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Forwards Nov Monthly Status Rept for Quality Confirmation Program,Per
Person / Time
Site: Zimmer
Issue date: 12/14/1983
From: Williams J
To: James Keppler
Shared Package
ML20083F888 List:
LOZ-83-0251, LOZ-83-251, NUDOCS 8401040022
Download: ML20083F906 (4)


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CINCINN ATi,CHIO 4 5201 December 14, 1983 LOZ-83-0251 J. WILLI AM S, JR stmeOe vitt ..tssotwt NWCLEAN O.EmatsONS Docket No. 50-358 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regicr. III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 6,0137 Attention: Mr. J.G. Keppler Regional Administrator I Gentlemen:

RE: WM. H. ZIMMER NUCLEAR POWER STATION - UNIT 1 MONTHLY STATUS REPORT FOR THE QUALITY CONFIRMATION PROGRAM W.O. 57300, JOB E-5590, FILE NO. 956C Attac.hed is one copy of the Nov' ember Quality Confirmation ProWam' (OCP) Status Report - for your review in accordance with Mr. R.F. Warnick's letter

  • dated December 30, 1982.

If you have ,any ouestions or comments, you may contact myself or Mr. G. C. Ficke, Manager, Nuclear Licensing Department at (513) 553-6844.






0401040022 831227

{DRADOCK 05000358 PDR DEC 161983

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t Mr. J.G. Keppler Regional Administrator December 14, 1983 LOZ-83-0251 Page 2 cc: NRC Office of Inspection & Enforcement WashiEQton, D.C. 20555 ATTN: J.H. Sniezek NRC Resident Site Supervisor -

ATTN: W.M. Hill NRC Zimmer Project Inspector, Region III ATTN: E. R. Office of Nuclear Reactsr Regulation ,

Washington, D.C. 20555 ATTN: L. Kintner e

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'U.'EFE ER 150 J ,. o

. OCp SUy:M ,

TASK 1 STRUCTURAL STEEL - This task is currently staffed with 26 people.

Primary effort was directed to inspection in the drywell, with inspection being started in the Service Water Pump Structure.

This task is approximately 72% complete.

TASK 2 WELD OUALITY - This task is currently staffed with 9 people.

Welder qualifications reviews have been stopped due to the consolidation of quality records on site. The review of small bore piping weld quality is essentially complete and in the data ,'

collecting and report writing stages. This task is approximately .

90% complete.

TASK 3 HEAT NUMBER TRACEABILITY - This task is currently staffed with 4 people. Purchase Order reviews have been stopped due to the consolidation of, quality records on site. The review of piping traceability will be completed by PVQC. This task is approxi-mately 40% complete. ,

TASK 4 SOCKET WELD DISENGAGEMENT - Documentation review is being worked concurrently with Task 2 small bore reviews. This task is

  • approximately 100% complete.

TASV,5 RADIOGRAPHS - The final report has been submitted to the NRC Region 111. This task is 100% complete.

TASK 6 CABLE SEPARATION - The final report draft is currently being reviewed.

.S&L has issued DDC SLE-580 to identify additional associated' cables.




This ' additional inspection' may be done by PVQC, This task is approxi-mately 100*; complete for present scope.

TASK 7 NONCONFORMANCE REPORTS - This tas'k is currently staffed with 6 people. Work efforts are on the review of surveillance reports and voided NRs. Additional effort is being made to contact previous inspectors to determine if there are any undocumented plant deficien-cies. This task is approximately 64% complete.

TASK 8 DESIGN CONTROL AND VERIFICATION - A draft report summarizing the investigation and corrective actions by Sargent & Lundy and audits of this activity by CG&E has been prepared and reviewed. The report will be revised in December. This task is approximately 99% complete.

TASK 9 DESIGN DOCUMENT CHANGES - Work is procee' ding on writing the final report. Design document changes were reviewed to procedure QCPP 9.15 as well as the original 19-QA-15. This task is currently staffed with 6 people and is approximately 38% complete, considering re-review. 6,000 reviews were conducted and approximately 1,200 deficiency conditions were written.

TASK 10 . SUBCONTRACTOR /QA PROGRAM - The final report for this task has been issued. This task is 100% complete.

TASK 11 AUDITS - The final report for this task has been issued. This task is 100% complete.

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OCP ~ i Pa;e 2 TASK 12 BOLTING - This program is currently being develooed in' preparation to perform inspections of structural steel bolts in the drywell (first). The procedure for bolting program has been reviewed and comments presently are being incorporated.

TASK'13 MASONRY WALLS - S&L will submit a preliminary draft of Reinspection

. Program to Verify Masonry Wall Construction on December 12, 1983.


This program defines inspection criteria and analytical msthods to verify structural integrity and to ensure the intended design is met. .

t TASK 14 SEISMIC COLUMNS - The reinspection of se,ismic columns is done concurrently with the bolting and masonry wall inspectic n programs, which is being finalized now.

TASK 15 COATINGS - Service Level I coatings in the primary containment will be removed and replaced w!th a qualified coating. This task is -

' closed because no inspection of the present coatings is necessary.

TASK 16 SEISMIC INTERACTION PROGRAM - Deficiency report MCAR 83-11 has been evaluated and all corrective actions have been implemented. All

  • inspectors have been qualified and certified to ANSI-N45.2.6. Audit Finding Report 460 has been closed. Design criteria A51-81, and Exclusion Package A51-82 have been signed out. Walkdown of the Prohibited Zones (containing no essential systems or components) have been started. Walkdowns will start shortly for non-essential seismically designed piping (for the mainsteam system). Performance

___ of these walkdowns is on the basis of a conditional 83-04.

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