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LER 90-004-00:on 900628,determined That Procedural Inadequacy Caused Improper Surveillance of Accumulators. Sample Purge Time Too Short to Ensure Representative Sample. Procedures revised.W/900727 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/27/1990
From: Hairston W, Dennis Morey
LER-90-004, LER-90-4, NUDOCS 9008010044
Download: ML20055J081 (4)

Event date:
Report date:
3482090004R00 - NRC Website



l .* Alabama Power Company  ;

40 inverness Center Parkway l Post Office Box 1295 i

. BirminDham, Alabama 352o1 Telephone 206 B68 5581 l i

W. G. Heireton, til '

senor ves President ,

Nuclear Operations AlabamaPower July 27, 1990 g,,, u .,orn a m sprern 10CFR50.73 -

l Docket No. 50-340 l U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk i Vashington, D.C. 20555 Gentlemen: ,

Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant - Unit 1 Licensee Event Report No. LER 90-004-00 Joseph M. Parley Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 Licensee Event Report No. LER 90-004-00 is being submitted in accordance with 10CFR50.73.

If you have any questions, please advise.

Respectfully submitted, li . .

s V. G. Hairston, III VGH,III/JARimgd 16.20 Enclosure i cci Mr. S. D. Ebneter Mr. G. F. Maxwell 9008010044 900727 E' '

PDR ADOCK 05000348 5 PDC /  !

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..C.L.r n, Ox 6, ,,v t . ., .m Joseph M. Farley - Unit 1 o ,,,,,,,,,3 ,4 ,8 , jo,p p l Procedural Inadequacy Causes Improper Surveillance of Accumulators IWINT 0418 <tl Lea neuesse n es) he>Omf Daf t 171 OTMin 84 *:ILIfit t INv0Lvt0 ISI uCN,= o., vaan '$ $ R,tp,, 0',eg;; uO v- "*""*""

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l On 06-28-90, a concern was expressed that surveillance required by Technical i

specification 3.5.1 had not beer, performed correctly. It was believed that the l procedure used for sampling the boron concentration of the Unit 1 "B" emergency j core cooling system accumulato*. vas inadequate. The procedure required a sample purge time of two minutes whi<,h may have been too short to ensure a representa-tive sample. While investigating the concern, all three accumulators on each unit vere sampled on 06-28-90 using a longer purge time to ensure a representa-tive sample. The sample results vere satisfactory. Subsequent investigation ravealed that the sample purge time for the Unit I and 2 accumulators had been t ot, short to ensure a representative cample.

This erent was caused by procedural inadequacy.

The procedures for sampling the accumulators on both units have been revised to ensure that adequate purge time is allowed.

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S KPCil 4r3093 LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER) lSj",t',',%'$8?fs,'J'@n,'%(s"".8 !~o'.",d"'s TEXT CONTINUATION  ??/o'"'*,1, W'" Si'Of'.M"c'"',E".' "MNN Mf",WNJJi""N3M'.aic?'JJ'Mi,li 07 MANAQtMthT AND DVDGET W ASHINGTON, DC 200:03.

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"*a " M.W." "'#.70 Farley Nuclear Plant - 1%Jt 1 p O p l4 0 l5 lo lo l0 l 3 9 l0 - -

0 l0 0l 2 OF 0 l3 nn u m . .e ,,,,,,,w nn l

Plant and System Identification Vestinghouse - Pressurized Vater Reactor Energy Industry Identification System codes are identified in the text as [XX).

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i Summary of Event l l

On 06-28-90, a concern was expressed that surveillance required by Technical Specification 3.5.1 had not been performed correctly. It was believed that the procedure used for sampling the boron concentration of the Unit 1 "B" emergency core cooling system accumulator was inadequate. The procedure required a sample purge time of two minutes which may have been too short to ensure e. representa- ,

tive sample. Subsequent investigation revealed that the sample purge time for '

Unit I and 2 accumulators had been too short to ensure a representative sample.

Description of Event On 06-28-90, the Safety Audit and Engineering Review group was auditing the activities of the Chemistry group. It was noted that FNP-1-CCP-660, the procedure ,

for sampling the emergency core cooling system accumulators, required a sample purge time of two minutes. The procedure also stated that the sample flow rate -

should not exceed 500 cc/ min.

The auditor questioned whether the stated sample purge time was adequate. The volume of the sample line extending from the IB accumulator to the sample station l [LO] was calculated to be approximately 3600 cc. Thus, the purge time stated in i FNP-1-CCP-660 did not appear adequate to ensure that a representative sample of borated water was being obtained from the IB accumulator. This condition was  ;

believed to exist for the remaining two Unit 1 accumulators and all three accumulators on Unit 2.

While investigating the concern, all three accumulators on each unit were sampled on 06-28-90 using a longer purge time to ensure a representative sample. The sample results were satisfactory. Subsequent investigation revealed that the two minute sample purge time for all six accumulators had been too short to ensure a representative sample.

Investigation revealed that the two minute purge time had been in use since the original procedure was written in 1977.

The procedures for both units were revised.

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LICENSEE EVENT EEPORT (LER) TLO'??,e*,fs!*,;'JJ'5?,",n,%'f"*g ,T,,,,'"2 "

, TEXT CONTINUATION f.'"T To',4600"ci ar"f'.M'e'"','NM';' "' E';T!

Mf",'AYa"Mi".".?vi,*,0~ illCil?'t,ifd2 Di,ci OF MANAGlut W, AND DvDGET,n ASMlWG,0N. DC 70bD3

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Farley Nuclear Plant - Unit 1 o g,lololol3l4l8 q0 _ 0,04 g _

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mv u = . = we ,.,,,, m, iii, Cause of Event This event was caused by procedural inadequacy.

Reportability Analysis and Safety Assessment This event is reportable because surveillance required by Technical Specification 3.5.1 was not performed adequstely.

Accumulators can only be filled from the refueling water storage tank (RVST).

Since the boron concentration in the RVST is maintained between 2300 and 2500 ppm boron in accordance with the Technical Specifications and the boron concentration in the accumulators is specified to be between 2200 and 2500 ppm by the Technical Specifications, the accumulators have been filled with the proper concentration of borated water.

There was no effect on the health and safety of the public.

Corrective Action The procedures for sampling the accumulators on both units have been revised to ensure that adequate purge time is allowed. The accumulators on both units were sampled using the corrected procedures with satisfactory results.

Also, the sample purge times for other liquid samples required for Technical Specification compliance vill be checked by September 1, 1990, to ensure that  ;

the purge times are adequate.  ;

l Additional Information Both units were operating at approximately 100 percent power on 06-28-90.

This event vould not have been more severe if it had occurred.under different operr. ting conditions, j No components failed during this event.

No similar LERs have been submitted by FNP.

N.CForm306 16401