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Forwards Response to IE Bulletin 80-11 Re Category I Contrete Masonry Walls.Walls Are Not Subjected to Wind, Tornado, Missile,Pipe Whip Restraint or Impingement Loads. Drawings Forwarded Under Separate Cover
Person / Time
Site: Zimmer
Issue date: 07/18/1980
From: Borgmann E
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
IEB-80-11, NUDOCS 8007230437
Download: ML19321A470 (18)



- z - -


CINCINN ATI. OHIO 452o1 E. A. BOROMAN N SEN#OR VICE PRES 80ENT Docket No. 50-358 July 18, 1980 Mr. Harold Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cortmission Washington, D.C. 20555 RE: WM. H. ZIMMER NUCLEAR POWER STATION -


Dear Mr. Denton:

On April 21, 1980, Mr. Steven A. Varga sent a circular letter to all Construction Permit and Operating License Applicants. In it, certain information regarding Category I masonry walls was requested.

The attachment to this letter responds to the NRC request for additional infou ation. Under separate cover, one set of the following full-sized drawings is being sent to Mr. I. A. Poltier, Project Manager: A-71, A-72, A-150 through A-161, A-183, A-188 through A-198, A-200, A-201, A-208 through A-211, A-231, and A-232.


  • ^*

Y  %

EAB: dew Enclosure e e esident cc: Charles Bechhoefer Glenn O. Bright State of Ohio )

Frank F. Hooper County of Hamilton)ss Troy B. Conner, Jr. .

James P. Fenstermaker

Steven G. Smith Swor to and subscribed before me this William J. Moran

/f day of July, 1980.

J. Robert Newlin William G. Porter, Jr.

James D. Flynn j )

W.' Peter Helle Leah S. Kosik {

otary Public k

John D. Woliver V Mary Reder MARGARET E. HUBER David K. Martin Notary Public. State Of Ohio Robert A. Jones My Commis :on Expires Aug. 13,1993 Andrew B. Dennison 1 Irving A. Peltier ' '


e , -

s i'



Are there any concrete masonry walls being used in any of the Category I struc-tures of your plant? If the answer is "No" to this question, there is no need to answer the following questions. .

Response: Yes, the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company is using concrete masonry walls in Category I structures for Zimer Station. .

Information Recuest No. 2:

Indicate the loads and load combinations to which the walls were designed to resist. If load f actors other than one (1) have been employed, please indicate their magnitudes.

  • Response: Masonry walls in Category I structures are being designed for loads and load combinations as given in the attached Table 1. These walls ,

are not subjected to other design loads such as wind, tornado, missile, pipe whip, and jet impingement loads.

Informaticn Reauest No. 3:

In addition to complying with the applicable requirements 'of the SRP Sec-tions 3.5, 3.7.and 3.8, is there any other code such as the " Uniform Building Code" or the " Building Code Requirements for Concrete Masonry Structures" (pro-posed by the American Concrete Institute) which was or is being used to guide the design of these walls? Please identify and discuss any exceptions or deviations from the SRP requirements or the aforementioned codes.

Response: Concrete masonry walls are being designed in accordance with the National Concrete Masonry Association " Specification for the Design and Constructior, of Load-8 earing Concrete Masonry," April 1974. No

. exception is being taken to this specification except that no over-

  • stress factor is being used for OBE load combinaticn as against 1.33 recomended by the specification for such severe environmental loads as wind, earthquake, etc. For the abnormal / extreme environmental loading combinations involving SSE and LOCA loads, an overstress f actor of 1.67 is being used. These overstress f actors are consis-tent with the SRP guidelines for- safety-related structures. '

Information Reauest No. 4:

Indicate the trethod that you used to calculate the dynami'c forces in masonry walls due to earthquake, i.e., whether it is a code's method such as Uniform Building Coda, or a dynamic analysis. Identify the code and its effective date i if the code's method has been used. Indicate the input motion if a dynamic ,

analysis has been performed. ,

Response: Seismic lateral loads are being determined by an equivalent static method using the expression ws"9* W


f 9

. . \


w, = seismic lateral load W =

weight of the masonry wall including any attachment load g =

seismic acceleraticn in the horizontal directicn obtamed frm the m+4n=4 floor response spectra curves. The ocm-bined curves being obtaired by adding the spectra frcm seismic, SRV and IfCA events.

The natural frequency of the walls is being detemin~9 usig stan-dard expressicns for single degree of freeds systems using the sec-


tion properties of the wall Maa9 on the r<vninal mascnry unit size.

'lhe response spectra curves are entered with this calculated value i of frequency to obtain the value of 'g' .

}i 1 Walls are assumed as simply supported or cantilevered beams, as applicable, for frequency calculations and for design and analysis.

Infernation Request No. 5:

How were the mascnry walls and the piping / equipment supports attached to them designed: Provide enough numerical exanples including details of reinforcement l and attachments to illustrate the methods and procedures used to analyze and i design the walls and the anchors needed for supporting piping /equignent (as 1 applicable).

I i

Fesponse: Mascnry walls in Category I structures are being used as non-load l MaHng walls and are not being included as part of shear wall system i for the Category I structures. These walls will only be relied upon as interior partition walls and will be separated frcm the flocr 1 abcVe by a gap.

No major piping or equipnent will be attached to the Category I mascnry walls, Ex pt for those liras shown on Table 4. At*ar+n=nts l which will be allowed include small bore piping, instrument lines, ccnduits, juncticn boxes, etc. These attachments will be made ,

either with expansion anchor or with through bolt plate assembly.

Attar +mant loads are being accounted for in the design by assuming j a concentrated mass at mid-span with a maximum eccentricity of 6 inches frm face of the wall. Magnitude of the rass on any 1-foot wide horizcntal strip of mascnry wall is 180 lbs.. for solid block walls, and 135 lbs. for grounted b1cck walls. Actual attachment loads will be field verified and a final check will be made to ensure the adequacy of the walls.

Masonry walls are being designed using working stress principles 4

with unfactored loads and are being analyzed based en conventicnal l elastic methods. Design is being made using the ncminal masonry I unit. Horizontal reinforcement is ignored in the flexural design of f the masonry walls, except for a few walls a re the reinforcement is l

censidered in the design. -l l

l 6

Allowable stresses used for the design are given in attached Table 2. Whenever expansion anchors will be used for attachment of piping, there is a minimum f actor of safety of 4.0 for SSE. Effect of the anchor plate flexibility is taken into account for the design of expansion anchors.

Expansion anchors which will be allowed to be used are either wedge or sleeve type anchors with their sizes varying from 1/4" diameter to 3/4" diameter and with a minimum embedment length equal to 4.5 times the disneter.


Masonry walls in Category I structures are being constructed as single or multi-wythe grouted or solid block walls with full mortar bedding of the units using running bond construction. No cavity wall -

construction will be allowed. Properties of the different materials ~.

used for masonry wall construction are given in attached Table 3.

Wythes will be bonded together by full mortar collar joints and by ladder type reinforcement which overlaps the adjacent wythes every second course. ,

Sample calculations for concrete masonry walls in Category I struc-tures for Zimmer Station are attached.

Information Recuest No. 6: ,

Provide plan and elevation views of the plant structures showing the location of all masonry walls for your f acility.

Response: The following is a list of drawings r,howing the plans, elevations and details of all the concrete masonry walls in Cate-gory I structures for Zimmer Station:

A-71 A-200 A-72 A-201 A-150 thru A-161 A-208 thru A-211 A-183 -231 -

A-188 thru A-198 A-232 L


TABLE 1 Load Combination Table For Category I Concrete Masonry Load Factors Load Allowable C4tegory D L P, P, E g E -SRV LOCA Stresses ss Nonpal 1.0 1.0' 1.0 1.0 Table 2 Sivere - -

Environmental 1.0 1.0 .1.0 1.0 1.0 Table 2 .

Abnormal 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.67 X Table 2 Extreme 1.67 X Environmental 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Table 2 Abnonnal/ Severe . 1,67 X Environmental 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Table 2 Abno'nnal/ Extreme 1.67 X Environmental 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Table 2 Load symbols are defined as follows:

. 0 =

Dead load of masonry wall including attachment load L = Live load



P, Operating pressure differential across a masonry wall

, P, =

Accidental pressure differential across a masonry wall E


= Operating Basis Earthquake (0BE)

E = Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) ss



Loads associated with safety' relief valve discharge, where applicable .


. LOCA Loads associated with loss of coolant accident, where applicable t

I 6


Allowable Stresses for Category I Non-Reinforced Concrete Masonry (c) ,

Allowable Stresses (psi)

S No. Description Type of Unit ID) Type of Mortar (b) Symbol Related Actual

, tof; Value 1 Compressive a) Flexure Grouted or Solid N F, o.3 f, 262 t-) Axial Grouted or Solid N F, 0.2f; 175(a) 2 Shear Grouted or Solid N v, --

23 8 3 Tension in Flexure .

', a) Normal to bed joints Grouted or Solid N F t 7 27 b) Parall 1 to bed joints Grouted or Solid N F t

54 g 4 Bearing .

a) on full area Grouted or Solid N F b 0.25f; 218(a) b) on 1/3 area on less Grouted or Solid N F b 0.375fy 32S(a) 5 Modulus of elasticity E, 875,000 1000f4 (a)


(a) Actualvaluesarebasedonf;=875psiforGradeN-IIUnits.

(b) Material properties as per Table 3 (c) Table 2 is adopted from NCMA specification April 1974.

.L e . ., . ..

TABLE 3 Concrete Masonry Material Properties

1) Solid Concrete Masonry 31ocks: Grade N-II as per ASTM C145
2) . Grouted Masonry Blocks: Hollow blocks as per ASTM C90


Grade N-I and grout to conform to ASTM C270, Type N

3) Mortar: Type N as per ASTM C270

'4) Reinforcement for Concrete Masonry: Ladder type reinforcement as per ASTM AS2 with fy = 70 ksi L

a 6

~ '

TABLE 4 Support No. Subsystem Sht.No. Line No. or Size Accessible Remarks lAF315SR** AF-3 25 4" Yes Seismically designed.

lAF330SR** AF-3 38 4" Yes Seismically designed-through bolts installed.

lAF331SR** AF-3 39 4" Yes Seismically designed-through bolts installed.

1MS1475R** MS-10 32 1MS26AB10 Yes Seismically designed.

IMS148SR** MS-10 33 1MS26AB10 Yes Satismically designed.

1RG066HA RG-1 12 1RG32DF2-5/8 No 1RG073HG RG-1 19 1RG30AF1-5/8 No 1RG075HG RG-1 21 1RG31AF1-5/8 No ,

1RG076HG RG-1 22 1RG31AF1-5/8 No -

1RG088HG RG-1 34 1RG33AF1-1/8 No 1RGil2HG RG-2 11 1RG31ACl-5/8 Yes 1RG157HA RG-2 56 1RG32DC2-5/8 Yes 1RG163HA RG-2 62 1RG33ACl-1/8 Yes 1RG175HG RG-3 12 1RG31AB1-5/8 Yes 1RG176HG RG-3 13 1RG31AB1-5/8 Yes 1RG177HG RG-3 14 1RG31AB1-5/8 Yes 1RIO18HV RI-7 9 1RI20A6 Yes 1RT00lHG* RT-2 15 1RT01C6 Yes Support voided December, 1978.

1RT044SR** RT-2 19 1RT01D6 Yes Seismically designed.

1RT046** RT-2 16 1RT01EA3 Yes Seismically designed.

1":'014SR SC-2 33 ISC02Cl-1/2 Yes LWR 176SR WR-3 65 LWR 07A14 No l!'R182SR WR-3 111 LWR 07A14 Yes LWR 190SR** WR-3 113 LWR 42A6 Yes Seismically designed, LWR 210HR* WR-3 41 LWR 13A8 Yes New design not issued not attached to block wall.

LWR 325SR WR-25 25 LWR 15A4 Yes LWR 671HR WR-27 45 IWR101A2 Yes LWR 760SR WS-6 32 LWR 41AB3 Yes lWSO98SR WS-7 40 lWS14AA3 No lWS025HV WS-13 17 lWS15E24 No

  • These supports are not required and hence will be removed.
    • Non-Class I .

L 6




Density = 105' lbs/ft3; Type M mortar; Modulus of Elasticity (Em) = 1,350,000 psi. 2 Core-hollow block; Masonry wall lateral support column spacing see Fig. 1.

. Masonry compressive strength f'm= 1350 psi II. ALLOWABLE STRESSES (Pe'r NCMA; Inspected Workmanship) -

Tension in Flexure (Fg)  :

Parallel to bed joints = 46.0 psi Perpendicular to bed joints = 23.0 psi Shear (Vm) = 34.0 psi III. WALL DESIGN (See Figure 1)

., Assume the."g" value due to vertical excitation to be less

- . than 1.0.

Assume the masonry wall not acting as a lateral support for another wall. (When masonry wall acts as a support, it is des,igned for in-plane shear.) ,

1. Span # 1 - Assume no attachments.

Assume 1-ft' wide strip spanning vertically, L = 8'-0" ,

Section Procerties: WW = 42.6 psf /ft I = 1022.0 in 4 /ft S = 175.8 in 3 ffe A =

58.4 in 2 /ft I

Frequency Calculations:

56 f = 144*"W*L4 I 2if \ 1350000xI' ~' l Substituting the values: *

. 56 f = 20- 144 ' "8 = 66.0 cps 35 0 2.0 Period T =

f =

[6.0 (1) -- ,

1 1



Wall Acceleration Values in Horizontal Direction From the appropriateifloor response spectra curves g0BE = 0.11 gSSE = 0.24 gSSE (Reduced)= 0.24/1.67 (Overstress factor = 1.67) 0.144 Governs Stress Calculations: For 1-ft wide horizontal strip Uniform load W3 = 0.144 (42.6) = 6.13 lbs/ft Ws L 2 6.13(8)2 Moment = g

= 49.0 ft-lbs .-

Shear =

Ws L /2 = 6.13x8/2 = 24.5 lbs f = 5 = 49(12) = 3.35 psi dC 23.0 psi (O.K.)

S S 175.8 v s = Vs /A = 24.5/58.4 = 0.42 psi.<: 34 psi (O.K.)

Load Contribution on Span # 2 From Span # 1 (See Fig. 1)

Assume a 2'-0" wide beam band above the opening R = Ws L , 6.13(8) = 24.5 lb's. (See Fig. 3) 2 2 24.5 PLF _

24.5 PLF


_ = - _w l l 6'-0" 4'-0" 6'-0" Additional Load on Span # 2 from Span # 1 FIGURE 3 (2) ,

a 6

Equivalent Uniform Load on 1-ft Wide Strip of Span S 2 Due to Load Contribution of Span 4 1 4 Moment from additional load R = 2wa2 . 2(24.5)(32) 2 2 a = 6.0/2 = 220.5 ft-lbs.

Equivalent Uniform Load W = SM , 8(220.5)' = 6.9 PLF LI (16) 2

2. Span # 2 - (See Fig. 1)

Assume 1-ft side strip spanning horizontally L = 16'-0" (See Fig. l' -

Section Properties: ww = 42.6 psf ft i I = 929.4 in /ft S = 159.9 in /ft A =

36.0 in 2 ffe Frequ'ency Calculations:

56 4

  • 144x42.6x16 = ps


\ 1350000x929.4 T = 1 = 0.0635 15.7 Wall Acceleration Values in Horizontal Direction From the appropriate floor response spectra curves

= 0.18 gOBE gSSE (Reduced) = 0.60/1.67 = 0.36 " Governs Stress Calculations:

Uniform Load Ws = 0.36 (42.6) + Equiv. Uniform Ld. - Span.i 1

= 15.3 + 6.9 = 22.2 lbs/ft.

Moment = Ws L = 22.2I = 710 ft-lbs.

g 8 )

Shear = Ws L/2 =

22.2x16/2 = 178 lbs.

.l l


fts =. 5 = 710(12) = 53.3 psi >> 46.0 psi (N . G .')

S 159.9 v s = Vs /A = 178/36 = 4.9 psi ac 34.0 psi (O.K.)

Reduce Span by Changing Support Column Spacing (See Fig. 2)

Reanalyze Span # 2 with reduced span length Span # 1 -

Vertical Span -

no change

~ ~ ~ ~

Additional Loading on 2 ft. wide beam band of Span # 2 From Span # 1 (See Fig. 4)

R =- WsL/2 = 6.13 (8) /2 = 24. 5 lbs. . _ _ ,


24.'5 PLF 24.5 PLF NNNNA NNNNN  :-.

3'-0" 4'-0" 3'-0" .

FIGURE 4 Equivalent Uniform Load on 1 ft. Uide Strip of '

Span # 2 Due to Load Contribution of Span # 1 2" ( ( }

Moment from Additional Load R =

  • 2 2 a = 3.0/2 = 55 ft-lbs.

Equivalent Uniform Loac h - 8M _ 8(55) -

4.4 lbs/ft.

L2 (10) 2 i

Span # 2 -

Reduced span L = 10'-0" (See Fig. 2)

Frequency Calculations:

56 f = 2TT 144x42.6x104 = 40.3 cps 1350000x929.4 T = 1= 1 = 0.0248 f- 40.3 Wall Acceleration Values in Horizontal Direction From the appropriate floor response spectra curves gOBE

= 0.14 .

gSSE reduced) =

0.32/1.67 = 0.192 =o-- Governs '

l a

(4) 2

  • 6

Uniform Load Ws = 0.192 (42.6) + Equiv. Unif. Ld. - Span # 1

. = 8.18 + 4.4 = 12.6 lbs./ft.

2 M = Ws L , 12.6(10)2 = 157 ft-lbs.

8 8

= 5 = 157(12) = 11.8 psi dC 46.0 psi (O.K.)

ft s S 159.9 By inspection actual shear stress is less than allowable.

3. Span # 3 Absume 1 ft. wide strip spanning horizontally, L = 10'-0" .

(See Fig. 2) . .


Wall Frequency:

As calculated on Page 4 ,

f = 40.3 cps T = 0.0248 Wall Acceleration Values in Horizontal Direction As calculated on Page 4 gOBE

= 0.14 gSSE (Reduced) = 0.192 -r Governs Uniform Load Ws = 0.192 (42.6) = 8.18 PLF ,

Moment =' WS L = 8.18x102 = 102 ft-lbs 8 8 f,t




= 2.e ps1 < 4e.0 psi (o.K.)

By Inspection actual shear stress is less than allowabie Add effect of attachment load to the tensile stress ft = 7.6 psi. For calc,ulations see Page 6 s

4 E

. (5) 6S I

6 s



Assume 1 - ft. wide horizo tal strip. /

Maximum assumed attachment I load "P" for 12" hollow block wall G'

.at an eccentricity of 6"

~f y from face of the wall = 135 lbs. -

EH There are three loads due to )I) '

Load P d: -

1. Horizontal load P ~g H H
2. Vertical load P v = (1+gy ) P


, 3. Eccentric Moment = By xe Different mortar surfaces, horizontal as well as vertical, at the location of attachment, have enough shearing resistance to resist the block-pulling effect from the loads mentioned above. The overall bending effect of load PH is considered assuming a 1 - foot horizontal strip acting as a beam between the supports. The attachment load is considered either as one concentrated load at mid-span or two concentrated loads, one at each quarter point of the span. Tensile stresses due to this bending are directly added to the tensile stresses fes calculated on Page 5.

Moment 'M' due to PH

  • PH L/4 ft-lbs.

Where L =, 10'-0" PH" 9HP = 0.192x135 = 25.92 lbs.

(g = 0.192 calculated earlier on Page 5)

H 5


. M = P H L/4 " 25.92x10 = 64.8 ft-lbs.

4 l

S = 159.9 in3 ,

j f


= tension due to attachment load

, = 64.Sx12 = 4.9 psi 159.9  ;

ft s u wa seismic load = 7.6 psi (calculated on Page 5)

Total tensile stress, fg= ft +f ta s

= 7. 6 + 4. 9 = 12. 5 psi < 4 6. 0 psi ( 0 .1 .

(6) " '



Uniform Load on Column:

For loading on the column assume two concentrated attachment loads, one at each quarter point of the span.

W =

bWs + 2(135# attach.) gSSE (reduced)


= 10x8.18 PLF.+ 2 (135)0.192 PLF

= 81.8 + 51.8 = 133.6 PLF M = W' L 2 133.6(20.0 2) = 6700.0 ft-lbs. = 6.7 ft-kips

, 8 8 Allowable F b = 0.66 Fy'for gOBE(column masonry) fully embedded in since 1.67 (.66 Fy) exceeds 0.95 Fy; F = 0.95 Fy = 0.57 Fy for reduced g b 1.67 SSE f

S req'd

" " y= si) 0.5 6.0

= 3.92 in3 Use Minimum Size W8x18 (S = 15.2 in3 ) for Steel Column as Masonry Wall Support.

t (7) .


EXAMPLE II (36" Thick Solid Block Concrete Masonry Wall)


a bearing masonry wall Non-lo'd Density = 140 lbs/ft3 Type M mortar; Masonry compressive strength f'm = 1350 psi Modulus of elasticity (E m) = 1,350,000 psi II. ALLOWABLE STRESSES (As per NCMA, Inspected Workmanship)


Tension in flexure (Fe)

Parallel to the bed joints = 78.0 psi Perpendicular to bed joints = 39.0 psi

. Shear (Vm) . = 34.0 psi


III. WALL DESIGN 36" thick solid block wall is multi-wythe construction bonded together by full mortar collar joint and by continuous

.. truss bar reinforcement which overlaps the adjacent wythes every second course. As such, the section properties of 36" thick solid block wall are used for design. The design procedure is essentially the same as shown for 12" hollow block wall in Example No. 1 except for the section properties of 36" solid block wall which are as follows:

A = 2 427.5 in /ft

= 4 '

I 45213.0 in /ft

= 3 S 2538.3 in /ft wall weight Wg = 430.5 PSF of wali area for 140#/f t3 solid block wall Frequency calculations are based on the section properties of 36" solid concrete block wall.

S l

i (8) -

6 l 6

. , .. .. __, , . . _ , . . ~ -- , - - - .

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. l

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