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Report N /86-22 Docket N License N CPPR-120  Category B
Licensee: Public Service Electric and Gas Company 80 Park plaza - 17C Newark, New Jersey 07101 Facility Name: Hope Creek Generating Station Unit, 1 Inspection At: Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey Inspection Conducted: March 31, 1986-April 11, 1986 Inspectors h L. Briggs ad eactor ngineer 5 .3
      ' dat'e
L.~ Wink Reac Engineer  '
date T E'rell, Re to Engin r  shiln/ ddti Approved by:  ,  J Y selgroth ,
  . lef
dite Test Progra Section, OB, DRS Inspection Summary: Inspection on March 31, 1986 - April 11, 1986 (Inspection Report No. 50-354/86-22)
Areas Inspected: Routine unannounced inspection by three region-based inspec-tors of licensee actions on previous inspection findings, Technical Specifi-cation surveillances for operational condition 5, power ascension test program, preoperational, detailed and surveillance test results evaluation review, pre-operational retest witnessing, QA/QC interfaces, independent verification and plant tour Results: No violations were identifie NOTE: For acronyms not defined refer to NUREG-0544 " Handbook of Acronyms and Initialims."
! 8606090301 860602  '
$DR ADOCK 05000354 PDR
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DETAILS 1.0 Persons Contacted Public Service Electric and Gas (PSE&G) Personnel and Contractors G. Chew, Power Ascension Technical Support
#G. Connor, Operations Manager G. Daves, Senior Engineer-Operations
*R. Donges, Lead QA Engineer
*#M. Farschon, Power Ascension Manager B. Forward, Power Ascension Administration
#S. Funsten, I&C Engineer
*#R. Griffith, Principal QA Engineer
*#P. Krishna, Assistant to General Manager-Hope Creek Operations
#P. Kudless, Maintenance Manager
*#S. LaBruna, Assistant General Manager
#J. Lovell, Radiation Protection / Chemistry Manager
*C. McNeill, Jr. , Vice President-Nuclear
*#M. Metcalf, Principal QA Engineer J. Montgomery, Maintenance Technical Specification Coordinator C. Moore, Startup Test Engineer L. Rice, I&C Work Order Planner E. Rush, I&C Technical Specification Coordinator W. Ryder, Operations Technical Specification Coordinator
*#R. Salvesen, General Manager, Hope Creek Operations W. Schell, Power Ascension Technical Director T. Szumski, Power Ascension Engineer S. Tanner, I&C Engineer U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
*D. Allsopp, Resident Inspector
*R. Borchardt, Senior Resident Inspector
*J. Lyash, Reactor Engineer The inspection also contacted other members of the licensee staff includ-ing senior nuclear shift supervisors, reactor operators, test engineers and members of the technical staf * Denotes those present at the interim exit meeting on [[Exit meeting date::April 4, 1986]].
# Denotes those present at toe final exit meeting on [[Exit meeting date::April 11, 1986]].
2.0 Licensee Actions on Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) Unresolved Item (354/86-12-01). Licensee to modify and re-test nuclear steam supply shutoff system manual initiation pushbuttons (B21H-S28A, B, C and D) to close test exception SDR-SM-0086.
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The inspector reviewed the completed re-test package (TPR: SME-0025) and verified that the appropriate modifications had been made and the push-button re-tested. The inspector questioned the startup test engineer to insure that the scope of the re-test was adequate to assure the proper i functioning of the pushbuttons.
This item is close (Closed) Unresolved Item (354/86-21-01) Determination of acceptability of surveillance test-OP-ST.KJ-005 (006, 007 and 008)(Q) to satisfy preopera-tional test requirements. During results review / evaluation of preopera-tional test procedure (PTP)-BB-3(A), Standby Diesel Generator Loading, and PTP-BB-3(B), ECCS Integrated Initiation / Loss of Offsite Power, the inspec-
tor determined that integrated system performance had not been fully demon-strated. During this inspection the inspector reviewed surveillance test i OP-ST.KJ-005,(006, 007 and 008)(Q), Integrated Emergency Diesel Generator I 1AG400 (IBG400, ICG400 and IDG400) Test - 18 months. The inspector deter-mined that satisfactory performance of the surveillanc- "est would demon-
strate proper performance of each emergency diesel g" ttor (EDG) and its
, associated electrical bus. On April 2, 1986 the inst ars observed per-
; formance of portions of OP-ST.KJ-007 (Q)('C'EDG). Th< ..ocedure was stop-f ped by the licensee when the Residual Heat Removal (RhR) pump did not start
during the initiation sequenc That portion of the test was satisfactori-i ly completed later during the 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift when an incorrect j test connection not noted in the test was discovered and corrected. One j hardware problem was identified by the inspectors when it was noted that the Logic Out of Service annunciator for the 'C' RHR pump was not energized as required by the procedure. This item is being investigated by the 11-a censee and being followed by the resident inspector.
On April 9 and 10, 1986 the inspector reviewed the results of the 18 month surveillance tests performed on the A, B and C EDG's with a licensee re-
presentative. All data were acceptable, with c.,1y the annunciator problem discussed above remaining unanswered.
This item is closed.
3.0 Power Ascension Test Program (PATP)
3.1 References j  * Regulatory Guide 1.68, Revision 2, August 1978, " Initial Test Programs for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants"
  * ANSI N18.7 - 1976, " Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance for the Operational Phase of Nuclear Power Plants" l
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* Hope Creek Generating Station (HCGS) Technical Specifications, l  Proof and Review Copy l * HCGS Safety Evaluation Report, Chapter 14, " Initial Test
;  Program"
; * Station Administrative Procedure, SA-AP.ZZ-036, Revision 1,
  " Phase III Startup Test Program" i *
Specification NE80 23A4137, Revision 0, " Hope Creek Startup Test
* HCGS Power Ascension Test Matrix, Revision 3 j 3.2 Overall Power Ascension Test Program (PATP)
i Discussion
The inspector met with the Power Ascension Manager and members of his staff to discuss the overall readiness of the program, status of training activities and progress on procedure review and revision Based on these discussions, and the procedure reviews discussed in r
paragraph 3.3 below, the inspector was satisfied that the Power Ascen-
* sion Test Program was adequately prepared to support fuel loading and iow power testing. Training on Power Ascension Test Procedures, in-1 cluding an integrated " dry run" of the fuel loading procedures, has i been completed satisfactorily. The Technical Review Board, utilized j '
to improve the quality of the PATP procedures, has completed its re-view of the fuel loading and low power testing procedures and appro-
priate revisions are being made.
; 3.3 Power Ascension Test Procedure Review
i Scope l The Power Ascension Test Procedures discussed below were reviewed j for their conformance to the requirements and guidelines of the
! references listed in paragraph 3.1 and for the attributes previously
defined in Inspection Report 50-354/86-03. In addition, the resi-
; sions reviewed were verified to adequately address the concerns identified in Inspection Report 50-354/86-0 Discussion i
Initial Fuel Loading
The inspector reviewed the approved revision to the fuel loading
] test procedure (TE-SU.KE-032, Revision 1) in Jetail and verified i
that it was in conformance with the Regulatory Guide and FSAR commitments and that it would provide a technically adequate basis l
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J for safely conducting the initial fuel loading. -It was also deter-mined that all the inspector's concerns identified in an earlier l  inspection had been adequately addressed in this revisio Initial Criticality / Full Core Shutdown Margin Demonstration The inspector reviewed the approved revision to the power ascension test procedure, TE-SU.ZZ-041, Revision 1, Full Core Shutdown Margin
Demonstration, in detai The inspector determined that the proce-dure was in conformance with the Regulatory Guide and FSAR commit -
ments and that it was adequate to ensure that the initial approach to i
criticality would be conducted in a deliberate and orderly manne !  In addition, the procedural deficiencies identified as a violation (86-03-03) in a previous inspection report had been adequately addressed in this revisio Findings
;  Within the scope of the inspection, no violations were identified.
j 4.0 Technical Specification Surveillances For Operational Condition 5
4.1 Scope
Tne licensee's surveillance activities were monitored to insure that technical specification surveillance requirements were being adequate-ly met. The inspector also reviewed selected surveillance procedures to verify that they were consistent with the final draft of the faci-lity's Technical Specifications.
4.2 Discussion
:  The surveillance procedures listed in Attachment A were reviewed to insure conformance with the final draft Technical Specifications and for technical adequacy. Minor concerns identified by the inspector
; were all resolved through discussions with the appropriate work group technical specification coordinators.
The inspector reviewed the completed technical specification surveil-
^  lances listed in Attachment B to insure that all appropriate accept-
ance criteria were satisfied. In addition, the inspector verified through a 20% sample, that all I&C surveillances that were logged as completed, had been properly reviewed and filed and the surveillance J
i results were retrievable for review.
4.3 Test Witnessed The following two surveillance tests were witnessed by the inspector:
IC-FT-BF-001, Revision 2, Scram Discharge Volume High Water Level 0P-ST.KE-001, Revision 3, Refuel Interlock Operability Functional Test In addition the training and qualifications of those refueling bridge operators, which will be used for the initial fuel load, were reviewe Discussions were also held with QA to determine their involvement with the refueling operator training and qualification progra .4 Findings Within the scope of the inspection, no violations were identifie .0 Preoperational Test Retest Witnessing 5.1 Scope Testing witnessed by the inspector included the observations of overall crew performance stated in Paragraph 3.0 of Inspection Report 50-354/85-1 .2 Discussion During this inspection the inspector noted several preoperational test retests being conducted to clear test exceptions. Among those observed were:
Test Package Release (TPR) GSC-0412 and GTI-28C-6032, Opera-tion / Maintenance Instruction for Containment 2H and 02 Analyzer Systems
PTP-BB-3 Part B, Retest No. 1, Check of Control Room Emergency Filter Unit, and
PTP-GM-1, 50R-GM-443, Retest of AP414 and BP41 The inspector observed that testing was being conducted in accordance with written procedures and satisfied the criteria referenced in Paragraph 5.1 above.
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l*    7 6.0 Preoperational, Detailed and Surveillance Test Results Evaluation Review 6.1 Scope The completed test procedures listed below were reviewed during this inspection to verify that adequate testing has been conducted to sa-tisfy regulatory guidance, licensee commitments and FSAR requirements I  and to verify that uniform criteria were being applied for evaluation of completed test results in order to assure technical and administra-tive adequacy.
J The inspector reviewed the test results and verified the licensee's evaluation of test results by review of test changes, test exception, test deficiencies, "As-Run" copy of the test procedure, acceptance criteria, performance verification, recording conduct of test, QC j  inspection records, restoration of system to normal after test, j  independent verification of critical steps or parameters, identifi-
;  cation of personnel conducting and evaluating test data, and veri-j
fication that the test results have been approved.
PTP-KL-1, Primary Containment Instrument Gas, Revision 0,
{  results licensee approved on March 18, 1986,
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PTP-SB-2, Response Time Testing, Revision 0, results licensee i  approved on April 3, 1986, i
!  --
DTP-SB-0001, Recirculation Pump Trip Breaker Interrupt Time,
!  Revision 0, results licensee approved on March 27, 1986,
i  --
DTP-SB-0002, Turbine Stop Valve / Recirculation Pump Trip Response Time and RPS Trip Response Time, Revision 0, results
licensee approved on March 27, 1986,
DTP-SB-0003, Turbine Controi Valve Fast Closure / Recirculation l  Pump Breaker Trip and RPS Trip Response Time, Revision 0, i  results licensee' approved on March 27, 1986, and I  --
OP-ST.KJ-005 (006 and 007) (Q) Integrated Emergency Diesel
:  Generator 1AG400 (IBG400 and ICG400) Test-18 months, Revision 0,
}  Discussed in Paragraph 2.0.of this report.
]  6.2 Discussion i
;  During review of PTP-KL-1 the inspector noted that air quality
!  samples were taken at the containment instrument gas system receiver
!  drain valves and analyzed for 3.0 micrometer particle size. The
,  inspector questioned why air quality samples had not been obtained
!  at the end of the feeder lines as suggested by Regulatory Guide 1.68.3, Preoperational Testing of Instrument and Control. Air Systems.
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The licensee noted that a satisfactory flush had been previously con-ducted using General Test Procedure (GTP)-1, General Flushing and Cleaning Procedure. The inspector stated that GTP-1 flush samples method would not be able to detect 3.0 micrometer particles and could not verify system cleanlines The licensee agreed and stated that further sampling would be performed to verify particle siz If par-ticle size criteria are exceeded further action will be taken to re-solve the issue and ensure that air quality is such that safety re-lated components / instruments are not adversely affected. This item is unresolved pending licensee action and NRC review (354/86-22-01).
6.3 Findings No violations were identifie .0 QA/QC Interfaces The inspector reviewed several randomly selected Quality Assurance Surveil-lance Report (QASR) covering licensee's technical specification surveil-lance program. The reports were reviewed to verify direct QA/QC monitoring of activities affecting the quality of testing of plant equipment and com-ponents. The following QSARs were reviewed:
QASR-86059, Surveillance of the performance of OP-IS.EG-101, Safety Auxiliaries Cooling System-Subsystem A valves - Inservice Test on March 1, 1986. The QA inspector witnessed the proper timing of seven valves and verified the use of calibrated test equipmen QASR-86074, Surveillance of the performance of CH-CA.ZZ-048, Viscosity of Opaque and Transparent Liquids, and CH-CA.ZZ-042, Water and Sedi-ment in Oil, on March 17, 198 The QA inspector witnessed the test-ing of Diesel Generator Fuel Oil samples taken from storage tanks DT-403 and FT-40 For the week proceeding fuel load, the QA department assigned 3 auditors to perform a surveillance of the surveillance test program. All departments were reviewed for accuracy and completeness of their surveillance test progra Problems were identified and corrected with the Chemistry and Health Physics Department The inspector reviewed Stat'on QA surveillance report No. 86-092. The administrative program used for controlling sur-veillance tests was also reviewe Findings No unacceptable conditions were noted during the above revie .
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j' 8.0 Independent Verification I
During the surveillance test witnessing discussed in paragraph 2.0 of this report the inspectors independently timed (stopwatch) portions of the EDG 4 starting sequence. The inspector also independently reviewed strip chart recordings obtained during surveillance tests OP-5T-KJ-005 (006 and 007) i
(Q) to verify EDG time to speed and voltage and load start sequence time i
9.0 Plant Tours
; The inspectors made several tours of various areas of the facility to observe work in progress, housekeeping, cleanliness controls and testing activities were in progress. As noted in Paragraphs 2.0 and 5.0 several
retests wore in progres ;
1      -;
9.1 Findings    '
f No unacceptable conditions were identified.
; 10.0 Unresolved Items i
l Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required in order to determine whether they are acceptable, an item of non-compliance
] or a deviation. An unresolved item disclosed during the inspection is j discussed in Paragraph 6.2.
) 11.0 Exit Interview
[ A management meeting was held at the conclusion of the inspection on 1 April 11, 1986 to discuss the scope and findings as detailed in this re-i port (see Paragraph I for attendees). In addition, an interim exit meeting j was held with the licensee on April 4, 1986. No written information was provided to the licensee at any time during the inspection. The licensee
; did not indicate that proprietary information was contained within the
; scope of this inspection.
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ATTACHMENT A TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SURVEILLANCE PROCEDURES IC-CC.SE-001, Channel Calibrntion Nuclear Instrumentation System Channel A Source Range Monitor C51-K600A, Revision 4, dated February 19, 198 IC-FT. S E-001, Functional Test Nuclear Instrumentation System Channel A Source Range Monitor C51-K600A, Revision 2, dated March 18, 1986 IC-CC.SE-013, Channel Calibration Nuclear Instrumentation System Channel A Average Power Range Monitor, Revision 0, dated October 4, 198 IC-FT . S E-013, Functional Test Nuclear Instrumentation System Channel A Average Power Range Monitor, Revision 0, dated October 24, 198 OP-IO.ZZ-009, Refueling Operations, Revisions 0, dated January 25, 1986
OP-ST.BF-001, Control Rod Drive Exercise - Weekly, Revision 0, dated August 26, 1985 OP-ST.EA-001, Service Water Flow Path Verification - Monthly, Revision 0, dated July 1, 1985 OP-ST.GU-002, Reactor Building Integrity Functional Test - 18 months, Revision 0, dated December 20, 1985 OP-ST.KE-001, Refuel Interlock Operability Function Test, Revision 1, dated February 25, 1986 OP-ST.SF-001, Reactor Mode Switch Functional Test - 18 months, Revision 0, dated August 14, 1985 OP-ST.SF-003, RPS Manual Scram Test - Monthly, Revision 0, dated January 9,198 RE-ST.ZZ-007, Shutdown Margin Demonstration, Revision 1, dated March 10, 1986 l
ATTACHMENT B TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SURVEILLANCE RESULTS OP-ST.BH-002, Standby Liquid Control Flow Test - 18 months, OP-ST.BH-003, Standby Liquid Control System Tank Flow Test - 18 months, i
OP-ST.BH-004, Standby Liquid Control Storage Tank Heater Operability Test -
18 months, i
0P-ST.GV-002, Reactor Building Integrity Functional Test,
; IC-CC.SE-009, Channel E, Intermediate Range Monitor, IC-CC.SE-029, LPRM Gain Calibration, IC-CC.SE-015, Channel C, Average Power Range Monitor, IC-FT . B F-002, Control Rod Drive Hydraulic - Channel B1/B C11-N601B, Scram Discharge Volume High Water Level, IC-CC.SE-008, Channel D, Intermediate Range Monitor, OP-FT.KE-001, Refuel Platform and Fuel Grapple Operability Test - Refueling, MD-PM . KF-004, Polar Crane Preventive Maintenance and Check Out, MD-ST-SK-001, Polar Crane 7-day Surveillance Test, IC-CC-SE-016, Channel D, Average Power Range Monitor.
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Latest revision as of 14:14, 16 December 2020

Insp Rept 50-354/86-22 on 860331-0411.No Violation Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Previous Insp Findings & Tech Spec Surveillances for Operational Condition 5 D Power Ascension Test Program
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 05/23/1986
From: Briggs L, Eselgroth P, Prell J, Wink L
Shared Package
ML20195F126 List:
50-354-86-22, NUDOCS 8606090381
Download: ML20195F132 (10)







Report N /86-22 Docket N License N CPPR-120 Category B


Licensee: Public Service Electric and Gas Company 80 Park plaza - 17C Newark, New Jersey 07101 Facility Name: Hope Creek Generating Station Unit, 1 Inspection At: Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey Inspection Conducted: March 31, 1986-April 11, 1986 Inspectors h L. Briggs ad eactor ngineer 5 .3

' dat'e


L.~ Wink Reac Engineer '

date T E'rell, Re to Engin r shiln/ ddti Approved by: , J Y selgroth ,


. lef


dite Test Progra Section, OB, DRS Inspection Summary: Inspection on March 31, 1986 - April 11, 1986 (Inspection Report No. 50-354/86-22)

Areas Inspected: Routine unannounced inspection by three region-based inspec-tors of licensee actions on previous inspection findings, Technical Specifi-cation surveillances for operational condition 5, power ascension test program, preoperational, detailed and surveillance test results evaluation review, pre-operational retest witnessing, QA/QC interfaces, independent verification and plant tour Results: No violations were identifie NOTE: For acronyms not defined refer to NUREG-0544 " Handbook of Acronyms and Initialims."


! 8606090301 860602 '

$DR ADOCK 05000354 PDR

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DETAILS 1.0 Persons Contacted Public Service Electric and Gas (PSE&G) Personnel and Contractors G. Chew, Power Ascension Technical Support

  1. G. Connor, Operations Manager G. Daves, Senior Engineer-Operations
    1. M. Farschon, Power Ascension Manager B. Forward, Power Ascension Administration
  1. S. Funsten, I&C Engineer
    1. R. Griffith, Principal QA Engineer
    1. P. Krishna, Assistant to General Manager-Hope Creek Operations
  1. P. Kudless, Maintenance Manager
    1. S. LaBruna, Assistant General Manager
  1. J. Lovell, Radiation Protection / Chemistry Manager


  • C. McNeill, Jr. , Vice President-Nuclear
    1. M. Metcalf, Principal QA Engineer J. Montgomery, Maintenance Technical Specification Coordinator C. Moore, Startup Test Engineer L. Rice, I&C Work Order Planner E. Rush, I&C Technical Specification Coordinator W. Ryder, Operations Technical Specification Coordinator
    1. R. Salvesen, General Manager, Hope Creek Operations W. Schell, Power Ascension Technical Director T. Szumski, Power Ascension Engineer S. Tanner, I&C Engineer U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • D. Allsopp, Resident Inspector
  • R. Borchardt, Senior Resident Inspector
  • J. Lyash, Reactor Engineer The inspection also contacted other members of the licensee staff includ-ing senior nuclear shift supervisors, reactor operators, test engineers and members of the technical staf * Denotes those present at the interim exit meeting on April 4, 1986.
  1. Denotes those present at toe final exit meeting on April 11, 1986.

2.0 Licensee Actions on Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) Unresolved Item (354/86-12-01). Licensee to modify and re-test nuclear steam supply shutoff system manual initiation pushbuttons (B21H-S28A, B, C and D) to close test exception SDR-SM-0086.


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The inspector reviewed the completed re-test package (TPR: SME-0025) and verified that the appropriate modifications had been made and the push-button re-tested. The inspector questioned the startup test engineer to insure that the scope of the re-test was adequate to assure the proper i functioning of the pushbuttons.


This item is close (Closed) Unresolved Item (354/86-21-01) Determination of acceptability of surveillance test-OP-ST.KJ-005 (006, 007 and 008)(Q) to satisfy preopera-tional test requirements. During results review / evaluation of preopera-tional test procedure (PTP)-BB-3(A), Standby Diesel Generator Loading, and PTP-BB-3(B), ECCS Integrated Initiation / Loss of Offsite Power, the inspec-


tor determined that integrated system performance had not been fully demon-strated. During this inspection the inspector reviewed surveillance test i OP-ST.KJ-005,(006, 007 and 008)(Q), Integrated Emergency Diesel Generator I 1AG400 (IBG400, ICG400 and IDG400) Test - 18 months. The inspector deter-mined that satisfactory performance of the surveillanc- "est would demon-


strate proper performance of each emergency diesel g" ttor (EDG) and its

, associated electrical bus. On April 2, 1986 the inst ars observed per-

formance of portions of OP-ST.KJ-007 (Q)('C'EDG). Th< ..ocedure was stop-f ped by the licensee when the Residual Heat Removal (RhR) pump did not start

during the initiation sequenc That portion of the test was satisfactori-i ly completed later during the 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift when an incorrect j test connection not noted in the test was discovered and corrected. One j hardware problem was identified by the inspectors when it was noted that the Logic Out of Service annunciator for the 'C' RHR pump was not energized as required by the procedure. This item is being investigated by the 11-a censee and being followed by the resident inspector.


On April 9 and 10, 1986 the inspector reviewed the results of the 18 month surveillance tests performed on the A, B and C EDG's with a licensee re-

presentative. All data were acceptable, with c.,1y the annunciator problem discussed above remaining unanswered.


This item is closed.


3.0 Power Ascension Test Program (PATP)



3.1 References j * Regulatory Guide 1.68, Revision 2, August 1978, " Initial Test Programs for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants"

  • ANSI N18.7 - 1976, " Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance for the Operational Phase of Nuclear Power Plants" l


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  • Hope Creek Generating Station (HCGS) Technical Specifications, l Proof and Review Copy l * HCGS Safety Evaluation Report, Chapter 14, " Initial Test
* Station Administrative Procedure, SA-AP.ZZ-036, Revision 1,


" Phase III Startup Test Program" i *

Specification NE80 23A4137, Revision 0, " Hope Creek Startup Test



  • HCGS Power Ascension Test Matrix, Revision 3 j 3.2 Overall Power Ascension Test Program (PATP)

i Discussion


The inspector met with the Power Ascension Manager and members of his staff to discuss the overall readiness of the program, status of training activities and progress on procedure review and revision Based on these discussions, and the procedure reviews discussed in r

paragraph 3.3 below, the inspector was satisfied that the Power Ascen-


  • sion Test Program was adequately prepared to support fuel loading and iow power testing. Training on Power Ascension Test Procedures, in-1 cluding an integrated " dry run" of the fuel loading procedures, has i been completed satisfactorily. The Technical Review Board, utilized j '

to improve the quality of the PATP procedures, has completed its re-view of the fuel loading and low power testing procedures and appro-


priate revisions are being made.

3.3 Power Ascension Test Procedure Review

i Scope l The Power Ascension Test Procedures discussed below were reviewed j for their conformance to the requirements and guidelines of the

! references listed in paragraph 3.1 and for the attributes previously

defined in Inspection Report 50-354/86-03. In addition, the resi-


sions reviewed were verified to adequately address the concerns identified in Inspection Report 50-354/86-0 Discussion i


Initial Fuel Loading


The inspector reviewed the approved revision to the fuel loading

] test procedure (TE-SU.KE-032, Revision 1) in Jetail and verified i


that it was in conformance with the Regulatory Guide and FSAR commitments and that it would provide a technically adequate basis l


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J for safely conducting the initial fuel loading. -It was also deter-mined that all the inspector's concerns identified in an earlier l inspection had been adequately addressed in this revisio Initial Criticality / Full Core Shutdown Margin Demonstration The inspector reviewed the approved revision to the power ascension test procedure, TE-SU.ZZ-041, Revision 1, Full Core Shutdown Margin

Demonstration, in detai The inspector determined that the proce-dure was in conformance with the Regulatory Guide and FSAR commit -

ments and that it was adequate to ensure that the initial approach to i

criticality would be conducted in a deliberate and orderly manne ! In addition, the procedural deficiencies identified as a violation (86-03-03) in a previous inspection report had been adequately addressed in this revisio Findings

Within the scope of the inspection, no violations were identified.

j 4.0 Technical Specification Surveillances For Operational Condition 5

4.1 Scope


Tne licensee's surveillance activities were monitored to insure that technical specification surveillance requirements were being adequate-ly met. The inspector also reviewed selected surveillance procedures to verify that they were consistent with the final draft of the faci-lity's Technical Specifications.

4.2 Discussion

The surveillance procedures listed in Attachment A were reviewed to insure conformance with the final draft Technical Specifications and for technical adequacy. Minor concerns identified by the inspector
were all resolved through discussions with the appropriate work group technical specification coordinators.


The inspector reviewed the completed technical specification surveil-

^ lances listed in Attachment B to insure that all appropriate accept-


ance criteria were satisfied. In addition, the inspector verified through a 20% sample, that all I&C surveillances that were logged as completed, had been properly reviewed and filed and the surveillance J

i results were retrievable for review.








4.3 Test Witnessed The following two surveillance tests were witnessed by the inspector:

IC-FT-BF-001, Revision 2, Scram Discharge Volume High Water Level 0P-ST.KE-001, Revision 3, Refuel Interlock Operability Functional Test In addition the training and qualifications of those refueling bridge operators, which will be used for the initial fuel load, were reviewe Discussions were also held with QA to determine their involvement with the refueling operator training and qualification progra .4 Findings Within the scope of the inspection, no violations were identifie .0 Preoperational Test Retest Witnessing 5.1 Scope Testing witnessed by the inspector included the observations of overall crew performance stated in Paragraph 3.0 of Inspection Report 50-354/85-1 .2 Discussion During this inspection the inspector noted several preoperational test retests being conducted to clear test exceptions. Among those observed were:


Test Package Release (TPR) GSC-0412 and GTI-28C-6032, Opera-tion / Maintenance Instruction for Containment 2H and 02 Analyzer Systems


PTP-BB-3 Part B, Retest No. 1, Check of Control Room Emergency Filter Unit, and


PTP-GM-1, 50R-GM-443, Retest of AP414 and BP41 The inspector observed that testing was being conducted in accordance with written procedures and satisfied the criteria referenced in Paragraph 5.1 above.

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l* 7 6.0 Preoperational, Detailed and Surveillance Test Results Evaluation Review 6.1 Scope The completed test procedures listed below were reviewed during this inspection to verify that adequate testing has been conducted to sa-tisfy regulatory guidance, licensee commitments and FSAR requirements I and to verify that uniform criteria were being applied for evaluation of completed test results in order to assure technical and administra-tive adequacy.

J The inspector reviewed the test results and verified the licensee's evaluation of test results by review of test changes, test exception, test deficiencies, "As-Run" copy of the test procedure, acceptance criteria, performance verification, recording conduct of test, QC j inspection records, restoration of system to normal after test, j independent verification of critical steps or parameters, identifi-

cation of personnel conducting and evaluating test data, and veri-j


fication that the test results have been approved.



PTP-KL-1, Primary Containment Instrument Gas, Revision 0,

{ results licensee approved on March 18, 1986,

! --

PTP-SB-2, Response Time Testing, Revision 0, results licensee i approved on April 3, 1986, i

! --

DTP-SB-0001, Recirculation Pump Trip Breaker Interrupt Time,

! Revision 0, results licensee approved on March 27, 1986,

i --

DTP-SB-0002, Turbine Stop Valve / Recirculation Pump Trip Response Time and RPS Trip Response Time, Revision 0, results


licensee approved on March 27, 1986,


DTP-SB-0003, Turbine Controi Valve Fast Closure / Recirculation l Pump Breaker Trip and RPS Trip Response Time, Revision 0, i results licensee' approved on March 27, 1986, and I --

OP-ST.KJ-005 (006 and 007) (Q) Integrated Emergency Diesel

Generator 1AG400 (IBG400 and ICG400) Test-18 months, Revision 0,

} Discussed in Paragraph 2.0.of this report.

] 6.2 Discussion i

During review of PTP-KL-1 the inspector noted that air quality

! samples were taken at the containment instrument gas system receiver

! drain valves and analyzed for 3.0 micrometer particle size. The

, inspector questioned why air quality samples had not been obtained

! at the end of the feeder lines as suggested by Regulatory Guide 1.68.3, Preoperational Testing of Instrument and Control. Air Systems.






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The licensee noted that a satisfactory flush had been previously con-ducted using General Test Procedure (GTP)-1, General Flushing and Cleaning Procedure. The inspector stated that GTP-1 flush samples method would not be able to detect 3.0 micrometer particles and could not verify system cleanlines The licensee agreed and stated that further sampling would be performed to verify particle siz If par-ticle size criteria are exceeded further action will be taken to re-solve the issue and ensure that air quality is such that safety re-lated components / instruments are not adversely affected. This item is unresolved pending licensee action and NRC review (354/86-22-01).

6.3 Findings No violations were identifie .0 QA/QC Interfaces The inspector reviewed several randomly selected Quality Assurance Surveil-lance Report (QASR) covering licensee's technical specification surveil-lance program. The reports were reviewed to verify direct QA/QC monitoring of activities affecting the quality of testing of plant equipment and com-ponents. The following QSARs were reviewed:


QASR-86059, Surveillance of the performance of OP-IS.EG-101, Safety Auxiliaries Cooling System-Subsystem A valves - Inservice Test on March 1, 1986. The QA inspector witnessed the proper timing of seven valves and verified the use of calibrated test equipmen QASR-86074, Surveillance of the performance of CH-CA.ZZ-048, Viscosity of Opaque and Transparent Liquids, and CH-CA.ZZ-042, Water and Sedi-ment in Oil, on March 17, 198 The QA inspector witnessed the test-ing of Diesel Generator Fuel Oil samples taken from storage tanks DT-403 and FT-40 For the week proceeding fuel load, the QA department assigned 3 auditors to perform a surveillance of the surveillance test program. All departments were reviewed for accuracy and completeness of their surveillance test progra Problems were identified and corrected with the Chemistry and Health Physics Department The inspector reviewed Stat'on QA surveillance report No.86-092. The administrative program used for controlling sur-veillance tests was also reviewe Findings No unacceptable conditions were noted during the above revie .

.. . _ __ ___ - .



1 I

j' 8.0 Independent Verification I



During the surveillance test witnessing discussed in paragraph 2.0 of this report the inspectors independently timed (stopwatch) portions of the EDG 4 starting sequence. The inspector also independently reviewed strip chart recordings obtained during surveillance tests OP-5T-KJ-005 (006 and 007) i

(Q) to verify EDG time to speed and voltage and load start sequence time i

9.0 Plant Tours

The inspectors made several tours of various areas of the facility to observe work in progress, housekeeping, cleanliness controls and testing activities were in progress. As noted in Paragraphs 2.0 and 5.0 several


retests wore in progres ;

1 -;

9.1 Findings '

f No unacceptable conditions were identified.

10.0 Unresolved Items i

l Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required in order to determine whether they are acceptable, an item of non-compliance


] or a deviation. An unresolved item disclosed during the inspection is j discussed in Paragraph 6.2.

) 11.0 Exit Interview

[ A management meeting was held at the conclusion of the inspection on 1 April 11, 1986 to discuss the scope and findings as detailed in this re-i port (see Paragraph I for attendees). In addition, an interim exit meeting j was held with the licensee on April 4, 1986. No written information was provided to the licensee at any time during the inspection. The licensee


did not indicate that proprietary information was contained within the
scope of this inspection.


i, i



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ATTACHMENT A TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SURVEILLANCE PROCEDURES IC-CC.SE-001, Channel Calibrntion Nuclear Instrumentation System Channel A Source Range Monitor C51-K600A, Revision 4, dated February 19, 198 IC-FT. S E-001, Functional Test Nuclear Instrumentation System Channel A Source Range Monitor C51-K600A, Revision 2, dated March 18, 1986 IC-CC.SE-013, Channel Calibration Nuclear Instrumentation System Channel A Average Power Range Monitor, Revision 0, dated October 4, 198 IC-FT . S E-013, Functional Test Nuclear Instrumentation System Channel A Average Power Range Monitor, Revision 0, dated October 24, 198 OP-IO.ZZ-009, Refueling Operations, Revisions 0, dated January 25, 1986


OP-ST.BF-001, Control Rod Drive Exercise - Weekly, Revision 0, dated August 26, 1985 OP-ST.EA-001, Service Water Flow Path Verification - Monthly, Revision 0, dated July 1, 1985 OP-ST.GU-002, Reactor Building Integrity Functional Test - 18 months, Revision 0, dated December 20, 1985 OP-ST.KE-001, Refuel Interlock Operability Function Test, Revision 1, dated February 25, 1986 OP-ST.SF-001, Reactor Mode Switch Functional Test - 18 months, Revision 0, dated August 14, 1985 OP-ST.SF-003, RPS Manual Scram Test - Monthly, Revision 0, dated January 9,198 RE-ST.ZZ-007, Shutdown Margin Demonstration, Revision 1, dated March 10, 1986 l




ATTACHMENT B TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SURVEILLANCE RESULTS OP-ST.BH-002, Standby Liquid Control Flow Test - 18 months, OP-ST.BH-003, Standby Liquid Control System Tank Flow Test - 18 months, i

OP-ST.BH-004, Standby Liquid Control Storage Tank Heater Operability Test -

18 months, i

0P-ST.GV-002, Reactor Building Integrity Functional Test,

IC-CC.SE-009, Channel E, Intermediate Range Monitor, IC-CC.SE-029, LPRM Gain Calibration, IC-CC.SE-015, Channel C, Average Power Range Monitor, IC-FT . B F-002, Control Rod Drive Hydraulic - Channel B1/B C11-N601B, Scram Discharge Volume High Water Level, IC-CC.SE-008, Channel D, Intermediate Range Monitor, OP-FT.KE-001, Refuel Platform and Fuel Grapple Operability Test - Refueling, MD-PM . KF-004, Polar Crane Preventive Maintenance and Check Out, MD-ST-SK-001, Polar Crane 7-day Surveillance Test, IC-CC-SE-016, Channel D, Average Power Range Monitor.



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