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Forwards 1990 Annual Environ Operating Rept as Required by Tech Specs,App B,Section 5.4 for Licenses NPF-37 & NPF-66
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/04/1991
From: Pleniewicz R
To: Davis A
BYRON-91-0242, BYRON-91-242, NUDOCS 9104190345
Download: ML20072U905 (5)



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  • - -lurkin April 4, 1991 LTR DYitON 91-0242 File 2.7.300 Mr. A. Hert Davis l<egional Administtatot Isogion 111 U. S. Nuclear itegulatory Commission 799 Hoot,evelt l<o ad Glen Ellyn, II. 60137 SUllJECT Annual Environmental Operation lieport for racility Licenses NTF-37 and 66 Dear Mr. Davin Attached you will find the Annual Envitorunental Operating iteport as required by the Technical Speelfications, Appendix B, Section 5.4 for racility Licenseu NPT-37 and 66. The perlod of the report in from Janunry 1, 1990 to Decomimt 31, 1990.

The report was reviewed agalust the objectives of the Environmental protection Plan as stated in ti;p Technical Specifications, Appendix D, Section 1.0 ryton Stntion and it has been determined that these objectives are being met.

The report is contained in Attachments A, B, C, and D as indexed -

Attachment A - Summaries and analysis of the results of environmental protection activities required by Appendix D, Sect lon 4. 2, Attachrwnt D - List of non-compliances to the Environmental Protection Plan and the corrective actions.

Attachment C - List of all changes in Station design or operation, tests or experiments as required by Appendix D. section 3.1.

Attachment D - List of all non-routine reports as required by Appendix D, section 5.4.2.

9.104190345 9104o4 ypf g'DR ADOCK 05000454 /;PR 101991 PDR fj';

4 BYRON 91-0242 t' age 2 In accordance with Regulatory Gaide 10.1, one copy of this report is provided for your use and 18 copies are being submitted directly to the Document Control Desk, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C. 20555.

Sincerely, R. Plenlewicz /

Stat ion Mannger /

p Dyron Nuclear Power Station RP/LAL/mw (3342M/0326M)

Attachments cc NRC Resident Inspector Doctunent Control Desk (18 copies)

Site Nuclear Licensing Administrator Environmental Services

- Byron Station Environmental Protection Plan 1210_AnnunLEntir o nme nt hL_OptratinLRe POLt ATTACID4ENT A Seetion 4.2 EntiIslaentaLtlenitedng Section 4.2.1 AeriaLRemote_ Sensing The aerial remote sensing program was not required for the calendar year 1990 as per Section 4.2.1. The fourth operational survey is scheduled to be done during the summer of 1991.

Section 4.2.2 a) Can{lreatary F.quarLSurypy The Contirmatory Sound Survey requirements were completed in 1988.

b) ticise_Relattd_Complai.nts No noise related complaints were received by Commonwealth Edison concerning Byron Station during 1990.


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' Dyron Station Environmental Protection Plan 19.9EAnnu n LE ny11 onment aL0EeIAting _IteFor t ATTACl! MENT B List of Environmental Protection Plan non-complinnees and corrective actions as requested in Appendix B, Section 5.4.1 (1).

None (3342M/0326M/040191)

!)yron Station Environmental Protection Plan 199LAnnunLEnv.ironmentnLOperating Repor.t ATTACID4ENT C Section 3.1 Elant_Dnalgn_and_QpnIntion List of changes in station design, operation, tests and experiments which involved a potentially significant unreviewed environmental question.

None i


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Dyron Station Environmental Protection Plan 1DlLAnnno.l_E nYl tomentA LDrttali D9,lu pO LL N1"IACHMENT D List of non-routine reports submitted in accordance with Subsection $.4.2.

None I


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