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Forwards Confidential Nuclear Safety Concern Packages NSC 85-003,NSC 85-010 & NSC 85-019,for Review.Withholding of Packages from Public Disclosure Per 10CFR2.790 & Return of Packages When Use No Longer Required Requested
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 04/02/1985
From: Schone D
To: Huey F
Shared Package
ML16242A296 List:
NUDOCS 8709140330
Download: ML20238E407 (1)


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s. Wm Southern California Edison Company f

S AN ONOFRE NUCLE AR GENER ATING ST ATION UNIT $ l. 2. 3 P.O. BOX 700 D. B. SCHO N E S AN C LEMENTE. C A LIFORNI A 92672 TELEPHONE slTC QU ALITY A$$U R ANCE M AN AGE H (71 s98 1000 Mr. F. R. Huey U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.O. BOX 4329 San Clemente, CA 92672 2>

Dear Mr. Huey,



Transmittal and Confidentiality of Nuclear Safety Conceins San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, &}3 Per your request, I have had co confidential Nuclear Safety Concern (NSC) pies of three (3) packages prepared foiR you review.

The three (3) packages are identified as NSC 85-003, 85r010, and 85-019.

Please be advised that these packages were initiated as a result of Southern California Edison's Nuclear Safety Concerns Program and that provisions in that program require that individual identities and related information be kept confidential.

It is requested that you take the precautions necessary to maintain confidentiality of the appropriate information in the three (3) NSC packages identified above and withhold this information from public disclosure pursuant to 10CFR2.790.

It is further requested that the packages be returned to me for positive control when you no longer have a need for them, if possible.

If you have any questions pertaining to this transmittal or the packages transmitted, please contact me at PAX 57-417.

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Enclosure p

8709140330 870904 DR ADOCK 050 9



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