssA sost prowdes #: seedha hacean er nosde made above sient and mus met a6ove aw i

! emfornal nossfe Ant beds hipted wie Medisrence 7 or any riosuse beds over irriparted due as asseme  !

I hereof badng tehich woutf be Jess then 50 ms. br WSES-3 # seher verocal or tionzontal direceons.

3 The.50.astie assed en a conservaewdy assumed nozzfe wesght of so rt smos a mammum speedef l

i 1 -

....osE accessresen oro.6 Gs (per Nefierenca #1 1

) Question 3. We'ed test report'TR PENG 833 envelop a complete through well crack andler wohl l


! Mesponse- YWs. Art case the nozzfe efects and is at contact esim me and spacean piede, me noszie conenues Ap be hekt JIrmfy aggiported irt me deecean Asferal do #s ses kiesde See het Aug pgang bare, i e the ander erweelen me anei4pecean piede Aos been sued adeguesWy do tweist Sc8I kulief krglect beds war meseguent presswe machng or neerfy f.sgo es. at opersehg condsons. Any meiosed saaneo l Asad (memmun accederaelon of 0.6 Gs Abr W5ES, per Redlerence 8) remahs snet and mus shsont j negestde, compared andh mipact, presswe and any estemel pipe Joode pomeIIed by Redlerence 7.


l Questian 4. What is the hemie for easting that "The RANSA is a teachemical devies that asse as a l I cas= panes replacessent " (i.e. 300* crack - no weh0 . wlsen the esissue test report (TR PENG- l 4

033) which is the only docussent3d leakage testing daring a Design Semio Eenhquadse used a 1 test spechnen that was welded aieng a 100" to siervices a croched weld senselen? I mesponse: The inferet nesse aery is basicesy me some #br any or me maoudng condeons: an j orignet J-6thtf con Alors seh afnim, a a$hify credsed Jasedd conson ne'It ahns, a 180* croched J-weed ooresson we snen. a amusseon or a foo* ersehed J-ment conman weh AsmsA, arut ake a I senessert or a 300* creded J ever concelon weh AsNEA. This consduman is assed on me Alsor met a i

onessesesy severed noese conenues so be sghsy hear at som se ecsom or me nause thsoeuse or l

, dont cdserances andiough crect contours) and at the Hot oo (by me sehey any compressen i


1 l Queseen s: In adepen to denecelone of the needse voouteing trens a DOE, the neezise me sine 1 l sun #eceed to meernal neede denned by ABIEE as "eubstantially no ' f 9hich are considered '

acespenede even as high me 10% of neezie yieht strengeh. Wouir  % of een seeSA's endeu esel be meinasined?

seaponse.- The seisme sont preonat cycscar nonne beds susunne h seosses e esoses or 30,000 l

pef, apprommesfy one orcer or mes.ihese higher men mose permeed by Rosierence 7 as ensemat

! Ameds shoe e as siedhood se eWemet beds are pnhapesy onused by piant host-, orw %.

j me Acesf issneer of cycdes is son. Dunr sw seense test.sw number or tomt mars annumeans i eacoeded 30, af or suhich must have ingsoesd Awnhuis or agnficant JostErtg cycles kap Deft AINSA and nonne in me seef repen. Anse teneng credt nr the ano aweep tesahe e is eeery demonse"ened i met not anfy dkr me test eassed bads h aw seer sepan my an anser orinspiesde, a asse esseeded i 1 me number orcyons Jbr which #w AWS4 tes been queided, i.

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Page 4 of 4 i Questeen 6: AstW.Secton W NS 3871.7( c ) stones that..."1. A prototype must be subfected to i perfonnance test to determine that safety of the joivr. under sumdened seence comkhons. ....

} The mechanismi joiens shaN be sufncsently leek tight to sotaafy the requirements of the Design spececemons. or 1 Joints are desegned in accordance with the rules of NS-3208. Saeed l upon the comments above, what section of the ASME Code is applicetde for the intended use i of the iss5A Clamp at Waterford-3?


! Response; The metal cornponents of the AfNSA are domessessed to meet the A34sE Code As-i 3200 crWenu The Gnetuf asof # set has been desgned to a info a conended volume space which j aAer compression dunng modesanon prowdes aclogush presswo lo seal agenst the pnmery Adf at

not Aeg opereeng condeorm sace em sesenspersbrmance connat be demonoraded by anefyam, en i seasing or sesserense 1 amt 3 wee perthrmed a m iner aspect or the asssA partnemiere, at i fosang.comssons were sencsod auch that.emy woedt fond se emedape a a conservese Ansfaan even l _ 0; .07wemfy sedsisipean of a compdelt 3 elf, metandeneous cracdr occurence.

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ABB l i

inter Office Correspondence To: John McGarry C-PENG-99-004 K.H.Hasimger k k'g CC" Rhonde Doney igg March 13,1933 Edweni Seegei Ken Memona Sort Nadpor Sashfeet: Documentation of MNEA Clamp Seismic QuelIRcetion for VUSES 3 MNSAs Rosseeness:

1. A88 CENP Test Report TR-ESE-033. Rev. 00 *Sersmic QuaB6cchon of the SONGS Units 1 243 MNSA Clamps for Presounter leistrument Neales and Hot Leg Nozzles *
2. ABS CEW e*W S-PENG. CALC 408. Rev. 01, *NoEZie Loads for which SONGS Soeom Mounted PZR MNSA was Qualdled,-
3. A38 CENP Test Report TR-PENG-042. Rev. 00. " Test Report for MNSA Hydigetabc Test and Thermal Cyde Test."
4. A38 CENP f*das=wi C.PENG CALC-018, Rev. 00. " Analysis of Weierford Unit 3 Hot Leg .

Semphng MNSA.*

5 ABS CENP Calculebon C.PENG-CALC-019. Rev. 00,"Anotysis of Waterford Unit 3 Hot Leg PDT MNSA.*

6. ABS CENP r*W C PENG CALC-020. Rev 00, ' Analyses of Waterfoni Unit 3 Hot Leg RTD MNSA.*
7. A38 CENP informetson Sulletin 83-03, instrumentahon Nonle Wolds?
8. ABS CEW f*dasw=i C PENG-CALC 021. Rev. 00. *Determeetion of Waterfoni 3 Hot Leg Sesemse Response Spectra & Accelerations for Use in the Analyses of MNSAs.*

This documers has boon prepared in response to queshons from Mr. Mori P. Wilson of WSES to Karl H.

Hashnger of A88 CENP The quoelions reganhog the documentadon of MN3A Clamp Soemec Quenacemon had been sent to A8s CENP Windeer in .4 on W12/00.

This document is provided es general informahon to the WSEE-3 MNSA pmpect. J 4

C-NOMB ER-0120 Revision 01 Page A6 of A9

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.' C-PENG-99-004 Page 2 of G General Relutonses.

/ ltated in the vanous ABB CENP documents *The A8NSA is a mechamcal devvee met acts as a empines repdocement of me 'J' weki between me Anctmet 800 instrument nozzfes and edher me Het Ley pipe, me Pressuriser vessel, or Saeem Generenor aheff. The Ameson of me AWSA As le prevent banhage austf en rentra6n the noszie trans ejeceng in he event of a 8hrough wee crack or wekt $sNure of a neexfe."

It should be noted that in the foNowing discussons the term *epechon* refers to a smaN outward movement of the nozzle in a dmschon axial to the nozzle until it contacts the MNSA anh-eJechon piele.

ABB CEfr has addressed the MNSA both with the nozzle 4 Weld either fupy and/or perbeNy intact and g% fun eJoction (due to a hypothetical 300-Degree croctQ. Prior to specton, the RS48A and the nozzle represent <tynemiceNy two separate structures and the seismic evaluahons for the ASISA (as induded in References 4'thmugh 6) are anphreham The presence of the MNSA does not aRar the anynel nozzle andyses, as amended by the~requeements vnposed by Reference 7. This is because after fug epochon the MNSA provides me axial restraint to the nozzle while the fuiHength engagement onente the hat leg pipe bore provides the composte lateral resereint of the ongsnal conA0ersbon Since Reference 7 may have necesometed instansbon of shens between nozzie and bare to reduce stresses into the J.we6d. and since insteRecon of the MNEA now allows complete removal of these shims, the nozzie deegn now con be credAed wah the supporting funcdon from the closely fieng Grafos asal compreemon corer. This new design feense more then compensales for the removal of the shens. on the hot les 10 and of the nozzie the nemm clearance, plus the resulbng complex fracture unlours wlE condnue to pntvide a telerul restrant semder to that of the ongmet J weed Thaefore it is estabished that, wan enoopdon of the rotshonal restrant provuted by the ortgmel J Woki, the presence of the ASdSA plus the rememen0 nozzle engagement after noezie spection mentems the original nozzle supporbng cherscaensha such as strength. neutty and boundary condibons wth respect to the attadied pipeg The MNSA steeff pairs up with the nozzie and becoces of Rs own stdtness provides added support to the nozzle without detnmentally affachng sts naturel frequency response behavior The atelty of the MNSA to perform as a complete repiscement of the J-weld was Largely demoneirated by test. This was accompinhed for the SONGS dem9n by the hyeestahc and thermal cyde temung documented in Reference 3 and the severe seemic - 1_ 'a testmg of Reference 1 as augmented by the discussion of Reference 2. These referenors are now used to demonstrate seemic quellfncedon of the WSES 3 AMSA desgns by comper: son to the much lomer WSES-3 sesemic pipe mobons documented in Refenmoe 8.

S;sedfic WSES Queshans are addressed as foNous-ABB CENP ceiculadon 8 PENG-CALC-008 and Waterford-3 document ER-W3 90 019tL0000 state that CE ABS Test Report TR-PENG033 prepared for San Onofre Units 2 & 3 states titet a crack was simulated by sees welding the sodat for the test specenen along only a 180' arc instead of the enure 360'.

Queshen 1. What is the basis for using 180*?

near.onee: AaB CElw" had proposed to do sw sohGS kehng using a 380* oreck, becouee #

lbndser de repreeerir an atseEred. worst break sceneno Air the isozzfe #seE SONGS rubansie Ihr speaf)ing a 180* cradr was the nohon met # not onfy beder represenfecf the most Befy areak scenersoL but that # aien woedsf fensf to irrusose an adWNonef aide Acadhg info the GraAd amat repon C-NOME-ER-0120 Revision 01 Page A7 of A9

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C.PENG-99 004 Page 3 cf 4

, ABB CENP concwred wth me SONGS request, pnmarty because we did not expect any rear unpact on me outcome of me setsmic Nst (pinese note that earter A9NSA otamps had beert NsNd).

Question 3: Does the TR PENG433 test report etwelop the as.found crack conditions

,denoned at waterfore sES Unit-37 Response- The Waferfont Arakage behawar and observe 60ns suggest me presence of franor amisf crooks one can, therefore. concsude that she remaeung J-wett at WSES-3 is almnger ther that amudaded teeth a 180*cract. Nevermekss, as abecussed almte A88 CEMP does not beteve fhet the Aength of me actualcrack adiscts the prenwy conciusion of the festing whicts was demoned to condrm that me ASWSA seat geoncles its saadhg Aniction Aar nazade loads above yeedd and thus wet above me ensemel nounde Emt Ameds irnphed we Reference 7 or any noszde Ameds ever imperfed due 10 seems esortesi Apactng nWce enoutf be Arss thart 50 es. nbr WSES 3 h ediher vernicef or hansontef droceans-The 50 es. is based or a conservernefy assumed nozzfe weght of 80 m. timee a mesenwn apshof 08E accaduraeon of 0.6 Gs (per Retrence s)..

Quesden 3. Would test report TR-PENG 033 wri; a cornpiece through wsR crack and'or weld toituse?

Response Yest h coes the notede spects and is b contact inch the and gecean plage, #se nousse consnuse As se nett emfy matWed a she drocahn Asferar a #s aos Mode me not Aug psung bore.

e me adsf droMen me e . _=_ . pisse her been adsed adegushdy so resist bom heefimpear soe a steseguent presswo Joeing of twafy f,000 es. at opereeng condbons. Any imposed somme do Sisadown acceisreann of 0.s Gs Jbr WSES, per Nedrence s) romans amas, and thus arnost nagsstas. compared we *rgsoct, preaews and any emsamerpgse Ameds pernsued by nonsrence 7.

Question 4. What le the beels for stating that "The WWISA is a mechenseel device that acts as a composes rar m -=== - (i.e. ser cract - no weed) ...when the essemic test report (TR.PENG-033) whosh is the only documented leakege teethes dunng a Dessen Beste Earthquehe used a test spesimen that was welded along a 10P to esmulate a ersched weld condition?

Responee the nederaf naade 16dfy is beaceny en asme 66r any of me 660pake condnons: an onghof J-nter condson am shim, a signey meet.wr J weer comeWon we shen, a 1s0* crecsse J.

weer condman weh shim, a annmedan of a ts0 credied J.weer condson we navsA, and also a senuisson of a 'ia0*cromed J-wehr condson we AsNs4. 7his concdusen is bened on me shot met a compdefefy severed nesser conthues to be aghWy hatt at bom #w bosom of me nousie (because of tient aimerences and rough andt cornows) and at me Not Leg 00 thy de Nghey nnky compresson C**'fI*

I Question s: in asemen to eseechens of the nosroes issuedne from a Det, xn nasales are also subjected to meernal kinds emaned try Asans as euestantially no lood" which ans considmed acceptable even as high as 19% of nozzle yised stronge. Wouki me integrNy of the RANSA's oraron see' he smesteined?

Ntraponse- 7he seisms feet procluced cycicef nozade Joods roerdhgin spesses b emeest of 30,000 pai, apprommesefy one order of mayufude incher then mose permeed by Redirence 7 as essernal beds. Shce in af Jheshood #w estemet bede es pnhopesy caused by piant heef w or coof down.

the fotal amanter of c)qdse is 500. Dunny ihe somme inst the number of antaf event aimadueorts esoseded 30. at of which must heve imposed hwatoes of agndsent medhg eyedes inso som AnysA arar nosWe in am seat region. AAso taisng ascir Jbr aw she sweep arsehg e is sessy demonseiwod that not onfy dNf the hret esosed Apees in me snel region by an onder of maydude, # aise eeceeded the nwneer ofcycse Jtr wtsch me AGMSA has been quedled C-NOMB-ER-0120 Revision 01 Page A8 of A9

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C-PENG 96 004 Page 4 cf 4 Question 6: ABMe section M, NS4671.7( c ) stases that..."1. A prototype must be subpected to pervannonce test to detenene that safety of the joint under swaulseed serace cond4hons. ..

The mochemeahomte shese te sumcioney seek tight to satsery the regarernente et the Dessen specinessons. or 2. Joints are desoned in accordance vnth the rules of NS4208. Based upon the comunente above, what section of the ASME Code is appbcable for the intended use of the AtNBA Clerup at Waterfonf-37 neaponne- The maar conwonents of tre nwsA are demonaarated to meet ten Asne com nds-3200 entene The Grafbd seat itsoff has been Wagned to R hfo a contofed vedume space wenich ader carryeesmon dunng enstadston prendes adeguale puseurs to asef ageenet the primary Aid at hot W opersehy condemns shoe the seekg porstrmance cannot be demonstuesd by ansfren, me means or seenwences 1 and 3 wos permemed to guamy ther aspect or me Ansa. Fwthermore, as meeng condmons were sesessed such met swy wouer send e enwesome in a conseneow smaroon even the very ungsefy assumpoon of a compdate Jef, instanternoons crack occurrence I

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