TXX-3093, Forwards Up Geologic Info.Supersedes 790921 Transmittal.One Oversize Drawing Available in Central Files Only

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Forwards Up Geologic Info.Supersedes 790921 Transmittal.One Oversize Drawing Available in Central Files Only
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 01/29/1980
From: Feist C
To: Burwell S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TXX-3093, NUDOCS 8002070254
Download: ML20125E331 (12)



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Lop #TXX-309I Fi i 10010 v . . , .,



g aoot anvrN towun . oALLAs. Texas 7sion f/

p January 29, 1980 l


, Mr. S. B. Burwell E

Licensing Project Manager I Light Water Reactors Branch No. 2 1 Division of Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission

' Washington, D.C. 20555



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Dear Mr. Burwell:

Three copies of an updated report dated January 15, 1980, is enclosed per our agreement with Mr. Harold Lefevre of the Seismology-Geology Branch. This report supercedes that transmitted by my letter to you dated September 21, 1979.

r .



C.K (d C. K. Feist CKF:skf N Enclosures




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-H. J.'GRUY AND ' AssoctAvts. lNC.

h, PETROLEUM CONSULTANTS asci csoAn spamos meas z.- DALLAS, TEXAS FNsol January 15,1980 RECEIVED


JAN 151980 K T.U.S.I. - NUCLEAR Olv.


  • Mr. C. K. Feist '

Texas Utilities Services Inc. ,

2001 Bryan Tower .  !

Dallas, Texas 75201

Dear Mr. Feist:

I As authosized by you, we:are attaching the following items to update

, the Final Safety Analysis Report for'the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station i through December 31,1979

,, 1. ' Autopositive flim and two blue line copies of our map titled,  !

m " Comanche Peak S.E.S. Natural Gas and 011 Pipelines and Wells Within Five Miles of Comanche Peak S.E.S., Hood and Somervell 1 Counties, Texas."

2. Table 1, "Well Data on all Wells Within Five-Mile Radiuso of i Comanche Peak S.E.S. as of December 31, 1979."


3. Table 2, " Depth of Formation Tops Picked from Electric Well Logs d

. Received from Public Sources After August 31, 1979 and through ':

December 31,1979, Wells Within Five-Mile Radius of Comanche  ;

Peak Steam Electric station." ,

On Table-1,'a bar in the right margin indicates the well is new or has changed

,d status since~our last update (August 31,1979) of the table.

~ The structural data listed in Table 2 were posted to the following maps l


which are included in the Fina1 Safety Analysis Report:

i l

1. Structure Map, Top of E11enburger Formation i 2. Structure Map, Top of Marble Falls Formation l_ 3. Structure Map, Top of Big Saline Formation
4. Structure Map, Top of Strawn Marker '

L These new data do not significantly affect the structural interpretation of any of 1; the above-listed maps.

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Mr. C. K. Feist b

l #/.,~

January 15,1980 Page 2 l.,

L ,

We thank you for this assignment. If we can be of further assistance or I- if you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us.

Yours yety truly, l


/ .L ,

(/ ,// o [ h',+ L < / D d b ,

l Walter C. Miller Senior Vice President - Geology WCM:dj i Attachments e

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AS OF DECEMBER 31,1919 ,

Total Depth Depth l[


and Deepest of Initiel Reservoir We5 Prodeeing Potential Trapping Operator / Lease /Well F==ahme Formatton Perforstlose LD. (ft) Formation (Mef/ day) Mechanism location Status Reacted NA County Gas weM 5,818 ft. 4,744-4,784 Big SeEme

  • 2,074 Stratigraphio 1 Need - Den J. Taylor / Cravens No. 4 2 e60' FNWL & 2.060' FNEL 9-26-11 Mart 4e Falls H.11. Meyers Survey A-564 1 miles northeast of Pel.asy G'es wall 4.784 ft. 2.976-2,986 Strawn - 506 Stratigraphis 1-A Ilsed Ben J.Taylur/ Craver.s No. S 2.254' FSEL & 668* FNEL 12-14-11 Sig Saline H.H.EleyersSurvey A-500 ,

2 anites northeast of Paluny Suspended operatione 4,888 ft.

3-B Bood Lone Star Petroleum / Comanche Peak"D" lie.1 4.030' FSL & 2,092' FWL 8-12-19 Felit Cattonet Survey A-92 4 railes south and I mile west of Granbury 1-C Bood Imr.e Star Petroleum /Angelia Nc.1

  • 5 ' ' eparations

- 4,998 ft.

2,279' FSEL & 2.312' FSWL 8-29-78 Felia Cattonet Survey A-92 4 miles south and 2 miles west of Gre.nioury Mi+ Continent Pet./ Squaw Creek Cattle Co.No.1 Dry 5,516 ft. meme mone none 2 Mood 3,263* F5L & 1.263* FEL 5-4-54 EHenburger P.S. Ile:htett Survey A-256 10 miles south of Cranbury ,.

2-A Nood Dallas Production. Inc./tiilliams No.1-C Temporarily - " " S,244 ft.

2,250' FSEL & 2.950' FMI?y NEL 4-10-78 F.C.Cattenet Survey A-92 8.2 miles south of Grar. bury 2-3 Hood Dstles Production. Inc./ Cook No.1-C Proposedlocation 2,500* FHEL & 3.875* FSEL 4-5-78 Jet:a C. Orace Servey A-190 6 miles south of Czarbury

' Ces well 5,022 ft. 4,214-4.428 Ataka 4,100 Stratigraphis 2-C Nood lone Star Petroleum /Comanebe Peak No.1-B Conglomerate 4E7' FSt. & 467' FWL 12-8-78 MacAs Falla ,

a Pella Cattonet Survey A-92 ,

5 miles southwest of Palaxy 2-D Mood Franke Basin Exp!oratian CoJNedelkovich No.1 Suspended operations 4.024' FSL & 700' FWL 12-2 F78 J<,hn C. Grace Survey A-190 5 miles south and 1 mile west of Granbury es N

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Total Depth Depth ,

and Deepest of lattist Bemervelr ' .'

Welt Fredneing Potentiet firageing Formation Perforations LD. Operator /laase/ Welt 18 ==ha* Reached - (ft) Forestion _ (StefMay) . Meetwaise l5 t.ecation Status ~>

No. County _ '


4,896-4,104 Sig Sagas 954 Stratigrepeds l.

fies J. Taylor / Cravens No. 8 Gas went S.571 ft.

S-E Head 8-16-79 m h eger -

500* FNWL & Ste' FNEL leichard Diamey Survey A-144 5 a.iles south of Grant.ury Stratigraphie 5,380 fL. 4343-4,830 Straum and St

[ Tayter Operating CoJRawls No.1 Cas orelt l

2-F Mood 4-II-79 Marble Falls Big Saume -

I, 1.80e* Fst. & 2.380' FWL

' J. C. Grace Survey A-190 3 mile hrth and 7 miles east of Falusy 4,508 ft. nome ease asse 16tsgerald/ Van asorrison No.1 Dry

3 Beod 8-18-81 Straws 330' FNL & 1,384* FWL Alec5nder O'Brien Satirey A-433 7 inites scetheast of Granbury Deltas Prodection,IneJCerter No.1-A Proposed loestlos 3-A Hood 12-38-77 900* ESLL & 4,6CO' F5WL o' T. E. Tucker Survey A-564 2.8 eniles southeast of 48mmbrino 378 Stre$lgraphis Cas well 5.11t ft. 4,7?S-4 Tee algsaline.

4 Hood Tri-Venture H/ Trotter No.1 Bernett Shale

  • l 545' FNWL & 668' FNEL 11-5-77 g

J. Doene Survey A-145 13 miles southwest of Grantary Dual gas well 5.959 ft. 4,719-4.725 Sig SaMme 1 Marble Fath J ,,

RM 4-A Mood Enctgy Fcad of Ameries/ Henry P. Maj 140.1 Marble Falls 4,945-4,Sa9 1,434' FHWL & 1,291* FNEL 4-8-73 260 3,144-3,160 Strount J. Donne Survey A-145 3 miles r.ortt east of Palaxy i Suspended operstless 5,356 ft. ,

4-5 Hood touisiana 1.and & Eag.I./Rodney Sainson G.U. No.1 10-3-78 Barnett Shale

  • 493* FNL & 747' FWL W. R. Carey Survey A-85 '

1.5 rnates south of Itall City Dry 5,133 ft.

S Hood Energy Fund of America /O. Coker No.1 Martda fans 131* 6 EL & G,214' FSL 4-18-79 J. Donne Survey A-145 5.5 salles south of Toler asee 8,275 ft. asas anne Seates Emploration/lawJon No.1 Dry S Hood 10-15-79 480' FNWL & 4,900* FShL William R.Carcy Survey A-35 1.8 milcs rarth of !!nt City Hand Ben J.Taytcr/ Cravens No. 3-A Abandor.edlocaties '

7 8-1-77 1,$a4' FNWL & 122' FNEL Witham R.Carey Survey A-85 7 miles eartlwast of Paluxy

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Tota 1 Depth Depth l Weg and Deepest of tdtle! - Reservoir LD. Operator / Lease /Well Number Formattaa Perforatione Prudaeirq Fotentist ' Rapping Wo. County tuntion Status Reached (ft) Formation (Mef/ day) Mechanism _

! 7-A Need 14mistaan I.and & EmptJtowden No.1 -Gas weu 5.268 ft.' 4,445-4,477 Strawa 1,18e Stratigrepide 3,500* FNWL & I,50F FNEL 7-13-18 Bernett Shale

  • l William R. Carey Survey A-65 l 3 miles north and 4 miles est of Pahany

( 8 Head See J. Taylor / Cravens No. 3 Cas wen 5,154 ft. ' 4,748-4,764 Big SaMae 954 Stratigraphie

! 2,184* FM1:tL & 222* FNEL 9-5-78 Marble Falls ,

l Wilham R. Carey Survey A-85

, 5 males sects'. nd 2 miles east of Telar -

9 Beed Culf/Bratten Raneh No. 4 Can welt 5,100 ft. 4.634-4,843 BigSmMaa 3,4$4 Stratigrapide 2,500' FSEL & 4,30F FSWL 5-16-77 Barnett Shek -

J. Doane survey A-145 5 mistes northeast of PAtury S-A Mood Weyraan Bachanan/Sweim No.1 Cas weit 5.159 ft. 4.671-5,118 Martle Falb 975 Stretigrepade .

4.735' FNtCL & 5,000' FSWL 5-1-78 Barnett Shate*

J. Desse Survey A-145 . .

4 males northeast of Paluzy 18 Need Energy Fund of America Moore No.1 Dry 5,094 ft. none mens ' mene 2,284* FSEt & 1,776' FNEL 9-17-17 Marble Falls J. Doane Survey A-145 8 adles southeast of Tolar 16-A Hood Energy Fund of Ameries/Argo Peek No.1 a w - 4locatloa 724* FEL & 1,028' FSL 2-E-78 J. thne Survey A-145 5.2 m'les mouth of Tctar 11 Hood Tri-Venture II/Sullivan No.1 Cas weH 5,085 ft. 4,458-4,688 SigSaMee 355 Stretigraphie 500' FSWL & Tor FSEL 11-1-17 Martdo Fans Wittime R.Carey Survey A-e5 S ar.nlo mouthmt os mas4ury 11-A Hood Sirms Ene:gy Co./J.1 . arker No. 2 Ces wen 5,285 ft. . 4.445-4,753 Strawa 259 Stratigrapide 4M' FttWL & SSF F$t ;. 7-27-78 Barnett Shale

  • Cyri,3 T. Egery Survey 4-la9 2 miles acrth and 3 me! s east of Pahrzy . .

12 Hood Ben J. Taylor /Wiggins No.1 Suspended completica 5,170 ft. 3,943-3,957 Strawa 287 Stratigrapide 4.051' FNEL & 500' FSEL 9-7-78 Mttasta R. Carey Survef A-85

& mda nor.htest cf P hay 12-A Mood Ben J. Taylor /Crevens No. 7 Ces wen S.893 ft. 4,663-4,673 Sig Senas 1,500 Stratigraphis 2,254* F$EL & 460' FSWL 9-5-78 Martde FaFs Rachard Disney Survey A-144 5 miles south and 4 miles east of Tolar O *-3

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q H.J.'GnuY AND AssoclATES,lNC. ' 'H i . ..



was f and Deepeat of menerweir LD. Operator / Lease / wee Number Formellen Perferettoes Fredeeleg Potential Trapping

" ~ " - '

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13-3 Mood tone Star Petroleem/Sapsaw Cre.it Ite.1

  • Suspee.ned aparations 4.850 ft. ,

5.433' FNL & 664' FEL T-23-79 j Richard Disney Survey A-144 ,

10 mik's south and 8 miles west of Granteary , . f C]

13 Mood The Baron Co./Randelt No. 2 Ahd loentina ~[^

5.880' FWL & 47F FNL 1-38-18 . . .# - N

  • Cyra T. Egery Survey A-169 ,

le enlles southwest of Grantary 38-A Rood Ben J. Taylor /Wiggins No. 3 Gas set 4.950 ft. 4.T19-4.738 BigSeMas

  • 3.908 Strat%restM

- 900* FNWL & 2,960' FNEL T-25-79 Startde Falls

, Cyrus W. Egery Survey A-169 I S miles south of Granbury le Hood Dallas Production,leeJilmed No.1 Dry 5.965 ft. asse mene sees 2-12-14 a- ,g 1.49F FNrtL & 3.367' F$WL J. C. Crace Sarvey A-2G4 le miles scuth and 1 mile east of Granbury

, 14-A Mood Dallas Production. Ir.eJ'ellliams "is* No.1 Abandoned leestles

- 2.650' FNEL & 3.03F FSEL 9-25-78 J. C. Grace Survey A-203 4 miles southwest of tee brano n~_.

- 15 Need Cad l/~ratten Ranch No. 5 Gas meu 5.100 ft. 2.359-1,368 Straen 1.000 Stratigraphis

  • 587* FNL & 3.Sar FEL 6-20-77 Bernett Shale
  • Thomas J. Stensbury Survey A-498 1 miles southeast of Tolar 18 Hood Gulf /B atten Ranch No. 8 Gas wou 4.968 ft. 4.134-4.2?? Strosa 384 Stratpephiei 1.Str FNWL & 5.50F F5WL Recompleted 13-IS-ft aserole Falls Thomas J. Seannhury 5.arvey A-498

- 3 mi!es east of Paluny

, 17 Head Gulf /aratten menen No. s ces web 5.000 ft. 4,884-4.586 38estle PeHe 1,938 Stratigraphie 3.943' r%L & S.700* FWL T-18-71 Bernett $hele*

'Itaues J. Stanhry Survey A-498 3 mi!cs east of Paluny -

17-A IIeed O.D.P. LtdJRoach No.1 Dry 5,494 ft.

3.075* FNWL & 3.951' FNEL 4-9-79 Thomans J.stensbury Survey A-494 7.5 miles acetheast of Tolar 17-5 SomerweE ththe Predaction. leeJDawls No.1-A a. p a.a paraggens a

66F FMWL & 15.6er FNEL 13-11-78 Calveston County School I.and Servey A-37 -

2.3 =ta-* scesthennt of N 8 Caty

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" ' 'H.J.'Gnuy:AND ASSOCIATES,lNC. .$

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V. .

3 Toint Depth Depth i ~

and Deepest of Initial Reservoir y Wen Perforations Predselmg Potential - Trapping L Operator / Lease /Wau Number Formation

. LD. .

Reached (ft) Fermetion (MCfhley) MechaA15m 1

-No. County testion - istatus 17-C Sosserven 'Dellas Prodnetion.IneJNyste! No.1 Abandonedloestlem 660' FNWL & 6,950' FREL .

1-24-78 Calveston County Scicol Land Survey A-37 5.s esites northwest of Glen Rose Cas we3 5,400 ft. 4.112-4.130 Strewn 4,000 Stratigraphie 17-D SossesveR Culf/lL W. EtcDoweit No.1-A t 1,503* FNL & 18,200' FEL f.pproximately) . 3-13-78

  • Calveston Caemty Sciuct t.mnd Survey A-37 5.9 miles sethwest of r"en Rose Ces wet 5,254 ft. 4,742-4,18e EdgSaMme 271 Stratigraphie 18 Hood Tri-venture II, Nehs No.1 1,797* FSWL & 3f.8E' FNWL 10-31-17 Marble Falls Cyraes W. Eger1 'avey A-lG9 18 miles southwest of Crarapury Ces wet 5,144 4,134-4,744 Big SaEne 114 Stratigraphis 18-A Hood Sirius Er.ergy/J.T. Parker No.1 2.904' FNL & 735' FWL 3-13-78 Masale Faus Cyrus W. Egery Survey A-169 8 miles southeast of Tolar Ces won 1,854 ft. 4,733-4.144 Big SeMae 1.300 Stresigrapide 19 Hood The Baron CoJRandall No.1 5,190' NE & l.E80* SE of NWIC S-4-74 Cyrus W. Egery Survey A-169 9 miles southwest of Crantary 28 Hood The Baron Co./Netan No. 2-B Abandoned loestles 4,830' FEL & 3.296* FSL 1-38-78 Cyrus W. I'gery Survey A-LGS 10 miles sra.thwest of Cranbury Caswen 5.425 ft. 4,946-5,806 Big SaMme 328 Stratigrepide .

21 Hood The Baron CoJNelen No.1-B 3,040' FNEL at 3.296* FSEL - 14-15-74 F11mee rger Cyr.as W. Fgery Survey A-169 2 miles southeast of HillCity Scn J. Taylor / Craver.s"If No.1 Cas weH 5,834 ft. 4,835-5,034 Martde Falls 1,180 Stratigraphie 23 Hood 1,939' FE*yL & 4.669' FS*yL 5-5-77 starble Falls Cyrus W. Egery Survey A-Is9 9 ndles souttawest cf Grar. bury 22-A Ifood S.W. Cas Pipeline /*A. Peveler No.1 Ces won 5,3* 8 ft. 3,814-3,842 P .' ~

13,488 Stratigraptde 500* FWL & 2,050' FHL 6-27-78 Conglomerate James D. E11 sot Survey A-170 2.5 cutes east of Hill City Ben J. Taylor / Cravens No. 2-B C=s wou 5,134 ft. 3,794-3,822 Strows 908 Stratigraphie 32-B Hood 3.500' FSL & 4ES' Ft1L 1-3-79 Barnett Shala*

Jac.cs D. Elliot Eurvey A-170 10 miles scathwest of Crantuary .

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c Tota 1 Depth Depth

- won. and Deapest of hitlet Bemervelr t

m. Formation Perforetione Fredeshg Feaantist Trapping LD. - Operater/ Lease / Wen Nember Status Resched (ft) Formation (ttefAeoul Steghomism p; No. County _ lastion i: . Suspended aparations .

23-C Weed S.W. Ces Pipeline /Bt. Peveler No. 2 S.374 ft. '

825' FRWL & 2,050* fSWL 18-30 ;8 Barnett Shale

  • James D. Et!iot Servey A-179 ,

ll 1 mile norits and 2 miles east of HiH City - , ,

l 23-D Beed S.W. Gas Pig,eline/at. Feveler No. 3 Ces wet 5,338 ft. 3,797-4,254 Streann 430 Stretlysphis L ,

j, . 447' FNL & 4.950' FWL . 2-11-19 Bernett Shale

  • Jasws D. Ethat Survey A-170 l

t 3 miles east of Hill City 23-E used 9.W. Ces ExploraHon/M. Peveler Ite. 5 Geewen S.369 ft. 4.734-4,743 sigSouse

  • 1,484 Stra w I,347 FNL & 550' FEL 7-17-79 Sermett Shale
  • James D. Llliot Survey A-178 5 miles east of HiH City ,

32-F Mood ' Taylor operating Co./Rewis No. 2 Cesmeu S,814 ft. 4,806-4,830 SigSeMee 1,004 - Streligraphis 314' FML & 1.650' PWL 4-11-79 k*artale Faus J. Croce Survey A-243 4 miles northeast of thit City 2343 Hood S.W. Ces Pipeline /M. Feveler No. 4 Ces areE - 5.378 ft. 4,881-5,142 Marble Fans 2,700 Stretipeptile '

f 5,1Ei' FNL & 2.744' FWL 2-11-79 Jr.:nes D. Elliot Survey A-170 3 miles ust of Hill City ,

23 SomerveH Dallas Production. IneJKinnard No.1 Temperer 9y eesponded 5,845 ft.

467* Ff:WL & 461* FSWL 2-20-78 Bih P h==ger William B. Smith Survey A-91 e 6 miles northwest of Glen Stone ,

2FA Soonervall Dallss Predsetion. IneJo*Connor 100.1 Sespended operatione 3.&50* FNt.'L i 1.320' FNEL 11-27-78 G.stv<ston County Schoat Land Sevey A-37 4.7 a.ites narthwest of Glen Etose 24 Somerveu &!cPherat/Wstliarns No.1 Dry 800 ft. nees mens mome 1,9tE' FEL & 2.825* FatL 6-39-71 Wilhem B.5mith Survey A-90 '

4 miles north of Glen Ita,e 34-A Samerveu Dal!=s P ad etion,Inc./P.leConal No.1 Abandoned locatica 548' F::W:.f.: 6.9Go* F::EL 7-24-74 J. A. Her:ssadez S rvey A-42 '

4.5 nulas north of Glen Rose t

2S Somerveu W. H. Priee/ Martin No.1 Dry 5.558 ft. anae meme eene 5.2fse' FSL & 880' FEL 14-36-77 Ellenburger Galveston Casaty Schoolland Survey A-37 2.5 miles northwest of Glen Rose

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Total Dspth Depsk wee and Deepest of bitial Lservoir .

l. LD. Opator/IMell Number Formation Perforations Prodmeleg Potenti.I inapping .

(ft) i Noe County _ Location $tetus Resetied Formation (Mcf/dev) Me. healsa l-~

SFA SomerveB D6'.las Production. heJMittleen No.1 An=a tam a seestion 1.988* FSEL & 11.80F FSWL T-34-78

' Milea County Scheat Land Survey A-135 1.8 salles mertheast of Clea Rose i


  • 1he BarnettShole is a R F: ^ ^*-- unit 1*****d betspots the Etienburget and Mortes Fans formations.

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. Well Operaterfteese/Wel1 Number Strewn ihEssline tiertAe Fons F1% 1' LD.

Formatten Forsnotles Fersmation Wo. _ County _

14.ention tsarker ,

':n .

2,329 feet 4.147 feet 4,824 feet Did met penetrate ~ i 8 . Beed Sea J. Taylor / Cravens Na 2 3,800 feet aseen -

1.980 feet h 3,827 feet subsea 2.184* FNWL & 222' FNEL .

Willism R. Corey Survty A-85

~ S esitcs scath and 2 a.lles east of Toler 2,888 feet 4,567 feet 4,137 feet Did met penetrate _.

9-A Beed Weyron Buebenan/Swatts No. I 3,743 feet meses 1.912 feet edeen 3,443 feet adees 4.735' FNWL & 5.000' FSWL J. Domme Sarvey A-145 4 a&s aernhent of Fahazy . c e

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