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Forwards Response to Generic Ltr 89-06 Requesting Certification That SPDS Meets Requirements of Suppl 1 to NUREG-0737 Per Info Provided in NUREG-1342
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 07/11/1989
From: Frizzle C
Maine Yankee
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-1342, RTR-NUREG-737, TASK-1.C.1, TASK-TM CDF-89-122, GL-89-06, GL-89-6, MN-89-93, NUDOCS 8907190011
Download: ML20246L844 (19)


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MaineYankee REllABLE ELECTHtCITY FOR MAINE SINCE 1972 Charles D Fnzzle Edison Drive President Aagusta. Maine 04336 (207) 622-4868 July ll, 1989 MN-89-93 CDF-89-122 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Hashington, D. C. 20555 Attention: Mr. Richard H. Hessman, Project Director I-3 Division of Reactor Projects I/II


(a) License No. DPR-36 (Docket No. 50-309)

(b) USNRC Letter to MYAPCo dated December 17, 1982 - Supplement 1 to NUREG-0737 - Requirements for Emergency Resp mse Capability (c) USNRC Letter to MYAPCo dated J.m 14, 1984 - Ordtr Confirming Licensee Commitments on Emergency kaponse Capability (d) USNRC Letter to MYAPCo dated May 6, 1987 - Maine Yankee Safety Parameter Display System Safety Evaluation (e) USNRC Letter to MYAPCo dated April 12, 1989 - Task Action Plan Item I.D.2 - Safety Parameter Display System -

10 CFR 50.54(f) - (Generic Letter No. 89-06)


Maine Yankee Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS)

Gentlemen: <

The NRC Staff recently issued Generic Letter No. 89-06, Reference (e), and with that requested that licensees certify under oath that their safety parameter display systems fully meet the requirements of NUREG-0737, Supplement 1 taking into consideration the information provided in NUREG-1342. NUREG-1342, "A Status Report Regarding Industry Implementation of Safety Parameter Display Systems" was compiled by the Staff and their technical consultants following their review of SPDSs at 57 nuclear sites.

The NUREG provides a detailed description of the Staff's understanding of the intent of the NUREG-0737. Supplement I requirements for the SPDS. NUREG-1342 ,

was developed in December of 1988 and published in April of 1989, therefore, Maine Yankee did not have the benefit of this insight when developing and installing the SPDS.

02901-SEN-00061 Of I


' 890719o011 e90713 PDR l P

ADOCK 0500o309 PDC

3 q l

. Mainehkee I United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page two Attention: Mr. Richard H. Hessman HN-89-93 l

l Maine Yankee began conceptual design work on the SPDS shortly after NRC published NUREG-0737, Supplement 1. Detailed design work was well underway in 3 late 1983. The SPDS was initially developed to follow Maine Yankee's upgraded 1 emergency operating procedures (TMI Item I.C.1) which were implemented in April of 1983. In response to concerns raised by the Staff regarding Maine Yankee'.s E0Ps, we agreed in early 1985 to further upgrade our E0Ps which necessitated redesign of the SPDS. Maine Yankee's SPDS was installed in late i 1985 and declared operational in July of 1986. l I

Following installation, the NRC Staff reviewed Maine Yankee's SPDS safety I analysis anri implementation plans and issued their Safety Evaluation, I Reference (o). Hith that evaluation the Staff concluded that the SPDS did not pose any significant safety question, and recommended that Maine Yankee conduct a human factors review of the SPDS display formats and that the system's data sample rate should be reevaluated. These tasks were completed along with other improvements Maine Yankee had ongoing with the SPDS. j Maine Yankee has reviewed our SPDS using the worksheet provided with Reference (e). A copy of the completed worksheet is attached. He believe Maine Yankee's SPDS meets the NRC's requirements of NUREG-0737 Supplement 1, however, our review of NUREG-1342 is ongoing. He expect our review of NUREG-1342 to be complete by October 1,1989. He will report the results of j this review by November 1,1989.

02901-SEN-00061 as_ - _ . . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _

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MaineYankee United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page three Attention: Mr. Richard H. Hessman MN-89-93 He trust this.information is satisfactory.

Very truly yours, MAINE YANKEE e

Charles D. Frizzle President CDF:BJP Attachment - 16 pages c: Mr. Hilliam T. Russell Mr. Cornelius F. Holden Mr. Patrick M. Sears STATE OF MAINE Then personally appeared before me, Charles D. Frizzle, who being duly sworn did state that he is President of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, that he is duly authorized to execute and file the foregoing response in the name and on behalf of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, and that the statements therein are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.

<TWAb bb Notary Public YA?b$i????

FT CIMMfSS:UN C'T;:IS 3 r ?: ;, 'tst 02901-SEN-00061 i

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-FOR SAFETY PARAL 4ETER DISPLAY SYSTEM STATUS PURPOSE The purpose of this checklist is to provide all licensees with a guide that will facilitate a comprehensive and consistent means for determining status '

of their safety parameter display system (SPDS) implementation.

ORGANIZATION AND FORMAT INSTRUCTIONS Each licensee should maintain supporting documentation including the completed checklist and any photographs used to determine safety parameter display system-implementation status. Recommended photography instructions are on the next page.. With regard to format, each licensee should use the enclosed checklist to document the SPDS implementation information. If more space' is needed, simply add pages to the applicable checklist section. For multi-unit plants, if the SPDS' are not identical in design, implementation and/or location across units, all differences should then be reflected appropriately in the checklist. If you have any questions about this checklist contact Richard J. Eckenrode, Section Chief of the Human Factors Engineering Section, Human Factors Assessment Branch, at (301) 492-1105.

[. .,.

Pf!0TOGRAPHY INSTRUCTIONS Photographs, should be taken in the actual control room include the following:

a.- Control room overview depicting the SPDS workspaces.

b. All parts of the SPDS and their workspace locations.
c. All individual SPDS display pages taken during power operations.
d. The SPDS keyboard.
e. Any hard-wired displays that are part of the SPDS.

Simulator photographs are not recommended. A record of plant conditions at the time the photograph is taken should be maintained. At least one of the photographs should be taken from the location where the primhry user of. SPDS  ;

would most likely be stationed during a transient. For a multi-unit plant with

-differences in SPDS design, implementation and/or location, photographs should reflect the differences. If modifications or changes to the SPDS are planned, current photographs are acceptable but should be noted to indicate that changes are planned. It is not necessary to provide details of the planned changes on the photographs.

The photographs should be in color, 8"x10" in size, and laisoled to incluce a description of the display. Photographs should have sufficier t resolution to e

ensure that CRT and hard-wired displays are readable. In addition, the photographs of the CRT display pages should be sufficiently detailed to allow identification of all of the selected parameters.

1 2


  1. 8 SPDS CHECKLIST This checklist is intended to aid licensees in determining the status of their

' SPDS. Bracketed, [ ], information refers to the section in NUREG-1342 where discussions on the specific question (s) may be found.

1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 Plant Name:  %;ne blec 1.2 Who/What -organization developed the original version of the SPDS software implemented at your site?

! Utility (in-house)

Utility Owner's Group; which?

Contractor; which?

Other; who?

l l

l l

3 I

E_._---------_-----_--------_----- - - - - 1

, .y


y ,

.'1. 3 If the SPDS software has undergone significant modification (i.e.,Lmore than'25perce$t'ofsoftwarereplacedormodified).sinceoriginal implementation,. list the organization performing the modification:

Utility (in-house)

_ Utility Owner's Group Contractor Other 1.4 ' What is the hardware host on which the current SPDS software is implemented?.

Westinghouse P250 Westinghouse P2500 $

Gould/SEL, Model Number Digital (DEC),ModelNumber o ,

_ IBM, Model Number

. MODCOMP, Model Number ~/870

_ Babcock & Wilcox (Recall)

Honeywell, Model Number Burroughs, Model Number i

Other: Manufacturer, Model 4

1.5 How many total CPUs are SPDS software on the computer system described in the previous question? M [doo Ade. ore o..d/wo4ec/vp]


1.6 What is the approximate MIPS rating _of all the'CPUs counted above?

A 7 'MIPS NOTE: Use a decimal fraction if-less than 1.0

.pu cPR If SPDS does not run on a single computer system, provide the following information for the minority parameter set provided by a second computer system. For example, a frequent occurrence of this case is where a. separate but adjacent computer terminal provides radiological parameters.

1.7' Manufacturer A/l?

1.8 Model Number 1.9 List parameters provided:

(on the second system) 1.10 Are significant changes in hardware or software planned in the next two years? YES vil0.

If YES, briefly describe planned changes and list a schedule of major milestones. I i

A}s S 4 to A'u n f a b ~9 n nre sola >> n ed.



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' ,g , . : a Lm '2.0 PARAMETER SELECTION This section is divided into two parts: the safety functions, and the parameters.

used to depict each safety function.

2.1 Plant-Specific Safety Functions [III.F.]

List the title of the plant-specific safety function (s)l displayed on your

.SPDS that is (are) equivalent to the safety function in Supplement 1 to NUREG-0737.

Suppleuent.1 To NUREG-0737 Plant-Specific Safety functions Safety Functions 2.1.1. Reactivity Control- Sober /6ce.(4 U

i 2.1.2 Core Cooling and Heat dore doe kne Removal / led Su#

2.1.3. RCS Integrity Jofro rl/4 Tnduler%

4 2.1.4. Radioactivity Control fondoinmc.,t' L / co.y+

V -4 2.1.5. Containment Conditions dos fain wa b 6

9, .


~2.2 Parameters Selected to Display Each Safety Function The purpose of this section is to specify a list of parameters used to depict each of the five safety functions identifed in Supplement I to NUREG-0737.

Lists of parameters that have been found acceptable to NRC through previous SPDS post-implementation reviews,have been provided. One list of parameters applies'to pressurized water reactors in general, and the other list applies to boiling water reactors. ,

NOTE: Check any parameters that havt been selected as an SPDS parameter.

List any additional',,parama > rs under the relevant "Others" category.

Include additional safety functions and parameters that are a part of

, your.SPDS. ,

PRESSURIZEDWATERREACTORSPDSPARAMETERSELECTIONCHECKLIST[III.F.13 Supplement 1 To NUREG-0737 Safety functions Parameters (Swb;g L kulUtf % l adM wd V pramdus a<c acdh W q


2.2.1 Reactivity Control Neutron Flux

_ Source Range

_ Intermediate Range


/Other: (List) p64 /hr/6'o>,

.2.2.2~ Reacter Core Cooling and /RCS Level Heat Removal from the SubcoolingMargin(co.4(tp)

Primary System g Hot Leg Temperature 4 Cold Leg Temperature

_/ Core Exit Thersocouples (m)

V Steam Generator Level [nAme co-p)


- RHR Flow

- 7 0ther: (List) R6f Skksa (S/6 drAla P)

- bodTm ,

7 men Fud Rsw y .

I x .


2.2.3.-RCS. Integrity [loYtNh6 /RCS Pressure

- / Cold Leg Temperature Containment Sump Level

/ Steam Generator (Pressure, Level,

' " ' ' ' ~

. n:di:t;;;r)

  1. 0ther: (List) RKVa<4 llend Temp.


mavedn fo Sa+uedhm


?cv Tenk. -

2.2.4 Radioactivity Control / ack St . Monitor

( toue< lwd 4tylog udev /Steamline Radiation C#"I'!m mt}, * /r'ntainment Radiation Other: (List) CluT bauChM avr Tewo ) h Feint Twp.

- 2.2.5 Containment Conditions / Containment Pressure V56'W3 "" '#id Y '[s l' .

- V Containment Isolation

_/ Containment Hydrogen Concentration 70ther: (List) . swp Lad 6TMT Sc<M %43 ~ .'

cntr RaMa b

- 2.2.6 Other Safety-Functions _ Yes No If yes, list functions and parameters.

J 9



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1 Supplement 1..To NUREG-0737 "

Safety Functions Parsmeters c-2.2.6 Reactivity' Control APRM SRM Other: (List) 2.2.7 Reactor Core Cooling and RPV Water Level Removal Drywell Temperature

_ Other: '(List)'

2.2.8 Pressure Vessel Integrity RPV Pressure 0 her: (List) 2.2.9 Radioactivity Control _ Main Stack or Offgas (Retreatment)'

Monitc-Containment Radiation Monitor Other: (List) 2.2.10 Containment Integrity Drywell Pressure Drywell Temperature Suppression Pool Temperature Suppression Pool Level ,

_ Containment Isolation Valve Status Drywell Hydrogen Concentration Drywell Oxygen Concentration Other: (List) 9 a


. 1 2.2.11 Other Safety Functions - Yes No If yes,: list functions. and _ parameters. -

2.3 ' Detailed Parameter Questions [lII.F.1.e and III.F.2.e]'

-2.3.1 ArecontainmentisolationdemandsignalsinputtoSPDS(e.g.,PWR-Phase A/B Isolation Demand Signal or BWR - Group Isolation Demand Signals)? o V YES NO 2.3.2 Does the SPDS use actual containment isolation valve position as an input to monitor successful isolation? / YES N0 l


3.1 Does the SPDS provide the status of all five safety functions on one display page? /YES _ N0 3.2 Are the individual parameters that support the safety functions grouped by safety function? DES _ NO 3.3 Is the status of all five safety functions always displayed on the SPDS? [III.B.2] _/ ES NO 4.0 RELIABLE DISPLAY [III.A.3 except as noted]

l 4.1 Is the SPDS hosted on the same computer system as the plant process computer? /YES _ N0 l

If NO, does the SPDS computer receive some of the computer point inputs l from the process computer? _ YES NO, 1

10 L

4 8 4.2 List location of accessible (e.g., keyboards) devices capable of ch'anging SPDS data. [III.A.3.a]

030 Tavmbed S OS "To < mM d Omuontev bne %oubd 4.3 Are SPDS hardware availability data documented? / YES NO IF YES, what is the-documented percent availability of the SPDS hardware over the past 12 months? NOTE: Availability should be. based on power operation, startup, hot standby, and hot shutdown only and not include other plant modes.  %  % Available 4.4 Are the SPDS computer points included in routine instrument loop surveillance? [III.A.3.a] /YES NO.

. 4'.5 What percentage of software verification and validation has been completed?

/ 100%

Approximately half' Planned in the future Other, describe- _

4.6 Have changes to the SPDS host computer and software been maintained under a formal Software / Hardware Change Request (or equivalent) system? Check all that apply below:

/ es; Y For how long? 3 years (t466 6, prewt)

No Have plans to in the future 11

l b-e l



-4.7 How frequently does-the SPDS display invalid or erroneous information?


frequent (above5 percent) bhb"4 @"^^

infrequent (1-5 percent) N d' b M5 %b, Post "tu"t " # "

I U 8 re fu el4 6 rare (less than 1 percent of the time) q,bexQ tod/d nma t.

is most Hkdg iets ha i%.

4.8 How frequently have.any of the critical safety functions been in a false alarm condition? [III.A.3.a]

frequent (above5 percent) p, a p infrequent (1-5 percent) rare (less than 1 percent of the time) 4.9 Does the SPDS display valid parameter information O ring adverse containment conditions? / YES N0

$&pcrint cata\'kun5 6&t iak 6ncv d ccdlu& cwdi%a fo< wn paraQ va 5.0 HUMAN FACTORS [III.E except as noted] W C uc sub(d b odm a ce n W.s raut ccwim v.a. Suc.wdug disetuqs C mt rug;nJ b Eo? << spen 3E) d' no4 nuinmenid3 Human factors in the context of SPDS design includes the usefulnet.s of the qvcdifici technical information displayed on the screen to users and their performance during emergency operations. Human factors also includes display design techniques, such as labeling, display layout, and control / display integration.

lhis section provides a sample of the kinds of questions to be asked to help determine the degree to which the SPDS design incorporates accepted human tactors principles.

5.1 Who is the prime user of the SPDS? _ Shift Supervisor

[III.B.1] / Shift Technical Advisor

_ Board Operators

_ Other (specify) 12

l' . o.

5.2 Are all SPDS controls located at the SPDS workstation? [YES 'NO


If N0, where are the controls located?

r I 5.3 Is all SPDS-related information physically displayed such that the information can clearly be read from the SPDS user's typical position? [III.A.1 and III.B.1]

/ YES .N0 l

If N0, what specific information is available at other. locations?

5.4 How are SPDS displays accessed? [III.A.2]

Continuous display, no interaction possible.

V Xeyboard, one or two keystroke function key.

Keyboard, greater than 2 keystrokes.


Cursor / menu (mouse, joystick, up/down key).

5.5 Does the SPDS consistently respond to user commands in less than 10 seconds? [III.A.2]

/ YES NO If N0, is feedback provided to the user regarding delays in response?

YES NO 5.6 Does the SPDS sampling rate for parameters match the display update rate for those parameters? [III.A.2]


1 ^

1 L If NO, what specific parameters do not match?

'The h ole rafe 0,< all me,we k er '

is m sud, & ucd@

ate h - h su ed toin & .<wt o Run 4 & . 05<we WJ dch S(c. CNev694d or c}kevso;y (16lCA3\d }< d .

5.7 Are all parameter units of measure displayed on the SPDS consistent with the units of measure included in the emergency operating. procedures?

/YES NO 5.8 Are all parameter labels and abbreviations consistent wf th the labels and abbreviations included in the emergency operating procedures?

_ YES / N0 5.9 Is any of the displayed information in a form that requires transformation or calculation?*

YES /N0 i

IF YES, what types of transformations or calculations are necessary?

5.10 Are the high-and low-level setpoints consistent with hard-wired parameter instrumentation and reactor protection system setpoints?

YES /NO 5.11 Does SPDS display high-and low-level setpoints?

YES gNO 5.12 Are the SPDS calculated values such as subcooling margin, consistent with calculated values on the plant process computer?

/YES _ NO 14



5.13 Are.all parameter units of measure displayed on.SPDS consistent with the hard wired instrumentation?

/YES _

N0 wlA Ac actpb e4 4k' dT RET 4 rougc A wanb inpob.

5.14 Are all parameter labels and abbreviations consistent with hard-wired instrument labels and abbreviations?


NO 5.15 Were the technical basis for software specifications verified with plant-specific data (for example, heat-up and cool-down limits, variable steam generator setpoints and high and low level alarm setpoints)?

YES_vNO(det aptR (Ak) 5.16 List LERs written as a result of SPDS software problems.

daal .

6.0 TRAINING [III.C.2allquestions]

6.1 Does simulator training include training in the use of the SPDSY YES NO 6.2- How long is. formal classroom training for SPDS users?

No formal classroom training

_/Less than 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> j- 2-4 hours I

More than 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> 6.3 Is there periodic requalification t aining for SPDS7 _

YES '/NO If YES, how often?

de specike pc vi'olk (vaining it er.nkdecl. SPbs a)e is av4uck2 dudng rc qu cd bech, $ m u f e, ita Mdb'i"$ Awd U%cp }rehkw are conecle2 b< ed b a<4 g yg y u sgs mAtQtche % <

been spedLcitg JyM Lan %A;(ac 4;m b n;n, ,

15 P


e 6.4 When are SPDS users given training regarding the relationship of the parameters to'the' plant safety functions? Check all that apply'below:

Not trained On the job or required reading During requalification training

/ During an initial SPDS training program (RD, SRO Ad STA cou(RS) 7.0 ELECTRICAL ISOLATION [III.C.1 all questions]

7.1 What isolation devices are currently used?

sPDS inputs ave seppuck 0 1 4k. of< 4 d e,m oole < , et m ) JIu Loob 4e afo sud en .otAv W ,e b m , 6 te.fil N u parame k va nd etocatak en ' 4(o pimet nuoou< ca la sir,tt< J A N oh u u hekkel ' bq ;

Energ Iwc. ibtt/Ted.medd t%/Acrcq %ica 7eo/yd(fu' f"/[9, " '

7.2 Are these devices the same ones that were originally installed and approved by NRC? YES [ NO Abthed ise t(Hw kdua wuc 6 A ded .['ob d a AM d.

re vie 80 (ecp Mremag Ec.ics loo).

1 1

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