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.DOC UPDATES 84/05/15 NOTARIZED!" NO" FACIL:50-400 Shearon Harris Nuc,lear Power P.lanti;Unit) li Carol'ina AUTH~NAME~AUTHOR AFFILIATION ZIMMERMANiS
UPDATES ACCESSION NBR:8405250055)         . DOC         84/05/15               NOTARIZED!" NO"               DOCKET FACIL:50-400 Shearon Harris Nuc,lear Power P.lanti;Unit)                         li Carol'ina                       ¹'5000400 AUTH ~ NAME~
~R~'ar ol ina Power 8 Light Co.RKC IP~NAME REGIP'IENT'FFILIATION DKNTONiH~RE'ffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation~
ZIMMERMANiS~ R ~ 'ar AUTHOR    AFFILIATION ol ina Power 8 Light Co.
REGIP'IENT'FFILIATION RKC IP ~ NAME DKNTONiH ~ RE     'ffice       of Nuclear Reactor Regulation~ Director

Forwards addi~info, re essentia,l aves chilled water sysiin response to NRC 840411,request; DISTRIBUTION CODE,: B001S COPIES RECEIVEDGLTR f ENCLI SIZES (I 5 TITLE: Licensing Submittal i PSAR/FSAR Amdts L Re)lated Cor respondence RECIPIENT ID COPE/NAME NRR/DL/AOLI NRR LB3 LA',INTE/NAL s ELD/HDS1>>IE/DEPER/EPB 36 IE/DQASI P/QAB21.NRR/DK'/CEBt 11 NRR/DK'/EQB 13 NRR/DE'/MEB 18 NRR/DK/SAB
Forwards     addi~   info, re essentia,l   aves             chilled   water       sysiin response   to NRC   840411,request; DISTRIBUTION CODE,: B001S TITLE: Licensing Submittal COPIES RECEIVEDGLTR (f ENCLI I SIZES i PSAR/FSAR Amdts L Re)lated Cor respondence 5
?4 NRR/DHFS/HFEB40 NRR/DHFS/PSRB NRR/DSI/AEB 26 NRR/DS I/CP8 10 NRR/DSI/IGSB 16 NRR/DSI/PSB 19 NRR/OS I/RSB 23 RGN2 EXTERNALS ACRS 41.DMS/DSS (AMDTS)LPDR 03 NSIC~05 COPIES LiTTR ENCL 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 3 1 1 1 1 2.2 1.1 1 1 1 1 1 1, 1.1 1 1 1.1 1, 1, 3'6 6 i 1 1 1.1 RECIPIENT ID CODE/NAME'RR LB3 BCI BUCKLEY'S 01 IE FlLEI IE/DEPKR/IRB 35 NRR/DE/AEAB NRR/DK/EHEB NRR/DK/GB 28 NRR/DK/MTEB 17 NRR/DK/SGEB 25 NRR/DHFS/LQB 3?.NRR/DL'/SSPB NRR/DSI/ASB NRR/DSI/CSB 09 NRR/DS I/MET 8 1?.)NRR/DSI RAB 22 Q4)R/PDAMI/MIB 8 NLt(A MD T 8 0NL)Y)FEMA REP DIV 39 NRC PDR 02 NTIS 1.1 1 2 1.i 1.1;1 1~1'i: '1)T)Ip~1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 Q)1 1 1.1 1 0, COPIES L.TTR ENCL."'0 1 1)r))r , I I)',),;, r lg Aa~f),'I)r II'r~t)))r).,I)I 3 g$.))T)rr+nV~TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: LTTR 53 ENCL'6 MWL f>>, Ke!t eP H'.i Mfkii>>l,r>>
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RECIPIENT            COPIES              RECIPIENT                         COPIES ID COPE/NAME         LiTTR ENCL        ID  CODE/NAME'RR L.TTR ENCL."'
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IE/DEPER/EPB 36           3      3      IE/DEPKR/IRB 35                        1      1 IE/DQASI P/QAB21.         1      1      NRR/DE/AEAB                                    0            ,),;, r Aa~f ), lg NRR/DK'/CEBt   11       1      1      NRR/DK/EHEB                            1      1
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NRR/DK'/EQB     13       2. 2      NRR/DK/GB                28            2      2 NRR/DE'/MEB     18       1. 1      NRR/DK/MTEB              17            1.      1 NRR/DK/SAB     ?4       1      1      NRR/DK/SGEB              25            i      1 NRR/DHFS/HFEB40           1            NRR/DHFS/LQB              3?.                  1 NRR/DHFS/PSRB                    1      NRR/DL'/SSPB                            1.      Q NRR/DSI/AEB 26            1      1,    NRR/DSI/ASB                            1;    )
1 NRR/DS I/CP8    10        1. 1     NRR/DSI/CSB              09            1      1 NRR/DSI/IGSB 16          1      1      NRR/DS I /MET 8 1?.)                   1  ~  1.
NRR/DSI/PSB    19        1. 1      NRR/DSI RAB               22           1'i:
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==Dear Nr.Denton:==
e MWL          f>>, Ke!t P H'.i                                                LPJI<<IH              (r                  <<'            HM      w>>    <<I "<<'                                                                                                              e                                  ""l <<'e>><<
Carolina Power&Light Company hereby submits additional information on the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Essential Services Chilled Water System.This information is submitted in response to the NRC request for additional information dated April 11, 1984.If you have any additional questions on this subject, please contact our staff.Youxs very truly, JHE/ccc (9945JHE)Attachment S.R Zi erman ger Nuclear Licensing Section cct Hr.BE C.Buckley (NRC)Hr.G.F.Maxwell (NRC-SHNPP)
Mfkii>>l,r>>  v                , hi l    llh<< l>> l qr          j f>>hh'                      'f>>M>>tl'i( 'ilrtcj>>                                M    li      hf                    <<!  f    l'll                                                                          r
Hr.J.P.O'Reilly (NRC-RII)Nr.N.Wagner (NRC-ASB)Hr Travis Payne (KUDZU)Hr Daniel F.Read (CHANGE/ELP)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                >>  ~    ll I  'nl fi,       M  Jl        k    kh>>      PI>>(It        M  <<Wt
Chapel Hill Public Library Wake County Public Library Hr.Wells Eddleman Dr.Phyllis Lotchin Hr.John D.Runkle Dr.Richard D.Wilson Hr.G.0.Bright (ASLB)Dx.J.H.Carpenter (ASLB)Hr.J.L.Kelley (ASLB)84052$005g'BPPgg FOR ADOCX OSaoaooo PDR 411 Fayettevilte Street o P.O.Box 1551 I Raleigh, N.C.27602 Oo T i'YP'>1 II', l-fl RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INF019fATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          <<he''e' ii  h
-SHEARON HARRIS, UNIT 1 1.How are the water chillers seismically qualified to assure operability during an earthquake' A.Water chillers will be seismically qualified to assure operability by combination of analysis and test based on seismic acceleration input.The seismic qualification reports have not yet been received.These reports, when received, will be reviewed to assure that the chillers are seismically qualified.
                                                                                                                                          $ >>J                           <<I rh    '
2.Does the seismic qualification include the control panels attached to the chiller unit?These panels may contain numerous control relays which may not be permitted to"chatter" during an earthquake.
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A.The chiller units, including attached panels, will be seismically qualified as a unit by combination of test and analysis to remain functional during and after a seismic event.Panel mounted control relays are energized during the seismic testing to assure that relay"chatter" will not impair chiller unit operability prior to, during and following an SSE.The seismic qualification reports have not yet been received.These reports, when received will be reviewed to assure that the chiller control panels are seismically qualified.
v  k>>K    k nil(               J lhh      t  ii
3.What are the limitations concerning restart of operating compressors following a loss of off-site power during an earthquake?
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A.Following are the limitations concerning restart of operating compressors following a loss of off-site power during an earthquake.
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a.Control power availability (constant power available from UPS).b.Water chiller control timer for stopping (116 sec.).c.Availability of power to oil pump (15 sec.block on D.G.sequence).
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d.Water chiller control timer for starting (30 sec.).e.Availability of power to compressor (45 sec.block on D.G.sequence).
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Total worst case time delay of compressor restart is on the order of 146 sec.4.Is the restart delay time acceptable?
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A.Due to the relatively short duration, the restart delay time is considered acceptable.
hg f in fI,    i llihWi J(~rJ  f l(j>>rj III(9(h              fjl'                   ft        g~JIH,(i(lw                .,Jhiiw      )$ (J(,h          l      e  k(, f,g f,             "Ii,kir>>,           g  fl f,(WWr<<                                W f    jj            I! l l.''lK'        rr)                                                ',If,f                  I                                      I
5.Is the restart control circuitry control grade?A.All essential service chiller restart control circuitry is safety grade (i.e., Class 1E).(9945JHE/ccc)
                                                                                              ,I n(  'I(
~0'g tg III g~s I t II How is the compressor restart programmed into the diesel-generator loading sequence?Essential services water chiller loads are sequenced onto the diesel-generator as follows: a.."Start signal only" is energized in block//1 (t~10 sec.).b.Power available to chiller oil pump in block//2 (t~15 sec.).c.Chiller compressor is energized in block/f8 (t-45 sec.).After 45 seconds the chiller compressor start circuit will be energized provided all protective devices are aligned in the start position and the oil pressure is 30 psig.If the compressor breaker does not close in load block 8 (45 seconds)it will close automatically at any time after load block 8 after satisfying all protective interlocks.
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Is the control panel and associated components environmentally qualified' CP6L is awaiting receipt of vendors'ualification reports.These reports when received will be reviewed to assure that the control panel and associated components are environmentally qualified.
fkJ                              Ml  hhhh      I  hh
How essential are the chillers?How long can the plant operate without them?The essential services water chillers are required for normal and post-accident plant operation.
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The system has been designed to perform its safety function following a SSE while satisfying the single failure criterion.
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Consequently one chiller train is always available.
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In light of this no evaluation has been performed of the hypothetical condition of continued plant operation coupled with total loss of the essential services chilled water system.The SHNPP design includes certain non-safety-related HVAC systems in addition to the ESCWS.If the entire essential services chilled water system were to become unavailable, plant HVAC could be realigned to provide once-thru cooling.The availability, and effectiveness of optional sources of cooling depends on various factors including initiating events, ambient air conditions, availability of off-site power, qualification margin and so forth.What are the materials of construction of the chiller package?Have the materials been qualified for low-temperature operation during a seismic event?The materials of construction of the chillers are shown on the following enclosed drawings.1364-7702R5,-7703R5,-7704R4,-7705R4, 11946R3, 11947R3,-19166R4, 19167R4,-19174R4,-19175R4,-40075R3,-43351R3,-51098R1,-51099R1 (9945JHE/ccc)
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>manufacturer materials selections are based on experience and the appropriate service conditions (e.g., low temperature (32'F operation)).
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As previously stated the chiller units will be environmentally and seismically qualified thereby assuring their continued availability.
10.AH-12 (switchgear room)contains two coils, one on subsystem A and the other one on B.Is either centrifugal fan in AH-12 in close proximity of the two coils such as a fan failure will rupture both coils?A.Fan manufacturer calculation demonstrates that the fan housing will retain any internally generated missiles.Consequently coil failure due to internal missiles is not considered since the area does not include any other potential missile sources.Xf a simultaneous leak should occur in both chiller systems, how will it be isolated without damage to the chiller pumps?How much recovery time is available?
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A, As previously stated, the ESCWS is designed in accordance with the single failure criterion and the appropriate guidance for moderate energy piping systems (i.e., FSAR Section 3').Accordingly, simultaneous failure has neither been postulated nor evaluated.
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Refer to answer 8 for discussion of single failure philosophy.
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12.The chilled water supply to AH-14 (non-essential equipment room)comes from both systems A and B through isolation valves.What signal isolates these valves in both chiller systems?'A.The isolation valves fail closed on loss of AC power.They also close on receipt of SIA signal.13'hat provision is made to isolate AH-12 and AH-13 from System A and B chilled water (no isolation valves shown in Figure 9.2.8-1)?A.AH-12 and AH-13 chilled water system"A" and"B" are not interconnected.
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Therefore no isolation valves are required.14.Will a fire, or act of sabotage, in the vicinity of chiller A and its associated area coolers (AH-19 SA and SB supplied by chilled water A and B), which are physically close, wipe out all essential chilled water?What would be the consequences?
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A.The loss, of both essential chilled water systems due to a fire in the area of chiller A is not considered plausible due to: a.the moderate combustible loading (88,000 BTU/SF)for the zone, b.early warning ionization detectors are provided throughout the area, c.thermal actuated multicycle sprinklers are provided throughout almost the entire zone and d.hose stations, portable fire extinguishers and manual alarm stations are provided in and adjacent to the area.(9945JHE/ccc)
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Therefore, sufficient protection exists to ensure that a fire in this area will not disable both trains of chilled water.The physical security provided to the area in which the ESWS chillers are located is described in the SHNPP Security Plan.The protection provided to this system and to other systems in the plan have been found to be accepted by the NRC'staff.Each essential service chiller can be monitored in the control room or at its'ocal control panel.All monitoring instrumentation and controls are safety grade, physically and electrically independent.
                                                                    ~4 CSQO Carolina Power & Light Company                  SERIAL: NLS-84-198 MAY  15  1984 Nr. Harold  R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC    20555 SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNIT NO+ 1  DOCKET NO, 50-400 ESSENTIAL SERVICES CHILLED WATER SYSTEMl
The instrumentation, as described in PSAR Section, Table 9.2.8-2 and Figure 7.3'-16, Sheets 1-18, provides a full range of monitoring and indication thereby assuring that each essential services chiller train is operating correctly.
Should'problems develop, the instrumentation will alert the plant operators and operating procedures will detail required corrective actions.Por these reasons, simultaneous loss of both trains of essential services chilled water has never been assessed.15.Is AH-19 typically a single unit with system A and B chiller coils or are there two separate AH units'l A.AH-19 (1A-SA)and AH-19 (1B-SB)are two separate units.16'hat other forms of room cooling is provided in areas served by the ESP equipment cooling fan coolers?A.The essential services chilled water system consists of two (redundant) and independent trains.Additionally, non-safety-related HVAC systems are available.
==Dear Nr. Denton:==
If the entire essential services chilled water system were to become unavailable, plant HVAC could be realigned to provide once-thru cooling.The availability and effectiveness of"optional" sources of cooling depend upon various factors including initiating events, ambient air conditions, availability of off-site power, qualification margin and so forth.(9945JHE/ccc)  
~lt C g A'}}
Carolina Power & Light Company hereby submits additional information on the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Essential Services Chilled Water System.
This information is submitted in response to the NRC request for additional information dated April 11, 1984.
If you  have any additional questions            on  this subject, please contact our staff.
Youxs very      truly, S. R    Zi    erman ger Nuclear Licensing Section JHE/ccc (9945JHE)
Attachment cct    Hr. BE C. Buckley (NRC)                              Hr. Wells Eddleman Hr. G. F. Maxwell (NRC-SHNPP)                        Dr. Phyllis Lotchin Hr. J. P. O'Reilly (NRC-RII)                          Hr. John D. Runkle Nr. N. Wagner (NRC-ASB)                              Dr. Richard D. Wilson Hr Travis Payne (KUDZU)                              Hr. G. 0. Bright (ASLB)
Hr Daniel F. Read (CHANGE/ELP)                        Dx. J. H. Carpenter (ASLB)
Chapel Hill Public Library                            Hr. J. L. Kelley (ASLB)
Wake County Public Library 84052$ 005g    'BPPgg FOR ADOCX    OSaoaooo PDR 411 Fayettevilte Street o P. O. Box 1551 I Raleigh, N. C. 27602
Oo                      T i' YP'>
1 II', l -fl
: 1. How  are the water chillers seismically        qualified to assure operability during an earthquake' A. Water  chillers will be seismically qualified to        assure  operability by combination of analysis and      test  based on seismic acceleration    input.
The  seismic qualification reports      have not yet been received.      These reports, when received, will be reviewed to assure that the            chillers are seismically qualified.
: 2. Does  the seismic    qualification include the control panels attached to the chiller unit?      These panels may    contain numerous control relays which      may not be  permitted to "chatter" during      an earthquake.
A. The  chiller units, including      attached panels, will be seismically qualified as a    unit  by combination    of test and analysis to remain functional during and after a seismic event. Panel mounted control relays are energized during the seismic testing to assure that relay "chatter" will not impair chiller unit operability prior to, during and following an SSE. The seismic qualification reports have not yet been received. These reports, when received will be reviewed to assure that the chiller control panels are seismically qualified.
: 3. What are    the  limitations concerning restart of operating        compressors following    a  loss of  off-site  power during an earthquake?
A. Following are the limitations concerning restart of operating compressors following a loss of off-site power during an earthquake.
: a. Control power availability (constant power available from UPS).
: b. Water    chiller control timer for stopping (116 sec.).
: c. Availability of power to oil pump (15 sec. block on D.G. sequence).
: d. Water chiller control timer for starting (30 sec.).
: e. Availability of power to compressor (45 sec. block on D.G.
Total worst case time delay of compressor restart is            on the order of 146 sec.
: 4. Is the restart delay time acceptable?
A. Due  to the relatively short duration, the restart delay time is considered acceptable.
: 5. Is the restart control      circuitry control grade?
A. All essential service chiller restart control circuitry is safety            grade (i.e.,  Class 1E).
      ~0        'g tg III g
      ~s I
t II
How  is  the compressor  restart  programmed  into the diesel-generator loading sequence?
Essential services water chiller loads are sequenced onto the diesel-generator as follows:
a.. "Start signal only" is energized in block //1 (t ~ 10 sec.).
: b. Power available to chiller oil pump in block //2 (t ~ 15 sec.).
: c. Chiller compressor is energized in block /f8 (t  45 sec.).
After  45 seconds the chiller compressor start circuit will be energized provided all protective devices are aligned in the start position and the oil pressure is 30 psig.
If the  compressor breaker does not close      in load block 8 (45 seconds) it will close automatically at    any time    after load block 8 after satisfying all protective interlocks.
Is the control panel    and associated    components environmentally qualified' CP6L  is awaiting receipt of vendors'ualification reports. These reports when received will be reviewed to assure that the control panel and associated components are environmentally qualified.
How  essential are the chillers?      How  long can the plant operate without them?
The  essential services water chillers are required for normal and post-accident plant operation. The system has been designed to perform its safety function following a SSE while satisfying the single failure criterion. Consequently one chiller train is always available. In light of this no evaluation has been performed of the hypothetical condition of continued plant operation coupled with total loss of the essential services chilled water system.
The SHNPP design    includes certain non-safety-related HVAC systems in addition to the ESCWS. If the entire essential services chilled water system were to become unavailable, plant HVAC could be realigned to provide once-thru cooling. The availability, and effectiveness of optional sources of cooling depends on various factors including initiating events, ambient air conditions, availability of off-site power,  qualification margin  and so  forth.
What are  the materials of construction of the chiller package?        Have the materials been qualified for low-temperature operation during        a  seismic event?
The  materials of construction of the chillers are      shown on the  following enclosed drawings.
1364-7702R5, -7703R5, -7704R4, -7705R4, 11946R3, 11947R3, -19166R4, 19167R4,  -19174R4, -19175R4, -40075R3, -43351R3, -51098R1, -51099R1 (9945JHE/ccc)
      >manufacturer materials selections    are based on experience and the appropriate service conditions (e.g., low temperature (32'F operation)). As previously stated the chiller units will be environmentally and seismically qualified thereby assuring their continued  availability.
: 10. AH-12  (switchgear room) contains two coils, one on subsystem A and the other one on B. Is either centrifugal fan in AH-12 in close proximity of the two coils such as a fan failure will rupture both coils?
A. Fan  manufacturer calculation demonstrates that the fan housing will retain any internally generated missiles. Consequently coil failure due to internal missiles is not considered since the area does not include any other potential missile sources.
Xf a simultaneous    leak should occur in both chiller systems, how will      it be  isolated without  damage to the chiller pumps?    How much recovery time is available?
A,  As  previously stated, the  ESCWS  is designed in accordance with the single failure criterion    and the appropriate guidance for moderate energy piping systems (i.e., FSAR Section 3    ').
neither been postulated nor evaluated.
Accordingly, simultaneous failure has Refer to answer    8 for discussion of single failure philosophy.
: 12. The  chilled water supply to AH-14 (non-essential equipment room) comes from both systems A and B through isolation valves. What signal isolates these valves in both chiller systems?
'A. The  isolation valves  fail closed  on  loss of AC power. They also close on receipt of SIA signal.
13 'hat    provision is  made to isolate AH-12 and AH-13 from System chilled water (no isolation valves shown in Figure 9.2.8-1)?
A and B A. AH-12 and AH-13 chilled water system "A" and "B" are not        interconnected.
Therefore no isolation valves are required.
: 14. Will a fire, or act of sabotage, in the vicinity of chiller A and its associated area coolers (AH-19 SA and SB supplied by chilled water A and B), which are physically close, wipe out all essential chilled water?
What would be the consequences?
A. The  loss, of both essential chilled water systems due to    a  fire in  the area of  chiller A is not considered plausible due to:
: a. the moderate combustible loading (88,000 BTU/SF)      for the  zone,
: b. early warning ionization detectors are provided throughout the area,
: c. thermal actuated multicycle sprinklers are provided throughout almost the entire zone and
: d. hose stations, portable fire extinguishers and manual alarm stations are provided  in and adjacent  to the area.
Therefore, sufficient protection exists to ensure that       a fire in this area will not disable both trains of chilled water.
The physical security provided to the area in which the ESWS chillers are located is described in the SHNPP Security Plan. The protection provided to this system and to other systems in the plan have been found to be accepted by the NRC 'staff. Each essential service chiller can be monitored in the control room or at its'ocal control panel. All monitoring instrumentation and controls are safety grade, physically and electrically independent. The instrumentation, as described in PSAR Section, Table 9.2.8-2 and Figure 7.3 '-16, Sheets 1-18, provides a full range of monitoring and indication thereby assuring that each essential services chiller train is operating correctly. Should 'problems develop, the instrumentation will alert the plant operators and operating procedures will detail required corrective actions.
Por these reasons, simultaneous loss of both     trains of essential services chilled water has never been assessed.
: 15. Is AH-19 typically   a single unit with system   A and B chiller coils   or are there two separate   AH units'l A. AH-19 (1A-SA) and AH-19 (1B-SB) are two separate     units.
16 'hat   other forms of room cooling is equipment cooling fan coolers?
provided in areas served by the     ESP A. The essential services   chilled water system consists of two (redundant) and independent trains. Additionally, non-safety-related HVAC systems are available. If the entire essential services chilled water system were to become unavailable, plant HVAC could be realigned to provide once-thru cooling. The availability and effectiveness of "optional" sources of cooling depend upon various factors including initiating events, ambient air conditions, availability of off-site power, qualification margin and so forth.
      ~ lt C g A'}}

Latest revision as of 19:33, 3 February 2020

Forwards Addl Info Re Essential Svcs Chilled Water Sys,In Response to NRC 840411 Request
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/15/1984
From: Zimmerman S
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NLS-84-198, NUDOCS 8405250055
Download: ML18018B650 (11)




UPDATES ACCESSION NBR:8405250055) . DOC 84/05/15 NOTARIZED!" NO" DOCKET FACIL:50-400 Shearon Harris Nuc,lear Power P.lanti;Unit) li Carol'ina ¹'5000400 AUTH ~ NAME~

ZIMMERMANiS~ R ~ 'ar AUTHOR AFFILIATION ol ina Power 8 Light Co.

REGIP'IENT'FFILIATION RKC IP ~ NAME DKNTONiH ~ RE 'ffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation~ Director


Forwards addi~ info, re essentia,l aves chilled water sysiin response to NRC 840411,request; DISTRIBUTION CODE,: B001S TITLE: Licensing Submittal COPIES RECEIVEDGLTR (f ENCLI I SIZES i PSAR/FSAR Amdts L Re)lated Cor respondence 5




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~4 CSQO Carolina Power & Light Company SERIAL: NLS-84-198 MAY 15 1984 Nr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNIT NO+ 1 DOCKET NO, 50-400 ESSENTIAL SERVICES CHILLED WATER SYSTEMl

Dear Nr. Denton:

Carolina Power & Light Company hereby submits additional information on the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Essential Services Chilled Water System.

This information is submitted in response to the NRC request for additional information dated April 11, 1984.

If you have any additional questions on this subject, please contact our staff.

Youxs very truly, S. R Zi erman ger Nuclear Licensing Section JHE/ccc (9945JHE)

Attachment cct Hr. BE C. Buckley (NRC) Hr. Wells Eddleman Hr. G. F. Maxwell (NRC-SHNPP) Dr. Phyllis Lotchin Hr. J. P. O'Reilly (NRC-RII) Hr. John D. Runkle Nr. N. Wagner (NRC-ASB) Dr. Richard D. Wilson Hr Travis Payne (KUDZU) Hr. G. 0. Bright (ASLB)

Hr Daniel F. Read (CHANGE/ELP) Dx. J. H. Carpenter (ASLB)

Chapel Hill Public Library Hr. J. L. Kelley (ASLB)

Wake County Public Library 84052$ 005g 'BPPgg FOR ADOCX OSaoaooo PDR 411 Fayettevilte Street o P. O. Box 1551 I Raleigh, N. C. 27602

Oo T i' YP'>

1 II', l -fl


1. How are the water chillers seismically qualified to assure operability during an earthquake' A. Water chillers will be seismically qualified to assure operability by combination of analysis and test based on seismic acceleration input.

The seismic qualification reports have not yet been received. These reports, when received, will be reviewed to assure that the chillers are seismically qualified.

2. Does the seismic qualification include the control panels attached to the chiller unit? These panels may contain numerous control relays which may not be permitted to "chatter" during an earthquake.

A. The chiller units, including attached panels, will be seismically qualified as a unit by combination of test and analysis to remain functional during and after a seismic event. Panel mounted control relays are energized during the seismic testing to assure that relay "chatter" will not impair chiller unit operability prior to, during and following an SSE. The seismic qualification reports have not yet been received. These reports, when received will be reviewed to assure that the chiller control panels are seismically qualified.

3. What are the limitations concerning restart of operating compressors following a loss of off-site power during an earthquake?

A. Following are the limitations concerning restart of operating compressors following a loss of off-site power during an earthquake.

a. Control power availability (constant power available from UPS).
b. Water chiller control timer for stopping (116 sec.).
c. Availability of power to oil pump (15 sec. block on D.G. sequence).
d. Water chiller control timer for starting (30 sec.).
e. Availability of power to compressor (45 sec. block on D.G.


Total worst case time delay of compressor restart is on the order of 146 sec.

4. Is the restart delay time acceptable?

A. Due to the relatively short duration, the restart delay time is considered acceptable.

5. Is the restart control circuitry control grade?

A. All essential service chiller restart control circuitry is safety grade (i.e., Class 1E).


~0 'g tg III g

~s I

t II

How is the compressor restart programmed into the diesel-generator loading sequence?

Essential services water chiller loads are sequenced onto the diesel-generator as follows:

a.. "Start signal only" is energized in block //1 (t ~ 10 sec.).

b. Power available to chiller oil pump in block //2 (t ~ 15 sec.).
c. Chiller compressor is energized in block /f8 (t 45 sec.).

After 45 seconds the chiller compressor start circuit will be energized provided all protective devices are aligned in the start position and the oil pressure is 30 psig.

If the compressor breaker does not close in load block 8 (45 seconds) it will close automatically at any time after load block 8 after satisfying all protective interlocks.

Is the control panel and associated components environmentally qualified' CP6L is awaiting receipt of vendors'ualification reports. These reports when received will be reviewed to assure that the control panel and associated components are environmentally qualified.

How essential are the chillers? How long can the plant operate without them?

The essential services water chillers are required for normal and post-accident plant operation. The system has been designed to perform its safety function following a SSE while satisfying the single failure criterion. Consequently one chiller train is always available. In light of this no evaluation has been performed of the hypothetical condition of continued plant operation coupled with total loss of the essential services chilled water system.

The SHNPP design includes certain non-safety-related HVAC systems in addition to the ESCWS. If the entire essential services chilled water system were to become unavailable, plant HVAC could be realigned to provide once-thru cooling. The availability, and effectiveness of optional sources of cooling depends on various factors including initiating events, ambient air conditions, availability of off-site power, qualification margin and so forth.

What are the materials of construction of the chiller package? Have the materials been qualified for low-temperature operation during a seismic event?

The materials of construction of the chillers are shown on the following enclosed drawings.

1364-7702R5, -7703R5, -7704R4, -7705R4, 11946R3, 11947R3, -19166R4, 19167R4, -19174R4, -19175R4, -40075R3, -43351R3, -51098R1, -51099R1 (9945JHE/ccc)

>manufacturer materials selections are based on experience and the appropriate service conditions (e.g., low temperature (32'F operation)). As previously stated the chiller units will be environmentally and seismically qualified thereby assuring their continued availability.

10. AH-12 (switchgear room) contains two coils, one on subsystem A and the other one on B. Is either centrifugal fan in AH-12 in close proximity of the two coils such as a fan failure will rupture both coils?

A. Fan manufacturer calculation demonstrates that the fan housing will retain any internally generated missiles. Consequently coil failure due to internal missiles is not considered since the area does not include any other potential missile sources.

Xf a simultaneous leak should occur in both chiller systems, how will it be isolated without damage to the chiller pumps? How much recovery time is available?

A, As previously stated, the ESCWS is designed in accordance with the single failure criterion and the appropriate guidance for moderate energy piping systems (i.e., FSAR Section 3 ').

neither been postulated nor evaluated.

Accordingly, simultaneous failure has Refer to answer 8 for discussion of single failure philosophy.

12. The chilled water supply to AH-14 (non-essential equipment room) comes from both systems A and B through isolation valves. What signal isolates these valves in both chiller systems?

'A. The isolation valves fail closed on loss of AC power. They also close on receipt of SIA signal.

13 'hat provision is made to isolate AH-12 and AH-13 from System chilled water (no isolation valves shown in Figure 9.2.8-1)?

A and B A. AH-12 and AH-13 chilled water system "A" and "B" are not interconnected.

Therefore no isolation valves are required.

14. Will a fire, or act of sabotage, in the vicinity of chiller A and its associated area coolers (AH-19 SA and SB supplied by chilled water A and B), which are physically close, wipe out all essential chilled water?

What would be the consequences?

A. The loss, of both essential chilled water systems due to a fire in the area of chiller A is not considered plausible due to:

a. the moderate combustible loading (88,000 BTU/SF) for the zone,
b. early warning ionization detectors are provided throughout the area,
c. thermal actuated multicycle sprinklers are provided throughout almost the entire zone and
d. hose stations, portable fire extinguishers and manual alarm stations are provided in and adjacent to the area.


Therefore, sufficient protection exists to ensure that a fire in this area will not disable both trains of chilled water.

The physical security provided to the area in which the ESWS chillers are located is described in the SHNPP Security Plan. The protection provided to this system and to other systems in the plan have been found to be accepted by the NRC 'staff. Each essential service chiller can be monitored in the control room or at its'ocal control panel. All monitoring instrumentation and controls are safety grade, physically and electrically independent. The instrumentation, as described in PSAR Section, Table 9.2.8-2 and Figure 7.3 '-16, Sheets 1-18, provides a full range of monitoring and indication thereby assuring that each essential services chiller train is operating correctly. Should 'problems develop, the instrumentation will alert the plant operators and operating procedures will detail required corrective actions.

Por these reasons, simultaneous loss of both trains of essential services chilled water has never been assessed.

15. Is AH-19 typically a single unit with system A and B chiller coils or are there two separate AH units'l A. AH-19 (1A-SA) and AH-19 (1B-SB) are two separate units.

16 'hat other forms of room cooling is equipment cooling fan coolers?

provided in areas served by the ESP A. The essential services chilled water system consists of two (redundant) and independent trains. Additionally, non-safety-related HVAC systems are available. If the entire essential services chilled water system were to become unavailable, plant HVAC could be realigned to provide once-thru cooling. The availability and effectiveness of "optional" sources of cooling depend upon various factors including initiating events, ambient air conditions, availability of off-site power, qualification margin and so forth.


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