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Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on 10/21/10 Btw the USNRC and NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC, Concerning the Request for Additional Information Pertaining to the Seabrook Station License Renewal Application
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/21/2010
From: Michael Wentzel
License Renewal Projects Branch 1
NextEra Energy Seabrook
Wentzel, Michael, NRR/DLR 415-6459
TAC ME3959
Download: ML102980693 (10)




/!! 0 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001





0 December 21,2010

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LICENSEE: NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC FACILITY: Seabrook Station SUB..IECT:



The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the staff) and representatives of NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC (NextEra or the applicant), held a telephone conference call on October 21, 2010, to discuss and clarify the NRC's request for additional information (RAI) concerning the Seabrook Station, license renewal application. The telephone conference call was useful in clarifying the intent of the staff's RAls, Enclosure 1 provides a listing of the participants and Enclosure 2 contains a listing of the draft RAls and requested documents that were discussed with the applicant, including a brief description on the status of the items.

The applicant had an opportunity to comment on this summary, 1UJLL~

Michael Wentzel, Project Manager Projects Branch 1 Division of License Renewal Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No, 50-443


As stated cc wI encls: Distribution via Listserv


Michael Wentzel NRC Dennis Logan NRC Bill Rautzen NRC Steve Klementowicz NRC Kevin Folk NRC Michelle Moser NRC Allison Travers NRC Richard Cliche NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC. (NextEra)

Edward Carley NextEra Paul Willoughby NextEra Fred Polaski Polaski Consulting, LLC ENCLOSURE 1

TELEPHONE CONFERENCE CALL SEABROOK STATION LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION October 21,2010 The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the staff) and representatives of NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC (NextEra or the applicant), held a telephone conference call on October 21,2010, to discuss and clarify the following requests for additional information (RAls) concerning the Seabrook Station, license renewal application (LRA).

Meteorology and Air Quality

1. Please provide the annual air emission reports for Title V permitted sources (TV-OP-017 and GSP-EG-225), including fuel consumption per year, for the five most recent years.

Discussion: The applicant stated that, due to the fact that the GSP-EG-225 permit is recent, the data is only available for the last 2-3 years. The staff understood and indicated that the applicant should provide only the data available.

Aquatic Ecology

1. In the "Seabrook 2009 Environmental Monitoring in the Hampton-Seabrook Area: A Characterization of Environmental Conditions" (NAI 2010), Table 4-1 "Species Composition, Annual Totals, and Nine-Year Total of Finfish, and American Lobster Impinged at Seabrook Station from 1994 to 2009," provides impingement estimates from 1994 through 2009. Subnote "a" states that impingement data prior to October 1994 were underestimated. Please provide a brief explanation why these data were underestimated.
2. In NAI2010, Table 4-6 "Annual estimated numbers offish eggs and larvae entrained (in millions) by the cooling water system at Seabrook Station from June 1990 through December 2009" provides entrainment estimates for several species of fish eggs and larvae. For egg entrainment estimates, several categories combine two or more species (e.g., Atlantic cod/haddock, cunner/yellowtail, hake spp., hake spp.lfourbeard rocking) due to the similar appearance of the eggs and spawning seasons. Provide any supporting information available to estimate the percentage of eggs that belong to each species.
3. In NAI 2010, NextEra sampled in two main areas, the nearfield and farfield sites. The nearfield site is located near the intake and discharge structures, and the farfield site is located approximately 2-3 nautical miles from these structures. NextEra compares data from the two sites to determine whether plant operations have an impact on aquatic resources. Discuss the justification why the farfield site was selected. Describe any studies that were conducted to select the farfield site as a control site.



4. Please describe the cleaning and maintenance procedures for the intake and discharge structures, including the frequency of dredging, physical cleaning, and other maintenance procedures.
5. Please specify the flow rate at the intake structures.
6. Please provide any recent correspondence from Federal or State agencies regarding NAI 2010 or "Seabrook Station, 2010 Environmental Monitoring Program Mid-Year Report" and NextEra's responses to those comments.
7. The Environmental Report states that NextEra stopped monitoring pelagic fish using gill nets because the sampling methods had detrimental impacts on aquatic resources.

Please provide documentation from the National Marine Fisheries Service or other Federal or State agencies that suggested NextEra discontinue this monitoring program.

Discussion: The applicant stated that they understood the question and would respond.

Human Health

1. The Environmental Report (ER), Section, Solid Radioactive Waste System, discusses how low-level radioactive waste is expected to be handled during the period of license renewal. However, as discussed in the ER, Seabrook Station cannot dispose of Class Band C low-level radioactive waste at the Barnwell, SC facility, as New Hampshire is not a part of the Atlantic Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Compact. The ER states that Seabrook Station has sufficient capacity within the waste processing building for approximately seven years of storage for Class Band C waste. In addition to the storage capability, the ER discussed the use of a contractor to process and take title of the Class Band C waste for its disposal.

However, based on the information contained in the ER, the staff is unable to reach a conclusion regarding Seabrook Station's capacity to store and dispose of low-level radioactive waste over the term of license renewal. Please provide additional information about Seabrook Station's typical yearly low-level waste generation rates, processing methods, storage capability, and disposal options during the period of license renewal.

2. The ER, Section, Mixed Waste, discusses an outage event where a large volume (40 tons) of mixed waste was generated during a steam generator chemical cleaning process and that similar large volumes may be generated in the future. Is it reasonably foreseeable that there will be additional steam generator chemical cleanings that will require the disposal of similar large volumes of mixed waste during the term of license renewal? Also, the discussion on the generation of "small volumes of mixed waste" does not contain sufficient information for the staff to make an assessment of the mixed waste storage and disposal capabilities at the Seabrook Station. Please provide additional information about Seabrook Station's typical yearly mixed waste generation rates, processing methods, applicable permits, storage capacity, and disposal options during the period of license renewal.

- 3 Discussion: The applicant stated that they understood the question and would respond.

Archaeological and Cultural Resources

1. Please provide any correspondence with the New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources or Native American tribes not included in the ER.

Discussion: Following discussion with the applicant, the NRC will modify the draft request to clarify the period of time requested as follows:

1. Please provide any correspondence with the New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources or Native American tribes since the ER was submitted.

Hydrology and Water Quality

1. Please provide a summary of the last 12 months of analytical results of composite samples taken via the Radiation Monitor Control Station (located in the Auxiliary Building).
2. Has tritium been detected offsite above detection limits (based on quarterly sampling) in any of the new temporary monitoring wells (TW-1, TW-2, or TW-3) installed in the marsh south of the Auxiliary Building? If so, please identify the well(s), date(s) detected, and maximum observed results.

Discussion: The applicant stated that they understood the question and would respond.

Socioeconomics Discussion: Following discussion with the applicant, the staff decided to ask for the following information relating to socioeconomics:

1. For the last three years, please provide: visitor center attendance data, emergency preparedness fees, mill rates and education taxes, and tax appraisal value of Seabrook Station.

-4 References Requested for Docketing at the Seabrook Station Environmental Site Audit Meteorology and Air Quali Seabrook Station, Design Basis Document, Meteorological Monitoring System, DBD-MET-01, Revision 2, Janua 7,2010.

FPL Company - New England Division, 345 kV Seabrook Transmission Substation SF6 Emissions Reduction Partnershi for Electric Power S stems, Annual Re ort for 2005-2009.

  • NHDES, Stage 1111 Gasoline Vapor Recovery System, Certificate of Compliance, March 20, i 2008.

NHDES, Title V Operating Permit, TV-OP-017, Issued June 5,2006.

NHDES, Issuance of General State Permit: GSP-EG-225, Issued July 2, 2008.

AJluatic Ecology ARCADIS et. al. (ARCADIS, Normandeau Associates Inc., Wayne C. Micheletti, Inc., and Harris Group, Inc.). 2008. Cooling Water Intake Structure information Document. Prepared for FPL Energy Seabrook. LLC. July 2008.

, (Note that Appendix F is privileged and confidential. If the NextEra feels it is appropriate, you can re uest that this a endix be non- ublic b fillin out an affidavit under 10 CFR 2.390 .

Florida Power and Light (FPL). 2006. Seabrook Station NPDES Permit NH0020338 Renewal Application. September 2006.

Please include cover letter and Clean Water Act Section 316 a and b certifications.

NAI (Normandeau Associates, Inc.). 1988. Seabrook Environmental Studies, 1987. A Characterization of Baseline in the Hampton-Seabrook Area, 1975-1987. A preoperational

  • study for Seabrook Station Technical Report XIX-II. Prepared for NH Yankee Division Public i Service Com an of New Ham shire. November 1988.

I NAI (Normandeau Associates Inc.). 1991. Seabrook Station 1990 Environmental Studies in the i Ham ton - Seabrook Area: A Characterization of Environmental Conditions.

NAI (Normandeau Associates Inc.). 1994. Seabrook Station 1993 Environmental Studies in the I I Hampton - Seabrook Area: A Characterization of Environmental Conditions. Prepared for North I*

Atlantic Energy Service Corporation. .

I NAI (Normandeau Associates Inc.). 1995. Seabrook Station 1994 Environmental Monitoring in i the Hampton - Seabrook Area: A Characterization of Environmental Conditions. Prepared for

  • North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation ..

NAI (Normandeau Associates, Inc.). 1997. Seabrook Station 1996 Environmental Monitoring in

  • the Ham ton - SeaQrook Area: A Characterization of Environmental Conditions.
  • NAI (Normandeau Associates Inc.). 2001. Seabrook Station Essential Fish Habitat i Assessment. R-18900.009. Pre ared for North Atlantic Ener Service Cor oration.
  • NAI (Normandeau Associates, Inc.). 2008. Seabrook Station 2007 Environmental Monitoring in i the Hampton - Seabrook Area: A Characterization of Environmental Conditions. Prepared for
  • FPL Ener Seabrook Station.

NAI (Normandeau Associates, Inc.). 2010. Seabrook Station 2009 Environmental Monitoring in the Hampton - Seabrook Area: A Characterization of Environmental Conditions. Prepared for FPL Ener Seabrook Station.

NAI (Normandeau Associates. Inc.). 2010. Seabrook Station 2010 Environmental Monitoring Program Mid-Year Report.

- 5 NAI and ARCADIS. (Normandeau Associates, Inc. and ARCADIS). 2008. Seabrook Nuclear Power Station EPA 316(b) Phase II Rule Project, Revised Proposal for Information Collection.

Section 7.0. Prepared for FPL Energy Seabrook Station. June 2008.

NAI (Normandeau Associates, Inc.) and BBL (Blasland Bouck and Lee). 2006. Seabrook Nuclear Power Station EPA 316(b) Phase II Rule Project Proposal for Information Collection.

Prepared for FPL Energy Seabrook Station. Bedford, New Hampshire, Normandeau Associates. May 2006.

(Please also include associated letter to EPA dated May 4,2006.)

NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service). 2004. Letter From L. Allen, Office of Protected

  • I Resources to A. Legendre, FPL Energy Seabrook Station Regarding Withdrawal of Application

. ~or InCI.d entiT . rIon. M ay 7 , 2004 a a ke A uth onza I Padmanabhan M and Hecker GE. 1991. Comparative evaluation of hydraulic model and field thermal plume data Seabrook Nuclear Station. Alden Research Laboratory, Inc. Sponsored by New Hampshire Yankee Division of Public Service Company of New Hampshire.

Seabrook Station. 2010. Bivalve Larvae Entrainment Sampling. ZN1120.02, Rev.OO, Chg. 03.

Regulatory Compliance Procedure.

Seabrook Station. 2010. Icthyoplankton Entrainment Sampling. ZN1120.01, Rev.01, Chg. 03.

Regulatory Compliance Procedure.

Please submit copies of the following figures of sufficient quality to allow for reproduction in the SEIS. Please remove any company logos from the figures or figure captions. Also, please submit electronic versions to and

  • From ARCADIS et. al. (ARCADIS, Normandeau Associates Inc., Wayne C. Micheletti, Inc., and Harris Group, Inc.). 2008. Cooling Water Intake Structure information Document. Prepared for FPL Energy Seabrook LLC. July 2008. Appendix A:

0 Figure 3-13 Offshore Intake (Velocity Cap) at Seabrook Station 0 Figure 3-14 Profile of Intake Tunnel and Shafts at Seabrook Station 0 Figure 3-16 Seabrook Nuclear Power Station circulating water pumphouse Hydrology and Water Quality I Seabrook, 2010, Environmental Reclamation of 32 Acres behind General Office Building, i

! Rev. 1, March 23 Radiation Safety & Control Services, Inc. (RSCS), 2009a, Site Conceptual Ground Water Model i for Seabrook Station, Rev. 01, TSD #09-019, June 9 Radiation Safety & Control Services, Inc. (RSCS), 2009b, Tritium Distribution and Ground Water I Flow at Seabrook Station, Rev. 00, TSD #09-039, Au .SiLu;::.:.s::,::t-=3-=..1-=-_ _ _=-______- - - . . j NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC, 2009, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for NextEra E

~rg:i Sea broo,k Rev. .41 , JUly I 1 NHDES, 2010, NPDES Compliance Evaluation Inspection for NPDES Permit No. NH0020338, letter from P. Heirtzler, Wastewater Engineering Bureau, to A. Legendre, NextEra Energy I Seabrook LLC, July 20 NHDES, 2010, NPDES Compliance Evaluation Inspection for NPDES Permit No. NH0020338, letter from P. Heirtzler, Wastewater Engineering Bureau, to A. Legendre, NextEra Energy Seabrook LLC, June 15 NextEra Energy Seabrook, 2010, Response to Letter of Deficiency - NPDES Compliance Evaluation Inspection, letter from M. O'Keefe, Licensing Manager, to State of New Hampshire, Department of Environmental Services, July 15 Well completion data and elevation data for wells TW-1, TW-2, and TW-3 and the recent SW-series wells (circa 2009 and 2010)

-6 I Current illustrations of tritium data (plume) and groundwater elevation contours in surficial and bedrock aquifers, September 2010 (prepared by RSCS) I I USEPA letter regarding timely and complete NPDES permit renewal application {circa 20061 Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) for the last 12 months, as submitted to the USEPA per NPDES Permit #NH01 01303 Archaeological and Cultural Resources Seabrook Station Program Manual, Environmental Com~liance Manual, Rev. 41 (NA~9)

Cultural Resources Protection Plan (Draft1 and Final, when available Cultural Resources Management Plan, Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant, Seabrook and Hampton Falls, New Hampshire, May 2010 by Brian Va/imont, New England Archaeology Co., LLC (Please submit via separate letter, as this document is to remain non-public per 36 CFR 800.11{c).

Meteorology and Air Quality Letter of Deficiency for the Title V air permit issued by New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services in 2010 and an~ subseguent related corres~ondence Socioeconomics i Visitor center attendance for the last three years Emergency preparedness fees for the last three years Mill rates and education takes for the last three years Tax statement for a~~raisal value of Seabrook Station for the last three years Discussion: Following discussion with the applicant, the table of requested documents was revised as follows:

1. Editorial changes were made to correct names of documents and to add identifiers to the table to facilitate easier identification of the documents.
2. The three figures requested in the aquatic biology section were removed from this request and will be handled via a separate request.
3. Seabrook Station Program Manual, Environmental Compliance Manual, Rev. 41 (NAEC) request was revised to read to exclude the appendices as the information is already being requested throughout the table.
4. The documents requested in the socioeconomic section were removed from this table and rewritten as an RAI. The RAI is discussed above.

'.. ML102980693 *concurrence via e-mail OFFICE PM:RPB1:DLR LADLR* PM:RPB1 :DLR BC: RPB1:DLR iNAME MWentzel YEdmonds JSusco BPham DATE 11/10/10 11/10/10 12/06/10 12/20/10 OFFICE PM:RPB1 :DLR NAME MWentzel DATE 12/21/10

Memorandum to NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC, from M. Wentzel dated December 21, 2010







PUBLIC RidsNrrDlr Resource RidsNrrDlrRpb1 Resource RidsNrrDlrRpb2 Resource RidsNrrDlrRarb Resource RidsNrrDlrRapb Resource RidsNrrDlrRasb Resource RidsNrrDlrRerb Resource RidsNrrDlrRpob Resource MWentzel JSusco BPham Almboden MMoser KFoik SKlementowicz ATravers EMiller ICouret, OPA EDacus,OCA MSpencer, OGC WRaymond, RI DTifft, RI NMcNamara, RI NSheehan, RI DScrenci, RI JJohnson, RI ABurritt, RI